Minecraft but itโ€™s CRAZY GUESS WHO!

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guess who guess the other two whoa what is that oh who's my teammate that's a face all right Zayn we got this all right um they're dumb over there yeah they are well we got we got a cool team and we got a face that's uh that's quite a face oh yeah we got quite a face too all right let's begin all right okay all right all right let's see um I'm gonna ask first does your person have a mouth I mean I yes technically yes technically yes wait a minute wait a minute okay okay do they have okay wait a minute wait a minute I'm rephrasing the question is there a physical mouth on there like you can see like a little you can't see what I'm doing but you know no no so they don't have a mouth on there they they have no mouth I mean they have about the characters that one have their mouth open don't copy their answers um yes yes they do stole my question can you stealer okay all right my question is your person happy or we're still answering on ours you already got an answer yeah I was re-asking so you said yes a happy or sad expression no you can you kidding no no no no no I said I said does your person have a happy or sad expression the question the question mark is right there there's a question then we have to pick happy or sad we have to say yes or no so you can ask us if it has a happy award is your person is your person happy or sad yes no wait uh oh boy hang on [Music] [Applause] Kim Kim I got this no okay I trust you Ian so they are not happy or sad correct [Music] now let's see I don't know these are you attracted to this person oh Ian us it's a legitimate question are they attractive or are we attracted are you attracted to them are you I mean they they cute should we yeah are they cute they kind of stuttered there for a second yeah so no comment no comment yeah I think um I think I think we gotta we gotta go around like this person okay okay I have a question would you kiss this person would you kiss your person oh heck no absolutely not you know sure be sure if I don't know um all right are you done uh eliminating people we're gonna make a statement I think I would like two guests that's your person Casey with like a serious uh JoJo looking face no no it's not no it's not it's not it's not oh oh wow there he goes he fell off good try I'm fine all right okay so we got rid of that one okay all right next question is your person all right you know what I'm going I'm going for the I'm going for the chief Jack because your person is your person a boy oh so boring well we're trying to like we're trying to make some head right here uh okay okay so they are boy oh okay well from the ones we have left I'm trying to see um well once we have leftover with uh certain options um again what's your guess oh is it wait but we still we still get a question after she guesses because it's that's that's how it works right no no you either get a question or a question a question or a question yes yes yes do you want to ask a question or you want me to guess oh guess is it Aaron with a cute winky face [Music] all right my question is is your person a cute boy Ollie's cute no no hang on hang on I have a feeling all right they would like to make a guess all right fine ask your ask your question all right all right all right fine has a guess right yeah go ahead do your thing it's fine you go I I got I could guess I could guess but we only have one heart left let's just make just make a guess let's just go for it but then they automatically win if I get it wrong exactly oh that's right you better ask a question oh okay no no no I'm asking questions how about you pass and you give us the question no is your character's eyes very wide open like like fully open not squinted or not winking no I would consider that fully wide open like no because it's like it's it's hooded right because you're not you're not seeing the entire pupil you don't see the entire people that is they make your guess all right all right all right okay is it me with like a cute little smug little kitty cat a kitty cat face like a little kitty cat face kitty cat smug face yeah I'm like squinting a little looking to the side no oh that nope this is the final guess because we have our final life point so your person is a very evil smiling evil eyes noise would you call that evil I'm not sure it doesn't look evil you're not wrong show me which one you're pointing at uh this one this one this one oh they're right oh look at that okay well so what do they have for me you got it wow I don't think he's cute you said you said we had a mouth no we said we do not no we asked him oh yes but you couldn't see yeah that's exactly it see the mouth I can't believe this oh who's on my team oh it's you oh I have now and look at our face oh look what the gold oh does that mean does that mean if we win we get some giant nuggies I'm gonna get some giant nuggies I don't know about you I'll find a way I can already want surprise all right I'm gonna start this because I said so okay so is your person does your person like kitty cats they don't okay is your person like a that's kitty cats like the kid like like if they saw a kitty cat they'd be like wow that's mine it's not Casey no okay yeah if you want us to be blood it's not Casey I know that's where you were getting that all right so yeah we're just getting rid of the wood but yeah there's not a lot of cases on our side okay your guy or girl like to bake it's not Casey it's not Casey yeah it's not Casey all right I'll get on it all right I ain't got a question now let's see does your person like me [Music] I can already answer this no no no no no no nope get rid of all the AF Mouse right no no no no no no no no no no no no no no because that's the secret how do you know that those out okay Z you wanna ask questions um would you possibly say that this person is the best Minecraft player on our server I don't know okay absolutely without question [Laughter] let's hear aphmau talking and um you know what Ian you sometimes dumb but that could be very smart here so whatever Ian says I agree with that means you do like me and we can eliminate you off the board right so anyway all right my question next does your person is they um do they is is is my possibly can they be um would they if they were to ever have uh oh my God I'm gonna try that again you ever just have a dream that you when when you when I win do you prison have blue eyes blue eyes uh [Music] nope they don't have blue eyes okay no blue eyes okay okay okay okay no blue eyes [Music] uh yes they boy all right hey boy that helps my question uh is your person that's a question okay you ask a question Mr Smarty Pants it's my turn because because we're agreeing with what I say does your person have dark hair ah yes yeah I'd say so they do have dark hair okay so we got Kim here that's got kind of light hair yeah yeah so they have dark hair I'm assuming everyone with dark hair means like Ian ears [Music] yeah so we should eliminate Kim right I'm gonna have dark hair what are you doing okay yeah yeah get rid of everyone except him okay we gotta make a guess now all right go for it go for it [Music] nope oh what's the quality huh is that grimace get some nuggies while you're down there it wasn't me I didn't say anything hey get out of here take her away Kim's to guess from all right I'm gonna guess you know what you know what I hmm I feel like Kim would have said something if it was a funny face is your face Kim blushing with a little and she's like oh I gotta go get from the library oh my gosh you nailed it can Kim not be on my team next round oh wow that means okay all right we got this oh yeah that is a good thing all right I have a question for you for all of you all right not all of you not using don't answer this question oh okay all right is your person the most beautiful absolute amazing person in the world um yes yes but no no yes there we go okay they are they are beautiful they're amazing they're wonderful what this Dad I I literally think that we already know who this person is based on that interaction can I person what read can they read are they smart enough to read yes no what okay wow that's a good one wait what hey no thank you all right so we're eliminating people who can read so definitely Kim Zayn um so Zayn why don't you ask you questions wait okay ah CLC look at this look at that okay um are your characters eyes wide open wide open like [Music] like yeah like um numbers Kim yeah like a quarter a penny they're pretty big 90 yeah you can see 90 okay this is exciting is that 90. so the eye okay so we can't see a hundred look at this either I think it's over here it's gotta be one of these okay okay [Music] um uh uh a boy yes yes all right so it's me or Pierce all right then uh I'll make a guess I'll make a guess I'll make a guess all right go ahead is your person Ian with a little blue she blush you know little eyes in his eyes why are her eyebrows different from your hair um let me see uh [Music] [Music] happy plushy anime face oh wait this is what we guessed yeah I know I saw the cube I know it's cute this person it's the same one like like on a scale of ugly Ian probably would be our person on a scale of ugly would probably be like I don't know like um let me let me let me begin what by saying it was a good game um is your person Ian is your person Ian looking down absolutely miserable thinking about his life choices thinking that he probably crushed a puppy or something like that [Music] does the mouth look like in the shape of a bone yes oh oh yeah that's it that's the one I want to call Shenanigans because you have your perfect pressure breed you puppy Crusher McDonald's that's the face okay um look at that face that is a face all right all right who wants to ask the question oh oh I got one I got one who anyone else all right what huh go ahead go ahead so um I have a really smart one that's gonna eliminate a lot of people if it's if it's right does your person like gold I mean for practical uses only probably okay so it's not me yeah let's get rid of you it's not you know I I took a chance could have eliminated most of the board exactly that was actually a good question okay I have a question for you a smarter question actually a very very intellectual smart question I got the skin don't worry okay does your person like gold [Music] um you know what I don't even think in in practice you know like this person doesn't use it in any way yeah well I'm gonna get rid of the obviously just just no they don't like gold they don't like gold okay you better not be lying boys well well I'm I'm gonna play it safe Kim and only get rid of the ones who we know love gold okay like absolutely love it all right all right all right please go next is your character look happy yeah yeah that's perfect you look happy okay so anyone who's not happy correct get ready all right what is this does this one look happy Ian is this happy uh kind of a maniacal happy all right is your purse is any of the eyes on your person is any of the eyes on your person closed or you can't see them oh no they're they are they are wide open yeah we can see both eyes clearly both eyes clearly like shining they're not closed is the best way to describe it okay um would your person go on a date with me there it is I don't get I don't get what why is Kim laughing I mean I think they think that you cute I think they think you may be cute but like I don't think we can cut anyone with that question damn can I ask a question I have a question you've been asking all the questions but sure no fine you know what you you asked the question can't be so smart okay I gotta really one so if this person was hauling up a building but also a puppy was falling off a building [Applause] um what other person's allergies Kim this is why I asked the question okay okay okay okay okay you know I I think this person would save a puppy saying I mean I think everyone they were put into this situation I think yeah but that really doesn't eliminate anyone person I think it limit Ed okay okay all right I think okay I have a question I have a question I got a question wait but it's our turn yeah you just went [Laughter] Zayn asked a question that's what I said oh me okay okay or I am ready to make a guess how confident are you on this one I I feel very confident think about it it's the perfect twist because at um uh there's only one is your person Mac giggling no okay oh is your person wearing glasses okay yes yes Kim it's me [Music] wow are you saying I can't wear glasses because I'm ugly she said I can't you call me ugly because she's your teammate deal with it is your person a boy no all right well then I think it's got to be this one which one we have left because earlier she was like well maybe they think you're cute and you know I think I think okay I guess anyway no boys yeah no boys Kim is making a guess everyone quiet is it me but reach I mean on the scale of 100 how much rage it is come look at this piping hot range oh did that we got a new purse in it is a flattering things I'm not sure what would you consider yours okay let's get this started does your person if they have a black hair oh no no black hair they do the dude has a black hair so they do not have black hair I mean my hair's mostly black but I would consider I would consider your hair black okay what about this so if if we're about to get rid of Ian you guys better say something because his hair is black okay but what do I think it's not easy Casey would be proud of you Zane a shy pooper well are they can you please define what a shy is like they don't fart when they poop like I don't get it I need to know man what's happening when they go in the stall and they go do the poopy and the Kaka I don't think I mean I think they're somewhere in the middle depends on this occasion like if they're at a formal burp I am learning a lot today probably are but if they aren't then they probably don't care who would you consider [Music] earlier so is your person would your person be a snitch [Music] you know think so well that's one of those perspective you guys steal from me all the time in every video and you lost those I'm gonna take your stuff and you take my stuff and then I would I would never you liar eliminating Pierce can you ask a question yeah let me get one I'll let you do the thinking Ian you let's let's share a brain cell here I'll get a brain cell let's see yeah hi here here Ian Ian you hold the brain cell right now here's a brain I get to hold the brakes yeah hold the brain cell thank you we're sharing one today guys we're sharing with caring do not eat that brain cell then what does it look like they're in pain so that does your character um is oh Ian are you asking a question no no it's your turn okay can I have the brain cell please oh yeah here's the brains thank you thank you thank you thank you make sure you don't need it but it is kind of delicious it is pumpkin that's a pie I know okay okay okay your person would Zayn have a crush on your person I'm gonna recuse myself from this one oh that means it's Casey yeah not yep we partner with you is terrible all right we're on the right track which one is it what happened to this Casey what's going on with her she's crying cinnamon rolls I could go for cinnamon rolls does your person scream like really loud like [Music] a formal event probably not yes our person yes and no answers she okay how about give me the brain cell okay fine here's some brain so you take it okay now as we know we are down to only Casey which Casey it is is the question so I am going to make a guess that your Casey [Music] [Applause] all right so it's not sorry so it's not this Casey no it's not with the with the swirly guys get rid of that all right all right is your Kim okay well that helps no it actually does help yeah this person is really good at platforming and and what um I love this person this person this person is trying her best this person tries her best wow you don't see wow okay fine okay all right all right give me the brain cell Ian um I ate it no ah I can't think is your person Casey but she's like anime she's like if you look at her she's like tall and she's got like a little cat face eyes and her mouth is open and she looks like a man yeah yeah all right we got it our person was aphmau with a little mischievous look jobs doing everything
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 620,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: II6Db7dHTIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 41sec (1481 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 15 2023
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