My Dog Had COLORED PUPPIES In Minecraft!

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my adorable minecraft corgi had a litter of puppies and i leave one of my most trusted friends to watch over them but some of my other friends on the server end up stealing the puppies in order to play with them what they don't realize is that each puppy is very mischievous now my friends must train each puppy to be good before it's too late will my friends be able to train these adorable corgis or end up in the dog house noy are you sure you can take care of my quirky puppy it's going to be quite a handful for you look trust me if i can take care of one pet i can take care of them all hey what's this about puppies i could take care of puppies too look look look look look you two i've seen your minecraft houses lately how can you take care of a puppy let alone a litter when you can't even keep your house displayed wait wait wait wait wait wait wait wait the litter you mean there's more than one puppy yeah i thought that i said that when look look look look i put them look i put them outside of your door i hope you don't mind okay oh i'm going to take such good care of them this is my happy place see i left them outside your door since i figured you want to see them before you let them in just don't startle the mama dog all right she gets very very defensive whenever you start startling her okay what's this about [Music] you're gonna have to be really careful with her uh you know okay okay okay mama dog put him down yeah yeah yeah yeah can you can he calm the mama talk down there's the mama oh no why do you have lava next to your house doesn't everyone have a love a pit outside their house nobody does know it but i told you even don't startle the mommy corgi why would you do that i mean that's now just saying not to startle the mama corgi i don't care what atma says i needed to see puppies don't worry noy just because ian fell in lava doesn't mean anything i bet you'll do a great job with these clubs thanks ethno yep you have nothing to worry about i'll make sure your puppies are as happy as they could ever be hey you guys want a ball ah hey oh you didn't break my door that time thanks you're welcome hey these puppies could trust me what does he watch wait no no that's you're not supposed to do that gareth no worries i got this all right puppy here go here's my care yard look look look okay i got a drinky ball boots it dogs like hate right no hay is for horses gareth where do you oh there you go hey i'm here for the puppy too mind i'm the one who's supposed to be taking care of the puppies and you're stealing my puppy annoying i i think we can handle this please just be careful with the puppy all right it's just uh it's gonna be oh hey look he's sticking what whoa oh that's really good yeah puppies only do that when they're really happy oh that's oh yeah oh yeah oh it's a good happy puppy see we can take care of puppies now you're not scaring it right nonsense whoa whoa hang on what what what happened what happened why are the bones bones are exploding and what oh my god okay guys puppy dug up like i i don't know like exploding bones or something hi puppy that's a really big hole you dug what's that that's a weird puppy that's a weird yeah yeah no no no oh that's not digging up those bones anymore come here how about a tiny bone would you like a tiny ball oh you like it come here puppy let's keep you nice and safe see i knew no i could take care of the puppy all right then guys wow y'all must be pretty tired from all that playing hey you hungry all right uncle noy's gonna go make you some food now you all stay good you all stay here and i'll be right back okay all right brb hmm such a good caretaker here they're in here they're in here you found him hang on hang on hey yes we got the puppies oh they're so cute okay okay we got them uh what what's the plan a quick okay grab one before night goes back yeah come here [Music] look how cute the puppy is so um now what oh well you know and we got a puppy here and in order to build a puppy's trust you have to play games with him so go uh here here we go no it's it's a frisbee okay yeah you like that you like that now watch and learn you want you want to get the frisbee you want to get the frisbee go get it oh see you go throw frisbee the dog grabs the frisbee brings it back you got [Music] a frisbee is that it's uh um okay let's try this again let's try this one more time go puppy go get it all right they're doing so well for the first time haha i got the frisbee again what have you got for me puppy that's not a frisbee but it's better than a frisbee it's what's that gold it is gold garth the puppy is bringing back treasure whoa okay hold on let me try let me know yeah oh what's going to find this time up oh my dog oh this dog knows what we like all right puppy what do you got for us this time well it's gonna be something so good so cute um maybe we're testing our luck on this okay i will not rest until puppy brings back all the gold this nugget this nugget is just beginning don't you want more treasure to garth bad boy bad boy okay okay yes all right we're gonna try this one more time you want the frisbee go get it it's going to work the time see the puppy's going off you know it got something bad and uh kind of kind of hurtful lava every once well but it's still got mostly treasure it's gonna be fine gonna bring back some nice and happy okay i think we're in the clear i think there you are what ah you guys i knew you took one of the puppies look we just wanted to we just wanted to prove that we're good puppies yeah we sat on the puppy and everything you did that's not puppy sitting it's an expression you don't actually sit on the puppies look i wanted to do my very little poppy area you want a bone did uncle garth and uncle ian be mean to you were they mean to the puppies yes we really did do a good job of protecting them did you oh yeah yeah he's right i mean you know you got to think about it how did we get them in the first place [Music] i was totally taking care of the puppies i was making them a nice steak so that they could eat and puppy puppy hey where are you going puppy once again you're not watching the puppies and now they're getting away poppy be quiet ian poppy come back puppy uh why is the puppet going about puppy what do you do is a puppy put that down that's a my tnt i need that for a very specific person um no no no no no no don't don't don't eat that poppy don't eat that that's kind of impressive i really don't think that you know eating tea tea tea is healthy for puppies um hey hey uh oh i think the puppy's going to have some all right puppy puppy puppy needs quite some explosive results there oh puppy be careful guys what's going on i'm going to sleep behind the explosive oh my god it's quite explosive the puppy has has like a stomach bug or something or stomach uh gunpowder all right i heard what you annoyed said what's the outside of your house hold up poppy have tnt in my house what's wrong with that okay puppy we're gonna try and get you out of here puppy no puppy it's okay guys i'm back bobby hold on hold on hold your butt hold on to your butt here you go buy this that'll help you stop it i don't think the puppy liked that okay what did you give the puppy up medicine bone hopefully that should help her digestive tract oh a bad little puppy okay you're you're done uh explosive gassing in my house good bone always hurts what what'd i tell you ian what oh come on if i knew i was gonna have puppies over at my house i would have cleaned up my house of course you know you know how's i supposed to know the puppy was gonna come in and eat my tnt i mean i'm assuming you just like spicy food you know i really don't want to find out my point is you guys should really let noah do his puppy sitting job all right i left the puppies there because i know that noy is the most responsible person on the minecraft server okay gareth no garth and i can be responsible too besides you know if noy is so responsible then why is that puppy stinky how could you wait is this true did you really let a puppy become smelly and this just isn't just any smell do you smell it oh no i that kind of smelly smell the smelly smell that smells smelly i i i didn't mean to i mean i was busy trying to find the other puppy that you guys kinda took okay okay okay garth we are going to help knoyn uh all right now so what do we do uh i'd prefer if you didn't but you know i mean i guess if you're going to anyway well let's let's start by giving this puppy a bath honey perfect all right hang on i got soapy water let's see let's uh make like a little uh bath over here i got some selfie water here perfect ready to watch the puppy don't eat the puppy there we go that's a good clean puppy i've got to see the pub loves the water oh gross gross oh what are those no no no no no no i told you to be careful i'll uh uh what are these fleas apparently we got fleas don't worry i got a golden sword it's gonna take care of everything well yes but that's useless it's not useless i just forgot to play see it's fine it's juice it's useful all right so now that we got the puppy nice and clean now time to brush your coats so you're nice and pretty oh mom you guys are so good though look at that and brushing and are you brushing out what what are those are you brushing out the hair balls and what oh why and why are the hair balls hurting me i don't think the puppy likes that brush got some dandruff coming after us or something ian you should know beauty is pain beauty is pain but so is i don't pain is also pain see i don't think ian would know that i'm just putting that out sorry ian well i mean his house is pretty gross looks like you guys got yourself in a uh hairy situation okay well now that you're nice and clean kind of nice to have a little help yeah yeah tell me about it finally got those hairballs taken care of well at least all the puppies are inside the gate and oh something goes wrong from here on out right what hang on what is that what is that i don't know what's happening no it's it's a cat okay okay come on puppy pat where did the cat come from don't want the cat don't buy the cat come on okay go away cat come on go well you know at least the puppy can't get past the gate there you know puppy that's that's fine that's great hang on what i don't come here puppy come here come here did the puppy just break a door yes oh dug after my own heart just stand there guys we got to get the puppy it's going in the mines come here puppy come here puppy come on hello puppy anyone see it yeah stop there no what wow that puppy is really good at parking oh um okay guys i think we gotta get get across and get the puppy right got a parkour well i'm ready to die or as they call it in minecraft parkway way ah let's go away i i don't get it but okay guys is the puppy okay please let me know it's okay i'm fine oh i fell in hey all right here we go oh it's just lava oh garth iannoy if something happens to that puppy don't worry abnow puppy is nice and safe hey i'm not the one okay i'm not the one who was supposed to be the same puppy wow you guys suck anyway okay if we're lucky for you i like fishing are you gonna got your fish puppy are you yes why why are you don't hook the puppy because i'm good at this it's okay ah okay you ready little puppy okay you gotta parkway over here matt i am so good that actually works what okay little pup you got a parkour show them how it's done i got a tiny bone for you if you can parkour okay so since the puppy is parkour does that mean it's going to bar core no it doesn't hey go your puppy do your buckwheat oh that hurts you know what hey the puppy made it oh god the puppy's so thankful to you puppy made it back safely does anyone remember how to get back out of here absolutely not uh i don't remember this part oh why do we place so many torches well at least the puppy's safe with us what's the puppy doing ah okay so puppy's happy but no i don't think this is the best place to do that no no no wait wait the last time we were playing a frisbee with the puppy before and the puppies found treasure maybe you found treasure are you gonna do that you're right let it dig what's the harm yes yes somebody's thinking straight down that's like rule one of what you're not supposed to do in minecraft all right going to fight for us digging up treasures [Music] uh what what's going on guys do you see a way out guys hey what happened that's lava oh poppy you got a knack for finding traps good to see you made it out hey guys we're back yeah it just took a minute he's a puppy all right guys i want to make sure oh yeah you know we also decided we were done with all of these uh violent shenanigans here in the cave so we suited up you might want to do the same come on puppy oh where's the puppy going now come on puppy i got a bone don't run deeper into the mines puppy oh guys i found it found it oh good puppy come on what is this oh what is down here oh this is not good oh yeah skeletons where did the puppy lead us now trading the bones what is it with the puppy leading us to these dangerous situations the puppy is just you know just leading us to not safe places okay hang on let me let me light up the places guys i think i see a way out maybe i don't know there's just skeletons everywhere be careful i guess puppy wants the bones the skeletons have anyone know how to get out of here oh guards find a way up yeah go up here oh okay oh let's get out here more skeletons can you get the puppy out of the mines get out are there more skeletons i don't know let's just get out of here i think we could finally finally get rid of these skeletons uh well at least we'll have bones for days oh you know what i'm yeah i'm sorry good idea oh good idea oh okay man no you look uh you look kind of skewered there yeah it's just a flesh wound oh come on puppy okay guys i think yep we made it okay uh finally finally out of danger good and it's racial oh you guys i'm gonna take my pets off yeah now don't worry we gotta we got your puppy taken care of huh yep so good okay all right puppy puppy what's that what's all you got in your mouth there girl is that a bone wait phone [Applause] oh that's so good you guys are so good at taking care of the puppy sounds like you guys had a doggone good time
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 5,808,722
Rating: 4.8687024 out of 5
Keywords: corgi puppy pranks in minecraft, how to prank as dog in minecraft, cute minecraft pranks, pranks to play on your friends in minecraft, the best way to prank people in minecraft, minecraft pranks aphmau, minecraft aphmau, aphmau, pranks in minecraft, funny pranks in minecraft, dog pranks in minecraft, minecraft mods, minecraft challenges, minecraft funny moments, minecraft no swears, tricks to play on your friends, funny ways to prank your friends, easy minecraft pranks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 10sec (1150 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 08 2020
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