Reviving all the Smash Bros. Fighters: The ENTIRE Arc

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[Music] I fight for my friends [Music] [Music] okay now watch this foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] I thought you only like to antagonize Cloud you still in the my last prank do I have to make want to see everyone's favorite half naked anime swordsman caused some moral trouble and everyone's favorite overpriced view streaming service well you're a knock if you're a Netflix subscriber and only these seven countries what about the rest of us right not for expressvpn comes in to save the day with expressvpn you can change your online location with the Press of a button that basically teleports you to any one of those seven lucky countries let's try France and would you look at that there is event children right there better yet you should be able to have a smooth watching experience since expressvpn invests in only the finest servers don't think it stops there because you now have access to thousands more movies and shows when you switch locations go crazy experimenting sound super enticing right if not then too bad because I'm still gonna tell you to go to gabileth to find out how you can get three months of it for free anyway thanks to expressvpn and for sponsoring this video and you guys for watching too of course [Music] [Music] pleased to meet you I'm sephiroth bringer of despair is there something wrong [Music] you are squeezing my hand so soon ah spring my favorite time of the year the Sun comes out trees regain their Lush dream colors flowers start to bloom maybe birds are hatching deer is fussing with hope joy and ultimate actually on second thought I really hate spring I think you can mess with me ah get off me what are you talking about I have changed my ways sephiroth I need to talk to me half of the other villains I have to inform you that we do not condone your recent friendly and wholesome Behavior even if it was caused by physical trauma as such we see no other option than to revoke your villain club membership until you change your ways again I see I assume that means you don't want one of these smash themed cupcakes Squirtle and I pick this morning he drives a really hard bargain you guys I don't buy it not for one second really you don't think there are two fives on the table I'm not talking about the game I'm talking about Sephiroth's new I'm good now act dude gets hit in the head and suddenly he's not a villain anymore come on what is this a cartoon it's obviously part of a scheme and I swim if he does one more Good Deed I'm going finished look Zelda squirter when I made you a life-size Zelda cake to celebrate your 35th Anniversary because Nintendo sure as hell doesn't oh oh God what's becoming of me and then I stab the cake and that was when I realized I had become the very thing I hated I just don't know how to live with myself anymore doc hmm all right Cloud you're obviously depressed let me teach you some highly effective stress through your life don't tell anyone but these strategies have helped me personally as well Yahoo thank you for joining our E3 dinner party everyone we're so thrilled everyone is here Squirtle and I worked our butts off to create some amazing dishes for you to celebrate the fact that we'll soon be able to welcome a new friend into our home so before we eat a toast to our friendship and camaraderie come on cloud memorizations let the bygones be bygones it's a time for a new you trust you'll feel so much better if you say so doc look [Music] my my this certainly is my greatest work yet I'm insulted that it took you so long to finally trust me clown but I don't mind playing the long game speaking of games enjoy playing your stupid Smash Brothers game now that everyone is dead oh wait you won't be able to because you won't die in a few seconds as well shame [Laughter] hello [Music] Kirby listen up I need to discuss this with someone and you seem trustworthy I've been analyzing all the rumors leaks and theories for months now and based upon those I had my suspicions but last night I managed to take a peek into the Forbidden figuring drawer I can now say with 100 certainty that the remaining Fighters are uh because of some internal issues incineroy has temporarily been removed from the game until further notice you know what they say about curiosity in cats whoa anyone cause you you finally arrived hello muscular cat why are you locked up I figured out you were coming before was officially announced so that little pink jerk ratted me out shot me in the knee and locked me up in here quick let me out so I can go get some Sweet Revenge the pink ball creature did along with the rest of the inhabitants of this house what you killed them no everyone was dead when I arrived they all seem to have consumed a poisonous beverage I could have killed them though that's a very weird flex but wait among the dead did you notice a silver-haired anime guy yes multiple let me rephrase that did you notice a silver-haired half-naked anime guy no they were wearing clothes although one of them had bare feet sephiroth that evil wrong he won't get away with this we'll bring everyone back you and me kazia will figure out a way do not bother muscular cat I have already thrown almost all of the bodies off a cliff just like my father did to me you what you're very lucky I'm a fire type also you have some issues man [Music] 74 75 huh either I'm counting wrong or we're missing someone wait where's Kirby that's not Kirby you bozo the other round pink creature did you throw two of these off the cliff yes are you sure yes I remember every single person or creature I throw off a cliff it is my way of expressing myself well I have combed the bottom of that clip very thoroughly and he wasn't there so where is he I do not know a Skiller cat why don't you ask the cameraman wait someone filmed you yeah man we get some really good footage that day haven't you seen the trailer we produced it's doing very well on the internet here let me show you there pause it oh my God he survived we figured we should start with Reviving The Mushroom Kingdom characters but we realized we had no idea how to so we thought maybe we could ask you for help oh now my presence is wanted that's rich but sure I can help as long as you do something for me in return sure anything okay well you guys are going to need a bunch of other mushrooms I have used a lot of these myself after numerous failed attempts to get into that house of yours so I know a few good farming spots here alright some spots down is for the Yoshi you can save yourself the trouble of Reviving it you can crack one of my spare Yoshi eggs those things are all over the place really just like that yeah we do it only time we've been sacrificing Yoshi since 1990. it's Mushroom Kingdom tradition that's horrible hey your Universe has balloon creatures Dragon kids to the afterlife so don't call the kettle black yeah okay good point huh well thanks we'll go look for those mushrooms then no problem now as for my payment okay everybody look badass [Music] finally that's number seven we're back let's do some Reviving wait cause dude I just thought of something one two antagonize them a bit okay this is perfect good job guys I'm deploying the mushrooms stuck behind the couch and don't make a sound yep oh hey you know what totally worth it [Music] you're Reviving that nasty thing too let that rot I say it's always on again Batman I dare you nay I doubled it yeah it's something I get it why are we visiting this random Island again do you want to go through hundreds of pages of video game lore to figure out how to revive all those Fighters no exactly we need someone who does and lucky for us there are millions of islands like these all housing a certain individual who might want to help us the town hall should be that way it looks like no one has been here in ages so you need me to come with you replace your old deceased Isabel and help you revive the rest of the characters that's the gist of it absolutely not I have an obligation to buttville and our Island representative to take care of the island sure our Island representative hasn't been seen in eight months but she will return one day and on that day I will be there for her I'm not leaving no way that's a shame but I get it what we're asking requires a lot of research dedication and organizational skills so many problems to fix so many puzzles to solve so much hard work to be done [Applause] uh hello we were told we could purchase extra life balloons here to revive Kongs never before have I seen a winner too old than the two of you I can't even decide who looks more ridiculous you can't what are you supposed to be macho man Rarity services for Sona suffering from patterned hair loss and you I've seen edgy before but I have never seen please notice my scared shirtless body and glowing red eye edgy before desperate for attention much yet he didn't love you or something but anyway yes I sell extra light balloons five banana coins for two of them listen old monkey no one insults the great kazuyamishima and we don't have any of these banana coins you're talking about so so how about this you give us the balloons and we do not throw you off a cliff you are some cool discount Tony no you made your point what he's saying is true though we don't have any banana coins is there any other way we can pay you we really need those balloons to revive your relatives hmm don't even ask [Music] thank you so much for playing my game [Music] my my hello my dear I'll do card how nice of you to drop by my girls haven't had half vampire for dinner in ages I'm very sorry to disappoint Medusa but me and my friends will make sure it will stay that way for another night friends thanks for being our guide Alucard you are very welcome richto is a dear friend to me and both he and Simon are descendants of a friend I hold even closer to my heart we need one more magic Crystal I know where to find one follow me have you ever noticed your name is Dracula spelled backwards hello God what a pleasant surprise and you brought friends are these two of the same Clan is soul I still a few years ago that doesn't matter even the three of you who are no match for me said the Grim Reaper I will take your souls and doom you 20 eternity of my Lord please forgive me I hadn't noticed you yet please accept my most humble apologies oh powerful one is it my magic Crystal you seek please here take it is there anything else I can help you with many thanks for Reviving us why are you all looking so nervous foreign Hyrule is a big place so I suggest we split up in teams kazuya Luigi Daisy and Peach you go find a way to revive young Link and Zelda Richter Jr Yoshi and Rosalina you go take care of regular link Wario Simon Kirby your task is to revive Toon Link and lastly Mario Donkey Kong popo and Nana see if you can find someone to revive Ganondorf in cheek and keep your Hylian outfits on we don't want to freak the locals out so what about us and why did we bring Cairo we my dear incineroar just chill out and wait for a bit wait we still have more than 50 fighters to revive time is of the essence Isabel relax if I understand Zelda lore correctly and I think I do this will probably work don't you think Kim K rule kind of looks like a fat lizalfos what the hell was a lizavo wait what's that ominous music why is everything turning red Isabel what's happening I will be man I'm glad we revived you early [Music] welcome back Zelda I help Rosalina and Richter doing as well as we are good now puts him in the bath carefully that's it all right the shrine is sealed nothing can open it now and we just wait a hundred years and Link will be as good as new wait wait how I don't think we're in the right place well according to the man the fairy fountain should be around here somewhere wait a minute you've been holding the map upside down you unbelievable idiot I thought it was a w photo audio why would a map have your name on it cease you're bickering word has reached my ear that you have been on a quest to revive all the smash Fighters I see that you are trying to revive tune link right now with the help of a fairy I presume don't come any closer we have a Kirby who are you what do you want from us I am here to stop you from reaching the fairy fountain what why because the light just needs a bowl of his grandma's soup [Music] hi babe yeah we used a ferry on cheek like you told us worked great he's alive again yes yes well the thing is the fairy refuses to heal Ganondorf any other tips the local Town alright we'll try that thanks babe love you hello citizens of this great little desert town we are here because we want to revive a canadorf that was not the brightest thing you've ever done so you're looking to revive the dark lord Ganondorf huh sounds like you could use some help from the one and only yiga Clan foreign Hideout my friends we heard you were trying to resurrect the dark lord Ganon well you have come to the right place because that's exactly what the eager Clan does best also Mr Kong I heard about your impressive stash of bananas awesome huge fan so without further Ado let's get this dark load of ours resurrected guard wait are we sure we guys really are gullible I know goody two shoes when I see them I don't know why you are trying to resurrect Gannon but you'll make a nice welcome offering when he wakes up [Music] Lord of Darkness and destruction welcome back to the land of the living my Lord Hyrule is yours for the taking you must be feeling hungry for Destruction can we offer you a cage full of wimps to destroy including an actual chica [Music] hey Waluigi no one's home but me everyone is in Hyrule to resurrect the links Zelda Sheik and Ganondorf they'll probably be gone for a few more days apparently no disguise would keep the hylians from freaking out when you come stomping around so I'm all alone watching the remaining dead Fighters are you now for us what are you doing here I heard rumors that you were trying to undo my magnum opus and I guess they were true luckily I'm not too late to sabotage your pitiful attempt I just need to destroy the remaining Fighters so that there aren't any bodies to resurrect how lucky for me that you are the only one guarding them if there were other Fighters around I'd be outmatched but just you I'm pretty sure I can handle you old man this old man won't go down without a fight good get ready to meet your dude hey I got my invitation my real one so um how does this Smash Brothers thing work do I just start beating you up again no one told me that kid was coming welcome aboard the last kid foreign basically we're slowly but surely Reviving everyone again after sephiroth poisoned everyone but I gotta say with some of these I have no idea how to refine them Luigi get back here if you don't listen to your wife there will be hell to pay ah please you look like you've been through a rough time my man if there's anything I can do for you just let me know you don't happen to have a dead horse that needs Reviving oh [Music] this is not a whole what the how did you do that through the power of friendship I guess hey uh browser are these lights supposed to be blinking incoming video call hello anyone there service you're alive and you're in two places at once I thought his name was Metroid I'm not in the Sioux you dinkus that's a spare suit I left on a mission weeks ago I'm using the spare suit to call for help because I'm being attacked by Killer Robots over here and yes I am alive for now why wouldn't I be well several kind of killed all of us but we were revived by kazian incineroar and now we're trying to revive the rest hey can't you use some fancy space Tech to refinder space characters Among Us among us maybe why don't you come help me first and we'll talk about Reviving spaces later hurry we're on our way heck yeah space rescue mission I'll take my gummy ship yeah sure kid sounds great we're good we could pick up some of the others others in Hyrule on the way my destiny could use one of the air wings but I have no idea how to Pilot one right I'll go ask the neighbors for help get in losers we're going to space [Music] I'm so glad you're alive Samus phew thanks guys guess there's strength in numbers huh any idea how to bring your Echo fighter back as well well Dark Samus is half Metroid Prime and half Faison but also half power suit so there's a good chance you'll be recharged by one of those chozo recovery stations here on zdr there you go pleased to meet you madam question what does she look like without the suit yeah Dark Samus what do you look like without the suit probably like uh a super gnarly and disturbing alien skeleton [Music] the internet can never know about this [Music] oh get our grip slippy we can fix this you can yes we have one UPS too you can only get them by earning over 100 hit points or flying through five gold rings a second time on one stage a feat only the best R Wing Pilots can pull off and unfortunately three of the best ones I know are dead right now lying on this table don't worry old rabbit I will do it no one can fly like I can excuse me ninety percent of the Banshees you pilot end up exploding I'm a far better pilot than you are surely this is a job for a Spartan Madam please sit back and relax this will only take a moment no why don't you get off your high horse and let me do this I might not be a Spartan but I'm a legendary Intergalactic Bounty Hunter and I happened to excel at the gunship flying glasses at the Galactic Federation Police Academy I even got promoted to star tracker I am one of the most decorated War veterans in the UNSC Madam I have earned nearly every UNSC medal who cares about bureaucratic [Music] [Applause] did we just get owned by a duck are you sure this will work absolutely in the bad ending of Pikmin Olimar dies but the picnic bring him to an onion which plants an Olimar seed seemingly Reviving him yeah I wasn't talking about Allama oh trust me I know Ridley this guy will always find a way to come back to life always I don't know still seems like a long shot to me wait why don't we make this interesting 100 bucks says this plenty years doesn't work you're on million dollars I'm gonna bite some ice cream oh wait I can't cause that was all my money welcome back and great job everyone we revived a lot of Fighters over the past few weeks as for who's next we thought it would be a good idea to go to Sinnoh and Revive Our Pokemon so who's up for a trip too boys the bodies of banjo and kazoo you're missing someone took my wolf in as well tell me what you're doing with myself madam Reviving my friends [Music] autopilot engaged destination smash house well here we are Sinnoh the mysterious Northern Pokemon region and listen to this tax entry Pikachu occasionally uses an electric shock to recharge a fellow Pikachu that is in a weakened State well the the two are definitely in a weakened state but where do we get an electric shock what about this guy hey you can we use your Pokemon real quick to jumpstart ours my Electro buyer sure it's fully EV train has a beneficial nature and perfect IVs we don't know what that means but thanks electivire use Thunderball where they certainly seem to be recharged that worked out great at this rate we'll have your fellow Pokemon back in no time incineroar wait where's incineroar only Gen 4 and older loud what does that even mean just let me in dude [Music] sir we heal fainted Pokemon these are dead also one of them is an actual kid please take them off my counter no luck no I will destroy this building and everyone in it don't destroy the building kazuya we need to find another way to revive our Pokemon I might be able to help you with that also is this your Ho-Oh I caught it but I didn't realize it belonged to anyone this is Spear Pillar now all I need to do is play this flute to make the stairs appear so we can meet the actual Pokemon God if there's anyone who can help you revive your friends it's him we were going to distribute these flutes to trainers back in the day but we never actually did dude how dare you disrupt my Slumber I Arceus the alpha Pokemon the creator of the entire Pokemon Universe will not be bothered by menial tasks for this heresy you will be severely punished say your prayers to me for you are about to be Smitten by my divineness foreign [Music] Xerneas big blue imposing quadrupedal creature with glowing horns kinda resembles a deer can't miss it that sounds like a job for Pikachu and me you guys stay here we'll go find and catch this Beast big blue quadrupedal glowing horns now where would we find such a creature what oh hi Dad wait if Dialga can travel through time we might be able to visit the shrine of Resurrection 100 years in the future and pick up link good now puts him in the bath carefully that's it all right the shrine is sealed nothing can open it now and we just wait a hundred years and Link will be as good as new wait wait how 100 years is a bit much but if I could use this kid's Ocarina it should be possible Hyrule is thousands of miles away from here though and we can't abandon the trainer and the Pokemon if only we could navigate both time and space today is the day the shrine of Resurrection opens up again uh are you serious I guess that means our time of peace and quiet is over I rather liked a link free Hyrule who knows it might not be as bad as before maybe things stay chill for a bit [Music] two tickets to the Mushroom Kingdom please all right Carlos let's find this Xerneas creature oh my incineroar thanks for saving me guys I've been out there for weeks trying to catch replacement Pokemon for the ones we lost oh you didn't happen to find a Pokemon named Xerneas it should be able to revive our Pokemon no I did not happen to find a Pokemon named xertius I only got these stupid bumblebees of scatterbox catching Pokemon sucks wonder trade completed oh well that escalated quickly [Music] [Applause] and we're proud to announce that we have gained control over time space and life so we will revive the remaining fighters in an instant like hell you will I'm getting really tired of your continuous efforts to ruin my masterpiece I would have never thought you would go so far as to catch Legendary Pokemon to control space and time yet here we are luckily I'm quite the Pokemon trainer myself so say goodbye to your legendaries losers Giratina take them to the Distortion World wait actually now that I'm here why don't I just kill you all again Giratina change of plans destroy these huh you uh all right Giratina back to the original plan take these Pokemon and let's get the hell out of here see you real soon nerds hey guys after we were all killed by Sephora we met up in hell and I asked my good friend doomslayer over here to bring us back up and it seems like we arrived just in time I see you got assistance from one of my clones while I was gone oh my God Isabelle your timing is impeccable as always and thank you as well Mr guy uh uh Mr Slayer no problem wait a sec I get why Bayonetta was sent to hell since she's a literal witch villager I understand too but why were you there Isabelle honor are you sure you don't want to go back to your Island Isabel too nah that'll be fine I'll stick around for a while longer besides I really like researching Lord to figure out ways to revive all these dead Fighters it's really interesting here I recently found something interesting about Steve for example listen when Steve dies he will reappear at his spawn point which will either be the original area he appeared when he first entered the world or beside the most recent bed that he slept in wait foreign [Music] oh come on Isabel too we'll figure something out we always do hey you guys are shook's friends right oh no what happened to him poisoned by an edgy shirtless anime man yeah this'll do it some of you guys can heal right what if you all ate him with your strongest healing move simultaneously would that work no oh that wouldn't work you're clearly not aware of the level of mythical and philosophical wackiness we're dealing with here we probably have to kill a God or something to revive Sherlock no idea worth a try I guess you guys are wasting your time I'm really feeling it [Music] there good as new poor guy just needed an oil change elk your engineering those are really useful yeah well this one has me stumped I've tried everything but its design is very sophisticated and unlike anything I've ever seen I did find the manufacturer's address though let's go visit him then oh no my poor son get him inside quick son hmm luckily the damage doesn't seem to be that severe he just needs new head a new head yeah or a one-ups as I call them they provide an extra life when he collects one luckily I got plenty of spares there welcome back my boy wow thanks mister foreign [Music] [Music] can I borrow you for a bit okay stand here for a minute do your fighting stance nice round two God welcome back boys big way make way for the beautiful queen of Fighters Fighters great find Isabel too I never expected we could Revive Our Hero by going camping for a night and it was a nice break for us as well I'm sure everyone feels completely refreshed yeah uh would it hurt you to put your lingerie business on hold for a few days you are royalty you don't need that much money the crimes never stops really okay but many of our friends are still dead don't you think Reviving them should be our main priority right now Lucas what a hospital a neck one net on it we have to take you to the hospital and on it do you think we can sell our Wares in on it this isn't about your stupid business money won't bring back our friends of course we can revive these two boys that would be six thousand dollars please what I thought Healthcare was free here you might have us confused with Pokemon centers here in honest we need to be paid for our services and we had to increase our prices to stay competitive the grind never stops you know that's what we've been saying but I don't have pockets I don't carry but [Music] [Applause] do we really need to be so cruel says the girl who makes pets fight for money but yes we do Isabelle and the others can keep their soft shoes way of Reviving Fighters my way is fun now tell me toothpaste man how do we revive Min even if I knew why would I ever tell you she took my spot in smashed she could stay dead for all I care that's still bothering you what if I told you we still got some of the [Music] e tell us how to revive min just might be yours all right I often heard her talk about a fable kind of ramen that can revive Fallen Fighters she wasn't even sure it existed but her life goal was to acquire a cup and recreate it so she could serve it at a ramen restaurant I'm pretty sure that stuff would revive her if it even exists at all she called it the cup of Life noodles she said they are only rumored to be found in a far away land so good luck finding anybody all right anyway that's how we revived Min while you guys were off camping I don't approve of this approach Rule and now we suddenly have to deal with another newcomer too oh don't worry about that invite sephiroth may have killed us all but he had some pretty inspiring ideas when it comes to practical jokes okay guys these things are fast and they probably won't recognize our homemade respawn point so we have to make sure they enter it as quickly as possible or we might lose them forever everyone ready three two one [Music] guys I think I'm as calculated our power output is way too high too late [Music] oh well good enough right [Music] [Applause] so if we just splat them again and let the respawn Point run at proper power they'll probably go back to normal again I kind of like them like this though [Music] hey has anyone seen my arm Cannon ready I will grant you one wish so fast thank you for summoning Nova for me waddle D now get out of the way and let me wish for control over Planet pop star and don't even try to stop me even the mighty Kirby had trouble defeating me before so a weekly waddle D like you won't stand up foreign [Applause] [Music] villain yet not really but we've been hearing a lot of talk about a land that has become a really popular travel destination lately apparently Knights get revived all the time over there you can visit and see if there's something that could help us revive Meta Knight oh Knight I'll come too what a gloomy Place uh excuse me good sir do you perhaps no way to revive our friend over here hey Isabel yeah this might take a bit longer than we anticipated this place is weird okay the girl at the glory thing sent people automatically get resurrected when they get killed in this land so if we just find someone or something to kill us maybe we can trick the system into thinking men or not also excuse me super interrupting your quest but my dog by any chance you but that's a turtle I'll keep looking boy where could he be the girl at the glowy thing said people automatically get resurrected when they get killed in this land so if we just find someone or something to kill us maybe we can trick the system into Reviving meta not as well the problem is we're smash fighters who could ever be powerful enough to kill us thank you weird girl wait no don't touch my hand all right okay where the hell did we end up now wait severoff how what why yeah I have no idea how they found me in that forgotten land of all places hopefully they won't find me here glad you found a way to revive mother night guys we just arrived in Green Hill Zone hey you guys are Sonic's friends right do you know how to revive him he kind of poisoned oh sure no biggie he dies all the time there are multiple ways to revive him actually great great okay method one we make him collide with the computer monitor at high speed this is my preferred method [Music] shins any method that doesn't potentially turn him into a bloody pole well as for Plan B he once got revived by getting a kiss from a pretty princess you could try that aha how about plan C plan C is collecting 100 Rings those will grant him an extra life as well Mamas are fast enough to zoom around and Loops to collect them wait did I hear that right did the Red Dog say a hundred Rings why [Applause] attention everybody the race will begin shortly Pilots board your machines hello it's me Captain Falcon this is my new crew have a good race everyone okay quick we don't have much time put him in the trunk corn won't mind us using the sword oh you trapped in kazuya yes remember you have to hit 10 000 points to get an extra life for the captain so you're going to need speed we gave Sonic 12 shots of espresso so we should be fast enough to collect those points here take the monado as well it's in speed mode good luck let's hope this works on your marks three two one go did it work bloody hell you guys that was amazing you got more than enough points coming to you live from the f-zero Grand Prix in need City we're clearly something amazing has happened unfortunately we don't know what exactly since we haven't been able to get a single sentence out of these bystanders who seem to be weeping uncontrollably because of the sheer Beauty they have just witnessed foreign s welcome to the me channel what can we help you with ah hello Obama we have two memes here that got killed and needs Reviving oh we should ask the hand the hand the hand it is our creator and ruler it made us and can reshape us into whatever deems necessary if there's anyone who can revive your me friends it's the hand well seems it has noticed them whoa whoa don't fret the hand knows what it's doing there good as new seems they just needed some new eyes Ball Hill our Lord and savior the hand wow thanks Obama don't mention it wait didn't we used to have three me Fighters I'm telling you this isn't sand it's a me gunner in a Sans costume don't be ridiculous Santa's been with us since September 9 2019 me gonna show I think we remember someone like me Gunner existing okay so get this apparently Sans is a Sans but something called a me gutter so Mario is like you need to come over to the me channel get her revived and so we're dead and there were dozens of me's just standing around over there so we brought home like to one of them just bear with me okay time for a little reconnaissance mission my loyal minion the key to being a good villain is knowing what your adversaries are up to looks like they're trying to keep us out with silly little warning signs such childish measures won't stop us though let's see what we have here [Music] it is the drink of the guns a sacred artifact one of us surely revived the angel boy placed here by Divine beings but now retrieved by the one and only Meta Knight the quest to find the sacred drink was long and hard miyamotos would have succumbed long ago but not me not Meta Knight I had to fight counters on holy demons to reach the gates of Skyworld yet I did it without hesitation for it is my burn to bear I am the only one Mighty enough to finish this Quest and burning the angel boy back to life and now I'll return tears of joy will flow as I delivery floor ice cream yes I know don't be mad Meta Knight we can use your drink to revive the other angel boy there we go dude I know you're awake I saw your eyes open come on man is it because the drink is pink is that it milk no thanks that's right I'm back although I would have rather stayed dead you're very welcome now you know how I feel good job guys we'll collect those 10 000 points in no time yeah one of those ghosts Isabel warned us about deploying the bye bye so apparently sucking up the ghosts is not allowed and they kicked us out of the game but we hadn't collected enough pellets to earn 10 000 points so we're not sure how to revive Pac-Man now here we go [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] [Music] sister got killed so here we are to bring her back oh how nice but how if I may ask like many of us she could power the sun to heal herself obviously she can't salute the sun record stage so we will salute for her brothers and sisters are you ready [Music] what a bunch of weirdos a rewind spring one that reverses the effect of time on anyone submerged in its water that almost sounds too good to be true shall we bring lady palutena and do a little scouting trip you'll mind if Mack and I tag along I've tried feeding my chocolate bar but I don't think it works on him because he's straight up dead sure thing Doc careful now it looks easy I think it's working okay let's pull them out as soon as they're alive again you guys weren't kidding this spring is amazing you say that again no get out of there you idiot we don't know how powerful this spring is it could be dangerous you know what's powerful and dangerous this smoking hot young body of mine oh wait baby dog Young Buck Lewis is back oh and by the way I think we forgot about someone foreign [Music] spring that's extremely op this could completely ruin our plans we need to make sure they can't get access to that spring anymore wait I think I know what to do Hades god of the underworld speaking oh hi safri what can I help you with today oh oh you killed them all how positively diabolical I love it ah yes I can see how the rewind spring can be a Thor in your side in that case of course babe I'll make sure no one gets close to it anymore anything for my fellow villains alright love you Tata oh sorry due to evil scheme related reasons the rewind spring is closed until further notice now get out of here before I smite you come on choke we're about to leave for the rewind spring what's wrong oh hello sorry due to evil scheme related reasons the rewind spring is closed until further notice now get out of here before I smite you oh I don't actually need to go there myself I'm just with the rewind spring maintenance team you see it's time for the annual Spring Water cleaning if you could just Chuck this into the water that'd be perfect it's full of cleaning powder and disinfectants Gotta Keep Your rewind Springs clean and safe foreign [Music] where am I [Applause] well hello there Mr Treasure Chest let's see what you have in store for me today shall we not so fast Ruffian who the hell are you really yes I think it's time to talk about the elephant in the room or rather the enemy sword fighters of the room are we anywhere close up out of the way to revatham yet not really there are just so many of them the amount of relevant lore is overwhelming hey but these guys are laughing when did we provide these two we never died sir and we aren't smash Fighters I am on and this is Celica word reached us about a large amount of our anime Sword fighter Brethren being murdered here we had heard legends about a fabled staff in the east a staff that can resurrect Fallen allies so we set out to find it for you guys and find it we did ah got it the OM staff possesses the power to resurrect Fallen allies but can only be used by a princess oh we got plenty of those Paige get in here use the staff revive the enemy sword fighters I can't believe we're buying the whole bunch of them turned out to be this quick and easy wait listen to the rest however this fragile staff must be handled with the utmost care where the player has to exercise discretion in choosing units to revive due to the staff only having a weapon through ability of one oops wait what what the hell is weapon durability [Music] okay guys I think we can all use a little update on our current situation so it's time for a team meeting here's where we're at because of someone's impatience we broke the arm staff almond silica brought us but at least we have Mark back one thing to note being dead for so long has apparently reset him to factory settings and he not only speaks Japanese again kazuya will be his translator until we find a way to fix this why don't you guys just learn Japanese snake is still in the Underworld out we are working on a way to get him back from there and Little Mac is a baby which we'll try to rectify as well why he's perfect now only 10 of our friends are still dead seven of whom are Fire Emblem characters so let's focus on them for the moment does anyone have any idea how to revive them all suggestions are welcome um back in our homeland we have three sacred Springs that can resurrect dead Fighters we could take three of them to Valencia and revive them there wonderful um but before we rush into things again let's think carefully which three Fire Emblem Fighters will be taken to Venezia Valencia I propose researching other Revival methods first whichever three Fire Emblem Fighters remain will bring to Virginia Valencia great idea Isabel Juan thank you Isabel too let's send a group to corin's Homeland for starters how about our recently revived Captain Falcon with the trainer and Pac-Man yes great it's settled in let's finish this assuming you find a way for chlorine to be revived there's only six Fire Emblem Fighters left uh guys what's going on with violet so before we eat a toast to our friendship and camaraderie what oh you gotta be kidding me again really drinking the champagne extremely obvious villain gave you what you like getting killed or something hey what's with the long face you know I can use Divine pulse to reverse time and save you right it's not that I've had such an uphill battle since joining this house remember how mad everyone was when I was announced and now they actually kill me what did I do to deserve this I don't think it's just you I think that white haired dude poisoned everyone really yes so why don't I turn back time and you prevent everyone from drinking the champagne you'll be lauded a hero and you'll get the recognition you've been pining for wait sephiroth has been carefully planning this for months don't you think he has a backup plan in place yeah he might what are you thinking I think we need to stay hidden don't show our hands just yet turn back time I'm ready all right if you say so here we go so before we eat a toast to our friendship and camaraderie my my this certainly is my greatest work yet [Laughter] hello good luck and don't worry friends I'll be back when you need me and I'll prove myself once and for all hello is this Castle krakenberg we're friends of Corin and we need help welcome honey friend of Corinne is a friend of ours I'm a sister Camilla sheesh lady aren't you uh cold my burning love for my sweet little brother keeps me warm how is the Rascal doing well not very good he kind of died after being poisoned but don't worry we're working on Reviving him that's why we're here actually we were wondering if you knew of ways to revive him we have already revived another Fire Emblem fighter with an arm staff oh we have those here as well but we called them bit Frost no way did you happen to have one lying around do we have any Petros in the Armory do even my lady here take them oh my are you sure you don't need them anything to revive are sweet corn besides girl playing casual mode here so we have no need for them please give my sweet little brother kiss from me when you revive him you guys are really close with your siblings huh oh corn is just my little brother he's also my darling husband I can't wait to hold him in my arms again I win what do you mean you're done [Music] what where am I I'm back from you were poisoned by stepperoth but we revived you with a beef broth stuff now we took a bit of a risk here a few of the other Fire Emblem Fighters still need to be revived but we chose you because we helped you might know of a way to revive Robin uh well why not revive him like he was revived last time he died last time he died okay hear me out so you're saying that he got revived to the power of friendship while lying in a field I think we made a huge mistake Isabel too I'm telling you this will work we need more bring more friends good keep them coming arcazia and incinero are back yet let go of me you brute I am a princess I command you put me down here we are I think we got her out of the way people friendship you could have just asked okay on to valyria bulletia time to revive the last three remaining firearms on fire hello I'm sorry for the intrusion but did something happen to para Mithra Rex shares his life force with pyra and he's on the brink of death uh Yes actually they were killed by poison in their tricks their plates weaponized life forms they can't be killed by poison they probably just fainted are you serious yes otherwise Rex would also be dead right now that's amazing news do you happen to know how to heal them as well sure thing with herex we'll hear pyra and Mithra okay how how do we do that normally we Auto heal after a battle but I think pyramithra might be locked in battle mode because of the large number of monsters in this house but no worries we can heal allies during battle as well we just need to fill our party gate for that great well by inflicting Critical Hits break topple launch and smash in other words by beating the shite out of someone any volunteers me I was made for this what the heck yes you all just never bothered to ask me anything but never mind that let's fill that party gauge hit me all right it's full here we go [Applause] okay the first Revival spring is inside this dungeon there are two others like this I suggest incineroar kazia Celica and I lured the enemies out and defeat them while Isabelle and kengo revived the fighters good idea if you were only this proactive when it comes to work around the house really here now what's the use of bringing that up [Music] what's up in the little heart that popped up just now oh that's a thing here if you defeat an enemy while close to another unit you gain infinity points that strengthen your bond don't worry totally harmless you must have defeated many enemies while close to our neighbor then huh they act like they've been married for 30 years I'm glad they're staying outside anyway let's do this [Music] I'm pretty sure we've been here before I think we took about where losing I hope the others can fend off those enemies for a while longer two hours later I fight for my friends oh sorry it took so long guys we got hopelessly lost but we revived back as well now all of the Fire Emblem Fighters are revived are you guys all right guys [Music] I can't believe our Quest is almost over you're like a brother to be muscular cats love you man I love you too let's be best friends forever okay foreign hello cutie look guys this handsome fellow was sitting on her doorstep can we keep him oh good you found Morgana correction Morgana found her huh the cat can talk wow imagine that don't call me that we are the Phantom thieves we came all the way from Tokyo because we received this mysterious letter dear Phantom thieves last year sephiroth poisoned all the smash Fighters as far as I know I was the only one to survive however I suspected Joker could have had a vital role to play in fixing this mess so right before he got poisoned I took Peach's Focus band and put it on Joker with any luck chokerwolf survived the poison with one HP remaining hopefully you'll be able to take it from here and heal him I really hope so because we can really use his unique skills in the battle to come we'll meet soon B here's a faint heartbeat I'll be damned hey no more let me work my magic so that's how you were revived you and Cloud are the last ones actually but once we revive him there's still separoth to deal with hmm evil corrupt adult ruining other people's lives with his evil ways sounds like someone it's his heart changed why do I hear Acid Jazz all of a sudden foreign [Music] cloud and now we're trying to revive him do you have any suggestions on how to do that geez this is a lot to take in little doggy we know we're sorry it's just that he's the last fighter we need to revive and we want to finish the job before separoth tries to kill all of us again okay well normally I'd say use a phoenix down pretty sure his name is right no down as in feather one of these only we use these to revive party members who have been knocked out not killed but apparently depending on the quality and size of the feather the blessing received varies so who knows maybe a big beautiful Phoenix Feather would even be able to bring someone back from the dead but where would one ever find such a [Music] um okay so why don't we come with you we might be able to help with your sephiroth situation that'd be great thank you hey doggy what's up with the tension here shouldn't you all be happier you finally revived Cloud oh you'll find out soon enough I told you I told you I told you and you and you and you and you and you and you [Applause] here's today's mail mate Haiti says he's sorry he won't be able to be there but he did send some underworldly weapons for us to use shame but we'll make do preparations are nearly complete we'll be ready to move in a few days hi sephiroth your days of being evil are over very soon we will invade your subconscious and change your heart and there's nothing you can do about it see you soon the Phantom thieves of Smash change of plan we're leaving now you out of your mind mate we're still waiting on some there's no time we're moving out all right all right keep your knickers on grump okay so it's decided this is our very own team of phantom thieves that will change stuff around's heart the calling card has been sent so I think we're just about ready to invade his subconscious [Music] what's up losers [Music] I'm impressed you managed to revive everyone I killed I should be mad at you for ruining my masterpiece but what's about to happen will be even more glorious it's time to eliminate that stupid House of yours once and for all including all of its inhabitants please say hello to my Army a video game enemies [Music] you guys are our only hope now okay let's do it before we tear you all to shreds let me say a few words to the villains among you villains ask yourself are you really going to side with your adversaries when have these losers ever shown you compassion they have thrown you in lava sunk your Island sealed you away they're not your friends far from it why would you waste your potential by fighting for them why not join me and you're countless villainous brothers and sisters and fight for us instead surely you belong on this side of the battlefield search your feelings you know it to be true don't listen to him guys the more time we give the Phantom thieves the better so let him ramble he doesn't realize just how strong our bond is his poisonous words will never break our friendship oh fight me uh Museum yep we figured it out pretty quickly this guy is so sadistically self-obsessed and he sees all of his evil Deeds as a work of art we've infiltrated a museum before so this should be a piece of cake it'll be heavily guarded though I'm guessing the shadows in here will take the form of security guards just like [Music] ah I guess that for all this exhibitionism is shining through as well well do something about it we have a child with us lift off their masks they'll show their true form and then [Music] now to be a downer Isabelle but how the hell are we gonna survive more than 20 seconds against this massive Army okay we've let the tension build up long enough we're on the clock here [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] will best mine we'll show you the might of our felony attack everyone defend the house oh heavy is good at defending remember guys we need to beat up Shadow Seth Roth and steal his treasure so keep your eyes peeled for a special opinion or something we probably should have explored the palace before sending the calling card guys I feel like we're completely lost everyone remember we need to buy time don't kill Bubba Rock we're hacking too much but Phantom thieves are inside his mind and we don't know what would happen did I hear someone say kill sephiroth [Music] ah there you are welcome Doom Souls I hope you enjoy this special exhibition showcasing a painting of my future magnum opus for it will be the last thing you ever see after you ruined my previous Masterpiece I figured why only kill the smash cast why not kill the entire planet with an aptly shaped meteor this painting is a vision Army has likely wiped out your friends and there is no one to stand in my way to eradicate the entire world with the biggest prank in history not if we change your heart first supper off you're in my domain now cloud my power is unmatched In Here Also you've been in here for quite a while you've seen how big my Army is I now the smash house will have been completely obliterated all your friends are dead you have already lost [Music] the key to how are we doing pretty good zombie is suffering heavy losses we have taken a few hits as well but our All-Star healer team is extremely okay seriously it's like they're on steroids good we need to hold on just a bit longer the Phantom thieves should have stolen sephron's Treasure by now they're probably on their way back as we speak [Applause] [Music] prepare to die Cloud I'm sorry guys he's powerful this is not going according to plan patches hi bruv bring me hadie's package the one with the special weapon in it honest mate time for these idiots to say hello to my little what the let go of me Meta Knight get this guy off me at once Meta Knight oh yeah [Laughter] Kirby can throw friend hearts at enemies to become friends with them hmm interesting this won't help us revive anyone but let's bookmark this page just in case this ability might be handy later what [Music] what is happening why do I feel weakened all of a sudden no stay away from me [Music] did it work did we change his heart might hmm [Music] thank you man he can't even kill the rat yeah I'm not fighting for this guy what a loser let's go home guys [Applause] after we had won the battle the first Big Challenge we faced was clearing the battlefield of Fallen Warriors but before we knew it the Pikmin and Ridley had already harvested all the corpses to create more Pikmin seriously how are those games rated E for everyone apparently the Heart Change can take a while to fully take effect so we've kept separoth tied up for the time being just to be safe Cloud was mad that he got off scot-free and honestly we kind of agreed with him so we let him punch separoth in the face just to be done with it we also made him help repair the yard we're hoping he'll develop a love for gardening now but so far he hasn't shown much interest Sora Samus and Wario got their Pokemon back and Samus used Dialga to return Little Mac back to his adult self but it took a lot of time to convince her that he's not better as a baby we pawned off the weird shampoo bottle we got from separoth's Palace it didn't sell for much so we had Peach and Daisy pitch in to have fancy Metals made for kazuya incineroar and violet for their extraordinary efforts to revive everyone and defeat separoth my life got very emotional for some reason as for me I realized my job was done and I said goodbye to the Gang in a very professional manner of course I'm on my way back to my own Island again as I'm riding this thinking about the wonderful friends I made and the adventures I've experienced at the smash house I'm very glad I went with kazia and incineroar that fateful day they told me I can always come back and visit which I definitely will [Music] [Applause] thank you
Channel: GabaLeth
Views: 1,341,451
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gabaleth, reviving all the smash bros characters, reviving all the smash characters, reviving all the smash bros fighters, smash bros revival arc, sephiroth kills everyone, wooden plank studios sephiroth, wooden plank studios comic dub, super smash bros ultimate comics, super smash bros comic dubs, super smash bros comic dub compilation, sephiroth smash bros, smash bros comics compilation, Reviving all the Smash Bros. Fighters: the ENTIRE Arc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 81min 5sec (4865 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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