4 Side Hustles That No One Is Talking About For 2023 ($900+ Per Day)

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I've got four side hustles that no one is talking about that can earn you as much as 900 or more per day with basically no skill all you have to do is choose one of these ideas and then execute Americans throw away almost five pounds of trash per person every day and all this trash ends up in your trash cans where a garbage truck then comes and picks it up but after the trash has been taken to the trash can there's always something left over Gunk smelly garbage juice that attracts cockroaches ants rats possums and other rodents and pests that could then eventually find their way into your home and this is where you come in you'd be really surprised to learn that a lot of people will pay you really good money to pressure wash their trash cans once every month or even as much as every week someone recently left a door hanging flyer at my house that was advertising this exact service and what shocked me even more than the prices they were charging given how little time it took to clean one trash can was that people were overwhelmingly excited about this service and willing to pay for it for example I recently saw a post on next door where somebody was saying that they discovered a mobile trash can cleaning service and that they didn't even know this type of service existed but they wish they had known sooner and all the comments under that post were filled with people who were overwhelmingly excited about the service and the best part is that getting started is incredibly cheap and easy the first thing that you'll need obviously is a pressure washer and the best part is you don't even need an expensive commercial pressure washer that'll cost you thousands a simple 70 to 150 battery-powered pressure washer will work perfectly fine now you'll want to be sure that you buy some type of pressure washer that has a soap attachment that allows you to spray soap onto the trash cans before you actually pressure wash them for the soap you can either buy some cheap solution from a hardware store or Amazon or simply use a watered-down mixture of Dawn dish soap alternatively you could also use some type of separate cheap sprayer like this one here to spray the soap on and these things can be bought at Walmart or pretty much any hardware store and honestly in terms of your equipment that's all you need to get started now the next thing that you'll need to do is actually get the word out about your business and there's a few different ways you can do this you can post in local Facebook groups Craigslist or on sites like Nextdoor and these are all free ways that you can promote your business and I would highly recommend that you do them but there's something else that you should be doing if you want to get even more business and that's creating physical door hanging Flyers these things are incredibly easy to create and you can buy them super cheap and bulk on sites like Vistaprint for example as you can see here 1 000 of these door hanging Flyers can be bought for 11 cents a piece this means you can get 1 000 flyers for just one hundred dollars or if you wanted to start with less you can buy as little as 50 for about 80 cents a piece but obviously if you buy more then you'll get a better deal and in terms of the design for this flyer simply do something like this but in total though with the pressure washer and the Flyers you should really only be spending between 100 and 300 to get started which really isn't a lot of money considering how much you can make with this side hustle I've seen people charging around 65 dollars for one-time trash can cleanings and about 35 dollars for monthly trash can cleanings plus an extra ten dollars forever every added trash can I mean imagine for a second that you cleaned four trash cans every hour for eight hours straight that's 32 cans times that by 35 dollars per can I mean we're talking upwards of eleven hundred dollars or more per day or you could only work for a couple of hours and easily make hundreds of dollars folks this side hustle is incredibly easy and cheap to start requires zero skill and is a service that a lot of people would pay money for and if one of you watching starts this side hustle and starts making good money with it I want you to send me an email at Joshua mayoofficial gmail.com because I would love to record you and share your story in a future video on my channel also really quickly folks if you want to get some free money some free stocks be sure to use my link down below to open up a free Weeble account deposit just one penny to get 12 free stocks valued up to thirty thousand six hundred dollars again that link is down below simply use it to go to Weeble open up a free account complete the application and then link your bank account to your brokerage account deposit at least one penny and get 12 free stocks valued up to thirty thousand six hundred dollars it's literally a no-brainer it's completely free money a couple of years ago when I first started my YouTube channel I bought a couple of pieces of artwork for Etsy this is a stock market bowl and a stock market bear and I paid roughly 200 a piece for this canvas artwork now the interesting part about this and what I later learned is that while yes this is original artwork the seller isn't actually the one producing these large canvas paintings and shipping them instead they're using a print-on-demand service something like printify to do all the back end work for them and all the seller has to do is create the artwork and that's it because once the artwork is created all they have to do is apply the artwork to the canvas on printify link their printify account to Etsy and then every time someone buys one of these canvas paintings the entire process from the manufacturing Printing and shipping is handled by printify now I already know some of you are thinking yeah but Joshua I I'm not an artist I can't create original artwork and so I guess I can't do this well I'm actually glad you said that because recently I've been seeing a lot of ads on Instagram for these motivational canvases very simple artwork that shows some type of inspirational quote or some type of power word followed by the definition of that word you could even get creative and tie something in from pop culture like these Monopoly motivational posters that range from 654 dollars to as high as 3 300 depending on the size of the poster and so as you can see for yourself you don't have to create or hand paint some original work of art in order to make this side hustle work motivational quotes remixes of famous pop culture icons or famous people or public domain artwork are all things that have been proven to sell time and time again or you could go to a site like unsplash.com where all the images are completely free to use download a stylish image such as this image of a city here and then go to a site like envato elements get a free 7-Day trial to then be able to go and download some photoshop actions such as this impressionist action that'll turn your unslashed images into impressionist artwork like this then you can once again take that into printify to sell as canvas artwork work on your Etsy store or how about this art scribbles Photoshop action that can turn your unsplashed images into scribble art or any of the hundreds of really unique Photoshop actions that can give your canvas artwork a very custom and unique feel now I am intentionally moving through all this really quickly because I don't want to spend too much time going over the actual design aspect of this side hustle because that's going to be completely up to your creativity if however you did need some design inspiration I would recommend checking out a site called designspiration.com you can go through and search for design Inspirations based on color or you could search for keywords like quotes or something else that'll help to inspire you with your design ideas overall though I could easily see this ad hustle turning into a full-time business that earns you well over six figures per year if you took time to execute and take action on it now as always if you guys want a separate dedicated video of me showing you exactly how you can start selling canvas artwork on Etsy be sure to drop a comment down below this next side hustle is extremely unique and I've personally never seen anything else like it so I'd like to thank faithful for showing me this because honestly and this is really saying a lot this might actually be the easiest way to make money online with very minimal effort so I want you to think about every single time that you go to amazon.com and Shop sometimes you're just browsing through products because you're bored and other times if you're like me you're always kind of searching for a specific product and when you find that product you see the image you see the price and you may go down and read the product description or the reviews and oftentimes what I'll do especially if it's a bigger purchase is actually go to the videos and I'll watch a video review for the product now here's something fascinating that literally nobody thinks about except for the few people who are making these videos the creators who are making these reviews are getting paid to make these videos here's something that a lot of people don't actually know about every time somebody watches at least 30 seconds of one of these videos and then proceeds to buy the product or a similar product on Amazon that Creator will get a commission from the sale you've really got to think about this for a second okay so these Bose headphones have close to 10 10 000 reviews and we already know that only a tiny tiny fraction of the people who buy a product actually end up leaving a review and so these headphones are likely being bought hundreds of thousands of times and I would imagine that out of those hundreds of thousands of sales that quite a few people are looking at the video reviews of the product before actually making their purchase and the craziest part about all of this is that literally nobody knows this is a thing okay and so there's basically no competition for example if I go to these Apple airpod max headphones you can see that there are zero video reviews not a single person has made a video review about these Apple headphones even though we know based off of the number of star reviews that it has these headphones are definitely being bought hundreds of thousands of times and there are a lot of these products probably tens even hundreds of thousands of products that either have very little or no video reviews and so imagine if you made a video review of this product we know that Amazon pays a commission rate of two percent on electronics and while this may not sound like a lot of money it's starts adding up really fast imagine that out of 100 000 hypothetical sales 5 000 people watched your review video of this product before making their purchase this means you would earn about fifty five thousand dollars on this one product alone imagine though if you had video reviews for 10 20 100 different products imagine how much that would start to compound and how much you would earn over time and these reviews don't even have to be anything crazy most people making them are probably just doing it on their phone oh but Joshua you would have to buy the product in order to do the review and I don't have a lot of money okay that's fine buy it review it and then return it why not it doesn't get much easier than this folks there's so much money out there to be made you just have to take the leap and start taking action so I recently spoke with somebody who started a successful six-figure Etsy shop by finding a product on AliExpress buying it for super cheap and then selling it at a marked up price on Etsy and the crazy part is that it only took her six months to do this and before this business she was working a standard nine to five job as a dental assistant assistant not very happy not making a lot of money and then her life changed completely so how exactly was she able to do this well it all starts on AliExpress an online retail store based in China where you can buy heavily discounted products to then resell at a much larger markup on sites like Amazon and Etsy products like this Sunset projection lamp which only cost 2.96 and I guarantee you this product could easily be sold for 10 times the amount on sites like Amazon and Etsy hey Joshua yeah that product is being sold on Amazon at 10 times the price oh it is well would you look at that this is literally the exact same product as the one that only costs 2.96 on AliExpress how do I know well because the Amazon product is even using the exact same images from AliExpress folks this person is buying this lamp for 2.96 on AliExpress and then selling them for between twenty dollars and thirty four dollars on Amazon now I'm not a rocket scientist but according to my calculator that means they're making between 17 and 31 dollars in revenue for every single sale and we know these things are selling extremely well because not only does it have close to 2 000 reviews but it's even got the trusty Amazon Choice label and so this seller is definitely earning over six figures per year with this one product alone now that all sounds great right but the question becomes how exactly do you find these winning products on AliExpress well you actually have to kind of work backwards and so the first thing you do is decide what platform you're gonna sell on Etsy or Amazon or both and then depending on the platform form you'll just have to do some research to figure out what products people are buying on a site like Amazon you could certainly search through the top selling products in each category to see what's most popular but this is only one approach because there's going to be thousands of different products that technically are a top selling product that still get tens of thousands of sales and can earn you well over six figures per year and so whether you're selling on Etsy or Amazon or both you simply have to go through all the different categories and shuffle through dozens of different products and product categories to see what's selling the best and it'll be pretty obvious to see what's popular and what's not for example I searched for cup holder inserts because I knew this was going to be a random product that nobody was buying and so as you can see if I scroll through these products on Etsy I'm specifically looking at the number of reviews these products have on average and all of these products have a really small number of reviews which tells me that not many people are buying them additionally I can go to Google Trends search for cup holder insert and then I can see that over the course of the past almost two decades not many people are actively looking and searching for cup holder inserts on the other hand if I went back through and searched for let's say Mickey Mouse ears which I found just by browsing through all the different categories up here at the top you can see that this product is extremely popular again look at the reviews almost all of these products have thousands of reviews I mean this seller here alone has over 220 000 sales and then if I go to Google Trends and search Mickey Mouse ears you can see that over the past two decades this product has not only increased in popularity but pretty much stays consistently popular throughout the year always kind of jumping between 50 and 100 in terms of search interest and so if we're using the Mickey Mouse ears as an example which by the way is just one example I'm not saying that that's what you have to do you would simply come into AliExpress search Mickey Mouse ears and as you can see there are indeed Mickey Mouse ears that you can buy for super cheap on AliExpress and then once you've found your product it's a matter of setting up your Etsy Shop learning how to optimize your listings on Etsy by using SEO and good product images and then potentially spending a little bit of money on pay-per-click ads to attract more customers and make more money now all of that is a process and so once again if you want me to make a dedicated video about how to do this drop a comment down below and in that video I'll actually spend time to find a real winning product that you can use yourself to start your own successful business if you haven't already gotten your 12 free stocks from Weeble a valued up to thirty thousand six hundred dollars be sure to click on the Weeble link Down Below open up a free account and deposit just one penny hey you guys are all amazing and I appreciate every single one of you watching this video I mean that and I hope that you have a beautiful rest of your day or night and as always I will see you again very soon take care
Channel: Joshua Mayo
Views: 4,162,558
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: side hustle ideas, make money online, how to make money online, side hustle ideas 2023, best side hustles, side hustles for extra money, best side hustle ideas, top side hustle ideas to make money, side hustles, passive income, high paying side hustle ideas, easy side hustles, side hustle ideas for beginners, side hustles no one talks about, best side hustles for 2023, joshua mayo
Id: 4GtNkfGIOwE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 13sec (853 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 22 2022
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