Adopted By TRILLIONAIRE Family! (Full Movie)

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love being a trillionaire we're the richest people in Roblox we should have a kid so they can become a trillionaire too I am not getting pregnant but we can adopt Miss Jane can you please buy me some new clothes no your clothes can stay ugly just like your face hello we would like to adopt a kid Mimi please adopt me you look poor if you want to join the trillionaire family you need to pass our trillionaire test deal I will be any challenge you give me trillionaires need to dress better than everyone else so beat these other rich girls in a fashion show okay I need to look rich and stylish but I also need to fit the theme and it's not from this planet so I'm guessing that means like rich and stylish alien okay I think I can do that okay that one's cool it's all sparkly oh this one's literally like little space things how fun all right so I got some fancy heels here we go um okay okay I think I have a pretty good outfit going oh but they've already got accessories okay okay I definitely need to start accessorizing there's some really pretty butterfly ones I think that's kind of cool and it matches all the colors of my outfit all I could do is star hats that one's kind of cute okay I like it see what looks the most expensive sometimes the most expensive purses are the tiniest ones so let's go with this little tiny pink one I think I should also have some sparkles okay okay good maybe one more thing maybe uh Slurpee oh yeah there we go oh there's kind of like a unicorn yeah I actually might be better than the Slurpee okay I'm a secret sword oh and we've only got five seconds left okay I guess this is what I'm wearing oh oh I'm up first I'm up first okay I have got to wow the judges the cheers are the other girls and they're already rich so they already know how this works okay hers is pretty cool but I thought she'd at least have some sparkles or something okay here goes the last girl and she also has pigtails but again neither of them have any Sparkles or any like fancy accessories besides something on their head yes I did it I won good you that's the first step I can't believe it I I have a new clothes and they're so cool you can't be a trillionaire if you're not smart do whatever it takes to destroy these kids and type or die there's a lot of people in the server but are you ready I think I can do this name something you keep in the freezer uh ice cream okay that's not bad oh okay some of those are way longer than mine that's okay name a type of bear brown five blocks okay oh no no no there's a taller than mine it's always hers how how the heck oh this is bad okay uh name something you'd find in the living room um a couch okay that's five this is not looking good I'm already losing what am I going to do my mom did say do whatever it takes so maybe if I just keep buying I'm just gonna spend money I could be in a trillionaire family anyway right okay I'm buying more I'm buying more she said and do it I got ta go because everyone else in here is really good all right we're going I am officially higher up than this other girl who was like doing really well all right here we go I am just gonna make it to where there is no way anyone would be able to catch up to me all right here we go I am almost past all of the stones and there is absolutely no way anyone would ever be able to catch up to me now boom boom boom yes yes I did it I did it I won I made it out good I'm glad you know how to spend money let's see if you can find expensive things you have one minute to find the only diamond in the room if you fail you become homeless holy cow I've never seen this much money in my entire life is crazy okay I definitely do not want to become so I better start looking all right here we go um I mean it's a lot of like gold and green so I'm hoping and Diamond would stand out let's see let's see okay no diamonds and I bet they wouldn't put a tiny diamond in here so you're running out of time oh no oh no oh no no no no no no no okay I cannot mess up this challenge it is way too oh let me in here if I was a diamond where would I be hiding I have no idea I don't think I've ever even seen a diamond in real life so okay I'm just gonna leave all of the doors open for the rooms that I've been in Diamond that was great now all I have to do is teach you how to make your own money I don't know what that's supposed to mean but okay mom said I have to win this Mr challenge in color block against Carl Chris and Chandler I take home thousand dollars or else I'm disowned oh dark green okay let's see purple oh good right here right here this was a purple one all right I'm over here with Carl and he's like break dancing dark blue dark blue which one counts as dark blue that was a close one okay we are literally all on the same square red oh the red stands out at least three oh there goes trailer and Carl okay dark green just me and Chris now all right here we go come on one more oh [Music] dark blue he's [Music] the money's all yours I just won a hundred thousand dollars become the fastest person endorse race clicker and race to the end or else you die this is a test to see if I can spend money here I think and I have to be also very very lucky come on come on come on give me something good oh yes yes it says okay got one rare that's good all right it is almost time for the race hopefully I am lucky enough to win this and we're going three two one two one come on here we go here we go here we go right now I think I'm in the lead oh no people are speeding up but I'm definitely staying in the front lines yes yes I'm about to start it over and I'm still in the lead I'm on 45 seconds I just have to stay in the lead right here I'm about to re-lap everybody here we go here we go almost to the end who asked you you Dad are gonna have a build off whoever builds the best expensive item wins all right I'm definitely gonna have to get creative here I need to make something that's the most expensive oh I know I know purses are pretty expensive okay let's see uh if I get like a cube here and if it's bigger it's probably more expensive so we'll make a ginormous purse a pattern there we go okay and then we'll just get a picture of a label but first I need to make a handle for the purse here we go there we go okay hey that doesn't look too bad I mean it's a little off center but from the front it looks great so we're gonna leave it all right now I just need to change this picture here we go okay I just looked up Chanel because that's like the fancy fans wolf and it matches the pink and everything okay I think that's pretty good but I think I have to build something else I know I did all of this but truly and her dad is still building right now so just to be sure I think I need to build one more thing I know this one's gonna take me a little bit longer to build I'm going to try and build a high heel shoe okay that doesn't look that bad I think this thing up here needs to go yeah I think that was throwing me off oh gosh I am nervous I think we're gonna see what Dad built first oh okay he built a giant Diamond all right I'm not gonna lie that is really cool but but I'm hoping I'd win because I built two things at least all right here we go I got a person the high heel shoe everyone I think I'm pretty good wait really oh my gosh yes yes that is such a relief all right Carrie your next challenge is the hardest one yet I cannot believe my mom is making me play against Jeff Bezos Elon Musk and Mr Beast but if I can beat them then all of their money belongs to me to me so let's hope I can do this I'm gonna try and go really really quickly and at least if I could get like one of them out really fast then it might make my chances a little bit better I'm hoping that they're not gonna like try and Rush my Island too soon and maybe they'll underestimate me so I can just fly below the radar oh that is that is short Long Tall I don't know oh there's a block right here and it's a sword okay awesome that is way better than the other sword that I had I think he's already got some armor and that's fine I don't think anyone's trying to come for me yet that's it I'm ambushing oh gosh he already got his whole thing sorry Mr Bezos take him down yes take him down okay gonna break his bed gonna break his bed oh it wasn't that covered up that's good that's good me dude come on I didn't break his bed you've got to be kidding me all right that's it I'm not messing around if I can break his bed it was already pretty close grab this really quick come on give me something good I don't even know what that is oh knee pads great thanks all right where is he he's up there I'm going inconspicuously come on break the bread break the bed break the bed you didn't cover it back up I'm breaking it I'm ready come on come on come on I can't run very far create a nice little path for me come on give me something please I don't know what this does come on where is he ah I don't have any ammo I'm running away uh thank you for this little uh path Elon I appreciate it if I just keep on running no one can get me oh there's a big one there's a big one I'm going for it come on give me something what all did I get oh I got some big weapons okay I'll take it time to maybe break another bed or let's see we're just gonna Ambush whoever I come in front of first okay this is it we're just gonna battle really quick oh he's got a lot more armor than me oh you can't get away from me you can't get away from [Music] these guys are a lot stronger than I thought they were maybe if I can break another bed I'll feel more confident again oh lightsaber I see all the air drops okay they are literally all over there you've got to be kidding me I'm going for him I know I don't have a whole lot of wool right now but there is already a bridge made this way is he gonna try and kill me if even if I'm not trying to get diamonds want to fight you man oh I got another weapon though I'll take it okay I'm running come on just don't fall down it doesn't look like anyone is over here on elon's island let's see if I can make it over there just to break his bed I'm going for it all right no one sees me here we go here we go here we go check him out oh and he sees me oh geez how do I get back to my Island oh no I don't have any wool that's literally my only path and he's got his life but he's coming this way so that means okay well I died okay you got a banana peel guys I am starting from scratch all over again oh there's a huge block right here though that no one has gotten thank you I got some armor that's good and I got some pretty good weapons oh hey he's got some armor too but so do I so if I just maybe sneak it back sneak attack sneak attack come on come on come on oh hey I didn't kill him but at least I knocked him off so that was one down all right two more to go I haven't seen Mr Beast anywhere which is honestly kind of concerning but I do already have elon's bed destroyed come on let's see if I can catch up to him let's get out the site you can't you can't my health was it that means it's just me and Mr Beast it really might be a little difficult all right we're heading back to mine we gotta be prepared for this if we're gonna battle it out with Mr Beast I might just make a run for it I have quite a bit of weapons right now okay I did get a way better sword see what else did I get more swords a noxious Sledgehammer oh it infects the enemies you're bringing that bad boy out oh he's got some crazy armor over there I'm gonna stay sneaky here and see if I can break his bed come on come on go go go go it is Ultimate sneak time yes yes yes the Titan has appeared absolutely not but I did break his bed there's Mr Beast there's Mr Beast he doesn't see me where is he going no no no no no guys guys he's going to My Island no please please please don't I didn't protect my bed oh no there it is he's coming over here I need I need larger ground Titan's over there so I can't go to the middle okay that's it we're going back to his Island this is where I have the most room there he is oh gosh hopefully I can poison him if I just get one good hit did that work oh yes yes he's poisoned okay I'm getting my Scythe out actually I'm getting my crazy sword we have the same sword right now come on we did it again my mom has one more challenge for me this is your final test if you fail we kick you out of the trillionaire family oh my gosh I can't believe this is it in rock paper scissors if you win you get all of our money okay that's it I am so ready for this I can do that [Music] here we go oh I'm nervous I'm nervous I'm nervous at this point it's just kind of luck all right my color's red um I'm gonna go with rock come on come on what'd she do yes okay okay I beat her in the first round all right you know what rock worked out for me laugh I'm gonna do it again no one ever expects you to do it twice dang it she did paper that's fine we still got three more rounds all right I'm changing it up going with scissors I have to have two rounds if I want to stay in the okay I'm doing paper yes yes okay so we're tied this last round is it I'm going back to rock come on please please yes foreign [Music] excuse me is it true you two are trying to have a baby we want a kid for sure but he can't ruin my look we're adapting well your kid be a model too yeah Miss Jane what do you think of my modeling poses like a totally total ugly for that hey that's me and prefer ably one that's not ugly no I have seen you on TV you're a model please adopt me hmm sure but I need to see if you have potential to be a model win a fashion show against these other models you got it Mom I Am Not Gonna Let You Down princess or King I think I'm gonna go with pink uh princess hair princess hair um princess hair I'm gonna make my own dress what about this one oh that one's better all right time to pick out a princessy face uh it kind of looks like a marshmallow I don't hate it oh snowflakes oh hot cocoa okay I guess that's it time to walk around here goes Moana whoa she looks so good okay here goes Jade here goes Jade whoa hers elf hot chocolate nope you have potential so if you complete my training you'll definitely you'll definitely win the next fashion show yes I am so ready models need special talents so be girlfriend in a dance battle this is perfect I am a great dancer holy cow I am totally crushing girlfriend right now okay here we go I can't let it slip now I can't get too cocky okay now it's going faster it is speeding up just a little bit but that's fine I've still got this under control I am literally still crushing her if this is not a good enough talent to be a model then I literally don't know what is here we go I'm about to leave yes perfect models also need to be smart on to the next test so you need to beat this nerd and shortest answer wins be careful or else your hair is gonna get chopped off oh I see the big fan drop off my hair name a thing that you can sit on chair bed why didn't I think of bed name a video game genre I don't know what that means no I'm blanking on literally everything that I had in my head no okay name a part of a car tire okay okay that's good name a thing that can be found in a kitchen all you think work okay that's what I'm going for okay I'm still a little bit taller what is something you drink oh soda that's only four oh name a popular game outside of Roblox I don't know chess no Checkers it's fine he didn't get the answer either oh I won that by sheer luck but I'm not gonna let my mom know that I did it get my stay in shape and running is perfect for that beat Flash and race clicker oh okay I'm clicking as fast as I can but I don't really have a good feeling go go wait he's almost halfway done with this entire race is coming to lap me yeah there we go oh this is embarrassing oh this just isn't it wait a second models are supposed to be smart opening three I'm going for it all right I have got my pets come on come on here we go yeah come on pets okay wait wait am I catching up come on please tell me I'm catching up I'm literally not even to my top speed yet I can see flash I can literally see him I'm gaining on him yes I just passed the flash okay I knew you'd find a way to win but the next challenge won't be so easy walking the runway is hard follow and catch me without falling off if you lose to these girls I'll adopt them instead I definitely can't lose then I can do this okay no no I am so getting on this Trail first I am getting ahead of those other girls I cannot let my mom adopt them what the heck is this thing um okay I'm guessing you can't touch that little little glowy part oh gosh these girls are catching up to me I'm running I'm running oh this one is literally right behind me and we've got to jump oh she's ahead of me okay okay that's fine that's fine I've got the jump I've got to jump as long as I get there before I'm ahead here we go I'm doing it oh gosh it is a little scary over here oh no oh no this girl's right behind me no no [Music] no you can't have my mom I won't let you have my model Mom oh hey she must have felt okay I'll take it I've got 20 seconds but I am almost there this is it this is I get like until we walk a Runway okay what is the next part of modeling training mom we'd love to give her a modeling contract wait really thank you but we'll have to say no for now she's preparing for bigger things come on kid oh uh coming in this small we've hidden five things you need for your fashion show find it all before the time runs out no you've got it okay I am this close to being a model and this is so wow all right all right let's see let's see I just have to find five items I can do that hey hey behind this plant I found a backpack okay okay one item down here we go here's my strategy I'm checking all about first and hey a pirate hat you don't you know whatever second item okay I doubt there's gonna be anything in the car store but I'm gonna check anyway see myself and yeah if I was right nothing in here okay moving on all right here we go here we go oh another clothing store okay this is promising or Gucci bag okay I found three items all right two more to go but oh no oh no I am running out of time [Music] oh hey I see something back here yes pear pants perfect I need one more item there's literally nothing up here okay I must have missed something downstairs I'm going down come on come on come on please please I am running out of time a tire wait what's that bench did it perfect now here you go whoa look at this outfit this is so cool wait wait Carrie models need to resist desserts escape the bakery without eating anything and you'll be ready to be a model oh that's weird but okay this might be kind of difficult because so I love desserts okay you know what you know what it's fine it's fine I'm just gonna ignore all of these delicious looking baguettes all right next okay good we're moving forward and no not donut that's fine I don't even want these Donuts next what that is a giant toaster oh gosh and I guess that's all electrically charged down there I definitely do not want to fall okay wow this really is just a big toaster I don't have to get up there well I fell in the toaster I fell in the toaster looks like we're inside the giant toaster be careful climbing the grills I don't want to be toasted it's got a clams toast no problem here made it to a checkpoint uh what am I supposed to do oh okay jump over the knives I can do that okay that is an angry piece of toast this is why you don't put chemicals on your toes people Boy The Angry toast everything's fine why is that Baker look so angry it's gonna make me go in the toast bread please pick the correct rolling pin okay I'm trying dude maybe all the way over yes okay okay okay good this one oh yeah all right oh we're inside the cooker oh geez I gotta jump like through the donuts okay I'm walking across some sprinkles I can do this okay I have practiced walking on a Runway and it's basically like this come on give me the heck out of here the exit I'm going for it I'm going for it [Music] I am officially ready all right Carrie now's your big day win the fashion show or else or I'll get you back to the orphanage this is a lot of pressure but you've got it mom I did all this training and I'm not gonna lose now early breakfast Oh So like um like a brunch type cute outfit okay okay I can totally do that I want bread okay okay let's see what's a cute little brunch hairdo this is kind of cute and let's do something maybe like a lavender color oh oh little oranges that's kind of cute all right let's see let's see breakfast breakfast what is screaming breakfast to me that's kind of cute you know what I gotta add a little skirt that's what I'm feeling okay this this skirt this skirt this good this is good all right let me get some shoes yellow shoes to match my little sweater okay okay so far so good I need to get some accessories now this is too plain here we go here we go uh we definitely need a little bow okay 50 seconds left oh a little parasol oh that's it's cute okay okay now we just need some sparkles and then I think we've got it oh the orange butterflies are cute that matches Little Oranges on my face okay oh gosh here we go here we go okay here goes Lana cute I don't know her face is giving me clown that might be a bit much for the morning it's for breakfast so guys all right here we go here goes Jade oh hers is cute hers is really cute but she got a lot of going on so I don't know okay here I go here I go come on come on time to wow the judges I have practice this I have practiced my runway walk there we go got a little cheer come on I'm excited to be here and you know it come on come on come on please please please please please please I don't want to get why are you giving me a bird just like you mom well you became a better model than me and I don't like that sorry bye well this sucks yeah it sucks for me too I'm stuck with you again oh my gosh [Music] it's the news are you guys planning on having a kid soon yep we're adopting a daughter and we are gonna make her popular too wow I wish I could be adopted by the popular family you're way too nerdy to be adopted by them but you belong in a dumpster hi we're here to adopt a kid gosh it's the popular family please adopt me hmm you're too nerdy but we'll give you a chance if you can become the most popular kid at school you can join our family first you need to become the best dancer at school and out dance the dance Captain I can so do this I am gonna become the most popular girl ever anymore maybe not she's really good at this time [Music] I have gotta Focus bring out the best dance moves I'm gonna [Music] lay down yes you won that was pretty cool wow you're so you're Sundancer we should all hang out sometime it's working I am already getting more popular maybe the popular family will adopt me now nope not yet anyway we still need to get more popular bridge and make it to the other side first these nerds are definitely smart as long as I make no mistakes I'll be okay name a chess piece uh a knife oh okay that was a good one name one part of a car I don't know whoa looks like someone's dumber than we thought hey you're gonna regret that name a mythical creature unicorn speed run here we go what is something that goes in a sandwich cheese name an enemy in Minecraft creeper I am catching up they have a type of hat a beanie okay here we go I'm officially officially now what is one party part [Applause] oh you're so yes sir time to time I can do this okay I'm still behind one of these Track Stars come on I think I can catch up there he is I just passed him come on if this doesn't make a girl in school I literally don't know what will here we go [Applause] like fast you're so cool can I take you on a date sometime um stop getting this girl so much attention she's lame what oh my gosh she's one of the school if I can't get her to like me every particular family time you beat the pretty fashion show don't lose here though or else you'll lose you luscularity these girls are so pretty but the winner is whoever can do the theme the best theme is I'm so cute so I definitely need to play up the cuteness here I'm gone from pigtails we'll do like a like a baby pink purple really purple there we go there we go got purple hair now I need a really cute face oh I think that's kind of cute okay okay we're going purple and orange got a little shirt pants let's get a super cute skirt cute okay I'm loving it it's a little yellow heels let's get a chance loser well hey that was not very nice and I'm gonna show you just how cute cute okay okay we're doing that we're doing that that's the move that's the move and let's see let's get some some little yellow wings I'm gonna grab a couple more accessories I can do this final decision so I'm switching to the heart purse all right that's it that's it it's time for the runway whoa this is a cool Runway All right here goes one of the popular girls good but I do think mine's definitely more like cutesy than hers okay okay here goes the next one oh no hers is really good oh that's such a good idea perfect and I'm the only one in heels okay here we go Gotta cheer yes work together you're so cool really thanks you're a pretty popular kiddo but you need to get even more popular if you want to hang with us time to get cool with the football players destroy them in football no way she scores a touchdown on us let's see about that you boys are not taking me down this is gonna make me way more [Music] oh geez they are speeding up they're speeding up they're trying to go to the side of me okay it's fine it's [Music] fine I made a touchdown in order to impress The Gamers you gotta beat them in a video game that girl doesn't stand a chance against us I got this I play video games bring it on boys I can please Goku holy cow okay I can definitely beat these guys okay we got Naruto and buckle go oh gosh okay this might not be as easy as I thought it was gonna be there they are they're across the arena oh no oh no oh no can I not go any faster [Music] wait wait let me just try and get one these guys are good I've only got two more lives left and they are definitely teaming up on me I'm going in the clothes I know oh gosh my health is really low again okay okay I've gotta at least take out Naruto all right I'm going in I'm going oh yes think that was a pretty good one okay that was a good one his health is still pretty high though so we're gonna hit him with [Music] him that was a good one didn't see that coming did you okay and Naruto is still coming after me right now so hit him with him oh geez but his held his logo I think I can do that there we go oh I can do this All I gotta do is take him out that was so close how did that not take him out I don't understand is out now it's me and Naruto all right all right I can do this I can do this I've just gotta take him out one more time here we go here we go I can do this if I'm just really strategic about it I can do it I'm going in here we go come on come on just a couple more Good Hits here we go there we go there we go knock him down knock him down his health is so low right now all right one more good one should do it [Music] now I have to impress the ghost club by surviving indoors and that seems like a lot to do in order to be popular okay better be worth it if I'm not popular after this I don't know what else I'm gonna have to do photo lots of flashing lights in here and lots of eyeballs holy cow holy cow how the heck am I gonna get through this okay I see the door see the door I see the door I'm going [Music] there's literally arms coming out of the walls my entire life you want to do it anymore the door shut that's it I have got to be the most popular girl alive wow Carrie you're the most popular girl in school congrats thanks and now that you said that I can officially join my new family so am I officially in the popular family what become more popular than us and we can have someone more popular near us so we're out bye wait so I spilled in my carrots according to Instagram the two biggest celebrities are inside that restaurant there they are let's get looks like the paparazzi found us are the Articles true are you two planning on having a kid yes we are in fact will your kid be famous too well duh since we're celebrities we need a celebrity kid too thanks for watching my YouTube video make sure to like And subscribe [Music] what did you think of my new YouTube video I could be famous hey you're too ugly to be a celebrity hey that's sure we'll give you a chance but if you want to stay in the family the complete celebrity training these Martian show s they were literally born dressing nice category is funny looking animals I don't really know what that means what about this one I don't know what kind of animal that's supposed to be but it's funny looking outfit outfit let's see that's pretty good I could do a skirt that's kind of funny and I'll make it Pink I'm gonna be like a pink bunny oh this would be perfect okay little bunny ear think I gotta change the hair oh oh wait that's good now I can pick hair color we'll just do it all pink like a dog 45 seconds left oh no I've got eight seconds left okay that's all I have time for just here goes one of the models whoa ring but I think mine's a little more flashy than hers all right here goes the next model oh hers is good that looks really good tastes like a little cat I'm glad I didn't pick the cat outfit because we would have been matching mine is definitely the brightest get a little wave oh geez okay I hope that worked maybe I am celebrity material you did great quite yet we have more work to do celebrities need to stay in shape so start running and beat the Flash and race clicker okay apologies look how fast the flash this way there is no way I'm gonna be able to beat the Flash oh no there's no way I'm gonna win this race what less I do what a celebrity would do and I spent listen Mom I need your credit card here you go okay going over to the pets let's see I'm open in three oh I got a rare one nice come on three more three more what do we got today I'm gonna have to do this for a while all right I spent a ton of money but I think it worked out all right flash Let's Race again here we go come on come on oh okay the flash is still ahead of me but my top speed is way higher now I am still a little bit behind them on little pets do what I paid for I'm I'm literally coming up with the flash right now oh my gosh I just passed the phone between what celebrity really does have its perks all right what's next celebrities need to be smart or else the paparazzi will make us look dumb beat these guys in type or die otherwise you die I can totally beat some people in this game all right name a fast food restaurant McDonald's there we go there we go got a long one and it looks like okay mine is definitely not the tallest though that's unfortunate name a popular breakfast food and cakes that's the longest thing I can think of I think I'm still doing oh gosh hers is really good okay I already beat out one person though ooh breakfast burrito she's very good name something you used to tell time grandfather clock yes yes that's what I'm talking about all right I'm tied with this girl up here and I think I have got the other three people beat Oh that girl did just left why isn't she there anymore it's okay I guess she's out of the game name a popular YouTuber Mr Beast it's not a super long one but you know seven blocks not bad oh almost got that guy out down there name a popular Roblox game murder mystery two there we go 14 blocks all right I am miles higher than all of these other people [Applause] name a game console oh no PlayStation okay to 11 blocks that's a good one that was a good one there is name an object people listen to music on Dario okay that's only six blocks that's rough oh but he didn't get anything he didn't get anything public to be to beat voice chat seriously this is so embarrassing but uh okay I hate it no I don't want to do it okay hello everybody everybody listen I'm gonna sing a song Twinkle Twinkle Little Star how I wonder what you are up above the ground so high like a diamond in the sky oh I got backup singers Twinkle Twinkle Little Star how else do you say what's the rest of the words yay I did it oh my God okay I'm done I literally didn't remember the last oh that was terrible wait please let us get one one pair come on one picture we've gotta get it wrong challenge okay Mama I have to be a celebrity huh come on get him we got away from them not yet they're still after us your next challenge is to run into the mall and find new clothes to disguise yourself you don't have much time go okay Mom you got it okay nothing nothing in this run nothing in this one we're going into the next door hey a backpack okay here we go next door next door gotta find something I found another item okay perfect oh hey there's another item back here here there's one behind this bench I've got another item hey wait what's that over there by the banana yes yes I found all five items what do you think whoa where'd they go this way come on well that actually works all right what's next in the training let's work on your talent hey girlfriend in a dance battle oh Dance Forever all right mom get out of the way oh gosh oh oh this is not what I this is not easy like I thought it was gonna be that was her so mine I I think I'm actually I'm actually right now what how am I losing oh no if I disappoint my parents I will literally never be a celebrity guys here we go here we go wait okay okay I'm I'm mine right now yes okay I'm catching up I'm catching up wait wait I'm in I'm in need of holy cow holy cow okay just stay in the lead Carrie just Stan Lee come on here we go 30 seconds left and I'm still in the lead this is perfect and I have to find my manager so he can help you can help oh no oh no oh no I hope too soon spoke to you soon oh he's right there why is he so fast no no no oh gosh oh gosh why do I feel like I feel like Xbox or worse than paparazzi the next spot is coming for me no no get away from me next spot oh he's how is he getting away I don't know holy cow I am literally trying my best right now to make it out in the open so that my manager can find me there he is there he is okay okay let's get the heck out I've got you don't worry Ryan the next Xbox sorry guys I I tweeled that's okay it's okay we failed before too celebrities need to tell the difference between good and bad people so Spot the Difference between these rooms oh another challenge okay it's okay okay got a fireplace a pink bed four pictures books a TV all right let's see if there's anything a spot something is definitely different over here wait I noticed something it's a different shade of pink on the bed and on the rug wait that's so obvious it is a purple bed and a light pink rug with a black wow you have a good eye time to make you even popular all celebrities are on YouTube now fit you 100 dollars before we keep training you got it Mom this will be a piece of cake this is it all you've got to do to be YouTubers make my first video right this will be so easy here we go time to record oh this is harder than I thought oh okay I filmed my first video okay time to edit okay not perfect but don't okay okay we're uploading we're uploading come on but no time go there we go how many subscribers did I get getting a lot of views but I only got 1600 hundred thousand this is gonna be harder than I thought especially with all my bad gear but I'm a celebrity I can use celebrity money I'm gonna get a super fancy PC and a better microphone let me get a better camera there we go and I got a better monitor okay this is perfect I've got new equipment now I just have to decorate my room and film a video I can definitely get a way better bed let's get rid of that one and I'm gonna put some little plants by the door you go we'll get a bookshelf and even better to make this really look like I got room I'm gonna put some little sound panels on the wall all right here we go I've got all my new equipment already set up time my video gotta get all of these letters holy cow holy cow holy cow okay okay that was it okay time to edit time to edit oh that was close that was really close okay here we go upload this is it almost there here we go what did I get what did I get it I passed a hundred thousand subscribers and I went I win now that you're famous you need to learn what to do if you can't escape the paparazzi you've gotta beat them up this is really intense but bring it on I can totally beat Paparazzi in bed Wars especially since I have all of these special blocks oh I got a really cool weapon though oh it's a zipline launcher wait I think I see the paparazzi heading over here they are literally gonna try and Ambush me right now right now oh no here they come here they come come on give me a weapon give me a weapon oh no oh no oh no okay I'm putting an oil blob okay they all got stuck in the oil that's good that's good I have got to get out of here here we go I'm catapulting maybe Why didn't it work I don't know how to derials to work oh gosh okay okay this is fine all right I'm coming back I'm not gonna let them kill me again so that means I have to Ambush them here's one guy up here okay I'm going for him it's time to attend well that one did a lot that did a lot of damage okay okay come on come on oh no I didn't think this through I gotta get out another weapon I know I have more I didn't know my weapon would go away all right I've got my sight though that's fine so plenty of lucky blocks over here it's fine I don't have nearly the same amount of materials that I had last time and I'm not really sure what this raven does but what okay okay well it's doing something running into a wall what the hell all right here we go I think I've got a jet pack oh that didn't really do much maybe a zipline launcher all right here we go I'm ziplining no no wait why why why why why all right at least I made it on their Island it's time to do exactly what they did to me black hole no wait don't suck me into the black hole don't suck me into the black hole okay this is bad this is bad my bed literally just broke because I I'm gonna have to play this a lot more strategically okay I'm going in with it all he's got is a sword so maybe I can do it come on get off get off get up I just threw him off the island that works oh hey hey someone literally okay that took one out for me now for the big guy here we go all right I'm getting my snowballs and we're going for it throwing snowballs throwing snowballs okay okay here we go I got my baguette out here we go here we go oh he literally is not doing hardly any damage because he's so this is crazy this is oh he got a jetpack [Music] the celebrity family what the heck why are we back at the adoption center Carrie came way too famous of a celebrity and you're outshining us that can't happen but you taught me everything well we messed up good luck getting adopted by someone else we're gonna go be famous bye oh well guess I'm stuck here I'm back dang it why won't you stay gone excuse me are you too excited for your new movie to come out yes we are but we have a problem we can't find anyone to play our kid in the movie you guys should adopt a kid they can be a movie star too that is a great idea do you think I'm cute I'm cuter to be a movie star nope you're uglier what the heck that's so mean hello we have to adopt a kid oh my gosh you guys so please please adopt me adopt me fine but first we need to see if you have what it takes to become our daughter in order to be a movie star you gotta look good so beat these girls in a fashion show all right let's see oh my gosh these schools are already getting their whole outfits put together okay they are way faster than me I'm gonna go with the Pink jeans okay get some shoes okay now I'm a lot taller pink top okay okay now I need some type of accessories I think there's like a little furry thing over here there we go there we go okay we're going all pink I should probably some hair what oh this has pink no not that one this one oh no now I have two hairs on there we go oh I see pink Wings though that is cool oh wait I can't forget the shades oh they're Stars okay I've got 80 seconds left I'm gonna run over here going for pink but I think I want to match the Stars a little bit I got stars in my shoes and stars on my glasses I even notice now I'll have sorry Sparkles all right let's see okay 55 seconds um what purse do I want guys I'm indecisive oh this little batana star stars and it's pink my outfit is coming together all right and we're going with the castle oh my gosh wait I'm going first time the wow the judges here we go here we go oh I just jumped straight to the front that's okay um we do cheers because I'm leaving here we go one more cheer okay here goes Whitney oh okay okay shade it's really really glasses all right and here goes Jenna okay okay she was the one in the pink dress and she's got pink sunglasses I almost wore them glasses oh doing this might be close come on here we go [Music] yes yes I did it I actually won being a movie star means you gotta run away from Paparazzi race them and Win In Color Race I'm a little nervous because I just because I die but I better beat these guys okay the color is white I'm gonna get to this one I'm staying right here oh no oh no the paparazzi are already ahead of me okay maybe I played it too safe that time blue blue oh no oh no this isn't good this isn't good you're over here and I think we already knocked one of them out I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall I'm gonna fall oh my gosh oh my gosh Come on come on come on yellow yellow I'm playing it safe and played it safe no no he's in front of me okay okay I just have to get past him in this last one green green Green I'm chasing Chase [Music] but I want the paparazzi will ask you fast questions so you need to think fast beat these kids in type or die or else you'll burn in lava okay I'm in here with quite a few amateurs but there is a skilled person in here and I'm also skilled so name an object you use to eat food um a fork I I don't know how did you get such a tall one on something you eat food with chopsticks oh that's a good one okay lava's gonna rise three blocks after this I better get a good one name a type of bear oh I saw someone do this American black bear yes 17 . there we go okay this guy over here is a really good so I'm gonna answer this last one name a green fruit oh my gosh what the heck I'm gonna I'm gonna buy some blocks because I've got to catch up to this guy okay something you keep in a wallet um a driver's license there we go 14 blocks okay come on come on come on come on I'm literally not even even with him right now what the heck okay I'm buying 10 more blocks there we go there we go okay now I think I'm a few blocks higher than him and I'm a popular holiday president day yes 13 blocks that's what I'm talking about name a sport that uses a ball um I don't know what uses oh he's got a good one I don't know what that is but uh that's it I'm buying more blocks I don't even care all right lava is gonna rise 23 blocks after this but it doesn't look like either of us are dying anytime soon so I'm just gonna try and make it out of the volcano first here we go here we go almost out yes hi everybody where he did in the next challenge you have to find a banana costume for a movie role before the time the time runs out wait huh oh okay I don't know what kind of movie roll needs a banana costume but what if that's what she says I'm looking for then that's what I'm looking for um oh here's a clothing store okay okay uh it doesn't look like they're selling banana costumes [Music] capybara you know what I'm talking about [Music] it's not a banana costume but it's pretty good but not what I need um hello costume box anything no nothing okay okay oh oh I see what I see one okay this is definitely not and oh my gosh my wings flat you've got to be kidding me come on not good enough time is running out yeah oh oh I better find that banana costume wait wait what's that what's that what's that it's a costume box and it's right next to this dancing banana come on I have high hopes for this one yes yes [Music] I'm dressed as a banana come on let me be in your family not yet we still have more challenges oh Sonic the Hedgehog doing in the game with us you just got cast in a movie with Sonic but you're too slow you've got to be in a race or else you are you're fired what Sonic the Hedgehog in a racist top s it's like 43 000 and mine's five but I think I might have an idea just one second I may not be as fast as Sonic but if I'm a movie star I have plenty of money all right here we go let's see come on give me a good one common okay um let me try open three uncommon hey that's a good one but the other two were common um this might take a while [Music] it took me a while but I got some really cool and it is almost time for me to race Sonic okay three two one okay okay I am already in the lead but it's close yes yes I saw him okay I passed him I passed him now I just have to stay in the lead for a minute and 15 seconds I think I can do that right oh gosh he's still gaining on me but I'm nowhere close to my top speed thanks to my super cool pets I'm gonna finish this race without my come on here we go here we go five seconds left actually just being Sonic the heck you need to beat anyone that stands in your in your way beat up these other actors and there's a slap battle um beating up other actors seems kind of intense but it's my only way to join the movie star family so I better buy a really good glove God's got quiet so oh these are way too expensive for me though oh oh but I can afford this one it's gonna use up all of my slaps but it'll be worth it here we go into the arena hopefully there's not too many actors in here oh oh I already see one and another one oh I'm not gonna lie I'm kind of nervous here we go going up tour yeah all I have to do to win this challenge is to beat this other actor in a slap battle but it looks like she's like waiting for me over here she must be pretty prepared okay whoa okay yeah definitely flung her off there that was easier than I thought I cannot believe I am standing in the same game with Iron Man you've just been casted Avengers movie but you can't fly figure out how and beat Iron Man in a fly race okay I've been through this review exactly how I'm gonna be Iron Man just give me one second here we go triple hatch all right now it is time for a triple hatch here we go hey you got a rare but we'll go back over here oh oh there's even more this could be cool we're gonna hatch exclusive egg all right what did I get what did I get whoa that is speed is much higher so let's see if I can beat Iron Man oh okay okay three two one time to race come on come on here we go here we go all right I am going and right now I'm in the middle here we go I'm a moving oh and I am gaining speed but I just reached my top speed Iron Man is still going pretty slow bending Robux really did help me these little guys are helping me go so fast come on I've got 24 seconds let's see if I can laugh Iron Man one more time here we go I'm not gonna be able to do it oh dang it there's three seconds left yeah what that was pretty impressive but now it's time for your hardest test uh-oh you've got to be kidding me my mom just threw me in to a horror game so how to act in scary movies but I'm gonna try and Escape fast nothing here movie look you're scared super I love this and I'm running running I'm running I'm running I'm running oh I know I know this I know this okay gotta go to the buttons oh I don't know about that beans cool beans going over to this button we almost ran off the pole jumping jump here we go City fast food scary Forest don't even look at me stupid trees here we go here we go we're doing it again they're like howling at me or something or maybe those are owls I don't really know oh where am I going what it what is this use the zip line you've got to be kidding me oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay I did it I made it what's over here what do I do now I jump over the creepy gross slime I have to jump off of this you're kidding here we go all right all right all right all right here we go come on yes haha I did it yeah oh no oh no oh this is giving me a headache already I hate it oh this is trippy okay okay I'm out of here get me the heck out of here I don't know what that is but uh black hole that's what that is it's a black hole okay I've come this far oh no absolutely not what am I even supposed to do here oh oh I shoot him come on come on come on come on take him down take him down yes take him down into the hole into the hole going come on let me blow me out let me out I did it I did it I did it I'm out I'm out of there and I am not going back in absolutely not but that was my last challenge now it's time for me to be adopted I did it I passed every single test you gave me now can I be adopted into your movie star family well you did pass but we're not gonna adopt you huh why not well you're too good it would make us look bad in our movie I hope you're moving forward
Channel: CariPlays - Roblox Movies
Views: 1,986,036
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: roblox, roblox movies, cari, cari plays, cari plays roblox, cari roblox, roblox cari, Roblox Movie, RobloxRP, Roblox Story, trillionaire family, adopted by trillionaire family, roblox trillionaire
Id: 4yvq1122H4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 24 2023
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