Pokemon Battle Tourney...in Smash

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gourry teams with Vance Michael here and recently I have been very entertained by alpha rats level 9 CPU tournaments in Super Smash Bros ultimate I think it's really fun to have really high level computer players match up against each other to see which computer player is better coded I guess I felt inspired by his tournament so I wanted to make one of my own but with a twist since I'm a Pokemon youtuber I wanted to make a Pokemon battle tournament in Super Smash Bros ultimate between level 9 CPUs it works out perfectly since there are exactly eight Pokemon fighters in smash ultimate so it is very even so without further ado don't forget to leave a like on the video and let's dive in to the pokemon battle tournament in Super Smash Bros welcome everyone to the first-ever pokemon battle tournament in Super Smash Bros ultimate we have a randomized bracket of the 8 different Pokemon fighters and the stages will be randomly selected from a pool of all the Pokemon stages round one begins Jigglypuff versus lucario lucario does have the type advantage in this fight with the steel advantage over the fairy but Jigglypuff I think might be a sleeper pick to win this entire tournament the stage is the Kalos pokémon league a extremely important stage for hazards I've seen many a fight on this stage where a player is eliminated almost immediately due to the powerful amount of stage hazards here the first stage is the steel stage the sort of media that comes out at strikes - good puppet this is you to vote generally five lanes arrest immediately ko in Lucario's first stock what an incredible start for Jigglypuff it's almost an entire stock Panda both have gotten the metal armor this should increase their life likelihood for this time but Jigglypuff's substantial lead means that Lucario is in a bad spot metal armor has worn off particularly pops nugget for Lucario yet do a puff escapes the lifting swords as the stage returns to normal Jigglypuff still at only 28% on its first live okay I spoke too soon do a puff takes some damage but one good hit on the car do another rest oh my god that is incredible check the possibility to time its rest is unmatched we could see a three OVA tree here for Jigglypuff / lucario lucario gets a spinal Spanish though mega lucario comes out the aura blast chaos Jigglypuff finally taking out its first stock but Lucario has an incredibly difficult uphill battle as the fire comes out as the fire portion of this stage this is extremely dangerous the amount of bouncing at the fire cost especially between the pillars on the stage and on the side Jigglypuff his final smash this could be the end for Lucario is Jigglypuff with an absolute route of Lucario in round one what an incredibly fought battle I it may be too soon too soon to say this but I think Jigglypuff might be the favorites to win this tournament round two is pokemon trainer versus Pikachu what an interesting matchup normally in the past they're on the same team but today these historical friends will be enemies on the saffron city stage now one important aspect of this stage of the Pokemon that surprised out of the door Pikachu is standing near squirtle with the tight disadvantage over Pikachu but getting more damaged electrode is there both of them avoided no problem Ivysaur comes in dealing some big damage too peachy punch plat hands off the side Oh some distance strike from the air Ivysaur looked like it almost fell off the edge there Oh Ivysaur spikes Pikachu what an incredible move oh but Pikachu answers by forcing Ivysaur down the pit we are back at an even match cars are getting some big damage on Pikachu it's having difficulty answering Oh another spike almost if it had just been slightly to the right Pikachu second stock would be gone thinking she was about to get his final smash though this could be really important Oh porygon comes out with the surprise strike she's got its final smash but Pikachu's is one that requires a m-- will it land it or will it miss pokemon trainer must be careful here it might be able to stall it out that gauge is going down quick and it misses I think chaos itself oh what an unfortunate turn of events for Pikachu not only wasting its final smash but Kay owing itself in the process now pokemon trainer has its final smash will it land it [Music] Ivysaur it's the one that switches in Charizard comes in to save itself cannon yes great timing and the triple finish lands this should be the end for Pikachu and it is Wow both matches so far - OH routes it's now time for the third battle of round 1 greninja vs. of YouTube where ninja does have the type advantage in this situation but Mewtwo has the higher base stat total neither of those things matter I just thought I would point it out the battle is taking place on Pokemon Stadium I think - I'm actually not sure whether this is 2 or 1 it's very difficult to tell until the stage changes greninja forcing you to off the side and getting big damage in the process excellent edge guarding by greninja Oh a shadow sneak hit some you too if you're charging up that shadow ball burn into fires you two off the top and the first ko is here as the electric stage comes into play moving to me that this is pokemon stadium 2 greninja getting big damage on youtube will you to be able to come back from this full stock deficit whoo that was a big hit right there those conveyor belts are tricky to deal with their very evenly matched in this stock however greninja has an entire full stock ahead of Yuki it gets the final smash mega Mewtwo wife hits print in jug what an incredible strike you two still has a chance greninja has its final smash though we'll ask her ninja come out we'll need to be able to pay over it in two before half the chance whoo that was a big powerful hit but you can still recover though but its final it's smashed gate it's running out quick it must get this off fast and it runs out Mewtwo able to avoid the final smash and get the KO and greninja Mewtwo is staging quite the comeback here it's still anyone's game because Mew tube just went out it isn't even 1:1 match finally a close match in this Pokemon battle tournament ooh big strike from YouTube Mewtwo is closer to its final smash though and that could be the difference here twice the scary bit of recovery they had going on there so we evenly matched here stages returning to normal you two getting almost a fully-charged shadow ball there that could be big-oh you choose fighters through pull away in the final smash yes it does this will be the aim for for ninja and Mewtwo mega Mewtwo y takes home the victory in the fist round what an incredible comeback we're ninja had the lead but with some expert plays by Mewtwo it takes the match it's now time for the final match of round one Pichu versus in sin or based on previous fights I've seen to participate in I think in sinner or might be the favorite it hits very hard and Pichu is just so light that it's easy to launch ooh spear pillar stage stage hazards do play a role if not a severe telescope money but they do come into play although each you does have the lead so far considerer has poor recovery though so you can launch in cinah off oh my gosh in sinner roar with these self ko to KO that didn't really accomplish much because now they're even again but it still always surprises me it's brought the fight down to the under circle cavern they are a very evenly matched it's nice to see some even matches after those first two routes what will count gives effect me this time Oh answers gotta be careful boo and sinner or does take a hit from howdy espatial repairs not too severe where's the next tech repair gonna be coming Oh little more TechSoup health care okay they have a little bit of a break from stage has [Music] all in sideral with the powerful strike komp2 in sinner or with the lead both all those have their final smashes and insider' are now does [Music] consider or could take home the victory here if Picchu can KO it before I can get its final smash though Pichu gets its final smash incredibly well time Kaling and sinner or causing it to lose its final smash this is still anyone's game Oh a bad up B time by Pichu there let himself open whoa the sudden stage flip from Palkia how will this affect their play probably minimally because their CPUs had not real people oh the upside down flip onion a bit of motion sickness here what's up what's down I don't even know and it's back to normal consider gets its final smash if it lands that this could be the end in missus in Sonora misses the final space Pichu still has a chance this is anyone's game who will it be there's trapped in the under cabinet right now oh that could have been the entropy - no paper covers successfully dialga has arrived Oh with the gem finishes off the battle peaches flight wait in this battle Zeppelin was its downfall there because that probably would not have Kayode a heavier opponent as in sinner our takes the victory it's now time for the semi-finals round one of the semi-finals is pokemon trainer versus Jigglypuff both of these fighters had very powerful victories in the first round so I'm expecting a close match this is pokemon stadium why no stage repeats so far which is nice Sporto vs Jigglypuff - early game can tell Pokemon [Music] schooling yet to take a single hit Oh spoke too soon that always seems to happen squirtle out playing Jigglypuff at this point in time I spoke too soon Ivysaur comes in [Music] Ivysaur does have the advantage of range or particularly putter Jigglypuff's rollout wasted on the top platform the mountain stage comes in no stage hazards in play but the environment could come into play I think Jigglypuff might have the advantage here because of its better jumping capabilities though one other thing to consider like with the last match Jigglypuff is quite light powerful flare blitz from oh I spoke too soon once again Jigglypuff gets the KO on Charizard but if Charizard comes back in clear blue booster flare blitz is a such a powerful attack that could answer sigelei puffed quickly they need this KO though they're taking Pokemon trainers taking too much damage in this star one good hit there it is Ivysaur eliminates Jigglypuff the final smash from pokemon trainer is now active will they land their triple fault both of them habits ooh Ivysaur needs to get this KO and end she gave us final smash quickly and Jigglypuff falls in is it a KO yes it is what an important final smash land from Pokemon trainers Jigglypuff final strategy it's incredibly difficult to avoid it's close to another one though pokemon trainers in a sticky situation whoa big hit from Charizard Jigglypuff is in a tough spot here pokemon trainers an entire stock and Jigglypuff gets its final smash this should be the end for Pokemon trainers second stock it's not Charizard is heavy enough to survive it that might be the first time I've seen someone survive a Jigglypuff final smash from that high of a percentage pokémon trainer cooks don't get the 200 in here it's unlikely one good hit on two pokemon trainer will KO it this doesn't look good for Jigglypuff Oh a midair hit that might have saved squirtle it may not have been able to recover from that waterfall looks like it's going to be a victory for pokemon trainer yeah it took that down but it's an entire stock ahead one strong hint from Jigglypuff in this semi-final match will be over [Music] pokemon trainer is having difficulty though de Jigglypuff just self kayo nope it's jumping is good enough the triple finish and that's it for Jigglypuff no it's not oh yes it is it was spinning I thought it was gonna jump back okay regardless pokemon trainer will be entering the finals who will they be fighting up against Mewtwo Orton sinner or [Applause] the penultimate battle mu 2 versus in center or in sooner or with the dark type type advantage but as we saw in the Meucci versus greninja match that didn't matter at all here we are at the Univ of Pokemon League stage hazards are a big aspect of this one especially the random attacks from Reshiram and Zekrom as they right at the back are not a huge percentage difference at this point in time they seem to be real everything to be matched as the team plasma castle arrives in the background it will be more difficult to ko them via a spike because the staircases will be arriving soon sacrum has arrived sacrum can be a nasty stage hazard aspect they must be careful this hit from Zechariah could ko if it lands the both far away from window while it tilts the stage neither RKO they are neck-and-neck at this point in time almost ação might have been a KO if not for the staircase saving you to day I'm anticipating a KO followed by a respawn and then an immediate KO again credible both are surviving in YouTube nope YouTube blasts out the final smash but misses it might have been wiser to save it for the following stock but it's up throughout finish this Center or off would sooner or get Matteo quickly or will it takes damage before it can nope there it goes 0-0 neck and neck again restaurant has arrived the next onstage attack will be coming soon [Music] fire has run rampant all over the state YouTube taking some damage from it in center or an expert on fire being smart enough to avoid it the fire has exited the battlefield in center or getting away unscathed [Music] consider our has its final smash will it land it whoa almost didn't recover there successfully and sinner armed at the photos nice grab some YouTube throws it into the ring all of this could KO yes it does what a fantastically time final smash by in sinner or resulting in its lead sacrum has returned to the back of the field a stage hazards will be coming any second now the electric attack is far away for both competitors it is not a factor here in center we're doing a fantastic job of surviving YouTube with it oh and it's in our finishes it up with a dropkick surviving on its second stock incredible what a well-played match from an sinner or here here we are ladies and gentlemen the final battle pokemon trainer versus in sinner or both have displayed incredible fighting capabilities in this tournament I think it's anyone's match a lumiose city stage this is a disadvantage for in sinner or because of its inferior recoverability lumiose changes a lot has a lot of open edges this is definitely an advantage for pokemon trainer in this case squirtle out playing in sinner or [Music] full waterfall in the process of recovery get some extra damage squirtle is being liberal with its movements Oh but in Ivysaur comes in and is an immediately struck by in sinner or prompting pokemon trainer to bring in Charizard instead the battle of the two fire type starter behemoths is now underway they are neck-and-neck at this point in time whoo a powerful spike from in center or on to Charizard but the stage same stars are at the point in time whoo the upwards rising platform almost ko chars are there but a switch switch by pokemon trainer saved it in that point in time this could KO and it does a perfect hit by in sinner or but the final stretch for pokemon trainer blasts etcetera they are exactly even [Music] ooh a big hit from instead of perfectly time a flare blitz from Charizard misses causing it to take some damage with no benefit in the process its sinner or fails to recover what an important break for pokemon trainer another flare blitz misses will charge aren't able to recover it does this portal comes back in and sinner has its final smash it must land this or it could save it for the next stunt that could be smart toss in Sonora has this final smash will it land it in misses in zeros final smash misses we are back to an even match let's enormous get up quickly the platform is leaving its [Music] oh it's settlers ability to get those off the ropes its can really rack up the damage on an enemy even when it's at a disadvantage Oakland trainer has the lead here but it's still anyone's game [Music] sit sit deep trouble' one strong hit from pokemon trainer and they take the win Pokemon trigger has its final smash if it can land it it's over and it's it insider' we're caught in the triple finish it's over pokemon trainer is your winner of the first-ever pokemon battle tournament in Super Smash Bros I must say I think the fact that the Pokemon had assistance from an experienced trainer did play a big role here congratulations to pokemon trainer for their impressive victory so that concludes the pokemon battle tournament portion of this video but real quick before I go it's time for this video stretch attack I know I said I was gonna do the newest sets and hidden fates just came out but I couldn't find any at the stores so we're stuck with unified mine sorry psychic great potion but beta roll tornadoes Megan emoji fletchling onyx fletchinder Snover reverse a little bigger off and a regular camerupt when will I get a good one thank you so much for watching this video and if you enjoyed it and want to see some more of my fun Pokemon content I recommend this video here alright that's all I have for now so don't next time for you fans got to catch the mom
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 797,286
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5, super smash bros, super smash bros ultimate, smash ultimate, ssbu tournament, level 9, CPU, level 9 cpu, tourney, tournament, incineroar, pichu, pikachu, pokemon trainer, mewtwo, greninja, lucario, jigglypuff
Id: BBs4ai-xBT0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 27 2019
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