Pokémon White Hardcore Nuzlocke SHINIES ONLY

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pokemon black and white are known to be some of the hardest pokemon games out there and because i don't value my free time whatsoever i decided i wanted to attempt to beat this game with only shiny pokemon but as if that's not tedious enough i'm gonna be adding on hardcore nuzlocke rules just to make this run that much more difficult with that all being said the chances of finding a shiny in this game are one in every 8 192 encounters so those are the odds i worked with when looking for my shiny starter eventually after a grueling three days straight of shiny hunting i finally found my starter tepe oh i got it i got it i got it i got it oh my god i got it oh i got it let's go oh let's go let's go nature is just neutral so it doesn't really mean much and after i go meet up with professor juniper i name him alpha once i do that i head on to the first route and here bianca makes me well aware that i don't have a lot of pokemon right now and because there's no way i let bianca have more pokemon than me i start up another shiny hunt right away this hunt wasn't nearly as bad as the last one but it still did take a pretty long time as after about seven hours i find myself a shiny lullaby after i capture our name bravo and find out she's got a careful nature which isn't that bad now i go challenge my rivals to a battle and since my team is just better i easily defeat them and make my way towards the first gem because i chose tepic the gym leader here is cress and he leaves the battle with lillipup as i lead with bravo i start off by going for a tackle hoping to do half but sadly i don't end up doing that as little pup sets up with the work up because i really don't want to get hit by a tackle here i decided to go for a bite hoping for a flinch and i actually got it this causes crest to use a potion so i go for a tackle with bravo getting a crit and finishing off lollipop once i make it to level 15 i learned the move takedown and after that cress sends out panpour on the first turn against this thing i go for a takedown and actually miss as panpour sets up with workout on the next turn i go for a second takedown doing some pretty big damage in the process as pampers sets up a second workup i don't really know why he didn't attack me but either way it works for me as i go for a bite finishing off panpour and winning me my first gym badge at this point in the game there's just a lot of story so i'm not going to bore you with the details but just know i beat team plasma a ton as i'm beating up team plasma though i look at my current team and i realize there's no way i beat the next gym without losing a pokemon so after i beat team plasma and wellspring cave i decided to start my next shiny hunt this time i was hunting for rock and rolla and after only about three hours i ended up finding one this is probably the quickest shiny i've ever found so you best believe i was happy and i ended up naming him charlie and i found out he had an adamant nature which is probably the best he could have had with robin rolla by my side i evolved tepig into pig night and move on towards the next city while i'm here i fight anne who's an absolute pushover and after that i challenge lenora for my second gym badge she leads the battle with herdier as i lead with alpha here starts off by lowering my attack with intimidate as i go for an arm thrust only hitting two times as i get hit with a lear luckily on the next turn i go for another arm thrust and this time i hit three times finishing off the hurtier now lenore sends in watchhog and because this thing is absolutely horrifying i decided to switch out immediately into rock and rolla weirdly enough watchdog decides not to go for a retaliate going for her hypnosis and missing on the switch in on the next turn she goes for a second hypnosis and it misses a second time in a row as i go for a rock blast doing about half finally with a third hypnosis she puts charlie to sleep but at this point it's way too late for that as i just switch into pig night and go for an arm thrust this finishes off watch hog and wins me my second gym badge after the gym i witnessed team plasma steal the skull off this dragonite skeleton and in hindsight why did they do this this literally gives them nothing regardless of all that though this head is pretty easy to get back and after i chase them down through pinwheel forest i make my way to castellia city once i get here i've really only got to do one thing and that's deal with the rest of team plasma as usual this really isn't much of a tall task and after i do it i'm ready to challenge the third jam berg leads the battle with wurlipede as i lead with alpha i start out with a flame charge doing about two thirds as well left hits me with the poison tail only doing 13. another flame charge is able to take whirlipid out as next outcomes dwevel against wuebel i start out by going for an arm thrust doing about a third as dwell hits me with a smackdown i then go for a flame charge doing about another third as wubble hits me with another smackdown really not doing that much damage on the next turn i finish off duble with another flame charge and that leads into berg's final pokemon levanny at this point my speed's up a million so i just go for a flame charge one shouting levanny in the process and winning me my third badge after the gym i've gotta fight my rivals and like i said before i'm just better so after i defeat them i decided to start up another shiny hunt this hunt takes place on route 4 because there are so many good pokemon in this area sadly little did i know this shiny hunt would take absolutely forever it took me two and a half days to find the shiny sand dial oh i got it oh my god i wasn't even looking oh let's go oh my god i got it oh my god i got it let's go baby oh my yes dude finally that one took forever bro oh my gosh i gotta i gotta just throw poke balls let's go finally i got this thing man oh my god it took forever i was looking for a scraggy here but it's whatever i finally got my shiny i ended up naming him delta and finding out he's got a jolly nature which is probably the best he could have had with that being said i'm now free to head into nambasa city once i'm here i make my pig night look as pretty as possible evolve charlie into boulder and go on this really oddly romantic ferris wheel ride with n he then challenges me to a battle and honestly i thought we had something regardless of that though i end up smashing him and after that battle i move on to fight elisa elisa leads the battle with the mulga as i lead with baldor alisa goes for a volt switch switching out into another emoga and that imoga gets absolutely bodied by a smackdown elisa then sends out amolga again and she decides to go for another volt switch bringing me down to 14 hp as if striker comes out i knew some striker would come out so i went for a rock blast instead of smackdown and it worked really well as i got a lucky critical hit and finished off zip strika this really helps me out as it means elise is on to her final pokemon amolga for this i switch into herdier who takes a volt switch on the switch in and on the next turn after that i just go for a crunch finishing off a molga and winning me my fourth badge once i finish that gym i'm off towards drift mill city as i'm going to the city charon decides he wants to fight me and while that battle is playing in the background i want to let everybody know that only 13.7 of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you could please subscribe that'd be greatly appreciated by the end of 2022 my goal is to hit 100k subs and every subscriber counts in that so if you could please help me get my goal i'd really appreciate that thank you to everybody for the recent support it's really been amazing and with that being said i finally beat sharon and i'm down for another shiny hunt this hunt wasn't nearly as bad as the last and i ended up finding a soloist in only about three hours after catching him i named him echo and found out he's got a serious nature which is just neutral i then finally make my way into driftmill city and this place has the best music in all of pokemon go debata wall if you think otherwise regardless of that though i gotta go to the cold storage and deal with team plasma as usual not too difficult and while i'm fighting them i end up evolving delta into krugerrock with team plasma defeated i go to fight clay for my fifth gym badge clay leads the battle with crooked rock as i lead with hertier right away i go for a takedown doing a ton of damage to krug rock but sadly not killing as i get hit with a swagger on the next turn clay heals as they go for a crunch doing about half this was the main goal though as now i switch into delta who tank some damage on the switch in and i then go for a dig finishing off group rock because i have the ability moxie my attack raises by one stage here and when palpatoe comes out i'm able to go for a single dig one shotting in the process with my attack up two plays onto his final pokemon excadrill x control goes for a home clause as i go for a dig and with my attack up two this thing stands no chance and i'm able to one shot pretty easily as that wouldn't be my fifth badge immediately after the gym i meet up with clay at georgetown cave and i head through that place pretty quickly while i was going through there i evolved bravo into stoutland and echo into duosian i then get into battle with n and since every pokemon in charge snow cave is pretty much weak to ground i just start spamming dig this absolutely elite strategy allows me to win my fight against n and make my way into mistralton city once i'm here there's really not much to do i've just gotta find skyla atop this massive tower and after i ring the bell i get ready to fight her in a battle before the battle starts i just want to quickly say like what is her gym trial or whatever it is it's like she shoots you out of cannons i got slammed into a steel wall regardless of that though she leaves the battle with swoobat as i lead with charlie swoobette immediately goes for a heart stamp not doing much damage whatsoever as i go for a rock blast one-shotting skyla then brings out her ace pokemon swanna and for this i decide to switch into bravo bravo takes minimal damage on the switch in and on the next turn i go for a four-time super effective thunderfang this obviously kills and leads into skyla's final pokemon on pheasant i hit him pheasant with a thunderfang and i then go for a takedown finishing her off and winning myself badge number six with the gym completed i get to go fight sharon and this fight goes pretty easily as usual but after the fight i get the hm for serve with this hm i'm able to go to miss stralton cave and in the cave i'm able to find myself axio i was shiny hunting in this cave for about an hour and a half before i realized that i don't actually want to be here axios only got like a 30 encounter right here and if i didn't get an axio i would just get a swoo bat or a bulldog which i already have after a lot of careful consideration i decided to move elsewhere to shiny hunt this time into charge stone cave i'm actually really happy that i did this because after about six hours i found myself a shiny clank after catching them i gave them the nickname foxtrot and i then make my way towards icarus city once i'm in the city i talk to this guy with really weird eyebrows and i then evolve a ton of pokemon i evolve clink and declan and pig knight into embore i also evolved boulder into gigolith and the only reason i'm allowing this is because the shiny is just so cool and also a while ago i asked my viewers if it was okay to do trade evolutions like this and they said it was so i'm gonna go with their opinion with all that out of the way though i go to challenge the seventh gem bryson leads the battle with vanillish as i lead with emboar right away i go for a flame charge one shouting vanillish as next outcome is beartic beartic gets hit for about half of the heat crash and he ends up hitting me with a swagger because i don't really feel like hitting myself with the confusion i decided to switch out into foxtrot he gets hit for minimal damage on the switch in and on the next turn i go for a gear grind finishing off bear attack now bryson's onto his final pokemon triagonal and for this i just go for a single gear grind one shining in the process and winning my battle against bryson with badge 7 acquired we've got some more team plasma story is something going wild at the top of the tower it sounds like something's going on a rampage at the top of the tower turns out it's just n in his restroom and after he goes flying away i've got to go to the desert resort this place is so annoying to get through but eventually i make my way all the way to the bottom and meet up with gatsas this guy's just talking his talk and it's really annoying so i ended up just tuning out most of it i just got you know giant black dragon elite four type things yeah it's whatever it's whatever i'm sure nothing's gonna happen after this i just go to opelucid city as i'm going there two of my pokemon evolved duosian and krugarak and once i'm finally in opalucid city i'm ready to challenge the final jam iris leads the battle with fracture as i lead with bravo right away i go for ice bang doing about two-thirds as iris sets up with dragon dance thankfully even with the dragon dance i still at speed and i'm able to go for a crunch finishing off fracture this leads in iris's next pokemon dratagon and for this i immediately go for i spang it just almost half as i luckily flinch in on the next turn to do the same thing going for an ice fang but this time i don't flinch as i get hit by night slash iris then heals with a hyper potion as i go for two more ice fangs finishing off dragon and leading iris to use her final pokemon hacksares this thing could be insanely scary but thankfully i end up hitting an ice fang doing almost half as i get hit with a dragon tail switching me out into echo thankfully there's no way hacksaw's one shots echo here so i'm easily able to go for a psychic finishing off hacksaws and winning myself my final gym badge of this run with the gyms completed i move on towards victory road and while i'm going there i've gotta fight sharon for the final time this fight actually ends up being really difficult i mean sharon brings all of my pokemon down pretty weak before i finish him off with that all being said though i beat him without losing a pokemon so i've got every single pokemon on my team remaining when going into the pokemon league at this point i get all of my pokemon up to the level cap evolve clang into clink clang and start my elite four journey with caitlin caitlyn leads the battle with rio necklace as i lead with echo right away i go for a shadow ball doing over half as i get hit with a thunder that doesn't do too much damage because i'm assuming caitlyn's gonna go for a thunder again i decided to switch out into delta who doesn't take any damage from it i'm then pretty easily able to finish off rio nicolas with a foul play and that leads into caitlyn's next pokemon sigilif with my attack up one sizzilif goes down to a single crunch and that means musharna is out next musharrana can't survive a plus two crunch and neither can gotha tell us when she comes in she goes down to a one shot and that wins me my first elite four battle next up i go to challenge marshall and he leads the battle with throw as i lead with echo throw starts off by going for a stone edge that misses and since i have a psychic gem on echo i'm able to one shot with a single psychic next out is menchia who goes for retaliate doing about half as i go for a psychic one-shotting this means marshall's onto his third pokemon sock and because i figure sock is gonna go for a stone edge i decide to go for recover and thankfully i'm right as stone age doesn't do too much damage and i heal up pretty much all of my health on the next turn stone edge misses as i heal up even more hp and at this point i'm at full so i decide to go for a psychic this brings sock all the way down to one hp as he heals in the next arm of the floor store and i go for another psychic bringing him down to one hp again now socks basically finished and after i go for one more recover i decided to go for a psychic and shadowball combo finishing off sock and leading into marshall's final pokemon to concalder with 153 hp there is no way i get one-shotted here so i just go for a psychic finishing off marshall and winning myself my second elite four battle at this point i've gotta make a decision on who i wanna challenge next and it's either gonna be grimsley or chantal and since chantal looks a little bit easier i decided to go challenge her next she leads the battle with cavadrigas as i lead with foxtrot right away i go for a gear grind that does almost half as i get hit with a shadow ball it doesn't do an insane amount of damage but it does lower my special defense so that's gonna be scary on the next turn i go for a mirror shot that doesn't do a lot of damage at all as she goes for a willowisp that misses after that i go for a gear grind and miss as i get hit with a willowist i then go for a mirror shot and miss again as i get hit with a shadow ball bring me pretty low i now decide to go for a volt switch and switch out into delta who tanks a shadow ball and on the next one i go for a single crunch one shot in copper greeks with a critical hit sadly coffee gregis has mummy and because of this i lose my moxie ability when going into jealousyn thankfully this doesn't actually matter as i just go for a crunch one-shotting jellison and leading me into chantal's next pokemon golurk i go for a foul play on golurk and it ends up one-shotting completely unexpected on my end but i'll definitely take it as it means chantal's on to her final pokemon chandelier for this i go for a foul play and it does a ton of damage bringing chandelure all the way down to about a fifth but i end up getting hit by flame body and by fire blast which brings me all the way down to seven hp chantal then heals chandler as i switch into bravo and at this point the battles basically won as i go for two more crunches finishing off chandler and winning myself my third elite four battle finally is grimsley and he leaves the battle with scrafty as i lead with alpha first things first i go for a hammer arm and i end up getting a one shot with that next outcomes crooked isle and sadly i don't really know what to do here i mean i decided to go for a hammer arm but i'm slower so crooked islands are hitting me with a massive earthquake one shotting in the process and that's the end of alpha it's fine though because with his death it allows me to get a free switch into another pokemon and i decide to move into bravo kruger dial starts off by going for an earthquake that does a good amount of damage as i go for ice fang doing half krugerdahl then goes for another earthquake bring me all the way down to 13 hp as i go for a second ice bank finishing off crooked isle grimsley then decides to throw out his next pokemon for sharp and with the sharp out i decide to switch into delta delta tanks and metal claw on the switch in and on the next turn i go for a dig doing a ton of damage to bashar but sadly not killing as i get it with an x scissor bringing me all the way down to 17 hp at this point grimsley's 100 gonna heal so i decided to go for a crunch just to do a little bit of damage before going for another day thankfully crunch did just enough damage so that it did kills and with the sharp down grimsley sends out his final pokemon lipard light part really isn't that great of a pokemon so i just decided to switch into gig lift and go for a single stone edge finishing off light heart and winning myself my final elite four battle now as i'm going to fight the champion team plasma blows the absolute top off the champion's palace and i've then got to go fight n and get says here we go man let's do this so like i said i gotta i gotta hit this stone edge go for it this fusion player's gonna do like yeah not that much i hit the stone age kill let's go perfect first pokemon down nice you love to see it cling clang that means that zoro zork is definitely cling cling right here we'll see in a second if this thing goes with the focus blast but either way i'm going for a stone edge i have to hey please don't kill don't kill don't kill shift gear i avoided the focus blast right there that'd be great if i could avoid a second one do i go over a discharge or volt switch i want a volt switch out but i don't think volt switch will kill so i'll go for another gear grind yes cheers yes man you love to see it you love to see it that's exactly what we needed i'll just spam discharge metal sound oh yikes if i get hit with a thunderbolt it's going to do a good amount of damage i'm just going to switch out with a bolt switch i'm scared i'm scared and i'll admit it i'm scared i'll take it um light screen i'm gonna set up a light screen splash canon's gonna do but decent bit it didn't actually do that much now that the light screen's set up as long as i don't get crit i can recover and go for a psychic and eventually take this thing out another psychic kills perfect amazing i'm at 167 194. i'll go for another second i've got to do it oh i did such a good amount of damage if i can avoid a stone edge then there's a point in going for recover and stone edge only has 80 accuracy if i go for a recover and stoneage misses i can go for a psychic on the next turn and kill that's absolutely what i have to do i'm going for it a crunch oh i'm so stupid man i have the moves that pulled up right in front of me and i didn't see that oh my gosh that's so dumb on my end i have the move set in front of me too like directly in front of me and i missed that it's whatever though i i take that thing out with the discharge it's fine now vanilla x is in vanilla goes down to a gear grind as long as i hit it i'm good amazing hit it perfectly fine nice no low damage roll we're good shift gear this is the move we need to beat gets us archaeops is is scary i'm not gonna lie to y'all the archeops is scary as long as i hit this discharge i'm fine that's good and i get the paralysis off archeops is down yes man yes what pokemon do we have remaining we have we only lost one pokemon in that fight didn't we oh no we lost two we lost charlie and echo is what we lost that means we have three pokemon remaining delta bravo and foxtrot there's no opportunity to like change around my team here so we gotta just gotta deal with guesses um and just to you know work around the fact that gets us you know charlie's actually dead i'm just gonna throw poke balls at cavarigus just so i can just so it's not cheating but yeah my plan is to go into clink clink and just kill with that that's like my only plan that's what i have to do the coffer grievous is really bad like coffee regis isn't good it has toxic shadow ball psychic all of those are not very effective against um foxtrot and i can't even get hit by um toxic so i've got to set up with shift gear and just just hope all right that's really what i gotta do just hope i'm gonna set up three four actually now that he went for that with my attack up four she'll be able to just one shot everything but i've gotta make sure i hit i've gotta hit my attacks so i should have just gone for another one it's fine though okay there's my first hit down hydra guns out this is one of the pokemon we have to for sure hit we're definitely faster we need to hit this gear grind we hit it let's go it's gonna kill amazing man just gotta go for a gear grind yes we hit again man it's it's not it's got 90 accuracy y'all it's got 90 accuracy if we miss anything we just lose we just lose it's as simple as that we gotta hit again come on yes bro oh it's not very effective though it's fine he went for a rain dance he went for a rain dance he threw i wasn't even looking i saw i saw his health go down to half and i was like oh so we just killed i didn't even realize it was gonna be not very effective well i mean now i just gotta hit an extra gear grind which is a little scary but we still hit it though we still hit it though electros bro that didn't kill sadly but it doesn't look like it matters because i out speed i just gotta hit that's all i gotta do is just hit hit the gear grind that's all i have to do in the rest of this flight this commentary is gonna be so awful because i just have to say i keep hitting it because that's literally all i can do i can just spam gear grind that's it i'm getting super lucky right now like 90 accuracy is it that's bad that is not good i i have a feeling i'm going to go down here but i'll just go for a discharge metal burst oh i didn't even know that was gonna that was an attacking move oh that's metal sound that's not the attacking move and delta gets sent in and honestly i think it take kills i have soft sand on delta so yes man oh my gosh bro easy fight gets this easy fight one of the hardest games you can nuzzlock this is one of the hardest games you can nuzzlock and i beat it with shiny pokemon man that is just incredible bro in pro on it i i don't even know what to think because like that's crazy man like this entire thing is just the this whole this whole game was just nuts this run was amazing this honestly i don't even know what to say this is just i i i i thoroughly enjoyed myself in this playthrough i really did and that's pokemon white gosh bro my thoughts about the run i mean it took it took forever um if i can show you guys the save time i will but it took a while um all in all i mean probably top five like most favorite runs i've ever done it's just it was just amazing like all throughout um and yeah i mean that's all i got to say if if you enjoyed the run if you enjoyed my shiny hunting suffering please consider subscribing it really does help me out and with that being said that was my attempt at a pokemon white hardcore nuzlocke using only shiny pokemon
Channel: Zango
Views: 743,566
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 43sec (1423 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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