Helping my FAMILY in Roblox Hospital Tycoon!

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oh i don't feel so good don't worry dracco i know how to make you feel better i know i'll build you a hospital uh can i just drink tea no [Music] all right unqualified doctors our goal today is to build the best hospitals in roblox all right enough small talk we doctored not really doctors gotta go and build this hospital uh yes yes i see your doctor's eating your apples please that's please what's happening with a day keeps the doctor away you don't need an apple a day i'm coming for you no what kind of drugs i'm gonna kill you draco i'm gonna start my tycoon and i'm gonna go show you how to use a knife because i'm a doctor all right conveyor belt money more money and it looks like all of you already have vip so you've been spending without me i'm heartbroken of course i'm gonna need a lot more droppers ooh golden dropper pacquiao i need more money let's get what are these droppers anyways are they dropping like little jelly hearts i think it's like jelly like healing jelly i'm just gonna take it off oh healing just healing jelly gold healing jelly oh this looks so cute i just what i appreciate them just plopping down yeah the power of robots premium i just love how they drop down wait a minute all of my neighbors already have walls up what the heck all right let's collect some money and just quickly get some walls because what's a hospital without some privacy great i'm out of cash let's get a hospital without some privacy is uh um i don't know draco stop trying to make up you're just trying to treat little without some privacy is uh oh this is a hard riddle a hospital without any privacy is not a hospital public restroom jackal public restrooms have walls so wait a minute can we type ooh that's kind of fancy buy owner only door well i don't want them coming in here and trying to slice me so we will get that actually my hospital is open to everyone so everyone can come in oh oh that's two kinds for you rainbow well not for me i don't need that wait a healing station what the why would i heard somebody hasn't been eating the apples give me your hand okay they tricked me they were like purchase this for more money so i clicked it robert you're a criminal robber we don't appreciate robbers here draco stop touching the patient [Laughter] you know no you're thiefa no you're fine you're a criminal the phone no you're a criminal i'm gonna continue upgrading healing station i obviously need this because they're trying to murder me in my own place last time i remember hospitals are safe what my hospital is doing just great i feel like your wheel is too peaceful over there oh free health care i have uh free health care too it's helpful i have free apples the apples didn't help well i guess i could buy some double cash that will help me with my hospital and we'll buy some patient rooms for our patients a bed some equipment what do we got planned on this hospital what the how'd you get in oh nothing wait are you actually stealing can you see like rainbow said stealing from a hospital is bad oh i'm i'm not stealing this is for charity for charity for my hospital because you know my patients guys okay that's it you're being very bad you could you get that you get down for that okay now i got this five hundred dollars from you funny oh what the okay what's your real i understand why there's a lot of security guards now okay yeah i'm gonna close things just got real in this hospital yeah that was just a hospital tycoon nah stuff just got serious what i have thirty seven thousand dollars just waiting in my hospital that is just so much money i wonder if you can have that much money patience what the shut up jack i hope nobody comes in here through my opened window to steal from me funny i don't know what i'm saying like that i hope nobody comes in here to steal i know i'm coming [Music] [Laughter] i understand you've learned your [Applause] i'm a manager now gold i have busy things to do and i don't have time to talk to you get away from my money okay it's okay you can share we can share the money you could come in here but i need to upgrade the cafeteria first because this is probably one of the coolest places come to rainbow dr natal doctors hospital i got washrooms rainbow you sound very like scammy and unofficial so i'm just gonna be scared i am super official rainbow i'm a manager now i don't have time for that i have to go do busy things patient door some walls now that i have like 100k it's literally so easy wait a minute steal cash can that come back i need this rainbow you know what i'll visit you no no no no it's okay my your it's only for patience no no i'll visit i swear i am patient okay let me just go uh toilet walls yeah you definitely need a bathroom so just go ahead and buy toilet i like how all this stuff is interactive that's pretty neat yeah it's so cool it's very neat there's people the captain the toilets look kind of stinky earn cash even better well draco toilet stink oh i don't want a rebirth not my toilet patient walls self-cleaning and self-sanitizing what you're just making up stuff okay [Laughter] what's your problem funny i'm literally a doctor going to work you this hospital isn't opened yet you can't come cold what let's make a truce let's go visit rainbow's hospital okay i'm gonna tell him the doctor going on the ship all right go go go hello um just a second i'm just here's my id um wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait why are you here oh i was scheduled to work the morning shift and now you were soon yes okay do not shoot me i have a degree it's a degree in my pocket it's a really good degree where are you are you cold she she's rich she bought all the windows it seems like you've got really good windows in here this is really creepy and glass yeah i told you mine is the nicest hospital on the vlog what is that yeah what is that is that like a sugar gun it makes people happy oh yep it makes sense and you better step back wait wait i did not i'm not looking for new doctors could you show me to patient zero zero two rainbow rainbow i need your patience no we're gonna go get out of here hello stop freaking funny rubber hurry she can't find me where is she you're so annoying go get out of my face hold on money is this how do you rob someone i don't know how to rock gold collect it collect it click what are you doing oh you're you should leave me alone gold you're bad i'm not splitting anything you're the worst robber you can't even worry about how do you do it how do you do it um face bandages another hospital you stole from me oh it actually works it worked a stethoscope a face mask accessory now i could become a true doctor health potion [Music] oh wow this could actually like you could be patients in here all right more money more upgrades let's make all the money we can at this hospital and this health potion nice and now i don't want gold sneaking in here anymore so we're gonna buy windows to cover up this place no no no no not today i am i'm diagnosing this patient hello gold is always up to no good i don't even think gold works on her place yeah she's always doing something gold why would i need to work you have to work on your hospital so you could no i'm a patient i ought to make lots what kind of hospital is this i'm waiting in the front okay fine let me come diagnose you hold up hold up um okay where is she hello did you go to the wrong hospital uh you're not even you know what no you you're wasting my time gold i don't got time for this are you the hospital with unfinished windows no this i'm getting a second floor let's go up here what do we got i'm just drafting this hospital okay she's having too much money i finally get to buy a road for my place and an ambulance so i can drive around and tell patients where's the car another road and we definitely need some windows for some privacy oh whoa this is so cool does this fill up gas oh you could buy a table in here we got first aid kit and i could officially drive this thing wait you could literally just lay in the back that's so funny okay gold i think i can pick you up gold what i will be nice hospital doctor now okay i i can definitely care for you and let's buy some trees yep that looks pretty good parking sign hello patient hello as an ambulance you're supposed to come pick me up not me picking you up yes yes you're sassy patient don't worry i got you okay get it get in get in gold's feeling a little unwell we're gonna have to take her to the nearest hospital i don't want the gold gold's hospital i would like to go to draco's hospital but i'm already a lunars no what are your symptoms ma'am i'm a patient you should let me choose where i would like to go uh man the car's stuck you're gonna have to walk out and walk to yourself you can't get anything done around here what kind of doctor are you oh i'm actually not certified and you complain too much don't say anything i don't think that's a patient [Music] uh what are you doing here oh nothing i'm just i'm sick i'm sick do not touch me you can't escape my hospital i'm i'm your customer you should be treating me like hell royalty finally heading to the second floor and we can upgrade what is this oh another money bank a conveyor belt in a hospital whoa oh wait never mind more healing yep i gotta buy all these golden droppers or else it will be out of place in an empty area therefore i must keep throwing money at this game i have collected five million dollars and now i think i could actually just fully upgrade the top without any trouble that's right five million wow that's gonna be the most expensive oh ever i know my goal is to fully max this upgrade wait we got some more stuff up here even a backpack that's pretty neat please more money do i want to buy 25 million in cash i guess i can what don't mind me guys whoa why is there a person in hazmat what does hazmat powers do does this mean no one can infect me i now have a hazmat suit for extra protection hello enemy [Music] how can you oh no i need walls asap i have a ray gun you better be careful i can aim too no you can goodbye you're messing with the wrong dog i'm scared i guess she's a certified um i repeat there is a hopping ninja robber running around it's a pink guy at your face wait a ninja water yeah a ninja robert it's okay i'll make a truce with gold gold get your butt here i know you're hiding around here she's on the side she's hopping around gold where are you huh you caught me what do you want okay come to the second floor i have gifts for you i have very cool gifts we're gonna buy some more money droppers yes yes doctor here free for you particles wow thank you only because like you never upgrade your tycoons i feel and you're slacking so loved right now look at this they're welcome gold i also want to test i like this outfit i want this one outfit for building hospitals not shopping i am your nurse wait no this one's not professional okay she's actually just going shopping she thinks this is a fashion game and an upgrader now i look super professional oh you look so cool here look see you guys [Laughter] oh you just slide around oh look a little fish something to keep the patience happy a little friend we got some lights 12 million dollars i don't even need to buy cash at this point hazmat suit a monitor we wash our hands here [Music] oh you're stealing my stuff gold did you get him yeah i did get out i'm you thief manager of this establishment yes i already stole one million dollars gold that's it nurse come here yes come pick up these weapons if draco gets any near the funny hospital you must get him okay all right he's he's a nuisance we banned him here he was a patient here once we didn't solve his didn't serve me of like why he loves apples so much and then what do you want to banana origin story yeah it's about apples he's really angry we got an x-ray machine pool x-ray powers i don't really need x-ray powers i feel like they don't bring me any joy a water dispenser hey look at this free water go look what whoa your hospitals are free stay hydrated i always tastes so fresh we got a door and an outside wall rebirth machine i don't need a rebirth yet oh he's a fake doctor you're so annoying luna i recruit you give me all your money oh for protection luna i'll pay you i'll let you rob from me accept it to kick draco out of this establishment wait where's draco can't kick me out this is my hospital now what the heck is literally because your hospital's too big now you can just hide i know this is what happens when your establishment gets too gigantic other people start noticing that you have a better start there's an emergency where's the thing he's trying to steal my stuff luna get it get it where is he second floor okay and he's not allowed to have a free glass of water there's a thief amongst that's where is he draco [Laughter] [Laughter] rainbow it's kind of chaotic here right now finally is he down yeah he's out the hospital is still not protected because we don't have a roof and he's just gonna keep flying it i think that's it for my upgrades some more money and let's buy some stairs to get all the way to the top i think i'm on my final level wait you're getting ready for the third house yep third floor it's huge don't worry everyone is invited to this gracious hospital as i fully upgrade it while these droppers are getting more expensive another dropper please bye we got more conveyor belts because obviously as the hospital gets bigger we need more money jaco i know you're on the second floor i got your butt out of here i'm not you're like so paranoid i feel like you're just creeping around in the hospital for no reason being paranoid isn't good funny i'm sorry i'm aaron just go downstairs real quick all right seems like draco isn't here after all let me go upstairs and upgrade again some more heart accessories i'm just gonna step over everything guys the third floor is very expensive wait a minute why am i losing money someone's stealing from you again yeah okay you're having too much fun with this game that's it doors are closed jack but you don't look at my shoulder turrets come back now you don't get any fun a security room for 22 million dollars perfect this is exactly what i need to keep the annoying out let me see wait what's the annoying you uh we we don't we don't say its name around here it's a it's a secret code [Laughter] 12 million for some security i need that i need tons of security for this place lunar security i hire you once again [Music] never mind just right into the door all right we got our room stuff security room some equipment i don't think it does anything but we can pretend typing whoa oh this is where the robber is tv yeah you probably don't want to watch this patient i'll just turn it off a medicine cooler obviously some medicine and we need a pharmacist 100 million dollars now with that i think i could finally upgrade 100 million let me show you bye bye bye bye bye oh there's a break room here then oh gold this is where you go we finally have a staff break room where you can use the microwave oven what do we cook in here [Music] apples oh i thought you're gonna say beans why do we heat up beans i don't know we just we just always love beans while everyone loves roblox beans lunar but i don't think this game carries that draco what are you doing let me in draco shut up you could probably go over you're being dramatic there you just get out of it get out of here you're so you're being so annoying wait what is this if this is a glitch or it's a radiator all right we got our staff room dracco you officially work here now i wanna give you a hug thank you he's lying [Music] accessory room whoa this is so cool i get a shiny effect can someone please annihilate this thief are you talking about draco the annoying no gold and jackal are the robbery dude can you keep running around and stealing the money you should lock out of your store rainbow yeah rainbow you should lock up it's dangerous to keep money i don't have any walls does it look like i can lock up let's hire pharmacists they're in the skies where are the where are these two annoying duos i see them so annoying away from my mind yeah i thought we were playing a peaceful time not a pvp this is a hospital tycoon draco somewhere i'll help you rainbow thank you thank you where are these annoying thiefs oh there's just let us finish upgrading okay okay this is the last of it i keep saying that but i don't know how much upgrades i gotta buy a dropper surgeon morph and i still need more money i don't even know why they keep stealing from us they're not even upgrading their hospitals yeah oh now i got medicine security morph this is what i need you know because we need some security around here because there's these two annoying things going around trying to ruin the place part of trying to ruin our business that's right and we don't appreciate it what the why you guys keep yes get out of this establishment you know i can't afford windows yet all right you know that windows do not come with a press yet wait what superhero all right 1 100 robux i'm the hero of this place why am i so smelly who are you saving stinky hero who am i saving i'm saving this place from where are you danger you have a bad superpower alright patience giver very cool speed some windows to block them out no window and an upgrade third floor is completely upgraded now let's go to the final floor i hope this is the final floor whoa who are you laughing staircase that was me birth machine what do you want draco stop trying to take stuff you're just jealous wait we got a golden helicopter well i technically bought everything in this game already so i might as well just keep spending i think this is to go around the map hello security is your refrigerator running i i'm just here i'm security for the refrigerator guy dude that joke that is like the oldest oldest oldest oldest ancient joke ever jaco and that's why i shot you because you deserve that that's how i feel about that joke vents for our roof a lightning rod yes we definitely need a lightning rod because our building is so tall and we gotta protect it what else helipad wait there's a regular helicopter why did i buy the golden helicopter i feel like i wasted my money because you're the fanciest hotel in the city hotel yeah at this rate this hospital not hotel i mean yeah hospital no rainbow it is a hotel it's a multi-functional beautiful place oh hello security how's it going yeah some security why you look so sad because i'm security helicopter last upgrade let's go this is it i finished it i have congratulations congratulations nice amazing that means you are now the target of not one not two not three but four robbers hey hey no stealing guys right guys right guys yes hey hey hey hey hey i was just joking it was just a joke dracco you were allowed to steal but you must keep the robbers out you hear that okay oh my gosh look at all that cash draco look she's a millionaire get out there's a lot of these is your toaster writing let me in okay that's another old joke toasters bad joke bad joke oh you're annoying hello everyone it's okay i beat end game i beat end game there's nothing left okay you could steal and take whatever you want literally everything's free that's how rich this hospital is thank you no no violence luna it's peaceful no violence you can collect what you i'm a patient you have to concentrate me oh okay oh we treat you um yeah it seems like i treat you with death no you cheated annoying um i lied i didn't fully upgrade yet guys give me a second i didn't buy lights quite sad you could say these are dark times [Music] yeah maybe you kill him for such the bad jokes today that's so bad okay actually no rainbow why is rainbow laughing she's she's clearly having too much fun gold make sure to protect me i need to double check everything did i beat it okay because are they running i hear windows running even got a hoverboard in this hospital all right where's your bad joke is your rebirth running and now i'm gonna demolish it oh wait are you ready can i stand on the top first i want to say wait i wanna i wanna fall from the top floors okay i am here okay guys grab all the rest of the items what you can buy what is this oh oh am i ready just rebirth already hey i need a ride out here please no no there's nothing wow was it worth it yeah yeah because i kept this back here now she's not protected [Music] see you guys oh and if you enjoyed the video please leave a like and consider subscribing it helps us out a lot now see you later thanks for watching bye bye bye oh no not bad for you [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 10,638,296
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox funny, funny roblox, funny roblox game, roblox obby, roblox funneh, roblox krew, roblox story, roblox games, roblox hospital tycoon, roblox tycoon, roblox doctor tycoon, hospital tycoon, roblox tycoon itsfunneh, roblox tycoon funneh
Id: _1Dlq476r8Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 5sec (1865 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 12 2022
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