An Unexpected Opponent

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greetings we fans Michael here and welcome back to more Isle of armor adventure with me M and J TV I am leveled come through up a lot ricochet is its name it is so oh hi aha you gotta be quicker than that but now my goal is to take it to all the fun sites and one of the sites we're going to go to you is actually like one of the last few parts of this that I haven't been to yet somehow yeah loop lagoon I have not yet set foot into loop lagoon but we're about to it's going to be great it seems that I can go through here uh ricochet who's gonna stand there don't guess you're not coming with crane just Kevin oh this is the river what's this oh my god a raid here and a big late-- here bleah what's my rape Poliwrath who were doing this Poliwrath is a potential metronome Pokemon for the MBF so not only do I need it for my Dex but getting like a strong one would be very good and once again all spice gets the final hint it barely survived its shield breaking but the two raids I've done with all spies Herron he's gotten the final it but she's gotten the final light both times and I still haven't bought net balls oh well duska balls work just as well in great games all right cool got the polygraph suite while I think about it there we go wish I'd done that before the battle with Clara there we go now ricocheting all spice both mags Dynomax levels like when we fish up carp you let carp spawn here I paid money for this DLC that should be illegal Oh high club a puss it's fun seeing you in the water who was that it oh it's a waste cash I thought that was like a luxray tail and I was like what is luxray doing in the water is pretty cool I am giggling where does this lead you know it will fight the drug again hi you know a lot of people hate on Dredd again I quite like dragon they think it looks like melted crayons which like is if things like coolest Pokemon ever know but I think it's a nice-looking gray that broke out of a creep capture because everything here seems to run again I efficiently like you last now what the hell was that all right I think a dust ball should work in here this is called a cave excuse you dude it's what the hell it is a cape this should catch immediately there we go good morning yes I was a bit rough trotting in my god just obliterated cuff him Oh Oh I guess now you're first in the party well anyways alright we revived ricochet things are no longer a disaster little fish here shoulder that's that's a that's a gallery mainland Pokemon which means I have it where am I going is this the lagoon loop lagoon I found it let's enjoy the scenery ah it's beauteous a gorgeous look come fool likes it we're now the best of friends already huh I guess maybe all the levelling up did wonders Oh seeing the cast I love sand against sandy games hey Waseem throw back to the mountain catch it this time dear God there you just a freakin tried again breaking out and then just a bullet or raining ricochet oh I felt so bad when that happened grudges of the day resist remember saddened zoinks Batman wild talonflame hey buddy I'm realizing I should have not led with Cub Phu because cub food dies if I don't catch it mm-hm oops you know we're gonna risk it maybe it'll do some dumb move that doesn't do anything it is a regional bird so it's cats rates probably yeah okay alright that's fine that's fine okay we just switched it we just switched to allspice and we yawn it got him creek capture worked this time or Vesta you know what I'm gonna come back for you after I've purchased some net balls which I keep meaning to doing and meaning to do and forgetting to do da artillery in the water I can see him down there don't attack me grandpa locked you're very cool but I do not want to battle you sandy yes everywhere in this Lagoon my goodness now we will have an excursion oh boy get us out into the ocean stepping-stone see fletchinder over the ocean that's cool alright let's try something I jerked him out I saw somebody comment on the last one like if you go to the side you can oh I didn't do it we're just gonna kill this shirt this is what you get a shark for being aggressive I will close combat you to ensure that I killed you out speed me you stupid speedy shark there you go all right we got to heal you but it's fine we got to the ko because we're great so proud of you ricochet I got watts it's not a brilliant one they move too fast you can't even see dear God they're everywhere here oh now they're coming at me from two directions alright time to booze I didn't get the boost back in time Oh Sharpedo alright more sharp pedo death which is great oh well then one almost got me but it didn't that's a Jigglypuff raid I don't really care man this this ocean is so big seven point eight out of seven point eight we must investigate to this lone tree island how did he turn turns on a freaking dime my god I'm getting it my first wild shining the Isle of armor if I get one III has still have yet to get a wild shiny in sword and shield at all but if I get one it's gonna be a freaking sharp Peter because on how many of these things I've seen and going to see man this sucks I'm gonna steal thing from this woman okay because of my excursion into the sea I've officially now been to all the areas of the island so that's exciting I shall probably go back and talk to mustard now and I just keep catching random Pokemon yeah I could do that that's not story stuff I could do that on my own I am gonna buy net balls though and then we'll fly over there all right so I stocked up on several kinds of pokeballs and I was going to just go to me oh that was a Diglett I always got to get the diglettz when you see him because we may not remember that they're there later I was gonna just go straight to the dojo and you know show him hi friendship cup foo but I these exclamation points on the map I figured I should see these like do these little cutscenes do all of them before I go back you know sound so we're gonna enjoy the scenery of the desert can't see crap oh it's so beautiful the 10 feet in front of me that I can see alright now we go up these stairs up on challenge Road I believe there's a sightseer person yes there is yes let us enjoy it oh wow this is the best one so far this is actually a sizable view of a noticeable distance unlike unlike the other ones that no other one the first one was just the lagoon and then that one was just yeah like there was just a desert which was just as I said a five feet in front of us what's the last place inside the cave burning well right here Oh Maax mushroom ain't doing great it's not a waste of time where is the sightseer person in here there's another Diglett I'm having so much fun yeah we were in here somewhere dude where are you let me try it again the dream crusher all there he is what are we looking at this time oh just the inside of the cave well it looks lovely in four different Regeneron looking for a Gillian Pokemon maybe have a stem fist from here oh it's an in-game trade furry uh if you're wondering why the shiny noibat is there this is a box of shinies from previous games these are this it almost doesn't like basically everything but these five here at the bottom are shiny oh and this this everything with the bottom row is shiny I guess we'll do this in game trade just for fun do I even have more than one Galerius time fisk okay I do alright that's good enough oh wow okay I'm not training her that one this one is I forgot I had this this six perfect IV across the board gallery' and stunfest nope I'm keeping that one alright I'm gonna get a regular stunfisk I already had one it was shiny fun fact it was one of the whole two wormhole ones but now I have a not shiny one so go mean lighting and really washes it out you can barely see the guy's face they cease amazing I'll treasure it forever oh that's right now we're at the wetland it's okay let's just get back to the dojo what the hell with two delor everywhere if only someone gather that many mm-hmm Oh Michael just the person I want to see tell me do you collect watts sure do of course you're such a pro at all of this Michael thanks honey I'll have you know that the watt business is positively booming right now around here they say that those who hold the most watts hold the key to success well I certainly do have a point if he wants don't you've been trying to gather up watts to spruce up the dojo a bit get some more gear but my darling hubby and my son are more the indoor types you know it's pretty hard for me to collect that many watts on my own you ever having to have some watts to spur Michael be glad to take them oh but I couldn't ask you to give them me and not get anything in return so if you a business transaction of course I'll reward you for your generosity you have some extra Watson they come and talk to me I've got more than I could ever possibly spend part of a hairstylist come work here at the dojo oh so we're just making the just making the dojo more convenient hello hello says the hair salon yes is honey for the master dude I was wondering if you could spare a stylist to come enjoy the lovely Island live with us we're sending some over right now they're just gonna stay in the bathroom a row Tomy terminal all right this is all right we're basically making this place actually functional it's like a Pokemon Center suite all right we're just gonna max this out we're gonna give her all the wats necessary to have this complete this place completely fake stab get your new row tummy up and running mr. since all proprietary software order your copy today conduct our sales department they're gonna gouge us for more what I think business practices I'm awfully sorry about this Michael looks like we'll need a bit more of your help to get a row Tommy up and running fine get where Tommy up and running yay we've rather preferred to actually work now that's taken care of let's fire it up please do me any Oh Miss Honey a dummy after service both delight here I'm sure you'd be worth every glass what you've cost us in fact we'll make sure of it don't tell me except for any thanks to your watch Michael I'll be sure to use it plenty you can get a vending machine oh okay Wow wonder how many of these there are oh there's some refreshing water they'll offer the drinks at a far less than the usual asking price oh cool billing at fresh water in stock okay more watts we'll get more drinks soda pop brings a little fizz and sparkle to every day doesn't it we don't even have to leave the dojo now to get some great not healthy honestly no probably shouldn't have soda so accessible now that's just what was needed such a spring in my step that I feel I'm dancing on air oh all my watts Oh God hold on look that would be absurd fresh ingredients is this for like the dream dairies honey from the master judges pospos for regulars earlier delicious products okay all right this must be for making a curry this is a deeper hole than I thought it would be oh can I buy like the vitamins now bulk pricing this is so cool I'm just like we want watts to make things more accessible oh I'm just adding two at a time okay got to think of another way to help the master JoJo's name recognition huh I got a league card background okay well now I got it now so 290,000 why are these jumping up so much how far does this go I could've swore I might do I actually not have enough watts oh you now don't tease no I swear it's not like that what oh I got her lead card it's just her in the kitchen with mustard the former CEO of a trading firm she meant mustard while visiting gallery one of her many business trips and it was love at first sight they were married shortly after she now works as the dojo matron cooking cleaning advertising taking care of finances she also keeps an eye on the mental health of students well it's nice that they mentioned that what's more she's also the creator of Macs soup she used the forest mushrooms this cosmic Pokemon Giganta max her latest ambition is to sell ready-made max across the world who mono his teamwork she was acting weird about this league card when it's a very normal picture I'll set you up with a chance to battle a frightfully strong trainer I had them reach out to some other regions champion says for battle but I guess gal it's just a bit too far to come for a friendly pickin match what is this trainer if I'm gonna do this battle I need to gotta have the the best squad I'm ready to battle are we battling her what this is the this is the guy who ran away zest her then you go to the master don't run my place is the best thing that's ever happened to me thanks to my cowardice the time I was able to join an even better dojo than this old place the wild dojo wiliest wildest trainer the wild dojo it's got him here to show you the fusty old master dojo the some you all pack up and make way for the new hotness that's here to replace you let's just settle down you know this person Michael let's see his manners leaves something to be desired should pick your friends more wisely nobody asked you who are you to be judging me what is happening bring out the strongest trainer you got this it's they'll show your dojo is done for this wasn't what I had in mind but sorry Michael can I ask you to wait just a bit longer for that battle seriously disappear already would you and then you're to beat on somebody's mom you know love you're really being quite the bother here what she just picked the crapper even-even that matches the basics of understanding our moves work you don't want to come start over from scratch at the master dojo once we tear you down completely I promise we'll build you back up as a proper trainer oh my god honey you're terrified Oh slices nuts I can't take it Oh sugar I didn't did it again that's like I've scared off another potential student from the dojo I'm looking forward to surprising you too Michael that silly sausage wouldn't ruined everything oh there's no use crying over spilt milk what oh we are battling her we are actually battling her okay what'd you get Blissey and I'll try not to hurt you oh she's only little 60 okay well I think we're gonna be fine we're gonna switch oh wait no I don't have to cause she'll side arm is gonna use the defense oh boy that's a different enemy shouldn't be uses the physical defense I didn't know that that's so cool I've only ever seen he used the special defense this should be fine okay that was a crazy out can definitely find that is awesome that is awesome all right yeah bliss he experienced yeah grab out that dar mana tan ah it's the ice tea boy still why you why are your Pokemon under level 50 under level 60 I mean to say alright physical are special special this time oh it took that annoyingly well oh but we poisoned it let's see how much this does oh okay didn't know was gonna do that did not know it was gonna do that go gut ranch dream punch a why are you faster governs why are you so slow you are level eighty and being out sped by this thing oh well we get we're getting a some of the HP bag Togekiss this is a terrible matchup no no oh cool the night [Music] this should be no problem whatsoever yep Ironhead and you are dead the lab oh no haha your protecta switched probably will protect again for no reason again no okay we got it this time Gallade not the best match huh no we'll toss in warhead it's super effective warhead hasn't at the field yet this will do nothing yep phantom holes oh well I hope this phantom for skills I think it should what is this thing workable 59 yep Wow okay exactly oh yeah oh I think I just realized what her last pokemons gonna be and what I want to fight it with touching that comes when it's down to the wire this is where it gets fun yep I was right I don't want to fight it we're gonna switch to wildfire we're just gonna switch we're just gonna do it and hope we live whatever attack happens because I want a gigantic max wildfire for the first time time to play our ace in the hole turn gigantic my dear Venus or who what the hell was that throne cool alright what are you using Oh they survived police the right place the right place your life they survive they survive yes we're good we're good because we absolutely outspeed my turn cool let's freakin go what a dope battle I was not expecting to have where you get a wildfire proud of you buddy that was a delight nice battling love she clearly has a British accent I just never remembered to give her one no no no Fiddlesticks I didn't think you'd actually be able to beat me but at least you didn't get my pulse racing thanks Oh showed me a really great time in that battle I need to stop doing this this is stupid honestly my darling hubby would be the first to tell you that he and I are on the same level when it comes to our strength in battle get you beat me Michael you really are strong sure you're really knighting a new fire my darling happy and our other students let me to ask too much of you but I'm gonna ask a bit more please do carry on is a part of the master dojo family and help all our family learn and grow oh and I won't let you rest on your laurels for too long mind let's have another great battle soon all right what is it or even more watts I can give you I can just battle anytime mmm I need more watts all right guys I think that's where we're gonna wrap it up for this episode I what's going to happen on the walk I think that's we're gonna wrap it up for this episode thank you guys so much for watching I'll see you for the next one
Channel: MandJTV Plays
Views: 820,986
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mandjtv, mandjtv pokevids, gameplay, let's play, pokemon, pokemon sword and shield, pokemon sword, pokemon shield, gen 8, new pokemon, draft league, pokemon draft league, metronome battle, metronome, mbf, metronome battle federation, metronome pokemon, pokemon let's play, playthrough, best pokemon, all pokemon, nintendo pokemon, original pokemon, pikachu, greninja, charizard, pokemon switch, isle of armor, crown tundra, dlc, pokemon dlc, expansion pass, sword and shield dlc
Id: eeU3Kgb31Ag
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 23sec (1523 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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