What Happens On Your BIRTHDAY In EVERY Pokemon Game?

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what happens on your birthday in every Pokemon game hi I'm Mike punky tips Mike and if there's one thing you can count on to remember your birthday it's your Pokemon game some of you might not know this but if you play Pokemon on your birthday there are quite a few special surprises some of them are pretty well known some of them are obscure and some of them are just plain weird today we're gonna take a look at every Pokemon game and see how they celebrate your birthday also chances are it's not your birthday today but if it is happy birthday I hope you have a fantastic one but before we get started we have an amazing new video sponsor game oils essential oils aromas for natural wellness and healing but current products aren't made for gamers now there's a better way to holistically improve your game with scents like strategy kill death ratio [Music] all of them mostly saved and distilled using nature science this is what victory smells like game oils brought to you by the one and only rain shadow legends you've heard about it you've seen the incredible graphics the crazy characters but there's no better time to start playing than today that daily log and rewards have doubled from 90 to 180 days every day you'll get a spicy new reward Jens shards energy refills and even the legendary champion sickle of the drink I love the names they give these characters go to the video description click on my special links and if you're our new player you're gonna get 100,000 silver 50 gems one energy refill and a three champion the executioner all these treasures will be waiting for you right here good luck and I'll see you there now birthdays didn't really start getting celebrated in main series Pokemon games until generation 4 with pokemon diamond and pearl so if you're playing and rolled Abril oh sorry but you're not gonna find any birthday surprises in those games the reason for this is simply because before the Nintendo DS Pokemon games weren't able to track dates the DS system was the first Pokemon handheld that actually allowed you to set your birthday and that's when the birthday celebrations were really started so with that said let's take a look at the first games with a special birthday event pokemon diamond and pearl now the first thing is probably the easiest one to notice on your birthday and pokemon diamond and pearl is a little birthday wish that you get from dawn or Lucas in San Jim town after you beat the elite forward let's talk to her and see what she says is today may be your birthday pokey tip not really but I'll pretend it is giggle congratulations pokey tip and many more happy returns well that's nice of her I want to see actually what happens if we say no oh it isn't I wonder what made me think that today was your birthday yeah I'm wondering the same thing dawn I'm wondering the same thing and that's it for diving pearl and platinum they really started off small you would think you would be able to go into your house and talk to your mom on your birthday and she'll remember but no she'll heal up your Pokemon which is nice but she makes no mention at all that it's your birthday and interestingly in every single Pokemon game it's the same thing none of your mom's ever remember your birthday now for some reason and pokémon HeartGold and SoulSilver on the same D s system they didn't have any special birthday events I guess they were trying to be true to the originals or they just forgot so that means the next Pokemon game were to be taking a look at is pokemon black and white now on to Gen 5 this is what I call the start of the Pokemon Center era so basically on your birthday if you go to the Pokemon Center which you probably will just eventually have to heal if your Pokemon and you talk to Nurse Joy she says welcome to the Pokemon Center hey is today your birthday and once again you have the option of saying yes or no if you say yes she'll say happy birthday please keep visiting the Pokemon Center for many years to come and then she'll go into the whole heal up your Pokemon schpeel if you want to make her feel awkward and say no then she says it isn't oh I must have been confused I don't blame you if you have to heal Pokemon all day I get a little confused too but I want to say my favorite thing in these games is when you go to the Pokemon music hall so if you go to the Pokemon music hall on your birthday in this game and you go up these stairs right over here you'll find the owner standing next to a nice little gym statue you talk to him and he says happy birthday I've got this festive prop to give you it's a cake from me the owner of course this is a prop so you should attach it to your Pokemon and not eat it by the way even if today isn't your birthday I won't take it back why because I'm the owner okay the reasoning doesn't really make much sense but it gives you a toy cake but what I love about this toy cake is like you said it's a little decoration you could use on your Pokemon so if you go ahead and you enter one of these Pokemon musicals you can actually give this little cake to your Pokemon and it'll dance around with it during the musical yep and we're giving you to the cake and I think I'll give him a little hula skirt too that looks good on you meet you right and we'll tilt the cake a little bit that way make some funny noise and then once your pokemons all dressed up you could see him in a little musical and to do a little dance for you I totally forgot this minigame was a thing and I'm so glad I found it because this looks hilarious here we have one of the most powerful Pokemon of all time dancing around with a birthday cake and doing some flips to Mewtwo I didn't know you could do that look at him go that's my Mewtwo right there that's my Mewtwo and he tells me my dresser performance was very unique now another small pretty missable birthday detail is that Route 14 route 15 will both be clear of mist usually these routes are pretty misty but I guess on your birthday Pokemon decided hey we'll give you a break and make the weather nice for you and finally for our last little birthday Easter egg and we're gonna head over to Icarus city if you go to the top right into the quiz house they'll have a special birthday quiz for you exciting thrilling zippy chillin it's pet quiz today's Challenger is this person hiya welcome pet quiz starts now answer lots of quiz questions and watch your brain get brainy er let's start with a question good luck a question what day is it today oh my it's tremendously difficult can the Challenger answer this hint hint uh-oh the audience is asking for a hint okay we'll give you a hint hint it's related to pokey tip ha ha that's a good hint Challenger please answer what day is it today and as tempted as I am to tell them it's ABS all day if we tell them it's my birthday which you could find under the lifestyle options I guess that makes sense and then lock it in final answer like this is Who Wants to Be a Millionaire you'll hear a ding ding ding and he'll say woo hoo that is correct I'm not gonna spell that out you go yeah you do yeah yeah good hustle congratulations now this is a prize it's an antidote well that's nice for doing a quiz on my birthday not really my birthday we get an antidote I don't know I might skip on this one next year now moving on to the next generation of Pokemon generation 6 with Pokemon X&Y this is where the games really start to go all-out so let's go back into the Pokemon Center and as soon as we walk in the lights are dimmed and confetti with little Pokemon pizzazz falling down from the ceiling - and you could even hear a special rendition of the Pokemon Center theme see with these games they got a lot more confidence and as soon as you walk in they immediately say happy birthday they don't even ask that's pretty cool and then Nurse Joy wishes that it'll be a wonderful year for you after that when you go and talk to heal up she'll always say happy birthday and that she always wants you to keep visiting the Pokemon centers this was awesome the first time I saw this happened to me a few years back I was so surprised and I almost cried it was so sweet this really makes your birthday feel special the same event takes place in Pokemon Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire as well and now a little bit of interesting trivia in the Japanese versions of these games instead playing that special Pokemon Center remix they actually play a Pokemon remixed version of happy birthday to you I'm not a hundred percent sure why this was changed for the international releases from what I've researched online I think it was because of a copyright disputes but personally I like the Pokemon Center remix a little bit more so I'm happy with how it turned out still I definitely think it's pretty cool to know that originally in Pokemon centers it was just going to play happy birthday now another cool thing is I like that happens in the generation six games for your birthday is the PSS player search system will show a little birthday cake marker near the players icon so other players that see you on their PSS can actually wish you a little happy birthday as well and pokémon-amie people can leave you supreme wish poker puffs and finally last and followed my favorite birthday event in all the pokemon X&Y is the diamonds dust if you go to the entrance of the frost cavern on your birthday instead of seeing normal boring old snow falling down there's gonna be this special sparkling snow called diamond dust and it looks beautiful in this game I wish this is how it looks normally in game I mean it would be a little too much for normal gameplay but all my goodness just look how beautiful this diamond dust looks in X&Y the music on this route is already amazing and this majestic dust that they have falling down on your birthday just makes it even more worthwhile to come here now X&Y weren't the first game is to have diamond dust it actually started back in Pokemon Diamond and Pearl but X&Y were the first games to actually have diamond dust fall on your birth diamond dust falls on different days and different Pokemon games so it's a nice little treat when you get to see it and that's all for the generation six games I think with this they've really perfected the whole birthday celebration that diamond dust was beautiful the PSS is a really nice gesture and the celebration they throw in the Pokemon Center it's just fantastic so now let's see if they could top that in generation 7 with Sun and Moon so first things first you know we have to check out the Pokemon Center once again and I'm really tall okay the lights are out and boom um look at that beautiful confetti and flowers falling from the ceiling happy birthday pokey tips I do hope this will be a wonderful year for you pokey tips each and every day see ya pretty much as it was an x and y and omega ruby and alpha sapphire I do like the birthday cake on the back here a lot better though and again it's always very nice that when you talk to the Nurse Joy she'll always say happy birthday to you and I hope you like diamond dust because if we fly over to Mountain Lanakila once again we will see some more diamond dust falling down from the sky now in this game to me personally it doesn't have the same effect it doesn't really look that different yes you see a little bit of sparkles here and there but it's not as in-your-face as amazing as it was back in X&Y honestly just comparing it to a regular day it's hard for me to even tell without looking at it very closely that it's even diamond dusting right now and also I didn't mention it earlier but diamond dust doesn't have any special effects on pokémon battles at all so that's it for some mood of the ultra games they didn't really have as much stuff as generation 6 but at least they had something because let's go Pikachu and Eevee again they kind of forgot about your birthday and there's no special birthday events at all in those games so that means we're moving on to the most recent Pokemon games at the time that I'm making this video pokemon sword and shield we're a character is the superpower to instantly change outfits as soon as they jump on the bike now these games are actually pretty interesting birthday wise because you'll never see a birthday event unless you talk to this lady right here in wedge Hurst that's because you actually have to set your birthday in-game by talking to her so she says this month birthday horoscope is spot on hmm do you want me to tell you your fortune - not really but I guess you're going to anyway then you can enter your birthday month and your birth dates then after that you could confirm your birthday make sure you get it right - whatever you want it to be because you could only do this once and then she'll give you some sort of fortune apparently people if my birthday are going to be super duper lucky and we might even run into a legendary Pokemon or maybe not so Kay but the best part is after you talk to her she just straight disappears kind of making me wonder if I did the right thing by telling her my birthday but anyway now we said our birthday we could jump right into the Pokemon Center and activate the birthday event and boom dimmed lights and happy birthday pokey tips with the pizzazz and everything very similar to the other Pokemon games except it's in HD now but the one thing that throws me off so much in this game is instead of playing like a remix of the Pokemon Center theme they're playing the follow me music you know the music you hear early on in the game when you're like doing a tutorial it doesn't really make me think birthday but I guess that's how they do it in sword and shield and the second and final birthday event in these games involves curry so if you go to Pokemon camp and you start cooking which I am terrible at I am NOT a good Pokemon curry chef at all but when you make your dish you'll see a special little birthday candle on your portion so I made some boiled egg curry Pikachu what do you think of it hey he likes it that's probably just because Pikachu thinks it's my birthday Pikachu doesn't want to disappoint me on my birthday and that wraps up the birthday events in sword and shield and now for another little Pokemon fun fact if you live in Japan there's actually one more cool Pokemon related thing you could do on your birthday if you go to a Pokemon Center store on your birthday you could actually get a special event Pokemon from what I heard in the let's go games they would give you a special birthday chancy and for sword and shield now they're giving away a special birthday Pikachu and Eevee the thing that makes these pokemon pretty cool is they come in the cherish ball for event Pokemon but they also know the special move celebrate celebrate doesn't do any damage in battle but when you use it it makes a cool little present animation appear and then it says congratulations and your character name these Pokemon also come with a pretty cool exclu birthday ribbon so there are pretty cool collector's Pokemon if you could get your hands on one and with that my friends you now know what happens on your birthday in every single Pokemon game in the comment section below let me know which Pokemon game has your favorite birthday celebration and if you've ever accidentally stumbled upon one of these events on your birthday my friends thanks so much for watching the video I hope you enjoyed it and if you did and you have it already make sure you give this video a big thumbs up right now also subscribe to the channel if you're new and you want to see more of my Pokemon content thanks again for watching and I'll be seeing you in the next one
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 3,095,803
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, pokemon birthday, what happens on your birthday, pokemon birthday event, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, pokemon event, birthday event, what happens pokemon, pokemon what happens, pokemon center, pokemon birthday song, pokemon birthday game, pokemon birthday pokemon center, poketips
Id: zg6VBp2Fdk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 43sec (883 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 19 2020
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