Please GOOD Loot! Asmongold Raids Karazhan in Classic TBC

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all right guys i want to go ahead and explain something before we start this raid is incredibly important for me to complete the reason for that is this raid has items in it that i need bodegro i'm going to look at you real close you've caused me problems before and you know it i don't want you to cause me problems again wake the [ __ ] up get that blindfold off your goddamn face this is a real raid now no more games let's go ahead and do it uh i'm gonna rate check real quick let's do it it's mount time boys everyone is ready let's [ __ ] do it all righty uh obviously my my health is gonna be spiking like crazy like huge damage on me yeah everybody's just stay on midnight everybody stay on midnight stay on midnight yeah massive damage mcconnell obviously popping off right there too keep it up guys everybody on midnight everybody on midnight all right let me use my buff too i forgot all about that good what am i missing for uh oh i don't have kings that's what it is yeah if i could get kings that would be great but it's not a big deal if i don't have it it's not it doesn't matter oh dispel uh d curse i mean yeah d curse d curse d curse d curse d curse yeah we need to make sure we get the curses on those come midnight let's disperse this petty rabble i want to hear it midnight let's disperse this petty wrap let's go be on top of them everybody except for bodega will be on top of them mcconnell says he's um he's spamming these um he's so angry right now we'll keep auto attacking man it's okay pretend it's classic and also slan uh for like a lot of these single target fights just you can go cat and just do cat things man you can just be a little furry boy give me the bracers bracelets bracelets bracelets wow oh but degrow do you want the gun yeah it's a really [ __ ] gun for him but i don't know if he wants it or not i would like to have it if he doesn't want it lloyd with the 92 on the ring is there anybody else man enough to roll against loy five four three two one going to loy congratulations lloyd um bodagro didn't really say anything i'll just loot that to myself uh if he wants it he can let me know let's go i'm sure like if he wants it he'll he'll be like man what the [ __ ] dude whoa what what you will you take that yeah he'll tell me ninja it's not a ninja yeah that's not a ninja like he's literally the only other person in the whole raid that can use it all right guys um we're going to go ahead and shackle shackle star um we're going to kill ferrence first salon you're going to be taking morrows uh and uh we're going to go ahead and actually let's kill katrona first i'm ready let's talk about my loot again i'm going to get i'm going to get like three items off this boss pulling i'm pulling unannounced visitors preparations everybody on skull around skull kill both of these uh reshackle just kill baron just kill both of these it's not a big deal also get away from robin uh somehow i went into berserker's stance i don't know how that happened one more geek is dead uh don't don't res him it's fine i don't know what y'all are doing quit playing games get on baron kill baron just kill baron keep it clean kill baron keep it clean it's not a big deal that's crazy how that happened all right that's the priest dead so uh yeah keep fearing that one keep keep fearing ference and uh kill moroes everybody on morrows now everybody on morrows oh never mind they're killing ference just kill ference never mind never mind kill i'm gonna pull him on top and just we're gonna cleave him down yeah i feel like that's kind of a little bit of miscommunication there but i'm not going to worry about it it just wanted this [ __ ] show yeah a little bit of a [ __ ] show there absolutely but it's not a big deal we'll be fine we do have kind of low damage which is like not really ideal but um it's the way it goes alrighty why are we not dispelling poison yeah just kill him just kill him just kill him why are we not dispelling poison i i'm confused here like i i don't wanna i don't wanna do this like why why aren't we playing the game mcconnell why aren't you dispelling poison one more for dinner this evening kill the boss raise everybody up oh good job [ __ ] i can't believe it i i cannot [ __ ] believe it man another boss another boss didn't drop anything i want queensbot clinton's yeah that's like i mean he needs to cleanse like if it's a if it's a job like yeah he needs to do it and there i oh well win well when that's a dps belt that's a dps belt man like do you really want that i don't know about giving that to do a healer but i grow on stagger that's fine i'll just give it to bodego it's better than mine it's got spirit he always like spirit okay fine congratulations lowen let's go guys all right we're going to do maiden of virtue spread out ranged need to spread out melee even need to spread out do not be stacked on anybody be spread out throughout the room and whenever she's about to cast repentance move in so you get hit by the consecrate so it makes it to where it breaks the repentance this is an easy boss that we for some reason had trouble with last week let's do this right going in not be tolerated all right keep it up boys keep it up i'll battle shout at the beginning here for mcconnell i'll do him a favor make sure to be at max melee range guys max melee range repentance make sure you guys move in for that okay that's the thing i said you need to move in for yeah it's kind of bad if you're not moving in for that that's why you have to move it in for it bodegrow quinn's bodegrow good job great job on that quinn's amazing job keep it up make sure you guys are spread out too repentance get ready to move in get ready to move in move in now for repentance all right here we go i need to demo shout out i always forget about that where's my heels i'm not gonna need to okay there we go nice good job all right that was really really good really good keep it up all right we've got a lot of damage going on there a little wind is dead it's not a big deal doesn't matter keep it up all right we shouldn't have another one so just burn down the boss please drop the gloves please drop the [ __ ] gloves i need to see it i have to see these gloves man please give me the gloves blizzard blizzard please please are you kidding me all right is this a joke mister the tree mender this just goes directly to yeek right let me go ahead this is insane geek is getting that okay it gets that for sure all right there we go congratulations yeek i'm so happy for you roy congratulations on the boots as well this is the worst game i've ever played my whole life let's keep going ring of unrelenting storms wait what what no no no no no no oh my god what a reflame this is insane nice moon boy ring all right druids let's go yeek congratulations i'm happy for you i guess move in gentlemen that's good that's good good evening ladies and gentlemen welcome to this evening's presentation forbidden love forbidden love things are not what they see for tonight oh it's big bad wolf run away if he goes on you you have to kite run away if he goes on you this is actually run away little girl let's go you have to run whenever he does that yeah you have to run whenever he does that i can't get aggro right now like i'm literally i cannot get aggro i i just i can't get aggro like at all salon it's all on you he's like he's like literally dodging every attack [Music] okay i'm going to intervene whoever he goes after [Music] boy blink [Music] jesus sloy i had to save you man i saved you it's okay you see that that that's that's how a player plays right there see dude it's so it's such a good ability man intervene is such a good ability it's good in every situation at all times period forever that's how good it is it's on walk again ron dirt ronda rondert i'll intervene you if you get hit okay he should be okay he should be all right get his ass dude get his ass get his ass please drop my helmet please drop my [ __ ] helmet drop my [ __ ] helmet drop my [ __ ] helmet drop my [Music] oh my god this has got to be a joke light chappio congratulations right yeah they have them from last week ah that's just so nice white chap yo with the 28 eek with the 53. yik congratulations uh everybody knows you need more gear don't give yeek wait why i didn't see that why eek has too much shut up mccommunist and also for curator again curator is a super super super easy boss like it's the easiest boss in the entire world son regrets i don't even want to talk about it don't turn around curator let's go ahead and wait here could be bug glued i don't know i think it's a bugged game all right let's talk about this boss number one number one about this boss is to do it right number two about this boss is slan is tanking the boss number three about this boss is to focus all of the ads over the boss number four about this boss is that this is a boss number five about this boss is that he enrages at 15 and that means we're just gonna have to kill the ads salon you're tanking [Music] the menagerie is for guests only let's go salon pick up aggro face him away all right everybody i'm gonna battle shout here i'm gonna battle shout help you guys out let me go ahead and get some thunders out too okay i'm gonna pull that one back actually let me just get sunderers on boss we've got three healers here so it should be super easy this is where i can keep it away from everybody else except for mcconnell mcconnell's getting his ass beat good job mcconnell good job okay got it now he's gonna pull away from me that way he chains to as few people as possible that's the idea make sure i uh i'll probably have to thunderclap in there yeah i had to thunderclap them there's also going to be hateful strikes going to random raid members so just keep everybody topped like i'm not really going to be taking it myself bodegrow's probably going to be tanking a lot of them right now there we go good job guys keep it up yep big heels on bodegrow like i should be taking them but i'm trying to keep the ads away from the healers and that way we don't have any spell push back or anything i think it's a better uh it's a better solution [Music] okay [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] there we go good all right let's kill this one here good job guys remember everybody goes on curator as soon as he goes into his vulnerability phase we kill the ads first though we always kill ads in the vulnerability phase even because like it's gonna be so easy all we need to do is make sure that we uh we go into it with a clean transition we're gonna have one more add after this clearly every ad is 10 of his health okay good job guys keep it up your request cannot be processed all right national flair [Music] okay nobody's doing their job all right good job very proud of you guys very proud of you guys after this burn down curator yeah good job burn them down will massive damage long dicks long dicks and massive damage let's go huge ignore adds kill the boss curator is no longer operation please just give me something just give me something hot form congratulations hot form i'm happy for you fallen champion mcconnell already has these so i'm assuming he doesn't want another pair mcconnell rolled 42 mike chappio rolled 73. there it is let's go let's talk about this belt this belt is a great belt but a girl will probably get the belt however i i might take it for myself let's talk about this cloak if this cloak drops i'm if this throne weapon drops i will take that too all right um slan just pick up kill wreck kill the sacrifices burn down ilhoof you guys know what to do don't let the ads overwhelm us move in ah you're just in time yeah killwreck dies first all the time yep killrack always dies first okay we got ads coming out why are you hitting the boss yeah salon just try to pick up the ads as best you can it's gonna be pretty hard to do keep it up boys keep it up just aoe down these ads this is a very easy boss it just takes time keep it up boys keep it up we're doing great hot forum is gonna die hopefully uh or not hopefully sorry no hopefully inside how far it's not going to die hopefully that's not what i meant to say okay boys let's see the item my life if this quote drops i'm mauled i can't believe it i cannot [ __ ] believe it okay look at mcconnell mold mold mold mold molding mauldin maulding mulder maldi yeah real [ __ ] funny mcconnell this is gonna go to slan and this one the cloak is probably going to go well let's see probably lil win all right little wind takes it lily takes it i was about to say it's not amazing though yeah sure all right he's got it let's go over the shade of iran ready let's do it i'll not be tortured again okay blizzard make sure to uh make sure people don't get on chains of ice dispel people with chains of ice get to the other side of the room keep it up boys keep it up flame wreath don't move flame wreath don't move okay let's get these interrupts out if we can make sure you guys are healing yourselves great job on these heels so far keep it up we're doing really really well great job guys run out run out run out run out remember we're focusing on the boss we're not going to kill the ads okay get ready to get out of this why are you standing there on neurai blink away just wait for him to get over here range to interrupt him if we can uh root him cc these ads i'm not finished yet kill this ad kill this ad everybody kill this [Music] res me res me res me res me res me okay ignore the ads just ignore ignore the ads you're not gonna kill them like people just aren't they're not they're not killing them all right run back let's go let's go let's go let's go just ignore it ignore it ignore it it's not happening people aren't doing it i'm just going to interrupt that just try to stay alive here everybody just try to stay alive [Music] just try to stay alive just stay alive guys just stay alive that's all you need to do is staying alive keep it up keep it up we're almost in the execute range spam heal like do your quick heal on whoever gets this dragon breath it's on bodegrow i have a bad feeling about bodegrow yep he's dead okay interrupt him so he comes over here all right let's go get out of those blizzards get out of that blizzard there the ads are dead the ads are dead we're doing great keep it up quinn's on in her eye quinn's on her eye good job this is an easy kill just keep it up run out let's go we're just gonna get on him here this is easy this is the easiest boss in the game literally the easiest boss in the whole game let's go slows on me okay this is yeah this is a kill great job guys huge improvements really good job um obviously we didn't really get the other things in [Music] i am going crazy i'm actually going crazy this is this a joke is this actually a joke are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me two little [ __ ] healing items for that [ __ ] roll for the wand roll for the one guys okay tourist fall onto the sentencing hot form congratulations all right boots of the incorrupt blue win with the 84. congratulations lewin good job we've got it in us everybody knows it let's do it okay keep it up guys i just want to see you guys doing a better job make sure you guys are intercepting those beams doing what you need to do okay you see how i'm moving in and out salon i want you to watch me as i do this okay so as you see how i move in and out that's to preserve the stacks of the beam because if i get too many stacks i'm going to take a lot of damage that's the reason why i stand in it because he does so much damage move out of that you see how i'm moving in and out and i'm watching these debuffs yeah these are another uh portal thing that's another important thing get ready to move to the back guys run to the back run to the back run to the back run to the back take your pet back move your pet back good all right just recover here everybody recover [Music] move in move in get in get the red beam get the red beam i need to get this green beam why is there a healer that's not in the green beam why is there a key word that's not in the green beam why is there a healer that's not in the green beam why is there a healer that's not in the green beam why is there a healer that's not in the green beam blue wind why are you not in the green beam keep it up move the boss back salon move the boss back can you move the boss move to the back of the room move to the back of the room sorry my bad we'll talk about it afterwards let's go get to the very back of the room heal everybody up okay this boss back a bit why is the boss getting hit by the green beam stand in it it's not hard to figure out where it's going to be all right let's go i stood in that way too long i was paying attention just do it right guys just do it right just simply do it right this is all you need to do it's literally this easy we're doing really really well keep it up we need to just make sure we have that green beam under control man green beam needs to be under control good job mcconnell great job mcconnell [Music] okay go to the edge of the room again hot form is dead because you stood too far into it go to the edge of the room salon this one's on you okay for this green beam rotation yik i want you to start i'm going to stand in front of it in case it gets hit yik and then i also want to have loy doing it too if it becomes a problem salon you're getting this red beam okay what do i do don't worry you just get in the green beam if i call for it if i call for it not not guaranteed all right good job yike into positioning salon get out of that and get ready for the red beam great job great job yeek i'm proud of you okay let's go guys finish off the boss move it back and forth good job salon keep it up remember somebody needs to take it off of yeek at certain point okay and all right just don't worry about it everything's fine keep it up salon you're doing great keep salon healed keep salon healed we're doing really really well guys back and forth this is just simple just like repeating the exact same thing over and over boy if you're worried i can always take it too slon make sure to move out of that good job that's a kill yes yes yes yes i got something i finally got something holy [ __ ] yes thank you baby jesus there it is boys there it [ __ ] is we got ourselves an item earth blood chest card what is this this is caster right [ __ ] all right that's probably a white chopio item roll that off salon huge improvements there uh massive improvements great job also everybody else did really well lewin you [ __ ] up but you said you [ __ ] up so hopefully uh you know you won't [ __ ] up next time might chop your congrats there it is boys there it [ __ ] is we got ourselves a sword that looks nice too man look at that [ __ ] sword oh my god there it [ __ ] is dude ninja oh no no it wasn't ninja it wasn't it was uh the thing is about the about the loot is that it's a um it's a very special item and um because it's so special i want to make sure that a special person gets it and i can't think of anybody who's more special than me so i figured that i would get it for myself all right everybody wait up over here get resident yeah i'm very special we don't need to buff for this it's okay all right get ready to go go next your uh your minion and just move them forward remember we want to have big damage on like these uh these warlocks the demons and also if you can do damage to black end all right let's go be careful sounds fine okay get out of the fire get out of the fire boys get out of the fire get out of the fire we can even kill we can kill the uh probably just kill blackhand honestly yeah let's just kill blackhand [ __ ] it okay um it's that [ __ ] bug again where they're taking damage and fire well they're not in the fire i think we're i think i think it's over i'm pretty sure we died all right it's a wipe we died wait for it to reset wait for theresa [ __ ] man yeah we actually wiped the chest we wiped to the [ __ ] chest of it what the [ __ ] we wipe twice what the [ __ ] is this what can i do for you you need something okay uh let's keep moving all right move up boys move up let's do it right and i guess i'll get back on the caster again yeah i'm gonna just try to get on blackhand really early on i think that's the solution just get on black hand right at the beginning all right keep it up guys keep it up big damage on blackhand big dicks on blackhand guys big dicks on blackhand salon good job big dicks on blackhand let's go huge damage huge aoe this is fine we're actually gonna get it yeah this is totally good we're totally [ __ ] fine thank god boys let's see our loot let's see those parties [Music] let's see those perpies what try and reload [Music] i can click it white chapia what's in it what's in it what's in it what's in it man [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] oh my god are you kidding me are you [ __ ] kidding me and we can't loot it okay um i'm going to go ahead and screenshot that real quick and i'll put in a ticket and let's see leg plates are going to go to obviously like chapio and mcconnell let's roll for the neck oh wait like chopio was able to loot it wait what okay can you trade them to me no way he can't do it he can't trade the items to me he was able to loot them for himself but he couldn't trade the items move up move up let's go we gotta do prints madness this boss does a lot of damage remember we're watching out for infernals do not let yourself if you see infernal stay together with a group and move out for infernals here we go alone but the legions keep it up boys move out for those infernals remember whenever unfeeble goes out you need to run out shadow nova nobody should die to this great job i'm going to reposition the boss slightly remember it's 60 that's whenever he starts big [ __ ] move out oh that's a little bit tight we're really getting pinched here i'm gonna go and reposition them a little bit just just keep playing just keep playing just play it out play it out play it out play it out it doesn't matter i can i can i can take it i can take it i'm a man i can do it whenever that infernal dies uh we don't want to res them yet just keep it up boys keep it up remember big heels on me boys big heels on me this isn't a wipe it's just a paw we're just pausing uh the kill we're just pausing the kill that's all all right ten percent more there it is there it is phase three phase three that's gonna be randomly attacking people don't worry about it just heal the people that are getting randomly attacked you guys have got it you guys have got it keep it up get out of that [ __ ] infernal get out of that infernal remember your winners are you winners play like it show me good i have to look in between his dick so i can see where people are this should be fine though yeah i think this is fine keep it up this is really really good mcconnell keep up the damage you're doing good don't let any mistakes happen i want you guys to think about it right now gorhal think about it gorhal think about a ring of thousand marks think about a ring of a thousand mark score howell gorehowl a helmet the protector protectors helmet come on guys let's see it you know it's about to drop you know it it's a fact it's a [ __ ] fact it's about to drop let's go take it home shadow nova no damage zero damage on me i don't take damage good job keep it up hell fire move out of that this is it dude this is it this is it i know it i know it i know it please good job [Music] please please please give me my helmet please i need something man i need one tanking upgrade come on please blizzard please i need to see it i need to get it i need to loot it i need to have it i need to want it i want to have it protect your helmet please [Music] yes dude [ __ ] you yes dude you want the helmet i would like it okay that's mcconnell all right nathrezim mindblade nathrezi mindblade all right let's do it let's see it big rolls big rolls big rolls huge rolls roy with the 45 roy congrats congratulations there you go adornment of stolen souls get rid of this trap yes get the [ __ ] out of here huh no no saying he's getting rid of the trash [ __ ] at the esh hot for him with the 64. mcconnell you're not really gonna take that right like i mean this is it's a hot form neck man it's a little bit of damage in here that me or mcconnell once we get right didn't you say that yeah i did say that please i want you to get a hot form so i'd like to talk a little bit about this raid i'd like to talk about the disaster that this raid was i have to talk about the absolute complete [ __ ] soul-crushing destruction of my life that this raid was this raid [ __ ] my ass so hard we have to we can't do nightbane yet we have to do two more heroics in order to get to knight bane thank you all so much for coming and yeek i want to thank you from you for for being able to come to this this great raid we had an amazing job thank you guys all so much for coming for this karazhan i really appreciate it we had a number of people that um really kind of came up here and did something special and i'm proud of you guys thank you so much on saturday i am going to do nightbane because i'm going to do the quest for nightbane and that i'm going to do nightbane every single one of you i'm screenshotting this raid right now every single one of you is going to be invited to that raid [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 389,829
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold best, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, classic the burning crusade, classic wow, wow classic, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, classic tbc wow, wow tbc, asmongold classic tbc, karazhan, classic tbc karazhan, classic karazhan, tbc raid, asmongold karazhan, karazhan raid, tbc classic karazhan, burning crusade, karazhan loot, asmongold loot, asmongold ninja loot, wow loot
Id: DEjmxjSOJGo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 45sec (2325 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 10 2021
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