Pokemon Catch Combo Starters Trick

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hey guys this is Raven here and I just caught a shiny Charmander out in the wild and it it took me quite a couple tries as you'll see right now I was about to make the video but you see that my catch combo is two hundred and forty one and I just got my shiny Charmander now I'm gonna show you how I did that because there's a I've been watching YouTube videos and I've been looking at different posts that people made of course this games new people so trying to figure out what does what and how to make things happen but I'm gonna show you my method and what I did and I really haven't seen any videos or anything on any kind of forum saying that this is possible I may be wrong I mean I didn't look you know too far anywhere but as you see I'm the charm others are just funning and I'm gonna use a different ball here because uh that ball I'm gonna just gonna use those ball for my my team my PvP things so [Applause] show you that my combos still here my thumb is still going on I'll just go ahead and catch this Charmander real quick I think at the very beginning he's gonna run away so another thing is they do a specific animation of course they do a specific animation when they're about to run and you'll know it that Jarman is sort of kind of lunges at you and that's how you'll know and you can see their animations so and there's other videos about that as well so actually the beginning the fight should come up there but I just wanted to catch one for you guys just see that it spawns and I'll show you how I got then disappointed because normally if you start a kind of that's how long it took me just to get my shiny Charmander and I was here forever so anyways now that I'm done with Charmander I like getting me to show you all the candies that I got from all this while the charmander's so there's my Charmander candy she has so in order to get Charmander kinda you just have to catch a lot of stuff so of course this is legit this is a way to do it so also one thing before I go ahead and show you guys that there's also something that I noticed a lot about like what what not to do or like what cuts the combo one thing that people say that cuts the combo is turning off the game but that's not completely true because I'm gonna go ahead and turn off the game right now so I have a catch gumbo right now I'm gonna go ahead and just turn off the game there it is I turned off the game now I'm going to turn it back on and okay I'm still here save this real quick because I got my Charmander I'm still here and I'll go ahead and get a Charmander and my cache problem is still there there's my catch combo so turning off the game doesn't actually reset your catch combo what does though does if you go into the menu and turn it off here and you turn it off and you close it here you don't want to do that because if you do that then it resets but if you turn off your game with power off it does it it it just doesn't so actually a real quick I'll probably cut this out because I want to also try to catch a shiny Mewtwo so every time I get a combo over 31 I'm gonna go try to catch me - real quick so before I explain how I did the Charmander thing I'm gonna go ahead and try to catch me - and then I'll go ahead and explain how I got the Charmander to catch combo so high so I'm gonna go ahead and save this [Music] over here all right so that's another thing I'm catching catching this Mewtwo and catching a shiny me - a lot of people suggest - soft reset and I think that's that by far with the math that is the best method you probably turn on a lure make sure you have your shiny term and just stand right up to Mewtwo and reset it and I think you like just like that you'll have a belief like a thousand at least a thousand chance one in a thousand chance to catch him just with that alone without any catch combos because if you get a catch combo and then you have to come all the way down here just to battle Mewtwo that's just gonna take up a lot more of your time so the best way I mean even though it's better law it's like my odds right now with my combo is I think like 300 it's a little under 300 it's 273 I believe so 1 + 273 that's what my odds right now of catching a shine in YouTube and hopefully I do that but promise myself every time I do a combo or 31 and then you know get rid of my catch bumble I'm gonna go here just to see if I can get a shiny me too so I'm gonna go ahead and make sure my party I can defeat them that's up here alright I'm just gonna try it out and if not I'll just reset the game let's see if we get a family meet you and that would be amazing if I did and no I did not okay so I'm just gonna go ahead and soft reset the game and I'll show you guys how I how I did that so this is one thing that if you go out in the wild and you try to catch like a Charmander or a Bulbasaur or I think it's just the 1% most pokemons - Charmander Bulbasaur squirtle I think dragon night and I think there's a few others gone as well and I think there so there's a couple of Pokemon that are one percent that don't really show up on the map all that often so they will start showing up once you get a catch combo of eleven so I mean they do show up I guess if you don't have a Cosmo but it's really rare but if once you hit that magic mark of eleven then they'll start showing up on in the world and they'll only show one at a time so one thing that I've noticed is if you go to the to the go part and you have transferred over some Pokemon you can catch those and that will start your catch combo so what you can do is if you have a lot of extra Pokemon which I've been doing actually there was a sort of a kind of an event in Pokemon go where there's a lot of charmander's both sores and squirtles and dragon knights all popping out in the last two three days unfortunately that's over but let's say you you have some of those in your come on go and you know you just just transfer them over just transfer them over you know to the game and definitely can start a catch combo so let's go into the park and I'm gonna enter this is where I have them have them all now there won't be any charm matters because I caught them all I had 11 exactly so I had 11 charm editors exactly so it started the cat combo and then I went down there and continued it so here are all my my Pokemon from Pokemon go so I can go ahead and just start catching them it's just that easy just start catching them and start the combo here and then when you go out in the game world to try to catch these out in the in the wild though they'll be there and they'll be there consistently so you'll just you'll just be catching them like normal so just start it at 11 to start it just start your combo here I had to up to 11 and then just go out and start catching them in a while so you'll see right now I'll just catch a couple I won't make this video too long but take my word for it this is how I did it and this is how it's done so I just caught my first one of course is making this a cat combo or anything but just catch my first one so then I'll catch my next one [Music] so I'm gonna go ahead and do this with a Pokemon letter having you [Music] this is great so let everybody know about this we're gonna see cache combo to let let everybody know about this catch combo to keep it up so you know this you can start your combo this way and then you you go out if where these spawn one at a time and just catch them one at a time [Music] so that's that's basically it I'm gonna try to make this just somehow probably just cut it off here because you know this is this works you see the catch tumble adding up there so once you do that you'll just exit and start catching them out on the wall so this works it's a proven method I just did it with my Charmander have the guys good luck shiny hunting like like I said just you know just use the Pokemon go to your advantage like I did and transfer you know all the pokémon that are 1% to your game and just start your combo and then continue it out in the wild and catch your shiny it took me a while not gonna lie cuz you know still I think it was like two hundred twenty thirty something but I finally caught my turn to shine tear mender and he's he's timid as well make sure you change make sure you change that before you start all this probable Chaney so make sure everything is the way that you want it just good luck you guys collector of shiny hunting good luck and nice nice chatting with you guys and I'll see you guys next video peace out this is Raven thank you for watching
Channel: Liquid Raven
Views: 11,162
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon Let's Go, Catch Combo, Shiny Pokemon, Catch Combo trick, Lets go trick, Shiny, Starter Pokemon, 1% Pokemon, Go Park, Shiny Charmander, Shiny Squirtle, Shiny Dratini, Shiny Bulbasaur
Id: 4DmVJX7BJu8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 03 2018
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