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if you're thinking about starting a podcast don't do it yet make sure you watch this video all the way through i'm gonna give you five things from a person who's been podcasting for over 12 years to help ensure that you're gonna get the most out of it hey so excited for you my name is pat flynn and i've been podcasting for a very long time now i'm an og in this space for sure with over 1700 episodes recorded 75 million downloads total across several different shows and there are more coming out because i just love it so much and i want you to love it too so these five things i'm going to share with you the things i need you to think about before you actually start recording so that you can record and have some fun and make it something that actually allows you to have a platform to share your voice and to connect with people and to potentially start a business or whatever you want to do with your show amazing things can happen relationships can be built maybe even more money in your bank account but you gotta listen to these five things so let's start with number one you gotta understand who your show is for who are you recording this for and you might be like well i wanna record it for everybody i want the entire world to listen and yeah that's cool but unfortunately if you create a show for everybody to listen to it's actually going to be for nobody and the reason is because people look for shows that are very specific to them and their needs and their wasps their entertainment style the what they like what they need to know about whatever the case may be you need to know who you're recording for now let's say you're in the fitness space right and you might think okay well i'm just going to go general in some episodes i'm going to talk about weight gain in some episodes i'm going to talk about weight loss in some episodes i'm going to talk about flexibility in other episodes i'm going to talk about nutrition and yes you might think that that's great to do however a person who might be interested in bodybuilding for example might come across your episode about weight loss and think it's not for them a person who is maybe a swimmer here's a running episode and they're like look you know what this isn't really from me yes you can talk about a variety of things but you're going to have a much better chance of piercing through all the noise that's out there right you're not the only podcaster talking about these things you have a better chance of cutting through the competition of actually connecting with the person to have them listen and go wow i finally found the show that's just for me if you niche down as i often say the riches are the niches once you find out who your show is for start talking to these people ask them what they might need help with what kinds of things would they love to hear about what guests would they love to have on the show which takes me to point number two before you start recording your first few episodes write down maybe 20 to 30 episodes that you can actually come up with in your head because the truth is a lot of people jump in and they get to episode i don't know five to seven and they're like oh i kind of ran out of stuff to say and i feel like all this pressure is coming because i got next week's episode to do what am i gonna do and they just kind of fall short and they experience what's called pod fade they just fade away i don't want you to fade away come up with 25 right 20 to 30 ideas different guests different topics and you want to ensure that these are things that this particular target audience that you have for your show actually cares about how do you know talk to them have conversation join conversations happening on social join communities and groups and start talking to these people you likely have access to these people right now on your phone or your device you can get inspiration from many other places to other podcasters other blogs other youtube channels look inside books and see the kinds of topics they're covering that are again specific for that target audience and when you have 20 to 30 different episodes just written down you don't need to know the titles right away but when you have that written down you start to see the plan ahead and you don't ever fall into that content hamster wheel which is very scary to be on where you publish an episode and immediately you don't have the time to market it or even enjoy it because you're already thinking about well what the heck am i going to record for next week or the next episode don't fall into that trap number three when you get an idea of what your show's about and you have an understanding of the different kinds of episodes that you're gonna have on it the potential guests whether you think you can get access to them or not start pitching your podcast idea to others just start talking about it it's gonna force you to just figure out what the right words are to say to connect with a person it's going to help you connect with more people it's going to allow you to actually figure out how to best position your podcast for the space that you're getting into just go out there and do it yeah it's a little scary do it with your spouse and your kids and your family and your friends and just random strangers buy them at starbucks and say hey i'm going to pitch you this idea for my podcast i want to know what you think of it and even if they're not in your target audience the truth is if they don't even know what you're saying then it's not going to work whether a person responds with yeah that's absolutely the show i've been looking for or no that's not for me at least they get it too many podcasters just fumble their words they come up with a title and description that kind of just is very general uh and and they don't know the words to say to position themselves you need to know that and forcing yourself putting yourself out there pitching your idea without it having any recordings behind it yet it's just an idea right now allows you to hone in on that positioning and better serve your audience once you start to get behind the microphone number four yes the tech and the software stuff can be very very overwhelming but i got a resource for you i want you to check out buzz sprout if you go to that's my affiliate link i use buzzsprout absolutely love the team there they make uploading a podcast and serving it out to all the different places apple podcast google podcast stitcher all the different directories they make it so easy literally easier than anybody i know and i want to help you and this is help because it's going to make your life so much easier so definitely check them out if you go through my affiliate link which is buzzsprout you'll actually get more time added to your plan what i love about them as well is they make just the pricing so much easy it's very cheap to do it's all based on how many hours you upload not how many megabytes or all these other things where you have to worry about file optimization they do all the work for you including this thing called magic mastering which is where they take the files that you upload and you know you're not an audio engineer i'm not an audio engineer but they take these things and they master the files which means they take the things that are high and make them low enough and they take the things that are too low and too soft and make them loud enough and the audio comes out perfect and they do this automatically with just the magic mastering thing magic that they have there so it's just it's just amazing buzz sprout if you want to check them out this is not a sponsored video i just love them to death they're amazing check them out fifth and finally and trust me on this one you're gonna come up with all the excuses in the world to stop yourself from hitting record and publishing um or just maybe publishing in general um it's a scary thing to put your voice out there but truly the pros far outweigh the cons from the relationships that you can build from new opportunities and doors that open that you wouldn't even know existed so many amazing things have happened since starting a podcast but i'll tell you i remember declaring on my website i was going to start a podcast in december of 2008 my first episode didn't come out till july of 2010 that's a year and a half later because i was just too scared and too timid it was just i was getting in my own head who was gonna even listen to me was i even good enough like i i don't even know how to communicate on a microphone you'll learn as you go right you learn as you're go as you go as my buddy johnny dumas another famous podcaster once said you got to be a disaster before you become the master so go out there be a disaster and and make sure you hit record too i've accidentally not hit record when doing interviews before um that's not fun but anyway you can do this just hit record go your next episode is always going to be better than the last and uh you got this so thank you so much and also check out the other resources i have here because podcasting is my jam i've helped tens of thousands of people here on youtube in fact i have the number one podcasting tutorial which i'll link to right over here or maybe an updated one in the future um just i love you guys thank you so much hit subscribe i got more for you later peace out
Channel: Pat Flynn
Views: 67,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: pat flynn, smart passive income, spi, how to start a podcast, podcasting for beginners, podcast tips, podcasting tips, start a podcast, starting a podcast, how to start a podcast for beginners, tips for starting a podcast, what to know before starting a podcast, how to record a podcast, how to start a podcast 2022, how to make a podcast
Id: 4I3v9vgDHhI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 26sec (446 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 11 2021
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