Playing Minecraft As A BABY DEMON!

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my friends find the most adorable minecraft baby that lives in the nether so they decide to take her back to the overworld but what they don't realize is that this baby is actually a demon she'll act good but she enjoys causing mischief and trouble my friends are determined to prove that this baby is really an angel will my friends be able to make this demon baby be a good minecraft girl where are you guys uh we are in the nether um i don't think i've ever had an instance where i wanted to call it that oh um okay are you sure you saw a person come through here saying well it looked like a person but it seemed like it was smaller if we're talking about smaller way it could be uh no much smaller than that if you can believe it okay well you know look i think we're the only ones on the server so you're probably just seeing things i know what i saw ian something or someone came in here and i'm too curious to not leave it be fine okay let's let's take a look around but i'm telling you if i die here i swear i will not be a happy camper oh things happening already hang on don't worry i got a sword uh let's see uh hang on use that thing like that bat no guys look there's a baby in here a what baby it's a baby it's a baby throwing fireballs no it's gotta be something else hang on hang on i'm gonna go up i'm gonna go chase it hang on oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh oh if it is a baby though we have to save it come on oh giant gas up there yeah that's a problem oh hang on uh all right guests oh yeah i'm just gonna let you got it oh it fell on fire it's fine okay got it okay baby [Music] okay okay what's happening in there is is the baby hurt uh no buzzy's so cute yeti what kind of baby is this you guys found a baby yes yeah and honestly she's really adorable i really like the style here you like her style wait wait wait wait wait wait wait is that baby from the nether uh yeah i mean we just found her sitting all all sad and alone oh no put her back don't bring her to the overworld please don't just leave her there uh yeah a little too late for that what look look i'm serious here that baby is trouble way too much trouble for the overworld uh well then we'll just have to teach this baby to be good that's all yeah i mean come on if we could teach zayn to be good we could teach anyone oh ha-ha such a comedian but really f kawaii chan's right she's just a baby what's the worst she can do all right you know what fine fine fine you guys do what you want to do but don't say i didn't warn you okay come on let's go look at this one people aphmau says that you don't be careful of the baby yeah right i mean she's been nothing for good since we got here is never a little [Music] baby is probably scared of ian's face come on oh it's okay little one don't you cry i'm gonna take you away from the evil man all right i'm not rainbow oh zane's really taking a liking to this baby there we go what's your [ __ ] she's just so adorable what can i say all right now little one here's what we're gonna do here's a nice little piggy for you to ride on oh you're being so nice go on give it a try have fun with it okay she looks like she likes the piggy there we go and get this you can also get this little number here to lead it on and give it a little ride well you guys are gonna be here nice to meet you oh i mean there's nothing wrong with this baby i don't know what you were talking about afmal you don't mind the wings and the horns and the wow where is that thing back don't worry baby i'll save you hey yes i gave you a golden nugget oh [Music] did you make the baby cry um oh that's not good no just just briefly no no no what is this oh it had an accident okay uh baby stop stop i know what to do maybe like if i can just stop getting away from this here ah a nice shiny diamond i know all babies like diamonds like nice shiny little play things no oh no she threw it away she threw oh she doesn't want the diamond like diamonds what about a king okay maybe keep playing to the sweet side [Music] uh-huh now you could use my help uh-huh all right all right fine you know what since you guys are being so nice to damn baby maybe that's slippery baby you just love so how about this i'll tell you exactly what you need to get the demon baby alright you can't give a cake you can't give us diamonds believe it or not you can give it though here's the mortal i'm just kidding uh you can give it she's got it oh you can give it some netherright because it's a baby a baby from another nether right exactly hey uh do you guys have netherite uh no you know how rare that stuff is yeah i mean it's yeah all right i didn't watch you but now i've got another right hey baby baby who's a little who's a jew little painful baby ow it hurts oh water doesn't help don't worry it hurts with love here i have something at the right you know like it maybe everything fine now oh okay i think that's all she wanted it's okay she just wanted something as dark as her soul i'm not even joking you guys need to return that baby to the nether or it's it's just dangerous it's really dangerous to have that baby oh come on she is not dangerous she is just misunderstood she was only scared of ian's face that's all hey okay we need to give her some kind of like um extracurricular activity and oh wait i've got an idea baby oh what should we become what just happened uh she's doing things now yeah she it's uh what what even is that oh oh oh what is she turning into something you probably shouldn't be playing with like the forces of another realm and another ah i'm sure she's just having fun playing around a little bit uh-huh hey baby how would you like to ride a pony how about that huh oh yeah i think he seems excited that's a much better idea she can't turn a horse into a zombie pigman so we'll just use some noise horses i'm sure he'll be fine with it yeah it'll be fine before you get to ride a horse you've got to learn how to tame one so i'm going to show you how this works oh this should be good now we just picked one of the horses out of the line here i'll pick i'll pick this painted one over here we just throw a saddle but well we just got to get on top of it first and eventually it's going to get to a point where it doesn't mind me riding it and then i get to throw a nice little saddle on it doesn't like you yet let me add it i have this this one over here hang on hang on guys you can't force love okay my goodness i got it oh zane tamed a horse before ian no oh we do you got a head start see i got the horse to like me just just need saddle now i still got it before you what what whoa it's not the horse no i'm trying to pump myself really are you guys gonna try out the baby tama horse no we're just i'm just gonna let the baby ride one hour since i already tamed one myself you know what i'm uh i i think i'm gonna keep this horse baby why don't you come over here uh whoa wait wait wait a minute what is that that was not here before um uh what kind of horse is that uh did you have what did it take to do something weird horse from another plane i think it's uh hmm um you're the horse expert yeah what does it look like to you i think it's called a uh nightmare be careful yeah and she is very proficient with it already she is running all over the place wait whoa wait a minute oh come on huh where facts are these things coming from i am quite fast at the situation uh yeah that's a very appropriate heck all right i'm on it where are those things spawning from are you guys having a hard time who has another right who has never right i hate to give this up uh baby i got some stuff look over here look over here i got a little bit of another right for you oh i don't think it worked here you go uh i don't think there you go okay uh baby looks like okay it's calm yeah perfect it's gonna make the vexes calm i don't know about the vexes too much but oh she's fighting the vex oh she's taking him out for us i think that's good you know i i appreciate that baby see athmel she's a great baby uh-huh yeah she's spawned a bunch of x's everywhere huh okay uh guys i i you know i'm not one to say that aphmau's right [Music] i'm starting to think she might be onto something about about how much trouble this baby can be what what no no no this child is precious she will learn to be good she's just got too much energy that's all hey here here i'll i'll prove it to you let me go see if i can find her any toys at my place i'll be right back okay i i've only got the one so i hope you got some more uh actually you know what i will be right back as well i'm gonna go make some snacks for the little adorable baby how's it going you um uh you catch the big game i don't like that no no okay you know what i i'm gonna i'm gonna come find a snack too uh coming up you know guys look at all this netherride i've gotten isn't this awesome oh trust me i'm gonna keep this up just a little bit more by doing something like this this should be fun over here and there we go oh hi what are you doing here what to zayn why would you turn my house into a big fire pit out okay no no no no no no no no okay hey zayn okay what's the big deal i i know the babies you know i'm the precious little baby it's fine it's so cool it's a it's a little another baby i know but it's i just don't know if it's a good idea oh oh sure okay i knocked the baby and now you start doing this oh that's great that's great it's from one fire to another i need to install a moat around my house huh hang on whoa zayn what are you doing what what is happening did you always fly like this oh we're really high up we're really high up i don't like this i don't like this at all um hey uh you know what those those wings are doing great great things for you man they look fine they're oh geez where are we going zayn i really don't like this idea okay hi jen [Music] what the heck is going on around here what is happening what is happening right now um i don't know dare you treat me in such a um what what what's going on uh i could ask you the same thing all right well uh you know what in uh situations like this i feel like there's only one thing to do and um uh get rid of the problem now trouble whoa which one of them is the real one quiche and you know him the best what do you think uh you can't be serious okay this should be obvious this one absolutely obvious no no no that is not the real one got it there we go sorry sorry there we go got it problem solving uh hey you said you had some snacks right oh yeah yeah yeah yeah inside the house perfect i think we should get them for the baby come on real zane okay i think we're all set out now we're gonna leave the baby at your place okay oh yeah you enjoy oh my god i got a oh out of my way hi i have had enough what are you doing did something happen zayn did you i don't know if the baby do something oh something's about to happen i'm going to teach this baby a real lesson once and for all oh no a real lesson what we are just going to go right down here okay baby i need you to listen to me for a second alright i know that you want to cause trouble and trust me i completely understand there was once a time where i too was a big troublemaker but i grew up out of that i learned from my mistakes and i'm a better person now because of it i just really hope you can learn from your mistakes too gretchen is he being sincere right now yeah i think so shocking well that's good i i knew you'd understand so now i'm going to do this what are you doing back to the nether with you i knew you were a troublemaker so i knew you were going to try something so i got you first oh are you sure that was a good idea oh maybe i should have re-thought this thanks a lot zayn no no i was just trying to teach in a lesson not to be a troublemaker against a troublemaker um i don't think they took the lesson very well sure doesn't seem like it oh oh okay okay okay just calm down calm down i gotta oh that's what you told us to do to be fair oh so it's my phone oh [Applause] it was impulse i thought it was the best thing to do with the time zayn you did this you got to fix it i'm i'm i'm taking uh uh yeah it's free okay okay uh i think what are we gonna do what are we gonna do uh uh maybe this will work all right what is it okay uh baby uh no we got off on the wrong foot but uh hopefully this will uh appease you a bit what is it okay we'll appease a giant air giant stack of diamond and emerald blocks [Music] not not only that but look what else i've got i've got a bunch of cake for you see if the baby likes that okay she she's stopping oh oh i think it works i think so okay uh zane don't try and do that again uh uh oh no oh no uh guys guys guys guys [Music] trouble problems that sounds like you guys really should have listened to me she did learn from the best i guess
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 8,378,404
Rating: 4.8676405 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft baby demon pranks, pranking my friends as a baby demon in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, demon pranks aphmau, best ways to prank your friends in minecraft, i became a baby demon in minecraft, pranking my friends as baby demon, pranking my friends as baby demon aphmau, babysitter pranks, funny minecraft pranks, tiny minecraft pranks, minecraft mods, easy minecraft pranks, fun ways to trick your friends in minecraft, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments
Id: A_5--kkArNE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 28sec (1108 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 07 2020
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