20 Helpful ChatGPT Prompts For Blogging | Master AI

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the best writing prompts for chat gbt let's get to it what's up everybody welcome back to the channel my name is David and in this video I'm going to share with you the best writing prompts for chat gbt chat gbt is an AI writing system where you enter in a text prompt and then it generates a response based on what text prompt you put in helps it craft a more accurate and helpful response so it is quite important to know what the best writing prompts are to get the most out of chat gbt so if you're ready to get started let's jump into my laptop and begin number one is the rewrite prompt so the rewrite prompt is exactly what it sounds like you just type this rewrite prompt in and then you enter in a paragraph and it rewrites the paragraph in a unique way so let's take a quick example so I have teach English in Thailand let's highlight this little paragraph right here up to the 3000 USD and I'll go ahead and copy and paste this in rewrite this for me and there we have it so we have an effective rewrites of the previous paragraph that that we enter now of course you can expand on the rewrite prompt to your liking so rewrites as a five-year-old rewrites with longer sentences shorter sentences as bullet points whatever you need anyways that's number one the rewrite prompt number two is return only the main response so sometimes when you ask a question to chat gbt it tends to be a little bit verbose and you can kind of shorten that down so for example if I type in something like I don't know let's say how do I open a durian put that in it'll give me a little bit of a preamble then some bullet points and then a little conclusion but then if I put in the prompt it'll shorten everything down quite nice okay so let's ask the same question with the prompt return only the main response remove pre-text and post text so let's go ahead and do this and there we go a nice short concise paragraph that we can use so if you're looking for a way to reduce chat gbt's tendency to produce overly verbosed responses try the prompt return only the main response remove pretext and post text anyways that's number two number three is style dictation so you can set chat gbt to return its responses in a clear and specific way to your Vikings so for example I have it set to right at a fifth grade level use clear and simple language short sentences avoid jargon Etc and you can edit and adjust this prompt to your way and there we go we have a nice effective response that's at a reading level that most people can understand now you can set the prompt to be a lot more complex so we can change this around completely so instead of right at a fifth grade level let's write at write as a doctoral students use clear and complicated language bias towards long sentences and we'll see use jargon how do I write a blog post let's go wonderful so chat gbt gave us a nice sophisticated lengthy detailed response so I really like this prompt uh depending on the type of content that you're trying to create and what your target audience is anyways that's number three style dictation number four is format your response so I find this helpful because it avoids chat gbt from creating a massive wall of text so let's type in how to teach English in Thailand we'll put that in and see what we get so I have it set to format your response using markdown using subheadings using headings using bullet points bold organize information whatever and again this just simply avoids a wall of text and I find this just a little bit more functional and useful for creating any type of blog post I'm not saying you should like copy and paste this into like WordPress but it just helps you structure everything it also gives you a clear idea of like things that you need to be including in your piece of content so for example like teaching abroad in Thailand like talking about finding a job and how to find a job talking about Visa requirements talking about cost of living and salary things that people would be interested in knowing and so overall I find this very helpful format your response anyways that's number four format your response and of course you can expand upon this easily by adding in use heading subheadings bullet points bold ETC number five is give bullet points a step-by-step process Etc so this is very simple writing prompt that I like to use when you just need bullet points so maybe you're using another tool like Jasper Ai and you're structuring a blog post maybe you're just writing a blog post yourself and you want to know what points to include or perhaps you're writing a script for a YouTube video and you just want the main points about what to include without all the verbos intro and outro text so let's get bullet points step-by-step process how to create a WordPress website let's see what it comes up with and this is fantastic if you're trying to create a blog post on how to create a WordPress website because it covers all the important information that you need to cover so this is not good enough by itself to just copy and paste into WordPress you're crazy if you do that but this is a very nice outline choose a domain name web hosting provider branding Etc how to install WordPress install plugins that you need create content customize your website optimize the website for search engines testing the website launching the website maintaining it regularly of course you can expand into other areas like how to monetize your website Etc it doesn't cover everything but this is a good General outline so this is why I really like the give bullet points give a step-by-step process for any type of content because it really covers the overarching things that you need to include within your content so anyways that's number five give bullet points number six is use figurative language and short pithy sentences so I really like this prompt because it ends up creating pretty useful sales copy for any type of like Facebook ad Etc so if you're running trying to write like short pithy copy this is a great little prompt so why should I use chappie chat chat GPT okay let's see what it comes up with fast answers no research required expertise as your fingertips chat gbt simplifies your search for knowledge this is outstanding so this is great copy you could take this edit to your liking maybe expand upon it then use it for any type of paid ad that you're potentially running anyways that's number six use figurative language and short pithy sentences number seven is a copywriting prompt that I like to use so you can include persuasive tone rhetorical questions metaphors analogies literary devices and what ends up happening is it outputs a response that's just overall good copy that you can use for your own specific marketing purposes so why should I use chat gbt let's fire fire this up and immediately it leads off with this like let me paint a picture for you imagine you're embarking on a journey this copy is really nice because it helps connect more emotionally with the reader instead of being like a real boring technical like use chat gbt because of this technical point in this technical Point Etc instead it uses again analogies and literary devices to help you better understand why you should be using this AI tool so for example like if someone asks me like oh what do you do oh I create websites that rank in Google using SEO like that's a nice description but like sometimes it's better to maybe connect a little bit more deeply like you ask the personal rhetorical question like hey have you ever searched for something on Google and then a website pops up that's really helpful oh I create that type of website that helps people kind of better understand from a Layman aspect if they're not sophisticated on the specific topic that you're talking about anyways that's number seven a copywriting prompt that uses persuasive tone rhetorical questions storytelling metaphors and allergies and other literary devices number eight is rights in a conversational way and then you can expand upon it as you need so I have a personal way explaining something to a friend use natural language a person like a person would use an everyday conversation Etc all right so this output is very useful for the formation of a blog post maybe you could use it for the introduction and the conclusion you will have to edit it obviously it does tend to use exclamation marks like Jasper AI so you want to jump in and fix that but overall it's just a very conversational personable paragraph and I really like this because it's not written at like a super advanced level this is more like a 8th grade level it's not too complicated and I think it's just perfect for any type of introduction and conclusion within a blog post or if you just want to create a response on Twitter for example you could always use this prompt anyways that's number eight write in a conversational way number nine is use Simple language to convey complex ideas so this prompt is really helpful for writing something a little bit more sophisticated that still uses readable language for most end users so let's type in how to create a website and see what it produces and there you have it so the prompt was breakdown complex Concepts and easy understand Frameworks and models provide actionable and practical takeaways and the response is nice and clear simple good language not too complex not too difficult for an average user to read but not simple either has a nice level of sophistication and it's appropriate for any type of business setting so anyways that's number nine use Simple language to convey complex ideas number 10 is use a formal academic tone paired with sophisticated vocabulary and grammar so to be honest with you this one is not particularly useful some of the time because you do end up with a very technical detailed analysis that actually uses sophisticated language I may be above the reading ability of some of your users depending on what topic you're writing about but if you want something that's more sophisticated detailed uh higher level educational level that type of thing and this is a great prompt so I have why should I use chat gbt so let's see what it produces and as you would expect the response is a little bit more sophisticated with higher level language so it talks about how chat gbt is sophisticated machine learning model benefits of using this or that provides clear and accessible explanations of complex scientific Concepts it's accessible at any time from anywhere make it a highly convenient tool for those seeking assistance available 24 7. another benefits that provides a wide range of perspectives particularly used for for individuals who are seeking information on controversial or complex issues etc etc anyways that's number 10 use a formal academic tone with sophisticated vocabulary number 11 is keyword research with chat and gbt so yeah you can do keyword research with this AI tool so I've put in give me 10 relevant unique topics under the category of enter whatever category you want to create content on so I have domain names so let's fire it up and see what we get wonderful so now we have a nice list of different keywords that we can jump into even more deeply we can do keyword research using a proper tool like ahrefs or ubersuggest to kind of find more information we can even use Google as well now if you want chat gbt to dive into more detail on a specific topic you totally can so I have it set to give me five different keyword variations for item number seven which is this one right there domain name trademark infringement how to protect your business then address a unique search intent so let's go and there you have it so we have five more additional keywords that we can take and explore so for example we have this one right there domain name trademark with doing someone steals your domain name the difference between domain name trademark infringement and cyber squatting how to respond to a domain name trademark infringement claim a little quick explanation of the concept behind it this specific keyword now we can take each of these individual keywords and put them into a keyword research tool to see if there's any search volume and going to Google and see what's ranking Etc so this is how you can use uh chat gbt for keyword research anyways as number 11 keyword research number 12 is creating titles with chat gbts so titles are usable for blog posts and YouTube videos and some topics are kind of just boring and they're difficult to word in a compelling unique fun click worthy way and chat gbt is actually pretty good at coming up with titles that you can then take and edit on your own so I have it set to create 10 compelling clickbait titles for how to create a website let's go okay so now we have 10 different titles that we could use for our blog post or a YouTube video that we can edit and adjust to our liking and if you don't like any of these you can just have it rerun again or if you want to expand chat gbt on any one of these you could just use the same following prompt that I did in the previous step so expand upon number whatever so let's go ahead and do that actually so I have it set to give five more titles like number five which is design your own stunning website the ultimate step-by-step guide so let's go ahead and do that and there you have it so we have step-by-step guide for Designing website that will wow your audience create a website for beginners can we walk through website design made easy crafting online presence Etc and so forth so chat gbt is very helpful if you need to come up with compelling titles for blog posts as well as YouTube videos anyways that's number 12 creating titles number 13 is create an outline for a specific topic for a blog post this is very helpful for understanding what you should incorporate into the blog post helps give you inspiration for what content to write may even give you other ideas for a different type of blog post that you can go into more in detail now I'd always recommend that you use like Google search console you take a look at Google you take a look at other websites and see how they're already structured because take a look at the top five websites and how they're structured and what topics they're covering because that gives an indication of what you need to cover but using this function within chat gbt to create an outline gives you additional ideas so let's go ahead and see what we get okay so this is very helpful so it tells me that the introduction should be a quick explanation what the brave browser is maybe talk about how the brave browser makes money how to earn bat tokens how bat Works setting up Brave rewards wallet tips for maximizing bat earnings becoming a content creator and getting verified now some of these are not entirely accurate you are going to still have to do research but again like I said it just gives you an idea of what to include so for example participate in the brave referral program so brave doesn't have a referral program anymore and they haven't had a referral program for quite some time so creating a piece of content on that would make your article completely inaccurate but overall it covers a bunch of different topics that are useful so for example like use browser for online shopping or how to spend your bat and buy Goods like that could be an interesting topic that you could cover anyways as number 13 Creighton outline number 14 is write meta descriptions for blog posts so I find this really helpful because I don't like writing meta descriptions for blog posts so you have your whole blog post when you do a search for something on Google it gives a little bit of a text along with the title on my website I have the meta description appearing right here and again it's just annoying to write and so which at gbt you can have it generate something for you so I have right in my description that is 150 to 156 characters for a page title how to make money on Twitch as a streamer let's see what we get perfect learn how to make money on switch as a streamer with our comprehensive guide discover the tips and tricks to monetize your content and grow your audience so it works good to me anyways that's number 14 rights meta descriptions number 15 is to proofread so you can copy and paste in paragraphs that you've written within your blog put in chat gbt ask it to proofread and it'll tell you what to fix now I won't highlight anything but it'll give you a broad idea about how to better improve your paragraph so for example I type in proofread let's type in I go to store and see what we get proofread I go to the store then we can take this and fix our paragraph so it works well with any piece of content it could be much more longer and comprehensive and it'll just fix it so anyways that's number 15 of proofread number 16 and last is that you can generate code Snippets with chat gbt so this is one of the most powerful features of chat gbt in my opinion that if you have any type of coding question about how to do something you can just ask and it'll give you the answer give you a basic framework to work with so like for example give the regular give the regular expression to show who what where when how first words are in the match then boom here you go this is what all I need then I got the regular expression right there or if I have this right here write structured data for tutorial markup the name of the tutorial is how to create a website in seven steps complete all the fields here you go really nice and then even something simple like this like how do I hide text with CSS then it gives you a bunch of different answers that you can work with so anyways that's number 16 you can generate code Snippets with it and number 17 is act as a plagiarism Checker so I have an article I wrote over here about how to make money on Twitch and I took the first paragraph and I used act as a plagiarism Checker and the paragraph that I wrote and told me that the first sentence appears to be original but the second sentence appears to be plagiarized this is a very helpful prompt if you're Outsourcing content and you just want to check to make sure that it is original also broadly speaking this act as prompt is really useful and fun to use because you can tell the AI to act as a motivational coach and write content in that type of format whatever you can really play around with this but act as a plagiarism Checker I find to be very helpful anyways as number 17 act as a plagiarism Checker number 18 is domains and branding so one little feature about this AI tool that I like to use is to come up with domain names so you can just put in right 10x1 creative domain names about then enter your keyword phrase it'll generate you a nice list of domain names then if you if there's one in particular that you like that you want more like this then again you could just navigate down here and just tell the AI to give me more domain names like this one for example eslintailand.com so I'm sure a lot of these are already taken but again if you're having trouble like branding a website finding a domain name branding a product you can use this AI tool to help you come up with clever creative ideas anyways that's number 18 finding domain names and overall branding number 19 is write an email newsletter so you can input something like write a 140 to 150 word newsletter about a new blog article a new YouTube video whatever about this specific topic again you can always adjust and edit these things as you see fits but again you just tell it to write a newsletter and boom here we go here's a nice little newsletter you can change things around like dear subscribers or you can have the short code for subscribers in here a short code for name so when you email this out inputs the user's name if you are collecting names along with email addresses you can even tell us to like write a follow-up email to this so you could create a nice quick little onboarding process a nice little email sequence again it's going to take a human touch to edit and adjust and make things a little bit nicer of course but it's a good framework to get started with anyways that's number 19 or write a newsletter and number 20 is social media content so in this example I told it to create a tweet about eight ways to find your dream job and here is the output so we can edit and adjust this to our liking I even told to create a tweet Thread about eight ways to find your dream job and here we go so obviously we're going to want to edit this to make it better but it's a nice framework that that we can take in work on anyways that's number 20 social media content all right everyone that's it for this video on the best writing prompts for chat gbt overall I think chat gbt combined with something like Jasper AI is a really powerful one two punch to allow you a solo Creator to create content really quick and easily now I don't think it's going to replace professional writers anytime soon and if you are running a Content marketing business you definitely should be pivoting towards using these AI tools but you shouldn't just be relying on them alone because let's face it people want that human touch and that's what's going to be unique in the future as strange as that sounds because if you're doing research on like the best cameras for YouTube vlogging or something like that you want the opinion of someone who actually Vlogs you don't just want the opinion of an AI machine that's going to spit out some type of generated response anyways I'll leave it there I hope you enjoyed the video and I hope you got value out of it my name is David and thank you very much for watching and have a great day bye thank you foreign
Channel: David Utke
Views: 100,978
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: chatgpt, open ai, ai writing tools, chatgpt prompts
Id: yJm1Sy-9lvs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 32sec (1292 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 20 2023
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