Playing Minecraft as a FRIENDLY Zombie!

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Isn't baby zombie evil- but when aphmau is one she's nice

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Bathroom-Zestyclose 📅︎︎ Mar 29 2021 🗫︎ replies
this adorable little zombie is her in minecraft luckily my friends come to her rescue which causes this little minecraft zombie to become the friendliest zombie ever and she's out to help them with everything she can from fighting them diamonds to saving them from other zombies she'll make their minecraft life easier but when someone thinks this friendly zombie is actually evil they'll stop at nothing to capture her and toss her away can she prove she's super friendly let's find out also can you please subscribe i promise i won't bite you think [Music] i don't feel good oh no a creeper this is the end no it's coming how is that a creeper help somebody else oh guys guys guys i saved a little zombie wait what what what about a zombie hold on hold on hold on hold on i saved it wait you're not supposed to save zombies we're supposed to there it is huh we uh okay yeah you're not supposed to save zombies you're supposed to um destroy them yeah just kind of get rid of them most of the time there's a lava pit over here oh they're dangerous yeah so so i know you're still new to minecraft but no zombies are bad and uh we are not friends with zombies she's definitely making some weird noises i got a lava pit over here if you just want to like you know take care of this real quick no no no no no no talk to us zombies don't talk hi friend everybody knows this yeah i'm scarce this is no good hello a zombie person speak to us if you can hear us she sounds like she's in you know what hold on a sec let me grab this i couldn't tell she said hi or she had phlegm in her throat let me let me try it hold on is it working sounds like a zombie yeah uh hey little one try this hold on huh oh it worked yeah i i i don't trust it now it's healthier it wants to give us a hug that's not a hug it's trying to get your brains yeah no it's especially prime brain grabbing kind of arms oh what a sweet super sweet i love her yeah and she's not trying to eat our heads off yet so that's usually good i mean that that's that's not a bad sign what's that whoa hold on you see this no no don't don't go for it that's a zombie trick obviously trail to something let's follow it a trail to your demise let's walk into the light last time a zombie led us on a light trail guys i still don't like this i mean okay yeah i get it ian and i i too am terrified of this small adorable creature but but look at these lights they're so pretty and innocent looking great it's a cave there are caves everywhere yeah also caves contain more zombies what is she just leading us into a pack you're right pierce you should go first what oh come on hey where's some of these puppies okay kim trusts it i'm gonna try as far as i can throw it which honestly given its size is pretty far okay guys i really don't think we should be following look there's a sign that says danger ahead yeah over there though yeah zombie is leading us to danger i don't trust it you can tell it's shaking its head and affirmation that we should definitely go that direction check it out what crystals what crystals chris wait so the zombie wants us to go that way instead i mean it's it's nodding its head oh it's putting the lights again oh i forget i get it i get it it's a trick zombie is leading us down the real dangerous path while the sign over there is covering up the good stuff uh maybe i got the good treasure there's treasure here there's treasure there's not the best breeder but oh okay treasure yes no the other way yeah let's go this way it seems like a better plan but also there's lava oh never mind everything's redeemed everything's good you're cool everything's okay eat after you're kind of um undead but you want to cook zombie yeah yeah why are you trying to trick us you're trying to buy our loyalty with all this you don't even have the good stuff you know what i don't trust it it's all gotta go i for one can absolutely be bought don't you worry [Music] yeah anyway let's go grab some more diamonds all right time to store goodies guys i can't replace your stuff i'm trusting that little baby zombie of course we oh they're trying to hurt us yet keeps following us too and keeps making those heart symbols what could possibly go wrong it threw me in lava oh yeah but you're also mean and ian so that's that's fine please something could go on you heard me get a bit light outside um we should probably figure out how to help this little one before the sun starts shining oh yeah zombies burn up in the sun yeah they do don't they yeah i feel you little one i burn up in the sun too i have an idea i have an idea what if what if we i bet you this is like a mod where like we get we if we give it something we'll it'll become like a pet and then maybe it'll be protected from the sun because it's our pet i have an idea uh rotten flesh right everybody every zombie likes rotten flesh here here you go what's wrong with you flesh here nobody likes like clickfunnels no no no no what nah i love it see look at me go see it's fine yeah i mean i think she needs some fresh flesh if you're going to feed her anything i'm pretty sure i'm pretty sure here you go here you go you want some rotten flesh there you go have some of that a little bit of that you know what i think i have some books at home that can help with the sun maybe we can make like a sunscreen for her or something oh yeah okay you guys try the sunscreen i'm gonna keep trying to feed it rotten flesh i think it's i think it's going fine make sure nothing happens to her nothing ever happened to her okay okay bye let's go okay well anyway uh pierce you know yeah good good try with the rotten flesh but um i think i think we got we gotta just get rid of the zombie ourselves oh okay but did you hear what they said i mean kim sounded very very very kind of i don't know i'm just kind of nervous about her in general it doesn't matter what what hey she she wants to eat you she she did she bite me am i gonna turn into a zombie oh god oh god what do i do what do i do what do i do i'm gonna go like clean this up or something i'm very nervous about this yeah yeah put some ointment on her or something i don't know about this zombie no i told you stop following me just going to go home and you know hang out on the couch watch tv eat something not rotten flesh mind you or oh there's creepers i don't want them to blow up my house all i've got it's a flint and steel that's not helpful i don't want them near my house they're gonna blow up my priceless tnt collection okay okay this one blew up away from the house that's fine that's fine um a baby zombie ah you're just gonna get in the way don't throw the creepers at me listen uh uh okay i get it you're trying to help it's uh kind of working kind of not don't throw it at the house all right maybe you're doing an okay job protecting my house and uh fine fine you know as long as you protect my house then maybe we can be friends maybe we can be friends okay and uh back back yeah yeah blow up this house that's fine you know what it's fine they're not blowing up near the house no creepers are blowing up my house my house my precious tnt collection my my everything [Music] uh you know you're redecorating yourself whoa thanks for the gun powder i can use it to blow up the rest of my house i suppose we got the sunscreen grand that's wonderful hold still gotta put it on evenly and there we go that should help you for a little bit maybe i can see you in like 20 minutes salvage from my house i can hang it hey ian it turns out that wasn't actually a bite i just had to catch a pack in the next oh no okay uh you know what this seems like a dangerous place to be but hey look the sun's out and she's not burning now uh let's uh go make sure that we ourselves gonna stay safe all right gonna grab some more stuff to build ourselves a better hub i'll say that sunscreen's working really well yeah look it's still going still just charging along and no fire as of yet yeah her skin looks positively radiant like a little emerald all right let's get shopping i mean what's your secret it's like an emerald secret i know chop chop everybody we gotta let's talking more chopping i'm gonna protect them no matter what they're my new friends and i'm gonna oh oh [Music] no it worked i got myself a little zombie and you're not going anywhere now um let's see how am i gonna how am i gonna get this past the other anybody hear a squeaking sound no stop stop stop yeah sometimes it's tommy struggling around in there too what's what's happening yeah where did our last zombie thing go hang on hang on no i don't have any other chests little zombie wait guys i think i already know the sound coming from over here hold up still um hey oh hey hey hey guys how's it going going all right what are you up to bud ah nothing just um out here enjoying nature minecraft am i right yeah that's the minecraft's bee hey bud what's in the box um gold you know the best stuff in the world that no one else likes so you have no need to open the chest that's so cool talks in minecraft i would say that sounds like some pretty noisy gold um uh yeah it's it's fine anyway i i see you all have uh axes are we are we gathering wood why don't we just go back to the tree what what oh hey zombie what were you doing were you under that no no no no no no no no no no no no no no n no don't do it what you do nope this is too high i don't like this oh yeah that coming since ian put you in the cookie jar wants more cookies and rotten flesh [Music] okay i get it i get it i got it i got it i got it i got it i'll see you no no no no no no no no no no okay little zombie that's right just plant the seeds right there oh you're doing such a good job and helping my oh that's good that's good yeah there you go oh you're such a good little helper hey kim how's it going isn't it isn't it a lovely day me and the little zombie are working on my farm yeah the little zombie wow that's that that's just great that you're with the little zombie but um so oh so kim you're new to minecraft uh it looks like you're doing a pretty good job on your farm but you want to get the best ultimate farm right oh yes yeah okay perfect perfect so what you're gonna need to do is get the right dirt yeah yeah see all of this top dirt uh as us professional minecrafters call it is the garbage dirt that's what we call it yup yup you gotta get the rare nice awesome super good dirt by digging straight down oh okay how far down um yes anyway so uh i have i have a shovel for you it's designed specifically for digging good dirt made out of gold uh be careful with it but uh you just gotta dig straight down and get the good dirt don't uh don't worry i'm i'll watch your farm up here and make sure everything's fine while you're gone yeah great great great perfect perfect there you go you just gotta just gotta right click the dirt away you know you know i'm i'm gonna toss down a couple more shovels for you you know uh there's a lot of dirt to dig up it's getting really dark down here yep just just keep going you got this now little zombie i think it's time you got a tan [Music] oh how's that sunlight treating you zombie oh where you going where you going do you know the sun is so great today i think i'm gonna think i'm gonna get my sunglasses stay outside get some fresh air anyway what no no don't go in my house enjoy the sun whoa whoa really don't go in my house you're setting it on fire no no no no uh hang on hang on oh i left the water out there hang on hang on i got a pond perfect perfect uh stop it stop out that didn't help at all hang on hang on ah zombies give me a little one come here little one let me get yeah it's a zombie zombie look out zombie's gonna burn your house down hold on how did you lose your sunscreen and we need to have a talk no no we need to have a talk about how the zombie is burning my house down yeah cause you you took her sunscreen off well wait a minute that's my brewing station what ian what so that's where that went oh that's that's not your brewing station it's a brewing station that i acquired hey what's up little one where are you two going what's that kim is stuck in the well what wait a minute it's okay i think i found the other side what australia the other what why was she and did you just tell him to dig straight down i told kim to dig dirt and um okay ah yeah let's fix this up that's that's a safety hazard there wasn't any good dirt i just found lava oh yeah oh wow my farm looks amazing check it out little baby zombie was helping to really make your farm grow man little zombie is amazing guys you got to see like what you can do now she could grow okay what you got what you got do tricks literally little green thumb huh yeah yeah seriously wait what's going on hey no you didn't see anything i don't know what you're talking about god pretty much nothing right in front of us you sit there sir never going to catch me hey ooh pizza how's it going losers is this pepperoni this is great yeah maybe i should have gotten the pizza no no no no no no wait a minute zombie you're coming with me you can't leave us in here uh anyway enjoy the pizza guys don't forget to leave a tip to the delivery driver okay wait no there's still delivery yeah i'm totally typical anyway babysitting bobby i've realized that you're actually pretty useful so you're going to live here with me [Music] so yes this is your room this is your bed there's kind of a leaking problem and a dusting problem maybe you can clean that for me later thanks that'd be great anyway uh i'm gonna gonna take a little snooze uh just just just hang out for a bit i'm gonna i'm gonna take a nap hey no we do not bite in this household how ro you left a mess everywhere you're getting it all over the guitar all right that's it you no i need to find that little zombie nope all right you stay here and think about what you've done stop it stop it baby baby what's happening little zombie oh little one oh hey how's it going ugh uh e why don't you do that oh it's just cause a little zombie is ah hang on hang on let me catch my breaths seriously if you wanted us to have a pizza party you should just asked yeah that was the weirdest pizza party i've ever been a part of mate well maybe third weirdest guys i don't feel too good i'm i'm just gonna take a nap right here okay uh you know your house is like right there you could have just oh all right huh is he doing okay guys did you bite me oh i think he's turning into a zombie huh what what huh healing potions it's working is [Music] okay i think we made it why do i build my house so tall i don't like it okay is anybody seen new zombies around [Music] oh no and i think i have some new zombie friends to come no no what do you all have to say about that now that i got my zombie friends wait little puppy don't be a hero we can handle this together come on up stop zombies give me some space goodness gracious me anyway uh yes if you would kindly do destroy them all baby stop me where'd you go baby zombie what are you saying to the zombies wait what's up they're all oh no no no no granted it's my first day i'm probably not as zombie as a little baby wait wait wait guys guys i have a plan here come on come on back here real quick yeah come on in come on in come on in yeah so go ahead and pick up your hand cannon of choice don't worry i'm still coming to get you all what yeah you never know hey zombie puppy enjoy what is that zombie life [Laughter] [Music] okay okay i think we got him wait where does the zombies go what what what
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,772,954
Rating: 4.8580556 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau playing as friendly zombie, friendly minecraft mobs, minecraft zombie friend, minecraft zombie life, minecraft zombie pet, zombie life, funny minecraft zombie, aphmau friendly zombie, aphmau zombie baby, aphmau zombie pranks, pranking my friends in minecraft, family friendly, no swearing, funny zombie, cute zombie minecraft, zombie life minecraft
Id: frdT0W27bnQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 28 2021
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