beating EVERY hypixel bedwars challenge... (part 1)

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what's up everybody welcome back to some bedwars today we're gonna be taking a look at the challenges if you head to any of the npcs in the lobby in the bottom right here challenges and then you can select any of these there's only three unlocked at the beginning but as you complete them more will get unlocked so there's 30 in total this is gonna be probably about five episodes because i'm not doing 30 in one video uh despite how much you want if you're looking for a specific challenge there will be timestamps in the description anyway we will be starting off with renegade meaning i can't get team upgrades traps are disabled and i can't pick up diamonds alright so the first few challenges are gonna be pretty easy again not having team upgrades or traps it's not the end of the world i mean they're very helpful but it's not like it doesn't make or break a game it looks like pink is going to rush me so i'm going to be building way up he actually fell off which is perfect i should be able to get his bed here the first few challenges should be relatively easy as you progress through the challenge list they do get quite difficult though so i'm uh i will be ready to struggle and i haven't fully decided if i'm going to end up doing some doubles throughout this or if the entirety of the challenges are going to be solo i will decide that as i get to the challenges did this guy just eat a gap i would have to guess he did yeah all right perfect that's the first one down i'm gonna test this out real quick because i am not 100 positive here if i walk over diamonds and pick them up okay cool i was wondering if it would say challenge failed or if it just wouldn't let me pick it up and it's looking like it just will not let me pick him up which is totally fine by me because i'd probably end up accidentally just getting uh diamonds and losing the challenge so we got that guy which is great i'll take all the final kills red might come for me which wouldn't be good but for now i'm going to rush aqua base um how low is this guy ah he disconnected okay so i don't know what's going on with aqua he's disconnecting and reconnecting uh he reconnected okay i was hoping he'd stay out of the game forever okay great glad that you did that i'm just gonna run past this guy are we trading beds we are um all right that that's fine that's fine i don't want this game to go on for too long so what's gonna end up happening is they're gonna get a ton of diamond upgrades and since i'm doing this challenge i can't so they're probably gonna end up with like sharp um he is gonna try to chase me down which isn't what i want and we're both gapping up i'm down to fight i guess okay he put himself against a or like against an edge so i think he wanted to die that works for me uh one last guy to kill during this challenge i'm gonna grab a few m's just probably the two gens to get me four that way i can buy a pearl or a set of pots since i can't use diamonds m's will uh have to make up for that okay my inventory is kind of a mess right now but we might be okay let's uh let's find out here i first need to find out if this guy is at his base i really don't know where he fell in the void which might work out for me let me uh i'm actually gonna rush his bed now while he's back at his base we're gonna go invis all right what a mess let's let's go boom i'm at his base his bed is gone okay and i'm hoping i threw my sword out how did that happen all right here we go and we should be good there we go perfect he did have pratt so i was a little bit worried but diamond upgrades again they don't really make or break games i mean sometimes they do sometimes you like need sharp to win but like most games they're not super necessary okay so i get the cat death cry um but if i end up using it that doesn't make me a cat boy let's make this very clear here look just cause i meow every once in a while does not make me a cat boy okay warmonger i can't use utilities we're now doing the warmonger challenge here meaning i can't purchase or use utility items let's see what we're missing out on here utility um gaps kind of that kind of sucks but and fireballs kinda i normally don't use tnt pearls kinda sucks the rest isn't that bad so this challenge shouldn't be that bad gaps and pearls are probably the main thing i realized that normally i do buy a tnt on the very first rush um just because i have that four gold should be interesting it looks like we both just put down wool which is fine by me let's see if this guy wants to jump let's see okay he's coming down i just wanted to make him think i wanted to go back to my base and i did that by like placing down those blocks pretending i was going to build back up but i didn't really want to go back to my base i just wanted him to run out and be like no you have diamonds that would be horrible if you went back with my blocks aren't placing okay we're okay he died of fall damage which is awesome and since nobody's broken a bed yet i'm just gonna go for ems i can buy like pots armor obby i'll make up for the fact that i can't buy gaps because if i need to clutch gaps are super helpful i eat a lot of gaps when i don't have a bed okay i think i'm going to go and buy diamond armor and then just save the next two i have 10 gold and i really want to buy gaps right now i don't have an ax so hopefully nobody places down a wood bed defense so aqua team is here and i think he's just going to leave which works for me let me grab his diamonds and break his bed then i'll probably chase him down let's uh do that let's buy some sharp and i accidentally turned the pumpkins into the shopkeeper i'm so sorry everybody i meant to blow them up please do not hate me over on this side of the map we have blue without a bed as well as aqua without a bed hopefully i can kill both of them i guess we will find out soon um that did half of his health with one iron sword crit okay kind of wild and then we have aqua team over here who's currently placing ladders and a tnt kaboom okay great yellow died somehow i didn't kill them though and i know they were in the uh they probably just fell in the void parkour all right it's only me and red team so i don't have any blocks i'm gonna go buy some more and then we should be all good there's some blown up pumpkins for the viewers the viewers love blown up pumpkins okay so we got jump and invis um i'll go ahead and jump over to this balloon and then i think i should be able to yeah i'll get over to this balloon without him seeing and then i should be able to jump here alright cool so my invis is still intact i'll see if he has a trap if not it's game over if he does there's a chance he can stop me he does not have a trap so sorry dude so sorry boom how would you feel if an invis guy was blowing up pumpkins at your base yeah that was spooktastic who agrees this one's probably the easiest one i can't drop items to other players i'm playing solo bed wars so if i'm dropping items to other players i'm cross teaming so this is pretty much just win a bed wars game think of the cross team potential that i could be doing right now with with me throwing this gold at the enemy teams the only thing a little tricky is i can't use the e chest which is a little rough just because now if i end up dying i'm just going to be giving this gold to someone i can't even throw it off the edge because of this challenge so that's probably where the challenge comes in for the most part it's just winning a bed wars game oh man poor pink he's just trying to bridge to mid and he fell off twice hopefully i can get to his base in time here i have shear so i can break it pretty quick oh he's just buying more blocks all right cool this guy's a tad bit laggy so now he has a three gold i wish i was more selfish and didn't give him the gold uh hello sir ah all right we're good that fight was chaotic okay hopefully i can get iron armor i need one more gold i'm gonna wait for it mainly because i don't want to be running around with 11 gold in my inventory um because i can't throw it in the e-chest i can't just drop it at my base so once i get that piece of gold now i'll get iron armor might as well buy that and more blocks i don't know i'm just trying to make it so i have useful things as well as i'm not carrying around much ore because if i do end up dying at someone's base breaking their bed or whatever i don't really want to be donating a bunch of my things to other people let me quick buy sharp and i already have a trap so we'll just i keep trying to use the e chest out of habit even though i know i can't because of this challenge um let me just do this see ya dude good times good times oh my trap is triggered and i am actually triggered as well how dare you do that he does not have minor fatigue here bed is broken my bed is broken please get off the edge that's not cool don't do that okay who ended up breaking my bed it was gray there's a lot of block clutch potential on this map which is very good i'm gonna start heading towards blue grey might be a threat but at the moment i see that blue has bridge to mid and that concerns me i don't want them to get obby so i'm gonna quick go in where is he by the way where does blue guy at i was hoping he'd run back to his base to try to save his bed then i could kill him real quick oh i found him um i'm actually going to chase him down because again i think he has a lot of m's he might spend him before i get there i do want to try to get this kill real quick is he going to place a tnt or fireball or anything um no all right hey sir hey sir we're good we're good we're good is that diamond armor or am i just i might just be seeing things hey homie hey homie all right i think we're okay oh wait grace chasing me leave me alone all right um let me run on in here i do have a pearl still is he coming back i'll blow up pumpkins in his face if he does all right i need to remember that i do have a pearl in case i lose this fight what why why'd you do that it could have been epic and awesome but it wasn't okay this one should be pretty interesting minimum wage island resource generator is two times slower also hold on let me go ahead and claim some things here all right let's go ahead and do it i don't exactly understand how this is a challenge because if you're collecting only your own generator then something's wrong because you should be collecting the generator from you know everyone else's base just as much as your own so let's see if we can smack this guy off real quick i guess i just killed him he didn't take any knock back which is fine i took a bunch of his resources which is preferred anyway please get off the edge and white just fell off the edge on their own bridging to the diamond gen so that works for me i'm also going to head mid and then i can rush somebody from there the hardest part of this challenge is just winning a bed wars game is 20 blocks enough because it looks like pink is gonna come after me so i'm just going to quick head back to my base and then i can buy things to kill them so i guess i'll take out pink next seeing as they did try to come over to me it's a little dangerous because i do have a direct path to mid um from my base like they just run straight to my base so um i'll probably getting rushed by multiple people this is likely a bed loss game but we'll see how it goes blue just fell in the void which is good i believe pink is heading to mid um oh they're right here hello sir okay nice fireball jump i mean that gap i guess doesn't help a whole lot when when you're getting crit out the whole time but you know it is what it is i almost fell in his fireball hole that would have been super embarrassing and then it looks like blue and yellow are fighting which is great for me can i make this jump nope okay i think i'm just gonna head towards yellow base first and take them out and then i'll head to blue afterwards i think yellow's slightly more threatening hopefully i don't get fireballed off but i probably will okay yellow bed gone and then i really want to take them out because they're probably gonna go for revenge here wait why is blue coming after me okay see blue um unfortunately this base doesn't have a bed so i don't know why you're there if i'm being quite honest i don't know where anyone is which is very concerning but i'm gonna break blue bed why do people hack do you think he's talking about me because that was just potions oh he's so concerned off there and dead from fall damage so he thinks i'm cheating which i haven't fought this guy but he could very well just out pvp me it was just potions homie okay well i did win anyway that's a pretty good game let me go ahead and leave okay so right now we are doing the assassin challenge meaning we can only break the bed of the target we're assigned we can't break any other beds until aqua team because that's the team i got assigned is out of the game entirely so we'd have to break their bed and ko them i think the best way to go about doing this challenge is to just be a pacifist i would say i'm just gonna throw some blocks in my bed and then head to mid um i'll worry about breaking beds later i actually got an insanely lucky this game because white isn't even in the game so that gives me two generators to start collecting resources from so this is very very fortunate for me because once i break aqua bed then i will have to fight yellow and yellow might not even be my next target yeah so my next target's blue because yellow team took out aqua for me i might actually go take out blue since blue just took out green which is extremely unfortunate i really wanted a blue team to get out of the game i'm all the way across the map and i have a bridge to mid so i'm guessing my bed's gonna be broken soon let me go and grab sharp that'll help a little bit okay i'm gonna drink jump in invis and i'm gonna go take out blue i think they're just waiting for footsteps get out of here all right cool let me go break their bed sorry pink mabel i'm so very sowy about this you were my assassin target it's not me that hates you it's hypixel hypixel didn't have to choose you but boy did they blues is heading to mid again i can't take out any teams until um blue is completely out of the game so there is that my next target is gray so yellow is the bigger threat here i would say um they took out a bed immediately they didn't take out my base but taking out my base isn't exactly all that tough seeing as i wasn't near at 90 of this game okay so this guy wants to kill me for some reason i'm just gonna head away i don't want to be here anymore so yellow really wants to kill me and i don't understand why he's extremely confused or something i guess he didn't he's not playing with sound uh and because he's so silly uh now gray's gonna go break his bed and i guess i'll go break grey bed okay gray has 11 000 beds that's crazy um they're gonna fight hopefully gray wins honestly i would hope for that at least yeah great did win that fight and then their bed's gonna be gone here in a sec perfect all right things are going pretty well for me um it's just it's gonna be a 1v1 i guess i'm just gonna drink invis and go mid and hopefully find him there hopefully my invis doesn't run out by the time i see him he's right here i'm gonna meet him at the top perfect and die die die there we go all right uh that was a little bit tough but not too bad i pretty much just had to sacrifice my bed in order to go get gear and then i broke beds towards the end of the game i'm gonna leave cause i need to choose a new challenge okay so this one's gonna be really interesting we have um any purchased armor upgrade will be removed upon death and any tool upgrade will be reset upon death so for the tool upgrade is that just normal because every time i buy like an iron pick it gets set back to wood after i die i guess we'll figure it out but or does it just completely remove my pickaxe i'm not sure and then for armor upgrade is this an armor upgrade or is this an armor upgrade and which one is it removing or is it moving both upon death like if i buy a prod is it getting removed we'll work through this one together but at the moment it looks like green is gonna rush mid which is perfect because then i can rush him and that will be good never mind he fell in the void which isn't actually all that great for me because now he'll be back at his base to defend the bed um i guess we'll see how it turns out here though hello sir did he hear the fall damage he did hear the fall damage let me just plop that there that should be good enough hey you're a little close to that tnt there also i missed all my swings so unfortunate okay we're good okay so red or blue just took out red bed and i'm gonna hurry over to blue and i think i should be able to break their bed even if they jump in the void right now i should have enough time if they run back i really don't think they'll have enough time okay good i actually almost missed that jump that would've been bad okay perfect let's go ahead and grab their gen and i can actually just go ahead and buy some iron armor um now if i go die i'm curious will they take away my iron armor will they leave me pantless in the bed wars game does this guy have speed wait wha i'm so confused i think in that fight there were no winners only losers but um i did not die so that's good and i suppose i'll head over actually i'm going to leave gray alone gray you're you're a friend i'm just going mid here i want to collect some m's also i might just need to die for science i'll deposit these m's i'll go let a team kill me and then we'll determine if it's gonna take away my iron armor if i die okay so let's find this out together um i have both set of tools as well as iron armor i'm gonna jump in the void now when i respawn i still have my tool so the tool thing isn't any different than normal i don't think but it did take away my iron armor which really sucks now what's this one called this is called regular shopper what what about me losing my pants makes me a regular shopper anyone know i am quite curious okay i think it's time to end the game they're still fighting and i'm getting bored actually so we're gonna do speed and jump here and i'm just gonna immediately purl on over and we'll take out aqua bed first sorry aqua all right goodbye to them now i think they're about to take out pink oh wait no they might die to pink here are they going to let's find out uh no they got the kill they're on one hp and i think yeah they're gonna break pink bed for me which is great um i bought diamond armor by the way i don't know if i don't know if i told you or if i was just silently collecting resources um so let's just go ahead and oh kill uh this guy sorry i know that you just got a kill and you're probably feeling ecstatic about it but i had to end you there so yeah that one isn't all that difficult either mainly because you shouldn't be dying in a bed wars game anyway invisible shop so pretty much everything i try to buy i won't know where it is all right so let's take a look at the shop here all right interesting oh hold on i didn't realize that they'd randomized the shop i thought they'd just make my current shop invisible okay this is gonna be really annoying okay this will actually be pretty difficult let's see um this one was glass i'm not buying that again that's magic milk that's a pickaxe and he's gonna start breezing towards me all right we're just looking for wool here we're looking for wool possibly this ladders no please gapple okay wool is second page middle we have determined that this is this is horrid i now have you know 24 blocks or whatever some ladders a gapple i guess i'll eat that since this guy's rushing me okay this guy just wants to show off how cool nice nice work dude proud of you the oh well blue just broke a bed i'm gonna help greg get the kill here all right so i'm just gonna buy more well do i even want to start searching for iron armor because i have enough for it it's in my e-chest but i'm just gonna buy everything except that i don't know dude all right let me go buy uh i was about to say let me go buy some prot but that one might not happen let's find out um boom maniac miner and i got a regular trap okay cool hey look you have way better gear than me because i can't buy gear sir yeah all right we're gonna go for it um let me quick buy which one of these was wool this one that was arrows tnt can't afford that anymore shears that's wool as well there's two wools i bought iron armor i don't know which one i selected to buy iron armor but this is very good how did he break my bed okay so we're gonna go for prot yet again it's not one of the first two is it this heel pool this one iron forged god dang it i'm i'm hoping to get an iron sword but i ended up buying sponges ladders and pink stained clay instead okay so i'm heading to mid here i'm gonna get some m's and then i'm gonna head back to my base i can't promise that i'll buy anything useful but uh i'll i'll try to okay i'm just gonna tnt jump this good and i'm gonna go try to break yellow bed real quick because then we can at least have a bed bedless game and i can try to kill everyone and win i don't know it's gonna be it's gonna be a mess okay hold on let me just i know where wool is it's this one no that's arrows there's wool all right let me buy two stacks i have three m's let me see if i can get prod this time sharpen swords that's fine whatever please give me something good i have two jump potions that's that could be worse and i i got an iron sword somehow in there okay things are actually looking okay i've just been spamming the shop when i have resources and hoping i get what i want so we have sharp swords blue team just died two yellow i wish i got invis a not jump but you know i can't complain i got a jump boost potion okay so there's yellow um i want to try to catch them at a base that would be very good for me we're also at my base and i have heal pool he might be leaving i am on fire we got the win oh i'm so surprised he won that i was having so much trouble just buying anything i realized that last game it would probably have been smarter to just pick up four iron and then try to purchase wool because then i think the only things you can buy are either ladders or wool but i waited for more iron and then i was just buying like glass and it was it was a waste of time so there's a smarter way to do that don't do what i did um collector is the next one i need to collect every single piece of wool or at least one from every base and then i need to bring it to my shopkeeper i've done this before actually just on the channel as a random challenge but i guess we're doing it again here um i'm just gonna start the game like normal take out blue bass and then i'll work my way around trying to take out um enough basses to collect one piece of wool from every team they didn't leave the game they're buying things right now um and we're good excuse me we're good i think never mind okay all right i'm just gonna start going for wool right away also i don't even know if every team has placed blocks yet like is yellow afk because if so i can't even do this challenge yeah yellow just got kicked for afk so i literally just can't do this challenge i would have to guess that this challenge is a lot easier in threes and fours um if i had a party of course at the moment i'm just playing alone but i'm really counting on seven people here like i need i need cooperation from seven people in order to do this challenge if any one of them decides that it's past their bedtime and they need to need to log off before placing any blocks it's game over got them look i'm cool waiting here i'm just regening health and once i hit 10 10 hearts then i'll come in again we can fight so i don't know if that's really what you want to do but i'll do it all right well i have enough health i don't really know why this person didn't come fight me earlier they kind of needed to come on the bridge to fight um let's quick see if i can deposit everything we're good perfect i was able to grab all the resources and get a couple hits as well patience is key in bed wars you know what they say so we're just gonna head up here uh they're just sitting on top of the roof and we are going to fight and yeah unfortunately my gear is just too strong okay well i guess uh now is the time um i'll start over here and i guess i'll grab a piece of pink and white wool and red i guess is here as well um so let me just grab this real quick um hopefully pink doesn't come after me look homie i'm just collecting wool hey hey pink okay got them off the edge which is great i really don't know why they wanted to come after me seeing as red wants them dead i know red was rushing them a second ago they're very confident to just leave their bed in order to come after me um i am going to get this white wool now though uh let's go ahead and bridge under their base and white wall perfect i'm also going to head over here and grab red wool i think pink left the game so works for me blue and red are actually fighting so this game couldn't really be going any better all right look red i want peace okay i don't want to fight you not one bit i just want to head over here i want to grab a piece of gray wool and i want to move on with my life so let's go ahead and buy that also just deposits oh wait i deposited pink white oh i need to deposit a lot of wool from them what the eight oh wait no that's just total teams and now red bed is broken thanks to um them really wanting to kill me for some reason okay so we have pink white red gray already aqua that's me so we're missing blue green and yellow and that is it red look i'm not trying to fight you homie i just want the wool and i'm out that's it all right just kidding i want to kill this guy goodbye so we got them out of the game it's just me and blue uh i can kill them a few times um but i can't take them out of the game just yet so they're kb sticking unfortunately i luckily didn't take any kb uh don't tell hypixel he'll be so mad hold on give me some green wall give me some green wall okay good and then we literally just need yellow and that's right next to my base so i'm gonna head over and do that and it looks like we can collect the wolf from or we can deposit the wall on any shopkeeper since i was over at graybase depositing well so we didn't actually need to deposit it from mine um this guy is chasing me down and i would go fight him but if i lose the fight it would be really bad to lose this wall all right challenge completed now we just need to win um hello sir i'll be waiting here is he still using a kb stick by the way he is not okay all right so now we just got to win the game and uh that is challenge completed again if you're going for like easiness of challenges you'd probably want to get a party and just play a force game it would be a lot easier than uh doing it in this because then oh another kb stick okay we're good um just because you only need to collect three pieces of wool and then win as opposed to collecting seven and then win is blue still in the game he is he's still he's still going after it um i will now screw up this guy's bridge as much as possible okay there should be game here actually maybe not i don't know i was eating a lot of gaps earlier i'm pretty low on health but i guess we'll see here we go last hit very good all right next challenge woodworker i have to only use items made of wood and i can't use an ender chest okay so this is probably going to be the toughest one so far woodworker here uh i can only purchase and pick up items made of wood and i can't use my under chest because it is not made out of wood the under chest thing doesn't really matter it's going to be the items that that i can buy so i can buy tools wood blocks um kb sticks uh and i think that's it i guess ladders too um this is gonna be a problem here drop on down please no come on just drop down thank you whether he meant to or not he dropped down this is very good um so i'm gonna buy ladders and i realize you can buy a pop-up tower as well so that so that potentially is handy let me go ahead and place one of those and climb it and now i can get up to their bridge um they are going to be coming out okay i smacked him down he's very low please get off the edge nope unfortunate if i can kill him here that'll be very good because he seems like an all-right player um here we go unfortunate i left him on one and since he's not doing a challenge he's just gonna buy gaps ladders might help if i end up having to bridge fight but let's go ahead and see if i can get get anywhere here uh looks like he's gonna run behind his base and start climbing it he's still very low okay we're good getting this first guy out he gave me 11 gold and he didn't buy a gap do you think that he's trying to help me out with this challenge and he didn't want to spend his gold to to assist me that might be why i don't know if diamonds are enabled but also i don't know if i want to spend the blocks because blocks are very valuable they're four gold for 16. um i don't know if i want to spend the blocks going to get diamond upgrades and then i should probably start saving them for a knockback stick because if people are very geared later on in this game i uh i'm gonna need some way of killing them and kb sticks are probably gonna be the way okay here's what i'm gonna do we're gonna place a block then a ladder and we're gonna ladder bridge i remember doing this with zeif way back and i'm like this is stupid but you know silly but this is like the most efficient way of bridging in this game ever because every other block can be a ladder so so who cares i'm doing it okay let's find out if diamond upgrades are available because if i can buy sharp and prot that'll help a ton for me but i still don't think it'll be like amazing let's see yeah looks like we can so i have sharp i may have wanted prot instead i love this pop-up tower that i have to get out of my base every time perfect okay for some reason ladder bridging isn't working anymore they're uh they're hating me they're hating on me they know the bridging is just far too efficient for this challenge um i'm gonna go see if i can break red bed i guess should i i probably shouldn't but i also feel like they're about to play sabi um i they might actually be yeah i think they're they're placing i'll be 100 okay i'm gonna shoot my bed's gone hold on i'm out peace don't wanna be here anymore i'm just gonna wood bridge all the way to aqua base i'm gonna speed bridge i'd like to ladder bridge to save blocks but i'm gonna need to take out this bed in order to win the game never mind yellow's there hey yellow i don't want any problems with you homie okay so yellow killed aqua which is horrible for me because i was already struggling to kill aqua and now yellow got the kill on them oh boy yellow disconnected hold on i mean this challenge would have been easy anyway right like my leather armor and sharp wood sword it wouldn't have even been close in our in our fight so like don't think i'm taking the easy way out uh yeah i guess he's gone um and this doesn't make very good content but i guess we did the woodworker challenge which i think is one of the tougher challenges so i'm gonna count my blessings and take it good game challenge complete now we're doing bridging for dummies i can't purchase any blocks other than sponge and i can't pick up any blocks really okay so this challenge is going to be very difficult so we're pretty much just playing a blockless game i was thinking this one through and i am pretty sure that sponge is still the least important thing to buy in the shop even if that's the only thing you can bridge with i think fireballs for iron tnt for for gold um and then like you know stone sword tool gaps armor all that i really don't think buying sponge is a good investment with your gold at all i was hoping to get orchestra orchestra isn't keeling which is just wonderful for this challenge um but my main goal is to get to mid i can i know that i can tnt jump from the diamond gen island to mid but i i'm fairly positive this one isn't possible maybe with a double tnt jump but i'm more so hoping that white team who just fell in the void is gonna bridge to me and then i can just fireball jump to their bridge and then move on from there okay so please don't fall in the void again homie i really need you to come towards my base all right i'm hoping to get some shears here um perfect and he's not gonna come to my base no he's gonna grab diamonds and go back i mean that's smart for him i would say ladders will probably have to be the block of choice for me i mean also deposit a tnt and a fireball in here just because i'm pretty sure i'm about to die all right here we go goodbye hopefully hopefully he died he did let's get to his base um and i might have just enough time to break the bed he may have misplaced though he didn't okay where's either of our kbs i don't know why tf tnt no that was a fight well not tnt come on get it right homie uh and why it's because pedwar's challenge okay so now i need to get to mid i want to buy bridge eggs because they're only one emerald now so by the way can i fight actually hold on red's coming over to me ah goodbye why does he have a sharp stone please okay i'm sorry guys i think i need a ladder clutch wait aqua's here too hold on i'm out goodbye that red team just signaled hey you're getting rushed from the other side as well so this is perfect um except not at all because i'm trapped in mid and i have no way out is uh aqua and red are cross teaming or something along those lines how wonderful i mean they're both over there and they're not fighting to my knowledge nope red just jumped in the void great is there any way that i could like ladder clutch on the side of that and progress over to a base okay wait hold on i can actually make this jump um i need blue and red to leave and i can actually make the jump from here to there and then i can get to a base which is all i need i just need one of them to die okay red's dead i need blue to leave the area dude i'm so stressed right now please blue just leave why are you at pink base that's my base go somewhere else you have a game to win go kill aqua no don't tell me he's just gonna wait for diamonds and then go to a base he's literally just taunting me i need him to leave or i can't get to a base he's just sitting there shifting in a diamond jen doing nothing okay whatever i'm tired of waiting i'm gonna just try to get to pink base my base blue you don't see me blue you don't see me blue you don't see me blue you don't see me blue you don't see me blue you really don't see me here homie homie you don't god dang it he fell he fell this is this totally works he's awful he's off at the game okay hold on we gotta go diamond armor uh jump in invis i'll buy three bridge eggs and another jumping invis all right i'm gonna drink jump in invis right now because i'm guessing aqua team is gonna start coming for me and i'm just gonna start heading to their base we're gonna throw a bridge egg perfect should i kill aqua in mid i probably should just because they're gonna have a lot of m's here in a second if i can get the all right cool we got the first few hits that was what i was worried about um he did take away my invis but i'm just gonna drink up another one i need to make sure that he was out of m's i don't want him getting any m's um i'm gonna drink a potion here okay and as he leaves the base i'm gonna smack him off goodbye and then if i can just break the bed oh my goodness what a tough challenge okay so yeah for that one don't buy sponges like even though it says sponges are the only block you can buy don't fall for it it's not it's not worth it at all okay this one's gonna be really interesting toxic rain uh throughout the game there will be toxic rain that drains items from my inventory the longer i'm in the rain the faster the items drain i chose airshow because the emerald gens diamond gens in every base has blocks above it so it'll keep me out of the rain as much as possible i think i don't know if this is the best way to go about it but it's it's what i'm gonna do but as you can see it's draining items for my inventory as you'll see when i'm speed bridging it starts draining items very fast for my inventory so we're gonna start and the rain stopped don't tell hypixel please they're not draining items from my inventory oh thank goodness it was working a second ago i don't know why the rain stopped um i don't know whether oh the rain's back up again no it's not look i'm not complaining if the game's broken the game's broken if it's broken don't fix it isn't that the same maybe not all right who cares i'm going to green bays hopefully they don't have a bad defense still i think they're afk not gonna complain the game's broken okay he's not afk he's just don't know what he's doing and i think i'm just gonna diagonal bridge all the way to mid and since there are so many rooves over my head i should be able to collect all the m's here actually pink is here collecting some m's i'm more concerned about red than pink actually pink doesn't seem well hold on i'm not going to provide any insults yet because i'm probably just going to lose because of the rain but i'm going to start heading towards red base um and hopefully smack this person off and then if i can break their bed real quick good they're gone unfortunately i've lost all my m's while doing that but taking right out of the game seeing as they already took a bed out is very good for me please get me back under the diamond gen i'm gonna start heading to pink i think um pink also has a bridge to mid so i can just run to their base although they're getting attacked by white so why don't i take out white bed real quick and they're going to chase me back which works for me hey white team look i have some diamonds that i want to spend so can you just chill for a second guess not let me deposit these good i'm going and then we'll see where to go from there looks like aqua and yellow are just killing each other well i think yellow's just killing aqua over and over and over which works for me because the more that they stall the less gear that they're gonna have okay i shouldn't have said anything also don't look at chat chat is bad please don't take my resources please thank you good i'm only gonna have a wood sword in this fight but it might be enough okay it is um and m's are great because i can buy jump and invis and then i can just drink them while i'm under something and then i don't think the invis wears away if if it does that'd be very silly if it like drained the potion effects now that would be a challenge um i don't know where my tools went though i swore i bought them did i not it's fine it's wooden wool so we're good uh come on out homie come on come on come on lame all right cool goodbye then i'm going to jump in the void since my trap isn't triggered yet meaning that yellow team is not at my base and it's just a matter of getting from my base to yellow i'm going to go and buy the full set of tools hopefully they don't get removed from my inventory again but they might and then i have another jump in invis to hurry over to that base uh that would be yellow base all right so here we go i'm drinking this up i have a lot of stuff hopefully it starts taking my blocks before anything else but i don't exactly know how this rain works i have two stacks of blocks mainly so the rain can take a lot of it i think yellow bed might be free seeing as they're over here i'd like to kill this guy actually prevent him from getting anywhere and getting any resources as well okay i'm gonna quick blow up his bed defense hopefully make him a little bit nervous um he's gonna hopefully have to rebuild his bed defense as opposed to uh rush me i have a lot of things on me i'm going to go ahead and buy a full set of pots plus magic milk and then i'm going to drink them all and just go so i don't know if it's going to start with my blocks and then move to other things or if it's gonna just immediately take um like my tnt and stuff i hit him off okay perfect the rain is not taking my things what's going on the game's not working properly okay cool this this one this is mine hello sir end the game please i really got in the game here okay good all right toxic rain challenge done okay so we're starting with the diffuser next time we did the first 11 challenges this video so i'm expecting about three episodes maybe four if the last ones are very difficult which i think they are if i uh read through them properly but anyway hopefully you all enjoyed feel free to like and we'll see in the next video goodbye
Channel: gamerboy80
Views: 510,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hypixel, bedwars, gamerboy80, minecraft, mc, bw, gb80, challenge, leaderboard
Id: Bh6kLOPlHDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 7sec (2467 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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