Pokémon HeartGold Hardcore Nuzlocke SHINIES ONLY

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pokemon heart golden soul silver are some really long pokemon games and knowing this i've decided to make them even longer by attempting to beat pokemon heart gold using only shiny pokemon not only is this game long but it's actually my first time ever playing heartgold so this is sure to be really difficult also since you guys love to see me suffer i'm going to be adding on the hardcore does like rule set that you see on screen now with that being said the chances of finding a shiny in this game are one in every 8 192 encounters and those are the odds i was working with when looking for my shiny starter luckily for me in pokemon heart gold and soul silver there's this really nice feature that allows you to see if your starter is shiny before you even pick it with this feature my chances of finding a shiny go way up as now every time i soft reset any of the three starters can be shiny this means that my new odds of finding shiny are now one in every 2 730 encounters and since i was getting roughly six encounters per minute i was supposed to get my shiny in about seven and a half hours unfortunately enough for me i ended up being way over odds and it took me almost 15 hours to find a shiny but eventually i found myself a shiny cinderquail i got it yes let's go man yes yes it's a cynical tooth let's go holy ah god bro dude ah cyndaquil is the one i was looking for as well i nicknamed cyndaquil apollo and find out he's got a really good nature which is special attack up and special defense down now i begin my journey through johto and as i'm doing this i really am struggling half the time i keep taking wrong turns going down wrong paths it was really really bad it took me like 15-20 minutes just to make it to the first town in the town i meet this old man who is definitely on something then i get a call from professor elm telling me there's been a disaster as i'm going back to the lab i meet this guy who's got a huge ego problem he says to me that my pokemon is too good for me and that i'm a wimp so i show him the full might of my shiny cyndaquil beating him in a battle and stealing his trainer guard after absolutely molly whopping that kid i moved back to the lab where i find out he actually stole from there i tell the cops his true and very realistic name and i then get to how to catch a pokemon now originally i didn't think you just beat the crap out of pokemon to catch them but i mean it's what she does so why not with that valuable information acquired i'm actually ready to use it and catch myself my next shiny i decided to start my heart in the dark cave where there's a 50 50 chance i get a geodude or a zubat honestly i'm hoping for a zubat just because i really do like krobet but it's not really that bad if i get geodude because he can really help me out with the first and the third gem either way after only a couple of hours i ended up finding myself a shiny zubat which really looks good i give him the nickname dionysus and find out his nature's defense down and speed up which really isn't useful for zubat at all it's fine though as with zubat hot i'm ready to go into violet city in the city i go up bellsprout tower where this old man gives me flash which i will say is a little bit weird coming from an old man but i digress as i'm ready to go challenge the first jam faulkner leads with pidgey as i lead with apollo i start out by going for an ember against pidgey doing about two-thirds as he hits me with a sand attack and because i don't really want to have my accuracy lowered going into pidgeotto i decided to switch out i moved into dionysus to go for a supersonic to hopefully confuse pidgey and eventually i get the confusion off and switch back into cinderquil unfortunately pidgey's able to hit me through the confusion but not with a sand attack so i just go for another ember in the following turn finishing off pidgey and leading me into pidgeotto i out speed and go for an ember doing about a third as pidgeotto hits me with a tackle bringing me down to 23 hp i then go for another ember doing another third and getting a lucky burn on pidgeotto as he just starts to spam roost once he stops going for roost he hits me with a gust bringing me down to 14 hp as he's down to half if this battle goes on for any longer i might lose so i go for an ember with the intent to finish off pidgeotto and thankfully gets a critical hit finishing off the big bird winning myself my first badge with that battle finished up my cinequel evolves into koi lava and i start to head towards the next town to get to the next town it takes a minute and by a minute i mean a whole entire hour i don't really know why i was struggling getting around this game so much but i was really having a difficult time after a while i find myself an azalea town where all the slowpoke are missing for some reason i start to do a little bit of detective work and i find out that all the slowpoke have their tails chopped off in the middle of this random well which is just why why would team rocket do this i saved the slowpokes by finishing off team rocket and now all that's left to do in the town is fight bugsy bugsy leads the battle with scyther as i lead with apollo scyther starts out by going for a focus energy as i go for an ember doing almost half on the next turn cycler lowers my defense with the leer as i go for an ember bringing her down to about a fourth remaining as she heals up a little bit with the citrus berry at this point scyther is onto her last legs she goes for a quick attack getting a critical hit bringing me down to 3 hp this is the only reason i actually killed scyther though as it activates my ability blaze so i go for an amber and it ends up finishing her off that was really horrifying to say the least and when metapod comes out i'm having absolutely none of it i decided to switch it out immediately into zubat so i can finish off the battle with him just a handful of wing attacks later metapod and kakuna both go down and i earned myself my second badge goldenrod city is next and to get there i've got to go through this far-fetched who's honestly just super annoying after stepping on a couple of twigs i get the farfetch to turn around and i take him back to his owner with that i get the atrium for cut so i can finally move on on to route 13. on this route i talked to lyra and you know me i start to split my game and lyra ends up giving me her number which i'll take as an absolute win now i'm finally under goldenrod city and once i get here i'm actually kind of stuck just one look at whitney's team shows me that it's almost impossible for me to be here with the current team i have with that being said i start to look forward at some routes where i could potentially start my next shiny hunt directly in front of goldenrod city there's route 35 and on this route there's a 60 percent chance i catch myself anitaran it doesn't really matter to me whether i catch neuter and female or neuter and male so i'll absolutely take those odds and this is where i start my shiny hunt if this shiny hunt wasn't that bad i was a little bit over odds thought i would get it a little bit sooner but not really too upset about it considering it was a shiny nidoran oh i got it let's go i got it oh my gosh oh my gosh i thought i would get that way sooner i give him the nickname aries and find out his nature is neutral which is you know not bad i immediately evolve them to nidorino then i'm ready to challenge whitney in her normal types whitney leaves the battle with clefairy as i lead with aries right away i start out by going for her focus energy as clefairy hits me with a taunt i then go for a double kick hitting a critical hit with the second double kick bring clefairy all the way down into the red as she goes for a mimic whitney now goes for a super potion is in the following two turns i hit two more double kicks as it finishes off leferi and leads me into the dreaded mill tank miltank outspeeds me and starts out by going for a stomp bringing me down to 41 hp so i go for a lear lowering miltank's defense unfortunately in the next turn miltank hits me within a draft but thankfully i break through on that turn and i'm able to go for a double kick doing a really good amount of damage to miltank bringing her down below half on the following turn miltank hits me with a stomp that ends up flinching me at this point miltank hits me again with a stomp bring me down to 13 hp as i luckily break through the attract once more hitting another double kick and that finishes off miltank winning me my third gym badge with my third dream badge acquired i get my little squirt bottle to move this swoodwudo and after doing that i'm able to make my way into the next city in this city i found myself in the burning tower where i've gotta fight my rival again but this guy's a loser as his name states so i beat him again with him finished off i go meet these legendary dogs who just jump around a little bit one sniffs me but really nothing important here as then i evolve my zubat into goldbet and golbat into crowbat having a fully evolved team member at this point in the game is really nice especially when you're going to go challenge the fourth gem morty leads the battle with gastly as i lead with dionysus gastly gets swiftly kayode by a single bite as next outcomes haunt her haunter is absolutely decimated by a bite and with that the ace gengar comes in gengar starts out by hitting me with the sucker punch as i go for a bite bringing him down to half as he heals a little bit with a citrus berry because i'm not really looking to bring him into healing range i go for a wing attack rather than a bite and it brings him down to about a third as he goes for a shadow ball bringing me down to 28 hp i out speed gengar once again and i'm able to go for a bite finishing him off as that leads into haunter who just gets one shot at with the fourth gym down i'm able to fight team rockets so i can get the hm for serve now that i have that i go to the lake of rage where i find this red gyarados causing some trouble taking a quick look at my team i realize i don't have anything that can use surf so i can't even go in the water i go all around the johto region to find something that can use surf but no matter how hard i try i can't find anything eventually i find myself a route where whooper could be found and while i'm searching i ended up finding a raiku which is horrifying to fight against luckily for me raku decided to flee so me and my team are safe as now i catch myself a whooper and go to get a shiny gyarados it takes me a while to get the big fish in the ball but eventually i do and nicknamed gyarados poseidon now that i've got poseidon i get to witness lance absolutely destroy these team rocket members in this hideout and it's literally crazy he actively destroys them he used hyper beam on this scientist and launched him like 15 feet into a wall it was nuts with him having done that i've got to go fight half a million team rocket members yay it takes me way longer than i'm willing to admit to make it through all of them but eventually i do and my next stop is sign wood city sign wood is the start of like three gems back to back to back so just bear with me here my first fight with the gym leader in sign woodchuck is a really easy one he leaves the battle with prime ape as i lead with dine isis i started by going for a wing attack instantaneously bringing primape into the red as he hits me with a lear then we kind of get stuck in a little loop with hyper potions but eventually prime ip goes down as next out comes polywrath polywrath is a little bit more difficult to defeat as i start out by going for a wing attack not even doing half as hits me with a hypnosis making me fall asleep with me being asleep i decide to switch out into poseidon who gets hit by surf from the switch in which does almost no damage and on the following turn i go for a dragon rage bring polywrath down into the red as he heals up a little bit with a citrus berry one more dragon rage is able to ocopoly wrath as that's my fifth badge after that gym i'm pretty much immediately ready to challenge the next i've got to do a couple of things first though one of which is evolve my nidorino into a nidoking the next thing i gotta do is go on top of this lighthouse and get this amperos medicine once the ampharos is all healed up i've challenged jasmine she leads the battle with magnemite as i lead with apollo magnemite's not really a good pokemon so a single lava plume is able to take him out and that leads into steel eggs against steel x i started by going for a lava plume bringing her all the way down to one hp and getting a burn she ends up retaliating with a rock throw that doesn't do too much damage as i'm able to finish her off in the next turn with another lava bloom with celex down another magnum might get sent in and you already know how this goes a single lava plume is able to do the trick and that one's me badge number six i'm now on to gym 7 back in mahogany town and since there's nothing really standing between me and that gym i just go fight it me being the dummy i am i didn't realize that this gym's level cap was actually lower than the previous one this means i can't actually use half of the pokemon on my team because they just are over leveled this is really unfortunate for me because i'm not able to use my best team member in this fight this is really bad for me as when price brings out seal i have to lead with aries high out speed seal and start out by going for a double kick doing almost half a seal hits me with an icy wind only doing 20. on the following turn another double kick takes out seal as next out comes dewgong for this i switch into poseidon who gets hit by an aurora beam of the switching and on the following turn i go for a dragon rage doing 40 as i get hit by another aurora beam this cycle of going for dragon rage and getting hit by an aurora beam keeps itself going until eventually dugong goes down and i'm left with 27 hp with that price is onto his final pokemon palace wine and for this i immediately switch into ares who avoids a blizzard on the switch in on the following turn i out speed and go for a double kick getting a critical hit with the second kick bringing palace one below half as he heals up a little bit with the citrus berry he then misses a second blizzard in a row as i then hit another double kick finishing off palace wine and winning myself my seventh gym badge at this point in the game it's a whole bunch of team rocket i've gotta go through tons and tons of team rocket members just to make it to the next area in the team rocket hideout i play a little bit of dress up then i sneak into their base while i was absolutely decimating team rocket members my quillava evolved into diflosion then i was on to fight executive archer archer's team is made up of complete pushovers so after i finish off his team i'm done with team rocket now that team rocket's down i've gotta think about what i'm gonna do for the next gym and honestly i don't know my current team doesn't seem to be built to deal with this gym so you know what that means time to waste literal hours of my life looking for a pokemon that's only different is the fact that it's a different color or in other words just a shiny hunt i decided to begin my hunt on rep 43 where there's a pidgeotto marie falafi and giraffe rig which honestly all four i'm okay with this shiny hunt took me almost three and a half weeks which is really so far overrides it's insane the shiny i ended up finding was falafe and if that whole experience isn't worth the sub i don't know what is because only 2.5 percent of my viewers are actually subscribed so if you could please subscribe that would be greatly appreciated with that being said a name for laffy hermes then check out the nature which is special attack up and special defense down which is honestly pretty solid i then a little bit later revolve hermes into amphrose and just look at that shiny looks really nice with all of that preparation done i'm finally ready to challenge claire and her dragon types for the final gym badge of this run she leads the battle with gyarados as i lead with hermes right away gyarados outspeeds and hits me with a dragon rage doing 40 damage as i go for a discharge finishing off gyarados with a one shot next claire sends in dragon air so i switch out into aries who gets hit by a dragon pulse on the switch in when i'm able to attack with aries i go for a strength only doing about a third is dragon age hits me with an aqua tail bringing me down to 33 hp this causes me to switch again this time in a dionysus who tanks an aqua tail in the switch in and on the following turn i go for a fly that finishes off dragon air with one dragonair down another one gets sent in so i start off by going for a fly and it ends up doing about two-thirds is when i come down i get paralyzed on that first turn of paralysis dragon air hits me with the dragon pulse that brings me down to 61 hp as i try to go for a fly but i'm fully paralyzed at this point i just start to spam roost until i get to a point where i feel confident enough going for a fly eventually i get to a point where i feel confident and i go for a fly but unfortunately i miss so i've got to do that whole cycle over again until i can actually hit fly takes me a minute but dragon air does go down as that leads me into claire's final pokemon kingdra king just starts out by going for a smoke screen that lowers my accuracy as i go for a fly and when i come down i do about a third kendra then hits me with a hydro pump that does over half as i go for a poison fang doing minimal damage but activating kingdr's citrus berry i'm now absolutely ready to switch out so i'm moving to gyarados who tanks a hydro pump on the switch in and on the following turn i take a dragon pulse all this damage brings me down to 66 as i go for a bite bring kendra down to half it's at this point where kendra makes a really stupid move and for some reason decides to go for a smoke screen rather than going for a damaging move allowing me to get off a free bite with that bite it looks like a dragon rage can kill kingdra here so that's what i go for and it ends up hitting finishing off kingdra and winning myself my final gym badge of this run with not really much left to do in johto i head back to the professor's lab where i get my master ball after getting that i go to the top of the bell tower where i can catch my final pokemon of this run ho-oh it took me about nine hours to find oh a it that's it that's it yes yes let's go and after catching him i nicknamed him zeus now all that's left to do is go to victory road so that's what i do and in victory road i have my final rival battle this battle with loser is honestly one of the easier ones in the game especially considering my team is a way higher level than his with that rival battle finished i go to bid loser ado and fight will in my first ali4 battle will leads the battle with zatu as i lead with dionysus somehow i forgot to switch my team around before moving into this fight so i'm actually not really supposed to be leaving with dionysus and that means i switch out immediately into hermes hermes gets hit by a sidekick on the switch in and on the following turn satu goes for a u-turn to switch out zatu switches into jinx and on the switch in jinx gets hit by a discharge and it does a really good amount of damage and also paralyzes this means that on the following turn i'm able to go for another discharge finishing off jinx with jinx down satu gets sent in and does a pretty good amount of damage with his psychic as i go for a discharge and it ends up one shotting now exeggutor gets sent in and for this i was a little bit worried because i wasn't sure if i was going to be faster but i decided to go for a signal beam anyways and thankfully i am as a one-shot executor slow grows now out and a single discharge does the trick is will's on to his final pokemon zatu hermes can't stay in anymore so i decided to switch out into apollo apollo gets hit by a psychic on the switch in and on the following turn i'm able to go for a flamethrower finishing off zatu with a critical hit winning myself my first elite four battle my next battle is against koga and his poison types and he leads the battle with ariados as i lead with zeus i'm faster than eritos by far so i'm able to go for a single fire blast finishing off airy devs with one shot next out is fortress who's a bug and steel type and as you can imagine my fire type moves are really effective so the bug and steel boy goes down to a single sacred fire and that leads into muck against muk i start out by going for an extra sensory and it does about half as muck sets up a minimize with muk having set up minimize i actually miss an extra sensory as he through the gunk shot doing a really solid amount of damage at this point i'm able to hit muk with an extra sensory but sadly it doesn't kill because he's been healing up with black sludge he then hits me with the toxic and because of this i decided to switch out into ares while ares was going in koka decided to heal as then he goes for a gunk shot in the next turn not really doing too much damage as i'm able to one shot with an earthquake the same thing that happened to muk happens to venemoth when he comes in and now koga's on to his final pokemon crowbat krobet's fast and starts off by setting up a double team as i go for her strength doing about a third krobet then hits me with a wing attack that brings me down to 93 hp as i go for an iron tail that somehow hits and it does a lot of damage bringing crobat down to a fourth and it lowers his defense krobet then heals a little bit of health with the citrus berry as i go to miss two consecutive strengths in a row and that means i'm switching out i move into hermes who eventually hits a discharge finishing off grobat and winning myself my second elite four battle i've now gotta go challenge bruno and he leaves the battle with hitmontop as i lead with dionysus right away hitmontop goes for a quick attack getting a lucky critical hit bringing me down to 99 hp as i go for a fly when i eventually come down hitmontop gets one-shotted and next out comes onyx against onyx i out speed by a long shot so i go for a u-turn to switch out into poseidon poseidon doesn't get hit on the switch in as onyx elects to go for a sandstorm and this freely allows me to go for a waterfall in the following turn finishing up onix's next outcomes hitmonchan hitmonchan has thunder punch so i switch into aries who doesn't get hit by it this allows me to go for an earthquake in the following turn allowing me to finish off hitmonchan and next outcomes hitmonlee who experiences much of the same bruno is now already onto his final pokemon machamp and vermichamp i stick in with ares with aries i decide to go for an earthquake because it does a pretty sizeable amount of damage to my champ as he heals with the citrus berry and hits me with a cross chop getting a critical hit but still only doing about half another earthquake is able to do the trick as machamp goes down and that means i'm on to my final elite four battle this final fight is against karen and she leads the battle with umbreon as i lead with hermes hermes is a great counter for karen's team as she has mostly dark and flying types that i can just kind of sweep through against umbreon i start out by going for a signal beam doing half as umbreon sets up a double team i get lucky in the next turn and thankfully hit a signal beam finishing off umbreon's next outcomes murkrow murkrow being a flying type is absolutely decimated by a discharge as this leads into hound doom because i figure signal b won't do that much damage to hound doom i decide to switch out into aries and when i do houndoom sets up a nasty plot with nasty plot set up houndhood can really one shot almost all of my team but luckily enough i'm actually faster than her so i'm able to go for an earthquake and thankfully it ends up one-shotting with that vileplume gets sent in so i switch into dionysus who gets hit by a stun spore in the switch in and on the following turn i go for a fly to try and hit bioplume and get a one shot but unluckily enough for me when i come down i bring fireplume down to a sliver unfortunately for karen vileplume does barely any damage per attack so i'm angled to just go for another fly getting a higher damage roll and finishing off vilebloom with that karen's on to her final pokemon gengar and for gengar i decided to switch into apollo gengar doesn't do any damage to me in the switching as i'm then able to go for a shadow claw doing almost half as gengar then hits me with a focus blast getting a critical hit and bringing me down to 12 hp thankfully gengar doesn't have any priority moves so i'm able to out speed and go for another shadow claw finishing off gengar and winning myself my final elite four battle at this point with the rest of the run behind us i move on to fight champion lance in my final battle of this run here we go against lance he leads the battle with gyarados i'm gonna lead with the gyarados of my own he hits me with that intimidate right away which is just a little bit annoying i'm going to start setting up dragon dances right away but hopefully try and get off four or five gyarados can't really do too much damage to me you can go for ice bang which is neutral but he for some reason likes to spam dragon balls which is just dumb that's four honestly um i could go for another one but i'm not really 100 confident i can kill gyarados in one turn even at plus three attack so i'm just gonna go for a bite see how much damage that does about half yeah okay it was a good move it was a good move i didn't really want to get crit out by uh his gyarados sends an aerodactyl next i should be faster than aerodactyl it should be faster so i'm going to go for a waterfall should one shot as well hopefully dang oh it lagged right there at the end i thought he didn't i thought he lived that i was about to say i mean crazy i haven't never milled ice on gyarados so i should be able to prefer an ice fang and it's just one shot this is all my strategy by the way if i miss an ice fang and get killed because of it it's gonna be pretty bad i i don't know why uh lance has so many dragonites it really doesn't help him that much dragonite number three right here it's the final dragonite go for the ice fang it hits dragonite goes down now he's on the charizard and charizard goes down to a single waterfall i mean that simple one waterfall that was such an easy sweep oh my goodness poseidon you're crazy damn that feels good that's the run that's the run right there it's one in the morning i can't really give too much of a vivid reaction but i'm uh i am actually really happy about that unfortunately that's the end of the journey i wanted to do the kanto but it's just it's just too long i didn't want to delay the video any more than i already have i mean regardless look at that team that team looks crazy that team really does look great i'm actually really happy about that it was a really good run it was a really good run can't really complain can't really complain happy i got it over with as well considering i uh so hard gold here's my final thoughts about the games considering i've never played it before hard gold is easy it is not difficult there is not a lot of like high level trainers they're all pretty you know weak so you know i don't know they're all not that strong either way i actually had a really good time with this game it's probably my top three favorite pokemon games and in just one playthrough i mean honestly the shiny catching only shiny pokemon didn't really taint the play through that badly especially since most of the time when i caught him it was really hype but yeah i i had a lot of fun in the run i had a lot of fun let me know if you guys want to see a another part to this because i could totally do another you know just part encanto catch a couple more shinies and and whatnot but i think that would be really fun overall um either way hope you guys enjoyed the video if you did enjoy please consider subscribing it really does help me out and with that being said that was my attempt at a pokemon heart gold hardcore nuzlocke using only shiny pokemon
Channel: Zango
Views: 944,312
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: daNprcIUXHY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 2sec (1442 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 24 2022
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