Pokemon Emerald but every battle is extremely unfair

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the way this challenge works it's pokemon emerald but every battle is a one versus two so i get one pokemon and then they if they have more than one pokemon get to use two at the same time let's get into it right what about forced double battles uh there are one v2 all right i have a question should we be able to use items in battle yes no i'll let you guys vote the poll says no items all right we will not be using any items in battle as well scary pokemon as i don't have any pokemon okay wait what's our starter you guys want mudkip we'll pick mudkip now the first battle since there's only one pokemon to fight it's only a 1v1 because the wild zigzagoon doesn't have a friend so this will become more apparent once we get to trainers with two pokemon are double battles of 1v4 no there's still a 1v2 professor virtually added give a nickname yes we're going to nickname this at sign person who created this mod for me by the way thank you at sign i appreciate it all right wild battles are still normal because we wouldn't be able to catch pokemon otherwise just because the way the game works all right we're just gonna destroy her really quick look at this battle right here we're fighting mei she only has one pokemon so it is a 1v1 but you can tell by the stance this is a double battle but she only has one pokemon so we just have to fight it normally i lost the battle i wasn't paying attention okay fine i'll do a whiteout counter all right are you happy now that number up there the white oak counters never going up sorry all right fight tackle tackle my tackle missed my tackle two tackles missed in a row we won i beat may or did you beat me on the first try yeah i did birch you are correct now i can show you guys how this challenge works i'm pretty sure this person is two pokemon yep he has two wormpoles and i have one mudkip and they get to attack me and i can only ever attack one of them if i get earthquake it's only gonna hit one of them if they use earthquake it's only gonna hit me uh i don't think this battle will be difficult because it's two wormless but yeah why does earthquake only hit one because it makes it harder bug catcher rick i guess we we can catch pokemon whenever we want the first pokemon we catch has to be tanky we should get something with intimidate we should get gyarados then yeah where do we get the old rod duford okay i'm not gonna catch a pokemon until we hit duford just saying that now all right roxanne time okay two level 12 geodudes does she usually have two geodudes is that right in emerald she actually has two okay what is the biggest threat probably the nose wow that does a lot of damage probably the nosepass is the bigger threat i should have attacked the geodude please take it out in one hit oh do i white out here okay i'm gonna try a little bit more strategy this time we need to see if we can get like an oranberry somewhere all right attempt number two with some actual strategy though give at sign and oranberry as long as they don't get a crit we're fine here we go okay we'll take one of them out instantly i'm gonna take out the other geodude because geodude was the one that was dealing damage so i'm gonna water gun the geodude nose pass out speeds me now but the geodude won't level 16 let's go okay i think we can do this we should be fine we have the berry still tackle does nothing orenberry good she has a potion i think we still win good we got our marsh top mud shot 55 power 95 accuracy better than growl you know what i'm gonna make the rule only allowed to catch a pokemon after every badge and my next pokemon now that i can catch one is going to be magikarp ah we've landed in dewford oh you old rod man all right we got an old rod what's the highest level pokemon we can catch here 10 is the highest level i'm gonna settle for nine all right level nine we're catching it items pokeballs go good tea uh we're gonna get the exp show really quick and i'm gonna try and evolve magikarp as quickly as possible all right i delivered your letter exp share excellent using the xp share to hold good i think i'm gonna deliberately fight a lot of the trainers here because it's good exp and i've given t the exp share but also on the first slot if like if oh wait oh we're starting this gym i wasn't paying attention um the meditation is using focus punch you've got to be kidding me i'm just going to die that's another white out is it even possible to win this battle i only have one more orenberry i think we have to level up a little bit more we're gonna go to slateport we're gonna fight all the trainers on the beach you know what screw it the nature of the challenge is double battles full send if there's a double battle i'm going to try and force double battles mud shot [Music] hurt itself confusion that sound is confused just attack i'm gonna white out to a random trainer maybe not snapped out of confusion crit crit crit crit cr yes [Music] one shot it right now why does this thing go surf at level 13 we one shot it we're fine oh my god that was scary i just noticed something double battles are all in set mode it doesn't even give you the option to switch in a double battle i mean it makes sense but it's just huh one more battle i think [Music] t level 20 finally we now have a gyarados level twin t he learned bite a special move how is bite gonna help me with the gym whatever anyways let's go get badge two now all right the real attempt this time intimidate super clutch does it only intimidate one it intimidates both that's so good so we're just gonna tackle meditate because it's gonna focus punch [Music] meditate nose reflect all right meditate why did it splat let's try this again from the top boom destroyed the meditate i'm gonna tackle how much does it do that's after a reflect tackle uh this machop is absolutely gonna just solo my entire team it's just bulking up over and over again it's bulking up and then seismic tossing [Music] all right adsine takes a vital throw we munch out the maca heater to take it out oh we got a crit karate chop don't quit we're fine speed fell excellent hit me one more time so i can water gun you to take you out we can water gun and water guns should ko just barely i mean that just goes to show how hard this is we had a level 20 gyarados and a level 23 marsh tomp and i survived with one hp all right we can catch another pokemon i'm catching an aeron hey ron there we go great ball got it i'm gonna name this one skull yeah we're gonna switch strains skull because skull evolves at like level 40 something all right may time wingle and slugma i think gyarados resists all the moves that they could use the intimidate won't do much but it's fine yeah water gun you resist good and ember yawn we're just gonna bite slugma i think that's fine bite is special it is rock throw okay here's what we're gonna do they're not gonna use water gun again it's gonna use super sonic and it's gonna use rock throat never mind it yawned again but we can intimidate it so the rock throw does less yeah amber that's fine now bite t woke up bites the slug mod of death not quite never mind do i switch i think i switch wing attack not very effective rock throw not very effective let's go t comes out intimidate triggers again water gun that's a crit that sucks slug mo is kind of crippled right now i'm actually gonna bite the wingle good that prob i think we'll be at one yeah we're at one still grow vile nose absorb i'm gonna hope we out speed and bite oh that's a quick attack we're gonna headbutt slugma to try and take it out this turn and hope girl vile can't ko with one absorb it's a crit we lose [Music] we can win that save gyarados for grovile maybe yeah you're right okay we're gonna switch into ad sign mud shot slugma we took it out i'm gonna switch t in now it absorbs it wing attacks that does nothing we need to prioritize taking out the grow vial now if we can take out the grow vial we're fine that was a crit nice we are confused i'm gonna switch into skull it's okay if skull goes down pursuit did so much oh my god wingle is basically nothing now that won't ko we need to kill grovel right now we won because all we need to do is tackle now and we win and there you go all right second try third badge let's go should be an easy win just check this out we'll send an ad sign they're just gonna use two electric moves we'll be good that is not an electric move that is leer okay here's what we're gonna do we're gonna mud shot you we'll take it out in one hit we took that out good electric used howl i think magnusson is a bigger threat i'm going to mud shot that's going to do a decent amount because it howled and leered oh why does magniton outspeed me okay i'm going to have to sack tea shockwave that was a worthy sacrifice please destroy the magneton that's not going to do a lot sonic boom it misses good crit didn't matter okay we just need to take out the nectric now if we can take out monetric i think we might win because this should be a one shot on the monetric right we just got terrible luck on that one that's all okay i'm just gonna win right now because it's gonna roll out i'm gonna do this i'm gonna do that i'm gonna mud shot the magneton it's gonna howl it misses supersonic i'm gonna mud shot again and we went easy i was done throwing all right help the rock smash people out and we have strength in 80 base power 100 accuracy move that tea can learn what's the next mon oh yeah we should catch something shouldn't we because we're allowed to skarmory skarmory that was quick caught it let's go uh we're gonna name this marco water steel team steel is my favorite type why scar me specifically it's just really defensive and very cool here we go magma meteorite man maxie zubat this is fine we'll switch in t intimidate them sand attack that's annoying i'm going to switch back san attack and supersonic i'm going to switch back in i'm going to wait until they stop trying to sand attack and confuse me he's bite and he's bite let's go strength strength t fainted water gun i'll just take the confusion wait what how am i on such low health don't hit me zubat no just wait wait wait i'm going to do it this is going to be so fast don't blink we're just going to get lucky never mind water gun bomb water gun excuse magnitude magnitude breaks the game how do we win this then bro what just dealt all of my health okay water gun please okay it did not use magnitude for once we took it out okay go ahead dig dig okay this one all right gym four let's go uh we're gonna strength you they put up a light screen smog i'm gonna strengths to try and weaken it so it doesn't use magnitude good sunlight still strong will strength again it used overheat that's fine uh she's gonna try and heal it now i have to water gun yeah hopefully that does a lot that's not gonna do enough game's gonna crash she's got a magnitude it was a crit okay in that case we'll dig i hit dig dig again it missed overheat it hit overheat heck torquel she has a hyper potion we lose it's really hard playing around this magnitude i can't level up there's no pokemon to level up on trainers in the gym oh yeah there's trainers in the gym that's right i need one more level that's what i wanted dragon rage because now i can just dragon rage and just two shots everything okay let's try this again dragon rage is so good for early game all right we're ready let's see how much dragon rage does that's about the same damn it so all of that grinding was for nothing i almost said with recoil sunday's strong i will dragon rage cam erupt i think camera is high defense that's actually perfect because i can just dragon rage again and that should be basically perfect for defeating it because it has about 80 health it looks like yeah good number is taking down again that's a crit not fair it's gonna seem dumb but i'm switching to marco to take the overheat good special attack however she fell skull is going to switch in and apparently take a body slam the sunlight faded i'm a mud slap the number yeah number's going to take down and torquel is going to sunny day never mind we're gonna send in tea we dragon rage torkle numble with the sunny day that's terrible that kos the sunny day is really bad because now i can't water gun so i have to dig i'm gonna hope it takes out the torque all it might be enough with the crit it would definitely be enough we've intimidated numbel twice we win and that's it we defeated flannery [Music] all right now we can go to the fifth gym but we're able to catch another pokemon he climbs the ladder on the bike it doesn't make any sense root fossil that's the one we want yes all right i think the next one we're going to catch the baltoy yo there's a ball toy pog it's time gym number five that has four pokemon is spinda and avigaroth all right we're gonna use the marco as a safe switch in because he's gonna try and slash us yeah teeter dance that's expected apparently teeter dance hits everyone on the field fantastic for us because i could just switch we're going to intimidate again if figaroth hits himself this will be great damn it huge faint attack and they use psi beam and now i'm confused again figure out snapped out of confusion facade nice okay so now we just steel wing all right so they teeter dance vigoroth is gonna smack himself faint attack annoying uh we're gonna strength because it's gonna do more than dragon rage [Music] oh vigorous snapped out again man okay we're going to weaken vigoroth again they both use facade he'll probably go for the heel he did not go for the heel t fainted this is okay we still have at sign dig the spinda yeah it's faster what teeter dance everyone's confused we're gonna switch back into marco hopefully vigoroth hits himself never mind he's just never going to hit himself vigorous will never take damage skull comes in takes a side beam not very effective at all i'm just going to head butt and hope for the best it snapped out of confusion yeah there's a faint attack somebody uses cyber i took out the spindle there's slacking headbutt the vigoroth okay what's this other pokemon it's a line right yeah i just mud slap the slacking we take it we didn't get taken out from that luna do set up move oh my god um okay it's accuracy is lowered it's loafing around what's it gonna do facade linux outspeeds everything that i have bro what the hell let's evolve skull i think i'm so far away from pokemon that are good to train on you're really going after slow evolving pokemon yeah it's just i want a cool team i use daycare i like i could i guess skull marco yes all right skull elevated skull evolves at level 32. there we go no more stupid grinding wait did they get rid of steel wing you got to be kidding me skarmory learns that gen 3 emerald you learn stealing at level 32. it's okay we'll just be terrible for a bit here we go all right so we started with the intimidate we switch in skull they're gonna slash they're gonna facade it's gonna do nothing i will iron tail they're gonna use faint attack does nothing irontail hits of course ooh baby their defense fell we iron tail the vigorot this time boom does metal claw finish that off metal claw it does not finish it off we're gonna metal claw it i missed a metal claw and we've been teeter danced vigorous finished itself off let's go slacking comes out i hurt myself good fusion classic we iron tail bomb slacking faint attacks skull is still confused skull hurt itself confusion but they confuse slacking let's go slacking is still loafing around skull stop hitting yourself skull died well that's fine we're going to send in t now and now we're going to send in marco and now i'll send in t stop teeter dancing i just don't want to be confused okay everyone is confused there's no reason to teeter dance what the [ __ ] why stop finally we can now attack the slacking freely we use strength dragon rage it's confused that yawned me too teeter dance you know what i don't care dragon rage we'll get lucky dragon rage let's go we took out slacking we're gonna send an ad sign rock smash the link oh oh oh oh i was confused okay marco fit yourself hit yourself yes that's dead we win rock smash and we just barely won that spindle was awful all right we finally have surf and now just a reminder spread moves hit one pokemon i cannot hit both at the same time i just making sure you guys know that's how it works you can't just ko everything super easy now that we defeated another gym we're gonna go get the fossil we got the leap let's go and destroy gym six now i'm not putting the exp sure on lillip until sprite evolves play-doh is dope but not good it's gonna be good in this challenge because it's so bulky we teach clyde all toxic cosmic power recover it'd be so dumb how good it is recover is an egg move though wait is it actually an egg move it never learns recover i've been raising up this stupid sprite for nothing what the heck it's like literally my highest level pokemon screw this we're gonna go and replace the pokemon check credit moveset ingrain plus stockpile is pretty good i will give it that stockpile doesn't have defense and special defense buffs in this gen nevermind yeah we're just not gonna use lily i'm sorry we need to find two new pokemon because i'm not using these two so guess what we're gonna get we're gonna get an egg and we're gonna get a freaking why not i'm gonna name this banana all right now we just need to level up a little bit honestly i'm just gonna try and get the badge right now i'm not like really ready for it because i dumped all those pokemon but like let's just go for it winona has five pokemon oh my god i think the biggest threat right now is probably tropius actually they're not gonna be able to do anything to marco i can just fly tropius fly destroy the tropius good helper sound attack uh all pokemon will faint in a few turns all right the game may crash here she withdrew both of her pokemon and there's the game freezing we're not going to count that as a white out all right in that case we just have to take out suabloo there we go we're switching marco uh no i want to fly the tropius that was a crit nice i'm gonna swift oh no she's gonna heal got rid of her potion there there we go she sends in her own skarmory hmm santa oh that one has kenai of course that one has kenai i think i'm just gonna surf the skarmory with gyarados yeah cause pelipper is just gonna protect skarmory special defense is awful so it's gonna do all that was a crit it's not fair man unless i get a crit then it's fair how am i gonna deal with pelipper wow i'm so sorry banana but you're dead it's just gonna water gun me again isn't it this is stupid the pelipper is such a problem banana i'm gonna shrink banana up a little bit all right here we go i have a level 33 28 32 29 and 24 and this is the sixth badge at least intimidate works uh we're gonna fly the tropius beer move good swab blue sucks we can keep it alive trophies you sunny day it's gonna solar beam now fly good okay we took out tropius we can't fly the peloper because it just knows it's protect we're just gonna have to spam swift that's annoying i'm gonna switch to t we're gonna strength the pelipper supersonic mist they send in their own skarmory i'm going to switch into my own skarmory he's going to sand attack it mirror moves we're switching into t to get the intimidates i'm gonna switch again here we go we lowered its attack twice it uses paris song uh i can surf the scar marie now perish count fell to two we can surf one more time perish the skarmory before and then if we can defeat the skarmory beforehand apparently i felt the one i think she switches out suabloo first i'm i'm gonna take the fall and so swablu faints as well no oh that's annoying she swaps first then she gets the swablu back in for free and t goes down and i don't get to do the intimidate oh no i guess i just have to fly altaria it's dumb it went for earthquake earthquake doesn't affect me winona with the big brain i think i'm going to spam sand attacks to oh she used paris song we win let's go marco faints go skull swab blues parish count fell to zero it would have been winona okay well that one was way better bird brain winona okay yeah magma hideout time time to beat maxie why does he have level 40s so i'm going to intimidate until crobat is useless and then i'm going to defeat the pokemon on the right crowbat knows bite and i flinched yes miss yes no bro i'm just gonna headbutt this because i have plus two attack camera flinched stupid please let's be camera that's gonna do nothing i intimidated it like a million times this should ko yes if i don't flinch i didn't even need to torrent we won maxi is three pokemon that's it yeah we should get a new team member i just i don't know who i want to catch yo you know what we're going to get a [ __ ] andrea we're going to name it deadshot oh here we go that shot go to level 20. that shot of opening ninja and now we have a [ __ ] engine that we need to rename that shot and now uh this gym is going to be a little bit more difficult now the thing about this gym is that this gym is actually designed to be done in a 2v2 so the pokemon have synergy with each other and they have a team designed for doubles so i'm just gonna hope we win we'll see what happens tayden liza they're level 41 how have i got this far what the hell zatu just setting up clay dolls using earthquake wasting its time that was a crit by the way i don't know why they keep spamming earthquake but i'm fine with it another crit for me please nope is that to you psychic it's just gonna one-shot my whole team now if we just leave the clay doll we live in crit ah she heals now sand attack played i'll use psychic for once wait a minute i don't think oh played all his ancient power is that to you sunny day plate i'll use earthquake i can take that hey banana all right destiny bond no like unless this crits no i have one more idea the idea is to not be dumb anymore we need to miracle and zatu needs a psychic [Music] that doesn't even ko quick law location gen 3. all right new strategy it's a one in five chance to work but if it does we win the battle banana first turn counters the earthquake takes out clay doll easy the next turn lead a quick claw destiny bond we got the quick claw we outsped that means that turn we got the quick law and that you use psychic [Music] toxic location pokemon gen 3. okay we got toxic okay we're gonna destiny bond that's not gonna ko we get a dusty bond this turn good psychic again yes all right marco take the psychic yep sand attack you gonna turn you psychic the next pokemon is also gonna have to take a psychic at sign we hope lunatone uses com9 now sawrock is gonna use solar beam yep please skull is gonna have to take a psychic oh no that's so bad i think they're gonna use flamethrower t needs to take one attack and yeah we we're slower so we wait t out speeds we win because yeah now all we need to do is hit a toxic we hit a toxic we won because toxin kills this turn let's go badge number seven i have no idea how this steven battle is gonna work where it makes you team up with steven you're gonna help me let's go into battle together yes all right hey sorry but you're cheating steven bye oh this is what i get all right let's go deal with steven because that's not fair we need to destroy steven so it's a 1v2 basically this battle is a 1v3 pretty much dig methane yo give me the boost let's go don't get confused and we're good i heard yourself in confusion damn it dude take out the met tank stop destroying yourself everything is trying to fight me including myself apparently snapped out of confusion there we go all right i destroyed i did not destroy methane what the hell i actually i'm just i'm literally trying to destroy the methane and it's not working i can't iron tail the egg run die eggron's dead let's go god this is gonna take forever iron tail discard marie medical asgardi no i couldn't do anything to stop him steven won the 1v3 all right the world is in chaos let's go talk to rayquaza all right i'm going to hold the pole now do i catch rayquaza you get to choose all right 60 said yes so we're going to catch rayquaza do i use rayquaza damn it i have to catch it but i can't use it i should not have held a second poll i can't use it by 15 votes all right brown and i okay i named it after the 15 people that were the swing for the vote so i have an idea for this gym and if it works it's gonna be absolutely hilarious i don't think he has any pokemon that are super effective oh well that's annoying as long as it doesn't hit itself we're fine [Music] new plan take out love disc and then switching should ninja strength you good all right the moment of truth water pulse we avoided the damage toxic whiskers use rain dance celio use encore did we just win it's not switching encore i could i can just do this all day yeah toxic whisk cash as long as it doesn't have ice beam ice isn't super effective double team just in case wait maybe this can hit with skash water pulse crawdant leer might as well just continue double teaming just in case they do have a move toxic kindred kingdom just double teams as long as i hit it with the toxic we're good we just win wait what how did it kindred is the only pokemon left does it have shed skin or something i'm just gonna sand attack it a million times so i can't hit the rest of my team strength damn it bite bite bite we win second try let's go oh you know what time it is now it's bagon time let's go catch a bag on who are we gonna replace probably deadshot honestly deadshot is effectively useless now it was only good for the eighth gym beg on baby please stay in the ball we're gonna name it bacon now we do need to level up bacon like a lot we'll probably try and get everything up to like level 50 before actually trying the elite four maybe stronger than that we'll see yeah victory road time uh we have a hard battle immediately because we have to fight our rival there he is all right wow we're still under leveled oh i'm paralyzed that is disgusting i'm paralyzed oh my god marco use the four restore just fly atari is dragon dancing del caddy what oh assist doesn't work we should reset it's going to crash good to know all right uh we need to take out that before it uses assist or else it breaks the challenge mirror we're paralyzed again bro uh the game's about to crash i used assist wait it might have fixed itself it fixed itself let's go dig you yep i'm gonna switch to marco i'm seated that's fine we'll one shot the roselia how did it fix itself no clue i'm not gonna question it we're gonna fly the gardevoir never mind what if we just strengthen the gardevoir and then we strength the altaria and then strength the altario can you stop using healing items and then we'll surf the altaria that's the best i can do when we defeated wally we made it all right what level does ad sign learn earthquake 52 let's level this up to 52 really quick honestly what i'm kind of tempted to do is beat the elite four in like one go like without save scumming at all all right here we go at sign level 52 and earthquake get rid of dig let's go i would like to level up the other pokemon or at least get them some slightly better moves all right here's our final team for now going into the elite four we have t the gyarados silk scarf surf dragon dancer earthquake strength it's called the agron metal claw iron tail roll out brick break at sign surf earthquake muddy water ice beam salomons flame through our head by dragon claw fly marco swift fly ceiling aerialists banana miraco decibond encore counter that's everybody quick claw and banana by the way all right let's do this wait wait one thing we need to do he doesn't have any dark moves but now he looks cool we have to do this all in one go i'm not doing any saves in between battles we got to do it all the way through let's go skulls got the brick break although we were just intimidated we're going to switch in bacon because they're just going to use a grass move we're gonna intimidate them right back double team and sand attack we're gonna switch into t sand attack that's fine we're gonna switch back into skull now extra sensory doesn't do much crunch doesn't do much i'm just gonna roll out the mighty ana i think because it'll be stronger than brick break very very quickly never mind they're gonna sand attack me that's annoying my attack is really high though they did swagger me if i can get through this we'll be fine broke out of confusion and i hit the mighty ana good double theme and sand attack just awful okay brick break shift tree with a double team whatever we missed it used needle arm that took us out we're gonna send in bacon bacon is just gonna flamethrower the cacturn [Music] good absol i think it's not gonna take a dragon claw very well they used swords dance i don't think i could survive this yeah good pradant is next uh i need to take out this crawdon immediately though fly the crud on and you're dead and now we just need to hit the shift tree once wait we have aerial ace i forgot read like a book dude six double teams for nothing shiftery just wasted your time elite four sydney down it's one done now the one thing about this next battle is that we don't have any super effective moves i'm just gonna try dragon dancing and see what happens shadow ball if they're just gonna shadow ball that's only physical moves i can just switch between my two intimidate months and they'll do nothing it used curse that's annoying i can't set up any more on it i think i just have to earthquake the but now i don't think banette has levitate does it yeah yeah they were gonna take me out if i dragon danced okay now bacon comes out we'll just dragon claw uh we can now dragon claw the banette lost all its pp due to grudge whatever we're gonna fly the sableye that has ice beam skull comes in and i'm just gonna start the rollouts on dusk claps okay that's fine what if i just destiny bond save light takes itself out we send it at sign hits me with a shadow ball my special defense fell shadow ball is a physical move my attack is higher so i hit the net with the earthquake earthquake again earthquake again she's spamming items to heal with that's annoying aerialist banette he has ice beam but we are relays and we are realize and we win there we go now this one's going to be interesting because they only have water or ice moves for the start so if i can set up with t i'm just going to try setting up uh dragon dances here we go intimidate dragon dance what are they gonna do icy wind hail gonna dragon dance again okay we need to take out the one that's gonna body slam us we did not one shot the celia and we're paralyzed god that is the worst case scenario they're at full health lie marco's down they're only going to use special moves so i think i'm just going to mirror coat good i think we can take one more no we're going to destiny bond here we go took down glaily banana took down two can bacon take down anything in this why did that ice ball go through we're just gonna have to dragon claw this celio it'll take down one of them celio's attack mist oh my god celes blizzard okay that actually didn't do too much uh we're gonna roll out the wall rain just after earthquake the wall rain hope we ko hey you sheer cold was some awful luck man yeah we're just running it back that's all i can really do at this point say before glacier gnaw i'm sitting before the first one and never doing again dragon dance dragon dance god why does it always it's just forcing me to record me into dragon dance i did no damage let's go i'm not in toward range maybe it'll miss a sheer cold or something [Music] if this explodes and this brick break goes off we could win crit quit please please please please this might work actually she didn't heal as long as this hits holy sh did i actually win anyways please tell me eyewitness oh my god use hail we finally won two more battles now i think for the start i literally just have to open with bacon and just dragon claw away okay shotgun is going to protect so we're going to dragon claw altaria they use dragon dance please tell me without speed dragon breath oh my god we were paralyzed we took it out though super effective that's fine we send out at sign add sign ice beams flygon we take out flygon kingdra comes out we earthquake kendra we earthquake kingdra again hopefully it doesn't kao me it uses smokestream don't bear we didn't nurse we took it out we shrank the salamance strike this elements again i wanted to switch out so i got rid of the um smoke screen so i can hit an ice beam as long as this doesn't kill come on yes no i'm in a mirror coat that will kale that will we just need a mirror code again drake's down okay what's what's uh wallace's team waylord tentacruel ludicolo wiscash gyarados milotic waylord and tentacruel clear body i think i just earthquake tentacruel first turn and this is toxic it's gonna try and toxic again won't it i'm gonna earthquake so water spout doesn't hit whatever it did i think it missed a blizzard we're gonna earthquake again sludge bomb i reduce its attack i'm poisoned didn't eat the tactic blizzard hits oh that'll kill that didn't ko i'm gonna earthquake waylord and it'll be crippled because it'll have blizzard and waterspout and that's it like it only has two more blizzards and waterspouts gonna do nothing so if i just leave it on the left we'll be fine i hate this though i really hope this ko is tantra cruel oh i don't know what it's going to be it's going to be blizzard or water spout yes okay good blizzard needs to miss what it out speeds and blizzard hurts um freeze it has gigaj i'm gonna scream that was a crit you've gotta be kidding me i literally just can't win now i'm just going to go through a bunch of times we're just going to fight them a bunch to level up do you think you do they more white outs we're going to do it with eight more whiteouts maximum i'm not going to let it go more than that i'm gonna level up gyarados if we level up t to the point where like uh one dragon dance can sweep through like a team that'll help a lot if t is like nine levels stronger that would be enough and you guys didn't let me use rayquaza we could have been done this three hours ago if you guys let me use rayquaza but no you wanted me to show my skill of running back and forth in victory road for three extra hours yo it's level 60. okay let's do it full send i'm just gonna speedrun it ice beam salamance nice ice beam shell gone nice whoever told me you could ice beam thank you now we just need to get lucky and it needs to miss a few blizzards basically don't screw me again just give me good luck just one battle tentacle down good yes that's what we want to see we do not want to see ludicolo rain dance good now we set up dragon dance as melodic tries to toxic please yes now waylord blizzard's miss you strength to weaken that uh i don't know how to feel about that just yet we dragon dance i think we have to earthquake melodic and hope it ko's high ruler crit please i should just earthquake twice i should research quite twice that sign can still come out that might be out of healing range it is waylord uses blizzard is going to use blizzard again is the question do i need to let ad sign go down now because it's just going to giga drain i could pivot with skarmory hope it doesn't use blizzard rain dance giga drain i could fly actually that would waste pp oh my god please ko luniko lod sped because of swift swim [Music] yeah what that doesn't know what happened that ko'd before did i get a crit last time no he's using double team please hit i need it to hit yes that should kill [Music] water spot dish nothing my attack was lowered no it's gonna dragon dance we need to dragon claw right now wait gyarados use surf after dragon dancing wait a minute we might be able to take out no no no [Music] i think atlan can take a hit yeah what's our hp at no we're just over a third i have to ice beam then that's not going to be enough is it please yes is this it what do i do to whisk ash it's raining isn't it we're in toronto range we surf we surf this will ko this has to ko [Music] the crib i think we win we earthquake let's go with 69 wide outs just barely 12 hours 21 minutes pokemon emerald but every battle is a freaking 1v2 and now we get to hear the best credits theme this challenge is way cooler than i expected this might be one of my favorite challenges let's see the team that did it t level 61 marco skarmory 52 at sign swampert 63 bacon the salamance level 55 it's called the agron level 56 and banana the wubba fat level 54. a pretty cool team how many in-game hours 56 not including the resets oh i have a newfound hatred for wallace my god thank you so much for watching today bye
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 2,835,735
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon, smallant, smallant1, challenge, pokemon challenge, is it possible, emerald, pokemon emerald, rse, unfair, 1v2
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 55sec (2875 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 04 2022
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