Playing Minecraft as a HELPFUL Zombie!

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my friend is having the worst luck in minecraft until he finds a lost hurt little zombie who is secretly me in disguise i convinced him that zombies can be pets with a new mod which allows me to be his lucky zombie pet now i can help him survive minecraft and get him loads of diamonds without him knowing that it's me but when other players want his lucky zombie pet it's up to me to put a stop to their pranks to steal me away let's see how helpful a little zombie can be all right house is all set just gotta oh i'm about to break this if i don't finish in time oh it broke what's up oh perfect what's up ian you are farming hey speaking of farming um listen i i'm trying to farm at my house too uh do you have any extra seeds i can borrow um i guess i can spare a few of them do you have an extra huh no you don't uh [Music] oh my god he oh he does not look good just just trying to get this thought just this little scallop boy he's getting a little too close to my house i just gotta do a good job building it i don't wanna ah it is getting laid do you need any help with your stuff over there yeah i don't know i got this i got to see i'm picking it all up yeah now right now it's time now or never you and me mr okay uh it's good he's been doing this thing all day today you know he's trying to prove he's good at minecraft and killing mobs and stuff but you know he's he's kind of being stubborn today so just don't try and help him no you can't hit me mr skeleton you think you're pretty good for me what what do you mean oh my goodness she distracted me how dare you oh give me a second here i'll take i'll take this on oh oh god there look go take my stuff oh here i'm gonna help you pierce where'd you go hey i was doing perfectly fine i don't know what you're talking about did you take my stuff we don't want your stuff here i heard you're so hard to get all that stuff excuse me fine fine you can get well i got them from a skeleton i had them for me so if you want them you can have them if not just toss them back mister i can do minecraft on my own oh you're someone's cranky today ian um yep yep i told you i don't need your help i don't need anybody's help i'm going home and i'm figuring all this out on my own guys everything with all the wait wait i'll show you anyway um you still got those seats yeah here i'm gonna go ahead and give you 10 of them and you can be on your way in the meantime i have something i'm going to take care of so it's pretty obvious piers is having some problems and i think i'm going to help him out in my own special way uh hey pierce pierce pierce hey why why oh hey hey you don't need any help because i see you know the crater where the people blew you up your house this new feature my house now it's fine future okay okay it's fine okay fine fine fine you do your own all right everybody it's fine it's fine i'm going i'm going i don't need your help like where are you going oh i'll see you later i'm fine [ __ ] how you do that all right all right so here's what i'm gonna do i'm going to disguise myself as a zombie okay and i'm going to see if he will let me help him if i'm a zombie all right so come on horse i need you i need you we got to cut off pierce got a cough pierced me who put a well here oh god maybe he's around here somewhere oh there is there is there is there okay all right horse horse you're gonna blow my cover all right so i need you there you go they go you stay down their horse okay all right here's what i'm gonna do turn into a zombie and spam something in this big hole minecraft there's zombies over there minecraft they won't bother me wait what oh no get get away no no stupid chicken writing something yeah not gonna die this time i'm not gonna die i'm not gonna die i [Music] there's a skeleton about i'm not gonna let them get the best of me again i can't have that little icon show up at the bottom of the screen that tells everybody my shame show yourself skellyboy i'm not afraid of you i think i'll induce it enough where are you okay [Music] hold on okay okay okay okay i i wasn't gonna follow him with the protector uh hey uh bow apple yeah what's up what'd you call me question for you about the server i'm fine by the way minecraft's going great isn't this a wonderful game oh that's good good yeah i found a little i put a little zombie but it's not chasing me or anything it looks hurt and sad oh yeah that's the mod on the server all right it makes certain mobs sick and i put on this server why uh well because it's a cool mod to play with but you found a zombie you might be able to heal it and tame it with rotten flesh if you have any okay oh yeah i i just love you so yeah i got some rod plush here your little boy your little buddy you have some have some rotten meat just a little bit for you right no not the sword that that comes if this doesn't work he's back up he's up wait does that mean it's going to hurt me i don't want to hurt him i just oh it's so hard oh that's pretty good oh he gave you oh my god okay so i i i got this little zombie now what am i supposed to do with it um i think you can take it back if it follows you and it just becomes your pet okay that's that's pretty cool and i would love to take it back if i knew where i was this is this is not good i i'm very oh no oh it's running away from me just like everything else that loves me wait where are you going come back oh huh wait right what happened yeah sure yeah oh okay okay and uh i'm gonna go and try to get out of this hole it's very hard with the horse why was it down here oh the uh worse oh my god you're so lucky you found my horse that's good you thought wait you dropped a horse here yeah i did it got loose on my ranch oh i'll see it sounds like somebody's not very good at minecraft that is what i'm hearing no no no sure for sure well your horse is now my horse until i return home in which case i will return the horse to you because i don't keep things like that thank you pierce i appreciate it now that i'm his pet i can help him back up well welcome a little zombie to a chateau day pierce yeah this is french from my house you know it's uh you know i just i just finished building it up and i'm really proud of it come on in pierce are you showing the zombie your house yeah of course i mean it's my friend now and i gotta make sure that uh it's well taken care of oh so uh what do you eat what do you what's your gig wait what hold on little zombie i think that's something i gotta go take care of ah right there uh gonna be okay little zombie you just stay here um here chew on this piece of leather there you go that's what zombies like uh and i'll i'll be right back that's gotta take care of some things all right bye oh no pierce you okay i'm hi apple i'm doing great i'm definitely okay how are you doing you know i'm doing pretty good um yeah i'll be right back don't worry ah of course what what's up zombies near you i know i'm very aware yeah you know i i can take care of these on my own by the way i'm like cool that you're here and you know protect yourself but i i can handle this on my own i promise well okay fine well i do i got it i got it i got it big all right yeah i think we have a clearing just get inside the house let's worry about this on this later all right there's a little zombie in here oh no oh don't don't don't do anything with it don't do it didn't leave it alone leave it alone it's my friend it's hey what what is all this quite shy did you do this while i was outside defending our r what no mean it was like this when i came in oh don't play silly i know you did all this this is quite beautiful i appreciate it all right one over if you say so are you sure you're gonna be okay with this little zombie oh yeah no a little zombie and i could rape his name is alfalfa and he's my favorite well since you have everything handled i'll see you bye all right see ya how about falpa's okay with you is it okay i i think it is you kind of you strike me as an alfalfa well uh she really did a great job on this didn't she i mean this is beautiful that's what he thinks chopping it up getting that wood hey what where's oh hey how's it going dude it is i know look at it look oh oh it's okay it's okay it's okay it's okay hi chan kwai chad told me that you had like a new little ted zombie and it's it's not attacking you it's real yeah no it's real don't worry alfalfa the little blue streak is not an antenna i promise he's not an alien he's okay he's just another human being okay okay so uh what what does it do what is it uh it's my friend his name is alfalfa and uh i don't know it's like a like a bottom bolt or something i don't know it's pretty cool though oh somebody like uh it'll like attack other mobs or stuff like that i maybe i haven't really tried it out too much you just want to keep to keep yourself a little unfeltful it's kind of nice and safe you know that seems like a little too simple do you think like it'll help you with anything like uh mining or something like that yeah probably i mean i would give it a shot yet but i'm sure it would i think we should go mining and find out yeah okay all right yeah do you want to go mining little one let me just go grab some stuff real quick from the house we'll all head out all right all right all right all right just wait one second i just gotta grab some stuff all right uh just grab a little bit i just made this nice little iron pickaxe i think we're set to go alfalfa you ready to go to the mods i i've never been down there before but i hope it's okay get in there oh geared up and ready to go wow you really you really packed up for this thing didn't you all right oh yeah i i i'm prepared and you'll notice uh not completely gold armor i need more gold okay he doesn't wear gold armor completely no not yet oh maybe i should go mining with you guys but you know what i'm going to stay at my place i still got some decorating to do okay no we got it are you sure you're going to be okay yeah we'll be fine it's just a little trip down here i've already mapped out some of it it's fine trust me i actually know how to play minecraft now so i totally got this look we've been doing some mining already uh just need to go a little does pierce have armor on i feel like he needs armor uh of course i got armor why would i not that that would be such a silly thing for a minecraft pro like myself tonight okay i'm just making sure because chris has had a really rough day so far so hopefully you can protect him ian it's a really long way down there isn't it i think we can uh think we can make it if we jump [Music] good job that was a good test i'm proud of you buddy what kind of test was that uh a test of trust and the trust fall i guess the mission has been successful already uh i'll be right back you go ahead i'll i'll catch up all right enjoy your gold i guess so yeah hey where are you going alfalfa where are you going all right and uh it's kind of dark here hold on let me get it let me get some light here oh my god you bought myself oh how kind oh that's so cute oh my first diamond and there's another one where's everything going okay iris going fantastic i'm like look i got diamonds oh that's great what a great start and i got gold so everyone's a winner let's check over here maybe maybe something doing a good job watching you huh oh yeah no alfalfa and i are like butter on toast he doesn't leave by my side and where'd everybody go where's everybody i nowhere you know just uh hold on i gotta get back alfalfa is probably worried sick about me oh oh don't come this way there's zombies zombies i can't tell which one's alfalfa which ones are evil oh you should just attack all of them then oh my god there's somebody uh quite the problem here huh alfalfa is that you one more zombie wait no that's alfalfa don't you dare don't you dare what alfalfa did you no i will come i think i got my i think i got what i needed here let's let's get out of here this is a little dangerous that or he doesn't seem to be doing very well here and i don't i don't want to drag him down you don't want to drag me down okay you two you're both very pretty yay put it over my head oh come on i don't know why ah okay yeah no good good job good job okay i just got to handle this i could just pierce you okay oh yeah yeah i want to come check on you one more time a very intricate farm system so that i'm constantly fed just directly into the mouth uh like a a dropper just drops bread into my face right he made a hopper yep totally a hopper yeah sorry i i i play the norwegian version of minecraft so they call it a dropper uh yeah that sounds like an excuse no it's reserved only for the best minecraft players okay oh i found some more seats yeah it'd be perfect let's go plant them up and uh alfalfa why did you stay out here we got to keep you safe all right whoa something happened oh this is so nice oh i can finally eat today oh pierce you're not dying tonight wait you were dying are you okay absolutely great yeah you know i just i found out that uh my farm is so good it makes three different types of bread that's it's incredible wow but okay okay whatever you say you sound kind of suspect right now but you know what i know that you get a little loud whenever you kind of you know over exaggerate something i do not get loud when i exaggerate i mean i don't know what you're talking about i've just just good old piercing on me whoa chubby chickens zombie chickens okay oh hold on hold on i got this i got this under control oh my god they're so fast what chickens are you talking about uh that big uh you know just part of my new chicken nugget program where i have uh i have a mod that just delivers the chicken nuggets inside of the bread that's right breaded chicken nuggets weird cause i'm looking at the server mods i don't see that in my mind again the norwegian version of minecraft it's the only thing in place you can play it on but it sounds like you're doing pretty good yeah it's doing fantastic just so good okay all right why hey pierce hey what's up it's just uh you know fail or uh just deal with a chicken infestation don't worry about me oh wow you sure have a lot of uh yeah you know i i went on a very uh free open range breeding program and man did it work oh my gosh we just wanted to come over and see how things are going with with the zombie because you know it seems so helpful so cute oh yeah i know my belfast has been doing so great for me and i'm so appreciative of all the uh all the moral support he gives it's just so great it's so nice how'd you say you got him again because you know why chan and i we were talking it'd be nice to have one yeah oh yeah no i was just walking to the woods one day and then uh all of a sudden i just i found this poor injured little zombie on the ground and i just nursed him back to health that's all i had to do well that's crazy quite jen you you distract pierce i'll take care of it okay you got it [Music] [Music] come on you gotta protect these little chickies oh i picked up the big chicken it's fine i'm just gonna throw that one up and go get the little chicken oh little cheeky go where's little chicky all right well i'll take care of the little babies you keep your slippery little fingers away from my chickens all right all right it was nice seeing you let's see it everybody ian you might want to hurry up oh yeah don't worry i'm uh uh just taking care of something you you stay in here you're staying huh uh yeah geo just doing stuff in my house don't worry about it anyway quiet jen how you doing huh okay i'm running over i'm moving it over okay okay everything okay what's up yeah yeah yeah zombies in there okay all right so um what next uh how do we decide who gets to keep them uh well okay so i was thinking you know since we live right next to each other like you can have him for one week and then i can have him for another week and yeah okay okay doing like a shared custody thing i like it yeah exactly okay okay if they can't be nice to pierce it's gonna be nicer after the zombie helps me decorate where where is he where yeah where is he hang on why is my chest empty whoa it is empty what happened that's what i want to ask you you don't you don't sound too concerned about that why jen well why would i i wasn't here before i was distracting pierce yeah but you told me to go scope out the house before we got ready i was literally with pierce the whole time no you weren't that's when i was scoping out the house before you said oh i gotta go do something you go watch and make sure the zombie's there and it was the whole thing i i was not here oh yeah you didn't take my stuff man it would be a shame if someone uh broke into your house and took your stuff wait what egg come back here that's my glove oh it was your glass now i mean it's still your glass and now it's just rude okay i get out of my house where is the zombie that's the important part oh right a zombie okay um yes that's enough hey what 4 pr's from inn and kawaii swirly chan oh i think i know some of those people what oh oh this is all so lovely yes yeah hey guys all you guys you really shouldn't have you know this is really nice i see it oh yeah i mean all this stuff i mean it's so kind of you i can't believe you like went out of your way to do this for me you know i was really feeling kind of sad a little bit and i i really thought nobody cared about me this is really nice guys i mean you even gave me your treasured golden hole i can't believe that wow they're so generous beers you were just feeling sad you said you didn't want any help yeah but you know i thought you guys were my friends so you'd do stuff anyway for me even though i said i didn't want it um you know if you're in a playing playing hard to get come on yes we did kauai chin and you guys are such good friends you know only good friends would absolutely try to help out their friend in any way that they can you know oh you know how i could help you i could babysit your little zombie yeah absolutely yeah yeah yeah yeah i can help you too why don't you guys do it right now bye all right what what are you up to little one wait what no hold up there's something your house is you guys blew up pierce's house oh my god you owe him now oh my gosh i took two things away you guys baby step by step what is this what is this yes the diamonds are okay
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 10,301,793
Rating: 4.8487716 out of 5
Keywords: Playing minecraft as a helpful zombie, becoming minecraft a helpful zombie, becoming a helpful zombie in minecraft, turning into minecraft a helpful zombie, minecraft morph mod, minecraft aphmau, minecraft a helpful zombie, aphmau, minecraft, becoming a mob in minecraft, how to become a mob in minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft mob mod, minecraft mob survival, lets play minecraft as a helpful zombie aphmau, minecraft no swears
Id: M2hhMGhyhZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 36sec (1236 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 12 2020
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