HUMAN CANNON! - Skywars Solo #57

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welcome guys to another episode of SkyWars so I'm going to be going on vacation for like I'm not sure the exact dates I forgot honestly like the second half of July roughly so like in a week and a half so I'm going to have to pre-record some episodes hopefully so I just don't like go like a week and a half in the middle of summer without uploading um so yeah usually what I do is I'll like I'll know about this ahead of time just nerd okay I'll know about it ahead of time I'll be all right I got to prepare and then I don't prepare and the last second I make like four videos or something in like just one night in just one panic rush and then I upload a video like every like other day for that weekend I'm not never again no this time I'm going to be PR nope nope never again daily uploads or bust okay [Music] strength thank you very much all right here we got here we got full diamond it's not going to help us if we just get knocked off the map that's okay mhm what the heck I just walked right off there oh you're still alive nope strength you want to fight would you would you like to fight huh nope he doesn't he's breaking this glass I hear you get back here hello NOP a wait a minute you're not getting away that easily nope nope you had your chance to escape man you blew it oh 10 ender pearls yes please let's get this stuff can't just leave books behind man I don't have any health but let's go I worked out and then there's this nerd he's building a wall man he going to keep those immigrants out they just noticed me nope nope the wall didn't work I can teleport why were even building a wall along here who lives there no one there's the guy over here why didn't you build the wall over here at least that make sense you know but but why is this a clever person it's not SkyWars no one else got to kill that game look at that only me what okay I'm making this video at like 5:40 in the morning by the way my sleep schedule just add but honestly my sleep schedule was eh intentionally but then it's gotten a little bit out of control recently like yesterday I want want to sleep at like 9:30ish and I just couldn't I tried going to sleep earlier it just wasn't working man it wasn't working honestly my sleep schedule is so off that I'm considering just like going all the way around like did I hear something aha the heck okay open that Anvil it's a key part of my PVP Strat you need to open the Anvil oh no not fighting this person nope nope not doing this and goodbye all right are we surrounded I don't think so I think we're fine all right we got seven Hearts whatever whatever that didn't work at all okay okay then now three people are okay all of them are wait did I just get strength I did just get strength you can fly off the map 3 two 1 thank you very much get the strength that worked out I completely forgot what I was talking about oh no um oh yeah my sleep schedule okay so like I'm just consider a moment of silence for cyborg Brad R I think he needs it I I on one hand I'm like I do that all the time because I'm terrible so I can't really make fun of him but on the other hand yes I can make fun of myself I'm allowed to make fun of anyone all right look at this guy you don't have any health and a little skeleton guard there oh no wait a minute I'm surrounded nope nope goodbye I'm just knock you off the map nope that oh that was just okay okay whatever whatever I was busy beating that guy up busy beating that guy up and need would to take that kill okay just the one One Tap nope it's over good game yeah my sleep schedule's so off I might as well just like stay awake a full day and then go to sleep that' honestly probably be the easiest solution and we're back I have nothing to talk about so we're going to do the normal thing and make fun of people's names but you know whatever whatever man I don't there's a weapon right is it a stone ah it's a stone sword it's the kind of weapon where I just don't even knowled it I'm so good I suppose it's a bit late to talk about the 4th of July but in my defense I like slept through the entirety of it like it's it's my sleep schedule man I told you which just out of who who's this coming to stab me you want to hurry up I don't got all day man I got places to be let's go any nerds here nope get the loot was that that just delayed water sounds or what cuz I heard a splash man right next to me I guess it was delay this is an inant map the problem with this map is that it has like a bug you can just jump straight down instantly I wouldn't recommend it in Solo mode but I mean you can they should probably fix that I mean people are like it's a future no it's not the temporary immunity to fall damage is obviously not a future that's supposed to be like Incorporated in strategies it's pretty obviously a bug fix but whatever I all right well we got stacked I don't know how this map works I'm pretty sure like no one makes it to Mid anyways these where all the loo is takes like half an hour to climb all the way down here oh someone's fallen and they hit the tree okay we're just going to watch people follow this guy is that that this game I mean climbing up is just a pain look at this all these half slabs well I mean we do have TNT I guess we got to make it back to the surface that way let's let go we got this this was our destiny um not sure about that spot not sure about this spot here we go it's perfect I really hope this launches me high enough hey what that was that was very close to ending very poorly okay I guess we can do that again and hope it works out better this time we have eight TNT sky is the limit all right who's left who cares uhh we're going to celebrate the 4th of July by launching ourselves out of cannons actually I think we went slightly too high and perfect all right oh nerd spotted let me just Rod people in Skywars because I have to practice to Rod somewhere man this is like the only game I play I mean I play like UHC games a little bit but you guys get the idiot someone's already down here well I could ender pearl but that's not that's not how the cool kids do it so [Music] hello built the wall let me just build around him real quick got to trap him in man uh-oh he's getting out nope he's getting out man oh no got a gapple uh-oh he's escaping quick quick all right I think we think we've managed to repel hey hey you're not allowed here all right we got this uh-oh he's climbing out no uhoh there we go you're not welcome here he's breaking through how dare you that's V oh he's just speeding me up now okay that was just a completely failed Rod I'm out I'm out I got this I almost just walked past him That's how little he expected it I did not chain that hit properly who cares let's just kill him good game I mean I got to Pro practice the rod somehow man can't just be bad at it forever the problem is practicing the rod against like really new players and good players that's completely different things cuz they move completely differently but you know what I'll take the practice I can get cuz it's better than nothing now this map we might as well launch ourselves on this map as well granted our island is made of ice so it probably completely destroy it but I don't like this island anyways so you know what let it get destroyed well l in the chest aren't really focused at the top so it wouldn't be that worthwhile but I mean one is launching yourself out of a cannon ever been oh come on this is just making it intentionally difficult all right we got this TNT let's go go like this and we're set let's go I really hope I don't hit that thing we yep we're here and there's already someone coming to kill me but he doesn't have any armor so whatever he's just bringing me more loot man anyone else up I heard an explosion get this uh-oh don't have any arrows mhm ice PVP is so much fun it takes me a half hour to oh no no we're getting out of here you guys can fight Boop what he's back what is this he's the chosen one man he returned nope never again game doesn't save you twice and prop for thank you very much mhm are there any arrows here we go well that worked out got a nice nice battle at the top here where else should we go I di okay that was almost bad want the sharpness sword don't really care about the Anvil H sneak up on this guy oh no he turned around he knew didn't matter but he knew go for it man just don't don't look up at all XX crazygirl XX now that's a quality name oh I missed that would have been brilliant fishing for nerds oh God he is a snowman or I guess she a crazy uncore girl with the U just just know got to put it in the name man who knows who knows I I don't even know what I'm saying anymore man I'm just making fun of people's names it's hard to describe why they're ter you know this is the great name forex's and an uncore it's the greatest name ever cyber as I don't know about this name it doesn't have any x's in it so it might not be MLG boop boop boop boop boop oh boop boop boop I was about to say like if I won just like that now this is the definition of bow spam people be like bow spam is like just hdden like three consecutive shots no bow spam is when you do like low charge shots boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop this is going to work against you man you just built this barricade for me fine I'll destroy it you got to take a breather there oh dang he's got the Snowballs he's firing back but my arrows are on fire I'm so sorry let me just uh this poor guy you just wanted to PVP me and I'm like nope low charge low charge low charge doing like half a heart of damage per shot that it's ice PVP man you just take you don't take any extra knockback but it takes you so much longer to recover from it that you might as well be taking like twice as much knockback and projectiles just just get ridiculous cuz you know you can just chain infinite hits and knock people 12,000 blocks that was another episode of SkyWars guys hope you guys enjoyed you'll probably be seeing this like an hour after it renders or something yeah hope you guys enjoyed if you did leave a like subscribe and uh stay tuned for tomorrow's episode I put a lot of work into tomorrow's episode it's going to be pretty good there's going to be a new face you guys haven't seen before you'll never guess who it is it's definitely not the guy I added to my subbox that wouldn't give it away at all so yeah see you guys then peace
Channel: Technoblade
Views: 232,118
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: server skywars
Id: 0wpLjp2Pvmg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 33sec (873 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 05 2016
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