Podcasting + AI = Magic (ChatGPT for Podcasters)

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okay here we go I'm about to interview Tim Ferriss what questions should I ask him on my podcast wow okay um let's see if we can take this even further what are some more unique questions that I can ask that may never have been asked before in particular I'm interested in questions about entrepreneurship and business since that's my target audience for my podcast all right let's spell check this bad boy boom wow okay I like this first question especially you've spoken about the importance of unreasonable requests in your book what is the most unreasonable request you've made in your career and how did it turn out that that's actually a really good question what happens if we what are some more personal questions that I could ask Tim Ferriss wow you've mentioned that you struggled with an anxiety and depression in the past how do you prioritize your mental health and well-being in your daily life maybe we don't start out with that question but that was a good question chat GPT the tool that everybody's talking about right now and I'm not even going to begin to try to tell you how this works because to me it's just like magic basically and you and I can use this tool to just be more efficient become better podcasters and make things easier now in the case of these questions you don't just want to read off these questions when you're doing an interview with somebody but they are amazing starting points and that's the whole thing here you never have to start from scratch anymore all right so what happens if you're not interviewing an A-list celebrity like Tim Ferriss on your show how can you still use chat GPT well let me show you let's pretend that I'm going to interview Maria Fela here who is from growing Joy with Maria she's actually a student of mine she is awesome I'm going to scroll down to her bio actually and go to about and I'm going to just copy every single word here command a and command C to copy I'm going to go to a new chat now I'm not going to paste this all in yet we need a prompt here to set this up what are the best interview questions to ask Maria Fela for my audience of entrepreneurs based on the following biography and I'm going to hit enter twice and command V boom and watch this we're going to get some questions specific about Maria's Journey that would be perfect for my audience great based on Maria's biography here's some questions what inspired you to turn your passion for plants into a successful business can you tell us about the biggest challenge you faced when starting bloom and grow radio how did you overcome it how do you balance being an entrepreneur author and podcaster while caring for your plants now hopefully the person you're interviewing you know a little bit about them but again this will give you an amazing starting point and help you cover your bases in case you think you might be missing anything okay next let's use chat GPT to just simply come up with topics and ideas for podcasts whether it's a interview episode or perhaps solo episodes that you might record now a big mistake a lot of people make in chat GPT is starting a new chat and just simply going what topics should I cover on my podcast question mark there's no context here this is AI it can learn it can memorize things and then give you some advice and it outputs based on that the first thing I recommend doing before typing in any sort of questions about what you should be talking about is to offer it a little bit more about you like right here it says remembers what users said earlier in the conversation so let's give it some things to remember first I host a podcast called smart passive income here is the description and I just pulled this from my description I didn't ask for anything so just say okay cool it actually gives me some hey that sounds really interesting now I want to give it more information about who the audience is so let's do that even further the audience for smart passive income and if you don't know how to answer your question for who's your audience then you obviously need to focus on that first [Music] all right I'm giving it more information about the audience for smart passive income I'm gonna hit return now here is a money question to ask and again we aren't even with the topics and ideas yet but this is a great question what challenges and obstacles might the audience for smart passive income have as they build a business of their own question mark look at that it's even putting it in list form for me right now lack of experience limited resources finding customers for marketing balancing multiple roles adapting to change absolutely now I can ask the question now that it knows about me it actually has pulled information about this audience in particular and I even prompted it to know what the objections and challenges are which is really really important what are some highly valuable podcast topics and ideas that I can have for the show I'm not even asking this in a grammatically correct fashion but let's see what it says here's some podcast topic ideas so it was able to figure out creating and monetizing digital products building a personal brand time management and productivity scaling a business SEO strategies for online business networking and relationship building overcoming fear and taking risks absolutely social media strategies these are just a few podcast topic ideas okay we got eight please give me even more podcast ideas for the show let's spell ideas correctly at least please give me let's get specific please give me 10 more podcast ideas for the show including potential types or even names of guests who may support that particular topic particular topic there we go sure here are 10 more building and monetizing a YouTube channel look at that Sean candle we've actually had him on the show before it knows to do that Amy landino she's great as well email campaigns Brennan Dunn from rightmessage we've had him on the show too starting and growing a podcast Jolly Dumas Amy Porterfield Outsourcing and building a remote team Laurel fart fairer Chris Ducker from youpreneur absolutely now I'm even getting guest ideas for the podcast alright let's say that I know I want to do a podcast episode about a particular Hot Topic right now and that Hot Topic is AI and digital marketing right so let's go to a Forbes article that has already written about this and I'm going to hit command a to copy all the text where I can at least grab just the text alone because oftentimes these Pages have way more text than necessary there we go and I'm not going to copy this I'm going to use this as inspiration to generate ideas to talk about in the podcast and I would definitely recommend uh mentioning this article and perhaps crediting Bernard Marr here if you are going to indeed be doing something like this but please provide me uh five podcast ideas based on the article pasted below and again it knows that my podcast is for this particular audience so let's see if it catches on as far as how it might work in business and marketing and such it even gives me podcast titles I'd even ask for that look at that so we have now ideas seated from this article on Forbes the power of micro influencers how AI is changing influencer marketing and now we even got some title ideas here which is another way that you can use chat gbt we're not going to go into that in this particular video make sure you subscribe so you don't miss that I'm going to do some more heavy lifting on that uh important topic in the future but for right now as you can see it's very powerful you can use seeds of ideas and other articles that are already in existence to help you come up with new ideas and new angles on things that you can have on your show okay now let's have some fun with your podcast transcript where might you get a transcript for your show well there's a number of different places I prefer to drop my audio into descript automatically creates a transcript it's mostly perfect and it'll do the job for what we're about to do right now so here are my websites I'm going to pull the transcript from this recent episode about me being hacked and it was my other YouTube channel was hacked it was not good but I'm going to grab the transcript and it's neatly laid out here in a frame thanks to a plug-in offered by fuse box I'm gonna hit new tab just so I can get the text alone and then I'm going to paste it here in chat GPT and as you can see I actually upgraded to plus since the last section because I just wanted things to be a little bit faster it was kind of lagging a little bit and it was mostly because a lot of people are using this tool but before I paste the transcript I want to command chat GPT to write a summary of the following podcast transcript so that's what we're going to tell it to do please write a summary of the following podcast episode paste boom in the smart pass makeup podcast episode 658 Pat Flynn shares this recent experience of being hacked his YouTube channel was hacked by someone who had access to his account via an email address that had been hacked okay this reads pretty well but a summary is one thing but show notes should be a little bit more persuasive right and I think they should be written in first person as well it doesn't always have to be in first person but uh I'm gonna do two things here at the same time so please write a summary of the podcast episode I don't even have to repace it because it knows it's it we're in this particular chat and it knows what we're referencing so please write a summary of the podcast episode once again except this time make it persuasive for any readers on my website to help convince them to click play to listen to the full episode okay also please write this as Pat Flynn boom hey there paplin here and I want to share with you my recent experience of being hacked in the latest episode it's not just a story about me it's a warning to everyone who has a YouTube channel if you're not taking the necessary precautions you could fall victim to a similar attack so let's learn from my experience and take action to protect our online presence click play now and let's get started okay much better and this would suffice for show notes now obviously not just copy paste you can rearrange things add a little bit more but it definitely gives us a great starting point and in most cases it will be perfect all right let's tell it to do something else please pull five highly engaging quotes from this episode so that they will be posted on social media or so that I can post them on social media okay you don't think this is gonna happen to you until it does and then it's terrible it's actually a really good quote one that could end up on a canva card or something I can go to canva drop that in with a nice background and boom I have a social media post as you can see number three here this doesn't really have to do with anything it's kind of a nice neat stat but you know I wouldn't use that one the truth is these scammers are getting smarter and more sophisticated and if you're not taking the necessary precautions you could fall victim to a similar attack okay so these are great things to potentially say these could be used to inspire shorts in fact speaking of come up with three ideas for three different short form videos that would be highly engaging I always use that because I really want the system to know like we want things that will attract and connect with people if I could Spell highly engaging for an audience who watches them on Tick Tock Instagram reels or YouTube shorts sure here 3DS five tips to protect your social media accounts from hackers I got hacked my experience in what I learned or behind the scenes running a successful YouTube channel that one maybe not although there could be a Twist there hey it's not always rainbows and unicorns I got hacked right so again were you using the transcript to generate more ideas and other things out of that okay let's keep it going please write a blog post around the themes and ideas presented in this particular podcast episode a thousand words in length and specific to entrepreneurs it's really important when you're doing something like this that you tell it a little bit about who your audience is and what it's for uh specific to entrepreneurs who are just getting started okay look at that number one use two-factor authentication number two keep your software up to date three be careful who you give access to number four educate yourself and your team number five have a plan in place if you get hacked kind of like a fire drill at home and uh wow that's pretty awesome so as you can see you can keep going with this stay in the same chat with it and you can teach it and have it learn from you and you can learn from it too so if you enjoyed this make sure you subscribe we got a lot more coming your way if you're a podcaster especially I don't want you to miss out because people need to hear your message I'm gonna help you make it happen
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 20,309
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi
Id: jin6zMY5YSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 18sec (798 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 13 2023
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