Pokemon Platinum random map races are INSANE

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i had pokemon platinum modded so that every location on the map is randomized if you step into a pokemon center you could end up anywhere like a random house or in front of the god arceus easy speezy a top level speedrunner saw me do this before and challenge me to a race first to find and beat all eight gym leaders and elite four members in order wins okay three two one go good luck good luck easy's going to be an insane contender i'm so stoked it appears that whoever last used this pc was watching a video point growing easy specie robbing banks that's so funny all right here we go i think my strategy for this i don't think easy's gonna do this tech speed fast and then i want battle scene to be off there it is and it's gonna put us ahead by the way we should also switch tech speed oh we should also turn off battle animations see these are the small time saves trust me they won't even know it's a competitive advantage i also think like i'm gonna be completely honest with them this entire time full honesty all right here we go and we're gonna start with sand gem town we're actually gonna do a story to start off with because i want to get poke balls let's say we find like a legendary wanna catch it asap getting like a high level pokemon early on is so good all right so i know that the mart is nothing but the a pogo center is nothing as well and then the large house is iron island okay i want to catch the pokemon in iron island like what else are we gonna do right please catch there we go all right we got a graveler which is going to allow us to go to a lot of different places now stand gym town is good let's go to juba life we gotta recognize that jube life is huge so there's gonna be a lot of stuff here for us to like uncover it's our first major town all right and then the apartment one is oh my god it's the sixth gym that's so good there's also like a huge shot that easy's found this too but that's big the school next is orbit gate okay and then you give us rock smash so we got rock smash now awesome and then this leads to mount cornett oh you know we should get an obama snow while we're here can i catch this obama snow oh yo that was so lucky yeah i'll take that so we have an obama snow and we also have a graveler now we haven't found a pokemon center yet so we can't heal our pokemon right pokemart leads to where does this oh and we just found a pokemon center oh sick okay we'll keep checking out jubalife here though i want to stick with jubalife while we have jubilee you know uh we have the second gym oh my god dude we found gym two and gym six already that is big so gts one goes to heart home and then this goes here no no wait the heater and fight no no no no no no no no no please please please okay uh chat i think i've made a uh grave error here oh really quick how's it going anyway yeah i was a little confused at first but i'm getting it i'm basically just going to all the entrances i can and then hoping that i will eventually find some sort of legendary that's my big plan that is a good one have you found any gyms yet i found two gyms i have also found two gyms so the ones in juba life right yeah yeah the easy ones all right yeah all right we're on track right now we're tied up this is so much more confusing than i thought it was going to be it's so much fun though i love it uh oh we got the adamant orb and the luscious orb oh i don't have any pokeballs i can't catch that i gotta be faster with this we're tied up right now let's go that's one elite four member chat wow this is crazy i'm not finding much pasta is kind of a bust and then the marsh house and the mansion the north gator next okay so this is the marsh house which leads to beer pillar oh my god oh my god they all go in palkia and we have the the adamant orb oh my god that's so sick uh we can actually like i feel like i can't damage him um at least a little bit oh we caught him a second try i can't believe we did that we give him the adamant orb and we have a level 70 pokemon just to start with oh my god it's a game oh dude i don't know if he's found that yet i don't think he has yo if you're liking the video feel free to subscribe make big number go bigger also if you want to mod the game like this yourself the randomizer tool for this and all the other generations of pokemon will be on my discord link here and in the description let's go to the mansion next so the mansion is veilstone okay we are slashing through this too oh waiting in the mall oh it's all over if the mall's good on your seat you can get anywhere all right so entrance leads to galactic hq we gotta do this so we can get the bike nice just talking about mythical pokemon and all this stuff like me the 12 year old who's already caught the god of time okay so second floor the first one goes to oh a pc okay goes to turner as well this is a huge one so we can check out uh eternal later which is awesome third floor it is all right here we go i need to get pokeballs right now i think that's the main thing snowpoint okay so snowpoint gym leads to the mall the more places that the mall leads to the easier time we're gonna have here this is opening up too much for my comfort we have so many places to check so i'm going to explore this so the left of the mart house is a saucy on two i need to lose here because i'm not allowed to defeat him right now am i just like miss and everything all right awesome but we found lucy and i mean i'll take that you know we haven't discovered all this wilson too the left mart house cantalave okay awesome okay all right we're getting this oh in the fourth gem oh there's no shot he's found that either yeah okay okay let's get strength really quick so we get strength by doing this uh we'll just do that real quick awesome oh hey we faced against our uh rival but we'll just demolish it because we have a level 70 god might be a little bit overpowered i could be wrong okay so this leads to snow point might as well get the rock climb uh hm here in case we need it all right so we got rock climb which is i guess nice this one leads to survival area okay so we have the southgate which leads to oraberg nice okay so apartment number two leads to this random elite four number one let's go nice okay awesome oh we need to get back to or bro oh yikes left mart house sulcion 2 i think it was right then when we get to cantalave this is what good note-taking goes back right because i know where we are like losing like that didn't make me lost it's very important this is going oddly very well but i don't know where easy's at like he could be facing a legendary pokemon right now for all i know spear pillar wait come on work watch him actually be doing that like right now all right so oraberg so the left gym house so right here leads to nothing right gym house there's also nothing but there's a whole lot of nothing here okay oh but you know what's not nothing here is the cyrus fight let's get the master ball yeah okay we got the master ball too oh that's huge so we have this next which is elite four number two oh my god we found almost all of the elite four we have to go all the way back again right because i have to lose here i wish i could i could have accessed like teleport early on you know that would've been great so now we have to do the whole fun hey guys you guys like sunny shore city again gotta go all the way back that's not what i meant i know i gotta lose again we need to go all the way back down here all right so let's not face against flint the other one is this one so this leads us to floroma i'll check out floroma right now all right so the right pc leads to the bikes okay we got our bike that's pretty big uh and then bottom one leads to the gts i missed the gts man oh oh my god super rod okay if we find like the resort area i kid you not we're set that is probably the biggest find you'll see why the super rod is so overpowered once we get to the resort area i'm gonna go back to orbit we need to find that first gym to access like a lot of stuff hopefully we find it soon any gym would be phenomenal right about now i'll take a rare candy wait the rare candy in the super rod it's all coming together you'll see why [Music] um that's bad i haven't saved stated in a while um let's go so uh i just want to let you know i've caught dialga yes i i know where he is too but i can't get pokeballs oh dude i actually caught him on my second try with the pokeball yeah there is no way it's serious it's crazy it was actually not yeah i have a single pokeball so i tried catching him for a while and then i uh gave up on it oh no so you know but i just got softlocked so i'm back here because this is my last save state so i'm just gonna try to catch him again uh how many gyms have you found since i'm curious i only have three now okay i've found also three we might be actually still tied here this is kind of close it seems yeah no i think this is a good race this is a good race we gotta speed up though he's on our tail oh we don't need to speed up at all we just found the elite four number two oh my god we found all of the elite four members that's crazy yes all right finally got my palkia it's back onto being a race wait you gotta you got a palkia yeah i decided to get palkia instead of dale oh interesting okay so we went for different legendaries well i was gonna do diago but then you said you did so i can't get the same one you know all right i get that i get that hey congratulations it's okay it's really erased now we're basically have all the same stuff i just need to find gyms so sweet key leads to celestic town awesome so we can actually go basically anywhere except for the resort area we haven't been able to go to the resort area we do have a master ball keep that in mind so we can catch any legendary we want international police wait where is this oh this is the entrance to oh god there's so many warps here gross okay at least i know that there's nothing here okay so then down here oh no that was a one way we can't go back all right well we'll check out heart home while we're here i guess and i'm glad we did because that's gym number four or five i can't remember it's platinum they switch it around so we haven't done a lot of eternal or veil stone let's do veilstone this is gym4 so we gotta check out gym four is actually gym eight okay sure oh we actually can do this i have the bike okay wait we're in the resort area all right this is such a roundabout way but i trust me this strategy is worth it okay never mind we're at the fight area oh shoot oh we were just at the resort area too we'll just check out the rest here cause like heart home could have stuff you know this is the moment where i like kind of wish i had teleport because it would be just so much easier to get around all right so the pc is uh this weird stuff oh yo we can access this storage key and then we can get fly we have fly now also we have the reggie i don't care about the reggie dude oh my god where are the gems we just need seven three and one wait really we're almost done actually we're closer to being finished than i thought we were let's check out turnout we haven't checked out tournament yet and there's like an apartment here which is the first gym we can use rock smash now oh that's so big first gym all right and that's the first gym down took you know only almost two hours yeah i have i still have not found i'll find it eventually you know probably steam roll through it with my alkyl yeah you're level 70 palkia there's a 12 year old with the god of space just demolishes the first gym but all right good to know that i'm probably relatively close to somewhere by the first gym i'll give you like it wasn't hard to find i'll be real like you're just probably skipping over it okay well i just found a turner so it's it'll turn up what are the odds of that well all righty all right gym one is now done yeah you said it turned out i was just like i was like oh god that's so funny let's keep going this way oh okay we're in the resort area chat here's my plan so we have the super rod right and we have a rare candy now little did you know but if you use a super rod on this pond you can catch a magikarp anywhere from level one to level 99. so we're gonna try to catch a level 99 magikarp and then level it up once with a rare canyon to get a level 100 gyarados i'm okay with getting like anything in the 90s though this is going to waste so much time but it could work really 93 i'm going to use um an ultra ball against it oh my god let's go okay so now we have it i'm gonna use a rare candy on the level 93 magikarp so it's gonna evolve into a level 94 gyarados oh my god level 94 gyarados man just look at this earthquake you're dead we need gym three gym seven and a champion and then we're good literally we're two hours in if we're two hours in and just looking for the final three things we're going pretty fast we're closing in on all of the warps too how do we get to celestic awesome okay so now that i'm at celestic we can check a whole bunch of new stuff and then in the cave we get oh yo we got to talk to you let's go we can go back to sunny shore and uh unlock the gym warp awesome that was pretty good so the pc gym number three baby you know what that means we get access to fly with gym number four this is gonna make it so much easier oh my god let's go we just need to find the seventh gym now and the champion and we're good so from celestic let's go to jubalite with gym two so here's how we do it write this down write this down so in order to get to the gym too we go to the pool house from the pool house we go to actually wait the mall's not finished wait sorry one second i ain't do four number two oh there's reggie gigas nice all right so that's nothing all right four or five oh yo we can get you an app right here let's go all right awesome jordan's life save here and then we pick up our abra which we don't really need but we might as well get it i picked up abra as a you know tail safe in case fly doesn't work it's always good to have then let's go beat some gyms we know gym two is in the lottery and let's do it don't mind me my level 95 gyarados and this is the second gym i wonder what easy's up to right now casino hey guys that was weird all right we now use cut awesome we got the second gym let's go to the third ah there it is nice all right this is the third gym which like literally my gyarados can't do anything to okay but anyways that's the third gym now to the fourth gym and selassian ruins and then we can use fly so jim floor is in slasian ruins too so maul veilstone pasteuria canna leaves celestion ruins two that's how we do it upper right is gym four yes okay now we can do maylene fourth gym leader okay all right cobble badge now we can use fly and fly is huge it opens up the entire world for us i need to poke one that can learn fly lovely cool cool cool let's get a heart home because we haven't done all of heart home yet uh we got a jubilee no point p oh i was about to be like oh i should just use fly i can't use fly and i'll have a book without one fly all right so from the maniac tunnel heart home city yes gym five is southgate okay awesome hey look your gyarados is only level 33 that's crazy all right there we go jim leader number five down we just need to find gym number seven and the champion and also find a pokemon that can learn fly please chat can fly though i only have a master ball maybe not okay give me ultra balls wow i have so much money jesus now what i want to do is find pokemon that can why can you fly yes you can oh let's go so now we can use fly though so we can go literally anywhere we want gym six is right here and there we go sixth gem down now we can use strength so let's start checking out those caves oh i also don't know surf i can't even do this part because i don't know sir we need to find surf somehow dude easy can definitely catch up right now if he gets lucky cool okay so where were we jess i'll just remember elite two is in the one place you know perfect we can also now that we've like talked to the lighthouse and everything we can actually go to flint and he's gonna walk away now we can check out the sunny shore gym the sunny shore gym leads to yes the a resort entrance which is kind of big because we get a couple more warps here that we haven't checked yet then we have this exit here which leads to selassian ruins i'm literally using tackle and one-shotting what's so funny um yes oh i've been wanting to go to the mansion mansion is huge here so then center room right here is is this surf we battle them and then we get surf yeah okay we got surf that opens up so much finally so we can actually teach that to our level 97 gyarados like we're now doing all of the stuff that i couldn't before because we have hms currently so we can do this now it's over here darkrai okay cool it's level 50 though so i'm going to kill it good xp like the level's not high enough you know i'm running out of places to check now so now i go to eterna and in eterna city under the pc all right so um all this stuff all right so we've collected all the gym badges no we haven't the game has lied but what's behind here the seventh gym you've collected all the gym badges but the seventh gym is through here wait what that's hilarious seventh gym badge let's go okay so now we can check basically everywhere in the game so victory road let me make sure we're all good here so i need to go down this way so i can check here which i found the champion uh i need to lose here though hey how's it going easy i've kind of been on a long streak of not finding any gyms and there's just none yeah it's kind of crazy i'm doing pretty well you know i finally found the seventh gym when you find the seventh gym you'll laugh at it it's so funny so all you need is the champion now yeah all i need to do is uh beat the champion now yeah okay well you know this is when i start coming back it's gonna be in the most out there place in the world all right good luck man all right i didn't lie i told you guys that i wasn't going to lie i said all we need to do is beat the champion now he just doesn't know that we found the champion yet and then we face against eighth gym leader oh just earthquake the entire team and we're good to go okay awesome so oraberg city elite number one is an apartment number two haha gotta get some height music for this one oh we died yikes oh no we died that was crazy man anyways um yeah first leave four member down what's up bertha surf against your entire team and we got elite four number two let's go and then we surf against your entire team too okay all right and we reached level 100 we got it level 100 gyarados oh my god right here is lucian hello don't kill me please don't kill me thank you all right awesome and then now ladies and gentlemen boys and girls let's make it finally the champion that's not the champion i lied all right anyways um and then now we go to the champion which is down this way and surf like surf harder this time and then please don't kill me thank you and then i'll earthquake and then i'll earthquake some more and then i'll strike and then we go hey ggs man i just beat the champion you just talked to me like three minutes ago i mean when i said yeah all i need to do is beat the champion i meant i need to beat the champion like so you knew where the champion was okay i mean i didn't lie to you i just kind of you know twisted around my words a little bit geez what'd you uh what'd you find okay five gyms three elite four that's pretty good for three and a half hours like that's that's nuts i just got really lucky your notes are probably more extensive than mine i remember for one it's the old lady elite four member he was like in some place and i forgot the city so i just like wrote down you know where to go my hope was that i would uh remember where to go you just wrote down yeah you'll figure it out this was a ton of fun thanks for playing with me appreciate it catch you later what a fun time my tool to randomize your game like this is available for free on my discord with all my other commission mods on the channel links in the description also if you like the video subscribe thank you
Channel: PointCrow
Views: 86,392
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pointcrow, point crow, pokemon, pokemon platinum, pokemon platinum map randomizer, map randomizer, pokemon emerald, pokemon emerald map randomizer, random, randomizer, pokemon randomizer, pkmn randomizer, pkmn, can you beat, pokemon race, pokemon challenge, challenge, nintendo, gaming, gameplay, playthrough, eazyspeezy, easyspeezy, eazy speezy, race, speedrun, speedrunning, pokemon speedrun, mod, modding, modded pokemon, random map race, universal map randomizer, bdsp, pokemon bdsp, diamond, pearl
Id: LzRC6zTr5go
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 20 2021
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