We Attempted a Two Player Hardcore Nuzlocke...

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playing pokemon with nuzlocke rules is hard enough but i wanted to take it a step further so i asked my good friend andrew collette to join me as we try to tackle a two-player hardcore nuzzler now you might be wondering how this challenge works so let me explain we only have one chance to catch a pokemon per route but if one person fails to catch their encounter neither player can catch anything on that route but if both players successfully catch their encounters those two pokemon are linked if one is sent to the pc then both are and if one faints then both are considered dead buried and can never be used again this is crucial because any mistake or bad luck will hurt both players and if either whites out then the run is over and we have to start all over again to spice things up even more our games are randomized so we could catch or battle anything we also added the hardcore rules of no over levelling and no items in battle because we're just suckers for pain with all of these crazy rules could we overcome the johto region or would we be crushed well here's how it went we loaded in and the first order of business was picking our starters i got a charizard diglett and loudrude oh my god tertwig vigaroth moltres what one is your green name moltres that's what we're picking i'm picking charizard you're picking moltres we're the fire flying gang the fire flying yeah baby we're not we're not messing around now so our charizard and moltres were now linked and this pair was named maltzard these were some awesome starters despite both of us having a crippling weakness to the rock type we named our rival jaden and soon after we got some pokeballs and were able to add some new members to the team except well uh i got a carnivane i think i can catch that what'd you get uxie what despite trying andrew wasn't able to catch the uxie so neither of us got a pokemon here and from here our luck did not improve a magma oh my god this is an epic anime showdown between charizard and maggie i have a problem you have a problem it's an abra so i just have to throw a poke ball and help no i mean just you can't do anything else it went away but surely we would catch the next pokemon right lay it on me big money big money big money big money a spiel a seal sorry seal i got yanma all right so some stuff we can catch maybe i can't attack it though that's my problem if i crit i crit nope one hp oh no i killed seal that's all right andrew don't worry about it i just caught it it got burned by ember i thought you were like giving up so i thought i'll go for another attack it got burned and then on the next encounter the exact same thing happened big money big money big money oh it's a dusk nor i'm actually a little terrified keegan we need to look up this thing's move set i got a rampardos oh oh you're cool i don't think i can catch a dust mole i'm not gonna lie to you i don't think andrew can catch a grandpa see i just got the same luck he got with co2 it just died to burn oh my god i caught dusk nor are you freaking kidding me andrew why are you serious nor is so good i didn't want to kill this thing it got burned how did it get burned i only used it once no i could have had a dusk naw [Music] but we finally had a stroke of luck in the dark cave where i caught a pucciana and andrew caught blissey one of the best pokemon for a nuzlocke and soon after i caught a clefable paired with andrew's nato king despite the rough start and missing the next few encounters our teams were starting to come together and so we headed to the gym in search of badge one andrews moltres quickly took care of faulkner's two pokemon with puciana taking care of business on my end having secured our first badge we headed south catching a few pokemon pairs along the way with these new pokemon in our arsenal we finally had a full team after spitting in the face of the pitiful rocket admin it was time to tackle the next gym now you may have noticed that we were on our second attempt that's because in the first run i got decimated in this gym by a demonic plussel who ripped me apart so this time around i had a score to settle with the second gym leader bugsy but this time i had a much better team and charizard's dragon rage did a lot of heavy lifting giving me a pretty easy win andrew was having a little more trouble though slowbro is an absolute tank and andrew was having plenty of bad luck uh are you in danger over there like because i'm chilling over here but should i be worried gosh stop growling this slobro is just annoying that's that's all it is yeah super potion oh my gosh this slow bro is so annoying oh my gosh i have to switch i just have to oh my gosh hound you missed dude keegan i'm in trouble here what do you mean i don't i can't get anyone to kill this thing i can't get caught i don't i don't know what to tell you andrew okay we got a crit we got a crew it's finally gone his team was in rough shape but luckily bugsy's last two pokemon were grass types which let moltres clean them up to secure the win oh that was way too stressful holy crap that slow bro jeez louise but our problems were only just beginning our rival awaited for me this was very chill with charizard ripping into shreds but for andrew this fight was on another level my lodic oh jeez don't confuse please crit oh my gosh you're confused don't hit yourself buddy oh no you hit yourself oh my gosh keegan we're we're in the same situation as last time where we got stupid it's the same situation where we have this water type that walls us andrew refresh oh my gosh you gotta be kidding me i'm serious this thing is like just like the slow bro fight okay so my goal is just to whittle him down and i think sea can you do this i'm over here chilling you're over there don't confuse me don't confuse me good good oh my lyrics gone oh yes okay but with no real way to deal with jaden's moltres a difficult decision had to be made and our echodome pair was sacrificed for the greater good this allowed nidoking to safely switch in and just barely take moltres out but we weren't out of the woods yet i'm so stressed here it's a much show oh man what the crap andrew's team was in bad shape and so we made the heartbreaking decision to sacrifice our clefable and neato king pair at least until all right then that's what we gotta do i'm sorry but we gotta do it okay oh my gosh focus energy it's fine [Applause] jesus had blessed us and our cleft king duo would live to fight another day but that was way too close and losing our ekkon's hound room combo was a big blow after giving them a fitting burial we pressed onwards in the forest i found a magna zone which is an awesome pokemon problem is it was paired with andrew's love disc the pokemon equivalent of a wet fart this introduced one of the difficulties in this challenge if i wanted magnezone in my team i'd have to make andrew's team weaker by burdening him with love disc so we would need to plan and compromise to make it through this run heading onto route 34 we got our next encounter money baby money big money oh a vigoroth what'd you get cresselia oh shoot we weren't too confident in catching cresselia but andrew kept throwing pokeballs until you don't have to keep going if you don't want to well i would love to have it oh my gosh i got it okay never mind no way i got it baby got it with our newest deadly pairing we made our way to goldenrod gym in pursuit of the third badge whitney is known for being a monster but the randomizer makes this a very different story andrew's moltres took care of things on his side pretty quickly i had a really close call though hitmontop slapped my vigoroth with a critical hit triple kick which almost took me out that could have been tragic but to switch into charizard let me wrap things up earning our third badge heading north we hunted our next encounter and got the worst pair possible come on x big money being your onyx i got a combi [Music] soon after we had our next encounter and i was stoked to find a snorlax andrew on the other hand found uxie again people grateful shake shake shake andrew i've called the snorlax please pleasing i don't ask much i don't ask much i i can't get this thing down like isn't this my third ooxy counter you can't ever go into a battle like this without blissey again i'm not catching this thing man no i i really i really believe in you though what am i supposed to do having a snorlax and uxie pair would have been a game changer so i encouraged andrew to take a big risk i could risk a blissey switch in to softboil that's probably the best shot but we'd had that we'd be risking blissey i'll do it do it are you freaking kidding me all right i'm just going to go for the blissey i'm going for it i believe in you andrew it used confusion you got to be freaking kidding me it did 10 damage oh my gosh that way do you have a leg you can actually live one if it's not a crit it did confusion again oh we're at one hp what the heck oh my god all right we're okay now but despite our best efforts yuxi just wouldn't stay in the damn ball and ultimately die to struggle so we lost out on a great pair and then another one when i accidentally killed dodulo our rival jaden then squared up for a rematch but things went much smoother this time around in the burn tower we finally got a new pair skip loom for me and frost last for andrew we then headed into the 4th gym where i was faced with the reaper itself why not i couldn't switch out due to its shadow tag ability and i was locked into the move headbutt by my choice band all i could do was hope they had to do with merch why not oh my god no andrew oh no what happened chris roth is dead what present roth is dead did you just get countered oh my gosh i'm seeing it right now [Music] losing bigger off was bad enough but also losing one of andrew's best pokemon cresselia along with it was a huge blow but with that we were ready to tackle the fourth gym leader morty andrew managed to get through this one without too much trouble but for me this fight was a little dicey charizard cleaned up the first two pokemon before skiploom was able to set up a leech seed onto bronzong helping me to stall it out but morty's last pokemon put the fear of god in me oh his last pokemon is latios oh my goodness after weighing up my options i decided the best course of action was cheese first i set up leech seed with skip loom to guarantee damage over time then by switching into clefable and spamming minimize to boost my evasion i wore latios down until one last headbutt sealed the deal since we now had fishing rods we decided to cast a line in ecruteak city reel them in boys what have we got a critique encounter or riku oh my god all right fastball in the red give it to me give it to me lay it on me lay it on me wiggle nope just one wiggle oh my god let's chat i will sink every ball i have oh my god no you guys ever seen a riku hanging out in the water in a pond i wrought andrew get roared i didn't even know it had raw so we lost yet another encounter and then another one so i got lugia oh i just killed nuzleaf with a crit i was gonna get lugia are you serious it all worked out although we did manage to grab our next encounter swallot and pichu but if things weren't bad enough they were about to get worse in the lake of rage we set out to confront the shiny gyarados which in this run is randomized andrew found a shiny surfskit and i found her despite this being a pretty garbage pair i still wanted to catch the shiny maybe even too much well oh my god x is uh if i name it it's okay oh no cliff king is dead what that's my nidoking i wanted the shiny andrew i wanted it so bad so that was bad but then it got worse it sparkles andrew oh my god wait why did i send out marina what am i doing chad i'm throwing oh my gosh and they're about to die oh my god what have i done did my diana just die don't tell me i'm so sorry what are you doing we just lost blissey i gotta kill the cricket tune i gotta kill it get out of my life qriket tune get out go leave leave i was blinded by the sparkles and lost two great pokemon in the process to make matters worse andrew lost his blissey and nidoking as a result needless to say i felt very guilty about letting andrew down like that for now we had to give the fallen a fitting burial with some spots opened up on the team we had to rebuild after some negotiation and drafting this is the team that we decided on after failing another encounter we did finally manage to catch something dragonair and hitmontop after making our way to cyanwood we were ready to take on the fifth gym the gym leader chuck only has two pokemon so charizard was able to slap him around on my end andrew's side of things were a little tougher though chuck's ace was a riku but andrew had a trick up his sleeve lantern lantern's vault absorb ability is a hard counter to raiku's electric attacks so andrew was able to drown it with a few surfs that's badge 5. since we now had access to surf and fly we decided to backtrack and pick up some of the encounters that we missed most of my encounters here were pretty average but andrews was much luckier this guy pulled a dragonite and a swellow which i was very jealous of after storming the team rocket base and slapping some grunts around we grabbed our next encounter the pair of golbat and roselia but then oh shoots got self-destruct oh my gosh it did bring me down to 20 hp little too close with that taken care of we now had two gym fights back to back first up is price andrew cruised through this fight without breaking a sweat but i had way more trouble his tyrogue went down easily and i was able to slowly chip away at glyscor with magnazone until charizard then finished it off price as bronzong is where things get tricky though it hit me with block which means i can't switch out and with charizard at low hp things were looking grim okay don't have a rock move i can't i can't switch i can't switch extra sensory just hang in there charizard hang in there oh my god oh he's healing he's healed andrew i may lose charizard here oh man what do i do i think i need to go for amber and go for the crit don't kill me oh we got the grin oh no way what part of the cards baby that was absolutely clutch and saved our beloved starter pair we then headed straight to olivine city to challenge the penultimate gym leader jasmine all right jasmine leads with a cricket tune oh my god you just oh it's time for revenge how dare you get out of my sight get out of here from here rapidash was just able to sweep and andrew had to negotiate three fire type starters giving us a smooth seventh badge but little did we know our smooth sailing was about to get very very rough after collecting our sus imposter rocket outfits we stormed the radio tower butchering a stack of grunts along the way but then we encountered executive petrol petrol has six pokemon giving the randomizer plenty of room to screw us and oh boy did it i was cruising through the first few pokemon but andrew had a much bigger challenge dude all my grunts have freaking giratinas dude my gosh all right it's very annoying oh oh no oh no i just lost someone oh what do you mean andrew no what do you mean andrew talk to me it was a hyrule freak what happened i got owned by this freaking shadow snake it's got moves that are super effective against everyone on my team he's got inc he's got dragon claw for my dragonite shadow snake from my frost last ancient power for my moltres is it just that one giratina like how many of you got left because he's got a six pokemon it's his first pokemon oh andrew my tank is gone man tyranitar oh my gosh sandstorm oh no no let's let's be smart about this let's be smart about this andrew let's don't get crazy let's not do what i did with my diana we have to go oh my gosh rockslide oh i think we just lost rapidash and dragonite because the same way what do you mean andrew oh no we didn't it's one hp oh this is bad dude i have to stay in it was looking grim and then things got even worse and i really only have three oh my god his last pokemon for me is a wobblefit there's a chance we don't because we i get sandstorm hit every turn oh my god that hits so hard man all right now i dragon rage and it's gonna go for counter again now it's mirror coding oh my god charizard's dead i knew that andrew's dragonite was on the ropes so i sent out rapidash to face the demonic wobberfet after winning wheel flamewheels this should kill wobuffer choice band flamewheel okay okay that's okay it's okay so my rapid dash is dead too rapidash is dead on the next turn i was able to finish wobbuffet but andrew was still far from being out of the woods you'll love this time i love this time okay are we entering the love zone oh he still doesn't take out my cargo you suck love disc oh my gosh this pokemon sucks don't be mean to love zone so the problem i'm having michael is we we just have linked poke oh my gosh lapras oh no oh no dude oh my goodness it's a freaking lapras i have nothing that can counter this lapras cha half of my team is dead rapidash is dead maltzard is dead and maskachow is dead dude i might wipe i don't know how to get out of this i think i need to switch to pichu because love disc could be used later so we're going to say bye to pichu parish song that's great that's really good why is your picture solo leveled andrew no because i wanted to get thunderbolt i wanted to get oh i should have just full water posts were dead yeah andrew's streaming at the android show live on youtube hair song again i'll take it i'll take it i guess i'll go for water pulse in case they switch yup they switched that's not good what'd that bring out though are you on there after some pivoting we finally found an opening stoppage we're living god damn it withdrew hariyama perfect do you think it's just gonna switch back into lappers it could but it's not for sure you may not want to go for fly if you can do 20 damage on the switch then hit it for fly you'll take it down without taking any more damage true you may be able to take it down without taking a hit if he switches this turn here's the thing is if i fly right now though i can get an immediate hit off while they're gonna go for parish song but if i do ancient power now then i fly then they do perishong i'll ancient power it then they don't switch they don't switch why oh blacker than your power boots with that omni boost the tide had turned in our favor yo i'm flying all day here now all day here oh my goodness omni boost oh my gosh dude my heart lay the smack down on a manager give him the business i wonder if i should even ancient power this thing if i got it's close to fly damage and we just got a boost all right yeah do it do it do it do it hit him with it give him the business yeah man give it to you arcanine yo we take this i'm so fine with this just ancient power right dude all i have left our freaking love disc and pichu in the back this is but this is moltres swan song because moltres is dead i know that's fine that's fine i'm just saying like that's all i can't believe i got out oh my god chad we made it dude we just scraped by but we were definitely not unscathed as our team had been decimated we had to rebuild an almost entirely new roster but after some discussion this was the best team that we could come up with so after licking our wounds and teaching some moves we headed into the basement where our rival jaden was waiting that was bad that could have been deadly ice fang that's fine sonic boom that's fine there it goes oh my god how is it still alive oh my god love zone's dead a mud bomb crit andrew it lived on one hp the rest of the fight was relatively clean on both sides but losing magnazone was a huge loss to my already dwindling team we cleaned up the rest of team rocket in pretty quick fashion clearing our path to chase down the final badge on the way we had a few encounters which we really needed after the heavy losses that we'd suffered armaldo i got an articuno dang dude okay um i weakened and paralyzed the articuno all i could do was throw pokeballs but it broke free time and time and time again until oh two shakes man i think we've got two left chat [Music] oh man i'm so bummed out i really wanted this encounter i have one pokeball left heart of the cards moment i've sunk 50 balls into this i've sunk all my balls into this articuno i'm balls deep into this articuno i've got one left part of the cards moment heart of the cards by the way if you're enjoying the video give it a like and consider subscribing to the channel it's quick and free but it really does help me out so i ran out of pokeballs and begrudgingly ran away from the blue chicken but to make up for it soon after i caught aerodactyl paired with andrew's marrel this marrell has the huge power ability which makes this a really solid pair after traversing the ice path we had a few extra encounters but admittedly these were hot garbage and so we were ready to storm the 8th gym and claim the final badge on my side of things claire led with an onix which was free real estate for my ten growth to set up on a few growths and a mega drain took care of it with ancient power cleaning up the skarupi that followed crobat executed flareon and a surf from dragonair sealed the win things were a little more complicated on andrew's end he'd cruised through the first few pokemon but things were looking dire when claire sent out her final pokemon tentacruel i think that's doable it's definitely not a free fight at all poison jab oh my gosh did he just get the crit it didn't crap i'm a little concerned too okay let's switch in him on top i think he's only got i feel like he would go for poison jab again so let's do it i think we got to go for what we can oh clear body oh i forgot about clear body shoot keegan i think i gotta make a sacrifice somewhere here what is what moves have you got on uh nidoqueen not a ground move that's what you're asking about i honestly i think risk go for the kenya risk okay so you want kenya to be the free switch okay water pulse shoots how much is this going to do though oh you know that's pretty good if for some reason kenya dies i'm confident we could take it out with anything else so but no i think cadabra could one shot it from here cadabra won't live a crit though so we have to no no wait you're confused wait bam that's death and there's the crit anyway so even if you hit the like yeah cool no it sucked but like all things considered it was it was not bad with that we'd claimed the final badge another good pair was lost in the process but honestly i was happy with how we worked together to safely dig ourselves out of that situation in the dragon's den we faced a trial that can be summarized as do you absolutely hate pokemon with every fiber of your being uh not really very well you passed here have a pokemon and i've gotta say the old man definitely delivered because he gave me a milo tick and andrew a swinub after grabbing an encounter from the whirl islands we headed back to ekkretique and quickly asserted our dominance over the kimono girls before climbing the bell tower it's here that we're faced with the famous elusive legendary pokemon sceptile with that we were now bound for the elite four but we did have some notable encounters along the way all right here's my encounter tojo fools lay it on me oh dialga andrew please it's a bronzor this pair massively improved our team and our luck continued on the very next round where we also added the pair of spirit tomb and ivysaur once inside victory road i stumbled across a reggie steel but since i already had a good steel type in dialga we decided not to take the risk in catching it and then just before we could exit victory road one trainer stood in our way jaden honestly by this point in the run we'd built up a pretty solid roster jaden had some good pokemon but not enough to really be threatening we'd lost a ton of pokemon throughout this run but we'd finally made it the last hurdle of our challenge the pokemon league after some deliberation and preparation these are the pairs that we decided to bring and so it was time dude i'm nervous if we lose any one of these first few battles i feel like it may be hard to claw our way back um i'm going in andrew okay i'm going in we're going swellow on our end my plan was to lead with tangrowth and set up toxic spikes which would accrue big damage over the course of the battle the first elite four member will led with probopass and i began executing my strategy but then a problem probopass used block which prevents me from switching tangrowth out to make matters worse i was paralyzed by thunderwave and being hit by rockslide which has a chance to make me flinch what followed was one of the most ridiculous pieces of rng that i have ever witnessed the problem i have is that it's a a pro bow pass um and it used block on tangrowth and i'm also paralyzed i can't make like i can't really mega drain because it just keeps hitting me with rockslide and like i may just end up losing tank growth in the first battle because i'm just parallel i'm just paralyzed and unflinching and oh my god andrew it's been five turns in a row i'm paralyzed or flinched and i can't switch like i don't know what to do oh my god chat six turns in a row let me do something i'm probably i'm gonna lose someone to the first pokemon in the first member of the elite four paraflin strats oh my god i'm losing my mind i can't do anything though andrew it's so nutty yeah i'm these are the like tangrowth is dead first pokemon of the first elite four i'm para flinched i'm paraflinched to the moon oh my god chat i had the worst start imaginable losing a pair to the first pokemon of the first elite four member fortunately milotic was able to gradually wear down the remainder of will's team with its huge bulk and some rain boosted serves i was pretty frustrated on my end but the vibes were a little different for andrew [Music] despite the bad luck we'd made it through the first battle and from here our luck did improve koga's team was pretty diverse but my big bulky milo tick was able to get the job done once again and some smart switches by andrew meant we had made it through unscathed now bruno is known for being a bit of a pushover and that was still the case in this randomizer andrew and i were cruising through this fight until bruno sent out my worst nightmare freaking turn oh my god he's back andrew he's back he's looking for blood this one's for clefable and mighty and i everyone that's a dead cricket tune get out of here with bruno and his deadly cricketoon slaughtered we stepped up to face the final elite four member karen she wants to speak to the manager but andrew and i had other plans dialygo was able to decimate her for me and a ball cup set up from andrew with azumarill gave him a pretty clean sweep it was all down to this one final battle against lance to claim the title of champions i'm feeling good keegan you feeling good i'm feeling all right oh i'm feeling good are you going in andrew because i'm ready i'm ready let's go let's go andrew was up first and his burnt swellow went absolutely insane the attack boost from its guts ability allowed swellow to quickly sweep through the first four pokemon of bug catcher lance's team bronzong was able to clean up nidoran with an extra sensory and after landing a parish song onto dragonair andrew's victory was all but guaranteed on my side of things however dialga was paralyzed by discharge on turn one and unable to move for the next two turns now sweet kiss oh my god i hate this thing just kill it just kill it please get rid of it get rid of it eventually i landed on earth power to finally take pachurisu down against houndhood a switch into my bulky milotic allowed me to set up rain before picking up quick kos on houndoom as well as the eevee that followed lance then sent out his tangler who kept using tickle and slam which is a very sus move set for a pokemon that looks like that a flash cannon sent it packing before lance finally lived up to his title and sent out a dragon pokemon i can dragonclaw it all day long baby oh paralyzed oh my god come on stop being paralyzed you can do it dialga you can walk again okay so it's a slave so i'm going to bring aerodactyl in oh he switched he switched we'll go milotic we'll get miley chick oh amnesia oh my god chat i lost i lost my car can anyone tell me where did my car go my logic drowned that lava slug before lance was down to his final pokemon this kill there it is yeah baby check out this playlist for more pokemon nuzlocke challenges take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: Keegan J
Views: 708,064
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pokemon, Nuzlocke, Challenge, Hardcore, Soul Link
Id: yV3PB1i26IE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 23sec (1823 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 15 2022
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