Pokémon Black Hardcore Nuzlocke - Randomizer! (No items, No overleveling)

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randomizers have to be my favorite way to play nuzlockes you never know what you're gonna get all trainers have completely random teams and i've even shuffled the abilities so you never know what's gonna happen other than that i can only catch the first random pokemon encountered in any given area any pokemon that faints is boxed forever no items from the bag are allowed in battle i always play on set mode and i can't level past the next boss fight's highest level pokemon until that fight starts so join me as i attempt to beat a pokemon black version hardcore nuzlocke using only what the rng has in store my randomized starter choices happen to be muna riolu and swinub the latter two being super awesome choices but i end up going with ryolu no no a thousand times no oh man bianca's dad won't let her become a member of club penguin that sucks i named ryolu brawley and it has a naive nature which is absolutely fantastic and the water availability i guess can come in handy but leaving new vemma town will get us access to our second encounter of the run which happens to be a vulpix the naughty nature isn't exactly good for flannery and the heat proof ability is pretty much wasted on something that already resists fire but holding a random razer fan could definitely come in handy down the road wait a second n gets a cyndaquil and his cynical has drought yeah i'm a little bit jealous so what my next encounter on route 2 however happens to be a clink with the amazing battle armor ability i name it mullein not so much for the fact that the guy uses steel types he just really grinds my gears i then find myself a flame orb which i immediately give to brawley since he can't get burned anyway actually you know what a black belt is probably a lot more fitting and with that we're gonna have to go up against the first gym leader crest whose first pokemon is randomized into a mureep i send in brawley and go for a force bomb right away and ironically i actually get a paralysis on an electric type which ends up getting a full pera the first turn another force bomb is enough to take it out and you'd be forgiven for thinking that cress is an electric type trainer since he sends in pikachu next another force pump amazingly gets another paralysis and after a potion a quick attack doesn't quite do too much but because of that paralysis i do out speed with forcepawn the next turn getting us our first gym badge but not only that riolu finally evolves into a lucario and getting it after the first gem is very early but it's going to be so helpful in the early game another totally random aspect of this run are the tms which are also kind of randomized who can learn what did you hear that sound coming from the other side of the wall uh no you must have a good ear my encounter in the dream yard happens to be a why not which i name will with the stench ability normally a pretty good ability but since we're never going to be able to make the target flinch it well stinks on route 3 i capture myself a soloist before going into the cave and facing the botanists i then stumble upon the tm for night slash and find my next encounter a mudkip and who doesn't like mud kips i captured a name at wallace and with a quirky nature it also has the heat proof ability which is pretty useless then after facing just a few trainers wallace gets to level 16 evolving into a marsh dog how do you like the sound of accordions uh they're fine i suppose now i know the power i need zekrom ooh do i have to be the guy to tell him it's gonna be randomized please please please before challenging lenora i make sure to get everyone to the level cap evolving will into wabafat and with that the time has come to take on the second gym leader lenora who starts out with an ammonite which is oddly fitting since her gym is in a museum drought however is not exactly helping it out but i decided to go for charm the first turn just to lower its attack and see what it's going to do but it just goes for withdrawal so i go for an encore locking it into boosting its defense which of course gives me a free turn to swap out into wallace as she of course boosts her defense another stage fortunately though shot is a special move so we can break through those defenses taking out the ammonite her watch randomized into an electric which is so lucky for me since normally this thing would have levitate but because of the randomized abilities i can just go for a mud shot water gun mud shot combo to take it out without any problems at all netting us our second gym badge team plasma then decides to steal the dragonite skull to break it down into fertilizer to further their botany and in pursuing them i find my next encounter a golett once in castelia we can talk to the scientists who either gives us a fire water or leaf stone to pick up a firestone from vulpix later down the line i also make sure to grab the eevee light this is bad bad mad mad mad mad mad bad bad for team plasma or a plasma for short now that we've chased the renaissance fair hippies out of town it's time to take on the third gym leader berg who starts out with rubbish so i go ahead and lead with will i decide to swap in my steel type rally as it goes for sludge but i then miss a bone rush as it can set up a layer of toxic spikes another bone rush is enough to take it out but those spikes are really going to make my life difficult as he sends in chandelor those spikes are now powering up its hex and it can use flame burst against any of my steel types so i immediately swap out into wallace and i guess we'll be putting that heat proof ability to good use tanking a flame burst but the next turn a hex takes me down to just 12 hp as i go for a mud shot lowering its speed which is just enough to survive the poison damage at this point since any move could take me out it's going to be random whether it goes for flame burst or hack so i decide to swap in mo lane in case it goes for flame burst which it does that would also have 100 one shot my lucario which is the only way i'm gonna be able to take this thing out with a power gem getting both toxic spikes and hex on a randomized team is actually pretty impressive but we at least claim our third badge then as i make my way over to route 4 i find my next encounter my favorite starter of all time it's charmander and it even has one of the best abilities in the game in speed boost so of course i capture it and name it blaine and after just one level of training it evolves into charmeleon i even get lucky enough to find the tm for flamethrower in the desert resort which means there's no reason to not evolve vulpix into ninetales the live orb is also a pretty sweet pickup now as soon as i reach an emboss up being universe top model i of course have to take part in one of their fashion shows and i think i did a pretty good job of giving wabafed a makeover if i do say so myself we then stumble upon my lifelong archrival the former miss univer elisa but before taking her on i go to route 16 finding myself a carvana that i named karen and a route 5 where my encounter happens to be a snivy with the awesome intimidate ability i of course name it ramos after the butt man himself and evolve it into a servine and so the time has once again come to face my arch nemesis elisa not knowing what she was gonna send out i decided to go into will but it ends up being a chat so i can go from mirror coat after this chatter which doesn't quite take it out expecting a hyper potion here i decided to take the opportunity to swap out into brawley who of course has the power jam which i can use the next turn to completely annihilate this chat her next pokemon is charmeleon but since i know that charmeleon has speed boost and i out speed the first turn i can dodge the first attack but for the second attack i'm actually slower than charmeleon because of the speed boost meaning that i don't get hit and a dig can take it out finally her sub strike has randomized into a neato king so i decided to take the opportunity to swap out into wallace who's holding the eevee light so a double kick does basically nothing a chip away does a bit more damage as we then go for mud shot meaning we can out speed the next turn with a water gun to not put it into hyper potion range after which another mud shot is enough to take it out this does mean i get my fourth gym badge but best of all elisa has to recognize that i am the top model in universe moving on to driftvale clay says that if we find team plasma we get to challenge his gym turns out that these guys have been trying to grow herbs of questionable legality in the cold storage it's freezing with no sunlight what are they stupid oh i wonder why i'm getting sleepy for some reason yeah i can think of zero dank reasons why that would be the case dumb bastard ball before moving on i evolved karen into a sharpedo after which it's time to take on clay now normally this is one of the gem fights that can be the hardest in all of pokemon so it's really all up to the rng what's gonna happen in this one his first pokemon is ella kid though so i make sure to swap into my ground type as he goes for a light screen and a dig is enough to take it out and then his excadrill randomizes into a freaking blissey and this is particularly annoying since it starts to go for minimize as i go for dig which gives it another turn to set up yet another minimize but by some miracle i actually connect with the dig now since all my other moves are special moves i decide to swap out into brawley as it goes for a takedown which does basically no damage and i somehow connect with a force bomb so that was way less bad than i thought it would be then all that's left to do is taking out the pidgeotto with a power gem and we've got the fifth badge oh man oh man oh man i'm so excited for my route 6 encounter what could it be unknown my charge stone cave encounter on the other hand happens to be a mancino which i catch him named charon next on my journey i run into the nugget brothers which sounds like it should be a fried chicken restaurant in new york forget about it forget about it i also run into skyland juniper's dad on a sugar date awkward after which i run into my next encounter of the run in celestial tower akerlia which i immediately evolve into gardevoir oh come on klutz is like one of the worst abilities our next opponent is skyla who funny enough also leads off the fight with a chat i go ahead and lead with koga the sviper who i found right outside celestial tower and a poison tail does massive damage with a critical hit this of course means that skyla uses a hyper potion but after sustaining a fair amount of damage we managed to take out the chat as she sends in her mill tank expecting her to go for a super effective zen headbutt i can swap into karen meaning that i can go for a screech the next turn lowering the miltank's defense after tanking a body slam very poorly i swap out a karen into brawley who tanks it way better and i miss click here going for quick attack which means i have to eat a zen headbutt it even ends up getting a critical hit which is so funny that it punishes me right there but lucario still survives and we can take it out with a force bomb however being at this level of health means i don't want to stay in versus frost last so i go ahead and swap out into flannery as i have to take a wake-up slap ominous wind doesn't do too much damage and it luckily does not get the omni boost and i can hit it with a flamethrower deep into the yellow getting a burn i decided to stay in and risk the crit and unfortunately does not get it and we can hit it with a flamethrower taking it out gaining us our sixth gym badge so miss universe born in new vemma town lives with mom oh come on why you gotta sell me short like that man now that the level cap has increased to 39 we can evolve marsh dump into swampert charmeleon into charizard and cervine into superior in twisted mountain we end up having a familiar showdown with blaziken versus charizard but unlike ash my charizard comes out victorious which leads us to bryson and there is not much to say about this guy except he got randomized into two pharaohs and that is unfortunate for him it did get down to the wire since he got a crit taking me down to just 17 hp but in the end we came out victorious now that we've got seven badges we can head to dragon spiral tower where i find my next encounter a very fitting dratini i name it iris and flashfire isn't exactly bad but it's not doing much for her this leads us to one of the sloppier mistakes i made while in relic castle just going for an aquajet thinking i'd take it out when the expert belt led karen to getting taken out by a bug bite i didn't know that would crit i want to speak to the manager said shocked noises i wonder who's calling me oh you picked up hey miss universe yeah i've been avoiding your calls because i didn't want to be the guy to tell you that your dad just bought skyla an airplane uh why are we all gathered here alder told me what's going on this is an intervention you just keep saying the word fortunately in your videos and it has to stop fortunately the intervention didn't take too long and we can take on our next opponent drayden he starts out with a mag cargo and i foolishly send in ramos so i immediately decide to swap out into wallace this does mean that i'm going to have to eat a lava plume and he even manages to get a burn which doesn't make too much of a difference since i am going to use a quad effective special surf to take it out drayton's second pokemon is waylord and since waterspout is neutral against wallace i decided to swap out into ramos and it actually still does quite a lot of damage this surprised me quite a bit since superior's a pretty bulky pokemon and it resists it either way a couple of leaflets is enough to take it out which means we're only left with draden's strongest pokemon and not only has it randomized into machamp it also has the traceability which means we're going to get intimidated since we've sustained a bit of damage i decide to swap out into flannery who gets hit by a submission but it does a way more damage than i expected so we're just gonna have to swap out again liza comes in to tank a vital throw but i forget that she doesn't even have a psychic move when i send her in so this is pretty much just a sacrifice and it's a big reminder to all you guys out there playing nuzlocke to check what moves your pokemon have before sending them in given the circumstance that it didn't have a psychic move though it is pretty much a necessary sacrifice to be able to safely get in plane to take out the machamp with a fly beating drayden does mean that we get our eighth and final gym badge but he also gives us the tm for tail glow look ma no legs it also means we can get to victory road to get a final wild encounter which happens to be a glygar of all things i capture it in my cold storage master ball and name it bertha after which it's time to head on to the pokemon league but before we go in we can use that razor fang that we randomly got on vulpix on route 1 to evolve gligar into a glyce score i also make sure to evolve iris into a dragonair and here's my final team going into the elite four the only notable thing for lucario is the fact that i have the tm for both strike of all things then we've got iris the dragonair with tailglow chatter surf and agility a pretty awesome moveset because of our tms i also made sure to give her the experience share and get her as close to level 51 as possible the reason i do this is because once we enter the elite four the level cap is broken and any experience we get can get us to any level possible and since i've found two random rare candies on my journey this means that i want to get to level 53 as fast as possible to get myself a dragonite and with our preparations out of the way it's time to take on the elite four the first of which being chantal she leads with a fearsome alakazam as i lead with bertha and her alakazam actually has drizzle setting up the rain permanently and here i made a huge mistake giving bertha the lucky egg to get as much experience as possible when really i shouldn't have been holding an item to do as much damage as possible with acrobatics either way i managed to get a critical hit versus the alakazam taking it out in one hit and i go ahead and set up a swords dance against the meganium of realizing my mistake it just goes for a light screen but even with my sword stance it's not enough to take out the meganium but since she's just gonna go for a heal after this sweet scent i can set up another sword stance and now that i've set up all the way to plus 4 attack it is going to be enough to take out the mechanium in one hit and chantal's next pokemon is going to be gothitel but here you'll see how much of a difference it makes to have that full power acrobatics since we're holding an item we might as well be using aerial ace since it actually has 5 more base power than what we're currently doing chantal's final pokemon is a seismitoad not wanting to take one of its water moves i decide to go for a u-turn which does a huge amount of damage and burns us with flame body as we then swap into ramos we do of course get the intimidate in case it uses a physical move against us but it just goes for acid meaning that we can go for a stab quite effective leaf blade taking out the seismotone this of course means we move on to the next elite four member grimsley and while he's usually up to his creepy dark type shenanigans this time he leads off with a slow king and i go for brawley we then have pretty much the same idea as i set up a swords dance and he goes for nasty plot but his boost is gonna go to waste as i completely annihilate him with a bolt strike his next pokemon is dodrio which doesn't exactly fare better nor does ambipom but his next pokemon is vileplume which i do a bit of damage to with quick attack as he misses a stun spore another quick attack makes it look like it's a three-hit ko but this time i get hit with a stun spore and getting fully paralyzed the next turn i decide it's time to swap out into charizard this does of course mean that i have to tank a quad resisted mega drain which isn't a problem whatsoever and we can finish it off with a flamethrower which means we beat grimsley caitlyn then very rudely slapped through her alarm not remembering that we have a battle scheduled she leads up with a stoutland which is a pretty good matchup for me leading off with bertha however after realizing that i'm not quite doing half damage with acrobatics i decide it's time to swap out using u-turn and luckily this doesn't put stella into the red but as i swap in wallace of course i forget that i have the rocky helmet putting it in the red which means she's gonna go for a full restore i then go for a waterfall but a retaliate crits and hits me down to just 65 hp as my next waterfall gets it down into healing range once again i decide at this point that my best bet is to just switch into brawley and try to go for a force bomb but it actually roars me out into glasgor i decide to risk going for a sword stance even if it goes for roar but it actually goes for retaliate doing pretty pitiful damage as i can then take it out with an acrobatics her next pokemon is cloister which is definitely my cue to use u-turn to not get absolutely destroyed by a quad effect of aurora beam so i switch in lucario who fortunately has a special move in orosphere to take out the cloister in one hit i then have a quad effective bolt strike for the swana and her final pokemon is a fione which also gets one shot by bolt strike with three of the elite four members down it's time to face the final elite four member marshall who usually has fighting types and fittingly starts out with a polywrath i send in bertha but it turns out that the polygraph has drizzle but funny enough it doesn't have any water type moves so after i hit it with an acrobatics down into the red it uses dynamic punch and for a good minute i was so confused when i didn't get well confused until i remembered that bertha has shield dust which means she doesn't get affected by secondary effects of moves after taking out polywrath marshall sends in his hitmonchan and not wanting to get hit by an ice punch i go for a u-turn and swap out into plane now i know in acrobatics would probably have been enough to take it out but i wanted to play it safe and an air slash is enough to just take out the hitmonchan anyway at the end of the turn my speed gets increased by speed boost as marshall sends in as kecleon with airlock which gets rid of the rain i do end up having to take a sucker punch here but i can fire off a flamethrower at full force and the next turn it's enough to take it out this means marshall is down to his final pokemon simisear and i decide to swap into wallace to really utilize that heat proof and tank of flame burst it then hits me with a spiteful ear as i go for a waterfall taking out the semi-sear which means we beat the elite four without losing a single pokemon it also means that i've gotten to level 53 with iris so i can use my two rare candies to level up to level 55 and evolve into dragonite which means that n's castle rises from underground and my only question is how did they get it there did they build the thing underground excuse me what either way before we take on n we have to take on resharam which we actually have to catch but i decided that i need to beat it in a battle first which is gonna be tough since it randomized into rayquaza and i opt to click mirror coat with wallace as rayquaza hits me with an air slash and of course it gets the flinch i then decide to swap out and go into bertha as the rayquaza goes for a second air slash which does way more damage than i expected so i have to swap out again i do get a little bit of damage with u-turn as i swap into brawley when the rayquaza decides to lock itself into outrage which is perfect it does just under half damage as i go for a bolt strike which clearly does over half of rayquaza's remaining health and gets the paralysis i survive the second outrage on just 12 hp and click bolt strike but i miss however the rayquaza gets paralyzed which means the broly doesn't go down the next turn i do manage to connect with bolt strike meaning that we defeat rayquaza without losing a pokemon now unfortunately we do have to capture it but we don't have to add it to our team so i can just add it to the box and proceed on to face n it's time we take on this shady botanist once and for all and as zekrom is very frighteningly randomized into a giratina i of course send in wallace as he instantly goes for shadowforce i go for a mirror coat hoping for a special move but of course it fails and the next turn it takes me down to about half health with a shadow force my waterfall does pathetic damage i just didn't want to switch anything into that shadow force but then i swap into ramos to get an intimidate off as it vanishes again i go for coil mostly to boost my defense as another shadow force doesn't do too much damage and i can hit it with a leech seed the next turn and since giratina is legendary and has huge hp we get so much hp back from leech seed every single turn however at this point orosphere is chipping me down quite low so i decide to swap out into iris dragonite is of course going to resist the orosphere with its flying typing and the next turn i can go for a chatter which takes it down into the red as i get hit by a shadow claw which of course means that n uses a full restore i then seize the opportunity to use a tail glow and i go for one the next turn to get to plus six as well out of the randomized tms i found i got very few that were actually useful but dragonite could learn a lot of them however even being at plus six special attack and using a stab chatter it's not enough to take out the giratina from where it was at but together with elite seed it's gonna be just enough which means we now have a dragonite at plus six special attack and plus two speed and as you might imagine even though n's team is randomized into a pretty formidable squad this is gonna tear through his entire lineup but we're not at the finish line yet since we still have one more opponent to face the big boss himself gets it the master botanist fittingly starts out the fight with a semi-sage as i send in wallace and of course being at a huge type disadvantage i decide to swap out into blaine to tank a seed bomb the next turn the monkey with the sick hairdo leers at me as i hit it with a stab super effective flamethrower to end its career this of course gives me a speed boost as gatsas sends in his next pokemon cloister i decide to send in brawley as gatsas just sets up a layer of spikes now before the rayquaza fight i did give brawley a fighting gem which is going to mean that we can hit this thing with the overkill of the century as we get a critical hit as well against miss majeus i swap in perth at a tank and astonish but since astonish seems like the only move that this mismatches wants to go for it's very simple for me to just spam acrobatics and take it out funny enough getz's next pokemon is a second semi-sage he just really loves that hairdo but we've got the perfect move to trim that thing down with acrobatics amazingly getz getz's second to last pokemon is genesect and i don't know what could be more fitting but i decide to use u-turns since i don't want to eat a tri-attack here and swap out into blaine the incoming tri-attack does end up doing quite a lot of damage and it's unclear whether or not it's a hit ko i decide to stay in and find out and the second tri tack leaves me at 21 hp and paralyzed but i do break through with the quad effective flamethrower taking out that bug and after life orb i have just enough hp for charizard to survive as getsis sends in his final pokemon dusk noir to preserve charizard i swap into ramos to get an intimidate to lower this thing's attack and shadowpunch barely does anything i then set up a leech seed to try and get some residual damage and hex does too much for me to stay in so i swap into wallace and after spike's hex barely does any damage at all and the next turn i go for a waterfall which looks like it's a two-hit ko as i get locked in with mean look another waterfall seals the deal meaning that i got through the entire pokemon league without losing a pokemon and that's how i beat a pokemon black version hardcore nuzlocke using only random pokemon i had a lot of fun playing this run i loved doing the ultra run so i just felt like doing another random one and i honestly feel like doing another one live so if you want to see that run live remember to follow me on twitch and make sure to have your notifications on on this channel so you don't miss a community post with the announcement when i'm going live and if you're at this point in the video and you're not subscribed to the channel what are you doing forget about it
Channel: AntlerboyLIVE
Views: 571,219
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WBjKPqZR10g
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 55sec (1375 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 03 2022
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