Playing As The GODDESS IRENE In Minecraft!

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I mean....if this isn’t the ultimate β€œscrew you” to the fans, then I don’t know what is.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 8 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/PatCeption πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 03 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

Well, I've never seen much of Irene before. I guess I'll go watch this...

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 04 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

what mods do you us plz tell us

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/EducationalLie6751 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Nov 08 2020 πŸ—«︎ replies

my name is love love paradise cause thats my favorit season of my street ive watched my street over a hundred times and still cry when aarons father dies and when aaron doent remember aphmau speaking of aphmau WHY A SAD ENDING!!!!!!!!! still love the siries tho

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/loveloveparadise πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies

well Aphmau I love your vids and watch them when i can and your vids always make me laugh so I hope ill meet you someday and we can become good friends but ill just watch you vids for now but ive been fallowing you for some time and congrats on the baby she was verry beautiful and so was her mother btw im a girl so you think this is a love letter but you should make more human fall flat hide and seek vids thos are so fun to watch and your climing help me beat a level on human fall flat well I love you Aphmau and you two Aaron keep doing what you love

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/loveloveparadise πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 20 2021 πŸ—«︎ replies
one of my friends has become evil on our minecraft server and is out to make all other players his evil minions but when the goddess irene appears he'll have to think twice about his evil plans not only can the scottish stand against him but her amazing powers and unique abilities will turn any player back to good now it's a fight of good versus evil with only one left standing which side will win there we go perfect i'm coming i'm coming oh yeah go for it come on cool great welcome welcome i just started the fire it's really nice oh yeah it's really nice fire isn't it cool huh okay oh no it did nothing nothing just uh uh-huh wondering uh what you've been up to and uh if you've never seen anything weird going on lately uh weird um i mean aside from you not much oh yeah that's funny wait no wait that's not what i meant okay with any any weird magic things like the dark magic things that's a really weird question but uh no no no i haven't uh why were you just running around here oh oh you beat me like that when i was like oh yeah it's just no reason uh [Music] hypothetical for you i if you had to choose between good and evil which would you choose uh really weird question but uh if i had a choice i'd probably choose good you know just ah see that's the wrong answer now oh my god here's what what are you oh see because i've come here because you're just one of the last players on the server who hasn't chosen between good or evil huh and i'm here to turn you know just turn your baby to the side of evil oh oh really now yeah now just just hold still it should only take a moment and it won't hurt me at all wait don't don't you mean it won't hurt me uh yeah sure whatever what happened to me what did you do easy i turned you to the side of good what but how could you even do that well you see i can do it because of this the goddess you're the goddess irene that's right oh no no no no no no no no no no no no no this can't be no no no no he's going to kill me you have to understand this right he's going to kill me who are you talking about zayn what yeah i know i mean look i or maybe i don't not okay i don't know how or why you got it but please become evil pure evil he stops making everything evil on the server what how do you know because that's what he told me when he turned me into that demon thingy you saw he told me i have one job to turn you and uh well that kind of failed huh yeah don't worry you're an angel now and you're with me so i'll protect you but zane turning everything on the server evil that's not good we have to stop to him but okay but like he's pure evil how how are we gonna do it well let's just [Laughter] oh well well well if it isn't the goddess [Music] allow me to introduce myself no i introduce me uh oh uh oh yeah right um so this is zayn he's the dark lord of evil and he's out to make you feel bad oh no dummy i'm out to turn everyone evil try to sound more menacing please oh right zayn will make you cry oh zayn what do you want well i couldn't help but notice that pierce decided to join your side uh cheers why am i scared of you i mean i'm on the goddess of the side right now and there's nothing you can do to harm wait what haha my magnetic force will fight you uh so much for that then oh my goodness revive there you go oh oh oh i can breathe wow that's pretty nice it doesn't matter one way or another that's how we're gonna play yes it's exactly how we're going to play this i'm going to take over this server starting with turning everyone evil what see for yourself huh what's he doing what is he doing wait where's it going oh fire what is he doing oh no zayn have fun with that oh god great great crazy bad right now get the iron balls to go help oh my god pierce come on do some stuff okay uh i'm trying there we go yeah that'll show them ha there we go get up oh my god shut up at sound eviler oh yeah that'll show them is that better oh no i'm gonna get it i'm gonna have to work on that i'm gonna have to workshop it you're ready i'm just giving it on pierce i'm working on it it's hard yeah there you go okay all right we got him i think we did i think we got him that's zayn he is a sneaky boy eddie yeah he is he really is all right now that's taken care of pierce follow me yeah we need to stop zane all right all right come on this way no more evil pierce are you here yet i'm making it a lot whoa i didn't see this by the clouds uh oh should have given you the power to fly huh uh yeah it would be really nice yeah all right come here come here this is cool but isn't it kind of obvious it is a little obvious but you know what's really cool about this place is that anyone who's bad on the server or evil however you want to say it can't actually see this place this is invisible to them so only angels like us can see it and you know zayn zayn is just purely out of luck hey i see it i i'm good that's nice all right uh wait wait what's the plan what's going on okay all right so first off first off tell me where zayn is that way i can try to turn him good where's he at uh yeah that's a great plan you know it's just uh you see that's the that's the thing i i don't know i don't exactly know where he's hiding out uh what yeah he never really showed me where he was hiding so all right so we need to figure out how to find him then oh uh uh okay okay i'm new to all this but what if he has like a secret place like yours where you can't see it huh okay uh first off first off i don't think that he has the ability to do that okay it doesn't seem that powerful but just in case why don't we go back to his place and see what we can find exactly okay yeah it seems reasonable sure yeah let's go back over there all right i'll fly there i'll see you there in a moment okay wait oh come on come on you can do it you need the exercise let's go hold on i can fly i promise i can fly hold on you got this i'm gonna do it i i think i think i believe in my feet good enough i think i can do this i can fly i was gonna catch you but uh you know what i'll just i'll just i'll just revive you pierce here you go i'll revive you there you go come on let's make the walk to zane's house let's go okay all right there must be a clue inside of zane's house that will tell us where he is what if he's what if he's in the house he's nervous do you really think he's gonna have a secret angelic like or demon whatever angel base inside of here no probably not baby why are we you just mine yeah mine is on a tower don't don't take us food we're not we're good i got an emerald in the fridge oh my gosh oh my god oh my goodness okay all right so uh any secret things on the floor or anything at all ah not that i'm seeing nothing nothing ah what's that uh oh do you think she knows where zayn's outside secret hideout might be probably i mean well i don't know if that's just good or evil it depends okay all right oh sh i have an idea hold still hold perfectly still ready ready what are you doing what did you do there you go look at you look you're saying exactly all right i don't sound anything like him just your best impression okay and i do fine answer the door before she just makes something good [Music] all right one second uh oh hey quite sean baby baby hey i mean sub what are you doing why are you acting weird zayn oh my god it's just uh a gas yeah that's it i guess that's pretty gross oh just a spider inside zayn come on oh hey so uh uh yeah come on in why don't you come on in hey sound less creepy yeah so so what what are you here for uh kauai shawn huh yeah i just want to drop off this cake you know awesome hey i like cake yeah it's fine i like floor cake uh evil's cool yeah speak with chipper have you been evil at all or anything lately you know um no are you sure you're okay yeah just uh yeah one one sec uh aphmau can i can i speak to you for a moment yeah here let's talk upstairs real quick quiet real quick i'm just grabbing some forks for the cake hold on one sec okay you are so bad at this forks are in the kitchen oh my god you put me on the spot on this i'm not an actor all right like god uh okay but what am i gonna do with that like knocking that's expecting something what's going on i can watch it i finally found you i have now hi zane yeah hey noah you shouldn't be here you should be somewhere else well it's perfectly time because kawaii chen i'm taking you to the side of evil don't you okay sorry but you're on the side of evil okay where do they go where'd they go where'd they go uh pierce pierce what you got i'm over here i see you oh okay ah yeah everything's good oh kauai chance save perfect what is going on we can explain she's evil then nothing can stop me uh it's okay we got kawaii now are we gonna find out where he's hiding let's go see if we can find something in his hat huh what's going on do you hear that over here zayn where'd you go all right i i guess i'll i'll run the ketchup ow ow ow ow you know what let's let's follow him come on yeah it makes sense don't fly don't fly i can't fight you're the only one i can fly oh this is so good almost there oh this looks bad this is real bad hi zane hi kawaten what's going on what took you so long uh it's a long way to run goodness can i get those wings yet idiot you led them right we're in the perfect spot kawaii chan is now standing in front of the black obelisk which once she makes her choice the power of evil will course through her and she will be ours forever yeah i don't know about that question very cool black wings if you do no if you join our side all right you get these angel wings okay absolutely fantastic wings okay quick question why did i not get any wings there just just just wonder why did i get any wings i would have gotten me over here much faster and wouldn't have led them over here yeah seems kind of unfair sorry you've been acting all weird today so can i get that yeah thank you look who joined my side then let this place be your claim oh my god they why come kill my minions take them down there we you have go that pierce how pathetic where are you this is the power of good and light exactly all right fill their heart with the power of darkness no no no no no no okay myself hey watch where you're firing that be careful sorry not sorry that was a lot i don't like that let's put an end to this i couldn't agree more i'm growing tired of these petty games once i enlist the power of the obelisk i'll be able to tear you apart piece by piece then this entire server will be mine to command and there will be nothing not even a goddess will be able to stop me and my plans [Laughter] nice little quickly [Music] you just took one good shot okay all right hey he's got to learn to stop monologuing all right noise so let's talk are you going to join our side yes or no yeah that sounds a good deal all right cool this time no no nobody gets weak right here you know i'll carry you high chain carry pierce you got this coffee i do work okay all right okay here i got this i got i got this okay all right question carrie [Music] exactly guys don't worry i got you this is all gonna be fine don't worry all right everyone's good i did it i think i think a broker is fun oh thanks irene
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 6,276,929
Rating: 4.8898535 out of 5
Keywords: Minecraft aether, minecraft goddess, minecraft heaven, becoming minecraft goddess, minecraft heaven aphmau, minecraft aphmau, how to go to the aether in minecraft, minecraft aether portal, minecraft heaven mod, minecraft mod, we became minecraft goddess aphmau, minecraft no swears, minecraft funny moments, aphmau goddess minecraft, minecraft blessed, minecraft, angel goddess heaven minecraft
Id: 72Bb1FX2JNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 49sec (1009 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 03 2020
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