Playing Fallout 4 as a pacifist is hilarious

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hey there friends how's it going today we're  playing fallout 4 where we're continuing to   be a pacifist don't worry if you missed the last  episode we're pretty much at the start of the game   stick around because it will be fun so  this is a prime example of why i hate past   kevin because past kevin left me here surrounded  in this building by a death claw and i'm not   sure what to do about it oh jesus christ he's  somehow managing to break the laws of physics   and just push his way in i don't know whether  to just like wait until he's dead or try and   get out of here my passive is suit there's no  power left in it so i may as well abandon that   i can tell he's a bit more scary now is he  gone i think he's gone where did he go oh   jesus christ preston preston just tried to kill  himself i think wait is he around here preston   you want to go check it out what dude what the  hell you can't do that i'm a pacifist oh there's   piper okay kill piper killed no i didn't mean  kill piper i'm in for pipe all right never mind   no no no no no i didn't mean to i didn't mean  to fall okay now i feel bad for making fun of   preston when i did the same thing oh there  we go i have a hard hat now i should be fine   ow jesus christ dude what did he just throw at  me like i haven't even hurt you yeah that's more   like it get piper at least she actually attacked  you it makes more sense he keeps [ __ ] hiding   it's making it really annoying to try and kill him  because he nearly gets me every time i come out to   bait him back okay this is going well somehow  the start of this video is a struggle just   like last time but like the last time it was more  pathetic because it was with cockroaches and then   close the door close the door close to oh you [  __ ] age it oh there's more now great yes come on   he's almost dead another shot should do it yes we  did it i mean i did it oh surely that'll be worth   a lot i'm just glad you're on our side yeah you  wouldn't want the coward on the other side when   we first met you said we owed you for helping  us out i guess you've earned it yeah i didn't   do anything spoken like a true merc yeah one one  that doesn't fight don't give me that destiny crap   i'm kind of pissing everyone off not everyone  understands [ __ ] this old lady's trying to give   me advice like just trash talking look kid i'm  tired now even she's fed up with my [ __ ] now   and our new friend here we need to keep he's gonna  need it too we need to keep moving let's get going   we need to keep moving i don't think they're  having a very good conversation if you want   to help out around here at all i don't good-bye  we're done here all right so we will never talk   to the minutemen ever again because they  engage in violence and i don't like that   i'm going to go to the valentine detective agency  mickey's missing picture on milk carton time   nick is missing and he's just being a sarcastic  bastard he doesn't use violence as a weapon but   he uses his sarcasm to berate his enemies and  this lady is my enemy she is asking me to do   a job though so hopefully i can get some money  money huh piper disliked that more money fine   yes i leveled up with that too more money okay  you win yay he's so good at convincing people of   anything or me maybe it's me subscribe i'll find i  don't know why it sounded like christopher walken   subscribe if you like my content actually i just  went not my problem after all that all right let's   do it i'll find him got some great stuff if you're  interested not really no i'm a pacifist but for   some reason i do have a lot of guns to sell don't  ask me how i got them take that you can take that   you can take that you can take those you can take  that oh my walking cane i need to equip that not   for violence i just have a bit of a bum knee wait  how come when i zoom out he doesn't have it what   where's his walking cane i think i'll take some  psycho i'm a pacifist but i'm interested in the   world of hardcore drugs and i'll trade you some  deathclaw meat for it stop by the mega surgery   sometime what's that supposed to mean i look  perfect all right time to go rescue nick the game   keeps telling me to arm her up but i don't want  to i look fashionable plus armor adds 10 pounds   and on top of my dad bod i don't really want that  right what have we got here what can i actually   get intimidation sounds great show everyone's boss  with your gun aim at any human opponent below your   level and gain a chance to pacify them except  except requirements not met what do you mean   i need to be level 23 god damn it wasteland  whisper i'll pacify like animals and stuff that's   good for me commune with beasts yeah i think  just pacifist with everything would be great get   25 plus damage resistance when you're sprinting  i'm always running away that's the perfect perk   right that's pretty good for now that they'll  actually help a lot i'm glad i went into that   okay start running damage resistance how did i  pause just before this happened no no no no no   no no not good my walking stick doesn't help at  all back back where's that stupid gun so i can   try and pacify the things there's only one all  right how do i do it how do i do it okay good   luckily i'm faster than the dead and i'm almost to  my destination so i'll just ignore the fact other   people are screaming at me and run away wait a  second isn't this swan oh [ __ ] it is one pacify   no i don't think that's gonna work i'm running  you can fight it if you want piper but i'm not   i think piper's winning actually wow oh well  that's the fight over goodbye okay piper we have   to remain stealthy okay well don't let his new  girl hear that she'll stop what oh no oh no oh no   piper i think you've given us away you idiot oh oh  they're gonna whack me stop right there it's not   working you gotta be kidding me oh it worked what  do you want from me i don't know i didn't think   we get this far let's just stay calm ah i'm dead  all right let's try this directly pacified yeah   there we go and you pacify no stop it he doesn't  have any weapons so i guess yeah he wasn't really   the issue was he put your hands down no one  ever listens to that except for this one dude   they're not listening okay that's it i'm doing  hardcore drugs psycho and i'll do some water as   well just because i'm feeling really bad my god  he's grunting at them you're a pacifist remember   leave me alone i thought you were supposed to be  pacified stop it stop wait they lost me oh i'm   much better at this hiding thing than i thought i  thought this spot was kind of obvious since they   saw me go in here and i'm actually looking  out the window at them we can do this thing   oh for [ __ ] sake i think they want to do it the  hard way even in death he's smiling he's like well   at least i didn't go back on my morals i remained  a pacifist okay new plan and this might be risky   but i'm going to drink some water take some drugs  eat some gumdrops and just run right through him   this has got to be confusing like he doesn't even  stop just continues to run by them i don't even   care if you're shooting me i'll never sink to your  level i'm gonna down a whole bottle of whiskey and   continue my run i definitely need something for  ap so that i can actually run better because i   can't sprint whether it be drugs or perk points  one or the other oh dear oh dear there's so many   more people than i remember on this mission oh  sweet jesus no no no come on come on hurry hurry   pacify it's like i'm casting spells or something  you're skinny well that's a bit of a personal   question keep sprinting keep sprinting i'm  stronger if i keep sprinting where's that sorry   guys coming through where the hell is nick he's  gotta be here somewhere okay down here i can't   run anymore my dad buys won't let me oh finally  i think i made it jesus christ you scared me are   you going in there valentine feeling hungry this  guy's trash talking valentine his war is erupting   in the corridors i guess he hasn't noticed you  know nothing you got now we're in the same room   having a firefight and he's still trash talking i  don't think i can get in what hello nick can you   give me some instructions oh all right nick was  absolutely no help at all i think it's okay though   i think dad is just sleeping that's how he usually  sleeps oh wait hold on i loaded it and the people   didn't follow me in and piper's back with me okay  this might work i was getting a bit concerned   there i gotta smooth this over fast who's there  oh wait he would have just left oh god damn it   and there's a terminal okay you guys fight  and i'll use the computer it's dead time on   the computer for now all right opening the door  fantastic work everyone hey nick i see you're   also a pacifist neither of us are helping piper  uh she's doing great oh oh nick please jump into   action or something do something anything oh sweet  jesus he's getting shot in the back and he's not   even reacting oh i can't lock the door i want to  lock them in there together so they can settle   their differences here you go piper get back up  at least he's shooting at nick now for some reason   he's obsessed with nick it seems like everyone  in this game has it out for pacifists you know   we're always the first to be targeted whiskey is  worn off nah [ __ ] dad angry over here uh-huh   okay maybe not over there sorry uh the bad  command okay you're committing i appreciate that   ah [ __ ] she's dead okay hold on hold on get back  up get back up he's almost dead there we go okay i   think me and nick are more alike you know i think  i might go with him from now on we both have the   same idea of do nothing and hope someone else will  save us speech bobble head yay actually probably   the one that'll be of use to me i need you to  find someone for a guy who's maxed out speech   he's not very good at it i'm just talking to the  back of his head all right we're on the way it   might be a good time to mention to nick that we  haven't incapacitated anyone on our way in here   and we're in grave danger oh god  there's loads of them all right   nick here's usually the play okay i tell piper  to run straight into them and then i run away   there we go i should be able to watch  the action from back here oh nick is   really getting the strategy i'm liking them  more and more we don't no no there's still   people shooting at us piper come on pull your  weight get over there grab that okay i think i   told her to retrieve something by accident  i think i told her to go get like a bucket   oh i pacified him look piper oh i don't think  piper cares anymore i don't have any more stimpak   so i hope he doesn't change his mind again i'll  leave you two alone for now stop right there   okay that actually worked great all right nick do  you want to kill him would totally understand if   you kill him no all right i'm starting to think  like two pacifists running around may not be the   best idea don't do anything stupid i'm easy now  okay all right that worked too pacified great   this perk is brilliant the thing is i'm kind of  afraid it's going to wear off and they're going   to become hostile and run up behind us is it clear  i'm so unbelievably weak i'm kind of afraid to go   out there whiskey all right time for a power  off oh and first aid i guess that's okay too   hello everyone we're pacifists so please  whoa what the hell okay yeah please don't   attack us where did they all come from are  they supposed to be here easy now oh i tried   to pacify him i just said easy now and they took  that as a threat i sleep okay also if i run away   they start shooting can nick deal with all that do  you think i think he can he's a strong independent   man who don't need no sidekick me though i  i need a psychic all right let's just try   reasoning with them instead i'll show them the  speech bobble head they won't be able to resist he's trying to just bond with them encourage  violence so i don't think that's a very pacifist   thing to do convince her to leave show her  the bobble head you have a home to go back to   you don't want to throw your life away with  these thugs i i you're right jesus he really   does have a silver tongue where are you going  home skinny wait is that piper no no piper no   violence please we've resolved the whole thing  look at us the three amigos i'm hiding behind   others and piper's watching our back i'm  gunning both of you down with both of us do   you mean both of them am i okay could i stay no  okay all right jesus christ what is this about   wait where are you going all right  so apparently he's not angry at me   okay yeah unlike the compass thing none of them  are angry at me okay now they're angry at me   for some reason it did count to ten i guess  this is what happens like when your parents   count down and whatnot i never knew as a child  they would have just opened fire i assumed it was   a bluff sorry guys i'm really close to death no  okay nick you're as cowardly as i am you're very   good at this this is all getting ridiculously  close oh they're just around the corner no that reaction i might just try and  do over this thing i don't know   what happened or why violence erupted  we had come to a peaceful agreement   i think i've just really messed up the game  by leaving all of those people alive as i ran   in because i think they're all showing up now  and it's just messing everything up all right   this is the part where we leave right we're cool  with that no okay well i'm leaving anyway you can   come with me or you can stay there oh jesus christ  they're all following all right pacified you see   it's as simple as that okay yeah just keep  shooting them in the back that seemed unfair   i like this nick guy oh no now i have  to run by everyone i ran by earlier wait   why is the malone guy following you said we  had until the count of ten oh this is awful   they keep just resorting to violence everyone's  fighting i don't want to be paired to this i know what the hell i tried loading the game  and i was just instantly killed what   what i was stuck in a loop of dying all right  let's load a different save don't move just mid   conversation just pacify this dude i was just  trying to do the mexican wave but you're not   leaving me have my turn stupid crap about the old  times dog what what the hell was that about just   executing me out of nowhere what if i encourage  violence skinny's no good for you darla you put   a bullet in him and i just might let you go yes  yes that would be great you're a bad boy i'm not a   bad boy trust me i'm a good dad why are you still  shooting me i guess i did instigate it all right   let's just convince her to leave and i'm just  going to try and run out the vault immediately i hope this works come on darling you and me out  of here wait hold on this bad boy is out of breath   oh wait she's causing a great distraction they're  going for her instead all right this bad boy is   out here they just gunned it down and i just ran  away scot-free see that's what you get for being   a good person the hell lights out no i'm the guy  from earlier remember you were pacified oh [ __ ]   i don't have any sprint that's fine i can wait  yeah that's fine oh okay i made it to the door   even the loading screen is threatening me now amy  got at me i'm getting mugged by the loading screen   because they know i won't attack okay i'm out  can i just fast travel away yes i'm out of there   i don't know if that solved the situation but  it definitely got me out of the situation so   that's a win in my book started confidence man  what does that mean i just went to a bar to drown   my troubles travis needs boost of confidence you  know what does that for him winning a bar fight oh   well then i'm your man because i don't fight i can  hold my own he can take a lot of damage he's the   homer simpson of fallout characters i want to  stage fight here in duggar nothing too serious   okay this sounds like a good quest while valentine  is fighting his way out of that vault then you and   travis take them down oh wait no you want me on  the good side of the beat down all right well i   hope he can fend for himself then because i'm not  gonna really get involved i need to wait for a bit   so i'm gonna sit with you two if you don't mind  or if you do mind really you don't have a choice   okay he just ignored me let's try that again  inside his name is bull look at him why do   we have to fight him take a stand says the guy  who's never taken a stand ever he's let people   die instead of getting involved yeah i got  your back let's do it i'll go sit over here   and watch the chaos unfold this person over  here is judging me heavily for what i'm doing   i mean piper is just sitting down wait why is he  going for me first i'm sitting down go on travis   you can do it all right oh yeah go travis uh  piper do something where's your sense of loyalty   whoa good throw travis all right you're getting  good now oh god piper's taking out a gun   i don't know if this is a good idea are you  sure you paid them to take a dive because it   doesn't look like you did all right he's  almost got one of them uh barter please   i know this guy's coming to attack me  dirty water yeah i'll take some of that   why is whiskey just as cheap as dirty water why  do i get the feeling did the same thing ah travis   get up stop being lazy dude you have a fight to  finish yes all right that's one down [ __ ] hell   talk about faking a fight you really want it to  look real don't you he's just smiling away at me   like another happy customer better clean the bear  we did it yes we did in the future never doubt me   thanks though for for helping and for well for  believing in me not a problem oh i'm a good person   ready for next part of fool proof plan  wait there's more i thought that was it   if someone who was not her employer suggests that  she go spend time with travis oh for [ __ ] sake   now i'm a matchmaker to be fair this is more up  his alley convincing people he's very good at this   bribe no let's uh let's threaten her into meeting  him either you can go visit travis or you can go   visit the doctor your choice fine well it  worked piper didn't like it but it worked   united for over 100 people oh sorry i didn't  realize you were doing his speech sorry if i   got in the way is the great green guardian behind  me the wall oh i was hoping he was going to say   shrek and trust in each other he's trying to  be the man at the moment mid-speech hello hello   so good to see you all right that's mission  complete i think you cannot sleep in an old   bed oh sorry i see you have it just the way you  like it so i understand i wonder how nick is doing   right now you have to do something now for fake's  sake the bear owner has been kidnapped by the two   who were fighting travis if travis can 1v2 them  surely he can take care of himself i'm going to   blame it on this guy yes this is absolutely your  fault oh he pushed him into fighting i didn't   help and now that it's gone wrong i'm blaming him  i've heard enough to know they'll probably hold up   at the old beantown brewery oh the old beantown  brewery of course i'll get a gun and i'll meet   you there i bet you won't even show up i bet  you won't even fight because you're a coward   i'm on a break right now wait oh yeah sorry  it's right in you to be here i forgot i'm on a   break right now i'm on a break right now i'm on a  break right now i think she's on a break right now   oh god they got a big operation going on here oh  here's travis wait where'd that grenade come from   what what the [ __ ] was that oh so you're just  gonna blow yourself up to get out of this i see if   travis didn't [ __ ] run all the way across then  maybe he wouldn't have blown our cover oh jesus   christ i woke someone up sorry oh sweet jesus  oh no oh no oh no all right i guess i can try   and pacify him no i didn't even get to click it  what the [ __ ] was that okay why does he do that   every time hey travis at least he's not dead this  time i guess easy now yeah easy easy there you go   it's a good ball no no no no no no no you stop  two no perfect sink this is gonna be hard yes i   can sleep okay at least i never held up i just  went for a little nap and travis made it to us   because i slept and he just warped to us instead  great wait i can pickpocket him i just took his   clothes i literally took the clothes from his  back i'm gonna put it on in front of him so   he just turns around and i'm wearing his clothes  like the two leaders are pacified is that not good   enough would the goons step down too put your  hands out i understand why he surrenders now   i shouldn't have done that i have a bad feeling  he's gonna run in behind us instead of smacking us okay turns out saying to a raider doesn't  work and also yes this guy did come back in   i think i shot him but i don't know was  that after he already died i think it was   i'll just take a nap and sleep it off wait now  you want to fight again make up your mind thing   is they've already put down their guns from being  pacified so he's just angry and running at me stop   quit it a bull's jacket might look cool on me  actually wow i look so badass now imagine your dad   picked me up from school looking like that huh i  don't think i can picture that but i could imagine   this guy looking like this hanging around a school  but he doesn't have any kids there all right   finally i think we're all dead i could really use  a nap just trying to keep my health up oh sorry i   should have untied you first i'm gonna call him an  idiot you're an idiot all right more money great   i'm tired of you i'm tired of your shitty whiny  attitude yeah yeah oh my god he's such a dick   no sorry sorry i didn't mean that i am such  a dick all right completed confidence man oh   and i've leveled up finally i can get more sprint  power action points regenerate 25 faster perfect   i'll take it all right i should probably see if  valentine has killed everyone yet i'll go get   some medical supplies and go straight to him wait  a second where is he what follow nick valentine   but he was down there earlier why why is it saying  he's up here now what what is going on i hope he   sorted out this whole thing for himself oh he  has look at him he's just standing there that   commonwealth were you just waiting that whole  time just to say that thanks for getting me   out i don't think i did i want you to come to  my office in diamond city okay i don't feel   like i did complete that i feel like he completed  that i guess he came up from here yep and there's   still people down here okay we'll just leave the  mobsters have the underground they can be the new   mole people but folks we will end it there i hope  you enjoyed thank you so much for watching if you   did enjoy consider subscribing i post every  day so i hope to see you tomorrow bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 613,511
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Call Me Kevin, Call Me, CallMeKevin, CallMe, funny, funny moments, comedy, lets play, gameplay, gaming, fallout 4, can you beat fallout 4 with, can you beat, can you beat fallout, can you beat fallout 4, fallout 4 gameplay, fallout new vegas pacifist, fallout 4 pacifist, fallout pacifist mode, fallout pacifist run, can you beat fallout 4 as a pacifist
Id: E6NmCahIC1k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 58sec (1318 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 07 2021
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