Aphmau DIED and was REBORN In Minecraft!

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on this minecraft server when a player dies they fall from the sky and are reborn this is the rebirth mod game over doesn't exist as any player comes back to life as a baby which means they have to leave their minecraft lights from birth to death as fast as possible especially since baby characters can't use certain items but growing up means more danger and more chances to be reborn again can we survive the reborn mods let's find out hey be sure to like and subscribe thanks all right i got so much wood perfect i can expand my house this will be great uh huh [Applause] nope today's my day off i am not getting involved what is this some kind of flint and steel maybe i can use it on my guard oh no not that wait is this sound those two get two what the what is that no no no no no no no no [Music] oh [Laughter] [Music] do you two mind i'm having a minute here you could have chopped all the stone you could have mined the iron the diamond yeah [Music] you did not used to be that short i think it's your uh there's no way is this a prank of you you're that's not actually that can't possibly be i'm just as confused as you guys are listen guys i don't i know about you guys but i don't trust baby so um we got to get rid of this thing don't definitely catch babies [Music] and then i came back from the heavens and i landed down i was a baby angel and then i came back to you and then i don't know what's going on all right you know uh well you know i've not disappeared somewhere so we we just got to get rid of this baby because i don't know get here oh stop hold on i got this oh man [Music] do it right oh [Applause] oh so you got small after you died you got small after you died i think we were reborn what huh we would turn [Music] [Applause] [Music] i don't know i'm trying to figure it out i don't remember any mods on the server that would turn you into babies after you indicted it it's me mr sparta don't pants man yeah yeah steal things from you you should know what they do you should be what you wear pants yeah we have no pants we have not a bad diaper all right in the meantime i need to keep you all safe until i can figure out what's going on so come on we're going to casey's all right come on kiddos just a little farther almost there come on this is so far away by your little lane well maybe you shouldn't have jumped into a creeper picture so big and tall let's see about that [Music] [Applause] [Music] wow it's so easy [Music] [Applause] [Music] you're surprisingly well prepared for this casey i i solved everything you installed a mod you really need to password protect the server yeah anyways but yes i installed a mod called rebirth and i saw the birth part and i knew babies were probably going to be a part of it so i did ask questions yes [Music] there's a lot more to mods hey so they can age back it up [Music] actually okay why don't you all just lay down for a nap the adults need some rest and some time to just [Music] oh no no that's dangerous [Laughter] get down here that's dangerous no we actually can't every it's kind of scary [Music] ah now i'm taller than you i can't believe it i don't know about this guy no i'm not mom oh hey oh growing up oh party on the roof is a lot better now and simultaneously oh actually this is a great this is great and we can use a house as a high dive to go swimming no no you get down here well i'm gonna grab you oh uh wait a minute is he gone forevers oh wait what um hey guys well listen all this work though i have a baby again [Applause] there you go there you go okay so i think i'm finally figuring out how this mod works if any player happens to died at it they reincarnate back into a baby and then as stuff goes on they start to age back up to the proper age but what happens after that point apparently if they died again they turned to babies again i guess it's just me and you raising these kids then right no it is yeah i mean casey i'm i'm honored i well you know what maybe that's not a bad idea really i got it i got it but hey at least i'm not a baby ian this is why we don't play with tnt oh yeah i'm sorry being a witch by [Music] hey casey about the marriage thing can we still work that out oh that's so cute you'll find someone closer when you're older cycling boys should have thought about that stop it baby die be nice to the baby what's up your fault oh he can't understand he doesn't know words yet caught you you especially what are you doing we need to grow up right now we need to do things that will make us big and mature we are going to the petting zoo well why because it will make me feel older now let's go we don't even have a petting zoo yeah we do what what yeah wait you guys don't know i have a petting zoo no you have a zoo yeah the petting zoo yeah duh what of course oh why are you surprised kind of cool first off i mean come on you you don't beat but second off like i i needed a summer job i i need money for college and stuff so yeah hang on cancer two dollars 200 double for en you know what you are a liability do you know what that means no me neither but i want more money from you i am a kid so that's only four dollars how do you know that word whoops actually sorry you're a dad that's a teen i ran out of sign space but actually cost a thousand dollars wait my whole audience says you double for e and so actually it's 2 000 please all right you know what i'm a teenager we're just gonna break in let's go all right teenagers i'm simultaneously angry but so much faster all the bunnies all right zayn you gotta do something mature so you can grow up uh okay what can i do uh i don't know what how does this spot work you're supposed to know i thought i knew but wait wait i think i remember reading something about that weird rock that hit you um pierce where did you get this i just kind of found it uh one of my sheep was chewing on it so i figured if that was probably a bad place for it so i put it over here uh i don't know what it does though the animal's here by the way oh bye bye my car over here let me here we'll go grab some more hold on just a sec oh let me try this let me try something what are you doing oh be careful tingly whoa hey whoa wait let me try let me try let me try [Music] let me turn it i'm already older back to normal good to be back baby [Music] [Music] oh driver you know huh oh this is hey this is awkward sorry about the hole hitting you with the car thingy [Applause] uh pierce how much do you charge baby ian's uh three billion dollars well i respect your business acumen you can uh you can drop it right on my hands right here what no no no no no no no no no no i'm not in the body i need the buddy baby i need the buddy look at me being all cool right in a horse tall people things um huh what's that noise hello even more a little more look at this ian i am on a tall horse uh-huh you can ride a horse here i know i can't fancy well horses are dumb i don't need to ride a horse i got this look at these long legs look look look how tall i am i don't need i i'm gonna get my own long legs because i made a walking wait but why because there's nothing more grown up than going into space uh so are you getting inside of it yes it is ready to go and i'm going to space and you're not you can't come i'm coming to space i'm going to go like space my wife no this is my [Music] it's fine it's fine i was gonna be a grown-up yeah and now i can't reach the now i'm a baby again oh look at you i'm a baby too you know well you've always been a baby you're a baby your baby you broke my rocket i was gonna go yay all right that's enough bickering out of you too you've caused enough trouble for one day now both of you are going to lay down and take a nap you're not our parents and forever be taller than [Laughter] popular [Applause] this is my what do you think of this one um i think it's nice but whatever that one's fine too anyways we've got really important things or this one look at this one we're the real problems here too we're almost out of toilet paper now stay away from them they're going to turn you into a troublemaker just like them before you know it you start wearing blue blue is totally in yeah obviously blue is the color of kids who cause nothing but trouble now both of you go home to your parents before i send you back what's the color of purple it's better than blue you know you don't want to end up like old man zane you want to be cool like us so why don't you uh take this and fire some special toilet paper at him this is gonna be good come on do it do it do it do it do it wait wait wait wait no no no [Applause] you're better than this no i i am not sir i am trying to have fun also you keep telling me what to do so here you go oh oh oh guys you should not have given me that much power uh i'm not even surprised or disappointed at this point i'm just i'm i'm just always gonna be a baby aren't you've always been a baby this will be the best prank ever especially on them adults [Music] oh there she is at casey's house we gotta get her again you two i swear [Music] our baby's immune to explosion oh [Music] look at all this tnt and it's not going to affect me wait a minute they have an aging crystal thing inside of the oh my god fair i'm taking this there we go all right perfect all right now i'm gonna use this for myself that's how they aged up so quickly oh fierce that was so good okay now who should we get next yeah i don't know i mean we already kind of got zayn uh oh hello baby that stupid baby with the baby baby short baby legs [Music] you know what it's okay because i wanted to give you both a big gift what you gotta come this way over here no no no pierce i i don't i don't know about this i don't know about this you can tweet she said she she said put gifts i like gifts what what could be going wrong you know how i feel about babies don't come come this way please it's true babies can't lie she said it herself and she's okay that's right follow me on what was she doing in my house [Music] [Music] guess what you've exploded me many times sir why why haven't you exploded me many times pass get down here yeah yeah come on come on you know what you know now it doesn't matter anyway if we're babies because we can grow up with our with the little little secret we have don't we peers yeah we wait wait wait was it was it in there i mean this little secret my secret wait what wait you got to think wow oh and i'm getting rid of this no longer will that plague me and you know what being close is really cool i get to do lots of things like stay up late and um um what can i do oh [Music] because i'm picky on him [Music] [Applause] oh come on [Music] [Applause] [Music] when we grew up can we get married yeah [Music]
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 11,321,285
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau reborn, aphmau rebirth, aphmau is reborn in minecraft, reborn mod, rebirth mod, aphmau pranks her friends, aphmau funny moments, no swearing, no cursing, family friendly, aphmau ein, aphmau mod, mod minecraft, new minecraft mod
Id: 93vLE-NunPg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 18sec (1278 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 24 2021
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