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what's one plus one two and it's banana all right now what's two plus two banana no it's four what uh I think class is over now now I have a question for you YouTube what's three plus three ready or not here I come I hate this school the teacher sucks here don't say that she might hear it yeah Draco she doesn't know how to do math first the school one number next it's bananas well you don't know her she's a she's kind of bananas as you can say what are we looking for I don't know anything to use what is this it's a slingshot oh okay we need a weapon key keep looking people I got a master key okay good job what is that for does anyone see here I'm scared Pro no I need a lock pick I don't know what does that do I don't know it's just it's just called you can't go up here up here let's go do you see a rainbow around no no what okay that's good she doesn't see us yet let's keep let's keep fighting is there something in your throat now I'm just curious of why somebody said this school sucks when you're here on a Sunday Sunday school you know what honestly get Draco first because he said that not us I I found a lockpick it's a Sunday what and you better make like a banana and split gold screwdriver goes here oh I need this guys we need water I need to put this out here or a fishing it's a joke huh I found a lock pick do you know where it goes um something needed a lock pick earlier oh I can help you no I'm a nice Grandma come on I thought you said you were a teacher a banana teacher yeah pick your roll rainbow yeah I am but I'm also a nice teacher this thing nope okay this way come on through the for my bananas have you seen my bananas um who's in there hey I could see you I found the safe key wait did you use this master key yet no I didn't I didn't I didn't hey we lost track where'd he go I died he got he got whacked by a banana teeth oh that's not good it's because he said he didn't like bananas that's right hello oh look at these bunch of cute bananas running around I've been looking for you guys everywhere come back it's open security key no is that for the weapon got a split see she's laughing at my jokes where she that one's funny I'm not gonna whack her oh thank you hello get away from me banana teacher do you like my horns I just got them yesterday nope wait why isn't this door opening take that oh I dropped the key run run run run this oh my gosh scared I'm not appealing oh my God oh wait this gold lockpick give me a trapped off okay thank you okay give it to me good job okay she's not here I can hear you guys my banana ears can hear you guys come on keep running no okay go hurry do you need it anymore I don't think so but just carry it around just in case I have the screwdriver wait why is there a safe key oh we don't need that we didn't use that you have a screwdriver the screwdriver goes upstairs earlier which Rocco died okay show me let's go hey wait we'll have a joke for you okay I love jokes if you tell me a joke why did granny slip because I have a banana peel no granny slipped because she kept chasing us and she did she didn't know we had a trap upstairs lunar Luna get these are lunar hurry excuse me the teller of bad jokes I gotta say that was that is not even a joke what was that it wasn't a joke it's just called distraction right oh come on I can't find you anymore good job um is this for a fuse fuse fuse fuse think of it okay this map is really hard yeah next um Luna do you see a fuse down there um now I have a gallon of oil though does anyone need gas no no okay one just gonna throw it away Ben Four I found lunar do you have a screwdriver no but it dropped it I need it oh my gosh funny now we have to go back you kids are so annoying she's really bad too come on we can beat her mom oh hi oh no no no no no no no no no no no no dad why'd you close it no no no I can't rainbow no but seriously do you like my ears I put them on especially for this occasion rainbow I'm trying to pick up this it's like a horror movie I can't pick it up come here go go go say hi to your grandma it's just me I thought you were a teacher [Music] found the granny of your nightmares [Music] okay we opened it now what okay what does that mean just go just follow the wire it probably means we opened something okay this over here ah yeah go to pick her up get up I'll pick it up no pick the lunar up it's too late that's too late thank you hear you coughing it's really dusty in here okay I'm just gonna be a chaperone in front of the washroom in the bed too long how'd you get down fent you can't stay here long call me up I can't funny I can't help all right rainbow you got us this time you lost your friend any last words I know um knock knock who's there Mash mash who you're a head of mash yeah [Laughter] I'm awake from my Slumber I've been sleeping for a while you know in the ice ages but uh sadly this ice cube didn't melt off my head now who wants a good old smack in the head I mean pat pat in the head why would anyone use that I think not smack your own head to get the ice off no no no no true did someone tell you it's rude to shut doors on me oh hey hey you could go to the fireplace to melt off your head because you know do you know a lot of people who I keep down here you know who I keep down here Draco I don't know dinosaurs no bad students detention oh I'm not bad I'm a plus plus plus you're a plus plus then you'll stop running from me and give me a big old hug I'm also in the sports team and I'm a plus plus with that too you know are you also a plus plus in dying why do they call you grannies then because I stand every student in here oh that means you're the great granny you mean you're a cheerleader uh-huh and I see you with your knock knock slender dress I'm going in now I'm not letting you in I'm going in the door okay gold I'm coming in okay come on in good gold keep talking to the Ice Age Grandma it's not like you know how to escape the school anyway and that's two hours I hate you well it looks like you guys are never going to escape the school you know why because you never really leave school you're an ice head you're a nice head that's all I have to say 10 years of detention for you Luna oh my God what a nice set of um of uh of ice you have there I heard you like iced tea I believe you are hot-headed lunar the ammo's in there what does the animals on the floor if you have an ice ice cream I mean you have ice cubes on your head lunar what oh my God oh you guys are so bad I deem you all to detention for a lifetime like And subscribe or I'll give you detention too okay we're in Granny's Mansion so we have to escape this time or else we're dead and I heard this granny is very glamorous they call it glamorous glammy I heard they call it glammy they call it no they call me material grandma oh okay she doesn't want to be glammy uh material grandma why do you have guys a prison down oh nope that's gonna happen to us is to keep to what cookies to keep cookies in there you don't even know what you're talking about where's the shed outside okay I better not find my lipstick collection I'll get it why are you guys tracko wearing totally not outside we're on the second floor don't make a lot of noise yeah guys granny has a guillotine yeah it's over there behind you someone shut the door so she doesn't know where we are she won't are you sure I hear I hear creepy music any of you uh children want a makeover oh generator are you good at it no don't touch her all right done that Key's done don't get that oh my gosh look I am glimmering and Shining from the distance oh you don't talk dirty do you even got my sister look I will do a spin you have but back in the day I used to do the catwalk you want to see my catwalk oh my God yeah do you have a sister that likes bananas perhaps stop yeah but we don't talk about her you know oh okay what's that fast hurry oh guys I got it I got a coin what does the coin do I don't know I don't know probably something does anyone know what the weapon key is coin coin coin is there a vending machine hey ugly matches what's the point of this coin can you let me know oh yes in my basement I have a really cool capsule and if you put the coin in there something magical I mean guys have a bridge crank too you know what I'll throw this on the table come to the basement no no we will not be there for you sorry I have a padlock key all right I'm dropping everything on the table I'm down guys oh you she got me in the shed but I have matches okay we need one we need firewood gold this house is very uh yellow just like your taste you know very glass I love the warm hint of yellow uh-huh a very specific blue sometimes ruins the palate so I'm gonna get rid of it first let's go that way guys okay okay eeny meeny miny moe catch a child by the toe I'm gonna go this way hello yeah oh my gosh what does this do Gold's rhyming um you know you dropped the padlock oh funny that wheel goes outside okay I'm coming granny has a weird elevator in the house I think it's one of those like laundry shoots where you put laundry in well duh I need an elevator look at my legs I can't always use the stairs no I'm pretty sure it's not for food maybe I'll try going down let me try please please please please please please please all the Oxygen's low where are you you're like a rodent run everywhere you hide you go through the walls uh-huh wait guys meet me meet me in the ah o u t you like cheese oh don't sound it out just come on I'm trying to use oh seriously out of the outside thank you all right geeky needs uh wait what places there's an opening yeah it was a need it's not telling us oh my gosh I'm gonna figure it out come on okay okay I had a padlock key and I think I dropped it when I jumped up okay I used the padlock Draco why did you toss the coin outside the window when I left it on the key specifically for me okay where does this go I have the power yeah good job I mean glammy is pretty nice to us she's bad yeah no glammy just doesn't know how to have a navigator let's see you know that's true this isn't my Mansion originally it was passed down from my great great great grandma oh and I only stayed in you know one area of the home I didn't really travel far I didn't know she built a little bunker under here okay I'm trying to where are you going to the bathroom it sounds urgent yeah yeah everyone needs to go to the library I gotta go go go right now right here right here she where is she on the stairs pick it up I have a thing that's important oh split split split you can split all you want I'm gonna stand here and stare at the box someone go to the card [Music] you know I'm going to go put on some lipstick in here lunar pass it throw it guys don't need fire do you I took the car yes we need the fire we need the fire oh um fire what does she do hello Draco what do we need the matches for I don't know I just put the generator Cable in to run whatever that is I know what you need it for you need the matches for the fireplace and then you need logs for the fireplace Vlogs hi guys you're pretty bad it's mean to go into a seniors home and try to Rob them [Music] what do I do with it chuckle get this that's why I built this stern look at the matches bat with a bunch of nails Excuse Me decoration here she kills me I use the Crowbar to open a box with the teddy inside okay uh I think it's time for you to take your vitamins granny gold is very Ticky I don't need nobody could look good wait I'm leaving I think you need to bring something I think only if I make it out and he hide behind the door when she opens it she can't smack you hey hey hey hey shut up um I like I'm gonna start I like are you gonna say anything to me what I'm wearing funny hurry exit through the event that totally is don't you see what I'm wearing today okay you're wearing all yellow yeah it's expensive I just got it tailored okay I like it Taco I can't she's blocked and also do you see this I just got my roots done uh yeah it's a beautiful granny and new lipstick uh-huh are you sure that's lipstick it looks like your teeth I I think you have to brush your teeth or else you get gingivitis lunar just uh the matches are in the basement but she's camping yeah you're the only one left she can block the door with her dress with my booties very humongous knock knock knock knock where are you speaking from it's fine glamorous glamorous who your glamorous karate I know you carry me yeah literally just go straight and left through that Corridor to pick up she's camping oh welcome to Glam Donald how can I help you hey [Music] just kidding these ones right here yes what are you doing you must okay I will pass them to you after you tell me what you're planning to do and it better not say be you know burning down my dress or my beautiful hair or anything okay oh no no no no you see it's like it's too cold in this Mansion you know I must I need a match to light up the fireplace the house is too cold granny okay you are so sweet okay I will let you come and get it come on Step In step in welcome to my YouTube run foreign [Music] don't believe people too easily blamy is it again this time we actually know how to escape this Mansion so let's just split up and try unlocking as much stuff as we can yeah you better back up you glamorous lady getting off the subway I repeat glamorous lady getting off the subway I got home feeling good open up is right go so many compliments today on my beautiful dress oh you rhyme while glammy it looks like you're looking very I'm trying to rhyme with Jacob catch this coin that's what oh she's looking very my gosh you are so bad Granny's looking very glammy with a face ready for the Grammys I love it because her face is so shiny keep singing it gives me power okay could someone get a crowd a bunch of stuff on the floor something needs a teddy bear up here that's weird yeah that's in the subway why do you have a robot a cradle up here oh that's because it's for my sweet sweet little puppy puppy I call him fluffy you have a dog she names everything with a G she's very uh creative yes I am what's the padlock key for is that for the gate oh I didn't use that okay this is trash it can't start here what is that I'm opening the teddy bear it's a cable oh Luna I think the cable I've seen it before Oh it goes on the outside Coco the second floor what rainbow you should come outside second floor dragon lunar why just wait we gotta stick together generators this the generator right here I remember seeing this ahead for the generator whoa I'm on top of the world yes yes on top of the granny just stay up there don't jump down wait that's very dangerous dangerous hype for you oh yes I'm not planning to jump down um rainbow come on two you need a granddaughter shed key I'm not your granddaughter I don't know what to do with this um I'll throw it here for now I'll die yeah okay she left she left that wait this is a bunch of bunch of stuff matches rainbow did you carry all this I just dropped everything on the floor okay thank you rainbow um we've got a weapon key let's bring this to the teddy bear upstairs after I open all these drawers okay head upstairs we'll start with us yet that ghost is the teddy bear okay I think Granny's around here somewhere so we gotta be careful like that pretty drop fire good just drop these matches what was that for teddy bear teddy bear check it out the roof uh guys what I'm trying to head to the top you see yeah I'll distract her I'll distract her oh my God oh my gosh I think this way this way this way okay over here wait wait we got a place to teddy bear down I want to see if that's come on lunar yep what but I see a trap over there what what go hide just wait what if I struggle destruction the truck we got a distractor go go go oh she's downstairs not yet not yet oh no put it in ready she's whacking us my head is so sleep go to sleep oh my gosh are you good are you bad she's good hey Grandma we found your floggy or Goldie whatever she's just harmless you found my long lost Gloppy where is it no I lost them for so long Chuck where are we going uh she dropped and I'm trying to get the Crowbar back oh I said is that for the train I think it's for the train I think it is let me see if there's anything left in here we need the Crowbar no she's gonna get me rainbow oops let's go okay she didn't hit me she's dizzy oh my gosh oh dizzy Grandma dizzy grandma no no no dizzy grandma a dizzy come on she's pretending he dropped it oh oh yeah I'm sorry I used to clicking spacebar to jump see you Granny I'm tired of chasing you up and down the chimney you think you're so funny oh she didn't see me oh she is okay guys Granny's too tall to see me yeah I'm super tall want to see me do the catwalk again no you guys I got the Crowbar and I found a train key can we leave now I think we're ready to leave I need more stamina does anyone have like a fuse it's for the gate I think this is like multiple ways to escape so let's just oh what's that let's meet what is down the train I can't I don't know how Morse code go to the train train train why are you going so fast you got a party that's not the basement rainbow get off the roof guys why are we lining up like we're waiting for the train I'm not oh can you not see Oh I thought you were there I was like come on all right Rainbow's late for the train she's gonna have to wait let's go where's the train base man I'm running I'm running Coco do you know coin I don't even think we have a train pass we need an accelerator not just a train key I have the accelerator good job good job okay you didn't see me do the catwalk [Music]
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,349,564
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, funneh roblox, roblox roleplay, roblox video, no cursing, no swearing, no swears, roblox game, roblox tycoon, roblox mini games, roblox trolling, funny roblox, roblox mmorpg, role-playing game, MMORPG, funniest games ever, funniest roblox game, moments, hilarious, roblox granny, granny easter eggs, we escape granny, beat granny on extreme, funny granny roblox, granny update
Id: w33K0tMR1qY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 55sec (1555 seconds)
Published: Sat May 28 2022
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