Pokemon Sword - The Entire Game in 1 Hour

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(dramatic slash) - Whoo! The entrance of the logo, let's go. Oh that's my dad's old bag. Aw, that's sweet. I'm so handsome. A Wooloo, what's it doing here? They're clearly everywhere, Hop. (chuckles) Like sad, we should stop it from hurting itself. All right, guess we're just gonna leave the Wooloo to give itself head trauma. Here's Leon, with his... (bangs) (crowd cheers) ridiculous fashion sense. (chuckles) I bet I can beat the both of you back home! Ah, do you honestly think you could beat Leon? Me, yeah, I don't even have a Pokémon. That Hop, always wanting to be the best, isn't he? Proper rival of his own, I bet he'd push himself to become something truly special. Come on, Lee! You promised us a present, so out with it! You brought Micheal and me Pokémon. You did, didn't you? I know you must have! Right then! The greatest gift from the greatest champion. It's show time, everyone! Take a good look, you two. (balls whizzing) (balls beeping) (Grookey chirping) (gasps) It's Grookey! (Scorbunny screeching) It's Scorbunny. (Sobble squeaking) It's Sobble. (upbeat whimsical music) (squeaks) Oh, that's a cool little scene they got. (squeaks) (splashes) Oh, that was cute. (squeaks) (upbeat whimsical music) (splashes) (squeaking) (thud) uh-oh. (splash) (Sobble crying) Aw! Poor Sobble. (hums) It's Scorbunny! (energetic music) Aw, yeah, fist bump, brother. (chuckles) (upbeat music) (sheep bleats) Oh man, it's two on one. Oh, no. Oh, we got the burn! You my two Pokémon with your one?! You and that Scorbunny are too much. That's correct. All right, onward. (crash) What the hell was that? Did you hear that just now? Oh, did the Wooloo finally get through the freakin' gate? Lol. Whoa, oh my gosh, wow. I genuinely can't see where I'm going. That is so awesome. (gasps) (howling) (suspenseful music) Run away. I can't run away but what? This is crazy. (Pokémon roaring) What? This is so cool! I can barely see Scorbunny's ears. Wha... That was so cool. Hop! Micheal! Wha-? Lee? How'd you manage to find your way here? You're pants with directions. You always get lost. Where's the Wooloo? We were trying to rescue that Wooloo! Oh, this lab is beautiful. I love like big wooden libraries, you know? Gotta give it to Professor Magnolia. Everything in here looks fascinating. What a cute Yamper. Was it today Leon? Looking for info on another never-before-seen, superstrong Pokémon? (gasps) I ship it. And that's his trainer Sonia. What can I say about Sonia? Well, I like the way she cooks. What?! That seems a little sexist maybe. What kind of an introduction is that? Your favorite thing about me is that I make good food. Damn! Just so you know, that Pokédex is a gift from my gran. Could you let Gran know that you received the Pokédex? She lives in the house down along Route 2. Oh, she doesn't live at the lab, that's weird. Look, there's the professor! So have you unraveled all the secrets of the Dynamax phenomenon yet? Oh goodness, no. The whole thing is still full of questions. I'd hope that my granddaughter would take over my research, but... Mmmm Dear me, I'm sorry. I didn't even notice my guests! I trust you received the Pokédex from Sonia. I'm sure you'll have it complete in no time. Magnolia's been doing research into the phenomenon for years and years and it takes a proper understanding of the thing if you plan to use Dynamax to the fullest. There you go again, Leon always talking about Pokémon. There are other things that are worth knowing about, too, you know. Like what? Oh, actually she provided a suggestion. How many different types of tea there are. Right then, in that case, how about this? Let's see if the two of you can show me such a brilliant battle that I'm left with no choice but to endorse you. Don't worry, ill make sure both your teams are in good shape before the battle starts. Oh, I gotta fight him again. (upbeat fighting music) This music is so fun. Sounds like I should be playing Mario Kart. No, we out speed, okay. It'll be a close one. Man, you haven't taken out any of my Pokémon. And I even got my Poké Ball throw perfect, too! The sting of defeat and the joy of victory. I guess going through both is the key to the two of us getting stronger huh? Micheal! Hop! Well, after seeing a match like that one, suppose I've little choice but to give you both an endorsement as champion. (star falling) (gasps) What the heck? How incredibly convenient! They're Wising Stars! Oh, this is the Dynamax item. That's how we get it? It falls from the sky? Cool. There are a number of conditions you must meet... I wonder what those conditions are. I know, it only lets you do it in certain places. (upbeat whimsical music) Okay, that's the train station, got it! (fast music) Motostoke! All right. What a Wild Area, I'm very excited to check this out. The train is halted, due to a flock of Wooloo on the tacks. Wooloo are very clearly an enormous nuisance in this region. (dramatic music) It's here! It's so cool. This is so cool. Sonia, what are you going to tell me? Nothing to worry yourselves over, besides, id been quite curious about that Pokémon you two met in the forest. Okay. Maybe Gran'll admit I've got some talent. Oh my gosh, Magnolia's not a good person. (chuckles) All right, the Wild Area. It is here. (dramatic music) Onix, I don't think you're going to enjoy the rain. Run like the wind. (victory music) Okay, yeah, we probably shouldn't fight that Onix. Yep, stay away from that thing. That thing wants to kill me for sure. Pawn shop? Hello, large man. This is so fun. Ha! Wow! I was not ready for that. That startled me, I thought I was gonna go straight up. All right. The opening ceremonies. This is fun. What does this man do? (victory jingle) Thank you, sir! The ball guy. Oh, everything is so grand. Ooo, this guy. The douche canoe. Ooo, let's go with Sceptile's Dex number. You must be Michael... Budew Drop Inn is down this way. If you would be so kind as to follow me. The Metagross people. 'Cause they have Xs on their faces. Didn't we tell you, mate? You get in our way, and you're in for a battle. Team Yell's all about helpin'... Helpin' one very special Trainer win the Gym Challenge, that is. We wanna make sure she gets cheered on nice and proper... Now you're gonna help us make some noise!ú (battle music) Ooh! A crit, way to go, Nosedive! Ha-ha! What are you lot doin' here? Marnie?! She gotta show a bit of restraint. Stop being crazy. Marnie, she's so cute. Sorry 'bout them, they're just a bunch of my fans. Call themselves Team Yell and follow me around cheerin' for me. I think they've let it all go to their heads a bit... They need a little Morpeko, just like, "Hey." Come on, you lot, back home with you now! 254, in my gear. Got my hair. Sweet. (crowd cheers) (upbeat fast music) Ladies and gentlemen! I am Rose, chairman of the Pokémon League! It is my pleasure to announce that finally- the Galar region Gym Challenge will now begin! Now, I would like to invite the Gym Leaders to show themselves! Oh, we're getting introduced to them early? We're on it. (gasps) (crowd cheering) Oh, this is such a cool shot! Oh, this is such a cool shot! You've made it at last, Hop. And you, too, Micheal! So you're the two Trainers our Champion endorsed himself! Welcome, and its a delight to meet you. I'm Rose, of course. You know the Gym Challenge has a set order that you've gotta visit the Gyms in, right The first is in Turffield! To get there, we need to head to Route 3! All right. All right. Cool. (upbeat music) I dig Hop's music, not gonna lie. I think it's pretty solid. Fake it til we... Pake it til we make it? (gasps) Oh yay! I didn't even realize! (bells ring) (upbeat whimsical music) Raboot is cool. That's part of the reason I picked Scorbunny, 'cause I really like Raboot. Yeah. Woobat and Diglett. The Diglett pops up and down, that's so funny. Hey, it's our douche canoe rival. You, you're the gym challenger endorsed by the Champion, aren't you? What a joke. You're aware that the chairman is more important than the Champion, right? I was chosen by the chairman himself, so that makes me more amazing than you! I suppose I should prove beyond doubt just how pathetic you are and ho strong I am. Man, you must be fun at parties. Ooh, a good lead. ♪ I defeated Trainer Bede ♪ ♪ Ha you suck ♪ ♪ I almost said something inappropriate ♪ ♪ But I'm not going to ♪ (high-energy music) Wooloo crashed into you and stopped! Are you OK? You took that Tackle head on... Oh you must be one of those Gym Challengers, right? Yes, indeed. I thought so, I saw you at the opening ceremony. My name's Milo. I'm a Gym Leader and rather partial to Grass-type Pokémon. I've been itching to see just how good the Champion-endorsed Gym Challengers are. Let me find out at the Gym Stadium. Just head on through this route, and you'll run right into my stadium. Sweet. Turffield Stadium. (relaxing island music) Bow wow wow! ♪ Bow-Wow-Wow ♪ ♪ Diggity-Doo-Diggity-Doo ♪ ♪ Digga-Bow-Wow-Wow ♪ Okay. (victory jingle) Whoa! A Friend Ball! (upbeat music) Holy crap, how'd they fit this all in here? That water needs help. (upbeat music) Okay, knock on wood that's not too bad. Oo, that was satisfying. My Gym's the first one people face, so we get a lot of challengers. That's why I try to keep the Gym mission challenging, but... That didn't stop you from completing it, Micheal! Proper job! Sure seems like you understand Pokémon real well. This is gonna be a doozy of a battle! I'll have to Dynamax my Pokémon if I want to win! Let's freakin' do this. (fast techno beat) My first Dynamax. (Dynamax activating) (laser thunders) (gasp) This is extremely cool. (fast techno music) (thuds) Oh, the deep imposing, like, oh! (laughs) All that buildup, one attack. Oh man, the fainting of a Dynomax Pokémon is super dramatic. Grass-match. (victory jingle) Yeah, it's on the little ring-thing. Oo, 25! That's how you get the other types. Hulbury, Hul-berry. A little Toxel! (victory jingle) Yeah! You're so pouty. ♪ Ah you gotta keep it strong ♪ ♪ Move along, move along in the story now ♪ Oi! Just hand over that bike already! All right, thrash 'em. Come on, give me one more flinch and we've won for sure. Oh, a crit! Dude, how are you getting so many crits? This is amazing. (zaps) Bye, losers. My word, you're quite the trainer. I see you have a Pokédex, too! That means you have a Rotom with you! Fantastic! I think I'll give this bike to you, then. Better you have it than Team Yell! Now, you know that Rotom love motors very, very much, right? Enough to jump right into machines that have motors! That got me thinking. If I attached a motor to a bicycle, then maybe I could get a Rotom to pop into that as well! I see! Come now. Give it a shot! Enjoy cycling together with Rotom to the fullest. (victory jingle) All right, cool. Press the plus button or minus button. Oh. (bike bell rings) Bicicleta! I warned you! We're both Gym Challengers who've earned ourselves a Grass Badge. This is the perfect training! Very well, Hop. (sheep bleats) (zaps) Yes! (roars) Yes! (roars) Drednaw! Nessa. I am genuinely worried for Nessa because I don't have any good Grass-types. I have an Applin that is... Unconscious. Or, that is like, it's an Applin. Whoa! (upbeat music) Yes! Let's go. Oh, hey, I'm here, cool. (laughs) Nessa? Oh, the bootie. You must be a Gym Challenger, right? How'd you know? You're one of those endorsed by Leon, right? Become something of a hot topic among the Gym Leaders. Here you go, Mr. Famous. I already heard about you, so you should learn about me, too. (victory jingle) Cool. Hey, this is familiar. This is just like the demo. (splashes) Dunzo-funzo! (crowd cheers) This is my second battle versus Nessa. My first one was in the demo. Welcome, honored Gym-Challenger. I think you already realize, but I'm Nessa. Sorry to have made you look for me. I don't doubt my humble mission's difficulty. Yet you cleared it. Your mind as a Pokémon trainer must be quite refined. No matter, what kind of plan your refined mind may be plotting, my partner and I will be sure to sink it. Oh, boy. (crowd yelling) (fast techno music) (voices chant) (zaps) (bangs) (roaring) Dynamax is so cool! (zaps) (bangs) I love that just two giant Pokémon facing off. (explosions) Let's go! Sit down, Drednaw, sit down! (happy music) (victory jingle) Yeah! Now what? Oh, wait, he's back in Motostok? Galar Mine, number two, okay. Whoo. Shellos aren't you a cute one? Oh. I'd feel sorry for my Pokémon if I made them take part in a battle against low-level opponents. I'm not in the mood to deal with weaklings right now. Are you allowed to say no? (battle music) I think it's possible that they'd let me say no. I defeated Trainer Bede. ♪ Ha-ha-ha-ha ♪ ♪ Ha-ha-ha-Ha ♪ Oh. (bass music) Hello. You're one of them takin' part in the Gym Challenge, right? Oi, jog on, mate! Can't you see we're in the middle of a conversation here!? Yeah? And can't you see that I'm Hope the Trainer who'll be your next Champion? Ooh, so we've got a joker here, eh? You're so funny, I forgot to laugh. Oh, the burn. You think I'm joking? I'll prove it, then! I'll crush your dumb faces. (tense music) What'd this other kid have to come waltzin' up for, eh? I just wanted to know off challengers one at a time. (laughs) (calming new age music) (synth jazz music) Team Yellow is causing trouble for Kabu. Thank youfor helping out with my training, Team Yell. But I must say it's unforgivable for you to get in the way of a Carkol hard at work! We weren't gettin' in its way! We were tryin' to cheer it on! Still you did a number on us in that Pokémon battle, so it's time for Team Yell to scarper and give a moral boost elsewhere! Bye, bye, bye. ♪ Bye bye bye bye bye ♪ Cheering is one thing, but one shouldn't get in the way of honest work! Gooooor. That's Kabu. Man, he's wicked! No wonder he's the Fire-type Gym Leader! That's a cool uniform. Ah, you are the Trainers endorsed by Leon! Hop and Micheal, am I right? I'm just training right up until the last moment so that I can guarantee the perfect match when I face you Gym Challengers! I specialize in Fire-type Pokémon, and the Water-type Pokémon in Galar Mine No. 2 are the perfect opponents to train against! Oh, hey! Uhhh, Challenger Micheal, right? Out givin' it your all, even this late, huh? Hey, help with somethin' for a sec. I want t'see if I'm ready for the next leg of the Gym Challenge. All right. Wicked! Got some fight in you, huh? Team Skull Grunts materialize. Bite express-- Oh, what?! Silicobra, we're out! Ugh! That friend of yours already went off to challenge the next Gym. Kabu's League Card is supposed to help against him, but I ended up with a few copies. It's suppose to help against him, so I'll give you one. Don't look so chuffed, it's no big deal. I should look at these League Cards. Like what is the deal with them? Ha, you bet ya have Burn Heal. Catching Pokémon? (upbeat music) (Poké Ball ringing) (Poké Ball thumping) Yes. Welcome! I am Kabu, the Fire-type Gym Leader. The fact that you are here means you've bested both Milo's Grass-type Pokémon and Nessa's Water types, too. That's quite an accomplishment! Every Trainer and Pokémon trains hard in pursuit of victory. That means your opponent is also working hard to win. In the end, the match is decided by which side is able to unleash their true potential. (crowd cheering) What a cool battlefield. (fast-paced music) Cool. (fast-paced techno music) (zaps) (roars) Burn bright, Centiskorch. Oh, he's got a Gigantamax one? Holy crap, I've never seen it before! Did you see the fire in his eyes? (bangs) This is the greatest Pokémon game ever made. That is horrifying. (bangs) Okay. Makes sense that it didn't K-O. (wind blowing) 'Cause I'm burned. Flutterby? Is this the bug one? (health depleting) One more max Rockfall. This should end it. (bangs) Boo-ya! Oh, I'm so pumped he had the Giganmax form. I wish Nessa had Gigantamax Drednaw. Fire Badge! (victory jingle) 35! Mr. Chairman! I love how he looks like he's in his boxers. Just (laughs). I've been collecting both Wishing Stars and Gym Badged as fast as I can! Good work, Bede. I'm glad you haven't forgotten that it was the chairman who endorsed you. Yeah, he brings it up every five freakin' seconds! If I gather enough Wishing Stars, thall help solve the problems that's been bothering you. Right, Mr. Chairman? Oh, its not just about me. It's for the future of the whole Galar region. And we'll need more tan just Wishing Stars. We need a powerful Pokémon Trainer too... As you know, Wishing Stars are those mysterious stones that are even attached to your Dynamax Bands. There's more to Wishing Stars than just making your Pokémon into giants, though! They hold far more energy than that! If you're curious, you should head to the stadium. In fact, we should had inside right away! I'll even give you a little lesson on how the Galar region gets its energy. (victory jingle) Thanks, Ball Guy. Weird that they just give me one. Micheal! Seems you're doing well collecting Gym Badges. But Hop... Did something happen with him? He was acting really odd when I ran into him. Yeah, he lost real bad. He took one look at me and immediately was like, "I'm so sorry, Lee!" It might be the first time I've hear him apologize for anything, and I've no idea what it was for! (victory jingle) Yes, this was clearly intentional. (laughs) (victory jingle) That bag looks heavy. Speaking of heavy, here is something also heavy. It's very sadly not guaranteed. That's a Clobbopus! Is her signature Pokémon Grapploct? Ah-huh, how fun. Whoa, whoa! That was lovely, I thoroughly enjoyed that. Challenger. I'm Bea. Bay, I still don't know. Do you have an unshakable spirit that won't be moved, no matter how you are attacked? I think I'll just test that out, shall I? Okay. Maybe after we could go grab some coffee, or something, you know, if you're free. Oh, she's got four Pokémon. Oh, spicy! Oh, this is gonna be so cool! (zaps) (roars) Oh! (giggles) This is the greatest Pokémon game every made! Hello! Suck it, Machamp! Hah! Now it's on your desk. (victory jingle) Why are you sad? You will when you play through sword. I can now catch Pokémon up to level 40, that's nice. Oh, my goodness. What? He has a Copperajah! Destroy it! Destroy it all! We're going to find those Wishing Stars! Wow, wow, he's getting worse... Now he's just gone from being a jerk to an actual vandal. Challenger Bede! Is he under arrest? I hope so. I wonder what you were up to when you asked to borrow Chairman Rose's Copperjah... I can't believe you'd try to use the chariman's Pokémon to destroy a historical site! You are clearly not a worthy challenger for the Gym Challenge. We'll decide what to do with you later. For now, you will return to Hammerlocke. Oh my god, I already made it through. What the heck? This town is amazing! Oh my god, this is so cool. (chirping) Oh, yes. Corviknight! (victory jingle) Beautiful. Corviknight is not fully healed, so I need to do that. (victory jingle) All you need to do is battle my Trainers and answer the question they ask along the way. Think carefully before answering, though, child. If you get the wrong answer the stats of your Pokémon will get lowered. Oh, but if you answer correctly, your Pokémon will get a stat boost. Just think of it as a little Fairy-type Pokémon magic to make things interesting. Now, I want you to go all out. Show me what you can do! What the hell? Oh, I'm a little nervous, guys. I'm not gonna lie. Little nervous. (crowd cheering) (fast fighting music) I can't poison you. Ew, god! (zaps) (chants) (bangs) (roars) (zaps) Wow, we have really tanked that. Oh, that's right, it heals. Oh boy. This gonna hurt, little Creamy Puff. Impaled! I am out of eggs. Can I have Ultra Balls now? Hold on now. No? Are you here to berate me more? I've got a few errands to run in Hammerlocke. Care to join me for the journey? You're headed for the next Gym Stadium, you'll need to get to Hammerlocke, too, after all. With pleasure! They say two's company, after all. All right, we'll hang out with the mean old lady. (yells) This town is lovely. (victory jingle) The Moon Ball. (uplifting music) That necklace is incredibly tacky. Hey there. The name's Gordie. I admit I feel a little bad for doing this to a Gym Challenger, but... I'm going to use this match to show the crowd that my Pokémon are unbeatable! So, let's get this over with, Challenger! Sure, Gordie. (fast fighting music) Man, three gym battles in this stream. He did a back flip. How'd that guy do a back flip? (chants) (bangs) (roars) (audience chanting) Oh, Gigantamax Coalossal! I think I've seen only like a blurry picture of it. (rings) (bangs) Oh, that's so cool. (thunders) My, goodness. (roars) (bangs) All right, that was only interesting there for a second but my Rock-type won out. (victory jingle) Cool. Dos más. Up to Level 50, very nice. I can't enter Spikemuth, so I've just been hanging around here this whole time... No one can challenge the Dark-type Leader like this... What's with the gate being shut? How am I supposed to get the Gym Badge now?! Hey, Micheal! I was born 'ere so I know another way in. If you wanna get into the town, how 'bout I show you the way? But...you're my rival. So you'll have to beat me in a battle first, got it? With pleasure! (rock music) You've had a pretty good win streak in the Gym Challenge, just like me! I respect you as my rival and all that, but I got too much at stake to go around losing now! All right. Do I know what Shiny Grapploct looks like? I do and it's amazing. It is an excellent Shiny. My partner Morpeko has been interested in you and your strength, and I think I get it now. I've got everyone in Spikemuth supportin' me! I'm definitely gonna get all eight Gym Badges just so I can I have a rematch with you. Don'cha forget it! I'll get my revenge in the Champion Cup! Anyway, I promised I'd show you a way in, so follow me! (crowd booing) Ooh, emo! He's got the same necklace as Marnie does. Is he her older brother or something? (rock music) Gym Leader Piers. (guitar music) Oh, he still took that, no problem. All right, we got the Obstagoon. The Fairy-one... The Fighting-one, and now this one? Corviknight is amazing for this region. (victory jingle) One more. It's gonna be fun. (fast fighting music) Raihan is definitely the coolest Gym Leader. (crowd cheering) Sand stream. I love Raihan, he's so cool. Whoa! The Sky Scraper. (thuds, bangs, echoes) What a noise! (bangs) (thunders) Huh-huh-huh-oh. G-Max Depletion! Is this Steel type or is it Dragon type? Oh, that was Dragon type. Man, what an epic battle. I thoroughly enjoyed that. That was four on four battle that came down to my last Pokémon. That was so cool. I love Grapploct so much. I might have lost, but I still look good. I'll give you that Raihan, you're one sexy dude. We're such good friends. We're finally headed for Wyndon. There's a lot I want to do there. The big tower, and the monorail, and Wyndon Stadium! Where the whole of Galar-no, the whole world is gonna be watching us! Is it Wyndon and Wind-den? I know it's suppose to be London. Whoa! It's huge. Big Ben! There's the stadium. Oh, I like the Corviknight evolutionary line statute. All right! Wyndon City! This is the place where I become a legend at last! You get it, don't ya mate? After all, I'm about to become the new Champion of the Galar region! That's it! I'm headed straight for Wyndon Stadium! Don't waste too much time, Micheal. You should head there yourself. Semifinals will be starting soon! Please head to the stadium pitch when you are ready. Holy crap. Holy crap. I thought I was gonna be world saving first. Wow guys, this is it. Let's hope this doesn't suck. Oh, we're fighting Marnie first! She's ideal because I started with my Fairy type. Heh. I knew you'd get all the badges and meet me here. Is this the best decision? Maybe not but it's the most interesting one. (roars) (rock music) Oh! Oh, my god. That is absolutely horrific. (explosions) Ow! That's right! Fairy doesn't resist Fairy, I completely forgot. I got to see a lot of the good points of you and your Pokémon! Dope battle. It's time I finish what was started that day... Got it? The one who'll become Champion is me! Let's fight! (fast guitar music) (crowd cheering) Ah, he leads with a Dubwool! Cool. Release all the thoughts poured into my Wishin Star... Time for a Dynamax! You're going to die, Hop. (laughs) (roaring) All right, we have clearly swept this battle with Warhead. (explosions) So should probably not use him too much. Michael! That was incredible. Brilliant. Honestly, there were even tears rolling down my face before I knew it. To think that the two of you set out together from the same town, built up the greatest teams, and arrived here at this point to throw everything you had at one another... Those moves filled with undefeatable passion! It was battling at its vert purest, in every possible way! Welcome to Chairman Rose's exclusive space. Here, nearly a thousand feet above the earth! So, you got through all of that special staff that I had ordered to stop you. I would expect nothing less of the Trainers handpicked by Champion Leon himself. But I am afraid it is now time for you to go home. Because... (fast rock music) I mean, I saw this coming but still, the face. This is my last Pokémon? Seriously?! Oleana's gotta finish this! (intense battle music) I've only seen pictures. Oh, my god. (thunders) It has an entire plane, or those are toys it seems. But still. How much does this do? Little under half, okay. Here we go. The motors have gone down. It probably goes without saying, but, hello, Galar! I'm your Champion, Leon! The chairman is tied up with some business, so I hope no one minds me stepping in on his behalf in order to lead you all to greater heights as Pokémon Trainer of the Galar region! The time has come for you to battle it out until only the greatest challenger remains! So, on behalf of the chairman, allow me to say... Let the Finals matches begin! Ah-hah! Who's that? Gym Leader Bede. Mawile, nuts, this isn't great. Corviknight is definitely one of the best Pokémon for this play through. Just, hands down. Like, just the amount of important battles (roars) its good for is extremely large. Oh, wow, I just noticed that HP number. Remember, I said I maxed the Dynamax level for like my Pokémon. For 4 of my six. Before, I maxed a Grapploct, Corviknight... Oh. (roars) What is this suppose to be? It's just like a lady wearing a hat. I don't understand this Pokémon. Oh, it survived! Damn. Uh-oh. (explosion) Wow, if I had not... Higher-roll? Okay, it was a higher-roll it just didn't take. All right, it's over. The Gigantamax Hatterene didn't go down as easily as I thought I would. I am afraid. I am afraid. An epic battle in the rain. (thunders) Cool. Flood the stadium and make it our ocean! Dreadnaw time to Gigantamax! So I guess she just ditched her other one. It's like the other one was like, "Oh, you can't Gigantamax". You know I kept my Drednaw when I got a Gigantamax one, Nessa, okay? I clearly care about my Pokémon more than you. (explosions) Boo-ya. I promise you, my attacks will shake your very soul this time. May the best Trainer win. Question, will she have Gigantamax Machump again, or are they ganna give her something different? Hawlucha! This is terrifying. And it's over. Corviknight! Knows death. You're really something else, kid. You made it all the way here! I guess that's why the Champion himself endorsed you, yeah? Leon's my rival-and he chose you. So I've got to first prove I'm better than you if I'm to beat him! I've reworked my whole team, and now we're all geared up for- Okay, all right, cool. But if you think I'm the same Raihan you faced during the Gym Challenge, you'll soon regret it! (crowd cheering), (battle music) Torkoal! What? (explosions) I love Grapploct using max knuckle, how he's like (roars) And like energy surges and then it comes from the sky. That's so cool. So cool. (roaring) The tense, still air on the pitch... "Still air"!? Your cape and hair are blowing like crazy. I'm the Galar region's Champion, Leon! Me and Charizard, and all the rest of our team, will use all our knowledge and experience to crush you completely! Wait-hold on! Look at the monitor! Wait, what? Am I not fighting him yet? Hello there, Leon and Micheal! Just letting you know... I think it's time I brough about the Darkest day. Excuse me? For the sake of Galar's future, of course! But I'm in a bit of a pickle. The energy released by the Darkest Day is too much for us to contain. I'm sorry it's come to this. But it's you who forced my hand, Leon. You refused to listen! That video stream... That was from Hammerlocke Stadium, right? What in the world did the chairman do? (howling) They really are here... The sword and the shield Pokémon! I knew it! (victory jingle) That settles it! I'm taking the shield! Though...wow, would you look at the state of this thing? It seems like it might fall to pieces if you so much as look at it funny. (sinister music) What do you plan on doing, Gym Challenger? Stopping the Darkest Day. Uh, Pardon? What are you talking about? There's nothing to stop now. We've already brought about the Darkest Day... Or should I say, the ultimate Pokémon-Eternatus! Must I explain myself? From your perspective, I suppose it must seem that I am doing something terrible. I don't expect you to understand. I must provide the Galar region with limitless energy to ensure everlasting prosperity. It's my purpose, my duty, my destiny! That's why we've been giving the Wishing Stars to Eternatus! Surely you remember the red light that caused a ruckus around Hammerlocke. That was all part of our experiment to awaken Eternatus! You must understand. I can't let you interfere with my plan to protect the future of Galar! Yup, though we were gonna fight him. (choir singing) I picked a good lead. I'll show you a move that'll hit so hard, you'll be speechless! Gigantamax. (roaring) Copperajah, so cool. I can't even see it's face. (explosion) Man that defense stat is so high. Got 'em. (explosions) (thunderous roar) I'd forgotten how great Pokémon battles are! It's been so long since I battled... That sure was satisfying. In order to solve the energy issue as soon as possible, we awakened Eternatus. But we couldn't control it. The Champion came to aid me, even at the cost of abandoning the match. Indeed, just like a knight in shining armor coming to rescue a princess from a dragon! Oh, my god, it's horrifying. (fast-paced fighting music) (explosion) Uh-oh. (ominous, suspenseful music) (roaring) Why are we smiling? Micheal, use that sword! It might be old and rusted, but there's got to be some use to it! I got it! (metal clinking) (ethereal music) (howling) (crashes) (guitar music) (howling) (explosions) (roaring) Oh, cool. Intrepid sword! Yup. Way to go, Warhead. That's my boy! (Poké Ball beeping) My matches are always sold out, but this... I've never seen a crowd this wild! Everyone knows what you did for us this week, Micheal... They know you're the one who caught Etarntus and save the future of the Galar region. A real hero, who battled alongside the Legendary Pokémon, Zacian and Zamazenta... I couldn't have dreamed of a better challenger to help increase my winning streak! Now that I've seen just what kind of strength you possess as the greatest of challengers... Crushing you into the dirt will show everyone just how strong their champion- excuse me- truly is! Come on, Micheal! Let's make this a final match that'll go down in Galar's history! No! A match that'll change Galar forever! We're gonna have an absolutely champion time! (crowd cheers) (battle music) Ha! A nice touch. He's level 62, that's great. That's kinda high. Are we in King Shield? Okay, well this thing's dead now. A super effective hit... Id expect nothing less from your team! I'll show you what Charizard can really do! It's Gigantamax time! All right, if Warhead goes down, I just bring in Drednaw and Max Rockfall and kill this thing. (roars echoing) Level 65. I feel like you probably should've gone for a move that would not be resisted. What are you doing? Why didn't you go for like... Do you not have like Dragon Fall or something? And my increased Dynamax Level. I'm really glad I did that. I would have been in a lot more trouble if I hadn't done that, in multiple battles today. All right. Congratulations, Micheal! You've beat even the unbeatable Champion- Making you the new Champion of the region! You've become a first-rate Trainer, all right. I offer you my heartfelt congratulations! I'm amazing! Now that you've grown so strong, perhaps it's time I started looking ahead myself. It's time we adults started workin on improvng here an ow, for the sake of all that's to come! Dude, your head is huge. And you, Micheal. What you ought to do now is believe in yourself and your partner Pokémon, and keep on blasting ahead! In order to create that bright future we all hope to see! People of Galar! A new legend born right before your eyes! Your champion, Micheal! That's me! I did it. (fireworks exploding) Incredible. Bet you can't wait to see what kind of future a kid with this kind of strength might bring about! I sure can't! Let's watch and see what he can do! (crowd cheering) Sweet. (soft music) The credits, oh, that's cool. What a little fun, fun little shot. A little band.
Channel: MandJTV
Views: 999,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Sword and Shield, Pokemon Let's Go, New Pokemon games, New Pokemon, Top Pokemon, Pokemon Talk, MandJTV, MandJTV Pokevids, gaming, video games, nintendo switch, nintendo, pokemon, new games, family friendly, top 10, top 5
Id: hcpZGnAOaKc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 58sec (3658 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 28 2019
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