ACTUALLY HARD!? Asmongold 1st Heroic Dungeons of TBC Classic

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okay guys my first heroic ever no mistakes only skill only skill and no mistakes we're going to clear this without a problem i don't know how this is going to go it's about to get crushed you really think i can't handle this you think i'm not man enough to handle this watch like this these heroics are going to be a joke man they're going to be a joke let's head inside oh they have the little they got the little skull on it am i lagging it says heroic difficulty requires the key oh i didn't buy the key yes all right guys we are ready we are prepared this is it now i like that everybody know this is a this is a um this is a heroic so first things first let's go defensive stance all right we're good we're going to pull this vindicator right here i pulled extra mobs i'll pull that sheep them sheep them man keep them sheep the mobs they're coming over here shoot the mobs uh i got him i got i got him i got him i got him i got i got him i got him i got him it's fine it's fine it's fine starting that one good wait we're actually doing it bro we're actually doing oh what the [ __ ] dude bro man we're actually doing it oh my what the god we're gods we're actually gods oh my god we just did a heroic pack dude this is easy bro this is actually easy man what the [ __ ] okay i'm gonna group up everything here i'm stunned i'm stunned i'm stunned i'm stunned that's not good i'm stunned that's not good it's not good i'm stunned i'm stunned it's not good i thought i thought it said i got dispelled all right guys um this is probably gonna be wipe because i'm not here to tank okay this boss is gonna be rough okay guys let's talk about strategy all right strategy for this boss is that i think strategy probably the the shoulders drop i'm thinking shoulders let's go guys go up to the top too how much is he gonna hit me for he's not hitting me i'm not even taking damage wait he hits me for 500. what this this is a heroic boss though like i thought didn't they have that song was called let me demo shot him he's not doing anything oh he just did somebody just got deleted yo whenever this buff gets high unbreakable don't be afraid to just bop me and refresh it and i'll just taunt right back off okay yeah if this gets rough on you man because this is where the damage is coming from it's mr dot here he just like ran oh you got to move out of that you got to move out because that's where he puts fire i see that makes sense i might need about if this is five this is a bad day for me if this hits five it's a bad day it fell off okay never mind all right it's a good day for me all right never mind yeah it's a good day for me okay so uh so he just died boom there it is there it is there it is there it is third everybody knew everything it was gonna drop everybody knew it was gonna drop do you need those shoulders i mean like i do like how much do you want them why don't we both need let's both need oh now he passed on it now i feel bad man i hope that you you literally could have got that man i roll the one like realistically i'm just not going to use these here you take that you take that it's like really it's completely fine okay so this boss uh we gotta talk about this boss let's see so doom plate leggings let's talk about dune plate leggings we really want to have that roll four why would i roll i'm [ __ ] d i'm [ __ ] tank man i should get him what's how much is he gonna hit for he's gonna hit for a lot he's gonna hit for a lot dude that's a thousand damage that's huge a thousand dps on this boss he just hit me with a cast okay right there and we taunt taunt uh do i have to pick those up i'm pretty sure i don't let me see if i can save enough rage for ribbon reflecting see dude nothing reflects that's what's so annoying we might want to dispel those curses by the way roy because it could be bad stand in the darkness of yours oh that's a lot of damage actually eyes my fallen brothers that's actually a lot of damage oh wow now i'm taking damage crazy let me demo shout out i just use my trinket wait where's the damage oh he's dead okay um let's kill this guy now let me refresh thunder clap on him nope my bad on that got him boys let's talk about primal leather okay there's a there's an age-old question it's a part of the skill are there any greeters i thought it said you won [ __ ] man they say blood furnace is the hardest heroic that's so funny to me that's so funny that they think i can't just do it just about my [ __ ] hat yeah exactly what do war rocks do that puts out so much damage okay so basically warlocks have an ability all right this is mythic blood furnace and i did not i did not misspeak that's mythic blood furnace because there's the other heroics and this is a mythic guys first pull let's do it how much he hit for 3 000 holy [ __ ] holy [ __ ] how they hit so much that's insane 3 000 oh my god all right this is a real dungeon let's go let's go i'm ready let's go oh my god look at that look at that that's in one that was in like one second i got thrashed i bet the bosses are gonna be easy like i can't imagine the bosses being any harder than this go ahead just this guy hits as hard as nightbane man like he hits as hard as nightbane this is crazy so that doesn't make sense or not okay no all right look dude okay guys we're up to the first boss i'm [ __ ] pumped i'm ready i'm ready to go to work okay let's pull them anger how much do you get for hate these are tools i can use uh i don't have aggro he he hasn't even hit me okay he hits me for two thousand that's a good amount so he hits me for less than the boss uh the ads do literally hits me for less than ads dude okay that's not good i tried to fear him but it didn't work stay away from what we get oh 25 damage and healing cloak that's actually really good oh i bet these guys are big oh i bet these guys are really big i'm so afraid of the i'm so afraid of the fell work man i'm so afraid hit me hit me see what happens hit me see what happens hit me see what happens oh he's not even doing anything oh [ __ ] i'm stunned oh my god i'm stunned he's he's just dude okay what's he gonna do how much does he hit for hits for two thousand jesus dude these these mobs do so much damage i do feel like i'm gonna be honest right i do feel like it was bad design to make the trash mobs do more than the uh uh than the bosses i think that's stupid who balanced this [ __ ] again probably a bunch of like how about the blizzard devs just sitting there getting [ __ ] drunk and like uh you know what it's like i bet somebody probably thought to themselves they're like man do all those stupid ass forum posts like we're going to get them for this one i bet they literally did this because of the forum post yeah they probably like read some stupid forum posts and they're like you know what double the damage in blood furnace yeah uh make them hit for yeah they were supposed to for 2000 yeah four teach them to complain about the game to tell us everquest is a better game so about the gauntlet's gonna be really hard because i have to fight four of those fell works at a time this is going to be a big kiting pack right here this would be a lot of kiting here oh is he going to agree with those yep all right uh can you sheep the summoner sheep the summoner chief the summoner i got knocked up in the air i thought i was out of range oh oh this is not looking good i think they're gonna be able to kill a lot of them though it should be fine hopefully this guy dies before he gets that one he's yeah he's dead okay good okay let me just run back okay this is the uh the three technician pack okay so be uh be prepared so these guys are really annoying because you have to kite them around and i also have to watch out for the grenades see there's a bomb right there i'm gonna just blow it up right now so nobody else hits it perfect it's funny how like these mobs just like they die fast but like they do a lot of damage so um this time around uh we gotta make sure that we uh we kite them i'm not gonna do a whole i'm gonna i'm gonna be playing goalie here more than i'm gonna be playing tank yeah i'm gonna be playing goalie pull the lever crank all right let's go okay got him got him taunting this one moving away so i'm not taking two of the time uh reese you see that one oh that was close i think we should just try to blizzard these like rank one blizzard this [ __ ] okay good tawning that one perfect oh [ __ ] i'm concussed i'm concussed tawny tony tony uh intervening okay got that one yeah we got to see these way better these are these are [ __ ] dangerous look i was one hit just try to kite this guy around get mana back yeah after this one just try to oh no we gotta kill that one yeah just try to get manna back on this one yeah just getting out of back [ __ ] this is hard okay next pack here this is four this is four of them see see them right there i can barely even take one man i can do i can barely even tank one okay just get this one here i'm gonna just wait here for a second yeah we gotta get the mana back though that's the thing unbreakable just try try to like [ __ ] out of count out of combat mana regen or some [ __ ] might do like some five second rule like mana regen i can't get out of that are these not soluble root only that's crazy i didn't know that i was wondering why we weren't slowing them y'all have to hit these with cc like real quick yeah get him get him get him get those cc's out get a sheep out get a sheep out there we go good just just get these down get these down okay nice good job i'm gonna conserve as much as i can man conserving as much as i can okay i'm a bandage i'll abandon you after this unbreakable okay that's not good oh does he have a soul stone yeah does he have a soul stone or what are we gonna do probably not okay um let's see what can we do you can move back and drop combat well then uh then can we i can't oh he can't zone in so here's what we do we kill this thing he runs in we summon him we do the boss so zone in now zone in now try the zone in now oh oh let's go boys let's do it huge damage shield balls up last stand and that's a dead ass [ __ ] all right let's get something let's get him back in here try and do this again all right boys i'm gonna be honest i still remember the screenshot that kungan posted 15 years ago about him getting one shot by the mobs down at the bottom of the blood furnace here i'm a little bit intimidated yeah i i still remember that wait a second wait a second just banish just banish okay we do that that's fine that's fine three thousand oh you're getting disarmed yeah he's he's getting [ __ ] disarmed okay that's two thousand that's a little bit more manageable do the same thing here jesus that's that's not good man i just got i got destroyed that oh yeah can we enslave these i don't know if we could that'll make it way easier dude that makes that makes it way easier all right just banish one to spanish one apple oh they're immune on heroic that's smart okay yeah just hit with a banish okay 3.6 man i'm sorry like this is just it's so funny for me to see how how bad these things uh how how much damage these things do like this is nuts okay what do you mean subjugate no actually is it subjugate demon or is it enslave in classic yeah is it subjugate or enslave it's enslave that's good okay um this is a pack and it is a pack so let's go over what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna pull them around to here i'm gonna pull them to this like little pillar and you guys can line a site if you've got any of the ads on you you see i'm saying so like now you can just line the site see that that's how it's done right there it's all about listen i think people really underestimate how important it is to have a good tank like if your tank knows what to do you're never gonna wipe like just having a brain like if you have three people with the brain in a group that's enough okay banish this one banish that one or that one that's fine you disarmed your disarm missed it missed jesus okay next taunting now wait that's a 5 000 secondary that's a 5 000 secondary attack this guy hits harder than king mulgar banish himself the other two do it again do it again i [ __ ] up okay let's just pull him over ooh fell guard okay we should be good okay skull's gonna come out first let's kill skull first uh re-banish the other one five [ __ ] thousand you're disarmed you're disarmed you're disarmed okay at least they do way less damage whenever they're disarmed nice why don't they enslave like for real do you really think they'd let you enslave these mobs in it for five thousand you'd be able to one shot all the bosses it doesn't work that way i dodged a secondary if i didn't dodge that secondary i would have been dead you can guys can you enslave these demons senpai and rat can you enslave these demons i don't know we can try we didn't like that he didn't like that he did not like that okay okay um let's kill the foul guard annihilator right here let's get this guy down jesus four thousands man hitting me for four thousands okay let's get ready for this one here have you seen dungeons on the carry easy mode comp why would i intentionally handicap myself you're right i i went in here with the dungeon comp that i knew would complete the dungeon that's right because i'm not stupid yeah no [ __ ] last boss i'll pull them back to here pull them back here so just wait here okay here we go you mustn't let him lose he'll kill us all you say like i don't handcuff myself i don't defense cap i am i'm defense cap what do you mean yeah i am defense cap minuscite these keep one alive keep one alive just so we can recover okay it doesn't matter let's go move in what is this what have you done you're ruined everything wait he's hitting first that way he hits first that wait the boss sits for a thousand what all right let's pray for the trinket pray for the boots especially the trinket wait closer come closer and burn oh he does a secondary attack i didn't see that i'm just going to tank the last boston berserker stance all right give me the trinket give me the trinket give me the trinket oh there it is boys there it is boys holy [ __ ] man man what the [ __ ] dude man what the what the [ __ ] dude like i just hit that with a 100. i just got a 100 on that for nothing okay let's go back over to chat where's mcconnell what are you sick yeah sick of your [ __ ] [Music] you
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 426,715
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, world of warcraft, asmongold tv, ZackRawrr, classic tbc, asmongold tbc, asmongold tbc classic, asmongold classic tbc, tbc classic, tbc, tbc dungeon, classic tbc dungeon, classic dungoens, asmongold tbc dungeons, hard dungeons, hardest dungeons, tbc heroic dungeon, heroic dungeon, classic tbc heroic dungeon, hc dungeon, tbc hc dungeon, asmongold hc dungeon, hc dungeon guide, classic tbc hc dungeon, heroic
Id: QND8O575aOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 16sec (1516 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 12 2021
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