5 Baby PUPPY Pranks to Help Your FRIENDS!

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are you ready to see the cutest most fluffy puppy in Minecraft meet my baby puppy this little pup will be the perfect Minecraft companion and when she sees that players she'll become their best friend but when my friends adopt her they don't realize that she's not trained and she's ready to cause all kinds of chaos will my friends be able to teach the cutest puppy in Minecraft how to behave or are they barging up the wrong tree let's just see I am a puppy and look I have this adorable puppy form oh my God a ball whoa I didn't even see that there wow this is mine okay give me that ball give me that someone crying huh that way I made all this button for all my friends and I realized I don't have any friends what I don't know Mr Brown do you want someone there you go okay just just like everybody else how about the water you miss the water do you want some mutton he's so sweet oh I wish I had somebody to share this with I'm a puppy a puppy dog and dogs are puppies best friend anyway people's best friend that's right so I could do something like play with him like this and then wait what's this ball doing it Mr ball do you want buttons no oh oh is that out puppy ah pumpy oh I got a ball devil Raise This Gun don't worry about that anymore anyway so puppy oh I'm sorry was that your ball I'm sorry and sorry for being you know screaming at all that puppy do you like do you like mutton I mean like I like button yeah here you go yeah oh look at you took it from me oh okay tell you what you you enjoy that button for a second I'll be right back I'm gonna go grab something real quick I don't think I get that ball again but I think I could I uh oh my gosh my newest invention all set to go I call it the stick ready you ready for this ready ready ready ready Come on come on over here wait you're gonna make it up we're gonna make it hard you can't you can't go for too easy all right ready oh my God oh my God hey hey you're gonna get the stick you're going to stick yeah oh God ow no well that must have been sick at all see it's even even the surfer knows excuse me God oh my goodness Peter no no no um easiest way to discourage chewing is to make everything extra spicy so that she knows not to bite it that's true oh you don't like putting some like uh like some hot sauce or something not bad too spicy excuse me and that way she won't bite no well I mean she's not finding it oh my my crops run fired out what did you have candy that was my Travis glass oh I can't be mad at you puppy that was my Grandma's closet TNT that she gave me for Christmas yeah I don't think that was a good spot to store it in well I didn't think there'd be someone go around setting fire stuff at my house let's be real pears if you're going to get a new puppy you need to puppy proof your house and put away your TNT yeah didn't know I had a puppy in the past 30 seconds but now what she's not chewing on anything all right all right wait oh okay this is illegal you got 50 cuter and that's a problem uh I know [Music] uh jump in there I I had this set up just in case I made a new friend sometime get get in there there you go there we go I mean I appreciate that also you know she stopped chewing on everything but still my entire house oh my kitchen now I can't cook any more buttons okay all right so she seems to be settling in here pretty well but you know what I okay you guys had a good idea for the first half of your concept the whole let's train the puppies so that you know bad things don't happen there are more conventional ways of doing this such as positive reinforcement it's a beautiful thing that we can use without saying anything bad about the puppy all right here we go so take a look at this puppy look look what I got I got myself some treats yeah some days see treats all right yeah there you go let's go outside though follow me Eagle puppy oh that's such a good puppy [Applause] oh it's probably fine it's probably fine anyway puppy we gotta go and do a few things here first first things first what should I call you I'm gonna call you that's a good one I'm gonna call you puppy all right your name is now officially puppy all right that's pretty clear cut that works all right puppy in order to get the treats you have to listen to what I say okay first off puppy don't you don't you shake your head at me as if puppies understand what that means puppy I want you to sit puppy sit wait ah so it did the uh you did the opposite of what come on puppy sit no okay come on puppy it's not hard you know like this oh oh noise that oh noise a good boy it means DOI gets a treat there you go noise yeah yeah yeah yeah oh yeah but only good boy all the good pups get get good treats so puppy sit no okay no treats for puppy all right baby yeah yeah would you might help it out okay sit perfect that's great that's fantastic delicious so good oh sorry oh look the puppy said now because I want a shame I'm always getting treats down you missed your chance puppy better luck next time and that's an example that you have to listen the first time otherwise you miss out sorry puppy I thought that was supposed to be positive reinforcement yeah it wasn't positive and then and then the puppy did Do What I Said So now that there's the negative [Music] [Music] maybe that'll help just burn up the poop a little bit hold on there we go hold on let me just get this one and oh [Music] yeah maybe we'll uh yeah go ahead maybe we made it a little spicy wait what's happening what's happening [Music] there you go [Applause] [Applause] I got this i got this i got this I don't got this oh come on come on Elise Ethan don't just like tear it up come on puppy okay okay okay I got an idea all right so you got it you got a little bit don't go gone with this one so I think yeah so take it easy take it easy what we're gonna do is teach them some responsibility so she can be a good little girl no okay so listen up little puppy eyes on me I'll give you a really special treat if you do a good job so to give her a little Direction we're gonna have her protect the animals so you hear that so oh make sure that all my animals stay safe and if anyone tries to get out of this pen put them back in okay and uh yeah I got a really special training treat especially extra rare no no no no no no no no no no no no wait where are we going wait a puppy you're supposed to take care of the ones inside here [Applause] no no [Applause] no no no no no no no puppy please puppy you're supposed to keep the orange one safe not the creepers no no don't say hurts out orange things is green things oh mud oh yes [Music] all right come on kid we gotta get you get some uh we gotta get you some some where'd you go no don't eat them live [Music] [Music] what if and sealed okay there's no Escape All right so God she looks so wild because my bathroom is gone remember she almost blew up my house already yeah it's already kind of gone so your last chance all right all right puppy hey hey look look look look turn around no stop stop look I got a tree okay you get the treat as soon as you go in the bathtub okay you just gotta go in the bathtub it's already nice and warm I promise you it's nothing too bad hey hey come on focus focus in the tub a little bit more [Music] good girl in fact two have two there you go all right well that could have gone worse right all right now I just got to get a little bit of scrubbing in there just give it a little swirl oh [Applause] [Music] no where'd she go I already took my monthly bath I don't know how does she have that much water in her fur don't worry um [Music] come on more trees how does she know how to drive one of those [Music] oh lock it up watch me step exploding poop oh she got off she got him okay let's go I know I know I know it's not great here puppy puppy puppy puppy look look look up treats yeah treats what are we gonna do about this puppy like this [Music] [Applause] no yeah that's a good idea she needs to go in the cage come on puppy you are a naughty little sorry this hurts me more than it hurts no no no no you don't have to do this you don't have to do this die it breaks my heart you need to be disciplined no don't don't don't get me like that don't look at me like that puppy no I really hate to do this seriously it hurts me more than it hurts you but she's digging down where she goes down there what what anybody else see the diamond guys look they're hard oh [Applause] yeah seriously [Music] please puppy it's okay I'll give you a steak I'll give you lots of steaks ah please I think she's upset with you and give her lots of Happiness when she gets love why is this puppy so difficult I don't know but you know what she's filling your house with diamonds so I think it's I think she's trying to make amends maybe I think I know what it is yeah it's looking really nice I think I forgot something in my own house no I'll be back [Music] oh wow I knew it I knew that puppy was up to no good this time oh I appreciate the chance boys [Music] come on no no no no no no no well I'm just gonna move to a new server guys it's been fun uh I think that this one is haunted by a vile creature and I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go I'll see you guys later it's yours puppy it's all yours you get the whole thing to yourself I left the keys under the bed but the bats exploding
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 9,295,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, Minecraft, Minecraft funny, Minecraft mods, Minecraft Aphmau, Aphmau pranks, Aphmau Minecraft Pranks, Aphmau Gaming, Aphmau Games, Aphmau Pranks Friends, Aphmau Playing As, Aphmau Aaron
Id: j-rFBH07GUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 52sec (1192 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 30 2021
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