Survive EVIL KREW in Roblox!

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today's video is sponsored by our friends at game fam we are crew and we're playing build to survive simulator but there's a twist evil crew is after us and we have to build to survive guys you see that evil jackals coming we gotta build we gotta build to survive we're evil jackal i know because evil draco's the evilest and the best one out of all the evil crews really no no no evil funny is clearly the evilness anyways i know that evil draco doesn't like vegetables therefore i will build my entire building out of leafs i had the same idea too i was pickled broccoli i'm building mine maybe we should build like a giant broccoli that might actually protect us from evil draco should i make a door no i'm not making a door i'm just gonna make broccoli i'm gonna build the broccoli upside down so evil draco can't pick it up oh maybe if i i'm building so slow i gotta build faster there's only 26 seconds left i'm under pressure i'm under pressure okay okay the broccoli is almost done we could actually just be a brussels sprout at this point because the time is ticking should i put a roof on this i'm now a salary stick you know what be a celery stick it's fine you changed my mind i'm putting a roof on no one is going into the basement guys five more seconds come on okay that's really cool no no draco draco get away from the broccoli i hate evil draco chill evil dracula died when did you when did you learn such moves draco why are you so fabulous it's too powerful oh my gosh how do i defeat him no bunny run no my broccoli tower isn't good enough evil drock was just stomping on us guys no i'm staying here i am not you see me in my celery tower jack will go away finally thank you yes so we arrived great i lost so i didn't get a ticket but oh funny is coming oh yeah evil me is coming okay i'm evil i have to survive me so this baby i know what funny his face is clearly bad i'm deleting everything i don't even think i have time for to delete everything what a waste of time why would you whatever because it's not good enough evil funny is clearly going to be the strongest on the red button in the corner of your base thank you draco for telling me that after you know what i'm expecting every time someone deletes something it makes a big whoosh sound and i keep there my base is bigger because why not and to protect myself from evil funny i need a cuter base let me just build i don't even think i have time for this i'm scared maybe i should just start running evil funny clearly has good taste so they're going to go for the cutest looking i love how you guys are complimenting your evils what i have to compliment myself you know um i'm building my little brick house i don't have time for this i you know what i have colored blocks you know i don't care for colored blocks luna 23 seconds left okay evil funny just don't crush my house i'm you so therefore you cannot hurt me and if i start dying i'm running over to your base luna has nothing run to my base you'll all be safe i swear what i am waking up purple everywhere gold's gonna actually look cute my base is the best it is a bed what draco's just a bad top of a bed okay guys where's funny i'm scared wait i want to hear her though that's right nope nope nope nope nope nope yes oh my god let's go evil hey funny hate no no i'm not gonna get away okay evil funny i still need a ticket so please don't get rid of me i told you this is biased look somebody's let me see how much it is for the pets so if i collect 10 tickets i could get a funny pet but for 40 tickets a super crew pet what time to survive some monsters wait gold's coming no no no no no beware of gold guys i think gold's gonna gold i will build how gold builds in bed wars how do i build them horribly oh wow okay just gonna build some walls maybe i'll put some ice on top so people could be threatened by my base all right gold is coming in 30 seconds my roof is done look at that roof it's clear yes gold don't let evil gold in my house there you go an ice i have a glass window and a glass door gold is not getting into this house actually i build butter okay rainbow's just building butter luna's house is looking pretty cute where's giant gold i hope she doesn't crush my house i'll be scared two seconds she's come out do you hear her you for all your robots [Music] you hear that oh you know what to do give gold her robux oh no no she wondering how much robux you got in your account you better ride your queen get off the other side go go go haha gold please what she's not touching me okay she's not touching anything she's being that's her master don't touch me she's trying to crush draco wait is draco trying to make a base for himself no way i'm building me looks like he made a maze i don't think your minion's going very well it's not hurting anyone thank you girls for being nice golden sue nobody lunar is coming in a minute why am i spending time to make my base pretty because because i'm gonna wreck it i don't even know why there is evil lunar this one's evil lunar might be the scariest yeah i know no they should have made a good lunar that would have been scary okay i'm gonna build stairs to the top of my base so from the outside i can run up yes some nice stairs evil lunar is tall so i'm gonna build my base a little taller so i can climb up higher you know what three blocks high hmm and then i'm gonna fill in the three with glass ten seconds guys come on i can't even get the roof in time luna building looks like an office building are you pitying my build well it's going to look you know normal lunar luna get away dude she's uh i'm gonna buy a helicopter to destroy you luna now that's cheating you better not it's not cheating it's not cheating luna cannot help me and draco statue lunar can you explain why you were so fast luna get out of here rainbow you're so fast she's still going for my house can you see the house is already broken everyone i am in the helicopter and i don't know how to use it don't worry we're going to safe horizons i'll knock over the crew eventually confidence funny confidence you must uh you must drive i don't i am not a certified pilot i'm so sorry for running into the base round two hello the skies are cleared no there's a flood coming come on guys can you can can you please have a ride sorry buddy i bet you can't fly higher than my draco statue draco really as you can see i clearly know how to fly i'm a certified pilot she's running i graduated my license at crew crew aviation no i'm out aviation yes okay someone get me out of this get sued guys i'm in the sky and the whole place is flooding already there i'm on the highest of the highest wait i hear her do you see me whoa um give me a second i'm gonna land on jaco oh snap um that was no one saw that okay my building my building is safe i'm gonna continue working on my building oh the giant rainbow is coming what if i make my building like cake rainbow will not destroy it that's right yeah i'll just eat it she falls it's just so easy oh i could buy spikes hey give me more credit you think it's that easy to trick me with cake well the giant rainbow i suggest you oh okay so i suggest you not go near my base giant evil rainbow because i am applying some very deadly spikes and if you step on them they will hurt because i just tried it one second ago [Music] i mean they kind of look like cherries like these could be strawberries on the floor don't rainbow come back i build this what let me go over let me go i'm not scared of any brainbow track who built a lollipop scepter what the hell that's a it's a balloon the lollipops oh he's literally in it what feels lollipops my goodness uh dude i can't it would seem like i am in a predicament you have uh why so yes this looks like uh if you say it just looks like an office building stop saying it looks uh you know what giant rainbow does not look like cake i hope giant rainbow steps on the spikes do you see my build over there i'm making a raspberry bush it just looks like you like got lazy and you just turned it into like a green pile of this is supposed to be jealous it looks cute draco's is a tryhard it's not a try ruiners looks like an upside down magician hat and mine just looks like an utter mess so i'm gonna fix this rainbow it's a dangerous mess wait you should just survive on my building yeah i'm gonna do that my my raspberry bush has no chance okay so it's a giant beast i'm putting like purple frosting around doesn't look like cake why purple frosting oh hi [Music] rainbow not the bush oh rainbow is attacking her own belt yeah rainbow actually is very good look at him in his balloon yo we should go to draco's balloon hey draco's build is cool i want to i want to be there let's go i mean tall rainbow's going for lunar's build get away rainbow now is not the time still tell me my home if you don't tell me a pun i won't leave why are you so tall today rainbow no oh you're just evil rainbow she's going for the balloon she can't get the balloon you remember like the three little pigs i am the first one and i don't want to work on that fine i will make a parkour for you what do you mean the one that built the hay house but you built a brick house it feels like hey though eat the parkour if you want to get well i'm really good at parkour so i could do this you're trying to be clever draco hurry up dracula everyone is coming hurry right guys trying to survive right in there hey draco don't mind us it's just a bunch of movies oh dracula's actually pretty good at building from inside a balloon yeah look he's literally building us an ollie thank you can i go in bloop oh let me in oh oh wow i could be your f-u-n h thank you h thank you i love it in here yeah um come on guys giant rainbow rainbow you gotta jump on his uh chest rainbow right here rainbow oh oh rainbows new parkour wait why do you have a chair in here hey i wanna get to the top to get to the ceiling oh dude let me get to this no wait how'd you get okay are you draco oh yeah trick shot you just did an advanced jump yeah i'm kind of pro okay i'm not gonna do that job i'm just going to stare from here yeah well draco evil dracco these are some words for you you cannot get us because we're clearly the tallest in the service you'll never get us on this lollipop stick oh no gold fellow way down gold take deep breaths i was trying to be cool and jumping on top of that balloon she's still struggling gold hurry up eight seconds step back and get back in [Music] [Applause] did you just say eat all you learn these movies wow he's kicking down my house traitor traitor dude this is right here is the true evil one no no no you know what come over here don't crush gold hey hey this is pretty good yeah this is pretty good oh face in the face with the evil [Applause] wow gg funny stuff how did funny survive uh because i ran i ran for my little life i'm just gonna go ahead and get a fast pass and get my pets get a funny pet thank you i have now a funny pet i'm going to go work on my base yes the funny pet gives me extra prayers look it's so cute all right little funny you want to work on funny corp funny corp is getting demolished now because there's somebody in this server right now throwing shade at my office building which it does look like an office building so i'm going to reset i'm just going to work i'm not very i just think it looks like funny cold rainbow i'm building it she did it again oh you're building a cave she did it again she did it again i don't know what rainbow's building but it looks like a melted cookie that was rolled in mold for your information it's like moldy cookie dough it looks like it came out of that sewer pipe right there it kind of does it's a raspberry bush why why a bush like that i know this is proof that just proves that it just happens okay well i'm building like those rainbow cakes oh no way yeah it's gonna be so tall so no one can hurt me like the crepe cakes here is rainbow's house tour before evil rainbow comes all right so here um the the style choice was i was trying to make bright green jello because who doesn't love bright green jello but then afterwards i liked the pink color and i started putting it on so i made it a raspberry bush oh pink red i see white this isn't this does look like a smush screen cookie it's not a cookie it's a raspberry one it looks like moles anyone want to take a seat it's a special chair she's coming i don't think she wants to go bye-bye rainbow your giant rainbow doesn't even want to go near your build that's all that's how like okay that's the secret you see i made it look gross if this was a cookie it would be a green slime cookie aha also not edible like how would you even get a cookie green i mean you can use broccoli yeah yeah look rainbow evil rainbow is smart look she's like yeah that looks gross i don't want it hello evil rainbow stay back you don't want your going after draco because he's taller she's fighting him yes i told you my cookie saved you all you're welcome rainbow draco let's get a tour of your builds we already saw it it is my build is basically the same except now i have a second balloon the second balloon wait what's that it's too tall jacko i can't even get up there fracco draco let me yes you can okay so if we go from afar draco's balloon is even taller wow draco 10 out of 10 build so creative welcome to my sad tree man house he's very sad evil crew is so mean to him so he wanted this hole i'm sure he's a tree yeah yeah so cute i thought it was a french fry head i thought it was medusa oh no he's wearing a crown and he's crying so much that you see it he's growing trees he's growing sadness well can we go inside how artistic sure come into his home oh you see he's so sad that it's empty in his house oh i like all the floors gold he's squishing [Applause] he's literally just dancing on yeah see draco knows that that house is mold and knows it's my toxic cookie all right draco we got it we got it rainbow filled with us it was great and you love it so much oh wow now he's just dancing on the platform oh no it's going to my house i guess draco just doesn't want to attack this base i guess we can just go guys come on come on jacob's not here let's go give a tour of my house tears work the tv this work is my super cute house draco's still dancing over there there's a mailbox where you can deliver me crew tickets so i can get more pets and this is a fine place i thought you said you were gonna make a cake uh we're gonna have to speed up yeah i lied i got bored and i made my house coming welcome to the house there's lava coming oh i have to borrow my toilet asked to borrow it oh boroit what's that what's the sink what's this spike um hi does does this house support is it is it lava poo gold it actually does support lava rainbow and i'm sick of you calling my builds boring but look rainbow i know you said that i should make a cake house and stop making these basic houses but this looks like a basic house in the front right yes uh-huh uh-huh it's very but come to the back come to the back yeah here this way this way this way which way girl deathly stairs [Music] what why there is so try going try going up guys just make it up the stairs come on the glove is coming that is not people think you go from the stairs in the back right but they are dumb you just do this yeah huh watch he seems like you're struggling your building is bad and lava is coming so i'm going to check on you i did it gold hurry up lava's coming my house will survive no gold hurried this thing uh work gold you gotta jump on the mailbox she's trying to jump on the lamppost oh that's why she kept talking about the mailbox hello i believe that this tall dracula protect me from the lava over here hello you betrayed me over here uh yeah sorry i think we're gonna die here to be honest oh no no no i have to go to my build mm-hmm bunny's house is the shortest in the whole map oh okay so scary see it anymore oh no the lava is rising uh it was nice knowing you guys no no no no no hold up no no no no jump on top of each other's heads join me in come on rainbow survived five seconds draco was the tallest building of us all you guys should have went over here before we get a tour of lunar's house i'm getting the super crew pet i have the super crew pet let's equip it yeah now i'm powerful wait i could get more pets i have extra tickets let me get another funny [Music] oh wait i okay wait i can equip too okay guys let's get a tour overpowered anyways dude this is the nicest house on the block this is really nice it is cute it's a coffee cup tea oh house whatever i thought it was wait i thought it wasn't among us um wait draco's kind of right it does look like a crew mate this is the face it's whatever you want it to be cool i'm gonna go inside oh the inside's cute yes it is furnished fully furnished because how did you get on the roof her house is poorly made i could just sneak in why is your bathroom above your garage outside because how are you usually you know what i'm just gonna don't mind i'm just gonna there you go oh you guys bunnies got me oh don't even get tired i'm getting to the top i'm getting to the top feel the wrath of the funny whoa why don't you really stomping oh my gosh hello funny over here hello don't touch me funny funny please don't hurt yourself no where's that's the crew remember we're crew did you get up there bunny just recognizes destruction now i feel destruction man i miss the old funny the nice funny right here come on she's right there i know why why i think it's my fault what did you do she she stepped she stepped on the funny fire pit [Laughter] she killed evil funny oh yeah this burns well that's awkward my hands out ouch kf make sure to check out this crew event because it's only for a limited time to get these super cute pets the game link is in the description box below yes make sure to go check out the game build to survive thank you guys so much for watching and we'll see you all on the next one before gold yes you ease us we have to run you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 18,565,401
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh merch, itsfunneh videos, itsfunneh new, itsfunneh story, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox build to survive, roblox build, roblox survive, roblox evil krew, roblox krew, roblox krew game, krew event, roblox survive game, roblox building
Id: jHCm_Eh4MNk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 30sec (1530 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 19 2021
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