I Think I'm Dead | RLCraft Hardcore Ep. 27

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hi everybody welcome back to another episode of RL craft since we last left off I haven't really done anything but I have made a decision that I'm not just gonna fly around today and look for mending okay I am gonna fight I'm gonna try to spawn rahavarts and fight him and try not to die and see how the whole thing goes before I do that though I think it's actually worth doing maybe uh ranking up a new bow or something like that seeing if we can get a a dragon bow um um looking pretty swick for us although I'll probably just end up doing the nunchucks on it but we'll see how it goes anyway I need to hold on this is why I grabbed all these things I need to lower my level so that I cannot waste as much experience on the way back here all right back home let's go all right so what we have to do first is we've gotta we need to get a demon soul thing um and in order to do that we gotta summon like a caco demon something like that and then slay the caco demon it will drop the demon soul thing that we need in order to be able to craft the rahov art spawn thing that we need which makes sense right everybody's following along good you're all following along that's exciting also by the way make sure that your uh sub to Captain Sparkles 2 following a twitch.tv captainsparkles and uh like the vid if you're watching on YouTube and all that good stuff so yeah I have so many books in here you know what I need to do I need to make battle burritos I think that's something I can actually finally do I'll have paleo salads I can have battle burritos and um it's a cooked or a sword Meats plus what else do we need it's the order sore right the pinkies that we need and then we also need the aspids where are those at I know we have some acid meat right uh what did I do with the Aspen meat I don't know where I put it did I put it in mob drops instead of um huh what did I do with the aspid meat ladies and gentlemen where did where did I put it it's very important and I need it for the battle burrito and I could have sworn that I had it in places unless I put it in the wrong thing I'm so confused crisis averted it was cooking there we go okay good I was like I know I'm not crazy I know that I had some all right let's get some battle burritos going and what was the final one um oh yeah bobeko Meats of course I'm going to put that in there okay so we have the acid oh yeah we need the mock of meat but we have the Maca meat so we can put that in so we'll have like 20 battle burritos I can see it's one to one for each of the ingredients and then this is going to be mmm it gets cooked nail and all I love a little bit of nail in my burrito gives it some texture all right so battle burritos are all basically the best food in the game we could also do Adventures risotto but I don't have all the ingredients for that so I need to find something that I haven't gotten yet so I think it's easier to just go battle Burrito Plus paleo salad plus wines and that should put us in a good spot to do things effectively hopefully um Roman thank you for the 20 months big 20 Jake Senpai was six months I hope you're having a good day thank you for making vids that make tons of people happy well thanks for watching dude and snooker Doodles thank you for the four months I have sparkles I've decided to start priming you every month considering I've been watching uh all of your videos recently thank you for the very nice videos thank you for watching the videos that you think are very nice that is very exciting and very much appreciated and stuff like that okay cool dude and more battle burritos oh my goodness dude apparently rahov art has uh one attack that can potentially insta kill you so that's like a good thing that we should know about and and be careful never a good thing to get insta killed when you're uh in hardcore it's it's something to avoid if at all possible I feel like honestly we have enough wines probably although I guess this is worth continuing 0.9 it keeps going down what's wrong with you what is wrong with you you know what though I wonder if oh wait I don't want to do that I wonder if it's worth like just going with the 0.94 maybe and just making full stacks of it so that we can uh just go ahead with that rather than having to do a whole bunch of different um things let me stomp this really quick I wonder because yeah it might just it might just be more worth our time just go with what we have right now rev and continue to work it up I'm sure the difference between a 1.0 and like a 0.94 is not insane and at the end of the day we just wanted to like level up our our uh stuff so probably be okay either way all right let's do that you know what I'm just gonna go I was gonna make a full eight here with this and this will this will just be drinkable for us oh right that's all up there I was like wait a minute I know I have more berries than that but also we have to fight the caco demon which I think I if I've memorized the layout I can do I need a soul key though Soul key uh Emerald Soul key Diamond Soul key is it just a regular Soul key or is it a diamond Soul key that's needed in order to summon rahovart I don't recall um but either way I need I guess I'm gonna need to fight another wither first good thing we have some Wither Skeleton skulls oh yeah my shield well my shield I took off purposely so I knew I wouldn't lose it in there um you guys know is it uh which which one of the Soul Keys is it in order to do I need I'm gonna need to do actually I need to fight both Withers because I'm gonna need two Soul Keys one for the caco demon and one for rap of art so I guess I should get all of this stuff here oh I have a seventh well I'm split up between two different things all right are you all done almost all done [Music] um nails and the battle burrito [Music] all right hey that's 19 battle burritos is is pretty good I think so that we will take keep those in there for now got our wither skulls just a decent amount of prep for stuff and of course I am just full of stuff inside of my shulkers it's just the fun never stops man so much stuff to sort through but anyway use the regular Soul key the advanced one Spire oh spawn higher damage variant bot really you can make a higher level uh ravart what I didn't know that that's crazy I didn't know that anyway rise Ultima thank you for the sixth month say cap keep it the good work love the quality content the OPG with 13 months Star-Lord two years happy anniversary I'm doing pretty light Superboy 100 000 with 17 months pretty slick there's a higher damage ver higher HP plus damage no kidding that is wild all right well we'll just do the regular base one for the time being so that I don't get super killed just a little bit killed yeah wait I harvested more grapes right I'm pretty sure there's more grapes than one of my things Ace there is many more grapes they're very good perfect Hyrule in the house thanks for the 19 months much appreciated saw the first episode of the new modded series and loved it hype for future episodes I'm glad to hear it thanks for watching it there's new Modded Survival series and stuff on the main Channel if anyone is interested if any of you are primarily second Channel content consumers you know just throwing it out there in case you want to check it out uh it is an option for you oops wait what oh we're good all right more wine and I guess yeah let's just do what we can here let's get all the wine in the world Texas snowman five months of seven much appreciated speaking of uh speaking of snow um it was there was like a hurricane that was supposed to be hitting La well it got downgraded to a tropical storm but it was like there were all these news articles like oh it's gonna be crazy how you can prepare there's gonna be flooding it's gonna be gnarly this is unprecedented and then it kind of drizzled a little bit so yep um we uh we're gonna get rain here do we it's eventually gonna happen there's gonna be some crazy like Arc storm scenario one day that's going to drown the state and we'll not be able to actually Harvest any of the water for long term it'll just kind of flow off of the the dried up mud that can't sustain the water and it won't help us at all but it'll just do a lot of damage and that will happen eventually but for now it was like this is gonna be a crazy tropical storm and then nothing really happened such as life I suppose all right and then a little bit of that I I'd prefer that nothing really happened versus it being a huge disaster to be sure though so I mean yeah better that way regardless um right on anywho right should I just go and uh get a couple wither skelemans dunzoad real quick yeah let's do that let's do that and then I can I'm gonna you know what even though I'm not gonna have mending on my chest plate or my leggings I'm just gonna I feel like there's no way that rahovar is going to decimate us like either we die or we survive but there's no way that the fight is going to take long enough to where it'll completely destroy my armor will have died before then all right um I'm gonna do this I guess we just do it back here the question is is it worth making a new bow like so in the video that I watched um just a little bit of a helpful advice about rahov art I uh the guy was using a bow to deal damage primarily but then I saw in one of the comments someone was basically like yeah so it's cool and all that you used a bow but if you just get dragon bow nunchucks you can basically just melt him so I felt like okay but also there was some attacks that rahovart can do that seemed a little bit scary just ever so slightly um when it comes to wait do I not I have my shield on okay it seemed a little bit scary if you were simply they're right up against oh this man's this man's actually has some like I looked like he had some help but he did not have any health we were actually subject what the frick oh my God go away subject English is is that one of the no that's not one of the ones that we want wait um no it's another one of the subject things um actually optimizing our nunchucks and getting in venomed and Venom could actually be good because it's something that it's a DOT attack and if something has a lot of Health it can start to stack over time and actually potentially be good oh wait I wanted to spawn another one duh I need two nether Stars um what was the what was the one that I wanted from the dude over at one of the villages I totally forgot anyway here let me just do this let me knock the next one out real quick then uh oh subject PE yeah yeah something like that Final Bosses take 100 damage cap per hit so nunchucks will deal consistent damage someone right before that said they deal they let you do 50 damage per hit so we're getting uh slightly conflicting bits of information here no big deal I wasn't even trying to hit that second dude bro but [Applause] easy peasy lemon squeezy we got him give me that give me that dude cool oh Hearts versus hit points got it got it got it that makes sense okay so it's 50 50 Hearts 100 hit points damage cap per hit let's see it just seemed like really scary to actually stand right up against rajobart because he has this like green flame thing and the green flame thing it removes all Buffs and effects that you have on you um so a little bit scary but I'm I'm not sure we might just die but that could be just as interesting right well seasons do be changing I suppose um all righty hey we had cry about it thank you for the 23 months love the color coordination with the outfit thank you I try to be styling all the time Wolfie with 13 months loving the content keep it up and Mt gamer two months Crow toxic four months found you 10 years ago because of Divine RPG when I first started looking at Minecraft mods time sure does fly looking forward to seeing it again time sure do fly mate oh my goodness 10 years ago boy yeah let me I just wanted to see what was subject PE right right right right I'm pretty sure I have it named on the Waypoint um it was yeah subject PE subject physical should my favorite class growing up until I got to high school when everybody started to not care and it was cool to be like I don't care about this they want me to actually run around and do a sport I'm gonna sit still because I am cool I'm too cool to care about PE and I was like this is no fun this sucks you're a freak for liking PE bro it was fun PE in elementary school also I was very competitive and I enjoyed trying to be competitive anyway I'm pretty sure like most of the most of the kids in elementary school who I went with also enjoyed PE it was it was considered a fun thing so yeah PE and Elementary was the best exactly exactly I know I'm not crazy you're crazy let's sleep being asthmatic I absolutely hated piggy okay well that's that's understandable I I can under I I that makes sense I'm I'm saying that outside of that sort of situation it's it was fun all right we need the Obby and anything here that's good oh yeah Infinity will be good for making a new uh thing we'll want that we'll want the Unbreak e3s which will be nice all right cool um transgamer thank you for the 37 months happy September y'all dude big discounts all the way around across the board on Subs oh my God have you ever been looking to get subbed well now is a fantastic time because there are discounts and discounts are better than no discounts that's such a cool revolutionary thing um e nanobite thank you for the 19 months great to finally be able to see Mr sparkly pants live for once but you've been subbing for 19 months oh I could get Supreme flame yeah that's true that is true okay Dragon bow is what we're looking for so flamed dragon bones strengthened Longbow maybe we could do dragon bone strength and Longbow or we could do a crossbow what is better do we want to do the crossbow or do we want to do the longbow what do you guys think I should do a poll what bow long Bow crossbow actually can crossbows take Infinity I'd never remember um if it ties I'm gonna do Longbow so just FYI yes FYI anyway in the meantime I suppose I could go fight the caco demons yeah oh 0.97 0.97 wait are you telling me maybe we can just get up to 1.0 here that would be massive that would be massive if that happened oh my God hold on just a moment hold on just a moment let's see the next batch here and we might we might be able to get up to a 1.0 this Spartan Weaponry crossbow is gonna have a video okay that's pretty cool that's pretty cool not that one point it matters I mean it matters enough what the frick what oh there it is thank you like where did my shield go all right maybe maybe this will be the fabled 1.0 but I'm just stacking up anyway on it sick Maneuvers absolutely sick Maneuvers how are we looking over here I think this is probably gonna be enough yes oh it's almost done 0.97 versus 1.0 doesn't really matter I'm just wanting to like get it all the way oh Longbow has one with 81 all right we do the long boy then when I'm enchanting it I have to try to remember to call it the long boy beautiful so let me make a soul key and try to do the caco demon um because I need to make a new one of those oh that doesn't get used up okay all right um well the question is should I do I should probably do this in a place that's like maybe maybe just another uh location another Waypoint teleport so that I I don't have to worry about it doing bad things to us yeah I know I already had a soul gazer I didn't realize that it wasn't going to get used up that's why I I did it that way but oh well um how about crocletron hills this seems like a good place too summon a caco demon yeah we will do it here okay so I'm hoping I remember this correctly from the video I believe well I guess hey at the end of the day we can break obsidian really quickly so I think it was like this and then it was like diamond goes right in the middle of the thing right there and then hopefully I brought enough with me I may or may not have and I believe that this will summon the caco demon um right night or right King think of the sub very much appreciated is this it tell me this is it tell me this is it and then we just freaking yeah okay ow ow what the bro I might die I can't move I can't move I can't move oh my God I can't it's blighted it's blighted it's blighted I'm gonna die I'm gonna die holy hecking what I couldn't move I could not move well that's not cool that's not cool at all I should have brought a battle battle burrito oh God oh my God oh my God oh my God oh I didn't have my shield on but actually I should probably do the diamond shield for this anyway because yeah can I reach up there was that was it blighted by the way oh I'm hitting myself heck um hold on I'm gonna go home really quick this is okay this is okay this is okay I'm okay I can fix this yeah um so it turns out when you can't move it's kind of a problem um and not not ideal I actually do need to go like Pasto foreign hope not yikes no God dang it I keep stop oh I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm dead I'm so dead I'm so dead bro holy heck I gotta go home I gotta go home oh my Lord oh my God oh my God I am leaving Jesus oh my God is he bladed holy shorts wow okay wow oh yeah I should use magic mirrored I didn't have it in my hot bar like an idiot oh my god dude that is insane yeah I didn't have to waste my waist on there um okay so I need to probably battle burrito for that I need to bring battle burritos that dude is nutty plus maybe some um paleo salad wow oh wait no don't eat that yet um should I do should I maybe I could do a mount yeah but holy holy crap maybe I never fought that guy before I don't remember getting that Doo dude on um I might want to use the diamond Shield because otherwise I might just might Shield might get broken so that dude is probably more difficult than rahov art that's crazy I think this might be better um and instead like swap that yeah I think that's the way to go I need to like have a uh automated system in chat that like deletes messages that mention Dragon steel and sends the sender a message saying did you know Dragon steel is not an RL craft there you go oh man okay I can get my heart I can get my health back up this way um can I drink a strength pot I I can do the battle burrito the battle burrito gives me basically the same thing so uh all right please let me sleep please let me sleep maybe I should bring some wine with me as well perhaps and maybe some wild berry too bro whatever effect it is giving that just makes it so you cannot move is crazy all right it might have despawned we'll see okay um it's you just drink water in order to stop the drunk effect right I think and okay I'll have to go Salvage the thing later but uh okay so here's what I can do I'm gonna go there and I'm gonna eat a battle burrito eat a paleo salad teleport and or drink some wine and go all right here we go okay and where was it it was crocotron let me guess it's gone it's despawned Frick I've wasted stuff God dang it I've wasted a battle burrito and freaking well I have a million wines so that's not really a big deal hey yeah yeah good Lord this dude bro okay uh where was my thing you know I could actually just keep drinking wine though I think and then be good with it all right let's um oh God I gotta make another sulky and then we're gonna have to frick I'm not gonna be able to fight rahovart today am I unless I get more Wither Skeleton skulls that's annoying God dang it God dang it um let's see um I still have that on me I think if I keep drinking wine though I can basically keep the effects going yep and then do I just drink water how do I is it I just uh I think if I just do this I can be uninibriated is that right oh you just have to keep drinking it and then it undoes it right it drops it by 20 seconds every time ah guys what happens when you are inebriated in the game what are what's like the downside effect of it oh and every doesn't matter with ankh shield oh okay oh you can quickly put on the silver armor and you can put on like the reject oh that's that's this fancy idea okay so it actually doesn't matter with the young Shield that's that's actually sick okay then that's huge well in that case I will bring a little bit more here and [Music] Maybe maybe yeah okay dope that's super dope hi all right let's hope that I don't mess this up um a second time around but I guess who knows we'll see so got a line you've got wild berry wine and can I actually take this up another level okay now I'm maxed out on that so I can move this over expand it again and then yeah I need more Abby plus uh diamond block foreign terrifying let's try not to die this time what what do you mean just make dragon I don't know what you mean by just make dragon just create a dragon from nothing I mean I don't think that my dude I I could try it on a mount do you guys think that I should try fighting it on a mount all right okay cool there um all right so if I do this I summon my I guess I could do it on on ignibus because you're an absolute unit with a ton of Health and then uh we'll see I can't actually I'm not gonna be able to click it can I uh no oh boy well um this is possibly problematic uh I can't hit it oh there we go wait am I hitting it I I can't I can't hit it oh there we go guys you've got a you got some hitbox problems right now I had some real real hitbox problems let's see oh there we go okay you gotta go from underneath yikes sounds like some freaking lightsaber we got him dude we got a lightsaber sound that was crazy bro I don't think that the X ability was gonna do a great deal there we got him okay that was 10 times more effective yo a whole stack of gas tears that's so sick okay that was the way that was the way I don't think that's going to be the way to fighting rahovar but um because you actually need to like try to take out rahobard's minions and stuff like that but anywho bro the fact that you need one battle burrito and then just use wines to keep extending the effect over and over is crazy um okay so we needed the Demon Soul Stone that's why that's why we had to do that um okay that was um why does it look like the dragon is humping the building [Laughter] I'm dead enough enough you're dismissed uh jcjh thank you for the one year after the anniversary that's not a thumbnail moment that requires movement to work properly okay oh my God oh well I'm glad we didn't die it was it was looking desperate there for a moment that paralysis is nasty all right well hey you know what having regeneration uh three and Rejuvenation three for an extended period of time is very nice wait am I like I'm out of space here okay where's my icky wines I can probably just toss like a 0.74.73 those are just kind of occupying space foreign 64 gas tears is crazy they're not edible um okay we got oh wait I have another nether star that's just sitting in there oh maybe you're telling me there's a chance I don't know though I feel like it might be a good idea just to have a better ranged weapon in case we do have to use that against Robert so maybe we don't but yeah also I just think that this I'm just gonna rock this here while we're dealing with the the bigger boys I don't wanna I don't want to worry about this thing breaking and this the diamond Shield is great as a shield it just doesn't have the extra attributes and so we'll lose out on a little bit of the uh damage and stuff like that but oh well it'd be okay it'd be okay so I guess that can kind of go into there we need this to be honest and we don't want to accidentally eat that anymore bro having the onk shield so that we don't have to deal with the inebriation effect is really good nice fight thank you thank you dude that was it was scary for a second there but I'm glad we were able to make it work oh all right I thought I thought actually the second time around when I poked out and he started attacking I thought I was actually done for there 0.96 oh it went down in quality that's so lame that's not cool it's not cool at all you want to swap the anchor the other Shield anyway as wobbles for silver what do you mean max out your bow skills in skill tree equals op bow damage does it foreign silver has a buff clear effect when worn it only removes negative debuffs um right so you're saying I should put on silver armor and then start drinking wine basically is that what you're saying and then put on the other armor is that the idea um okay cool cool well in the meantime let's make a new and improved bow and also okay what are the what are the skill things what are the things that we can do for agility oh oh you guys are oh this this skill menu is this what we're talking about archery draw bow string back faster oh interesting okay and arrow speed arrows travel faster I could do some of that hold on hold on seems easy enough let's I could try to optimize some of these skills really quickly here foreign so basically it sounds like do do full set of silver armor start drinking wine switch over to dragon all right so full set of silver eat the battle burrito um start drinking wine switch over to the uh dragon set of armor and then fights um combined with Multi Shot and Beau becomes a machine gun okay well let's see let's see so archery increase um archery increase archery increase done that worked beautiful and I mean this actually could be a good use for a lot of these levels here and stuff like that um let's see Shield of Valor is greater than onk Shield when you have silver armor Shield of Valor I don't know what that is that does not seem to be in here is this uh uh what that is okay anyway so now what do we do combat that is thank God you can go that's crazy level cost 13 level costs 11. let's just I guess increase and increase done this is gonna start getting exorbitantly expensive I feel like you mean Shield of Honor we already have the shield of Honor on so like I feel like we're good there level costs 17 17 increase 23 yikes done not super fast yeah I mean we we got that we got that easy peasy okay yeah I don't wanna okay let me work on the bow first and then whatever levels I have left over I can kind of focus on on that a bit you know foreign let's make the dragon bone bow so we're going dragon bone longbow how we make dragon a bone longaboo two dragon bones string stick foreign be good that's not good that's the opposite of good but we can fix this that's where a lot of my hobby went okay that's terrible that's terrible what are you doing what do you what are you doing it's so bad you know what you can be you can be better than this it's all just like minus and then a little bit of pluses okay I want oh my God maybe I end up using all my bows Let's see we have a lot of opportunities here though so oh don't optimize unless you in case you mess up and chance oh that's true that's true legendary seems good we'll stick with that foreign well hopefully I won't mess up the enchants we also can do upgrade potentials too use Dragon Ball I know I know I know wait oh is that going to turn into something new oh that's going to turn it into something new to potentially just forgets everything that I've done there with those it's okay we needed to use those bones somewhere along the way right where did I put the Dragon Blood stuff wait what where did I put the dragon's blood am I blind where did I what is it in weapons what where did I put the dragon's blood what do I feel why am I oh wait it's in the oh it's in there yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay cool this is gonna be something else isn't it yeah great that's so cool that's so awesome that's exactly how I wanted this to go I'm just gonna wait to reforge it cool cool okay so I multi-shot do I could just I don't know if I want to take it off yet though let me see what this shows in here what do we see in here we're seeing flame which is kind of icky also we can get Supreme flame from one of our villagey boyos and also yes I need to level up my thing two eighteen agility 18. not there yet okay now we are good now we are good Okay so this is usable um let me see what we have so far okay I know we've got Infinity right or actually I might have just Infinity there Unbreaking three um just like Advanced power somewhere oh Supreme Flame um Advanced power Advanced power anywhere if only you could can you make a gold reinforced bow that it pulls better in chance I wonder I guess that's pretty much it um Arrow recovery wait why would we want to error recovery and strafe plus rapid fire oh [Music] um do I have that anywhere oh Infinity does not work with strafe rip then probably no because I feel like we need to have Infinity dude error recovery and mending instead let me see error recovery after hitting an entity there's a chance you get your arrow back you don't need inventory from boss oh my God I don't know what to do here okay let me see if we just do a little bit of cycling or something like that okay so right now it shows flame it's kind of icky so I'll just bring these downstairs um here yep rapid fire and see if the draw speed is fast enough for your liking okay I can try for that if I see rapid fire I will try to get it or if I see like an advanced power or something that would be good too [Music] okay a little bit of cycling what is this assassinate that's backstabs yeah okay strafe how many levels of strafe are there there's four levels of strafe increases bow draw speed um straightfor will do I mean I could try it but also then we're going to be just going through crazy amounts of arrows unless I get something else what do we got here empowered defense I don't know what that is I need level four okay all right in that case I'll just keep cycling until we see something good strafe two again [Music] error recovery one [Music] Arrow recovery there's three levels of it so that also big suck oh my God what are you doing error recovery one straight to I mean uh I guess I could just get straight it just seems to want to give me Strife non-stop it is very determined to give that to me so I'll just see what it does power four strafe two lesser Flame the problem is now I can't apply Supreme flame because lesser flame is a piece of Duty so huh yeah um I feel like this bow might be a lost cause and I have to make a new one no unfortunately because I I want Advanced power and I also want Supreme flame so oof not good not good at all oh you know I don't have Perry on this I just realized I need to get Perry don't I I do that could be another thing to add on to the nunchucks big plays big plays yeah you're right let me just um what I actually could do is I can just keep using the XP tomes to give myself levels and just like keep enchanting basically over and over and over um okay over here is there gold let me check there are no gold strengthened uh bows unfortunately bummer wait did I throw away Perry oh jeez let me let me not do that okay cool I'd be smart this time oh God thank you for catching that everybody you the real MVPs all right I probably can't throw this in the enchantment table I probably just have to um yeah I'm gonna just basically have to level the I think this one is just actually wasted like all I can do is pull power four off and I don't even want that because we probably want Advanced power so yeah it's not gonna be good that's not gonna be the way well we cycle what do we got pal four error recovery um Supreme flame is better than dragon fire or Dragon Blood Fire and Ice unfires them don't know what that means exactly but anywho okay so powerful I mean I could get pal five actually as a backup I could get pal 5 here just by combining these two I'll just do this so I have it um you can move Insurance to the Top by taking a blank bow and putting strafe two and then it moves straight three to the top oh interesting how four so now I could disenchant these and then I could get pal five in case I want it we'll see strafe two ah me and wabs name a better Duo strafe two okay so I can pull that off can I just make I just want to make a normal bow I'm just gonna do it this way this way I don't make wobs anymore okay there we are stay straight to it Advanced pal one though do I wanna do Advanced pal one instead of strafe 2 because we don't see Advanced pal happening super often yeah it never shows up okay we will do that then I think that I can probably take this and still do Advanced pal there we go Advanced pal let's go big plays space two what have we got next punch two that's kind of gross Unbreaking three I don't need but I could get the error recovery on here nope can't get it rip um [Music] um this enchantment table so sick all right more wobs and pal four no we don't need to worry about any of these anymore so we do Cycles instead scope what does scope do uh no idea I feel like we don't need it um [Music] I feel like I've seen pushing level three what is it again uh no never mind blesses the bow with an ability to repel nearby entities when charging is pushing good anyway Maxwell are you thank you for the 15 months codename Cobra 21 months good evening cap Coral BBQ with two months Savage jmations with a sub and Kristen walls with um let's see 10 months of savage two months away from a year let's go okay pushing doesn't matter all right oh I could get multi-shot and um yeah pull that off just kidding it's gonna do something else what is dragging it is turnabout reverse hierarchy version of punch it is the opposite of punch I don't think I want that uh at all so okay bye bye what do we have now more cheese and Breaky three nope none of these punch one no how to no come on dude [Music] how oh my God it just doesn't want to give anything good is the same it's the same here oh rapid fire is good right how many levels are rapid fire rapid fire only two okay well let's keep our fingers crossed that this actually gives us rapid fire on top or I could try it here I could try it on this I could try it on here I'm gonna do it on this one that way because we know we want rapid fire on it so worst case scenario we get it alongside something we don't want and it's not on the top line we have to throw this out best case scenario we it's not on the top line but there's also other enchants on this that don't conflict so I feel like it it only can work out perfect cool that's actually that's a sick base rapid fire too easy okay so we can actually you this is usable then which is good very good very good all right and all freezing all right no what do we got multi-shot oh okay you imbecile oh my God oh you got another pair of four idiots ding dong idiot correct brick freaking frick wasting my levels strafe one which could could be good test the draw speed as is I mean we're definitely gonna want the things that increase the the fire rate for sure uh I think we'll just do okay well I guess it really doesn't want to give me the desirable thing on the top line does it okay we have a couple error recoveries though so I guess that's okay all right and another I'm gonna end up going through all well I have a lot of wool so it's not the end of the world flame lesser flame pal one anything cool here multi-shot I could do another multi-shot dragging I could do Arrow recovery I'll do Arrow recovery that's fine here we go oh uh the pain that I feel is unimaginable wait wait if I enchant it with Advanced power one and get it to Advanced power two will that become the Top Line enchantment because if it will I might be able to work this out I might be able to make this work if it doesn't then I've wasted both Advance wait it's showing on the bottom line it won't change right if what it shows here is what it ends up with right wait another oh oh do it on another apply it to another bow first okay got it big smart big big smart that's good ideas let's see what not that not that okay yeah Ah that's big smart and then what about this that's 17 uh but that yep we need to do it this way oh that's so smart that's so smart you guys let's go and now we get Advanced pow two big plays okay cool cool cool used all levels that's fine all right that's using the old Noggin right there bro it's a good thing we have all of these XP tomes man or use this is like weeks worth of work that were just kind of all using it once hopefully it pans out for us strafe two possibly worth good good strafe has how many levels four levels yeah it has four levels so now we're up to three right yeah hour to three cool what level uh Power is equal to or what level Advanced power is equal to Pal five is it level three probably I'm assuming that I'm assuming that there's only Power Advanced power four and five that are probably better than power five three okay that would be nice our last bow four and Breaky nope Advanced punch cool no I do not want to say powerful again please stop with this oh strafe two wait uh yeah no we do want that I suppose do want that man who'd think it would be so much work just to get all the enchantments for another Brothers is wild I feel like this thing came just pretty quickly and naturally without us having to put much effort in but here we're just like putting in Mad work all right strafe two one more of those and then we'll be up to straight four and then I guess we can't use Infinity but you guys are saying that that is the way to do it dragging lesser flame Advanced projectile prot how far again what does a Range do Advanced power or power five is equal to Advanced power one no shot no shot like it would have to be at least two um what it what does range do I can't find it as a book where is it doesn't seem it's like nowhere to be found oh there it is there it is um makes arrows you shoot fly faster and for oh that's kind of cool I don't mind that I'd say let's do it cool oh morale yeah okay probably not gonna get a chance to fight rahov art today I'm gonna just throw it out there um but you know it's better safe better having like a sick weapon right then risking it Finn 69 take of the five months Levy cap also opinions on clowns uh I don't art I don't know I mean you know if you're a cool clown and and you like make kids days better and stuff like that and that's that's totally chill um clowns can clowns have a uh you know purpose and stuff like that in various situations doesn't always have to be creepy so yeah all right anything good anything good multi ooh multi-shot two that's pretty sick how high does Multi Shot go it was up to four oh geez uh well we better do it use another one good oh Arrow recovery three is actually pretty sick but okay actually you know what you know what I was seeing in the in the video that I was watching about rahavart is the guy who was he was using a bow rather than doing melee but because rahov art is such a big Target he was basically able to hit a ton of arrows at once and I can't tell if that's something that like um it actually does more damage or if it's like only one Arrow can actually do damage at a time up to the cap or only one air can do damage at the time or if multi arrows can hit and it does damage up the cap but it was basically just shotgun blasting him which was kind of cool all right the scope error recovery anything here Fortune crit strike um should I get I'll do another error recovery level I think we need that um okay [Music] unless provided by roon Arrow piercing you can't have the no oh so you can't oh error recovery three well that makes life a little bit easier so you can't have multi-arrow hits at once oof sucks uh straight wow this has a lot of good stuff on it oh my God only we got that is this if only we've got that as a start to something that'd be sick anyway um at least error recovery three hold off first I think that's max level right arrow recovery yup that's max level okay so we're good on error recovery then we just need and we're good on strafe we're gonna Arrow recovery um we need more multi-shots how's our multi-shot doing here let's see Multi Shot Two Multi Shot one we need like three more multi shots error recovery or good on Advanced power to strafe two straight two so we're good on strafe right or do we need one no we need one more strafe I thought we had all the strafes that we needed never mind we need one more one more strafe well yeah obviously Advanced power but that's it's not easy to come by oh all right hold on we can cycle up here all right we did yeah we needed one more golden bows are not a thing we have looked it up heck nothing idiot um I could do the thing where I combined bows or I could do that yeah let me see let me see maybe we can make this work actually so if I do that it doesn't go up but if I do this um and then we do that then we get straight three and then we've wasted a tone but we do get straight three so easy all right so now that we have straight three we can get straight four so strafe is solid um strafe is solid so we just need multi-shot multi-shot and Power basically we have kind of everything else all right fingers crossed here we'll see how it goes I don't want to spend like all day on this I could do a little bit of work in between episodes or something maybe just to make things go by a little bit quicker oh there's a multi-shot all right worth doing I'll get us to Multi Shot Two just love the fact that you can disenchant the combined books in order to reset their level so that gets us we're a multi-shot three now so I just need two more multi-shot twos big plays dude um AB lemons thank you for the eight months of savage wowza Parabellum streams one thousand bits Hey cap I hope you're doing well Switzerland says good night I hope you have a good night and see you on the next stream sorry it's late I know oh rapid fire too but you can't ah man if only nothing good I just need I just need Advanced power come on dude zilch NADA it's not happening need to get another book or another tome I'm going through all my tomes dude pain I just feel like Advanced punch nah I don't really care enough [Music] or nope at least we get to be picky um and only choose what we really care for now it just takes a freaking long time to cycle until the interesting things show up huh I know wait oh there's only one more multi-shot too I thought we had to do a little bit more than that on break E3 multi oh there we go multi-shot um powerful got the shot there we go and another bow thank goodness Bowser sheep dude oh Multi Shot Two watch it not pull oh no it's gonna have something on top of it I'm gonna ruin my life something Place Multi Shot Two On Top Multi Shot Two On Top yeah let's go I think does that get us there for Multi Shot and now literally all we have to worry about is power it might be the case might be the case okay hold on let me look at all my multi shots we've got okay Multi Shot that's multi-shot too well two shot two that's Multi Shot three we're not quite there Multi Shot three we need one more one more multi-shot 1 or a multi shot 2. and then we'll be good and then I think at that point I don't know that we're going to find our Advanced powers that we need so I'm I think as long as we can get everything up except for the power that'll be kind of a good starting point for us oh need mending oh god dude there's like no shot that's happening anytime soon uh we'll have to worry about that later [Music] nope hey [Music] how far oh my God wait did I check these yep three oh oh oh oh oh come on oh come on dude all right that's okay we gotta do some we got it this has to work this has to work this has gotta work oh come on Advanced pal three that's so big I didn't even know you'd get Advanced Pad 2 showing up at the gate okay so um Advanced pow 2. and then tell me this will show on top it's 30 levels 30 levels but we I mean we have to do it we have to do it another Dome Bites the Dust yep all right and I'm not even like optimizing my My Level usage like doing an enchant before so that we could have gotten into 31 instead but it's whatever okay that's crazy I just need a little bit more wood more sticks they have any more sticks I know I give some more sticks right no I did not have Guild so I can just make sticks with like a saw in the thing right I'm just gonna do I'm just gonna do this it's gonna be so much easier to do how do I make a saw actually you know what I should do I should do a diamond saw because I have so many diamonds there we go all right cool okay just another multi-shot and then then we're good we're good nothing to worry about after that we're gonna have advanced pal three we're gonna basically everything that we need if I can get all the levels in order to combine it all and I have to do the efficient level combining and all that stuff but we're gonna make it work we're gonna make it work bows almost shot one more multi-shot is all I need foreign [Music] one more multi-shot [Music] Rune Arrow piercing is that a thing that we want it seems like it's probably a good thing yes okay apparently we want that only level one out of who knows how many but sure thing um great well we'll keep this until we have another level to combine with it uh Rune Arrow piercing yellow levels okay cool uh oh it is ignores armor that sounds cool range Power nope I'm glad that we uh I'm glad we could get lesser flame to just get stuck up on there on top of it that's so cool oh why did it just decide all of a sudden that it wanted to throw us um interesting things are we going to be able to make this I don't know if we're going to be able to combine those and get it to show up over something else though which is going to be very sad and I'm gonna not like it but anyway we'll see yeah yeah okay what now recovery no please just one more multi-shot one more multi-shot and and that's all that's all and then we can be done here and then that's it and it'll be great please one more multi-shot watch what happened on a book actually before it happens on the boat that'll be so weird Okay nope and a multi-shot nope okay you're not you really don't want to give this to me do you okay Multi Shot how about multi-shot that would be simple another one another one there why is it throwing these to me all of a sudden it's like when I wasn't getting education ever and then all of a sudden it was like no no no here have all the education you could ever want okay another one hey this one's on the top though so that's good I can actually pull that if I wanted to but maybe it'll just be better to save it so that we can get level two I I don't know we'll see yeah one more and then we can do big big combo wambos indeed foreign stuff oh wait let me dump this really quick okay what is going on what what is happening right now with this I don't under I don't know what's happening right now that it just keeps giving it to me over and over and over and over oh there's multi-shot on there that we kind of needed but okay um cool cool I guess right yeah okay that's fine everything's good not mind's fault mods for I yeah I actively updated my mods folder obviously you know as we've been going here I I have a foot switch I have a foot switch that that updates my mods folders on a whim it's uh pretty crazy innovation okay that's not working good the Lord what in the world uh lesser flame oh my god dude what is it with multi-shot not existing anywhere Jesus multi-shot please oh my God what is going on it just doesn't want me to end the episode that's what's happening this is so ridiculous oh my God please bruh foreign [Music] oh my Lord guys I I do not know how to find multi I mean like we found it a good deal of time so far but I think what happened is it decided to swap out between Rune piercing and multi-shot so there we go holy heck thank you that was all I needed was just one more and now we got it okay we're good we can start to assemble this thing oh okay so for our final Act of the day oh we gotta get everything put together the multi shot three right there and Multi Shot one multi-shot one multi-shot one and Multi Shot One I'm still gonna need that make sure you're following so that you can catch the next episode of this when we do put this Poe to use yeah all right cool okay so take the multi shots come on take the multi-shot combine take the Multi Shot combine take the multi shots combine foreign might not be the worst idea in the world you have 700 anvils you could put one upstairs but really you think I should do that you think I should have one upstairs I mean okay I guess all right so now yeah this and then here we go multi shots now we have multi-shot four now we disenchant the multi-shot four there we go that's one down error recovery three already good um strafe two let's try three strafe two combine the strings combine the strafes disenchant and good to go beautiful okay next up Advanced power three um that's already good to go range good to go all right so the Rune piercing stuff oh wait so error recoveries that's already good yeah um we have Unbreaking in here I'm pretty sure somewhere somewhere well where is it I already put it in here where did I put my end breaking I put it downstairs in the weapons chest yes true okay so these ones um I figured out how I'm gonna do these ones uh okay so hold on so this one's good to pull that one's good to pull these and these if I combine not good also not good um okay here's the idea here's the idea I'll combined these two um what if I do this will it chauffeur nope okay what if I do that will it nope okay if I switch them around will it yes okay so those two can bring it to the top and these nope can these yes good good another tone Bites the Dust Rick another Tome Bites the Dust assuming it's the same either way yes it is there we go and good all right that's done okay we got it we're gonna have to do some serious uh enchantment figuring out but we also do have upgrade potentials remember I can't believe we're going through all my tomes like this well it's insane okay is there anything else I think that's like pretty much all this stuff uh other than what's downstairs just unbreaky and mending yeah we're not gonna have mending until a little bit later so we'll have to ignore that for now um Lira thank you for the 11 month zodiara two years I don't know what's happening but whoop two years and a funky stag thank you for the three months what's up cap hope you're doing well I'm doing it Cody R thank you for the sub court next 32 months of savage lemon love 21 months 21 months something the best Tremor in the world hope you're doing great I'm doing pretty well thank you very much um one moment okie dokie someone do be honking very aggressively outside sorry I was like what is going on dude uh oh wait I need my unbreaky duh hold on it was in no weapons I need oh yeah Supreme flame unbreaky three and we don't do Infinity because it doesn't work with Straight so foreign I feel like I'm gonna end up going through every single thing here alright so how many books do we have hopefully so it's eight books which is slightly unfortunate but no does that work uh we're gonna have to add like a couple individually because it's not the ideal amount of books but we gotta we gotta do our charts of stuff also we can apply upgraded potentials I think combined with other things potentially and then it will cost 10. I think it just makes the cost B10 all around if we apply upgraded potentials to another book and then we apply it to I think I think I think if we uh like combine all the books together and then apply upgraded potentials to the last one it will only cost 10 levels to apply to the bow no matter what so I wonder if that's worth doing I don't know what is the best use here of upgraded potentials where should I put it on um well anyway okay so that's five multi five and wait why is this costing one what is going on oh I don't know okay strafe is five long boy yes okay error Curry four Advanced power 13. all right Supreme flight only five oh okay step one five unbreaky four range three and Rune piercing 13. okay so we begin with just applying Advanced power three and then we call it long boy all right there we go so that's number one next thing is we combine Rune and multi-shots roon and multi-shots and then we apply that for 18. [Music] um Another One Bites the Dust this is gonna be so much faster though because we've done this and now we know for sure this is the way cool then we combine strafe and supreme Flame Shadow games death in the dark [Music] is this bad is this bad do I not want this I want to sleep this is very loud very loud very loud is this bad I don't know this is bad for my house is this bad for my house I'd like to no freaking do not oh what the f ow oh I don't think it's actually that worrying I think it's more annoying there's a bunch of grooves over my house oh okay it's more annoying than anything I must leave well no actually the problem is oh God I have to leave until it's set until it's set oh it's these guys are absolutely the most annoying things until it says stop spawning mobs I got it oh leave me alone they just appear out of nowhere and they're so freaking dumb okay it's no longer spawning ah just gotta keep swinging I just gotta keep swinging okay well they all gonna die [Applause] [Music] I've killed a fairy I'm so sorry I'm so sorry bro if I was any lower level ah this would be the end of me this is so nuts oh my Lord dude thank you okay I need you to chill there's so many grooves I need the better boat I need a better bow specifically for this situation God oh my God oh my God you're getting levels back at least how's my armor doing it's fine um Jesus oh okay all right we're good now I mean unless the grooves decide to come at me through the house but otherwise everything is good my God they have no chill dude or if that was earlier in the series that would have 100 been the death of me just so many holy heck um okay I might be able to grab at the point come back though optimize my leveling um okay so these two we wish to apply um this is correct right strafe two oh wait wait not yet not yet this is um we applied roon and Multi Shot together so I need to add these to something else so the next after strafe Supreme flame is error recovery and Unbreaking all right Air recovery Unbreaking man these dudes like messing up my uh optimization of levels here all right 20 levels and then the next thing that I could actually do if I wanted to is I could combine upgraded potentials with this and then make it a more efficient thing potentially um actually as it is right now though it's pretty good even without range um but anywho how much does this cost at the moment let me see nine [Music] um unless I should just do that first yeah maybe I'll just do that first and then whatever the next thing I'll put upgraded potentials on it and then Yi I think that's how upgraded potentials works or wait for roon arrow thing yeah all right well anyway this is like way better just do it at nine I'll just wait I don't think range is a big deal for us I want to see where this lands us though pulls back pretty quick oh I need arrows in my inventory right just add it now okay okay okay I'll just add it now all right all right I'll just do it there we go easy upgraded but because we have upgraded potentials you don't have to worry too much no I haven't maxed my I've maxed my arrow speed I gotta I gotta still do more of that I went I went through actually more tomes than I thought I was there so yikes okay goodbye Diamond strengthened long bow hello long boy also we need to put Perry on these things um but I could wait in order to combine that with a few other things maybe oh yeah I gotta reforge you make it gooder yeah let's see let's get it legendary Legendary Legendary I need it to be legendary it is 15 extra damn damn all right so now do I okay I do have arrows at least well now I have to carry arrows again I guess I'm gonna have to do the quiver thing um passively supplies arrows to using Bowser longbows Max Capacity four Stacks okay well I guess I should fill that up cool I don't know if the groove is probably these fun so I don't think I can use them as target practice but yeah this thing's probably good it's probably pretty good I think y'all we'll have to test it next time all right everybody I think that um yeah I think we'll probably wind it down there I gotta leave some suspense so you tune in next time and hopefully uh we'll be able to actually go up against rahov Art um and we'll be able to get to see how good longboy really is so anyway thanks everybody for tuning in make sure to like the video if you've enjoyed been a while since we had some real I might die here moments so oh geez that was scary um somebody Captain Sparkles too follow twitch.tv captainsparkles turn on all the notifications and all that stuff and that's pretty much it playlist in description for more um our lcraft if you missed any episodes and I'll see you next time
Channel: CaptainSparklez 2
Views: 31,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, rlcraft, hardcore, captainsparklez
Id: DrBcNkQVzXw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 98min 22sec (5902 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 15 2022
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