Pokémon Heartgold Hardcore Nuzlocke - Flying Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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pokemon heart gold and soul silver are probably the fan favorite games of all time so today i'm gonna see if i can beat a heart gold hardcore nuzlocke using only flying types the rules for this challenge are first off the standard nuzlocke rules any fainted pokemon must be permanently boxed only the first encounter in any area can be caught and in this case the first flying type and all pokemon must be given a nickname as for the hardcore additions battle mode must be played on set no items can be used in battle except for held items and you can't over level the next gym leader's highest level pokemon now here's the list of possible flying type encounters in the game so right off the bat we can cross out lydian and skarmy since their version exclusive to soul silver in this case i decided to play pokemon heart gold since we get access to gligar and mantine for a little bit better type coverage dragonite can also be crossed out since it evolves after level 50 which is past the level cap of the entire run anyway and you might also have noticed that gyarados is missing from the list honestly gyarados is the best nuzlocke pokemon by far because of its availability stats and intimidate so to make things a bit harder on myself gyarados is out as well so my journey starts off with professor oak oversleeping very unprofessional i then name myself axel and go to professor elm's lab to pick up a pokemon since none of the starters are flying types at any point i can't keep any of them but i pick cyndaquil since that leaves my rival with totodile totodile is going to learn icefang later on which is super effective against flying types so at least my rival has the same advantage as he normally would and after a very close call i defeat the ginger kleptomaniac and get a look at its trainer card and look i didn't want to be childish and name him anything silly so i went with what the card said now that we have pokeballs i run into the first encounter of the run on route 29 a pidgey now pidgey's readily available for everyone but nobody really wants to use it if they don't have to so i name it ryanair and ditch my cyndaquil after that i head to route 46 where i can catch a spiro which i named delta and a caterpie on route 30 which i name indigo and on my way to violet city i also find a zubat in the dark cave that i name easyjet and after just a little bit of switch training indigo evolves into metapod and finally into butterfree so now we can actually use it since it's a flying type and just before we can take on faulkner i go south of violet city to pick up a hop-up i name it air france and with that we already have a really solid team now look faulkner has always been a pushover he's barely better than the trainers in his gym so i lead with indigo who just learned sleep powder and put pidgey to sleep after that i one hit k.o.m with a crit confusion and he sends out his pidgeotto oh how i'm shaking in my boots i go for another sleep powder since i don't want to get hit by a super effective gust and it also gives me a safe switch into delta i'm not exactly sure how much damage i'm gonna do with this thing so i decide to go for lear while he's still asleep and after he wakes up i decide it's time to start using fury attack to knock him out and i sat here and contemplated for a while whether or not i should risk getting crit and knocked out but in the end i just decided to go for another fury attack he stalls a little bit by using roost but in the end spiro gets the win that's the first gym leader down and we also get to prove who's the best flying type trainer in johto take that faulkner after the gym fight i talked to elm's assistant in the pokemart and received the togepi egg that we're actually gonna be able to use since it evolves into a flying type and i also talked to the guy who delivers presents from your mom he's gonna be very important for the late game in union cave i have to fight a few hikers who have rock type pokemon which could be very dangerous for my team but the combination of sleep powder and the fact that indigo has confusion and the low special defensive rock type pokemon makes this a breeze and much like the hikers team rocket gets absolutely decimated by indiegogo confusion rips through their poison types which just proves how awesome an early game pokemon butterfree is now next up we've got the bug gym leader bugsy and obviously bug is weak against flying type so this should be a breeze for us as well and scyther comes out first and since it's kind of scary i decide to put it to sleep with indigo and after i attempt to whittle it down a little bit with a few confusions it wakes up and uses focus energy which is a bit scary luckily for me though i get the clutch chance to confuse with confusion and after getting some recovery from his citrus berry i take the chance and go for a poison powder as he goes for a second lear not wanting to risk it with two defense drops and a focus energy i decide to switch into easyjet who takes a quick attack but since he might get a crit on me i decided to double switch into delta to get some of that passive poison damage but delta takes way too much damage as well so i triple switch into ryanair who tanks a critical hit quick attack and lives on 9 hp expecting bugsy to use a potion i take the chance to switch back into indigo and use stab gust for as much damage as possible scyther luckily doesn't get a crit when using quick attack although i would have lived it anyway and a second gust takes it out at this point bugsy really doesn't have anything dangerous at all metapod and cocuna aren't really a threat but i decided to try to go for the poison powder on metapod forgetting that it has shed skin so it just gets rid of it and goes for a tackle so a quick switch into easyjet and a few wing attacks later nets me the second gym badge and honestly since we have flying types i thought this would be a lot easier credit to bugsy coming up after the gym here we have the second fight with the rival so i decided to level up ryanair once so that he evolves into pidgeotto i mean listen to me he's a modest nature he needs all the help he can get the rival fight ends up being super uneventful and he hasn't even learned icefang yet i then have to go get box fodder out of the box just so that i can cut down this one tree that's blocking my progression and after talking to the headbutt guy i bonk my head into a tree and run into a hoot hoot that i named southwest and as soon as i get to goldenrod i have to take the radio quiz in order to get the radio on my poke gear and it turns out whitney has never beat this quiz and think about it whitney's the gym leader of this town she's an authority in this town i guess the standards are really low in the pokemon world but while i'm in goldenrod i decide to do a little bit of shopping and i get a few tms for protect and with my newly acquired protection in hand i go to whitney's gym to take on the challenge he starts out by sending out her clefairy which really only likes to use metronome so i put it to sleep a few times and after she uses a couple super potions i end up taking it out with confusion next up is her miltank truly one of the most menacing creatures in this whole game that haunts each and every one of our childhood memories to this day but after tanking a four time super effective roll out and putting miltank to sleep just to burn off its lumbery i end up using protect just to reset rollout's power and since i knew rollout did 28 damage the first time i was hoping for the same roll and luckily i got it so i managed to poison the mill tank and the plan here is very simple each time i get low on hp i'm just going to try to switch out to different team members and use protect to whittle it down with poison and the only reason i'm confident that the ai isn't going to go from milk drink is because i'm at such low health that it sees the kill and the next victim of miltank's abuse is gonna be ryanair so i use protect for a few turns before i feel it's time to switch out into easyjet but the plan to continue stalling with easyjet fails colossally since i forgot to teach it protect so i have to switch back into ryanair and just hope that i can tank a hit luckily for me though i live with a clutch three hp and take down the mill tank with poison damage and that's badge number three no matter what you do whitney's always a really difficult gym battle so i'm really glad that we have that behind us on our way to critique city spiro levels up to level 20 against a random trainer which means that it evolves into firo which is a giant power boost for our team but with my newly acquired firo since i was playing on the right day to be able to play the bug catching contest i decided to try my luck at catching a scyther and after almost losing firo as fast as i got it i managed to catch scyther and i name it lufthansa and you know what this game decides to do to me second place is caught a scyther okay i must be the first place with a caterpie listen up school kid kip this is an outrage anyway after probably the biggest defeat of my entire career i check out scyther and it's a naive nature and unfortunately has swarm as its ability but after wiping up the pool of tears on my floor and doing some much needed grinding it's time to take on a rival for the third time and nothing super exciting happened during the battle except for the fact that i live on one hp when it uses icefang i'm starting to regret some of my decisions here guys and after winning the fight we climb downstairs and see the legendary beasts hop around just before eusean shows up with a speech about his existential angst about how we're much more special than he is and while i was chomping down on the gym trainers with easyjet he levels up to level 22 which means he evolves into a goal bat and since i took the time to run around for ages like a lunatic before we entered the gym easyjet evolves again into krobot which is a massive boost to the team and while grinding for the gym i run into a farfetch which i named sky west and while grinding i actually run into a shiny rattata which is either super lucky or super unlucky depending on how you see it and since it's not a flying type unfortunately we have to exterminate the rodent now next up we've got morty and you might think this would be a difficult matchup for me but it really isn't since i have a lot of dark type moves and a lot of my flying types are secondary normal types as well so gastly goes down to one pursuit and hunter goes down to the combination of one pursuit and curse and when he sends out his gengar i know that i'm on a timer with delta so i decided to go to protect just to scout what he's gonna do and i really can't take a mean look since that means i'm guaranteed to get ko'd so i switch into crobat and after using confused ray which really didn't matter at all since he never hits himself in confusion i tank a shadow ball and go for a few bites which actually let me knock out the gengar and that nets me the fourth gym badge against morty four down four to go since the only water type i can get is mantine and i don't have a water type i have to catch a crabby just so that i can actually surf and find it and after running into more tentacles and tentacles than i care to count i finally run into mantine and catch this thing which i'm really excited about because i've never used this pokemon before the next challenge is gonna be chuck if you can even call that a challenge since he has fighting types and on top of that only two pokemon and after he tries to pull some dirty evasion and healing strats i take him down with a few wing attacks no problem next up is polywrath and i'm not super worried about this thing but i decided to go for confuse ray just to be on the safer side and he actually hits himself in confusion so it works out in the end the next turn my luck starts to wear thin and he goes for a hypnosis which actually hits so i switch over into lufthansa and i decide to just go for wing attack thinking that two of them will probably be enough to take it out but he gets the pera on the body slam which isn't too good for lufthansa now another quick pivot into delta and a few aerial aces later and we have the fifth badge chuck you never stood a chance and with my fifth badge in hand it's time to head over to the lake of rage take down the red gyarados and then help lance with his team rocket issue i then watch a man take a hyper beam to the face and come to the realization that there are no hospitals for people in this game but now that i have surf i realize that i can go through union cave to the secret area in the ruins of alf where i can actually find not to i catch it and fittingly name it after spirit airlines and after a bit of grinding nattu evolves which is pretty awesome since i've never used ozatu in a run before before taking off price i decided to go to goldenrod and teach zaha to light screen and reflect and this is going to be key since ice types are a huge threat to my team and price starts out with seal which i take out pretty easily with a few shadowballs next he sends in his dugong which is the biggest threat to my team and he goes for aurora beam which does a massive amount of damage but i limit what he's going to be able to do with it by using light screen i then forget all about the fact that he has ice shard but i actually live on 8 hp and managed to fire off a wish feeling pretty confident about my chances to take a hit and knowing that my wish is going to come true i send in easyjet knowing dewgong's physical attack is pretty lacking i decided to go for a wing attack to gauge damage and seeing that it doesn't do too much i decided to go for confuse ray and in my head i actually miscounted the light screen turns here so i thought i was safe from an aurora beam but if he hadn't hit himself in confusion i could have very easily gone down to one luckily though that doesn't happen and i get to keep my crowbat and next up he sends in piloswine luckily for me we've got mantine in the back that we recently caught and so i tank a blizzard and after just a couple surfs we have our seventh gym badge i seriously thought this would be way harder and that we'd sustain way more casualties we'll see how long we can keep up this deathless streak and after price's gym i head straight over to olivine city to fight jasmine who's another big threat since she has two magnemites on her team with thunderbolts luckily i know she really likes to start off her battles by using thunder waves so i use that to my advantage by using synchronize and paralyzing it back this way i can tank a thunderbolt with lufthansa and get healed right back up with wish i knew i couldn't take it out with rock smash so paralysis felt crucial but i actually get a crit so it didn't matter in the end and since i'm not paralyzed i assume the next magnemite's gonna go for thunder wave so i decided to get as much damage off as i possibly can with a rock smash and now that i don't have light screen anymore there's a possibility that he might take me out with thunderbolt do i end up having to chance the rock smash with paralysis and he actually misses a super sonic and i don't get paralyzed so it works out in the end a little bit too close for comfort to be honest but next she sends in her steelix and i have the perfect answer for it in mantine once again and i thought i could take it out with one surf but mankind's not exactly the strongest pokemon so i have to eat a really powerful rock throw and then retaliate back with another surf for our seventh gym badge once again i got really lucky and i have no idea how i got through that with no casualties whatsoever after nearly getting a heart attack from both of those battles we have to deal with some team rocket shenanigans again and they're way too under leveled as always but this guy petrol actually has five coughings and a wheezing that all knows self-destruct so could be a potential run killer for any nuzlocke and while i was doing the mandatory ice puzzle they seem to think needs to be in every pokemon game i had the chance to catch delhi bird but i didn't do it because actually you know what i don't need to justify why i didn't catch a deliberate it's daly bird as soon as i got to blackthorne city however i did go south and catch myself a gligar and i named it air emirates i also took the chance to run around in this grass forever and evolve air france into skiploom and then finally into jumploth and with airfrance on our team it's time to finally take on the eighth gym leader and she starts out by sending out gyarados and my master plan here with air france is to use a combination of sleep powder leech seed and then you turn out into something that can better deal with gyarados and claire's gyarados really isn't scary at all when compared to something like lance's gyarados since it doesn't have ice fang or anything like that it just has dragon rage and a bunch of other moves so i get to set up both my screens with zatu and after doing a ton of switching around to keep this thing asleep as much as possible i whittle it down with leech seed eventually i then try to go for sleep powder on dragon air which just shrugs it off with shed skin which i once again forget about but i try again with a few sleep powders and after a while he does actually stay asleep so i can safely go for leech seat and then u-turn out into pacific airlines unfortunately i get hit by a thunder wave here which really limits my ability to hit a blizzard on this thing but very fortunately my blizzard connects and she sends out her next dragonair and i decide to risk the blizzard on this thing too knowing that i can take a hit and so after tanking a dragon pulse i hit it with a blizzard but it's not quite enough to take it out and after getting punished for trying a third time i decided it's time to switch out so i go into our boy easyjet who knocks it out with a wing attack and that's when she sends out her big boss kingdra but not wanting to switch something into this thing and expecting to be able to take a hit i try to go for the poison with poison fang but unfortunately i don't get it even after trying twice and right here i expected to go for another hydro pump so i decided to switch into air friends who actually tanks a dragon pulse really well and can then put it to sleep and go for the same leech seed strat as for gyarados after stalling for a bit i decided to go for poison powder instead of sleep powder just to whittle it down a bit faster and at this point i'm just expecting leech seed to carry me and heal me up enough to take some hits so i take a dragon pulse first and then i actually live a clutch hyper beam on 4 hp i was really expecting to lose air france here but i'm very glad i didn't since it's gonna come in very clutch towards the end of the run and so now that i've completed the gym challenge i head over to rural islands to talk to this guy who doesn't let me through for whatever reason after googling around and not realizing why he's not moving i realized that i used to play soul silver all the time as a kid and that i'm now playing heart gold and i'm a certified dummy now holo is actually a flying type so it is eligible to be on our team but unfortunately it's a legendary so i use the smoke ball to run away from it sorry hello maybe next time and after picking up the tm for earthquake for our gligar it's time for us to take on the pokemon league and so for the elite four the level cap is the highest level pokemon in the e4 which happens to be hound doom at level 47 but will here is kind of out of luck since his pokemon are pretty low level and his zatu gets taken down by two night slashes his jinx then gets o code and his second zatu gets the exact same treatment as the first but since lufthansa is a little bit low at this point i decide to switch out against exeggutor who i'm not sure i can oco and i go into easyjet and unsurprisingly it's just a clean one-hit ko with fly unsure what to do about slow bro at first i look up its move set and it likes to use curse but it has no physical moves to use so a quick switch into air france and employing some cheesy stall strats and an eternity later i finally decide to u-turn out into zatu the first elite four member is usually not that difficult but this was probably one of the easiest fights in the entire run to be honest in the end zatu just two shots with shadow ball so i could have done that first i guess next up is koga who has a lot of bug and poison types and i'm not expecting this to be too difficult and fly takes out both ariados and venomoth right off the bat then comes fortress which is a steel type so it's kind of difficult for my flying types to deal with so once again i do the thing i do when i don't know what to do and i send in jump up and go for leech seed i then try to come up with a strategy and he's using toxic spikes which really doesn't matter since i'm using all flying types anyway but after finally hitting a sleep powder i decide that my best bet is to go into glygar who can probably do a lot of damage with its stab earthquake and so since fortress is still asleep i decided to take the opportunity to set up with a few sword stances and as soon as he wakes up i just knock him out with the earthquake and unfortunately he doesn't send in muck here he sends in crowbat instead and this crowbat is really annoying it likes to double team a lot so i decided to go for a quick attack to get some quick damage in i didn't miss my second quick attack as he goes for wing attack but luckily i get a crit on the third one so a single earthquake to knock out muk and that's it for koga a bit lucky with that crit against krobat but i'm pretty confident we could have pulled it off with no losses anyway next up is bruno who starts out with hitmontop that just gets clean knocked out by a fly from krobat he then sends in onyx so i have to switch out into emirates and he goes for sandstorm which i now know only gives special defense boost to rock types thank you very much and i start setting up swords dances with emirates again to see if i can sweep bruno as well and onyx obviously gets knocked out by a super effective plus six stab earthquake from gligar and hitmonchan suffers the same fate hitmonlee however somehow manages to be faster and he uses swagger which makes me hit myself in confusion and i live on only 9 hp so i have to switch out into easyjet who can take it down with a fly but i didn't exactly get the sweep with glygar like i planned so now we have to come up with a different plan for machamp and honestly i was a little bit afraid of what this thing was going to do to me but it decides to go for revenge as i go for fly and i get a crit which knocks it out i don't think it would have if i didn't get the crit but hey luck is luck finally we've got karen to contend with and with her umbreon she can be pretty annoying and yeah i know okay insert annoying karen joke right here and after stalling for a few turns i decide to use u-turn and switch into lufthansa who instantly gets confused so i pivot switch into gligar and i get a little bit too greedy by using a sword stance and i get confused i probably should have just gone for earthquake right off the bat so that means i have to switch back into lufthansa but luckily for me two x scissors is enough to get rid of the annoying umbreon once and for all she then sends in murkrow which i figure i can take out with two wing attacks but it actually does a substantial amount of damage with pluck and would have destroyed me with a crit so i'm lucky that didn't happen next she sends in her ace houndoom which can actually be really scary if it sets up a nasty plot so i send in pacific who tanks a dark pulse and then retaliates with a surf but it's not quite enough to take it out and unfortunately this gets me to really low health so i have to switch out into something that's going to be faster than hound doom and i switch in easyjet who can just take it out with a wing attack then she sends out her gengar which has a really garbage move set so i switch into air france which it really can't touch so i can set up another leech seat once it's seated i put it to sleep so i can safely switch back into crowbat and as you would expect krobat knocks it out with one bite and the only thing she has left is vileplume which gets totally annihilated by a fly and that's the elite four down i then remember i've picked up three rare candies during my journey and in hopes of it making a difference i give them all the mantine this is it the final battle to decide it all one man one mission to become the very best like no one ever was and for that to become a reality i devised a master plan that needed to go exactly right and so to start off with i put gyarados to sleep with air france and switched out into easyjet i knock it out with a combination of a couple of bites and an electric type natural gift this is the battle where those berries that mom bought with our money really matter next up lance sends out aerodactyl which is by far the biggest threat to my team i need air france to get in safely to put it to sleep so i need to sacrifice something and so i send in emirates who's the only one who can take a few hits and do some chip damage back it's then time for air france to put it to sleep but it actually doesn't out speed aerodactyl so before the battle i gave it a choice scarf just for this one purpose thanks again mom i then have to switch in pacific and hope and pray that it stays asleep for two more turns otherwise i straight up just lose the battle here and now luckily for me it does and i take it out with a surf and that is a big sire relief then he sends out his first dragonite which does have thunder and i did give pacific a berry just for this purpose and i did calcutt so i knew he'd live but luckily he just misses and i take it out with a blizzard honestly this battle relies on so much rng it's really uncomfortable second dragonite comes out and i don't want to take any chances so i sack off easyjet for a clean switch to air france so i can put it to sleep you served with honor easyjet but this means i can put it to sleep with sleep powder switch into pacific and safely take it out with a blizzard it's really making me nervous to have to use moves with accuracy in the 70s to be able to win this but you got to do what you got to do once again we need a safe switch into air friends so someone else has to go and this time it's spirit airlines you've served us bravely as well comrade but in the end this allows us to put the final dragonite to sleep and we can safely switch into pacific who takes it out with a couple of blizzards luckily i hit blizzard both times here as well otherwise this could have gone very differently we're not quite out of the woods yet since he does have his charizard left but we do have the perfect pokemon to counter it here in pacific and so i use a few surfs and finally the charizard goes down and we claim the champion title oh my goodness that was probably the most intense champion battle i've ever fought but in the end we pulled through we managed to beat pokemon heart gold hardcore nuzlocke using only flying types and guys i just want to thank you all for all the support i got on the last video that was really encouraging to see and if you want to see more runs like this remember to like the video remember to hit that subscribe button and let me know what game you want to see me try a hardcore nuzlocke variant of next i've been thinking about doing ultra sun and moon and if you happen to be into minecraft you can check out my latest minecraft video where i build a massive castle but that's over on my other channel and if all you want to see is pokemon on this channel then i will see you guys in the next one have a good one
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 66,487
Rating: 4.9486151 out of 5
Id: shbSVs51ikM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 28sec (1288 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 04 2021
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