Asmongold & Mcconnell Play Classic WoW But Everything Goes Wrong

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wait McConnell why'd you kick that guy as a guilt he McConnell just he just G kick them just G kick semester he had enough of that [ __ ] man see that that's why you have a co gmn they do all the things that you need to do yeah exactly let me look at your here so you've got the helmet needs get in chin on your helmet you got the legs you have didn't channel your white your helmet yeah yeah you can enchant your helmet though and so you see this guy behind you you need to get you see what he has right you need to get that here's this vein this is not even worth talking about okay why not we need to figure out what we want to do do we want to go for a throws champion or do we want to get ranked 14th both and here's how we're gonna do it so I'll explain this is listen to what I'm saying neither of us have a job we have nothing better to do we can get both of them and I can explain how so no no listen alright because the brackets are set on fairly 'no and everybody that does them it only gets to a certain amount of Honor we only need to farm we only need to play 40 hours a week only like 40 or 30 hours a week to get ranked 14 I already did the math based off of how long did I get on her I got only I was standing 300 and I already got two ranks like I'm popping off look we're already gonna loose look at this how are we gonna lose we're about to win it's a scare and pre-made which was pre-made it's a [ __ ] pre-made dude it's such a [ __ ] pre-made dude we're not getting we're not getting ranked 14 yes we are yes we are there now I'm fine oh [ __ ] okay it's fine dude nobody cares alright go in here going here now in here now go in here now go in here now go in here now he just got killed I take they separate us wait they're using sappers literally just sapper are you kidding me dude finem win just let it let him win are you kidding me dude wait [ __ ] dick I'm not gonna let him win wait why'd you bought me I can't attack wait really I'm capping they're not capping come on man just [ __ ] just go [ __ ] cap it I know you're watching a stream I know you're right let's report it let's go what we should sue them okay thank you that's a good idea I agree with you that's it's smart like ah it's just annoying to me man well I miss my mortal strike man this is [ __ ] okay maybe I'll fight this shaman shamans gonna get berserk me he's gonna go for deserting then I kill him and I kill shaman watch watch watch he's gonna try to go on me watch what I do watch what I do I kill him I was expecting something else to happen there wait he's not capping man the droids not happen it's harassment this is such it's as literal this is [ __ ] if you went to the [ __ ] this is rooftop and you looked up her ass this is [ __ ] [ __ ] dude this is it this is [ __ ] this is ridiculous how much Honor if we got we've got five honorable kills man five honorable kills and you drank 14 right yeah we need that we need to get a lot of honorable kills before is not enough well this is why you need a pre-med I knew this would happen I hope you know that Michael I knew this would happen [ __ ] you queue up just me and you because I wanted to show you how important it was I literally have been solo queueing Fiji's for the last [ __ ] nine hours man I know how important it is I have not won a single game I know how important it is wait you haven't won a single game not a single game none Jesus dude wait a second I think world bosses are up in a minute yeah dude let's just do world bosses man [ __ ] this [ __ ] this we're gonna [ __ ] this I'm not gonna queue up like this is [ __ ] what is it you're gonna there's a left I'm gone we have to do this for the next like [ __ ] three months all right it's not the bad one is it what does that mean so this is the way mrs works if you fight amorous at 75 50 and 25% he puts a dot on you that basically kills you like what do you want out of your you probably want the ring of the unliving I wish I was unliving right now after that BG while you were that was why it that's what why it sucked look you wanna do all McCall okay here we go [Music] right okay there's a stun and you should still have a mess on you so the stun doesn't heal you for as much then resting here as much nice you can't you bubbled man hey hey okay there we go finally come on come on wait did you lack did you last stand what did you last stand dude the [ __ ] that mean you know what it means did you last stand l know you last standard I know you did alright then like yeah you [ __ ] we know you [ __ ] didn't lay on hands man you lay on hands what is that I don't know check and see what cooldowns on an hour and that's the one Joel look at this guy's gear right here look at this nice gear right here steezy who's this guy Steve Z oh my that's kill Z as far oh I only see a hundred and four thousand dude this guy have no [ __ ] little did this guy's our God by oh they pull boss wait what's the part okay wait I'm gonna get in position we're not the tag group you mean we're not the tag group we're not doing this for loot we're doing this for the nomination and a guilt wait so we're just gonna stand here and not do anything and not even get loot no we will get loot but we get it from the raid Oh [ __ ] let's go take this yo let's go take it from that's not how it works dude losers we can't sabotage it we're in McConnell what are you doing man come back [ __ ] look dick they're [ __ ] kill right come back over here dude why can't we go take their kill because if we do that then they'll take our kill that's why it doesn't work that way we just have to sit here and watch these no we wait for the [ __ ] debuff to go out then we go when we kill them that's the way it works man yeah this is a [ __ ] group yeah we are in the cut group right now this is the cut group that's the way the game works man okay we go in we go in now McConnell go in now man this is us right now avoid the mushrooms avoid the mushrooms [ __ ] somebody got hit by it okay movin in here trying to get out of here - [ __ ] Stein look I've got I've got a tank I've got a tank or a Ted's got it Ted's got it Ted's got okay Tony I'm Tony I'm Tony sure what children what in the [ __ ] is going on should wash should wash let's come on I'm tanking boss I'm taking boss I'm taking boss row my [ __ ] is going on March 22nd this is me dude this is me yeah I know I don't know why that happens but it does it for some reason ok I'm tanking I'm tanking now do you win wear what Karl beware okay I'm gonna die here I might rip okay there it is miles that you can't that means you can't fight him again now he's in he's in attack mode so make sure you guys watch out no I'm not gonna I don't know if they want me to move them or not now this is where I die I'm gonna use my potion here I use my potion where I'm staying alive staying okay that's it's fine he's dead the [ __ ] tag okay come on I think they're gonna kill it please don't reset it's resetting III run back and running back to running back running back to dot let's go oh we got the tag good dude we're gonna get [ __ ] blue okay maybe I should aw [ __ ] [ __ ] man everybody's leaving this guy's tryin to mess this up he's gonna [ __ ] rue des man he's gonna root us waiting fro no man oh no okay I'm trying to get away from this left worse on gold for this I didn't think this was gonna happen I thought we were just gonna kill it could have been ranked 14 by now I don't think we would have been I think it would have taken a little bit longer because we had wait what the [ __ ] is this or of nature I'm stuck man let's stop McConnell man come back dude come back like I can't move dude I cannot move yeah I got kicked out yeah they don't want me to do it because like I'm streaming and they're gonna mess with that they think I'm gonna mess it up so am I they don't the crew looks like you've been pushed out of the room okay they don't want me to do it they don't want me to be there yeah that sucks all right I'm going back over to Stormont you know they removed me too yep that's the way it goes dude that's the way it goes life's not fair I know it's about I know it's a valid concern I know why they're they're concerned like I don't want to I don't want to mess anybody's stuff up you know what I mean like I see what they say the second come off stream but not on stream well [ __ ] dude let's make a ten man pre-made right now and get ranked 14 want to see Osman and me get ranked 14 on stream all lurkers everybody that wants to see this [ __ ] give me a one inch at I'll do one game let me do one game now McConnell what what do you what are we gonna do here we're gonna go to mid and we're gonna kill everybody in mid all right that's the plan yeah wait he has his eg mount and he's a warrior I'm not gonna do as much damage to him so I'm not gonna attack him okay wait and he resisted man he resisted get up they're running away from me okay going over that guy where'd he go oh there he is he's right there wait this guy's going after me too holy [ __ ] everybody's on me okay maybe kill this guy okay that guy's dead okay come on all right that guy's pretty much dead I can't go after him right now they're just pointing they're running away from me man they're afraid oh [ __ ] I just killed them doc I just got [ __ ] deleted all right there we go all right so let's come up now we just go up here we'll get them they're running away they're running away they are afraid yeah why don't we capping yeah nacho go for the cat man let's go dead no [ __ ] that's the first half of hat all day okay and let's see if I get him I whirlwind him down this guy's from deviate delight which means he's probably a furry and we're gonna kill him and furry deleted feels like right there us got him and get another one on me I ain't a heel dude heal me dude okay never mind Oh take this bag man I'm a [ __ ] rat fouls it okay alright just give me a minute I'm gonna go over to you I have to kill their flag carrier first okay they're actually in the kennel I'm gonna save you let me get the flag here top it is they're gonna attack me anyway okay here we go now that guy's gonna die it's gonna be no problem because they're healers suck all right to me and you dude where are you yeah yeah I'm coming okay good [ __ ] this guy's gonna come after me is gonna stun me nice dude that was actually godly okay now all I need to do is get all the way up there and we should be fine they haven't killed the EFC yet I know what the [ __ ] come on [ __ ] [ __ ] sir this guy got [ __ ] all day but how is he not dead just literally yes they're eight this guy's eight he's just Hillary SC good thing and he hasn't killed the goddamn yep see this is crazy who has it I'm spitting all over the place yeah I don't blame you what do you think you should go after you've seen listen man I'm the master sergeant you're only the sergeant you have to obey your higher higher ranks so go kill the EFC dude wait why'd you bubble I don't do what anybody tells me to do all right fine help this guy they're literally potting to try to kill me Wow okay I don't know why he's sheep Tim that's not good I can try to kill this guy myself I'm dead what you're dead how did you die don't speech oh yeah there is that okay all right trying to kick this guy I don't know why he ran on top of me but he did okay well I'm deciding that cast there we go two of AMI [ __ ] three of mommy okay gonna fling out of here - site dude he's flame striking man what the [ __ ] is this guy doing don't go to a graveyard okay okay all right just a minute let me kill this guy got him die I'm not gonna die go wax it not gonna dying google it goddamn creepy I'm not gonna die like we already killed everything else we're just waiting on this one guy I already killed all these guys see look at that I'm not gonna die so I have to kill this guy now because they're rezzing and now this guy's gonna pull on me fearing not fearing that wait why didn't I not fear I used my life-giving gem killing this guy if only I had victory rush but I don't okay getting on him killing this guy and there we go okay he's dead and he's dead good how are they not killing the EFC what the [ __ ] is going on how are they not killed I don't understand like this is a premade guys that you're losing to a [ __ ] pug how is this even real life now we're gonna get ranked 14 this is crazy okay there that guy's dead you're dead probably not actually I'm dead I'll fear or sorry potion yeah I'm dead okay I'm dead 20-second rest can you take it to graveyard 20-second rest I've got no mana I'm dead there's no one tip let's put this into perspective here okay okay we are an alliance premade with 40,000 people to pick from okay basically everybody unfair Lina okay everybody a lot versus a pug or group and we are on the verge of losing yes that's correct what it's just such a joke and like I just look over your chat yeah some dudes that son of a [ __ ] in all caps with your [ __ ] emo you're balding emo he's right here he's gonna try to jump down I can tell [Music] okay I need a cap what tell me if I need to go you should have to cap in like a minute I'm just like getting cc'd right now I've got two warriors on me this is bad okay it's dead got it cap this is this is how I play the game right here this is it this is the asmin gold experience no yep three [ __ ] warriors all on me okay well at least we got one cap I'm red yeah I know I trust me I know this is where we [ __ ] win let's go okay I'm gonna try to get this [ __ ] this guy's gonna probably kill me here I probably gonna kill me I'm going around him it doesn't matter he's gonna try he's using everything okay yeah this guy really really wants to kill me I see him I see him I'm just gonna go after him I'm not even gonna worry about the other mage okay this is a hunter okay oh yeah this dude's [ __ ] dead this dude's hundred percent death got it cap I'm trying cap it got it slow okay easy easy wait McConnell why'd you kick that guy as a guild okay he's like I'm 505 tier 1 3 of 3 tier 2 I need I have Domo can I enjoy him for it and see can I go to MC please who's waiting lien for MC guild can i pretty good right now and then he McCall just he just G kick him just g kick the monster he had enough of that [ __ ] man see that that's why you have a [ __ ] AK og and man they do all the things that you need to do yeah exactly wait Oh somebody said [ __ ] that guy that McConnell character ninja to loot and the strat live run oh my god dude what a [ __ ] what an adventure man classic is plastic is such a [ __ ] adventure I'll be honest with you guys like this stupid [ __ ] that happens in classic P ninja'd the priest here - help - wait look at this he ninja that oh my god this is actually a good kick McConnell actually did what needed to be done like straight up McConnell did something right that's an executive decision you don't see that a lot it's good to know that some people still have the willpower to do what's necessary [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 322,010
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, asmongold mcconnell, mcconnell wow, mcconnell classic, mcconnell asmongold, asmongold classic wow, classic wow, wow classic, classic world of warcraft, asmongold world boss, asmongold bg, asmongold pvp, asmongold classic pvp, classic pvp, classic wow duel, asmongold duels, classic wow world bosses, classic rank 14, wow rank 14, asmongold rank 14, rank 14
Id: jBGbsPiU06c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 43sec (1303 seconds)
Published: Sat May 16 2020
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