The TRUTH About Video Podcasting - Watch Before You Start a Video Podcast

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video podcasting what is it how does it work is it worth the time and effort to just turn on a camera and film something that is primarily meant for an audio format hey my name is pat flynn and i'm here to help make content creation easier more fun and profitable and i hold the number one at least currently video tutorial on how to start an audio podcast with over 1 million views but that's just the audio format the number one question people are asking me these days is pat well what about video does it make sense to turn on the camera and record a video version of your podcast too can you just start with video rip out the audio and use that as a audio podcast can you take your existing audio podcast and add video on top of it can you just take clips from your show pop some video on them and put them onto youtube well the answer isn't as simple as likely you expect it to be so today i'm gonna help you understand more about video podcasting all the ins and outs of it how to make sure that if this is something that you are actually doing that you don't waste your time and money and make sure you stick around to the end because i'm going to show you a way to do this a format that will make it so much easier for you to get the most results by results i mean more exposure for you and your brand more audience more potential money if you're making a business out of this and more of course make sure you hit that subscribe button so that you can get all the great content here to help you with your content too down the road hit that bell notification icon so you don't miss any of it let's dive right in now video podcasts are really interesting because video podcasts have actually been around for quite a while in fact before itunes changed over to apple podcast there was in fact a category called video within itunes so you could actually subscribe to and download video content through itunes and in 2015 i launched a video podcast called spi tv and i got it to number one in the world the number one video podcast in the world so what were the results the results were well the exact reason why apple killed that part of their podcast categories nobody was downloading them just to give you some perspective my number one ranking video podcast on itunes saw about seven to eight thousand downloads per episode when it came out on youtube i would pop that same video and yes i would have less views initially but over time those videos have gained hundreds of thousands of views people were just wanting to listen to podcasts and that makes sense right because when do we listen to podcasts we listen to podcasts when when we're in the car when you shouldn't be watching anything other than the road of course maybe you're in the gym or on a walk or something just people weren't wanting to watch the thing that was meant for audio well with youtube and the popularity gain from video podcasts like the joe rogan experience a lot of people are flocking to youtube to now create a video version of their show and with youtube you could take advantage of the algorithm and the idea that you can find and get exposure to way more many people on the youtube platform so now this begs the question well why focus on audio podcasts at all why not just do video podcasts all the time well the truth of the matter is there are people who are only willing to listen to content because they can only consume content while on the go millions of people are listening and subscribing to new podcasts every single day in fact we just crossed one million podcasts in apple podcast earlier this year so although there are less people listening to podcasts versus people who are watching video there is way more growth opportunity and podcasting is becoming more mainstream findability is still much better on youtube versus a podcast but here's the one thing that podcasts have over youtube retention a youtube video if you're a youtube creator you might know that if you're holding people's attention for more than five minutes you're actually doing pretty good on a podcast you can hold a person's attention for 20 minutes 30 minutes over an hour imagine with your voice in your audience's head for that long at a time you can't help but build an incredibly strong relationship and earn a lot of trust within that time period for anybody who has a business or is trying to build an audience i would highly recommend creating an audio podcast for that reason but then where does video come into play well why not both and this is exactly what a lot of people are doing this is now what we're calling a video podcast turning on a video camera while you're recording a podcast is pretty smart to do because now you have video content that you can post on youtube so if you wanted to make it simple for yourself grab a camera turn it on and record your show but here's the thing think about your own youtube habits would you be willing to sit for one hour 45 minutes 30 minutes to watch a person talk into a microphone or a conversation between two people and just their talking heads in most cases unless the conversation is about something very specific to a person's problem no not really but pat how do people like joe rogan or other big famous people have such long episodes i mean some of joe rogan's episodes are up to three hours in length and people do watch the whole thing well number one we're not joe rogan and number two because we're not joe rogan we don't have access to celebrities that can keep a person's attention for that long and i've heard this to be true too if you pop your full length episode here on youtube and it's not visually compelling enough to hold people's attention for quite a while well it can actually hurt the rest of your channel because think about it you're sending signals to youtube that hey my videos they don't get watched very often or at least not a lot of it so therefore they might lower or de-rank or devalue your channel and not send it out to as many people so this makes it very obvious that if you have an existing audio podcast if you want to take that full episode and pop it onto youtube just slapping one image on there and not making it visually compelling it's probably going to work against you and if you care about youtube and youtube growth i actually wouldn't recommend doing it that way that's not to say this can't work i know some people who are taking their audio show putting it onto youtube and actually adding a lot of visual elements for example rob mauer from tesla daily podcast he takes his audio podcast pops it onto youtube and he's growing a massive audience here i'll link to him in the description below without ever showing his face he's sharing his audio and he's adding b-roll clips and visuals and text to keep and hold people's attention plus with the topic people are very interested in the great value that he has to share with regards to tesla and all things news about that what about going the other way actually filming and recording it maybe using multiple cameras and doing some fun things like this or whatever and having visuals pop on the screen to hold people's attention cool that's cool what if we start with that and then we rip out the audio and we put that into an audio podcast for apple podcast google podcast spotify etc can you do that yes i know a lot of people who do it that way too but your audio audience may suffer a little bit because if you build a visually compelling video one that makes sense for youtube here it may not be as effective in just audio alone format because imagine this you're doing a podcast episode with video you're saying hey look at this chart over here this this chart right here you see it you see it but imagine a person listening to that not knowing what the heck you're talking about that's not cool it's gonna make them feel a little disconnected and they may leave or not even be interested in subscribing so what do we do how do we manage this what makes the most sense well here is how i approach video podcasts which is the easiest way to get started it doesn't require a ton of extra time and could work out the best for both findability and providing more value for your audience and give you access to more micro clips that you could share on social media too to grow both sides of the coin both youtube and your audio podcast so here's what you do you get your video recorded so when you're doing an interview for example if you're using a tool like skype or zoom or perhaps squad cast or something record the video to go along with it so you have the video format okay you don't want to post the whole thing because like i said that's going to be a long bore for most people who are watching that if you happen to be recording a solo episode just get a good camera maybe something like the like the sony zv1 here it's great it's perfect you can include uh some audio in with it too or use your audio podcast mic to go along with it and you can use that whatever you want to use for camera you could even use your phone too if you would like after finishing the podcast episode pop it into a video editing program and line it up line up your audio with your video don't export the full thing find clips little micro moments within that show because the idea here is you want to take snippets out that could live on their own because think about it an interview you might talk about five to ten different topics the entire time pull each of them out into their own segment that could be shared and uploaded to youtube now it's a shorter video maybe four to ten minutes in length where you do have a little bit more freedom to just have the one split screen or the one video camera working for you i would include other b-roll or other images to make it even more interesting if possible then you optimize that little micro moment for a youtube title a youtube thumbnail maybe you do some keyword research behind it too and this one little snippet has the ability to reach new audiences based on keywords that people are searching for based on recommendations based on people's uh viewing histories and you could potentially take advantage of the youtube algorithm much better than you could if you uploaded the full video and just said full interview with joe shmoe maybe you combine clips from these episodes maybe you learned something interesting about the guests and you want to pull them out and actually create a separate video with maybe a unique intro and a unique outro with parts of the interview in the center in fact i did this when youtuber mkbhd marcus brownlee came on the audio show the smart passive income podcast i turned the camera on and i was able to capture video moments and actually turn this into a video called five surprising facts about mkbhd that video has earned me subscribers even some ad revenue and more viewers and probably listeners to my show too so that's how i would get started down below i'll put a list of equipment that you can use to film i have some really high level setups with multiple cameras or you can just start with your phone like i said i don't want the equipment to stop you from doing this but i just want to stop you from wasting time and hopefully this video has helped you at least start to understand how this may work for you and to hopefully give you an interesting start and direction so that it's not difficult and takes too much time so let me know in the comment section below how you're going to approach this also give a shout out to your podcast if you have one already i'd love to learn the name of it and of course make sure you hit that subscribe button if you haven't already and ding that bell notification icon so you don't miss out on further content that's here again to help make things easier more fun and profitable thank you for watching this video about video podcasting more coming your way cheers take care and as always team flint for the win peace out y'all oh and watch this video if you want to learn how to start a podcast from scratch this would be the video to go to right here thank you
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 128,186
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi, how to start a video podcast, video podcasting, video podcasts, video podcasting tips, video podcast for beginners, tips for video podcasting, video podcast setup, video podcast studio setup, video podcast equipment, how to video podcast, how to begin video podcasting, how to create a video podcast, video podcasting tutorial
Id: OUxvUrPl_FU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 4sec (664 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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