24 HOURS in a Zombie APOCALYPSE In Minecraft!

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on this server the infection is spreading this is our minecraft hub and it's about to be completely overrun with zombies me and my friends have 24 hours to survive the zombie apocalypse if we die our entire server is gone forever but these zombies aren't your normal zombies as the infection has made them super smart and super strong can me and my friend survive this apocalypse let's find out wanna help us survive then be sure to hit that like and subscribe button thanks wait ah isn't this such a nice night out tonight yeah it really is it really is ian it was such a good idea to come camping oh yeah so nice but you know it's it's just like that one night what are you talking about yeah tell us oh you haven't heard the tale of the zombie apocalypse that took over a whole server and killed it you wouldn't have you know because it's dead the server is dead and it's a story you'll never know i guess yeah yeah you don't want to hear it it's too scary for you oh story i love stories especially scary ones yes yes yes yes tell us the story no no no no no no no i'll tell you well a long time ago there was a server called server c and it was a normal minecraft night on server z much like any other night everyone was camping just like us but then zombies started to come out and they got stronger and stronger but they kept multiplying and getting stronger so much to the point where they were able to destroy everything and everyone on the server and everyone died that's so scary crazy oh guys don't worry that would never happen oh look behind you oh [Music] that's enough you know it's me why are you trying to scare me yeah this one nice ian oh come on it was so fun besides you know that would never happen in real life minecraft zombies are too dumb besides kim nothing like a zombie apocalypse has ever happened in minecraft it's just not a thing all right let's just let's just continue our camping and everything should be fun wait did you hear them huh no very funny ian come on disguise as a zombie yeah funny yeah what did you do bad bad bad bad no that i swear that's not me what's going on over there that doesn't look good that that's that's a lot of zombies oh no it's just certified i got this people get overwhelmed don't worry these are regular microphones guys uh wait what is oh nobody i did say there were no zombies and standard apocalypse could happen yeah and guess what one zombie means one zombie but a lot of zombies together means a freaking apocalypse let's go come on in the house in the house before they come they're coming they're coming they're coming they're coming oh my god just go go go go go go watch out what's up [Music] bit okay does anybody need a baked potato or anything else they break the door okay they keep the door down yeah i have i have iron doors somebody get them from the chest i think we're safe up here yeah i put an iron door up [Music] that's great okay let's get up here guys up to the top up to the top let's go let's go let's go how many are out there i mean i guess an apocalypse works oh that'll do it oh my god oh wow what's happening what are they doing i think they're trying to get up here they're building oh no super smart guys guys oh they're breaking stuff they're breaking stuff they have pickaxes and they're smart get dressed guys get dressed ah that's what you eat guys i have a plan what's your plan uh my plan is to use more iron doors more iron doors where you had them in your chest i mean like where are you oh that is so smart even big braids break through hang on i got i got to break your windows okay i understand it guys just get ready everyone get ready get get gear i see yeah we'll see if we can find something to work with yeah i use the shield and i use the iron oh my god okay why do you have so many iron doors because you never know okay i like to prepare i like i like what you do with this but hey how we're going to get out we'll worry about that later that seems like the release of my minds i do not want to go out at any point right now okay are you guys ready there's there's stuff down here there's stuff in my chest um as long as they come in we just have to survive until morning okay wait you guys have armor there's an armor up here if you want to use it okay let me take that got some cool pants got that what else is in here oh my gosh yeah those pants look better uh there's some food in here if you guys want you've got a golden hoe again it was what was in the chest you've got some tnt up here can we use that for anything yeah use it easy all right come on guys let's go let's go then we're probably coming okay okay uh i got some more armor i got some weapons we got some cool stuff we will defend this house oh oh i'm gonna swipe yeah let's keep doing this wait a minute what what does that one look like look at it it's like you oh come on there's a bunch of them on fire already hopefully that helps okay okay good good okay okay we should be good we should be good uh okay there's a door right there oh we gotta go hopefully oh oh my god oh my god okay okay okay okay okay okay all right let me let me let me out all right we should be good i'm gonna go up there and start shooting from above okay okay got it got it okay okay oh there's a lot oh there's a lot welcome welcome oh there's just a regular creeper out there too where am i oh that one's carrying a creeper it is carrying a creeper oh my gosh i think we got enough of them let's regroup and try to figure out what's our next plan of action okay where is the sun gonna rise i don't know let's just start regrouping okay okay guys guys guys it's almost day yeah there's some more coming though okay okay okay just checking one more chest in here oh shoot there's a diamond sword up here oh nice oh what i forgot where i put that actually i think the sun's coming up oh tell me that it is please raise the sun all right all right so they're not here anymore perfect all right and then what did you do we didn't do anything this is our fault there must be some kind of like like infection going around something that's that's that's i don't know but something infecting the server like like a virus or something like yeah i don't know exactly so what we need to do is we need to prepare does anybody have any supplies at their house uh i i i've got some at my place i think oh okay let's go to zayn's house come on let's go okay yeah okay okay yeah yeah zayn do you have anything at your house that we could use uh yeah there should be a few things here we can find uh we got a couple chests hiding around the place go ahead and start looking oh okay uh why is your fridge empty don't mess with the fridge zayn you have so much stuff all right we gotta fortify everything guys there is nothing that we can leave here everyone pick up all the materials gather what you can uh what else do you have anything else um hang on i'm looking upstairs to see if i can find anything what are you doing ian what are you doing breaking through my chimney if you have any like like secret hidden treasures or something like that in the chimney i mean that's where i put it i mean yeah that's true he might you know guys let's head on back let's head back to the uh to to my place um and start like barricading it because it's on a mountain unless then you think your house is going to be uh protected um no he has too many windows hang on hang on let me test nope it's made of glass it's not going to be helpful well now i definitely can't close the door now quiche do you have anything um maybe oh i might have food we need lots of food oh you guys picked that up got some good food oh okay there's some potions in here ooh what about this pink armor set yeah th this is this is pretty cute here's zayn take the pink food all right ah yeah i i i have no reason to be picky at this point go ahead let's go all right let's head back to the place let's fortify it let's make it really really strong okay okay okay all right so we need to uh uh start making this place right emote emotes you guys like uh the idea of remote oh uh yeah sure yeah that would work let's start building a moat uh here i have we find some gators to put in the boat there we go oh we could put eat in the moat no no no i'm the one who's putting the iron doors up i need to be inside here hear me out because we have these ladies uh what if we did something like uh let's see so the house is right here let's do something like this put a laser on that okay and then let's do something like like like this is is that the same area where it's supposed to it is not it's right here i don't know how to one more on top don't worry there we go there you go all right everybody come on work work work all right all right we got this it's perfect okay okay yeah uh careful not to touch it um uh kim this is called a laser it hurts i'm gonna limbo i'm gonna limbo under it no kim don't limbo oh okay [Music] no i would hate getting spikes on my toes too it's terrible we got to start digging or we can use tnt to make it go a lot faster um we don't know about that that sounds dangerous we don't have much time okay all right no no i i i like where zane's going with this watch out zayn i have this okay okay trust me i'm a professional what what explosive arrows okay oh that's fun could have said that before you started firing in my direction all right all right guys i think we're good oh yeah yeah this looks good we've got fire we've got spikes we've got lasers we've got an actual moat i think we're gonna be good everything all right guys i think uh i think we're pretty oh the sun's going down yeah yeah okay okay i finished just in time wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait listen listen how are we supposed to get back over oh [Laughter] some of the most powerful fire damage out out there that i could conceive of okay okay watch out i have this i got this what i'm gonna use be sure you're using they know where i got this uh yeah um get them they just just spawn the torch and what is that what it just spawned i got the wrong arrows it's the torch arrows i picked up oh my god you're spotting torches oh no oh no they're building a bridge over the mountain they're building a bridge it's fine it's fine it's fine it's fine uh there we go okay here we go yeah i got this i got this i got this they'll put stuff down but we'll just keep breaking it all right things are getting calm we should be doing pretty good yeah we're getting good at this what what's happening looks like what what was that oh my god zombie it's not gonna see us [Applause] getting [Music] all right okay okay okay i think we've got this the giant zombie's coming to the door oh my gosh he's is he gone no no no i saw [Music] like did you put up defenses on the side oh oh oh oh oh there's lasers in front of the house we defended everything but the back that's coming up i put some fire down [Music] oh my god can we get him yeah he's dead is he down he's dead forever he's dead is he is he dead what weren't they already dead all right guys the sun is coming up oh my god praise the sun all right all right so what's the plan now okay so it's obvious um the zombies are just getting stronger and smarter and we need to figure out how we can get stronger and smarter as well um may i suggest a sacrifice for ian um guys we can go to my house i have books of enchantments okay all right that sounds perfect all right come on let's go let's go clear yeah it's day they're not saves us the hassle of dealing with a body oh wait uh hey hang on can i can i go to my house to check out my gold and stuff oh come on okay you guys do the thing i'll be i'll go to my house i swear i'll be over in just a moment okay you check on your smell of books will cover our scent yeah this is an apopalopolis we need to focus oh all right perfect perfect uh let's see so we need some of these oh we have you yeah you have so many books yeah potions of healing potion of regeneration i know kim you have so much stuff yeah i read a lot of interesting things i made them on my spare time no biggie all right i'm ready to go what well one of us is going to have to change all right everyone's looking sharp everyone's looking good and speaking of sharp i got sharpness we're so powerful look at the door whoa what is that doing here wait what it's day time this shouldn't be happening uh oh what do we do what do we do i don't know i don't know i don't know i don't know oh my god training i think we gotta escape we gotta get back closer let's get back to the door yeah [Applause] looking good just got to get back inside and it'll be fine it'll wow appears to be the only one who's got a tall house we can hide in you think he actually thought of something like this what are you saying my house is short i mean let's not argue your bus isn't even here anymore wow i can't believe you said that okay well it's fine it's fine it's fine guys guys as long as we're up here remember they can't get us okay they can't hurt us it'll be fine all right there will be no such thing as like a horde all right we just have to believe oh oh get back over here oh no i got i got a clip i'm trying having a bit of difficulty at the moment i got you zane don't worry okay okay ow who keeps shooting me [Music] yeah pierce's house is not safe anymore nice it might be safe actually get over here zombie bam yeah that's a great idea keep throwing them in the lava guys keep throwing them in the mouth trying to knock them in the lava here i'm coming down to help why is that one weird why does that one have a weird oh i don't know why is that we're not dying in the world we're just gonna you're just gonna stab it just gonna stab it oh wait what are you doing half mouth oh wait that one [Music] oh [Music] [Laughter] okay [Music] come on get up here get up here let's block off the ladder yeah block off the ladder i'm gonna go look to see if pierce has any of the supplies he has nothing in there oh my god let's see maybe he has oh get that guy off there we go guys guys here's what pierce came in handy for once you will never believe what he has up here what are you talking about what feast your eyes on this he's got hand cannons oh my gosh take them take them take them all right for once this guy knows what he's doing i know we gotta we gotta go to the roof i got two hand cannons okay all right we got a nice high view you know i think this house is taller than my tower look at that all right what was you gonna do with those all right you know let's just get ready all right if we can get rid of these zombies once and for all we can survive this apocalypse i've had about enough of these oh my god what it's the big zombies there's a whole bunch of them they're huge they're huge i'm jumping on this ah that does not seem like a good idea i don't want to be near those zombies they're coming at us they're coming at us okay oh there are lots of little zombies too where which way they're climbing up over on the right hey zombies you know what fun i'm going oh there's another one at the front try to see if we can knock him into the lava there oh my god oh my god guys fire fire fire yes yes yeah what do you do come come on just stay right there don't worry i see something near kuai-chan's house you see something there's nothing in my house oh gosh what makes me so angry watch out oh gosh oh no no no no no no no no wait is that is that kim being chased by a zombie it's okay run kid you get away from my house i'm getting into your house oh um guys i think uh i think i'm just gonna blow up pierce's house yeah there are too many zombies okay perfect perfect yep i have no emotional attachment to it just do it all right bye pierce's house hi sorry you weren't on the server there's no shock when he gets home all right how's everybody doing still got some shots here but i think uh wait the sun the sun it's almost tasty oh my gosh guys we survived the zombie [ __ ] yeah okay let's let's go to bed now oh but wait um like a full-time go to bed at everyone's houses look a little uh a little rough you know what ian's house looks perfectly fine maybe we go rest there yeah that sounds great yeah okay don't worry guys i got lots of stuff we can hang out and we can stay safe [Music] oh come on [Laughter] all right i'm sleeping over here in the flowers
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,821,735
Rating: 4.8798785 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau zombie apocalypse, zombie apocalypse minecraft, surviving 24 hours zombie apocalypse minecraft, 24 hour, 24hr, zombie apocalypse in minecraft, minecraft zombie prank, minecraft 100 days zombie apocalypse, survival zombie apocalypse 24 hours, 100 days, minecraft mod, minecraft zombie, minecraft survival aphmau, aphmau friends
Id: -gTJG-PzYsU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 31sec (1291 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 25 2021
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