Podcast #125 - EMPs, Lochness Monster & Zozo (demon)

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dig dig dig come on high five think I wanna hurt you get one my marbles here with us today Marvel casting outside how about that cuz you knows that how about that episode a podcast is brought to you by wink previously Club W is now wink spell winc wink works directly with winemakers and growers from all over the world and creates delicious wine and delivers it to your front door so if you like wine check it out and get 20 bucks off when you go to try wink that's try winc calm slash Jenna and Julian and they'll even cover the shipping also this week we have skin the skin makes it easier for you to be smarter it's a free email newsletter delivered to you each morning with the latest on world news politics sports entertainment and more all the information in a readable format right in your email inbox very helpful very awesome right now you can sign up at the skin that's the skin with two M's sk IM dot-com slash Jenna Julian and you'll be entered to win a two hundred and fifty dollar Visa gift card hey thank you alright I'm excited to be back Marvel's here with us he's in his little sling he loves that which I got I have like a little backpack for him I've had multiple like marble carrying devices in the past this one is probably my favorite though it's his there too he loves it looking at he won't get out of it I was living in his best life right now okay can you say hello oh there is they can make a noise and the mic move the bag a little she loves that bag so much that he won't even get out of it - catch me outside how about tire well but we have some kind of you know mix of things that we're gonna talk about today reading and watching things with my eyes open cuz I'm like normally you watch things with your eyes open generally some people don't I mean it's probably a whole nother experience know a couple of these I feel like I've found out in the last like week or so and one of them I was sitting on forgot about and then recently remembered that it blew my mind but I loved it are you talking about the EMP or the Loch Ness thing Loch Ness I had seen and then forgot about but the EMP EMP thing is interesting let's start with that okay it's one of the more plausible or like realistic Armageddon end of days sort of scenarios I've ever heard of or like the end of civilization as we know it yeah so MP stands for looked electromagnetic pulse and basically what it is is it's a device that can basically just like kill electronics remotely so if it's near electronics and it's set off its detonated it will completely not only turn off the electronics but it will brick electronic so we'll turn electronics completely useless when detonated specifically in front of those so a little like here's here's an example so in some of the old call duty games and I think some of the newer to college games it's a it's like a powerup there it's one of those things when you get a kill streak you can use an EMP which basically termites really yeah I was gonna weigh on the podcast to tell you this because you see you're trying to MPs and so basically it's like you know in college or you get kill streaks you get five kills you get an airdrop and ten kills whatever you get a [ __ ] airstrike and then one of the highest ones is just like you know the highest amount of kills you can get probably like ten kills seven or ten kills is like you get an EMP which basically turns the enemies team's electronics completely offline they don't have radar they're their guns the sights of their guns don't have the laser like everything electronic is now rendered completely off holy [ __ ] yeah so it's it's been it I mean it's a tactic in in the military it's been attacked in militaries for a lot of years but why don't you explain why it became interesting meet you so it became interesting to me because I like watching all of the YouTube channels that describe like the end of the world and I love every couple years there will be a new conspiracy about like why this particular upcoming month of this particular year is gonna be the end of the world and here's some random Disney movie that proves it you know what I mean but when I started looking into the idea that let me just explain it how it was framed in this video that I watched had like 63 views on it and it was fire and I loved it um they frame the scenario like this so since like the early 80s or something our government has been very aware of how easy it would be for another country that wanted to [ __ ] destroy America to not have to send over a nuke or a bomb or have people land here and fight us and whatever that the easiest way to destroy our civilization is to light off an EMP or an electromagnetic pulse because our power grid is relatively weak and has not been updated for a very long time and we deal with this a lot in California as they do in New York or other highly populated areas although those aren't the only places that are affected by the power grid being weak that we just happen to see it a lot because we live in a big place but its weak as [ __ ] and what I mean by the power grids weak so that I mean by the like our actual electricity like how we get our electricity is very outdated and old and would cost a lot of money and a lot of time to update to make it better so it kind of just is what it is and I think is not a top priority for the government if that makes sense and there's not like a lot of people being like build this new power grid we're like dealing with things that maybe are a little bit more pertinent at the time yeah I could be totally wrong or just talking on my ass but that's what I think something correct us or it's something that just isn't on people's main concern because here in America electricity is just second nature you wake up you turn the lights on like you don't even really think about your electricity until it's off you know so this maybe isn't something that people feel like they need to be concerned about so in essence that's the power grid detonating an EMP would kill the power grid beyond the point of repair right so it's our current power grid that the country is working on the system if it were destroyed by an EMP would take years to build back up it would be very very difficult to build back up because you don't have electricity while building the backup right so that's it's an entry like it's an interesting thought right the an EMP getting detonated on such a large scale to the point where an entire continent mine go dark well and also in the video that I watched I was like alright well what is an EMP like how does someone like go about doing that apparently they're not difficult to make and that you can make them at home that kind of say it's an electromagnetic pulse and if you you know do your research it's it's probably you know for someone who knows what you know what electrons mean and how to build them and how they work and how they interact with other electronics it's probably a relatively simple process what my only question would be is on a scale of an entire continent right like you know for an EMP to be detonated within a few hundred yards of a military base or whatever that's plausible I get that that's you know it can send out a pulse and it can just completely destroy the electronics over the air but the idea of dropping one or multiple emps to knock out a whole country is great I don't doubt that it's a thing I just would love to learn more about don't know how that would happen and I don't have the answer to that right now and I know you but I do know from this video there are some places in the United States that are protected against and that you can protect against EMP like for example Air Force One I believe has backup or protection against country because if someone is so here's I guess the theory if someone were to send off in the like Isis were like [ __ ] America we're gonna send off an EMP that Air Force no in the air in general and there's planes in the air and there's everyone doing things relying on your electronics you can't like send out a bomb to blow up the EMP because the MP still then goes off do you know what I mean yeah so the only way to actually protect against something like that is to have like preventive measures so I do think or know that there are some things that have gone that far have that measure but the vast majority of America on any level if that were to happen it has no backup yeah for an EMP yeah which [ __ ] blew my mind because I always hear about like zombie or like asteroid solar flare or a solar flare I think would there are theories that a certain type of solar flare on a certain scale would do something similar to an EMP okay it's mind blowing but think about this this is even more mind-blowing so I was looking through the CIA Declassified the ones that just got released the 13 million documents that were Declassified from the Central Intelligence Agency and I literally looked up EMP because I wanted to see what was on there regarding hippies with keywords in the MPS or whatever and I found this thing around the time of World War two basically describing this as a plant like right if if a country were to want to wipe out the pair of the power grid in North America not just the United States like the North America Peregrine like the entire continent they were discussing it as if it was a plausible option during World War two right right and now we're in 2017 if you can imagine the difference in technologies like not that to me was like whoa right so seriously well exactly this has been around for a long time people know that it exists but I did not know that that was a thing that was just laws about threat oh yeah yeah on that scale yeah I didn't think it was possible and also I found it very interesting because the video sort of walked you through the scenario of what it would be like if an EMP went off or someone actually did that and why it's so effective or what this is just hear me out I need go back already he likes he described it as like you're waking up in the morning and you go downstairs and your wife is trying to cook breakfast I'm like all right dude okay but so you know everything starts off relatively normal we both are into prepping and being prepared and having a go bag and stuff when you live in a place with earthquakes you know sometimes you don't know or maybe wherever you live if you have tornadoes you know what it's like when you have to prep if some sort of natural disaster may happen and so you you prep for you you have like a week or a month that you know that you could be okay in certain scenarios right so in this particular scenario you're like all right you notice that your lights don't work and then you realize that your cell phone doesn't work and your car doesn't work and obviously your television and all of that but then at some point you're running water doesn't work anymore your gas doesn't work anymore none of that nothing in your home works so whatever resources you go through are now gone and everyone is also out of their resources you have no power no nothing and you have no means of transportation either because your car is grandpa all electronics everything with a tiny computer chip in it or a large computer's head just a completely bricked and again I mean there's ways to prevent that or prepping to do that but in the majority case of people it's not something that you've ever thought is just the thought of like liking this is an inner you wake up one day nothing happened you didn't see anything you didn't hear anything right but you wake up one day and your phone won't turn on right you're a computer won't turn on your car won't [ __ ] start right like things like that the fact that that isn't like a apocalyptic fakes they're like that's something they're gonna happen right so then they describe the scenario of like you go outside and there's like your neighbors out there and everyone's like talking about how nothing's working and you know everyone goes back into their houses and you try to just go about your day because you can't do anything you can't communicate with anyone outside of face-to-face or via letter which I imagine is not running anymore because the postal service runs on cars thank you computers so there's no way of communicating with anyone except for around you so then a couple days go by and you're like alright are we gonna get power back like nothing really is happening people are already starting to run out of food and start looting and start robbing either other people's houses or grocery stores or you know people start getting panicky and chaos II maybe after a week two weeks a month I don't know and then he described that the first people to die in that scenario would be people like in hospitals on life support people that need regular medications like diabetes if you take insulin shots and those need to be refrigerated you can't take your insulin that those would be the first people that would die if they don't have the ability to that insulin cold the elderly or people that need assistance or help and then you would see another round of people dying of just pure starvation or violent looting or you know people trying yeah and then the third wave of deaths which would be pretty dramatic is just as a result of sanitation so people can't go to the bathroom and their toilets because you don't have water anymore so people are going to the bathroom outside and like all of these disgusting diseases are coming through from just being sick and handling things and touching things or being outside and we've already discussed this in the past I think but the idea that in America or a lot of countries if a pandemic were to come through we're relatively unprepared for that and that a lot of people would die just due to pure sanitation problems and being sick and not being able to get any sort of medical treatment or anything yeah and that it was like a statistic that I don't know who came up with but in this video was saying 9 out of 10 people couldn't survive an EMP scenario doomsday scenario they would throw us into like the Dark Ages and people like Amish people would be perfectly fine but everyone else would be pretty [ __ ] I just I so interested in the power of a device that can do something on that still I just have like I'm skeptical of it I'm interested in it like you think about all of the cars that are parked deep underground in parking lots are protected by so much metal or or brick or wood or just thick materials that generally slow down electric waves right like whether it's you know for instance I'm flying my drone and I'm trying to fly it with a giant brick wall between me and the drone it's not going to work because they can't transmit signal through that material so what I'm wondering is like you're gonna try to set our entire continent off the grid with one or multiple emps how strong how does that have to be like how is that is that possible to make something so strong to the point where like every single computer electronic in the entire kondeh is just completely hit by it yeah that's the biggest is the biggest isn't for me but I do know that it was described that our own government had used this as a tactic in the past I don't know about you in peace no I don't know if that's true or not whether it's true or not they definitely know about they've used them and I see now I can't remember but I do remember them describing it either in some country in the Middle East and that sounds so stupid for me to say that but that it there was record of it being done in another country multiple times to the unlike that big scale like like citywide I mean something on a big scale happening repeatedly while no one was talking about it but it was happening like that's terrifying yeah [ __ ] crazy as a means of just like destroying an entire population without having to do anything well yeah like without having to do direct violence you know like bombing or whatever right I mean I mean imagine a scenario where you you send off an EMP and then you decide that you'd also like to bomb that place it's just like double [ __ ] it's like you take away all their resources and everything survive and then you kill them I meant yeah that's [ __ ] crazy right the EMP thought I'm glad you found this and let's talk about it because for me it I agree with you a hundred percent this is the most plausible scenario that I can find myself believing and in turn terrifies the [ __ ] out of me right this is thinking about it as terrifying because we are so unbelievably crushed and reliant on our technology so if that's Nick knocked out from under us and not only our technology but our basic electricity our basic human needs like you said like the plumbing the electric everyone would be literally cavemen but like no one's prepared no one knows how to survive Amish people do it so I'm sure we'll dip but you understand 99.99% of the people would die because they just didn't know how to survive right people always say that as if it's like somehow your fault it would be your fault if like I guess what I'm trying to say is like people are like everyone's gonna die so so rely on our technology no you'd be an idiot not to be reliant on your technology at this point but you you have to at some point give in to technology because otherwise you can't advance yourself in this world right we're already seeing it in terms of when you go to the DMV at this point you have to give them your fingerprint in the state of California they do that like there are things where you you want no longer can be like I'm just gonna [ __ ] chill and not have anything to do with anything it's becoming more and more impossible to do that even the DMV hasn't implemented 90% of the technology of the day that's like I like to frame it in the idea that's not necessarily your fault for being reliant on your technology yeah it's interesting because a lot of when you bring up these scenarios of like doomsday or like being able to survive without your technology like there is that general tone of like only these like fad technology addicted idiots would just like die off but really it's like you those idiots are the ones thriving in this world those are the people who are doing very well learning technology advancing with the mints of Technology and therefore thriving as a human and whatever and so I'm a survivalist at this point it would be a hobby for people yeah and if some learning how to go do that exactly and that's honestly it's an issue Bobby but at the same time it's just that it's a hobby it's not something that you require of yourself because at the end of the day right we don't need it until we need it right you know and so well I mean a lot of people are parts of groups or Boy Scouts or coal Scouts or when you're a kid and your parents teeth and it's held it's a healthy hobby I think it's a good hobby that people should know that have like basic survival skills yeah if you were to ask like an ex-marine I'm sure our survival skills are nothing compared to what they should be yeah but I know I honestly do appreciate that you brought up like you know not to make fun of or mock the people who aren't prepared because they're so addicted to technology like that's about people's fault that they're dancing though it's like it doesn't serve them to not be a dick it's also like you think about this scenario and you know that like the general notion of people without their technology is like you're useless right you're you're idiots but no it's like they're smart it's just when you take away the entire medium of which they are smart and proficient in mm-hmm then they become useless and dumb but it's it's not for a lack of them being you know smart on a day-to-day basis I also just don't like that argument because whoever the [ __ ] is saying that all right well then tell me how you get to work every day without your car exactly or you travel without an airplanes like [ __ ] off oh yes you're in lifting off your high horse unless you're what's his name on YouTube that guy making survival videos and even even he writes in the description of his videos like I don't live in the woods I just go out and do this Bobby in my free time and it's fantastic and really entertaining to watch yeah what's the name of that [ __ ] channel I'm totally blanking on right now me too well it'll come to us later in the process I'd say the worst part about like the grid going down is not being able to wake up the next morning and learning the news from my newsletter from skin because honestly you don't have time mention the money you pay for all the subscriptions to news sites which a lot of new sites charging out to read their their [ __ ] which is annoying so the easiest way to stay informed is to get the skin which is an awesome free daily newsletter 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Jenna Julian you will be entered to win a two hundred and fifty dollar Visa gift card which is basically cash so thank you to the skin awesome stuff there thank you skin also wink I love that new rebranded name by the way guys thank you yeah used to be Club W we've had Club W on a lot they've rebranded and they are now called wink winc wink is just an awesome way to get your wine personally I've talked about this before finding wine that I like has been some of the most difficult shopping moments I've ever had because you walk up to the wine aisle and you have no idea what the [ __ ] you're doing it's like you know the different you know as Pinot Grigio and there's South Blanc and you know but then then there's like a million bottles and you're like what do I pick how am I supposed to know what how do I get out of my current wine thing and stop buying the same bottle of wine and I'd like to try some new wine and a leg cake and I'd like to try to earn that I know won't be [ __ ] right so what happens is you don't just get sent random balls with wink okay week is a personalized wine membership that recommends wine specifically for you based on the results of your palate profile quiz which is basically they ask you questions you answer the questions about tastes that you like and things you like to eat you know notes of flavor that you enjoy and don't enjoy and they take that information and turn it into bottles of wine so you don't have to pick it by the coolest wine bottle label you can actually get wine that you are that's a choice so what I really used to do I used to do I used to pick the coolest looking bottle and let me tell you it is not recommended way to shop for wine what is recommended is wink so right now you guys get 20 bucks off when you go to try wink that's t ry winc comm slash Jenna and Julian and they'll even cover the shipping so check it out thanks sponsors the name of that YouTube channel is primitive technology he's great video yeah because he doesn't post very often no he doesn't any works for weeks on his videos so that if you haven't checked it all by the way very cool channel out of 10 channel he he isn't talking all in the description it's literally of his channel it's like people I was that's why I don't talk it's because I learned better by just watching so I figured I'd make my channel like that dude he's also in there's there's very few channels on YouTube where I'll come across and I'll just really be like wow I I never knew I needed this channel but I'm in my life but I think I need it and I'm so into it and also what's really cool is he's out there ok and so it's shot like from him putting the camera down and then he's doing it and it's ended and shot in such a way where it's like very easy to grasp of what is happening but he also is is really nice with the shots like it looks pretty beautiful and and a lot of times his hands are just so filthy and you're like how is he moving the camera and refocusing and his hands and he's building a hut out of mud it's incredible survival [ __ ] all in the woods it's just a hobby but he if you ever wanted to learn something he has a blog as well where you can kind of go and he's you know I'm just like plugging the shows having users it's like such a cool channel anyways well I first of all as we move on I want you guys to let us know if any of you have been it deployed in the military or you have experience with the MPS in some capacity I'd love to know more yeah me too and whatever I said about EMPs you have to understand that I literally just found out about this the other day it blew my mind I knew that's crazy like what do you think about predictive programming and stuff like that the fact that you have little kids playing with EMPs neither mind blowing doing it was like I remember it was like there were like the two of the highest killstreak rewards one was EMP and the other I forget but it wasn't some big no hear your striker right but yeah it's like because you know how like in the FPV shooters like you have the the dot on your site that goes away when the EMP drops because you can't there's no electronics so every little thing that's why I'm just [ __ ] saying anyway it's also if I were drop knee and pee on you and you have an airstrike ready to call in you can't call it even if you earned it and you have the detonator you're not allowed to call an Arab because they can't track it a bulging I don't they call it do you know I don't I do I don't to do I don't do what if we just said I do and I don't for like the rest 30 minutes that's terrible it's a terrible podcast what if that's all we ever podcast and we call it the I do I don't podcast and I don't I do I don't do I don't do all right a little test drive that see huh oh I wanted to mention something I totally forgot what catch me on Sat how about that Julia that's right alright Loch Ness monster yes okay so I watched this a while ago you were like I forget where you were you were out with like a friend or something and I was staying in that and I alone drinking wine and watching I believe I was watching in search of aliens which was Giorgio tsoukalos from ancient aliens with the hair the guy aliens that mean it's his like spin-off show called in search of aliens which I believe only has one season and it came out a couple years ago or something and so I was like well I better watch all of this you and your Giorgio I love Giorgio so I think it was episode three where they talk about the Loch Ness monster don't read this much you know I'm literally not even reading so i i i don't know about you guys but like for the Loch Ness monster Bigfoot you know that kind of thing so some of the more traditional conspiracy theories I felt like a Ness monster or a Bigfoot I felt like I had a really solid grasp of all of the theories that were out there so really quick what was your grasp previously of the Loch Ness monster what did you think like when you thought of Loch Ness monster before you read this what was it in your mind well I mean was the same as Bigfoot like sightings happen all the time no one's been able to prove or disprove it and what it's underwater right yeah it's underwater just in case people are just buzzers I'm just saying like everybody there's you know what Tommy out there I know you don't know what it is and I don't want to put you on the spot little Tommy he's like 16 mm-hmm Tommy don't get mad that I called you out I just want everyone to know we're talking about whatever so I had never heard this theory about the Loch Ness monster before in a [ __ ] kind of blowing my mind a little bit let's get on with it all right so in order to understand this you might need to understand some other things first I'm not good at that okay well Julian you've watched enough Asian aliens right mm-hmm I mean most of the time but I've watched yeah so maybe the view yeah for anyone that doesn't know which I don't know how you listen to this podcast and not know but Giorgio tsoukalos has a show called the ancient aliens the entire theory is basically that aliens have been visiting planet Earth since forever and that were conscious yes what people perceive as gods have always just been extraterrestrials helping us at the terrestrials have been helping us with technology and that sort of thing so like our ancestors weren't lying when they were like the gods came down from the sky and gave us this book about how we should live they're like no that's true it was probably an alien and like they go through like cave walls of like the paintings and they're like they're depicting aliens in space yes so that's the whole show is ancient aliens but well I'm they in the first season and most of the other seasons after that they spend a lot of time in like places where there's old structures like ancient Egypt where there's pyramids and obelisks and all of these old [ __ ] things and there's those pyramids all over the world they happen everywhere so there's so many good theories it's a great [ __ ] show and it's funny you might laugh some of its over the top a lot of it is the reaching to end all reaching but it's fun and fascinating and entertaining and I'm happy exists so in Egypt they make this argument a lot that because there's a high concentration of quartz in some of these things and around the world but they're they theorized that quartz under stress can create electromagnetic fields which can be quar diseases like the stone yeah which is why it's used to build a lot of these things and they theorized you know the pyramids are like actually energy conductors and like they are beamed up into space or someone's using them to create power on earth you know whatever there's all kinds of different theories but I had never heard of the quartz electromagnetic field theory when it came to the Loch Ness monster so listen to this because they they did the same thing in Lake Champlain and of course take all of this with a grain of salt so Loch Ness has a high presence of quartz in it and it's like it in the show I can't remember is a long time ago I was [ __ ] drinking wine it didn't have time to rewrite it for this podcast every wink line because I think you sorry they were saying that because it's like relatively narrow but very deep and also has a high presence of quartz that it could in theory in a very stretchy Theory create an electromagnetic field in side of the lake so that when people see the Loch Ness monster the quartz has actually created a wormhole through time where the Loch Ness monster is just sort of coming through that wormhole at that moment or just passing through right because the way that the courts would be affected it could affect the structure of the space-time continuum like on the quantum level do you see this angle you like just really squint your eyes and expand your mind every once in a while when the quartz gets stretched like stress underneath the earth inside of the lake it could in theory create a wormhole that which would explain why when people go out there and they're looking for it's not there we can't find it on our little fish readers or we're looking in the bottom of the lake and why do people see it sometimes where does it go yeah this theory would make it so just about everyone is correct yes you've seen Loch Ness the Loch Ness monster and the people that sit there for years and years and claim to have seen it you may have seen it because it might have been a stress in the space-time continuum where the Loch Ness monster like imagine your Loch Ness monster right so it's like a prehistoric dinosaur swimming in the water and then it accidentally sometimes crosses through a wormhole which brings it to now right but then it would go back when the wormhole is no longer there so the other compelling part of this was that there's Lake Champlain which I think is in New Jersey where is it I should look it up I feel dumb that I don't always have all my education that they have similar sightings of a similar creature called champ and the lake guess what has in it all right levels the courts [ __ ] and it's very narrow and very deep just like Loch Ness hello so I want to know the quartz thing when it creates like my electromagnetic fields is that something that's been scientifically proven and tested bunch or is it just like you know I don't have the answer to that and if I did it would take all the fun out of this it's in Vermont with everything the claims on even a website that's super crazy out there would have to be backed up by some sort of semblance of science where courts being compressed or whatever under pressure would create electromagnetic of some sort there has to be some sort of real nugget of truth and and tested you know experiment experimenting with with it at some point or maybe there isn't but I honestly think that if someone's gonna make a theory like that there had been some sort of test so I'd love to look more into the actual science of quartz and electromagnetic fields before I started looking deeper into this theory do you want me to look up real quick sure it's Kermit crying yeah do you need some courts if I put courts in your bed all right Loch Ness monster in your bed I looked up courts electromagnetic energy and the first thing that came up is from October 12 2014 the mind Unleashed it says science finally catching up to what the ancients already knew about crystals despite the plethora of anecdotal evidence that exists on the healing powers of stones and crystals the debate continues to rage in the scientific community over whether crystals actually have any real healing power basic internet search reveals many articles claiming crystal healing to be pseudoscience in fact one recent study argues that crystals have absolutely no healing power and the placebo effect amounts for most people's healing experiences with them based off of the electromagnetic fields like it does sound debate it sounds well that obviously but I mean the negative effects oh we should have a podcast where we just googled fit on the podcast that's pretty lit quartz page physical properties look in this this looks shifty this looks far more scientific than whatever I just read buzz light light can be described as an oscillating electromagnetic field that propagates through space as a wave I don't need to know about what light does I would like to know about quartz alright when we can't do this right now I'm not gonna find you need to come back and do part two we need to do some hardcore research on the quartz thing when but let's table the quartz we can but I think that's part of like the whole engine alien thing is like we can only theorize what these giant like monoliths made out of quartz could be used for because I don't think that we have completely understood or understand some of the properties of what might make this work do you know I'm saying absolutely when it's theorized that the pyramids of Egypt they're shaped like a Ryan they're like perfectly organized like in a line with the sky yes no idea oh okay or like you know some of the obelisks and things like if you were to run an electric current through that like what what that would happen or there's like a another place that's shaped exactly like a [ __ ] computer chip so yeah so like maybe we don't know the answer to that maybe I'm wrong here but yeah as far as I'm concerned it's only ever theorized that quartz has this property and I don't know there's probably a nugget of science and then all debated other stuff I love that that's great science and then a [ __ ] wild and free imaginative conversation about what not otherwise how are you gonna bend your mind if it's just all scientific facts you can't debate anything and so you can't even expand that's like my dad well your dad is a material science engineer no no he's the chemist chemist your brother's material science yes so I remember like when I first started getting like really into like questionable things and I was I asked my dad about like string theory and stuff and he was sort of just like he would laugh and then give you like a really straightforward answer like nothing that you're looking for was I'm saying with my brother too like you'll say something and he'll just be like yeah just for a second when I was growing up or even today if I talk if I ask my grandpa like about Adams because he works at a linear accelerator Stanford Linear Accelerator like one of the biggest in the world he works there and has worked there for years so anytime I have a question like what about quantum physics and I'm like where she's like - huh math nerd yeah but it's not like in a fun way it's like they have the answer already that already negates everything that you just were interested in yeah it's like shutting down your creativity with their backs [ __ ] genius you know fun yeah that's crazy well I think I definitely do I like that I like this the lot I like it and I would love to get back and do some research specifically on the quartz thing see what's out there and maybe you can come back and sort of do a part to follow up on okay because it's to me that's like super [ __ ] interesting well I was like it's very rare in my low level of expertise of conspiracy theories that you find a solution that literally makes it so that everyone is right you don't I mean like that everyone that has theorized about that you know where does it go where is it really there like everyone's pretty much right well they leave passing through wormholes so it's only briefly in our time makes perfect sense that one only sees it for a second right so it's like you're right it's proving all these sightings as fickle as they may sound to be perfect like those two lakes in particular because of their high level of quartz and like ability to have stress and in this certain shape I don't have to go back and watch it it creates sort of like the perfect environment to create a wormhole but there's also theories about that being the case for you know what if that's the case for a Bigfoot or the case for all the Megalodon or whatever those giant sharks are sightings or whatever recently like maybe these things are real but they're sort of just passing through the space-time continuum for the moment that you've seen them and then they're gone that's crazy it's not amazing yeah yeah I like it I like if you also think about it in terms of like the Bermuda Triangle or you have these places where we don't know much about them but they are sort of portals or something something of this because it's because I'm traded energy of some sort they go and then they never come back so like planes go through them yeah yeah yeah and they disappear so if you can you should look on the CIA Declassified on that too sure it's like if you can't find the wreckage of a plane and it's just vanished who's to say that it didn't just go through and do it right on a like a wormhole like can you or like if so say you're an ancient people on earth and maybe some airplane comes down and crashes down through a wormhole because they went through the Bermuda Triangle I'm pretty sure that I'd be like holy [ __ ] these are our gods meanwhile in today's world on ancient aliens we're watching a story about how millions of years ago they found an airplane part we're like wait a minute it just went through a wormhole okay that's what's crazy or like when aliens come here they're really just like maybe getting lost in another universe the travel tree of a wormhole and they're not here to do anything other than be like oh [ __ ] we're [ __ ] really lost right now yeah I'm like that's crazy well that would explain why there's all different types and kinds of UFO sightings because maybe they're all were like really really different places crazy futuristic yeah totally different and like somebody went through a wrong wormhole and they were like oh [ __ ] we're [ __ ] or anything I filmed in the sky I might have been coming through a wormhole no that was a Trident to missile that's what they said it was a trident ii missiles sounds like that's what they want you to believe I do believe it and it was a Trident to missile you call a sheep just saying one sheep I think I think the intentions of that tried into missile this is very for debate because they lit it over and they like flew it over this second largest city in the United States t he don't mind us we're just the military over here testing our Trident to miss an idea I played right into their hand I did exactly what they wanted they were someone to film it I did it I'm just I'm a government prop the last thing that I wanted to talk about yeah which was another thing that I learned about for the very first time ever never heard of it which blew my mind was Zozo so I like this like i-i've never heard anyone talk about if anyone has is probably Shane Dawson and I don't [ __ ] with Ouija boards they really scare me I use soon I was younger and we used to play a game called psychic circle which was really fun but I don't [ __ ] with that [ __ ] anymore because legitimately terrifies me good but there's a worldwide phenomenon called Zozo or Zaza or mama which is like a people theorizes a darker demonic entity that comes and like sabotages your Ouija board base so one of the examples was someone was talking or heard from Zozo that they like how am I gonna die in this also said yeah go ahead I wanted to give more of a battery so people would describe and this is cross-culturally across the world this has been reported many many many times tens hundreds that's why don't you look it up right now because I don't remember but yeah so people will be playing their Ouija board and thinking that they're talking to a spirit or you know a little boy and the thing with demons or evil entities is that don't Google Zozo demon oh there's a weird picture that comes up and I don't like crowds okay is that demons and evil spirits don't play by any rules like if they want to trick you and lie to you they will because it sounds right so there's a lot of examples of people saying like hey listen I'm listening I just don't like it the people would be like I thought we had sat down as a group of friends to talk to you know a dead family member or a loved one and they would ask you questions to make sure that it really is then like something that only you know your past grandmother would know yeah so you know we're sitting here we're being like alright what color was grandma's favorite flower or something like that and it would tell you and you were like oh amazing alright we're talking to my grandma right now and then people would report it just all of a sudden making figure eights or circles many times in a row and then telling you that it's Jose o zo zo or za za or ma ma over and over and over again so there's also a conspiracy theory or pull on me finish so when people would be like who is us who is Zozo who is Zaza who is this they would reveal to you that they were pretending to be your dead grandmother and the reason they knew those answers was because they were reading your mind yeah isn't that fun yeah I don't like that and then of course there's all the people being like it's if like took over me for a minute and it felt hot and I had really bad luck but like why is there a cross cultural phenomenon of some of the same spirit or entity like just sort of invading people's Ouija boards what do you mean why if you believe in demon spirits and that's why it's a demon spirit it's so crazy there's another conspiracy theory that it's sort of a Ouija trick so you're never supposed to go backwards on the alphabet or the numbers because that could open the portal and let someone in so the physical spelling of the word Zozo like forces you to go back and forth back backwards over and over again on the board which opens like a demonic portal god damn I'm like genuinely freaked out right now isn't it [ __ ] I don't like this yes so people please don't ever try to contact those elders awesome don't tell it that we [ __ ] up in fact if you could put in a good word with up for me I love it you might want to like actually watch some of those like videos or read some about it because it's it's a real thing that people are just like [ __ ] people up yeah it's not cool I don't know if you believe in that or don't believe in that but I wholeheartedly believe in that [ __ ] okay what I'm good no I'm good you're good what I'm good like I have nothing to participate I'm like it's it's a it's like I believe in it but I feel like the more I talk about it the more I'm gonna psych myself out and that should happen to me okay doing we'll stop talking about it but if you're interested in it there's a lot of I'm like freaked out that's it like I don't know like I never want to sit here and be like it's stupid why did you believe you know because then I feel like that is gonna just bring it or you know I don't know the more words I say the more I stick myself out if you have any personal experiences with that phenomenon please tell us in the comments but also it said like some of the warning signs were it going to the four corners of the board or creating figure eights or circles over and over again but it's just crazy to me that any sort of entity could trick you into moving the the thing on the board so that it could vote yeah for certain acts all right like demon spirits and demons like Masters of Deception exception yeah so it's like I mean it's terrifying but that makes perfect sense anything about yeah so fast you hear that noise no it's Kermit at the door yeah he's kind of Zoey if you're interested in it you can look up stuff on it I wouldn't recommend doing it I haven't I have yet to read anything positive about that experience so please don't I'm just gonna have a bad time I'm gonna stick with the courts for now I'm good with courts maybe after a couple bottles of wink I know yeah so those were the interesting things interesting that I came across this this week's rain strange things change things that's dangerous to do to to to to to almost like that song alright guys thank you so much for joining us for another podcast even though I got scared at the end I leave with some good comments about their information you know I know there's a lot of you every one of you guys I know is smart but in different ways so if you guys have any knowledge of the MPs or anything that we talked about feel free to let us know in the comments quarries electromagnetic field yes all that stuff we would love to know more we were also probably like I said get a follow up at some point and do a part two about that but thank you guys for listening this talk oh yeah I wanted to probably wrongdoing
Channel: Jenna Julien
Views: 570,274
Rating: 4.9510255 out of 5
Keywords: trick people good looking boyfriend girlfriend, julien and jenna, julien solomita, jenna mourey, mourey, jenna, marbles, how to, trick people, good looking, the face, face, vlog, jenna and julien podcast, jennulien, jenna marbles podcast, jenna podcast, youtuber, tutorial, kermit the dog, kermit
Id: 96tkOnXgaY0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 29sec (3029 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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