Asmongold FORCED To Play WoW by Mcconnell...

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now McConnell has actually issued me a challenge and I want to talk to you guys and show you the challenge that McConnell has given me because he um he thinks that I can't do this and I'm going to show you what it is in my opinion I think LFR should not drop any gear and it should be a purely story based experience and they should fill up the empty slots with Bots straight up right now I'm gonna get my sword we're gonna do a sword run I'm ready I'm prepared let's do it like your transmog a lot the thing is actually one thing that you might not understand about my transmog in the game is that this is I am the only person in the entire world that has this transmog because I'm also the only person in the entire world that plays Alliance so yeah this is the full warfront Elite set that you had to get from the random boxes this took me months to farm out it was incredibly [ __ ] annoying but I ended up getting out every single one of them okay so let's see here and uh we're gonna look at expansion features tour Gast so McConnell has challenged me to complete Tower Ranger now I've already completed two out of the three here so he thinks that I can't beat this game and he thinks that I can't be a complete layer one of the jailer's gauntlet I will try jailer's Gauntlet after this I haven't done it before and people say it's pretty good I'm gonna try it right now it's a brand new Boss Rush version of Tour gas I'm gonna do it after this yeah go go Tower Rancho you got that easy guys it's actually so [ __ ] easy I am amazed that McConnell hasn't been able to get it himself ice Garbo no listen otk tweet what what's this here uh otk tweet what did they tweet this is the Easter message that matter oh God [Music] y'all avoid the Easter Bunny yeah what's up y'all it's me it's your boy the Easter Bunny yeah I uh I I thought it would be funny you know like I did it they were like hey it'd be really funny if you put on the Easter bunny hat and you do this dumbass thing and I said [ __ ] it all right I'm gonna do it myself just let me actually see uh if this is what it is uh yeah so McConnell you there he's in Discord I don't know he might be AFK and so anyway yeah um I'm never AFK I know that okay so you think that I'm not gonna be able to get Tower Ranger this title right here it's tough dude it's tough oh it's so hard oh it's uh it's not hard at all okay like if it's if it's so hard then explain why I've completed every other tour gas achievement hmm you you haven't though oh yeah I have I think right oh yeah I have it never mind okay but like the other ones the one the hard ones I I beat all those I got the little horse thing before Cody and Cody plays all day every day yeah listen do you even have the horse McConnell for completing all the uh all the eights on flawless uh no there you go so there we go see listen I'm telling you guys I'm gonna be wait what is it what does that matter it's not a challenge for me well I what I'm saying is like but you thinking that it's hard or whatever is I I think you you believe that it's hard because you don't know how good I am a tour guest [Music] haven't even done like layer one of the golly uh what's it gonna be it's gonna be like a guy and I kill him right I mean that's it's that simple yeah okay I mean I think we can handle that yeah everybody thinks it's really hard okay fine I will go and I will try it after this listen All I'm gonna say is uh yep clack issued the same they're not the same challenge but clack told and Bonnie to clear level five uh Gauntlet and uh he couldn't do it after like [ __ ] eight hours and Bonnie's a shadow priest yeah and um Shadow priests are stupid so what do you expect I'm playing a warrior yeah I'm playing a warrior uh it's not gonna be hard at all I'm gonna go right over there I'm gonna clear it I'm probably gonna get to layer three right now and my item level is let me show you guys what my item mobile is 250. I'm not even halfway there to Max item level now what's it go up to now 500 your eye levels what it's 250. oh my goodness yeah no I'll be fine what what's wrong my 250. no yeah everybody all right all right all right guys just give me a minute I'm gonna go try it out in just a minute you're gonna find out 250 goal is to 282 yeah it's about two that's five about 500 yeah not even normal mode gear I don't need it Mike the thing is I I will be able to beat this it will be a joke okay guys here what do you have any tier um what do you mean like the tear gear yeah oh no no you got you got a month you got a month so I've got uh well I mean I got the I got the new belt yeah I got the new belt I don't know what the belt does that'll do it yeah yeah I'm fine hey everybody's talking [ __ ] the first two levels are easy I know they are uh the whole thing will be easy do it 235 in the patch came out yeah you guys will see all right guys I beat it with 228. we'll see how that goes let me get this done and then I'm gonna go try it out I feel like it's gonna be a joke man do you have the 291 ring you said that ah 291 ring uh so here's the thing uh is that it it uh uh yeah uh okay all right let's go uh if you got Tower Ranger at eye level 228 you're playing a hunter do you think I'm gonna get the sword today yeah wait really yeah you're gonna get it all right gentlemen you heard him it's just that easy guys 10 years of farming the sword has come down to this very moment right here so I didn't get it uh yeah yeah McConnell's wrong okay number one McConnell is wrong I'm gonna you know what I actually I want to try the jailers gauntlet right now like I I want to try out right now you can't handle it dude uh I want to try I want to try I'm gonna try it right [ __ ] now uh I'm gonna see if it's easy or not no it's gonna be a joke man everybody says it's hard oh it's so hard oh it's so hard no it's not watch this it's a 291 legendaries I don't know how to get that who cares I don't need that now here's what we're gonna do McConnell and I are probably going to do this at some point sometime soon we talk about this we are going to do a world first run for the new raid and we are going to pretend like the first one never happened we are gonna yep the first run yep the exactly it's gonna be our first raid that we've ever done uh in the new raid and uh we're gonna go through the whole thing yep just rethink the entire thing it's going to be totally [ __ ] fine and tell them the other thing too um and then everybody trades us a bunch of gold no no about the achievements oh yeah we have to get all the achievements for the old raids we've got to get these before the new patch comes out uh yeah we 100 do as Alliance yeah we'll we'll probably get enough people for that uh absolutely okay so we go over here and The jailers Gauntlet enter the new portal in the tour Gast Lobby okay so let's try this out these guys are Gauntlet Runners well they're they're pretty good those are warriors this will be easy I'll use my uh my thing here Dead game true okay I did Game Stop saying that okay so let's do jayler's Gauntlet level one okay let's get some Buffs uh well let's do let's do uh resonant tendrils so oh get garlic dude whoa how's this supposed to be hard it's a joke it's the first layer it's a joke man what do you mean it's like an onion uh okay and then we're gonna go with this one here fleshcraft absorbs more damage nobody cares about that but we're gonna go with it anyway because it could be important later on dude remember that one time I told you there's a new pet oh yeah yeah McConnell was like hey I've got this like [ __ ] this new information that like nobody's ever heard of it's this brand new pet in the game and then I go and I look and it's the top post on the wow he's like yeah I've got this [ __ ] like brand new yeah secret information nobody's ever heard of what the [ __ ] is a writhing Soul ass who's that murloc pet uh okay let's see here all right we're gonna do that this is easy so far it's the first player bro this is easy man like why are you saying it's the first layer why why look at this I already got the other one done too look at this okay let's do Critical Strike chance oh I'm stunned oops it's not a big deal oh blizzard what blizzard bring back multi-strike no multi-strike was dog [ __ ] it was so cool I disagree I think multi-strike sucked no no yeah it did here's why it sucked because it was an added level of a of RNG because you you had crit and you had multi-strike and they could Compound on each other so I could an attack could do like five times as much damage like it looked really cool though to be fair I know it did look it looks so cool it looked very cool I know I agree with that this is so easy I know only a rat Paladin would think this is hard very true oh okay uh let's see this we'll pick this one up no nothing I never I never said the first layer was hard uh-huh that's not what I heard okay say that we're gonna get the leap too uh obviously let's see here uh get War Machine as well okay this guy's dying super fast too what that's you no that's you bro what do you mean oh I would never do that God damn bro like my damage is crazy like what is this I'm out of control that's how it's done [Music] where are you at how do people think this shit's hard like it's a joke you got a tower Ranger yet no I didn't have Tower Ranger but I I don't need the thing is like no no one thinks Slayer one is hard all right all right fine I'll do the next one uh I do the next one I'm not even worried the thing is like I dominated that so confidently I actually feel like I could maybe just get layer rate right now I could just get it done like I do I already I beat level one it's a joke level four is never starts getting hard no no you'll see you'll see you'll see what's gonna happen watch this watch this let me go right back over here level two more today bro I might actually uh I might you know what I'm gonna use a flash just to make it even easier for myself okay oh you yes that's right I'm gonna use it yes [ __ ] okay let's go with uh the leap right there we're gonna do uh voracious culling blade what's this green [ __ ] stand in it it's a DPS buff is it no it had to put a skull on my guy bro I was looking at your Spotify thing yeah and uh it's funny it's just like a whole bunch of random songs for the most part yeah until you get down to Lincoln Park and it's just too it's too Lincoln Park CDs just and yeah and in a row and of course right I mean I listen to that all the time this is just it cracked me up because it's like yeah you got all these songs and this is a random order this is [ __ ] full two CDs of Linkin Park I'm getting really bad RNG guys I'm getting really really bad RNG if it wasn't for the RNG I'd be doing way more damage right now okay keep that in mind we're gonna go with Oberon spikes I think they're just better dude actually never buy one of these go ahead you know what upsets me man what you are one of my best friends okay and you play a warrior yep and rat Warrior is like super good in arenas but we never do any Arenas together is it still good right now yes it's like one of the best cops really yes holy [ __ ] I didn't even know that wow okay yeah maybe we should do Arena that'd be a good idea I need to get here though Anchorage plays with the warrior he plays with uh smackson yeah I need yeah I mean I'll be down for that sure look at my damage now boys look at my damage now they actually can't handle me even if he has the buff it doesn't matter he still dies like a [ __ ] yeah like now I'm actually doing real damage because like before I was worried I I my damage was garbage but now I'm feeling way better about myself I'm dying what the [ __ ] why am I dying okay asman I'm a complete wow newbie okay I found I like the mobility from Demon Hunter but watching you on Warrior is Warrior got better Mobility no uh you made the right decision stick with Demon Hunter yep you made the right decision wait what oh that's a boss oh [ __ ] it doesn't even matter it doesn't even matter he wants to do all these abilities it doesn't even [ __ ] matter heeded and deleted get him out of here there it is you getting afraid now yeah that's what I thought doesn't even know what to say oh my God bro like my damage is out of control man out of control look at this let me see what this next one is all right punching the air right now exactly this is level three now this one is uh probably going to be easier than the level two now we do just huge damage on this guy like literal massive dicks literal massive dicks on them good band free Jam way to go what do they do ah [ __ ] them man true yeah what a loser what do you say nothing I'm sure you'll read about it in a band appeal okay all right that's good I'll look forward to that all right let's go ahead and go with the rage generation uh Whirlwind obviously go with that double time this is gonna be [ __ ] huge okay yeah it's over I've already won I've already won guys it's it's finished I've ascended Beyond everything it's a final fantasy Andy he says wow is boring oh my God okay oh maybe I can does this have any cut scenes maybe we can watch some cut scenes and he'll feel more at home yeah guys maybe we can watch some cut scenes he'll be happy they copied Whirlwind from Lost Ark yeah they did uh actually they copied Bladestorm from Lost Ark okay let's buy this one and hey [ __ ] just go read a book instead that's basically what Final Fantasy is anyway listen I I [ __ ] I think that you should did you actually play the story yes [ __ ] I got to 63. okay who is Olivia no clue who is nidhog uh the big [ __ ] Dragon why is he mad uh I forget but they uh they threw his eyes in the [ __ ] in that big pit off the bridge and then uh he got him back anyway yeah true that's what it is yeah exactly yep listen I don't care okay the game was born I didn't think it was boring at all like did you like the raids at least what do you mean like why don't you get crit damage because I don't yeah if I was gonna get crit damage I would have but I don't because I'm not obviously bro I feel like that I feel like that Meme for the God where he jumps into the crowd of people and says something really [ __ ] visual like in this [ __ ] leaks hey it is what it is man you gotta let him know all right final level this is a joke is this a chaos dungeon no if it was I would have spent money by now uh it would have been too it would have been going too slow and I just would have had to uh you know take matters into my own hands okay and let's go with this one I guess so my Buffs and this run were like really really really bad yeah you know why you would have spent money already why you know why is that hey to win no it's not why would you say that pay to win wait Lost Ark is pay to win wait what no it's not who said that me [ __ ] there's no way it's paid how could it be paid to win too late I already made the red post no it's not it's just pay to progress that's all and if you don't progress you can't win okay let's kill these guys whoa what was that nothing what was that okay he resets I have to do this [ __ ] again you didn't just die did you no why why would I die this is easy why the [ __ ] would I die absolutely not okay come on I think you died no okay watch I think I can one shot him here actually let me see if I can oh [ __ ] you oh [ __ ] you you piece of [ __ ] [ __ ] you Leather Man this is such a [ __ ] man I hate this part of the fight like it's actually the worst part of the fight like if there was a part of the fight that was worse than this there isn't but if there was this would be the worst fight I hate this [ __ ] fight oh you big baby shut up it's so bad okay oh just die just [ __ ] die are you kidding me are you [ __ ] this these dick sucker boys man he's dead so what's up with that what's up with that my Kong what's up with that nice Aspen only died once Yahoo [Music] I hate that boss man it's actually those bosses are so dumb they're the worst what this is so easy like do layer four okay I mean like wait I get a mount Mount oh I'm gonna do this for sure I get a mount [ __ ] yeah this is a joke let's go wait [Music] whenever you win this you keep your buff I think we're gonna see a Rex Troy video about this quite soon all right all right everybody's gonna Pepe laugh that's fine uh I want people to Pepe laugh I think that's good okay let's go with uh go with that one right there and we're gonna go with uh you eat pieces of [ __ ] for breakfast wait when did I ever say that who the [ __ ] said they ate pieces of [ __ ] for breakfast wait I'm actually exploiting this is awesome because I have the buff from my last run no don't exploit don't I I win I'm exploiting I'm exploited don't exploit don't exploit too bad this is World of Warcraft exploit early exploit often boys let's go oh my God bro like this I feel like I can't do it no you got it you got it I actually feel like I can't do it like I you steamroll you you or you snowball pretty hard we'll see what happens uh just trust trust trust okay all right Source trust me bro okay I've got no defenses I just use my death save on the non-elites this is not looking good Yep this is not looking good at all not yet it's like he's got so many health so much help true no I was correcting you I know he's got a lot that's what I mean I am just [ __ ] I am just [ __ ] boys I am just [ __ ] don't you die I'm not going to I'm not going to I'm not going to die I'm not going to die okay let's get the spot let's get that as well oh my God how is this so bad are you kidding me okay Jesus Christ wow it's okay I'm still in the game [ __ ] man okay all right all right I this is not looking good oh my God this is not looking good I'm so stressed out oh my God I'm sorry you said you weren't stressed I changed my mind there it is damage of Whirlwind are you [ __ ] kidding me damage of Whirlwind is this a joke like I I don't understand how this game can suck so much [ __ ] dick how is this possible that's what I said when you were playing the other game shut up Lost Ark is fun what I meant like I was saying that about wow when you were playing Vampire survivors but you know what what you said works too I love how you pretend like that's not what you meant I like it oh no of course not guys of course that's not what he meant guys that's not what he meant I'm not trying to do that whole thing again man no no of course not why would he do that I swear to God I swear I felt bad I really did I felt bad people don't like the game okay it is what it is my opinion on that I I I I but the victory Rush thing's good though it's dog [ __ ] it's absolute [ __ ] dog [ __ ] just reset why would I have to re why do I have to Res why would I reset I'm gonna win I'm gonna win why would I reset holy [ __ ] good luck life why's it gotta be him [ __ ] I got the debuff what is this damage coming from Death bolt Rift holy [ __ ] I'm dead you died I didn't know what was happening I I'm like I'm finding out to fight two mobs that have eight different abilities I don't know what a single one does of course I [ __ ] died you can't die in WoW Jesus Christ yeah I I can't get to those like if I go to those they're gonna [ __ ] they're gonna aggro all right let me get my battle shot I've got two deaths left and then it's over I'm only on four four by the way this is tuned for item level 275 and at my item level right now is uh 150. let me see if I can get this well yeah when you [ __ ] okay do a heroic leap and do a million damage of course it's of course it's easy wait oh I oh my God I forgot about my boss I forgot I got this oh my God Bro [ __ ] uh what are all these debuffs on me like what the [ __ ] is a [ __ ] it's more of I'm dead I'm dead 100 dead 100 dead foreign oh my God I got what this is my last death this is my last one I I think I might be dead here wow I might actually be dead here you literally cannot die I know man you had Victory rush I can't think that fast man like I'm under pressure I've gotta I've gotta comprehend like 50 different things at the same time I'm not a fast thinker that's why I have to learn things ahead of time skip I can't skip like if I skip this there's no way I finish the rest of it like I should I should either die right now or that's it oh I messed I messed up I messed up oh my God bro like I can't like I got one more shot I got one more shot that's my last stuff bro like I'm that's I can't oh my God I'm so bad man there's so many things I I oh my God I'm so bad oh my God like Jesus Christ dude okay okay okay [ __ ] calm down guys Jesus Christ how'd my damage get how do I take so much damage I got 50 000 damage deep breaths you calm down no it's just I I [ __ ] they would be dead I have a buff that makes me do double damage the buff fell off because I was whirlwinding and like I was whirlwinding I couldn't think about the immoral winding and now I'm like well I gotta click off the buff but I couldn't think fast enough to click off the buff and so I died well shut up [ __ ] man I'm so pissed I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm [ __ ] dead God [ __ ] damn it oh my God I'm so mad I'm so mad wow oh my God I'm so wow I'm so [ __ ] terrible with this game bro wow oh my God holy [ __ ] oh God how am I so bad wow I'm so [ __ ] bad I'm actually washed yeah I know like I got you should have gone with it I didn't think man I I can't think Under Pressure bro like I can what is this can I leave oh my God like [ __ ] man like I jesus I want to try it again like all right can I leave this BG like holy [ __ ] like this is I'm so bad man I'm so [ __ ] bad oh I'm under pressure all right all right I gotta stay focused I'm gonna I don't care I'm gonna do it again yeah I'm gonna do it again I I feel like I got completely unlucky there I got every BG because I'm under pressure my brain is jumbled up like y'all don't understand it my brain doesn't work right whenever whenever I'm under pressure my brain doesn't work one more attempt and then we do the uh yeah then we do it no matter what so get ready get your transmission okay let's go yeah I'm not I'm not gonna quit on this [ __ ] okay okay I use that heal I should not have used that that was a huge mistake that was a huge [ __ ] mistake the poll is not even deathless or no it's how many deaths guys come on that's one I already died I didn't even know that could happen yep I I've already died on 4-1 okay jumping over here oh my God this isn't even fun this is [ __ ] annoying oh okay all right all right all right here we go here we go we're fine you're you're doing fine no I can't I get too mad no there's no no reason to get mad you're doing fine though okay we'll see how this goes okay I'm dead [Music] I'm dead I don't even know what happened I I don't even know what happened like she just killed me in one hit I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead oh I'm dead I'm so [ __ ] dead I'm so [ __ ] I just got comboed like [ __ ] crazy right there all right let's go again man oh my God I think it's over I actually think it's over here what do you mean it's over pick up the orbs I can't I couldn't think I can't guys I I am I I can't think well [ __ ] okay um I mean I don't know what the hell uh yeah that sucks I've got one life left I saw I just I didn't see it I couldn't I couldn't keep up with it I don't know what you want me to say all right right down to the wire choke I I did I did I told you guys it's what I do man it's what I [ __ ] do let's go last attempt okay let's I shouldn't have I [ __ ] I can't think bad decision what was that what what did he just do like wait oh [ __ ] [ __ ] you got it uh not necessarily I I I'm probably going to die here oh you got it man it's probably going to die here like I promise you got it oh thank God easy Club Bottom Boys holy [ __ ] man zero deaths too like I I could not have died if I had died again it would have been over like that would have been it like I actually would have died and that would have been it just go test the waters in five okay sure I'll see what it's like so five is 280 . holy [ __ ] well it's only five more item levels like let me just see what it's like okay yeah I don't have the damage for this yeah like I can yeah there's no way I don't have to I don't have the damage for this it's meant to be group content I don't think so um is it group content uh yeah I'm pretty sure it's not I need to take a piss guys I'll be right back then we're gonna do the trans mount comp okay give me one second guys I'm trying so hard to get him back into wow there's so we're missing so many achievement points and mounts and [ __ ] and we're gonna need your guys's help we're gonna need your carries we're gonna need to be carried through all the content guys please come back to wow please we need help we're gonna need so much [ __ ] help with all these with all the the carries I need carries for for Mythic plus he needs tear gear I need to get glad guys you got to come back to Wild you gotta come back please also if you quit wow and you're on sargeras Alliance give me gold please okay all right let me see here and uh yeah [ __ ] this I I'll probably be able to do this I think I'll be able to beat this uh like whenever I get better gear I think I'll be able to and uh it'll be it's like my gear isn't even good for last patch so I'm not gonna worry about it too much okay 275 and they're still insanely hard to solo oh I bet they are I mean for sure out here [Music] [Music]
Channel: Asmongold TV
Views: 990,231
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: asmongold, asmongold reacts, asmongold wow, asmongold highlights, asmongold youtube, world of warcraft, asmongold funny, asmongold tv, asmongold channel, ZackRawrr, blizzard, blizz, asmongold blizzard, asmongold blizz, asmongold quits, asmongold just quits, quit wow, asmongold quit wow
Id: YMfGJ97ViTs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 33sec (2253 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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