Can You Complete The Kanto Pokedex WITHOUT Catching Pokemon?

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everybody knows the slogan for Pokemon gotta catch them all but lately I've been wondering can you complete the pokédex without catching any Pokemon throughout the many different Pokemon games there are some really nice people that just give you Pokemon for free without even throwing a single ball you have your professors who give you starter Pokemon crazy scientists who will help you revive Pokemon fossils and even people that just straight-up decide they don't want their Pokemon anymore poor Charmander but let's say you were crazy enough to play through every single Pokemon game and get every gift Pokemon possible would you be able to complete the pokédex now obviously you're definitely not completing the National pokedex this way there's over 800 different species of Pokemon and definitely not that many gifts Pokemon but how about the original 151 just the Kanto region pokedex let's see if we can complete Professor Oak's dream without throwing a single pokeball now the rules for this challenge are pretty simple number one and most important I can't catch any Pokemon with pokeballs getting gifts Pokemon doing in-game trades all that stuff is ok but if I have to throw a Pokeball the catch it it's not allowed and number 2 no trading for captured Pokemon this is very similar rule 1 so basically if somebody captured a Pokemon with the pokeball then tries to trade it to me I can't take it this essentially prevents me from using the GTS to get all the Pokemon or having a buddy catch them all and trade them over to me however I could still do in-game trades and if any Pokemon needs a trade evolution and I happen to have it from a gift that's ok with that being said let's start our adventure with the classic Pokemon games pokémon red and blue now since pokemon red & blue version are set in the Kanto region it's pretty safe to assume that we'll be adding lots of Pokemon here for free and that's true right from the beginning of the game when you start off you're given the choice of Bulbasaur Charmander or squirtle for the sake of this challenge that's fantastic because that gives us potentially 9 pokedex entries right away let's say we play through red and blue three times get all three stars and eventually evolve them all the way up to their final forms and that'll give us nine pokedex entries hopefully the rest of this challenge is gonna be that easy moving along to Pewter City that's where we could get access to another Pokemon initially the first time you go there you can't get anything but if you come back after getting the HM cuts you're able to get into a special part of pewter city's Museum a scientist in the museum will give you the old amber which you could eventually revive on Cinnabar Island and turn it into an Aerodactyl east of pewter city when were on the road to mount moon if we take a stop in the Pokemon Center a man there tries to sell us a Magikarp for five hundred polka dollars after you buy it from him he treats you like you just got a ripped off but the jokes kind of on him because for this challenge we can't get a fishing rod fish up a Magikarp and catch it we're gonna have to buy it from this guy to get its entry and when we eventually evolve it into a Gyarados that's like a two-for-one so for five hundred polka dollars that's not really a bad deal after all and speaking of mount moon usually everybody catches a Geodude in a zoo bat here but we can't catch either of those instead we're more focused on the fossils defeating a super nerd in here gives us access to get either the helix or the dome fossil and usually I always take the helix fossile but for the sake of this challenge we're gonna need both so in my red version I'll take one in my blue version I'll take the other and when we eventually get the Cinnabar Island I'll revive both reviving them will give me both Kabuto and ona mites and both of them happen to evolve that brings us up to sixteen pokedex entries so far without catching a single Pokemon and I don't know if it's just me but almost ours sprite makes it look like it's really ready to go to the disco the next few towns like Cerulean City and vermilion City don't give us anything but when we get to celadon City we get a lots of Pokemon first let's start with a V by going in the secret backdoor entrance to the mansion and climbing all of those stairs eventually when we get to the top and and your room will find an Eevee sitting on a table in a pokeball and as we all know Eevee has lots of different evolutions and we could go to the department store buy the evolution stones and evolve it into all three different ones giving us a total of twenty pokedex entries then we have the game corner the game corner is ridiculous for getting Pokemon in this challenge here you could trade coins for Pokemon and trust me we'll be getting a lot here in both pokémon red and blue you could buy a bruh Clefairy dratini and porygon assuming we eventually evolved a bruh into Kadabra and then Alakazam Clefairy into clefable dratini into dragon air and Dragonite and keep porygon as it is that gives us a total of twenty-nine pokedex entries but we're not done yet because the game quarter also has version exclusives in pokemon red you could also purchase need arena which you could eventually evolved in the Nidoqueen and Scyther in pokemon blue you could purchase neato reno which will evolve into neato King & pincer after doing that we're sitting pretty with a grand total of 35 different pokedex entries now that we've gotten all of those game corner Pokemon we're gonna go to saffron city where we can get three more pokedex entries in the fighting dojo we could get both Hitmonlee and hitmonchan after defeating the dojo and its trainers and then the Silph Co building a friendly man gives us Lapras for saving them from Team Rocket's at this point we've received all of the gift Pokemon we could get in red and blue however there still is one more Pokemon we could get in this game right now on route 2 there's a trainer in a house who has a mr. mime and is looking for an abra luckily for us we could go back to the game corner and get an Abra for only 120 coins will make that guy happy by trading him in Abra and we'll be very happy by getting our 39th pokedex entry and as of right now we're done with pokemon red and blue but don't worry we'll be back to these games in the future the next game we're going to explore is pokemon yellow instead of getting your usual Bulbasaur Charmander or squirtle right in the beginning you get a Pikachu which is fantastic now we can't evolve that Pikachu in pokemon yellow version it won't want to evolve but if we trade it over to red or blue we could evolve it with no problem giving us 41 pokedex entries and while we have it in pokemon red and blue we might as well just trade it away on Cinnabar islands there's a trainer who wants to trade an electrode for a ride shoe so for the sake of completing the Pokedex we're gonna say goodbye to our pikachu raichu starter and trade it for an electrode to get that pokedex entry we couldn't do this trade before because we couldn't catch a ride shoe previously but now that we traded one over it's fair game and we're gonna trade our starter away to this random person on Cinnabar Island also due to a translation error after you trade him the right shoe he tells you that it evolved what does right you evolved into the world may never know anyway back to Pokemon yellow version we're also going to go to the game corner once again in yellow there's a few different Pokemon and we can get here we could purchase Vulpix and eventually evolve it into a nine tails and we can also purchase Wigglytuff and that's gonna wrap up pokemon yellow version and the generation 1 pokemon games moving on to pokemon gold and silver we're gonna go to the gates between route 35 and goldenrod city there's a guard standing around who wants you to deliver a spear owed named Kenya to his friend on route 31 he's a very trusting guy and just gives it to us right away but we're not taking it to his friend instead we're gonna evolve Sparrow into a pharaoh and get to pokedex entries thanks buddy then once again our adventure brings us back to the game corner except this time we're not going to the game quarter in celadon City we're going to the game corner in goldenrod city and pokemon gold version we could purchase an Ekans and evolve it into an arbok and in pokemon silver version we could purchase a sandshrew and evolve it into a sand slash that brings us to a total of 51 pokedex entries and were done with gold and silver in pokemon crystal version we're going to the day Center when we walk inside and talk to the man singing a table he'll tell us that heap down an odd egg when he was raising pokemon in the daycare the odd egg is really cool it is a chance of giving you one of seven different baby Pokemon which all have the move dizzy punch when they hatch and of course these Pokemon when they hatch have a 14% chance of being shiny but for once we really don't care about the Pokemon being shiny or not for of the baby Pokemon a Glee buff Smoochum allocated Magby can evolve into Pokemon we don't already have Jigglypuff jinks electabuzz and magmar that'll bring us up to fifty five Pokemon in our pokedex after messing around with the odd egg of course we're going back to the game corner in Crystal version you could buy cubone at the game corner evolve it into a marowak and bring our pokedex up to 57 entries at this point we're done with generation two's gift Pokemon but now we're gonna do a lot of cross trading between generation one and generation two to get even more first remember the Spiro that we stole from the man at the gates well if we trade it back to Pokemon a red and blue version in Vermillion City there's a trainer who's looking for a spear oh and we'll trade you the Pokemon Farfetch'd will do that trade and bring our pokedex up to 58 for our next cross generation trade we're gonna trade cubone for pokemon crystal version two pokemon yellow version with cubone and pokemon yellow version we could go to the underground path on route five and six and trade cubone for amma chuck the cool thing about this match oak is when they trade it to you it'll actually evolved into a Machamp next we're gonna go back to my pokemon red version and go to our favourite place the game corner we're gonna buy two dratini and evolve them into dragon air then we'll trade one dragon air to pokemon gold and 1 dragon air to pokemon crystal in both of these games we're going to black thorn City to do a trade in gold version we could trade our dragon air for a ride on and in Crystal version we can trade our dragon air for dodrio and we're not done with these Pokemon yet we'll take our dodrio to the daycare and breed it with another male Pokemon in the flying egg group like Kenya the sparrow and from there will hatch ourselves a dough duo we could do the same thing with the ride-on we just traded for and bring it with the pokémon like Charizard to get Rhyhorn and last but not least for Pokemon breeding remember that Machamp we got in our yellow version well if we breed it with something in the human egg group like a male abre we could get ourselves Machop and bring our pokedex total to 65 there's a few Pokemon that I have that I would love to breed to get extra pokedex entries like my electrode needle King and neato queen but unfortunately I don't have a Pokemon like ditto to breed them with and get their baby forms and also for some strange reason needle Rita and needle Queen just can't breed it all so that means we finish off generation 2 with 65 total pokedex entries honestly not bad at all for not catching a single Pokemon moving on to generation 3 you would think I'd get lots of Pokemon here like with the other generations but there's not a single new Pokemon for us to obtain in the whole generation since firered and leafgreen are remakes of red and blue we basically get the same gift pokemon in those games and since ruby sapphire and emerald are based in the Hoenn region these games focus a lot more on giving out Hoenn region Pokemon like cast form as gifts rather than Kanto region Pokemon but don't you worry because when we move on to generation 4 with Pokemon Diamond and Pearl we could get ourselves another Pokemon without catching it in hearth ohm city there's a hiker called the travelin man when we talk to him he just gives us a Pokemon egg out of nowhere which will eventually hatch into a Happiny and after giving it Knovel stone and leveling it up in the daytime it will eventually evolve into a chancy moving on to generation 5 there's nothing for us and pokemon black and white however in the sequels black and white too we could get a few new Pokemon through trades in what could only be described as pokemons closest thing to a dating simulator you can become pretty close the character named Yancey if you're playing is a boy or Curtis if you're playing as a girl eventually after exchanging phone numbers and going on Ferris wheel rides you can start to trade Pokemon with them Yancey will offer to trade you a meet out which you can eventually evolved into a Persian and also a Snorlax Kurtis on the other hand will offer to trade you a manky which you could evolve into a primate and the best part is since they like you so much they'll take any Pokemon we want to give them so we don't have to go out and get something crazy after doing those trades we're at 71 Pokemon generation 6 XY Omega Ruby and alpha sapphire once again don't have any new Pokemon for us to obtain and in generation 7 it almost looks like that as well although we didn't get one special Pokemon and Pokemon ultramoon version all over the aloha region there are these things called totem stickers scattered everywhere after finding 20 of the stickers we can go to heya-heya beach and talk to Sampson oak as a reward for getting so many stickers he'll give us a totem a lowland radical which we can breed and get ourselves in a lowland Rattata as well even though these aren't the original Kanto nyan forms they still counts in the Kanto region pokedex and that brings us up to 73 Pokemon and last but not least and let's go Pikachu and Eevee once again all the gifts are almost the same thing as in pokemon red and blue so we're not gonna get any special gift Pokemon here from normal play however if we connect a pokeball plus we can get the mythical Pokemon Mew transferred to our game for the small price of $50 and with mu we now have 74 Pokemon obtained without catching a single Pokemon and unfortunately we've gone through every main series pokemon game now we do have a few honorable mentions in the japanese pokemon blue version the game quarter actually sells horsey which we couldn't get anywhere else if we included this we'd be able to evolve horsey in the Sidra and get 76 pokemon and also what there was a wee-wee released many years ago called my Pokemon ranch which was basically the equivalent of Pokemon Bank today I haven't been able to play this game in years but for what I remember there were opportunities to trade with the main character Haley now I don't exactly remember what she required you to trade to her which is why I didn't include this when I was talking about generation 4 however she would trade you the Pokemon ponyta which we could evolve into rapidash lick a tongue and tangela assuming we could get these four Dex entries for the challenge that would bring us up to 80 total Pokemon but again I'm not sure if the Pokemon she requires you to treat her are Pokemon you could actually get without catching them yourself so with all the Pokemon we obtained - - the Pokemon from ranch this is what our pokedex would look like it's not complete but it's definitely not bad for not throwing a single ball if I missed any Pokemon let me know in the comments I think I got them all but I might have missed some somewhere if you enjoyed this video make sure to give it a thumbs up because you know it took me a long time to go through all these games and find all these Pokemon and it'll make me feel a little bit better on the screen right now I have more Pokemon challenges that I've done if you enjoyed this video you'll definitely enjoy those too thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 3,920,134
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: complete pokedex, national pokedex, kanto pokedex, pokedex challenge, catching every pokemon, catch em all, catch every pokemon red and blue, pokemon red, pokemon gold, pokemon emerald, pokemon diamond, pokemon platinum, catch em all challenge, pokemon challenge, complete pokedex without catching pokemon, complete pokedex without
Id: c3NdRLJ0ZFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 25 2019
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