Hatching RARE KITTENS in Minecraft!

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these Minecraft eggs hatch rare kittens each one's super cute and with a unique power to help players only players don't know what's inside until they hatch who can hatch the rarest egg of them all Casey are you ready to check out the new kitten castle look yeah it's kind of like a new game hey who built this ugly thing over here hey yeah exactly what she said what is it even supposed to be huh if you come over here I think you'll be able to find out it's kitten Castle so this is a game where you get to have some rare eggs these are the eggs they're absolutely oh go for this one you guys get to choose this one okay you know what's really cool is that the first one is free so wait what are you seeing this oh this is so cute [Music] oh no no there's enough annoying animals wandering around on the server already huh whoa whoa over here [Applause] [Music] oh that's so amazing what I've got ender pearls now oh I can throw my kitty in a nice way that's adorable what is your cat do Zane oh look at it uh let's see here explode that's what a creeper does he blows up oh that makes sense what'd you get Pierce all right what show what you can do sheep oh you got a little sheep it's a sheep Kitty oh what oh my God oh my good the popsicilities with this headless he just gives you that could be pretty useful you makes eggs what is yours what is yours uh oh it's an aphmau I don't I I thought at first this was like a chocolate cat but no I don't know oh no no no no no okay come on I got I got like a dumb poopy kitty go away and then it's ugly it smells bad I want a new kid I guess yeah you want to purchase the idea to get money but you can also find something on the server huh more kitties oh come on there's got to be something under here right Easter egg hunt right Kitty hey off what you doing oh um I'm for kittens I think a good old mining for them though wait hold on uh I I don't see anyone down here uh yeah I can tell uh nope nope nothing it's okay well let me try something uh let me have you go up here oh I missed oh you're on that tree nice wait did it find something come on let's go Pierce okay oh yeah oh that's so cool cool there's so many there's so many oh look at them this oh the fair I want some all right let me try to chop this down that's a lot of kitties oh a sheep Kitty it was a little more yeah but but I you know I would like one too you know maybe we can Beauty oh careful huh what's that noise uh huh are there more whoa whoa whoa why are there more people what's happening everywhere um oh it got big oh that's a big creeper Kitty um oh that that's not good that's not good at all [Applause] that's dangerous Ender is my under Kitty okay uh oh there it is okay all right um everything's good oh there's a creeper egg all right let me see if I can maybe I can hatch it and maybe It'll Be Tamed oh [Music] look at oh you're so cute wait Abba has leveled up hidden combiner unlocked whoa that sounds awesome okay all right let's go up here did you get him yeah but no thanks to you there's still eggs up there oh cool great so where are you going next I'm going to try this kitten combiner I just gotta level up like a level unlock thing so I'm gonna go take them there okay sure yeah let's do it yeah okay come too all right here we are I don't see a combiner anywhere or anything no but I do gotta finish by throw it again at some point where's the hatching room go oh oh and your kitty would oh that's another room okay okay it just keeps on going no this is really cool all right that looks uh expensive like a combiner yeah all right and expensive but like a combiner all right let me see if I can get my kitties on there maybe if I right click there we go there they go they just go in there [Music] wait what it's mixing oh you can combine it kind of cute there's an Ender Dragon Kitty oh my God I want to tell everyone about this come on come on we gotta tell them oh you guys are so cute I'm loving these cats they are the most adorable thing ever okay um where is everybody actually really villagers outside of Casey's house come on kitties let's go okay excuse me excuse me excuse me she's a friend of mine I will be uh right through hey Casey what's oh our own business what do you think you have a cake Kitty that is so cool are they cupcakes um oh he oh here you go oh that is so cool that's really awesome look at Unlimited Supply of Kitty cupcake actually come on I'll show you myself oh yeah let's set up what did you make whoa look at this Barn yeah after chicken kitten I mean I use them to bake cakes and even he was so busy playing around that I just started giving them villagers and then they started leaving me alone oh look at all that yeah they're so cute oh you have so many chicken kitties oh come on now Kitty chickies look how cute you are oh yeah I love these I even found calcium for a cow kitten yeah [Music] yeah ice process so much easier and they're so cute so cute you can say that again good for you Casey it's a quit he's a cat KC huh oh there you are I found something new that looks like it hurt yeah it's a little bit over excited shocks every now and then oh that's so cute um have you guys thought about combining the kittens wait whoa what's with that face combining kittens but yeah once you level up you can combine your kittens to get more that's why I got the Ender Dragon kittens [Music] Casey just relax Casey calm down oh and your kitty look so cute Jay gets excited don't worry Casey Zayn don't you all knows the robot kitty Casey calm down oh no well now that thing was eaten to death by the kitties it's time to go see what else we could do I have something to show you yeah what you want to show me what is he is here yeah yeah so I was bored and I decided to start hatching more eggs I may have broken a few but then I hatched this one is it an emerald Kitty is it a snot no no no no no no no he's ugly so why do I keep getting the ugly kittens we sound really happy but Ian you know you can combine the kittens to get something new right you can come on these two guys and get something brand new what oh bite I can use that cool combiner and get even better kittens exactly all right kitties come on come on come on come on I'm gonna figure out if it's a booger Kitty or an emerald Kitty hard to tell um let's see oh wow Pierce keeps making this uh treasure or something other we'll see whatever hey anyway this is gonna be awesome all right kitties up you go I don't care if they're pooping booger it's so cute what is that oh oh my gosh what is that it looks like oh it's like a grandma Kitty are you a grandma Kitty oh you know if your grandma looks like that then your grandma's ugly wow Ian you're a jerk what is this ugly can't even do oh see what it does what is it doing oh it's it's butt scooting oh look that cookie is disgusting oh I think he jumps cookies but I don't think you're trying that yeah can you make a stop and you know make it be nice and cool be my friend instead what are you talking about whoa what if instead of my cats you gave me you're a kitten minor terrible talk about your terrible kittens that way I don't think it's a good idea I enjoy my kitties but maybe I can help you try to find more kittens come on we'll find you some more kittens without having to take anyone else's come on really yo yo you'll still help me of course I'll help you come on this way so there's some eggs hidden around I found some in a tree and then oh over here come on come here let me see oh it better be something cool let's see so there's some apples on a tree here what what'd you find see if there's an egg in there is this an apple yes yes it's an apple maybe maybe you might get a cat if you if you like no I don't want an apple cat or something cool and you know what if you're not gonna help me then I'll just figure it out by myself come on no you Trio of lame cats oh they're cute a grandma cat with the butt scooting the poopy kitty and the booger Kitty they're all cute here's hey bears wow any luck with any eggs no nothing yet how about you nothing Ian's got some interesting kitties but I got you kitty too we didn't find much fade we do a little bit bigger let's see if I can find something else come on kitties let's go this way um oof maybe there might be like uh so we stopped we found some on a tree maybe there's like someone can mine you know oh something let's look around a bit more I wish I was like a hunter kitty that can hunt all the cat eggs you know like that would be really cool hmm what is that is that like a what'd you say there's um like a sapphire something like diamond and lapis lazuli weird oh it's not supposed to eat whoa what what oh so they pop from things oh man maybe stuff we'll get more kittens I know right all right um Pierce start searching over there I wanted these are my eggs I found them so they're mine on it let's see lapis oh look at that bears [Music] [Applause] can I have him no the mine Pierce oh my God oh my gosh what if there's an old Kitty he would go nuts be awesome if you'd like hi way how do you get right on in there oh this gives me a crazy all right Diamond Sapphire do it go over there do stuff oh that's an upgrade that's so cool cute kitty huh you guys are doing the best job oh look at them what what was that that wasn't one of you guys right take a look over there and see what's going on cancel I don't even want you anymore what is he doing to those poor kitty cats [Music] I am getting tired of these cats [Laughter] the worst thing oh my gosh stupid booger kitten stupid Grandma kids stupid poop tins oh it was a booger cat um oh whoa I didn't realize you could do that um all right let's get back to my place all right there has to be somewhere I can get Ian a kitten that he'll like but I can't really trade eggs I kind of can only hatch him what do you guys think Daddy Solutions no of course you don't you can't wait what is that noise one second kitties how did this happen are you okay uh what the huh an egg nothing egg how is this happening okay whatever I'm not gonna question it oh work okay I'll take the kitty cat oh I want that cat okay get back here yeah at least the puppy's okay where where is it going where is it going where is it what is a little cute walk look at that where where is it go oh no that's cheap [Music] you know what oh no problem huh who are you and what have you done with Pierce because Pierce would be crying over the sheets hold on hold on I'll explain uh Kitty come here come here oh no no no no no no no no Pierce Pierce yeah yeah yeah yeah you are yes you gotta understand this guy's so awesome I don't have to worry about wool again watch this oh that's so cool over here the grass yeah look I have wool forever Pierce didn't you want more kittens though yeah but you know what I decided I don't need them this guy gives me everything I need don't you yes you do wish everyone felt that way about the cats yeah well you know oh my gosh I'm not sure you may want to get inside Pierce yeah I think I'm gonna get out of here bye I'm gonna go check that out all right well Kitty you're back to normal please don't do that again with the Sheep come on let's go investigate a little bit oh no what happened kitties are you okay this explosion's coming from everywhere I mean kitty what's going oh oh I got you oh I got you it's okay you're in my head but it's okay all right we gotta figure out what's going on with all this server stuff come on let's go over here um maybe it was coming from the Kitty castle Ian what's going on oh there you are you have to protect me what did you do mom well I'll wait maybe I should show you so I thought if I put a bunch of kittens in the combiner and they'd make something really cool [Music] yeah it's sort of made something cool what do you mean Ian uh Ian what is that well I just wanted it what is that what oh my God what is that even come on oh man huh Diamond Kitty perfect what is that that is a warden kitty cat oh my gosh kitty kitty no wolf Kitty no no don't be oh oh my oh it took too hard okay that is not that beam is strong careful you only get like a few hits before you're dead come on goodbye I need to come find all right come on come on right click perfect okay let's see what do I get come on come on come on this is still working and [Music] let's go let's go let's go let's go oh whoa whoa whoa that's a big rainbow beef oh wow oh you're back to normal oh now you're not so scary when you're that small good Kitty thank you so much oh where's your Barbies look at all the babies hey we don't have to worry about anything right now I told you you could do it aphmau yeah so uh do I get a cool cat now yeah if you took care of your cat no no no no no Warden Kitty you oh look at you you're so cute all right Ian you wait there okay let me I'm tearing the kitty so I got Angel kitty diamond kitty come over here come over here ultra rare maybe I can get this kitten for Ian that would be my oh [Music] you've always wanted oh it's so beautiful now he's not tormenting all the kitties especially the cute little ugly ones what yes okay let's let's clean up the Hobbies a little bit there we go you guys take care of it I'm gonna go party with my new gold Kitty whatever Ian
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 7,843,994
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: evFGolP-FAs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 56sec (1136 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 27 2023
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