Pokémon Sword Hardcore Nuzlocke - ICE Type Pokémon Only! (No items, No overleveling)

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today i want to find out if i can beat pokemon sword with hardcore nuzlocke rules using only ice types the ice type truly is a glass cannon type with four weaknesses and only one resistance to itself it might actually be the worst defensive type in all pokemon which if you've ever done a nuzlocke before you know defense is super important so this is sure to be a challenge let's see if i can do it but first let's go over the rules if a pokemon faints it must be boxed permanently or released we can only catch our first ice type encounter per area the battle style must be played on set no items from the bag can be used to battle and we aren't allowed to overlevel the next gem leader's highest level pokemon before entering the battle additionally we won't be playing with either of the dlc's so let's quickly take a look at what pokemon will be available to us in this run this is a pretty solid cast i will say the problem will be just keeping him alive a few things here though frost loss and glaily are obviously one line so the one we get will be determined by the gender of the snow run and arctivis and arctasault are both only available on route 6 so we'll have to choose between the two of them with all that out of the way let's get to the run as usual we start out at home in post wic after dealing with our mom we step outside and dust our clothes off and we're ready for adventure we're then greeted by our supposed best friend hop waving like a big old doofus yeah we see you he's probably just used to getting ignored we then headed to town and meet the champion leon who's actually hop's older brother and boy does that show from his signature pose we then move on and we're allowed to pick our starter obviously none of them are ice types so we can't use them but we do choose sabol so that hop will then choose score bunny because we do like the pain and we want our rival fights to be as hard as possible that just leaves grookie standing there all left out there are thousands of grookies that aren't chosen every day and with your help we can stop lonely grookie syndrome one like on this video is one grookie saved one subscription to this channel 10 grookies saved moving right along we head into the wild area now for the wild area i'll only be allowing one catch per gym badge as well as one initial catch in my opinion this strikes a balance between stacking the team too early and not really taking advantage of the wild area at all our first encounter turns out to be a snow runt which is also female so we will be getting a frost last to start the runoff which is very good we nickname it lassie and then we go grab a dawn stone from the other part of the wild area and immediately evolve it getting an early stone evolution like this is a great way to start the runoff we make sure to grab the leftovers on our way out then go choose our trainer number after taking care of all the story stuff in modesto we head west to route 3 but first hop wants to have a quick battle on our way out he leads with wulu and we take it out with a couple crunches pretty easily he then brings in score bunny which at this point i know i shouldn't be worried about it but i still am a little bit worried about it he uses ember which doesn't do very much damage at all and we're in the clear we take it out with a second shadow ball then rookie comes in and goes down to an ice fang we then head into the galler mine where we meet beed who has a team full of psychic types who we obviously destroy with shadowball we then head out to route 4 where we encounter an eevee we catch it and then head back to the wild area to head up the digging duo and grab a nice stone they then hit us with this existential masterpiece you know skill digging guy i often wonder that sometimes too we dig ourselves out of that hole and then we evolve our eevee into a glacion next we head into the first gem to challenge the gym leader milo now milo specializes in grass types so this fight is going to be pretty straightforward we clean up the glossy fur with an ice beam from glacion and then we get into a dynamax dance-off dynamax or no his elder gus has no moves and we take it out with a couple max hailstorms then we get to experience my favorite part about pokemon sword these awkward couple of seconds before the dynomax pokemon spontaneously combust and just like that with a firm handshake we're on our way with the first gym badge we head out east to route 5 where team yell is bullying a healthcare worker in the middle of a pandemic we take care of that and head back to the wild area to catch a snover this snover is crucial to our strategy because the next gem is water we try to head into hullbury but hop is blocking our way so we have to just show him what's up take out the wulu with an ice beam then his reboot comes in which uses growl for some reason and we managed to take out with two shadow balls finally the corva squire comes in and we clean it up with one ice beam then we head into hullbury wasting no time at all we immediately head into the gym and visit the true protagonist of the story ball guy ball guy you're the real lure ball with that out of the way we head into the second gym and challenge the gym leader nessa she leads with the golden which we easily take out with one seed bomb from snover then the arakuta comes in hits us with a bite but we take it out with a seed bomb as well that leaves us with just her ace dreadnough who dynamaxes of course and outspeeds us so we do have to live through this max strike but snover is tanky enough to take it so we fire back with the four times effective max overgrowth and the second gym badge is ours oh yeah and the dreadnought explodes after we get the badge we're invited to lunch with chairman rose and this guy has on the most chaotic evil outfit i've ever seen they really hit you over the head with the foreshadowing in this game next we head back to the wild area and catch this tongy guy a shelter which we immediately evolve into a cloister using the water stone our cloister does have a modest nature which is not great but it does have the skill link ability which is very strong with icicle spear next we head back through the creatively named gallermine number two and have our first battle with marnie marty's team does have two fighting types on it so it's a little bit scary she leads with crow gunk who gets a sucker punch off on us but luckily frost doesn't take too much damage from it it manages to tank one of our ice beams and marnie heals it up but ultimately it goes down to a couple ice beams next up is scrafty and our frost last actually learned draining kiss which is a fairy move and four times effective disgracey but thanks to its high special defense it actually manages to live it we heal up a little bit and then finish it off with a second training kiss next marnie sends in her last pokemon morpho this thing knows bites so we do bring in glacion to avoid a super effective bite on frost lass but actually does a pretty decent amount through glacion's good defense and it outspeeds us on the next turn and flinches us with a bite with the third bite we're getting down into really dangerous territory and unfortunately it doesn't go down to our ice beam we do have the priority move ice shard and i know it would kill in hindsight but in that moment i was just too worried to use it so we bring in snover to finish it off with a nice shard with marty out of the way we head into the third gym which is fire type and should be our biggest challenge yet and right from the get-go kabu makes it clear we are not friends we picked up cloister for this gym specifically the first turn nine tails burns us with a willow wisp but we respond with this fun little move called shell smash this move sharply raises your speed attack and special attack in exchange for lowering both of your defenses one shell smash is enough to make us out speed the nine tails and one shot it with the surf from here the arcanine comes in and we opt for an early dynomax to use max geyser which sets up rain of course the max geyser one shots the arcanine and the rain is out which weakens fire and increases the power of water from here kabu sends in as a center scorch and dynamax is it this is not too much of a problem because we are plus two on special attack speed and rain is set up so we one shot out with max geyser and of course it makes a big show of blowing up while kabu dramatically mourns his loss in the rain we move on to the next city hammerlock we then head back to the wild area to get our next catch a mime junior which we then evolve into a mr mime mr mime's psychic type will help us a lot with the next gem which is fighting as we head into hammerlock these three are standing around doing not evil stuff and we get a quick history lesson from there we head out to route 6 where we combine some fossils into this monstrosity if you've never noticed it has the body of a fish and the head of a bird but they're just kind of glued together in a weird way next we head into stowon's side where we challenge hop again this fight wasn't too exciting but here's a clip of her boot getting served by cloister kind of satisfying next up is the whiplash simulator number five and the fourth gem the fighting gem this is another type that we're weak to i'm sensing a theme here bia leads with a hitmontop which actually can't hit frost last because of the ghost type so we get it to minus six attack with charm from here we bring in mr mime to set up some calm minds which will raise our special attack and special defense because of an unlucky critical we actually are only able to get two calm minds off before baton passing the buffs back to frostlast this is enough to have a sweep the pangoro and the hitmontop but sir fetched actually lives through an ice beam doesn't really matter though because we outspeed it and it only uses sword stance and the next ice beam finishes it off this is concerning however because the ace machamp does have a dark type move which is super effective against frost last and we're not confident that we're going to one shot this thing so we use a max guard to try to stall out the dynomax turns a little bit just in case we don't live through the max darkness our max hailstorm only does about half damage as expected and we get hit by the max darkness which surprisingly doesn't kill the next turn we blow up the machamp with the max hailstorm and that's half the gems out of the way our first move after getting the gym badge is heading back to the wild area to get a dharmaka which we immediately evolve into a dharmanathan and this thing is a ball of raw power we then head to my favorite town balanlia where we challenge the gym leader opel who specializes in fairy types now surprisingly we're not weak to this gem type so we're able to set up some calm minds with mr mime while also not taking too much damage from the wheezing now this gym has an interesting gimmick where you answer questions from opal and in exchange for getting the right answer you get a buff and these buffs can be passed with baton pass so for the first correct answer we get a sharp speed boost we then continue to set up some calm minds and we get three off and then we use baton pass because we get poisoned we pass our buffs to frostlast and wheezing uses tackle like a dummy with these buffs it's more than enough to sweep not to mention the extra buffs that we'll get from the questions throughout the gym after the wheezing goes down she sends into mall while which we take out with a shadow ball next up is togekiss who goes down to a super effective ice beam this breaks my heart but it has to be done finally her ace alchemy comes in and turns into a gigantic wedding cake it does tank a hit but due to our boosted special defense we don't really care and we take it out with a second hail storm and we go out with some fireworks now that we beat the fifth gem we go back to the wild area and catch a pillow swine we nickname it oinker and then immediately teach it ancient power to evolve it into a mammoth wine turns out this thing has a jolly nature which boosts speed and decreases special attack which is perfect it makes it loki pretty fast we also evolve our snover into an obama snow at this point we travel with opal back to hammerlock and get to see everyone's favorite cutscene this thing but then head east to route 7 and have a really sketchy battle with hop dunk punches the crap out of his trivenant and we think we're in the clear but he sends in his ace cinderace which we were fully not expecting so we send in cloister to tank the pyroball which he does well but the next turn the cinderace actually uses agility this ruins our plan because we are counting on the speed boost from shell smash to let us out speed the cinderace now we still don't have speed control and our defense is decreased thankfully being the great trainer he is hop uses agility again the next turn which lets us get our surf off and take out the cinderace next up he sends in his bolton which we take out with an icicle spear next he sends in snorlax which we hit with an icicle spear and it just barely tickles it this is a problem because cloister is down on defense and this thing knows heavy slam which will do massive damage because of a steel type he uses body slam which actually i think will do the same amount of damage as heavy slam because of the stab but thankfully due to cloisters just massive defense we're able to live through it and take it out with an icicle spear the next turn next he sends in heat more which we're not really concerned about because it's just slow and not really good for anything and we take it out with a serve and we move on to route 8 where we find this yummy boy a vanellish which we catch a name banananut and we arrive at sirchester or kerchester or whatever and we get to take on everyone's favorite gym challenge this don't fall on the whole thing we get through that and we challenge the gym leader gordy and gordy specializes in rock types which spoiler alert we're weak too he leads with a barbarical which is actually a scariest mod because of shell smash so we leave with obama snow to take it out with a four times effective energy ball it does go down in one hit and he brings in chuckle so we swap in cloister the charcoal uses power split which splits our attack values equally and lowers our attack a ton and ups his attack a ton this doesn't really matter because we are going to be using surf which is a special attack so we go for iron defense to start setting up shell smashes safely he hits us with a stone edge which doesn't really do too much damage and we continue to set up iron defense to start setting up shell smash afterwards after 200 defenses we feel safe enough to set up shell smash we go for two to go plus four on special attack just to make sure we kill everything in one hit now it's time to sweep we hit the shuckle with a surf which actually takes it out surprisingly then the stone jr comes in and we smack it in the face with a gigantic wave finally zach's colossal comes in and dynamaxes we dynamax in response and we hit it with a four times effective max geyser which takes it out really nice of gordy to set up a fireworks display for us honestly on the way out we hit him with the limpest fish handshake and we're on our way with the level cap increase we're able to evolve mr mime into mr rhyme oh get down mr rhyme after this hop challenges us to another battle it's not too exciting but i will leave in a clip of cinderella's getting hit by a surf because it's pretty satisfying from here we go into route 9 where we get our bike upgraded to this paddle boat and we get another encounter of a birgemite which we nicknamed cable and then immediately evolve into an avalog i must say i'm a fan of this icy boy from here we try to get into spike mode but the gate is closed good thing marnie helps us sneak in but in exchange we have to beat her in a pokemon battle i'm not going to put the whole thing in here because it's pretty uneventful mama swine pretty much swept everything i will leave in this clip of more petco getting earthquaked because it's pretty satisfying to see an electric type get hit by a ground move with martin dispatched we move into spikemoth and we get to see the mvp of our last run glad to see he's doing well in retirement we fight through the gym challenge and then move on to challenge the seventh gym leader pierce now pierce is actually marnie's older brother not sister like i said in my other video sorry pierce fans anyway this fight i was very confident about i led with darmanitan who had given a choice band and taught brick break unfortunately i didn't account for the scrafty having intimidate in my calculations so our brick break doesn't actually take it out and it takes two hits we take big damage for this next obsidoon comes in we ran the calculations again with the intimidate and since it's 4x effective it should kill if the obstacle has zero ivs which is the case for pretty much every other trainer pokemon in the game unfortunately this obstagoon does have ivs so it doesn't go down to the brick break and takes out darmantan with a throat chop rest in peace buddy from here we're a little bit worried but shouldn't be too big of a deal mama swine takes out the obstagoon with an earthquake and then pierce sends in malomar we hit it with an earthquake and it does about 75 percent so it's able to get a foul playoff on us and because of mamaswan's super high attack it does a ton of damage no worries though on the next turn we take it out with another earthquake pierce says everyone's gonna stink but who cares uh i care and then he sends in his gun tank this thing hits us with a sucker punch which we actually weren't expecting even though it was in the song lyric it's all good though we live and take it out with an earthquake and that's the seventh gem with the new increased level cap we're able to get a double scoop and get a vanillux and then we go out to the wild area where we catch a sneezel from here we head back to hammerlock for the eighth and final gym we make one final stop at ball guy and then we're ready to go in and challenge reihan the 8th gym leader now rohan technically is a dragon gym leader but he's mostly a weather gym leader and this gym unfortunately is in the doubles format so we lead with mama swine and cloister and we're up against his fly gun and his giggleth we used an earthquake on the first turn and land a crit on gigolith which takes it out next the flygon hits us with a breaking swipe which lowers both of our attacks and is pretty unfortunate we need mammoswine to be at high enough attack to be able to take out the dura ludon our cloister is able to take out this flygon with an icicle spear which is 4x effective still this first turn was a bloodbath next reihan sends in dur ludon and sanaconda so we dynomax mammoswine and he responds with the dynomax on duraludon we hit the duralude on with the max quake and it does about 75 percent of its hp again i think this doesn't kill because of the decreased attack we think cloister might finish it off with this super long animation icicle spear but unfortunately it can't crack through side note how did nobody who was testing this game c multi-hit moves and dynomax battles this is not okay it fires back with the max steel spike which does a ton of damage to mammoth wine but he lives with about a quarter i was worried about this anaconda attacking and killing our mammoth swine but luckily it goes for a glare on cloister instead for some reason we're a little worried about losing cloister so we swap in obama snow and take out this steel building with the max quake there's still a chance that this anaconda takes out our mammoth swine but it uses glare again for some reason and for extra bm we bring in the vanillux and obama snow finishes off the sanaconda with a quick blizzard delicious imagine losing to these two goofy guys from here we head back out to the wild area and catch a lapras which we actually catch on our first ball throw at full health unfortunately our level cap won't allow us to use this until after the first elite four round but it's still good to have next we board the train to winden which we ride at the train station which is inexplicably outside of the city and on route 10 we encounter a cub chew unfortunately it doesn't have slush rush which makes it pretty useless but it doesn't matter we head into winden and with no time to waste we head into the stadium for our first round of the gym challenge or whatever it's called marnie is our first challenger and we have a pretty simple strategy for this with our mr rhyme knowing dazzling gleam it should be super effective against marnie's whole team so we set up a calm mind but unfortunately the lightboard uses torment which makes it so we have to trade off other moves in between our usage of devil and gleam it doesn't save the librar though this thing still goes down next she sends it's grafty and we're forced to use a calm mind because we only have psychic as our other attacking move and that doesn't affect scrafty unfortunately it uses scary face which makes it so it has speed control going into the next turn and this thing has swagger which will really put a damper on our whole party here with a confusion fortunately the swagger misses and we hit it with a dazzling gleam and take it out next up is the toxic rock who uses toxic on the first turn and gets a poison on us but we take it out of the four times effective psychic we're a little bit worried as the morpeko comes in next turn which has super effective bites and does a ton of damage so we swap in the mammoth swine to tank the bite and hit it with an earthquake on the next turn next she sends in her ace grim snarl and we both dynamax as usual one max quake is just not quite enough to take it out so we get smacked by a gmax snooze which makes us drowsy but that doesn't really matter because we finish it off with an earthquake on the next turn and we finish the battle with a ceremonial dynamax explosion next up is hop which should be pretty straightforward right our plan here is to take advantage of the doubles low attack by setting up shell smashes and going plus six on our cloister we start off with a couple iron defenses which in hindsight was a big mistake this double just starts chipping away at us with body slams which all have a chance to paralyze us luckily we get through most of our setup without getting paralyzed but dumb quinn decides to go for one final greedy shell smash to max out all our stats when we didn't actually need it and this last body slam paralyzes us on the next turn we get paralyzed but the turn after that we take out the double with an icicle spear and then the snorlax comes in luckily we don't get paralyzed here and we take it out with a fully charged up liquidation that could have been the end of cloister on the next turn he sends him pink herchen which we can't really risk getting paralyzed against so we swap in mammoth wine and take it out with an earthquake next up he sends in his corvinite now mammoth wine can't actually hit corbinite so we swap cloister back in it hits us with a pointless scary face which lowers our speed doesn't matter because we're already paralyzed then the next turn it hits us with a drill run and we are fully paralyzed so we can't hit it then it uses swagger which is really annoying because paralysis and confusion combined makes it less than 50 chance that we actually hit this thing on the next turn we hurt ourselves in confusion and we get too worried so we swap in frost last frost last tanks a drill run and we dynomax on the next turn fortunately frostlast actually knows thunderbolt at this point but it's not quite enough to take it out on the first turn and of course corvinite goes for some super annoying scary face hop heals but since we have electric terrain set up it's enough to take out the corvinite next we make the biggest blunder of the entire run when trying to check oinker's stats we accidentally swap him in which not only ends our dynamaxx one turn early it also leaves mama swine right in the line of fire of a max flare now only one person on our team outspeeds the cinderace and it's frostlast and frost can't take a dynomax cinderace out in one hit so we decide to sack it and go for charm which lowers the cinderace's attack and maybe gives our other pokemon a chance rip frost last well it is a ghost so was it already dead i don't know anyway obama snow comes in and it just is comical to watch it get fireballed we needed to sacrifice the obama snow to stall out the rest of the dynamaxx next we bring in mr rime who goes up against the cinderace without dynamaxx it takes a pyroball to the face but it lives it and gets off a psychic which gets pretty good damage onto the cinderace at this point we know powerball only has one pp left so we decide to sack mr rime to guarantee a safe switch into glacion the syndras does get a paralysis on us from bounce and hit us with a gunk shot but we're able to take it out with two freeze dries wow we just barely got out of that hot fight alive and i never thought i would say that from here we evolve our sneasel into a weavile and then we head to rose tower to stop some evil stuff from happening i don't know this leads us to fighting with oleana who definitely needs some therapy we decide to lead with weavile for this fight and we throat chop the frost last which takes it out in one hit what a brutal move next is selazal comes in and we hit it with dig which is four times effective and takes it out the melodic comes in and we anticipate an aqua ring so we're able to get a sword stance off it does in fact aqua ring and then we hit it with a boosted throat punch and take it out on the next turn next the serena comes in and gets ice punched to the face next is this big pile of garbage which we hit with the max quake and it actually does kill when it's weevil we caused the greatest dumpster fire of the century and then we start listening in on chairman rose talking through his evil plan or something i don't know all i know is that the playoffs and the finals are the next day so we head over to the locker room we start our challenge off with bead who up until this point we have made an absolute mockery of with frost lass this time we don't have frost lass and so we have to lead with cloister we go for a couple iron defenses to start setting up our shell smashes and the mall while actually misses some play roughs so we have a free setup pretty much we get fully set up on attack and we hit them all while with the smart strike and take it out next up is a guard of war and we smart strike this as well i forgot to mention smart strike is a steel type move so these fairies are weak to it the rapidash goes down just the same as the gardevoir and then the hattering comes in and dynamaxes we dynamics back cut to explosion oh whoops i don't think i was supposed to read that anyway next up is nessa whose improved team starts off with a good galissa pod good go go goalies a pod anyway we hit it with a wild charge after taking a first impression and it emergency exits out and we have to swap out arctisol as the bear scooter comes in we bring in glacion who takes a drill run and then a liquidation and then takes it out with a freeze dry which is an ice move that hits water super effectively next nessa sends in her sea king who just barely holds on through a freeze dry but gets frozen in the process and in the next turn ness uses a full restore and we end up taking it out in two turns after that from here galicipog comes back in and we're a little bit worried about taking a first impression so we sent an avalog with its 240 or so defense avalog tanks it like a champ and so we start setting up iron defenses because we've taught it body press body press is a fighting type move that actually uses your defense stat as the attack stat for the move once we get plus 6 on defense we use recover and then hit this thing with a body press it really never stood a chance next up is the pelipper which is flying type and does resist fighting so it does live with a sliver of health through our body press and then it hits us with a water pulse on the next turn which is a special attack so it does a good amount of damage and it also gets a super lucky confusion off luckily we get the body press through the confusion and take it out next she sends in her ace dreadnall we both dynomax and i use max guard because i'm worried about the confusion luckily we actually had snapped out of confusion on this first turn but we just did it to be safe we stole out the rest of the dynomax with our sick defense and then we hit it with a body press and take it out with dreadnought out of the way it's time to take on bia and now while fighting versus ice is dangerous in theory avalog vs fighting is not dangerous so we are free to set up iron defense and get maxed out on defense for pretty much free and then sweep the team with body press the halluci goes down in one and then the phalanx comes in it gets a close combat off on us but it doesn't even really tickle and we take it out with a body press same thing for the grab block we just jump on its head like a goomba the farfetch comes in gets the same treatment and then the machamp comes in and dynamaxes and we don't even bother dynamaxing because that actually will decrease the amount of damage that body press does so we just sneeze on it and it goes down in a ball of flame our next challenge is ryhon and his team is scarier this time he's added a torque hole that sets drought as his lead and this torque hole knows solar beam so in order to combat this we actually dynamax the first turn and use max geyser which will set up rain and counteract the solar beam from the torque hole counting on solar beam being instant because of the sun setup from drought ryhong goes for a solar beam but it ends up wasting a turn charging which allows us to get a second max geyser off and take it out next the gujara comes in and goes down to a max hail storm his next pokemon is a tertinator which we're a little bit scared of because it knows fire blast and cloister has basically zero special defense so we bring in banana nut and hit it with a blizzard then it sets up sunny day which we're a little scared of for some reason i don't remember why so we bring in glacion and take it out with the freeze dry at this point we've taken out all the special attackers on his team so we're free to swap in avalog against the flygon and start setting up iron defenses we max out our defense and then hit this thing with a body press next he sends into our ludon who dynamaxes and then we sneeze on it and it blows up at this point we've qualified for the finals and just as we're going in to challenge leon oh of course oh rose was evil the whole time oh no we have to go stop him okay wow yay so we head back to hammerlock and he hits us with the evil 180. rose does specialize in steel types so this fight could be pretty tough we leave with avalog and start setting up iron defenses as kevlar does hit us with a mega horn but it does basically no damage because of our crazy high defense this thing does carry sword stance so we take it out early without setting up fully on it and then ferrothorn comes in and we set up another iron defense it goes for a curse and we're a little scared of that too so we take it out the next turn next up is this perserker and we're free to get our last iron defense and then recover to get full health it does outspeed us so we have to take an iron head before body pressing it but it goes down without much trouble next up is cling clang who actually misses his gear grind and gets body pressed finally copper raja comes in and giganta maxes we take a steel spike no problem then sneeze on it and it blows up there's that whole thing with eternitis but i'll spare you let's get to the champion fight our strategy for this fight all hinges on this weevil getting a sword stance off and not getting taken out by sacred sword so we gave it a chapel berry which decreases the damage taken from fighting type moves and prayed for no crit thankfully we lived through the hit and we took it out the next turn with a night slash from here i had calculated a clean sweep but instead i got to learn about a new fun ability solid rock never heard of this thing before actually reduces the damage done by super effective moves by twenty five percent so we vile goes down to the right period at this point i'm panicked i send in cloister and leon actually heals thankfully which allows us to get an iron defense off we actually go for three iron defenses because we're so scared of this thing then we start setting up shell smash even though we're plus five on defense at this point crits don't care and the ryperia gets a critical stone edge and takes out our cloister at this point i know it's time to stop messing around so we send in the ice cream and we take out the ryperior with a blizzard next up is haxorus who also goes down to a blizzard then leon sends in dragapolt who hits us with a flamethrower but we tank it and then take it out with a blizzard as well you can't melt this ice cream next up is willowboom who gets the blizzard treatment and then he finally brings in his ace charizard we make an immediate switch to lapras because we know it's gonna dynamaxx and we want to stall out the dynomax for as long as possible and lapras has the bulk to take care of that it hits us with a g-max wildfire which does an okay amount of damage but then it gets us into this flame vortex thing which does a ridiculous amount of damage the next turn we dynamax and he hits us with a max overgrowth this almost takes us out and we have the flame vortex at the end of the turn so we need to get some big damage off on this thing stat our max geyser does about half damage to it at the end of the turn we take the fire spin damage but it doesn't take us out and we get the heal from our leftovers and the grassy terrain we need to make sure that we get through the rest of the dynomax turns so we use a max guard the next turn he throws big time by charging a solar beam for some reason and this allows us to take out the charizard with a max hailstorm didn't even have to bring in another pokemon and just like that we're the champion of the pokemon league thing whatever this is boy that was a run i really enjoyed this i think it was awesome that we had some adversity we had to switch up our team a couple times i feel like i learned a ton and became a better player through this run i hope you enjoyed the video and if you did if you don't mind toss it a like it helps me out also if you're not already subscribed to the channel i highly recommend doing that anyway till next time [Music] [Music] [Applause] oh
Channel: Quinn Rutledge LIVE
Views: 244,349
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pokemon nuzlocke, hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon monotype nuzlocke, pokemon sword nuzlocke, pokemon sword ice nuzlocke, pokemon sword ice type only, pokemon sword, pokemon sword hardcore nuzlocke, pokemon ice types, pokemon ice nuzlocke, pokemon ice type nuzlocke, DarkraiTV, pokemon, Twig387, FlygonHG, SilphSpectre, AntlerboyLIVE, pokemon shield nuzlocke, ice nuzlocke, shield ice nuzlocke, pokemon shield ice type nuzlocke
Id: Cz1Qzga51yk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 37sec (1837 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 10 2021
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