Raised By WOLVES In Minecraft!

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this little micro player has been adopted by minecraft wolves she's the newest member of their pack and she knows how to survive in minecraft as a wolf but when she comes across other human kids she wants to find a way to fit in and make new friends but she only knows how to play as a wolf so now her wolf family has to teach her how to be a wolf and a human at the same time can this little minecraft player find the best of both worlds let's find out also be sure to like and subscribe for more fun [Music] i can't find it no it's not good see maybe this next one uh here hold on little one wait [Music] are you okay little one yeah i'm fine i'm so sorry i i didn't realize that the creepers were gonna be out like that but i'm a big wolf i can do it i'm all i'm all big on my own look at me i've grown up so much well i mean you're a big girl we want to make sure you're safe so you can be really really really really really really big like an adult [Music] do you guys think i'll be tall when i get older maybe yay okay um let's see so so what are we doing today i got some meat look i got i got this i got that i got that oh thank you everyone did you see where it went through what is the car there it is [Music] okay we can we can handle them we got wooden swords yeah get away stay back dogs and other kid what what are you doing here this is my family hang on they've got the ball oh oh this is fun [Music] there you go [Music] can i go back and they look like they were having so much fun i want to do that but yeah they seem really dangerous they had swords and thought they could hurt us but i have a sword yeah but i know that you guys adopted me but maybe i should go play with them for a little bit right [Music] you think it is good she actually plays with other humans well i guess [Music] okay okay you can play with them but only if we can watch okay okay all right i i will go play with them okay let me go for that okay i'm gonna go down real quick no don't embarrass me i i got this don't worry parents i got this i got this i got this we hi what's your name uh my my name is okay you want to play oh yeah yes i want to play [Music] oh my god this is so much fun okay she's chasing me i think i'm gonna go take a look at that ball now i i can't resist my ball oh uh oh oh the wolves are back it's okay it's okay [Music] [Music] baths are dumb okay uh how about we play stick here you catch it okay ready three two one let's stick uh okay i'm sorry let me try it again here maybe you're just not good at catching ready here we go let's try it three two one no we don't need to oh okay all right you guys want to eat some raw meat there you go it's all slimy and sticky yeah it's pretty good share your meat with them i'd rather eat a cookie you guys want to try this what is this what are these things in it what is it um sugar sugar chocolate chips chocolate chips you guys have some chocolate here's some chocolate you should mean it no chips no no no no the dogs aren't supposed to have chocolate oh hell's tasty though do you guys have any human games you could play uh yeah we got tons of human games um maybe we can play hide and seek oh yeah oh i love that one okay uh i'll do the what is it again do you know how to count yes okay good so all you gotta do is just count um a bunch and then me and you are gonna hide and then you gotta go find this bulk us okay i i will do that i will do all right i'm gonna look at the ball and i'ma count ready one two three is that right tree stick lamb sheep all right man you're not here i come i can use a trick you taught me guys my tracking senses i could try to find them like she's such a smart little wolf okay okay i see you guys i see everyone here i bet she will find me oh there's a thing i see it i see it hello i wonder where she is the green one that smells like books could she be in there let's see where's the other one where'd he go uh uh let's see hmm oh i see one i see one guys i see one here's your nose got it got it right there there we go i'm gonna use that trick that you guys taught me before okay i got this i got this okay uh let's see and i'm gonna dig and dig and dig how'd you find me thank you uh no you haven't tagged me yet though [Music] i got a little legs go down get up stick get them [Applause] why don't you show some wolf games yes all right uh let's go over here i'll show you some wolf games come on thanks for bringing us up here yeah no problem you guys have fun we dropped you off here you know we're gonna go uh oh we should go hunt for dinner's coming up yeah you be safe we're gonna go get get a cow yeah yeah come on guys you're a cow come on be good guys bye oh you can talk to them i know right they are so cool i've been living with them since they adopted me up here up here if you come up this way this is really high up it is really high up but look how good the moon is we got highest huh that's probably fun and not scary here's how it works so this game you have to how as hard as you can at the moon as good as you can okay that's one of the wolf games we play okay ready i'll show you how it's done all right you gotta go let me show you how it's done good try [Music] oh that that was good that was really good we gotta go more like that [Music] that was a big drop i am so sorry i don't know what happened uh okay oh yeah i can see why good thing we can swim oh whoa that was so much fun okay let's do it again oh yeah we can do it again but you know what's even funner i'm gonna teach you guys how to hunt do you guys know how to hunt for your own food where do you get your food from uh the store the fridge so i'm gonna teach you guys how to hunt uh we'll start off with something small for you guys okay only oh come on let's go let's go this way this way right there right there see that oh it's a bunny it is a bunny you know it's also dinner yeah yeah so we're gonna catch it together okay i'm gonna go scare it i'm gonna scare it up here and then you guys gotta catch it okay all right ready here we go i don't wanna hunt just a little bunny bunny i don't want to hunt just a little bunny i'm gonna go find something else to hunt i got it she got it oh wait i want to fight something big and scary because i got a sword yeah with that sword you have to uh destroy the buddy what what no this isn't a real sword bye bunny we're going to go get you uh a b i don't want to hunt something cute i want to hunt something scary all right i i found something scary for you okay i found something scary okay what what is it get it in get it get it get oh my gosh but i'll scare her back into his cave that's right and don't come back there okay all right okay we can go back home and get some food you want to come with us yeah yeah i'll go hey we are home sweet home wow your cave is better than mine this isn't even a cave at this point is it yeah it's it's a it's a small town but you know there's my house there's kim's house we got lots of farms and stuff oh and yes uh hungry we got to cook some food what we're going to do is we're going to make a campfire so we can cook some food uh have you ever made a fire before uh yeah all the cool uh wolves kids cubans uh make that right yeah i believe you why don't you make the fire yeah um i guess the way that you start a fire is you need wood right so uh um there we go uh no there we go okay you're not supposed to put the house is on fire you know we got to make a campfire first and oh [Music] don't worry i got this i got this i got this uh my house um let me get this what [Music] [Applause] let's go let's go um i i think we gotta we gotta get some food somewhere else uh guys i don't think this is working i uh yeah that's a little too much fire more fires okay hi effort oh what's up we're back with [Music] that was so embarrassing oh what's wrong little one it sounds like you didn't have fun with your friends no you saw i i didn't know how to make a stick i don't know here do you need help with your manners what is this what is what is that huh wait manners oh what where'd you get this where'd you go i just found it while i was out hunting it seemed kind of useful oh that's the thing kim smells like that human it says how to be a good how to be a human wait let's go find pierce pierce can help with this pierce pierce you call me and i appear thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you pierce i accidentally burned down the whole village and now we're going to learn how to grab the dinner whoa good job no there's no food no wait wait more food at the village please no no no no no i i am going to learn how to be a good human and and we got to start with make sure to be nice be be sure to greet other humans with the shake and say their name what is that why does the hand go shake someone like this and then i could do this my name's belle that was very a little less loud step two know how to cook eating is important come on little one i will show you how to cook uh of course raw meat's the best but let me show you let me show you come on over here see this i wanted to use the sticks to play but you know kind of nice to get a little different taste of meat sometimes so you take your meat and like that oh that is so much smart [Music] i don't like the hot meat and there you go what this is crazy did you guys know about this no you're so smart i saw humans do it once and so i tried it myself this is pretty good but i feel like you need some like like some stuff out of like a seasoning or something like that yeah i think humans like to use gun powder yeah that one yeah throw the gun powder in here it should be good yeah it's supposed to make me good if you put if you put powder on it like gunpowder yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah okay okay oh no i know you got soot all over you number three is be nice too soft what does that mean oh i think i know what that means here oh i'll take it okay what did i do ah there you go i found it outside shred it oh you have to play gently with little toys like that you have to take care of them okay you are now a good human go and do human things come on you guys can come with me this time that way if i don't do something that's a human you guys can stop me there they are should i go yeah go on go use those lessons you learned little one okay all right i can do this i'll make some human friends i can do this i will be good i will be the best human thank you guys love you all right you got this hi guys oh hey hey girl hi i'm gonna shake your shaky hey [Music] oh i see you guys got fish okay i can help you cook those okay i will uh start the fire hey kim do you hear that i think i think the grown-ups are calling we bet we better head home [Music] away from the fire what did i do wrong next time you shake the boy human shake them softer shake them softer [Music] go away who are those weirdos i don't know if they're getting my hands down get away shoot shoot leave my friends alone don't worry guys we got you i will save you good one i got something to help you what you got something at home they're taking oh there are a couple of around here make sure we get them get him get him get him [Applause] [Music] is that you wolf girl we're here [Music] [Music] yes out of here i got these guys it's so pretty guys we saved you [Music] it's still going so many explosions 2 000 years later wow it took forever but it finally stopped exploding whoa is it is it done oh yeah sorry i i was taking a nap thank you so much athmo we're sorry we judged them friends yeah yeah pretty cool human after all you know what i think that we all learned a lesson here today which is don't go into the mansions they um they will explode a lot forever and it's yeah grown-ups are mean all right let's hide the moon [Applause] i'm going to bed
Channel: Aphmau
Views: 4,317,147
Rating: 4.8866711 out of 5
Keywords: Aphmau, minecraft, minecraft funny, aphmau minecraft, aphmau adopted, aphmau adopted in minecraft, aphmau, adopted by wolves, aphmau adopt me, adopt me, minecraft adopt me, adopt wolves, adopted by wolves in minecraft, adopt baby wolf, adopt baby, wolves adopt human baby, human adopted by wolves, werewolf, aphmau werewolf, human wolf girl, family friendly, no swearing, aphmau raised by wolves
Id: Ess60mDtUPw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 18 2021
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