6 Digital Products You Can Sell Using AI ($29,540 Per Month)

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in this video I'm sharing six digital products that you can create and sell using completely free AI tools some of the products that we'll talk about today can make you as much as 29 000 or more every single month and the best part is that because we're using AI most of the work will be done for you this video is sponsored by rocket money more on that later so the first digital product that you can sell is Clipart and I recently came across this Etsy Shop here who has nearly 710 000 sales in total primarily selling clip art stuff like food insects cars holiday clip art I mean the list of products just goes on and on and this shop specifically with its over 710 000 plus sales has earned wait for it 3.19 million dollars or about twenty nine thousand five hundred and forty dollars every single month just from selling clipart I mean is that not insane to you like when I first saw how much money you could make doing this I began questioning my own YouTube career and the craziest part about all of this is that you can use completely free AI tools to help you generate this clip art that you can then go and sell on Etsy to get a piece of this multi-million dollar market and we'll do this by using a completely free AI called mid Journey mid journey is a text to image generator that lets you convert simple descriptions into full-blown images like you see here and we're gonna use this AI to start creating an unlimited number of clip art designs that you can start selling and so before we actually begin using mid-journey we first have to come up with some ideas for clipart and conveniently enough we can also use AI for this as well and so what I'll do is just go to chat GPT and simply ask the AI to give me ideas for clip art and instantly the AI will begin typing out different ideas for us we can then take these ideas over to Mid journey and type in prompts that include the word clip art in them and the AI will begin generating unique clip art and so for example if I type in a cute puppy clipart you'll see that in a matter of just seconds mid Journey will generate this irresistibly cute puppy clip art and then what you'll do is just upscale any of these images that you want to sell as clipart and you'll do that by simply clicking on any of the uh one two three or four options and the numbers are in order starting from top left and so for example if I wanted to sell the bottom right image I would click on u4 to upscale image 4. and so now we'll just download this image and you can do that by clicking down here where it says open in browser and when you do that it'll give us this large hi-res clip art that you can then download completely free now this is great but there is one problem that you may have noticed about this clip art and it's that all the clip art for the most part has this white background and unfortunately we can't sell it like this because the background has to be transparent so that people can use your clip art anywhere they want but fortunately I've actually got a very very simple solution that you can use that will allow you to remove this white background in just a couple of seconds so what you'll do is head over to shutterstock.com create and then click on custom size all this is fine and so we'll click on create design and then from here you'll land on this blank canvas you'll then go to your computer and then simply drag and drop that image into Shutterstock in this left box that says drag image to edit and then the only thing you have to do is just click right here where it says remove background and the software will automatically find the background and remove it for you and you can see that only took maybe three seconds and so now we can download it as a piano and G and it's ready to be sold now this is only scratching the surface of how to sell this product if you guys want me to make a much more detailed uh dedicated video about how to sell this product be sure to comment down below so that I know that you guys are interested as most of you already know the pandemic changed how we work forever and there's this new emerging market that I recently discovered that has the potential to earn you hundreds of thousands if not millions of dollars in income and that market is selling virtual backgrounds that people can use for Zoom video calls I recently stumbled across only a few sellers capitalizing on this new market in fact this seller right here has only been selling these virtual backgrounds for about six months and has already earned close to eighteen thousand dollars doing so and I know that compared to some of the other digital products on this list including some of the products that we're gonna go over next uh eighteen thousand dollars doesn't sound like a lot of money but you have to remember that this is a brand new market that will continue to grow and so if you're able to get into this market now you'll have what's known as the first mover Advantage Plus thanks to AI getting started is incredibly easy as you probably have guessed already we're going to be using mid journey to come up with these virtual backgrounds that we can then list and sell on Etsy and so what I'll do is type in a prompt maybe saying office background with books now it gives us these results which are pretty cool looking but I need something that's actually real life not just illustrations and so maybe what I'll do is modify this prompt and say realistic home office with wooden material right really trying to describe what the image should look like and with that prompt we get these which we can definitely use you could even try adding different words to the prompts like blurred or shallow depth of field to make the backgrounds blur it out but if you want to sell digital products that already have a huge Market with six even seven figure potential keep watching because some of these next products are incredibly easy to make but are still highly profitable now as all of you know I like to stress the importance of earning more money and the best way to do this is by starting a side hustle or a business that can earn you a lot more money that you can then invest into performing assets for example this year I plan on buying buying a few different rental properties and that's going to require that I save up quite a bit of money which brings me to Rocket money rocket money is an all-in-one personal finance app that helps you save more and spend less I recently opened a smart savings account using rocket money once you choose the amount and frequency of savings they automatically deposit the money for you no strings attached and you can withdraw your money at any time sounds good right but to make the most of my money I have to look carefully at where my money is going each month and if you're like me then subscriptions are one of the top recurring expenses within your account luckily rocket money has an unwanted subscription feature making it easy to see all my subscriptions in one place and cancel the ones that I'm not using anymore right in the app and with 3.4 million members and Counting you can feel confident using rocket money if you'd like to try it out for free and unlock more features with premium head over to rocketmoney.com Joshua next up we've got selling digital paper now I know this sounds very unusual like what exactly is digital paper and why would somebody prefer that over just real physical paper well you could try asking sellers like this who have close to 170 000 sales on Etsy and this seller has earned close to half a million dollars just by selling digital paper so what exactly is it digital paper is essentially just a digital image consisting of patterns textures gradients and other designs that people can either print to be used in real life or just use digitally and although the market for this product might seem very small and Niche there are sellers making hundreds of thousands of dollars sometimes even millions of dollars by selling this product and just like every product in this video we're going to use AI to help us create this digital paper so I'm back on Mid Journey now and I want to show you a trick you see most of the digital paper that you see is essentially just some type of repeating pattern whether it's with objects textures whatever and there's actually a way to create these patterns within mid-journey let's say for example that you wanted to create some flower patterns like these from this popular seller on Etsy what we'll do is first give the AI some type of descriptive prompt such as this but making sure to add in the word seamless pattern at the end and when we do that the AI will generate some pretty incredible pattern we can then take these patterns into something like Photoshop or a free Photoshop alternative called photop place them side by side and as you can see the AI did truly create a seamless pattern and it's literally that simple but let's talk about the next digital product which is wedding stationery I found this seller on Etsy selling printable wedding invitations and different stationery for weddings all of their products are digital downloads which means people buy these templates to then print out for themselves now this particular seller has over 300 000 sales and what's amazing is that this seller is earning about twenty seven thousand dollars per month by selling these wedding invitations and in total has earned a little bit over three million dollars now if that doesn't shock you what will shock you is how simple these invitations are to create with AI back on Mid Journey now what I'm gonna do is ask the AI to create a wedding invitation template and the results that it gives me are truly extraordinary I also tried a few other variations of the prompt such as adding the word minimalist to get some different results I then upscale the ones that I like and plan to sell on SC now you may notice that these generated wedding invitations have text on them and obviously we can't sell them like this because people need to be able to put their names on it and so what we'll do is we'll take these budding invitations and place them into a free Photoshop alternative called photo P we can then use the rectangle select tool here to select this randomly generated text and then use Photo P's content aware fill tool by going up here to edit fill and then changing the fill drop down to Content aware and then hitting OK the software will then automatically fill in the text with the color of the background so that you have a blank slate we can then take our Blank Slate wedding invitation into canva which is completely free by the way and then use canvas free fonts to add text boxes back into the template because keep in mind canva is what your customers will use to customize this text for themselves and I can teach you guys how to do this in a separate video if you're interested now this next digital product is arguably one of the easiest on this list and that is selling product mock-ups now I've talked about selling this product in different videos in the past but because AI has gotten so powerful we can now use AI to make selling this product that much easier one of the most popular digital products at all of etsy is something that most people would never even notice and that's because this product Lies Beneath the surface but it's something that virtually every Etsy Shop uses have you noticed it yet it's these mock-up images used to market the products that Etsy sellers are selling to make them more desirable and so for example an Etsy shop that sells digital prints typically doesn't just have a picture of the print as the product image instead they place the artwork inside of a frame mock-up such as what you see here to help Inspire the customer about what the product could look like if they bought it and so mock-ups help to increase sales substantially which is why a large majority of etsy shops are using them now there are people on Etsy selling these mock-ups and these sellers are earning tens of thousands of dollars for mock-ups like this a simple frame or a coffee mug or any number of mock-ups out there and these mock-ups are insanely easy to create using AI I'm gonna ask my journey to create a simple mock-up of a picture frame on a white background and these are the type types of results that it gives us and then if we take one of these mock-ups over to photop we can turn what the AI created into a mock-up like this and we literally did this in just a couple of minutes now typically when people download mock-up files like this they'll have the option to either download them as a Photoshop file or canva file or something that will allow them to easily manipulate the mock-up now for the sake of time I'm not going to go over in detail how to do that in this video but if you would like a dedicated video about how to sell this product comment down below and the last product that you can sell with the help of AI are coloring pages and I found a few different sellers on Etsy selling coloring pages in addition to other digital products such as clipart which we talked about earlier and while there are certainly sellers in Etsy who only sell coloring pages and have made tens of thousands of dollars doing so I actually think that coloring pages would pair extremely well with other digital products and so your shop could model someone like this who has over 109 000 sales and sells everything from coloring pages and other various digital products and this one shop in particular has has earned over half a million dollars selling these very simple products and With a Little Help from our good friend AI you can start selling these things really quickly and making some good money now I want the AI to create coloring pages for me like this and so the first thing I'll ask it to make are children's animal coloring pages and within seconds the AI has created this or holiday coloring pages are also very popular and so you could have the AI crate for example Santa Claus coloring pages and the results are well perfect perhaps you wanted to make some coloring pages for adults and so you could ask the AI to create something like abstract coloring pages and so for this product the only thing you're doing is just coming up with different prompts to give to the AI to then create the pages for you and if you find yourself running low on ideas you can use chat GPT to help you can ask it to give you coloring page ideas and it'll start writing out a list of ideas that you can then take over to Mid journey and have it produced also it's worth mentioning that at any point after the AI creates something for you you can always press this re-roll option to have the AI create a new set of images for you based on that prompt listen AI is changing the world around us as we know it and you can either choose to write it off as just a passing Trend or start taking advantage of the massive opportunities that are opening up because of it but ultimately the choice is yours hey you're amazing and I appreciate you so much for being here remember you can accomplish anything that you want in this world I'm watching you I believe in you and as always I'll see you again very soon take care
Channel: Joshua Mayo
Views: 479,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: digital products, make money online, etsy digital products, digital products you can sell using ai, ai side hustles, make money with ai, make money with midjourney, make money with chatgpt, joshua mayo, digital products to sell online, how to sell digital products, how to sell digital products online, digital products to sell on etsy, sell digital products online, selling digital products
Id: uCmXfdDgzz4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 44sec (764 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 31 2023
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