Can the Best Pokemon Nuzlocker stop my Nuzlocke?

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today I am playing Pokemon emeralds but Pokemon challenges self-proclaimed best nuzlocker in the world is going to control all of the other trainers he will be able to make any decision he likes he'll be able to use any Pokemon they have any items they have at his discretion should we say hello to Pokemon challenges what uh just so so my chat knows who you are if they're not aware what uh what kind of stuff do you do my name's Pokemon challenges so um I I naturally play a lot of Pokemon challenges but I've never done a hardcore in oslock before the rule you guys need to care about is if my Pokemon faints they're dead I'll explain more rules as they come up I've been thinking a lot about this one it's really interesting um because so much of nuzlocking is AI Control and AI prediction and knowing how the AI works the strategy is completely different because yeah like you would just expect the AI to do something and in this one I can't expect anything you can go crazy with it which is the best for a Nuzlocke it's probably not this one or this one right because the someone didn't watch my tier list video uh well here's the thing it's completely different when it's against another person you know what this is not gonna be a strategic decision but I'm picking this one oh I'm gonna be able to tell from the cry you will yeah that's Mudkip okay yep I may have picked Mudkip that's the only Advantage you get is you can hear what's going on yeah I was thinking okay what what is the best Pokemon to pick it's for sure much good it is vodka yeah Swampert has like it only has a grass weakness and there's like two grass trainers in the entire game plus like the Rival fights okay I'll just need to avoid them I'm probably not gonna google anything by the way although that's like the optimal play I think it'll be more interesting if I go into a lot about sure not knowing what to expect what's a combination of Adrian and at sign what do you guys think gotta name it after them add sign is good I don't know let's stick with this so there's a level cap I can't get past a certain level what is that level cap for gm1 do you know I believe it's 15. 15 yeah okay that's actually not too bad you wanna tell Chad about the rare candies yeah so I have unlimited rare candies and Max repels but there is a level cap so you guys won't see any grinding today I totally forgot about that thank you for reminding me I'm gonna go grab that I'm so glad I got everyone on the rare candy train for Nuzlocke specifically specifically for nuzlocke's I'll do it but anything else it's so much nicer by the way 99 rare candies will definitely not be enough no you don't think that'll be enough absolutely not a level 100 Mudkip can't be level five right now I guess for the for this fight but like eventually you'll run oh yeah yeah I'll grab more when I need them all right you ready to level your level two for this yeah I think this this will work I think I think I'm I'm set here okay I'm excited small ant wants to battle Yeah I do want to battle I could technically lose this if I miss my tackles oh God am I gonna lose on the first battle you got a good level Advantage I do I figured two levels would be enough this could do like 50. oh yeah you'll be fine I am faster your tackle can miss that's like what I think I have as an advantage here oh yeah never mind I got this okay after a leer unless I missed like two five percents in a row three five percent I don't know yeah there's no way I lose this there's just no way with Lira it did three damage yeah I got a good uh IV mud kit oh yeah what nature are you I'm not gonna tell you that uh true yeah that's good for my calculator I'm not giving you that information I assume this gives me literally the Pokemon of the opponents with their IVs and make sure that they have it exactly you also have the items they have I wonder what my nature is Chad let's chat oh my God what does that do I'm just trying to intimidate him I won't say what it is but it's not a bad one all right yep it's okay Chad it's like all right I guess I probably encounter here huh I really hope that there's something good here I wanted a wing goal for the gym leader could have been you won't want wingle I mean wingle the water type is good for the geodudes but this has intimidate oh my goodness wait a minute yeah I have a question yeah what's up so I can only catch the first Pokemon in each route right yes what is the rule if I happen to run into a Shiny Pokemon like kill it or a lot of nuzlocks do shiny claws where if you find shiny you can just catch and use it yeah that's funny I have a version of shiny claws if I run into a shiny and I already have that Pokemon I may catch the shiny and replace the Pokemon on my team with the shiny okay all right I'll name it this chat because yeah I I did just catch a shiny have you gotten pokerists in any of your runs before I have I think in two different runs I got poke rust I noticed the text once was longer I was like what the heck was that it's really rare yeah like one in 25 on it like twice in any of my runs do I do the encounter before or after I'm gonna do the encounter after just because just for fun here we go I can't go past level 15 in chat which is why I'm being so careful with the levels he doesn't know that he could easily level all of his Pokemon with candies to 13 or maybe even 14 right now and be completely fine oh we're fighting we are fighting you and I right now you got a poochiana and I got a shiny oh you do it wait what the [ __ ] that's so crazy yeah all right all right level eight versus level five What's It Gonna damn I'm gonna need you to miss some tackles here miss nope that's not more than some tackles it's okay he low rolls here oh my God I did low roll no Eddie critz here okay no crit no crate a that feels so good for gym one that is huge for gym one is it IX or YX chat there we go I have a familiar face for you I'm so excited it's too easy to use the candies you never need to challenge the trainers would you rather I just fight wild Pokemon for an hour that's what the people want to say that's what they want to see yeah I'm pretty sure not that I can really use that I can't why I know where all of the hidden items are but none of them are useful I didn't realize that until now speedrunners were really good at knowing where like all the items aren't so it's really interesting I guess it's battle time okay oh God I actually walked into this trainer I'm scared all right it's okay we got we got we got strategy we got strategy what do I go for chat I am a higher level than you I'm not giving you the satisfaction no you forfeited the only way to win is to not play all right I forgot about this encounter too all right okay I have a question because whenever like when we were fighting the Wormhole earlier in Route One people were saying dust stocks prage why is it because it like learns confusion or something for Jim too that's really good for Jim too yeah I think people are overrating it a little bit but it's it's really decent for Jim too my fingers are crossed you tell from the silhouette which one's gonna be him yes it's the right one this is the one we wanted yeah you should be scared I'm quaking at my boots all right I just need to get one more encounter he's not doing encounter routing chat LMAO No I can't get that hmm that is so good for this freaking gym you [ __ ] mute so I wouldn't hear a cry what do you mean uh I do have two Pokemon so I will get into a double battle I just realized I think this I think this is fine chat right the thing is the mindset I need to get into especially for these double battles I don't need to win the fights I need to kill something yeah guess what you're actually two people right now fun fact oh sick I love it when that happens oh they're only level six okay never mind do I growl here chat I wonder what the play is I I think I just need to try to somehow get a kill with bide and the idea of growl would be like okay that means he can't kill the CDOT in like one hit and maybe bite will go through I think growl is the play so much to think about here these Pokemon [ __ ] suck I'm not gonna lie bro yeah I mean they're level six you didn't use bide wow I I know CDOT is like it always uses bite every single time I get into the battle it's just bye bye bye it's actually like killed one of my Pokemon before oh wait a minute oh wait I didn't use it it doesn't have priority engine three yeah okay yeah I think this is I think if you play it right you should always win yeah always come on finish okay good all right I need to get one item before we hit the gym chat if you've watched a lot of yawns content it will all make sense yep he knows what I'm getting damn it I do I can't tell that's the trainer School Musical yeah okay now which Pokemon am I giving the quick plot to I guess I'll find out I could catch another one so I bring six in but like I think from what I've seen from your team you're pretty well equipped for this yeah I think I'm I will probably do all right in this gym okay I'm just got a few more levels I'm just really I'm making sure that I don't uh no I get it you're nervous it's okay yeah it's well you're real good Onyx says the quick claw we're gonna give Oran Berries to everyone else who do I give bullet seed to chat do I give it to Onyx or brogate I'm not sure yeah I think we're gonna go with this one good all right I think we're ready for this gym I think I'll be okay I think I will switch turn one I'll do some calcs yeah yeah I got this no problems oh [ __ ] berries oh no I forgot dude that's my I do that so often very good I will prepare for five hours so like okay I need this I need this or this I press a on the gym leader and immediately remember something I should have done all right all right all right all right best play here is definitely this okay he withdraws into resting switching out I see why is that um so fun fact you've never heard about this before but her second Geodude I just realized is actually slower than our first year did okay okay an interesting we'll see if that matters wait how how much is it like a one point difference it's a two-point difference one is nine speed the other is 11. that's actually I think bigger than I thought depending on your low tab speed this is going to matter for Speed drops okay all right we're gonna get the five hits uh and two crits during those five hits actually no I think if I [ __ ] once it's only five you know what you'll see it then check this damage this is gonna be checking yeah here's the one hit here's the two hit here's the three hit unfortunate Miss Good Start good start yeah really good it that actually just does not matter because uh I have a quick claw true I'm also dead to forehead now I believe you are I'm not dead to three hit though the problem is the Citrus Berry Products at the end of the turn it will not Park between bullet seed hits so you might just completely bypass it here that's Emerald kaiso strats or you do a little bit of damage first and then you do more damage later to bypass the berry yeah I was planning on doing that for sure yeah yeah no I know I do I'm in a bullet seed and maybe you hope he um I think we win if we spam absorb still as long as he doesn't use block I think absorb is the best play because if you use a potion then bullet seed is just not enough we'll absorbing them bullets eat I think that's gonna process Oren no we use Rock tomb I think potion was his best play yeah quick loaded not proc no good damage the quick Club did not product no you got I still got a Hyrule fun fact ooh interesting choice very interesting so this product's my berry it totally does need a bull seat there like he did that basically did nothing so peel him a little bit I'm not sure if he's at less or more Health now okay we're risking it I'm risking everything let's hope he doesn't potion yeah okay this is fine at any crit as long as you don't crit here this is show me the forehead four four please please give me four one two oh come on come on come on get the forehead get the forehead get the fork no okay I got another to it this is ridiculous here's the question chat I potion right he knows I switch here if he switches potion is really good he's gonna use block probably to try and trap one of my Pokemon in we we get out sped now I don't think I potion because here's the thing if he stays in and hopes for the rock tomb 80 of the time I just kill lotad does he potion here I just realized if I potion a lot of the times I just go back down to 10 HP and achieve nothing and if he switches and I rock to him I can still push him the next turn I think potion is just bad here I think I have to attack if he potions here I should absorb I could get the quick clop hop good luck I'm just um one in five for the quick club pop if I get the quick club pop I would just beat it if you use a potion torrent put me in a torrent you coward do it yes I believe I have no plays this just out speeds both nose pass and Geodude I'm pretty sure we just win now water gun two shots I don't think we lose now I mean I got a potion okay so max efficiency is to not potion this turn and rather Rock to him so let's do that because I only heal 19 here if I potion instead of 20. I don't think water gun is going to KO so we go for the mud slap to try and reduce his accuracy to prevent this next Rock Doom from hitting okay okay yeah yeah come on this is this is still fine this is still fine does he potion here he did 14 oh my God I'm in crit range I think we just water gun now we just water gun he's 100 going water gun here right he has to okay that's your last potion correct cred no miss miss okay thank God you didn't quit uh I'm not even touring am I oh no he didn't even bring me to torrent range yeah I think the berry saves you not if I get crit if I get crit we're dead only thing I can do is hope for a crit please don't quit please don't quit please no crit please do not quit don't do it oh okay [Music] God that was terrifying he could still kill something if he gets a crit how's HP do you have left uh yeah let's break out the ruler less less than a third you can break out the ruler if you really want to though all right I don't think it matters what do I do here I think he has to switch right but I think he just go long brand this one yeah I think this is the right play well and because you told me your geodude's exact speed stat I know I outspeed true I should have done that thank you well played thank you that was terrifying two bullet scenes two man although that oh that's literally one HP doesn't matter but if you crit here oh never mind sturdy what not in my gen three that's literally sturdy here I got one I gotta I got a badge sick yes that was a question I thought it would be all right time to get a bunch of X items you allow those right no healing items in battle but X items are fine yeah I don't know about that one I don't know about that one I guess this is my encounter huh I know that crime I feel like it's not the best encounter to get in this area I'll be honest probably not here we go sub to Alpha because he's not sub to Alpha red how do you do that you pause the game you open the Pokemon menu and then do you just walk screw it no fear nice it's okay it's just youngster Johnson look at the Shroomish yeah look at this Shroomish this could be really annoying oh it was only level eight what am I doing that okay all right dude does that lock me to uproar yes it does it's like one of the worst Moves In Those lies it's fine as long as he doesn't have like Leaf seat or something it'll be okay you're level eight I'm not gonna lose a Pokemon to a level H roommate yeah okay so it's a slight level diff yeah oh my God I almost got into a second battle Bring It On grunt I super have to reprogram my brain because it's never about winning the battle it's about winning the war right killing one Snipes even if it's just like going for like low chance stuff that like can maybe kill something I don't think that's gonna be the case I'll be honest oh Oh you mean like that I just have to play for my for the conditions that can maybe get me something uh-huh I won't switch I'll I won't okay you're really gonna switch on the one level 11 puccino you're that scared I mean if I can't hit you you know I'm just not no I'm not gonna switch it's fine it's just a level 11 puccia it's like you said it's yeah you were never worried there ever I was never concerned despite the Rival for dominance true there's a royal foot here I I don't know what the if I knew what the Rival had I would do it uh wait what oh um no I do not want to have a battle I'm lucky I thought you might smash through it what encounters do I get in the cave I'm pretty sure different floors have different encounters and I I know you know this yep I'm pretty sure the bottom floor has the highest chance for Sableye I could be wrong but logically that makes sense so I'm gonna go to the bottom floor it's not great but it's not great it's one of my favorite Pokemon but for the Nuzlocke it's really not good what do you think he got Chad there's a Sableye that would be upsetting oh good idea we're gonna get soft sand I said these two I think it might be these two if you go to the beach [Music] no I'm trying to figure out what the sounds where you are right now this is such a fun minigame now what did I just get you get one guess if you guessed it I'll tell you that if you're right or not silk scarf nope can stable I learn cut the [ __ ] up this is a genuine question yes I can sweet oh that was air on your teaching [ __ ] why does it cry why is a sable light I mean if you had a stable eye it would just be over for me yeah well can you just not hit me if I have a say blood are we running into into gym trainers I hope not all right all right that would be a terrible thing all right um uh is it right or left ah all right are you ready I'm so [ __ ] ready I'm nervous I'm doing it I'm doing it I'm doing it it's time Brolly oh you're right I should have given it that item ah what the [ __ ] oh foreign pilot so I think we just need to Max damage seismic toss this because this is the most damage we can possibly do to this dust dogs the only way we can force it out is if we like actually start doing damage to it I don't know let's just do this this is probably the optimal play we'll see I think the only time meditite is gonna be useful like I can set up screens with it but it's really mid right I have no idea what this Machop knows I'm hoping only fighting moves fingers crossed it's only fighting moves like if something is low HP after after a battle and I can force a switch he maybe doesn't know that it only has Focus punch and then we go for the focus punch and hit something I I think we just go for the seismic toss here okay what did he use like probably not bulk up what would he use then I don't know that doesn't one judge oh oh you have Ah that's bad so we're dead to the next confusion we could switch to meta Titan now what is the best play for you to do here huh if we switch to meta Titan now we potion Machop once we throw out the light screen and we go from there I think I just need to just confusion right unless he like tries to pee pee stall oh I never considered that [Music] if I light screen first I take less damage if I potion first I get more light screen turns I'm gonna potion first I'm gonna gig at Chad I'm Giga chatting right now if he uses confusion this is the right play there's no way he predicts only an idiot would do that and if it uses confusion I think we have to switch into Onyx I think Onyx is the best play I've made my selection okay so this low Ted has fake out I think I think I want a light screen but he's gonna fake out I'm gonna take free damage so he's probably most likely to fake out and then bullet seed I'll try to get up a light screen I guess maybe I can bait a switch after the light screen and I'll throw out a random Focus punch all right let's do this okay what's he gonna do what is it doesn't matter didn't switch oh that's some juicy and now what the problem is I didn't consider the fact that I might just die he can kill me here if he rolls Heim four hits is enough he needs four hits to kill meditate we do have bullet seed we also have astonish astonish will do the same amount of damage but it could Flinch well let's see this is the best move here if he goes for anything else he's ending with my spec so much higher I think we go bullet seed okay I chose my move oh never mind please yeah you need four please please please please please please please come on come on yes yes come on yes it's huge that is pretty big what were you trying to use there uh light screen oh that would have been massive yeah it was a bit greedy I knew you were faking out the turn one so I kind of wanted to switch the makuhita but I figured I could probably get a light screen up or any of the screen just massive makuhito uses bulk up here 100 of the time right the thing is I don't really want to bulk up well the first does a lot of damage but it's it's probably gonna three shot and like bullets also probably gonna three shot I guess I have a berry and still have a citrus uh actually if he doesn't bulk up then shiny just dies that would be stupid I also has a guaranteed 3ko and if we put reversal in there too I'm just gonna force him to switch eventually him wait no he has uh vital throw he's always gonna crit so intimidate doesn't matter we just switch it to Pilot right if I bulk up once vital throw probably is a two at Ko I think I'll bulk up once all right this is tough okay I'm hoping you didn't do something that was the something I hoped you didn't do very cool it might not matter if we get the confusion that would be huge I have no outs here he completely out damages me and should be a 4K after burying we quad resist because we're poison bug so I get three hits in a final throw that's like 30 damage uh you know what there's also reversal yeah we just gotta attack circle throw always crit vital thread oh vital throw never misses oh I misremembered oh I should have that would have been so funny that was a little roll no crit please don't crit please don't quit please don't cry please oh wait what wait why is that a 2ko I mean I'd only Forex resist but he's a plus one my calc has this at doing like 35 to 40. why was that a straight up to KO did six damage 24 18. yeah actually you know that lines up I guess my stats aren't that good and his are pretty good he should probably arm thrust he has to just arm thrust now right and hope for a crits reversal here I need to be a 12 hp or below for reversal to be more than vital Throne arm thrust is his best play because he has more chances to crit I'm thrust Hyrule I don't think it matters I die in Two Hits I'm first Hyrule isn't even enough damage yeah confusion always goes in two so I think I think we're fine here I don't think he has any way to win I still have seismic toss on my chop him I can get a crit here maybe okay let's see what he does oh it was a Hyrule uh oh this might be really good for us we can reversal now this is huge great does 12. but I have the Oren Berry yes that's so good okay there's no way he wouldn't just attack again right I think we win this yeah we just we just straight win this now he was like no way I think we got a reversal good luck this is this is tough good luck wait what is that oh [ __ ] yeah dude thank you I had a reversal reversal yeah I didn't even like one there oh if I got a low roll there oh oh that was actually really clutch that would have been crazy it wouldn't have killed you but it it puts you into assessment cost range yeah exactly like that would have killed potentially killed the Pokemon I mean and you have a potion left too yeah exactly now now I feel What It's Like on the other side of the Nuzlocke when the nuzlocker gets lucky man this sucks GG there's no way out yeah reversible to put you into seismic test range I've made it further than I expected if I win this do I get to call myself the best and I was Locker in the world or how's that work if you win the whole run yeah well could we like be like tied enough to uh you'll talk to the council yeah I have to talk to the naslock validation Council first ah okay okay I have an idea I have to do this and speed up because I don't want them knowing that I'm doing this I wanted to surprise him oh [ __ ] I was unmuted I'm still gonna surprise him Goldeen there and are you fishing somewhere no you did just catch something I did just literally the only route that you could go to catch something would be to fish something so is it a Goldeen could be do I fish here like actually I'll just fish here script doing more fishing I'm assuming you're gonna get Magikarp and I think you can also get a tentacles somewhere else so you can make sure to pick those up Tanner yeah I'm sure a Magikarp is gonna be great for the gym hey what's your least favorite Pokemon the middle evolution of gothatel I forgot what it's called goth Arena I need something for the starter because it's a Grovyle yeah I don't know I guess one count or something that could actually do with the starter that's also going to be good for the the other gym too don't mind me just catching my encounter I've got the encounter can you name this gun g-o-m gong it doesn't learn any good moves does it for the lava level 20 though which is cool I think this will go well I'm gonna be honest okay there is this double battle and you just have a little baby I think wow that's that's a great yeah great matchup you know what ah I'm going to choose to not give you these Speedy bees really you're forfeiting yeah oh no fair enough strategic forfeit forfeits every battle until the end yeah yeah why don't you just forfeit the Rival Battle just don't give me any EVS I can't remember what you opened with the speed artist play as a girl because they open with is it because they opened with Slugma or because they don't want Slugma I they don't want Slugma because of the burn I think we'll open with that oh here we go it's time it's a Slugma damn it it was I thought it was a wingle oh wow oh you named it goth just for me okay David I thought it was gonna be a freaking wiggle bro Chad did we put this to sleep I think so right there's no way you can one shot me I think Yawn is really high value here does this sweep me is the question right not if I promise sleep in let's try Oni I'm pretty sure it has rock throw so I need to just switch I'm just gonna intimidate it again because it's going to send out the rock throw interesting yeah well you you know rock throw right um I'm pretty sure it knows rock throw oh you do have the double intimidate let's extremely annoying yes okay chat one hard read I can hear his audio he's switching I just switch back to hard to read on the switch and we yawn again I mean like if he stays in it's not even that bad if I own it's not I can do a lot of damage to him right it's it's great every time okay see what you used here hmm interesting I could do this all day I can't I have pee pee I know she is all right we're gonna read the Mightyena switch here I'm gonna go to grovel I think or we could smog let's let's smog okay don't poison me I'm looking what a [ __ ] [ __ ] move all right I'm switching into my starter now so I can just hit him with a mud shot and kill him I guess I could just yawn again he's probably biting gnome we have the soft sand we just need to hope he doesn't yawn you piece of smog again and sign is in ah damn it I was about to say I hope you don't use yawn Mind Games yeah the Mind Games is that what it feels like when I pee-pee saw my [ __ ] opponents my mouse locks man yeah I'm just gonna go for it it's fine yeah I was I was just done with that unfortunately it's set mode so I fall asleep here yep okay well very cool and I'm asleep I mean I have to switch anyways I have to switch here or else he's gonna kill me he's probably switching right let's pursue the thing is he's never bringing marshtom back out again any damage that we get on marshtom does not matter at all Pursuit is like actually bad what would he switch to I don't know what he has is the problem he should just attack me should he not like it's just free damage because he knows I am switching reading might again with Fury cut would be good I think Fury cut is the highest EV Choice which as long as I don't know what you have on your team okay oh interesting not a lot of damage and I think you know acid sunspore is more consistent I don't want to have to worry about him waking up oh a switch huh let's check oh nice Miss nice what the heck all right we sending Gyarados now which was our counter anyways because uh it's either gonna have flying moves which will intimidate or water moves which we take very easily or supersonic which we're going to get supersonic do we try to supersonic whatever comes in chat I think he's probably going at Garrett Austria goth comes back out the switching is good I read the switch man I never get rewarded without speed then we'll switch up against supersonic might as well I don't think he switches here he's just trying to get one kill on a Pokemon and he can't kill goth I think he knows he can't kill goth wait we have to seriously think about how the [ __ ] we get a kill ever I think it's just doomed right yeah some some sort of pursuit trap let's try to get a Super Sonic off so much strategizing he's thinking hard here easy flinch easy Flinch hmm no easy Miss hmm you switching to Grovyle now I think he does I think it's gonna be funny what did you do what did you do [ __ ] after I selected the move I was like okay I should have probably hardwood a switch with wing attack and it would have actually been rewarded too because there's two things you can go to that actually worked there I mean I figured even if you hit me like your your attack was down once right yeah yeah it should be fine I mean nothing you can do to me here doing my friends I'm not gonna lie it's yeah it's a tough it's tough to to win this oh you wait why didn't you use per super four when I was switching um when you were switching on marshtom I was like March time is asleep and it doesn't do anything against the other two Pokemon I have so you're never gonna bring it out again so the damage on it doesn't matter okay that's really close I didn't think of it that way because yeah you're just trying to kill something yeah this is a little bit slightly doomed a little tough [Music] I did confusion in case he switched I don't know yeah it's doomed unfortunately this gorilla has like no [ __ ] damage output yeah absorb is the best surprise right for like come on 20 power like they I think it would have taught a mega drain by now or something um it's ridiculous yeah I feel like I played this pretty well there's really not much you could have done there except that like the supersonic hit might have helped yeah but it's tough like I said I don't need to win the battle I just need to win the war I just need a couple of Lucky hits this is so silly I think I might get rid of a mega dream for head butt I'm wild getting rid of stab what a freak I'm just prepping for the gym don't mind me oh Shroomish evolution I thought you'd be laying that one I am you misheard it that's actually my Oddish it's time yon prepare to die I think it'll be fine actually you think you'll be fine the way I think about it is not really any singular trainer in this game right you're every trainer I'm every trainer it's like in everything everywhere all at once oh wow a goddamn level 17 Zigzagoon okay so the way I take away one of his Pokemon here is to force out the marshtom by yawning it with Gulpin you're on the only way I do that well I just revealed my entire strap that's fine let's do it anyway oh no I need you to um Miss yeah two here it's got to be bait was that bait or was that a genuine mistake did you start doing the Mind Games I will not reveal is he playing me Chad he's ever done that before he's never messed up strategy ever I can't remember which button it is and if I press the wrong button I have to fight battles yes all right everything goes to 24. this is gonna be really difficult for him I don't know what comes out first but we're just gonna hope it's not anything serious let's just go for it all right I think this is my best chance so far to take something out really it was either that or Brawley I thought this would be the least chance it's a hard fight this is a hard fight can be what do you know you have four Pokemon I guess if you get like really good luck right okay the question is I think he's baiting me into self-destructing I already picked my move if you're trying to mind game me I think he's Oh wait [ __ ] I'm not muted [ __ ] I muted My Stream again he's not a good liar he is not a good liar that one was you could hear it in his voice okay but unironically I did hear him do a lot of clicks I do think he's switching but like what would he switch to so that knows which is it out speed I never considered that I might out speed that could be bad you out speed oh no oh no it doesn't kill the words there's a lot though huh he's playing for the credit what else out speeds I don't know the manectric does it have quick attack or does it have like bite Magneton is faster than this I can get a sonic boom in here before I die he might miss mudshot um I think that's what the play that we go for or we go for the Super Sonic does he have another volt orb no if he had another Voltorb you would have just sent it out unless he's trying to save it to bait my I don't know how much HP is he gonna be uh he's probably at like what 30 or something I'm probably more than that was marched I'm gonna have like 70 HP two Sonic booms kill so if he misses a much hot he's actually in really big trouble I needed those damn Speedy visas that's right that's exactly right yeah all right let's just try to do as much damage as we can and bring out the Magneton if he misses it's really good but even if he doesn't like I do so much damage that I force out a switch and then maybe I can get a kill with Manic trick okay did you send out what is it disappointment I have to take out with AD Sign I have to we have to uh okay okay okay okay don't you dare Miss don't you dare thank you okay okay he's probably gonna howl Now isn't he does he just have to howl there's actually a chance that the speed ties I could leer with this I don't think any of them have Pursuit like would they shouldn't have their electric types they want to Pursuit he dies in two quick attacks and I think I live a munch on what if I just do it with electric electric dies to a mudshot for sure right actually no there's a chance to survives hold on it's taking a while to decide he is really strategizing here I think I can do quick attack twice with electric I can force him out there's a chance two quick attacks don't kill from Electric though the fact that he's taking so long means they definitely don't have Pursuit so we don't have to worry about that you think he switches out of marshtom here if I go for it yeah maybe I can threaten him enough to just switch what did you decide should I do some psycho content [ __ ] where I just much shot and predict the Thunder Wave because he knows I have to switch I think I either howl or I thunder away I think it's probably Thunder Wave I could do it for the content just absolutely because he knows he knows I have to switch I have to switch he either howls or he Thunder waves the thing is Howell guarantees that QA kills next turn [ __ ] it [ __ ] it we're doing it up for the content baby he knows I'm switching but I'm a [ __ ] idiot he's either gonna howl or he's gonna thunder wave I don't think I want to risk the T wave I think Hal was a decent compromise it's never quick attack that's his only two options he can't win other so he's at like 15 16 ish maybe he he can't he literally can't use Quick attack because if anything else comes out any quick attacks he just loses I don't think he's switching well he might quick attack is really bad if he switches he he has to howl he has to Thunder Wave he has to do one of the two I'm howling foreign oh my God yes this doesn't kill buddy it doesn't what that would kill oh but your speed fell oh but you have a berry do you out speed now I mean now now we can't now we can't stay in now we just have to switch he's 100 switching here right I think gone we have to send in here because he's probably gonna quick attack if he howl was again that's scary I mean I already already made my decision I think actually Thunder win if he he would probably go to Gloom right how much does plus one quick attack do to Gloom does he Thunder Wave I bet I could I bet I could have mud shot again I bet he Thunder waves now and thunder waving the one kind of does nothing there's no way he attacks his turn I should have much shot there is no way he attacks this turn I think Thunder waving does nothing that's quick attack good luck good switch is it a good switch or should I stayed in okay hmm what the [ __ ] 75 accurate yeah yeah I think we I think we got I think we did that we did that yeah yeah good sleep powder at this point right yep I think if that hits me it's GG yep 75 is it 75 wait I thought it was 50 in this Gen 3 is that we live I swear I'm not lying I'm just stupid thinks I'm messing with them but I'm just an idiot I think I just attacked right he does like no damage back I can stay in on this for a while hypnosis is 50 that's what I was thinking um let's just QA I think come on for the boys no okay what now what do I do he has to switch for Loom right manectric is like full HP it's not gonna kill do I need gone I might need to sack something here oh God damn it I was unmuted he heard that entire thing how many levels of Mind Games where I'm just gonna ignore everything you say for me right now that was it I was genuinely an accident but he thinks it's a mind game so we sleep powder if he quick attacks gone's dead gone's gone I think he's double mind gaming me with what he said I think he's probably staying in I think quick attack is good it already does good damage to braillum and then I can Thunder Wave and maybe get lucky when he switches to it bro just make your decision yeah I also have potion I think I think we could I think Hal is like actually not that great here he has potions too oh [ __ ] dude but if I run into the TR If he if he's trapping me here and he's sleep powdering I'm gonna be so mad I'm gonna try to take the kill here in quick attack sick Laurel we got one baby yep kill number one you might get more than one I'm gonna be honest okay interesting there's no way he switches because he's plus one I'm not gonna switch because I want to keep my plus one okay this is just fake out it doesn't really matter what we do here maybe I get lucky and he gets a static proc I think I'm fine here I'll just take the I'll just take the quick attack I don't really care or the fake gun yeah we just have to fake out he's a one minus one so I think I outspeed anyways okay no matter what he did oh wait I messed up quick attack and fake out of the same priorities wait you didn't use it yeah I thought I just outsped I'm just I'm just stupid I'm I'm gen four pills right now maybe I am mind gaming you and you just got a quick clap or you do what speed I'm trying to mind gaming into that I'm actually faster do I gain anything by switching out we might need to sack a few things to take out this manectric yeah don't care please just as long as you don't care uh another correct bro no do it two hit two hits no five please five hit three In The Middle come on me too it's gonna be two no no please please yes yes there's three why is it doing so little damage okay there's four yes I got the five hit I think this is a really decent time to heal because he's probably switching I literally have to sack it now I think him switching here is extremely correct and like even if he bullets seeds again that's kind of fine I have to Sack or else he could get a free turn he probably potions this turn free how old then potion I could get a free switch is he smart enough to switch because he potions because he knows I can't do much damage the thing is he can get more fake out value if he switches again in theory right although I I do know now about quick attack there's always uses underway nobody uses howl he knows I have to attack I think there's only one way we win this all right I'm healing here we're God also if he attacks or if he if he switches heels really good here yeah Max HP I actually think howl is pretty good here getting another plus one because it changes the damage calcium I favor a lot here what does he have he has like leech seed please please please 90 accurate yeah I feel each scenes I'm kind of forced out because he wants to stay in because he's at plus one yeah let's T wave and a few leech seeds I can just switch I think that's really good okay oh Thunder Wave uh we Sunsport now oh but now we don't know how to do the mock punch that's probably what he was going for this is always switch chat I can't have him have Beach seat up and then I I leer I think we switched oh I did not expect that but it's fine it's long nice no damn it huge that is terrible for me okay wait that's fine no oh [ __ ] no no no no no no no we might lose because of paralysis bad luck if we hit him with the stunts more we would have easily won this I think I just lead her until I force this out basically yeah that's good that's [Music] right finally I hit you with a move what now does he attack because I need to get rid of the defense drops I think I'm never switching out electric basically right I think at this point it's probably more efficient to just start quick attacking he's still gonna be faster than me because he has Mach punch I have to switch no Thunder Wave if he did Thunder Wave he has a giga brain good good I think I just have to take the death here right should we just go for a strong hit do I just go crazy with it louder than that insane upro is going to be his best move right no why Howell first I howl first and then I uproar I could go to manic trick I guess but am I really switching this Electric in again how much does upward does like nothing to manic trick really I guess it doesn't matter it takes four turns to kill this from here no matter what let's switch I think switching into the Uproar is Big let's see it oh see what what move you chose um what is it gonna be I should have supersonic [ __ ] yeah we're gonna have to sack sub to Alpha I'm really glad I switched we have plus one we just need to hope we don't get one shot if we don't get one shot we're we're feeling okay no crit this time no crit this time okay oh my God all right Fair let's go holy [ __ ] I don't live this I'm lying does he actually live this the thing is if I don't kill I definitely kill him with Elektra because he's locked in I'm literally sucking uproar there's nothing that I can do that crit was massive bro he's gonna potion this certain he has to potion this turn right I think I have to go for it there's pretty much nothing better to potion on I think I go for it let's see it come on oh no you kill me 100 you even with a low roll you kill me okay yeah I think I think you might wipe me here okay chat switch to electric and heal yeah we have to leech seat because he's gonna potion here's another potion why did he use it maybe he's switching to potion good okay does he heal here a Marshtomp switch from him would be huge if he quick attacks does it kill add sign yeah that's actually insane because electric doesn't kill it the marsh top switcher would be so big brain do you think he thinks of that he gets a leech seed heal from it too it's it's a Frick it's a little electric because he'll hit me I'll get leech seed back I have to heal I can't bring Mana trick back in on Marshtomp though oh this is actually really tricky I could leer and then heal predicting a marshtom switch that's okay okay never mind it might actually do damage wait I have poke Russ what do I poke about is poke rests really yeah oh that's sick what so one in 20 000 he has to heal his Pokemon right now there's no way he attacks right the thing is I don't just want to win the battle I if I can take another kill it's really big if I could kill marshtom would be huge I think AD Sign is our only way to win so mind gamey I think leer into heal is right yeah I think the only way that I win this is if I get leech seed on ad signed and then we're able to do one mud shot god that's terrifying kill is losing yeah I think healing is really really bad against Marshtomp I think I gotta go for the Leer I think if I if I heal now and he went Marshtomp I kind of always lose I I I or I have no more chance of ever killing a Pokemon but the only chance I have of killing a Pokemon against by Leo right now into the Marshtomp all right let's see it Tanner you didn't potion yes wait what wait why are we both saying yes wait why did we both say yes there I actually didn't expect it to heal that much I thought it would heal less I mean I don't care if Quake attack kills we can just switch back we just gained HP on that side what the heck oh you healed then so this is always a manic trick switch right does he switch back now if he attacks I just get HP back I just broke it [ __ ] he can just go to Bray Loom now I'm gonna reset the situation I don't really know what I can do if he attacks me then we mock punch he switches and we stunts for I think I have to go manic trick in case he goes Marshtomp right and then two quick attacks no matter what he does this is the right play okay you didn't switch never mind you did switch right paralyze this I'm so stressed out right now this is terrifying so this is either leech seat or a stun spore from him I have to stunts for I'm still faster if he stuns for us we have to not get paralyzed we have to hit stuntsport and he needs to not I don't know whatever he does we can't I'm getting more coffee I'm so scared I don't want to see it I'm pretty sure Howell still gets me to kill a range of Marshtomp oh that's okay what is it yes I heard it from the yes yes yes yes yes oh my god oh okay I'm trying to go I think I want to go to plus two let's do it and then I think I just need to get the better of the para hacks do I win now two mod punches is probably I think two mark one just KO let's do some let's let's do some damage now it's all the game of paralysis who gets paralyzed yeah okay don't do a lot that did nothing let's go yeah Barn paralysis he wins this we need to get crits we need to get lucky I did 15. so with a credit that's 30. so I can take three or two with a crit which means Iko is manectric as long as we don't get paralyzed your life maybe just shockwaved before I held that maybe they'll play him we just need to get lucky with paralysis that's the position here good no paralyze good all right this is probably it could be it depends on the paralysis no no no credit good yes this is the most stressful Pokemon battle I've ever had geez crazy this is there's so much even with her credit he doesn't KO so it's safe to use mod punch he's just one oh oh oh huge oh huge yeah GG wow that was fun holy [ __ ] oh my god oh I was so scared I was gonna make it through that the lyrics on the incoming Marshawn was really interesting I thought it would heal less from the leech sea basically and I thought that leer after two leech State heels is QA range from manic trick it would have been leer into heel magic trick into switch and then threaten the kill well I made it out with with uh there's some really fun mind games that was sick that was a good battle oh my God I mean you you did what you wanted to do you almost got the win there my god um I feel like that's a good good finale for The Stream we've been live for like seven hours I don't know it's been seven hours yeah we've been going for seven hours it does not feel like that should continue this when I come back this is super fun we should absolutely continue this I agree oh my God we beat gym three
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 5,157,985
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: S3u7gQhrWZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 19sec (2899 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 03 2022
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