What If I Was A Pokemon Gym Leader?

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hi i'm mike pokey tips mike and i feel like at some point every pokemon fan imagined themselves as a real life pokemon trainer somewhere in the vast world of pokemon i can't even remember a time back when i was in elementary school where me and my friends on the playground pretended we were some sort of elite four where we are the best trainers in the whole entire school and you couldn't call yourself a true pokemon master unless you were able to defeat us and our team of mewtwo groudon at a whole bunch of different legendaries and battles so today i'm gonna be jumping back to that time a little bit i'll be telling you what it would be like if i pokey tips mike was a gym leader in the world of pokemon i actually had a fan request this video over on my instagram after he saw a few other poketubers make this type of video and i thought it was a very fun idea so without further ado let's jump right into it so first off i feel like one of the most important things about being a gym leader is the location of your gym you can definitely see that especially in the newer pokemon games like sword and shield that the theme of your gym generally fits with the location of where it's at like the wonderful city of balloons with all the majestic energy going on around it it has a fairy type gym i started playing pokemon with pokemon gold version so the johto region it has a special place in my heart so naturally i would want to establish my pokemon gym somewhere in the johto region but there's a problem the johto region well it already has eight gyms so i could either replace one of those gyms in the johto region which wouldn't be too hard a lot of the gym leaders there are kind of pushovers or i could get extra creative and make a gym in my own location and i think that's what i would want to do so me i would set up my gym at the lake of rage fun fact if you didn't already know the lake of rage was originally supposed to be its own little town or area in pokemon gold and silver that had plenty of buildings and a pokemon gym a long long time ago but somewhere in the game's development they said no we're not doing that we're just going to turn it into a lake put a few houses there and slap a giant shiny gyarados in the middle of it that's pretty cool i love being able to go there and get a red gyarados but that leaves us with plenty of room to develop with so i think i'll just move a few trees around and i'll be able to put my gym right here yeah that would put my gym pretty close to mahogany town or the gym leader price but you know he's getting a little old maybe he wants to retire or we could just battle to see who gets to run a gym and i've thought about it and i think i'll be a dark type gym leader now i chose the dark type for a few reasons number one i realized i just like a lot of dark type pokemon there are so many cool ones like umbreon sneasel and weavile absol i just like a lot of dark type pokemon and number two when you look at the kanto and the johto regions together and you look at all 16 gym leaders the only type of gym leader that is not represented there is the dark type well and also fairy type but fairy type didn't exist when johto first came out so i feel like that would fit really well with the kanto and the johto league so no type would be repeated and as we've seen in the pokemon anime there could definitely be more than eight gems per region as shown by gary oak and his 10 gym badges now another reason for me being a dark type gym leader is i just find the type itself very interesting in japan the dark type is actually called the evil type but i feel like all pokemon are inherently good and there really can't be any evil pokemon well maybe aside from whitney's miltank that thing is pretty nasty but come on you can't look at this cute little umbreon and tell me that's an evil pokemon so as a gym leader i would raise and train dark type pokemon up and teach the trainers who would want to train under me that dark type pokemon aren't evil they can make fantastic and very powerful companions if you know how to train them properly but for my gym puzzle i'd be going pretty evil there coming up with the gym puzzle is probably the hardest part of this for me because i'm just really not good at creating gym puzzles i enjoy some gym puzzles like crasher wakes controlling the tides of the gym to be able to navigate around herding wulu around and the pinball machine puzzle and pokemon sword and shield that one's a lot of fun but i always thought for the longest time that if i ran a gym i would just have a straight path right to me so anybody could just walk right up and challenge me but what's the fun in that so instead i think i'll go with this ridiculously evil gym puzzle as soon as you enter the gym the gym guy comes up to you and grabs all your pokemon he takes the pokeballs from you and plops them into some sort of machine which scatters them around the gym and your task as a gym challenger is well to find your pokemon are you gonna beat anybody in the gym without any pokemon so you'll take your first steps into the gym but as soon as you start walking in boom lights out you have a small circle illuminating the path around you kind of like brawley's gym in ruby and sapphire so you can't really see too far ahead of you now at first you'll just be wandering around the maze and eventually you'll find one of your pokemon but after you find a pokemon that's when the challenge really begins i'll let my gym trainers start walking into the maze themselves and if they find you they'll battle you using their full team now it won't be too hard they only use like two to four pokemon at a time so you're not gonna automatically lose to them but immediately you'll have to overcome a challenge of being outnumbered and under my tutelage there'll be some pretty good trainers so if they find you before you start collecting your pokemon you'll be at a huge disadvantage the light around you that lets you see where you're going will get bigger when you either find one of your pokemon or if you defeat one of my gym trainers so how do you challenge me well after you find three of your pokemon in the dark maze then i will enter the maze myself and if i find you before you have all of your pokemon well i'm challenging you to a battle with my full team and we'll just go right at it so the puzzle is kind of like a race against time because you want to find your pokemon as quickly as possible before one of the trainers find you and also kind of like a horror slender man like game where you just don't want to get caught in the more pokemon or pages that you find the harder the maze gets now if you somehow find all of your pokemon in the maze boom lights are coming back on i'll congratulate you and we'll jump right into a battle so once we start battling what pokemon am i gonna use well i'm definitely not gonna limit myself to pokemon from just the kanto and the johto regions because if i do that i'll have the wonderful choice of umbreon murkrow sneasel houndour hound doom and tyranitar and while that would be a full team of six pokemon no just no the pokemon i would lead off with is weavile weavile has always been one of my favorites i'll probably even have it by my side while i'm at the gym and i think with its high attack and speed stat it would be a deadly starter as for the moveset i would go with something like this fake out definitely because that would give me a huge advantage starting off the battle being able to make your pokemon flinch and get you get a little damage off on it then the other three moves would be ice punch night slash and taunt i know there are definitely some better moves but i'm an in-game gym leader i'm not going to be using the strongest moveset there is but i think all around this moveset is decent it gives me all-around good coverage and plays to weavile's strengths of being a fast and strong powerful hitting pokemon plus taunt is there to make sure my opponents don't start off doing any shenanigans then from there on the opposite spectrum we're actually to go with a more tanky pokemon umbreon i would think as a pokemon gym leader i would have invested a lot of time into training my pokemon up so if possible i would use a shiny umbreon because that blue color is just so so good now with umbreon's moveset we're gonna go a lot more defensive here we'll start things off with toxic to give it a nice way to damage lots of pokemon on my opponent's team but we'll also give it the role of a healer as a gym leader i get to use a few hyper potions in my battle maybe even a full restore if i'm lucky but i want a different way to be able to heal my pokemon up as well that's why i'll give it the move wish so umbrian will be able to heal itself up but also its teammates if i deem that's necessary to combo wish we also need protect and i think as a final move we would give it foul play i'd assume to take out this umbreon my opponents would want to bring out pokemon with high attack stats and would use the move foul play here to our advantage since it does damage based on my opponent's attack stat instead of mine so my first two dark types are pretty standard pokemon but i think as a gym leader it'll be wise to cover my weaknesses which i know would obviously be the fairy type which is honestly a pretty annoying type for a lot of pokemon to deal with the bug type which i don't really think would be a huge problem and the fighting type which weavile especially would not like so to cover those weaknesses i would be bringing a sableye onto the team sabli is always a pokemon i've just found interesting i love its design with all the gems and i love its personality especially in pokemon battle revolution when you use this pokemon it's just so animated that along with its typing would do really well on my team i'm definitely going to want this sable eye to have the hidden ability prankster which lets all of my status moves go first and to play along with that we're definitely going to give this stabilize some status moves to use so i think number one would be give it willow wisp being able to burn my opponents is pretty important because it lowers their attack stat and does a little bit of damage every single turn now to go along with that we definitely need a recovery move so recover especially with the priority from prankster will work very nicely here then for the final two move slots i think i'll give it knockoff and shadowball this lets it use both of its typings really well and knockoff has the nice ability of being able to knock off my opponent's items if they happen to use any the stable eye on my team would definitely be more of a crippling pokemon rather than one i use for attacks because his space stats are kind of low again i could definitely optimize this moveset a little bit more and make it more strong overall but i'm a gym leader i don't want to go too crazy here although i don't know i'm starting to get into hidden ability territory that might be considered a little crazy and to keep the craziness going next i'm gonna use greninja greninja one of my all-time favorite starter pokemon and again it's kind of a good example of how dark type pokemon aren't exactly evil i just don't think evil pokemon would be given out as starter pokemon having the hidden ability protean on this greninja would also make it really unique on my team so it can easily change his type and get stab attack bonus on all of its moves and also make sure it doesn't get hit by super effective ones easily now as for the moveset i'd probably go with something crazy like this surf is a nice strong water type move u-turn because that's just one of my favorite all-time moves then from there i could actually run acrobatics on this greninja i know definitely not a standard move from greninja but i really want to mix up my opponents and make sure they don't know what's coming acrobatics does double damage if you're not holding an item and as a gym leader most of my pokemon aren't going to be holding items just to keep things fair so this move naturally is going to be doing a lot of damage plus it covers both fighting and bug types which are something that my team would be pretty weak to then finally if i'm able to get to a move tutor i would love to teach this greninja gunk shot because once again that'll cover the fairy type weakness so overall this greninja would be my answer to a lot of potential problems that would be coming my way it would cover a lot of the bad matchups for me and just overall be a strong pokemon that can easily pivot out of bad situations now my fifth pokemon is kind of my most versatile slot there's a lot of decent pokemon that would fit right here like having an alolan muk dark and poison type it would cover a lot of my weaknesses but as a trainer in the johto region i don't think i'd be able to get one of these that easily plus i'm not really a huge fan of alolan mock so i'd pass on that one so i think instead i would go with the hydraegon now that does create a little bit of a problem so the gym leaders in johto their pokemon are kind of low leveled the 8th gym leader claire her strongest pokemon is only at level 41 and normally xviolus doesn't evolve into hydragon until level 64. so you see where the problem is there but i'll give myself a little bit of the pass on this one because getsis in pokemon black and white he has one at level 54 and johto well it's known for lance and his under level dragonite so if they could get under leveled pokemon i could get an under level pokemon 2 and i'm going to use an underleveled high dragon and as for the move set i think i'll go with the tried and true get this move set we'll teach it dragon pulse fire blast focus blast and surf all of those moves give this pokemon really good coverage it can basically hit a lot of different types for super effective damage i could definitely see this pokemon giving a lot of trainers i fight a tough time and to make that even tougher i'll be giving this hydraegon the citrus berry i think that's a pretty standard item for gym leaders to give their pokemon and i think that would make it nice and challenging for any trainer who wants to come my way and finally as my last pokemon this is a pretty important decision for me to make i think i'll use a gyarados but pokey tips gyarados is a water and a flying type that's not a dark type you're a liar well we're not going with just a regular gyarados we're going with a mega gyarados that's right i'm bringing mega stones over to the johto region and i think it's super appropriate for me to have a gyarados on my team number one i'm gonna be a gym leader at the lake of rage home of the red gyarados so i gotta represent my gyarados fan by using a gyarados on the team and it's also another very powerful pokemon i don't need to explain to you why gyarados is a strong pokemon as for the ability i'll make sure it has intimidate so before i make it evolve it'll lower my opponent's attack stats now for the move set we're gonna go with the nice sweeper gyarados moveset we're gonna give it waterfall a nice physical water type attacking move we're gonna give it crunch so it can use that dark type we'll also give it bounce because you know why not bounce is a pretty memey move i love mimi moves it's also not a bad move because it has a chance of paralyzing my opponent and it provides flying type coverage which my gyarados would appreciate and for the last move we'll give it dragon dance this is my dangerous comeback pokemon this will be the challenge right here if you could defeat my mega gyarados then you definitely deserve my badge so that's my team and if you get it obviously you get a gym badge now for the name i was gonna go with the obvious one the dark badge but piers and marnie already took that one thanks guys so i was also thinking the rage badge would be a good name for it because you know my gym is located at the lake of rage but that makes dark type pokemon seem evil so i think instead i'll go with the midnight badge because when you think of midnight you think of darkness and also it's a little bit past midnight right now when i'm recording this video so i think it's pretty appropriate and there you have it the pokey tips gym i think would be pretty cool it fits right into the kanto and johto league and adds a pretty unique type for a gym leader and that gym puzzle that gym puzzle will just be pure evil i hope someday we see a gym puzzle like that in a pokemon game it would be kind of crazy going up against a disadvantage like that so now that we have my gym i want to hear about your gym in the comment section tell me what type of gym leader you would be where you'd set it up all that good stuff or if you want even make a little response video to this i think this would be pretty cool to see lots of people create their own take on what they would be like if they were a pokemon gym leader my friends if you enjoyed this video make sure you give it a big thumbs up right now and also subscribe to the channel if you're new and you enjoy my pokemon content as always thanks so much for watching and my friends i'll be seeing you in the next one maybe at my gym someday
Channel: PokeTips
Views: 2,073,537
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: poketipsofficial, pokemon
Id: 3NkVip7u--Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 57sec (897 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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