I got sent a SECRET Minecraft World...

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you know this just keeps getting deeper and deeper this rabbit hole right now I guess the chicken hole really [Music] all right everybody what's going on it's me Tyler logged that zip and today is November 6th it's technically my birthday I don't know if this video is going up at all I don't know what's happening right now all I know is I'm recording this on my birthday a couple people from the office CJ and James gave me something called Operation sunny day and said this is a project that it was made and that I need to check it out I don't know anything about it I have no idea what's going on right now but I guess we'll find out together world okay okay uh okay we're on a boat oh oh I think I know what this is I gave mr. bacon give me it oh no the head you just okay well things have already started to get a little bit awkward so we've got Raymond we've got our Lord and Savior we've got nice trout 99 jot the Li rosy fluffy goofball mist Ranger 10700 hand side my boy hands with my boy frust Tenchi bat yeah Rory this is my discord crew by the way if y'all didn't know I have very own log that's a fan discord server these are only for moms and people that help out on it so what do I owe there's something else it's a ship oh wow there's someone this hold on oh wow look there's a whole bunch of things to be honest what is all this about let's play hide still floating oh really nice okay um well it leads to Oh am I supposed to jump is that what was supposed to happen I do I jump and try and make it let's do that game-mode 0 do i dont´t permission like heck I don't have permission we're gonna allow me to have permit thank you okay so I want to say if we just a nice nice check it out captain sparkles okay sparklers oh boy there that's it I've got some pool tea for you uh-huh how you hand it to me - I have arms we got a drumstick head presumably and we've got sparkles you may want these what do I want the teller bow tella bow shoot to teleport to checkpoint arrow tella bow okay interesting the tele bow even know how to use a bow don't you that is all you need to know to teleport back to your spawn point that's all okay I'm still a little bit lost I don't really know exactly what I'm supposed to be doing next here it looks like something to do with over here perhaps can we just oh wow hey look at this Hey look at this is this what's happening this is really cool this is really neat and I see even more nametags what is that I just kept sparkles from before typical captain sparkles always waiting around for the booty well speaking of booty we got a whole bunch of it right here bunch of gold we got like like hold on can I my knee of this do I is it just for show like I really confused I don't know what's that what I'm supposed to be doing right now what is in our we stuck okay no we got a ladder right here ooh be careful breaking some of that how that would collapse in hikes okay sweet so x marks the spot got a nice little shovel there got a nice little island on my ship uh-huh people are playing oh oh it's Preston and he just set the ball and I'm about to spike it I think yeah I'm pretty strong I'm probably spiking in the Bell how funny is that okay look so we've got a nice little beach area with a little beach ball oh my gosh look at this Wow and a little sand castles a little sand castle oh this world for me hit that Bell to be notified that's amazing it keeps going it just keeps going this parkour reunite with a long-lost friend I don't know what did that just do is that just a spawn point right there is that what happened okay Wow dude this is intense well I mean it's really it's in a ravine it's not intense but it's pretty and I'm oh no game-mode one I don't need to die that would be so bad okay we're gonna stay nice and alive okay I've got keep inventory on or something so I don't like lose all this stuff the moment oh man we even going the right way right now I feel like we should probably go up the top way cuz the sign was pointing this direction okay okay let's go that way instead we're gonna go ah I see we did go the wrong way okay fine bye bye well now we're going the right way I want to say at least so then are we just jumping across look at the drumstick they're all over there's another one baka boo nice oh this is adorable seriously hold on what is this lead I'm so confused right now oh the phone this is getting better and better alright alright and there's another checkpoint okay so we must have keep inventory of these checkpoints this is really cool put together it's the whole to support team you can join by the way it's probably in the description aids video I don't know again I don't even know if I'm uploading this but you should join the discord like clearly it's a community look at this this is this is sweet this is really cool oh my gosh okay well here we go we keep going baby come on come on nope miss yeah okay good well where's lead it just goes forever okay hold Oh nope nope nope nope we're not done today baby bye how it happens okay so far so good yes now some of these jumps get a little bit more nope Oh nope whoa secret underground nice yeah I don't really know what's happening right now I like it but I don't know what's that whoa big old like button smash that like button is the I must have missed this when I was hit yeah y'all hit that like button yet or what's my birthday do it I'm just kidding I mean let me just do it hit okay stay focused stay focused Anna you got this you don't make all the jumps all right we did it right is that where are we going all to the cakes no way no way dude dude this is sick this is really cool this is really neat hope you like vanilla I do commands all day baby so then oh it's amazed when you've seen anything about my channel you already know how the mazes work oh okay that was that the maze did we we already do we already do it was that it does that just hit nice well looks like there's even more stuff we got a smiley-faced yeah that's really cool this is really cool I really like this this is really nice this is really nice and what is this what even is it are these balloons Wow oh you go in it Easter Egg yeah hi you found yeah and I'm gonna take you oh you've been cleaned all right East eggs ahoy excellent is so then is there more do we continue to do some go left okay I don't know any other okay that's fine dude look at all the cake look at all the cake now wait a second we do have a teleport bow so why don't we Oh see this was something that I missed this is shrine to the me fools me fools wasn't meaningful from the from the boat video we did jaime fools you liked my teleport boat did that just that no no that wasn't supposed to do what it did okay well alright I guess that's how it happens meeples what have you done uh huh seriously this is I was stoked get out my fence yeah yeah me fools it's okay okay this is cool this is really cool okay well now we can go along the cake path figure out what is happening here no way I just it's a giant okay it is a giant cake dude this is so sweet oh the present oh my gosh this stair is if you decide to investigate the present sign here davia staircase bag okay did you really come all the way here for a sign yeah I did I can't go near all else side maybe there's some inside can we break into the wall and the race there's some inside well it's a bit everyone knows I could use the sleep to be honest home man 27 years old train track is this what this is like a train track oh is it a minecart is this a minecart and there's a little something there's a little son son okay dude jackpot that's it this is so cool this is really cool Wow I had no idea that this was being made guys like this is amazing this is really sweet Wow Wow this is awesome I love this I love this okay we got more arrows there's some at the top do we just keep going do we got to climb up like the bow dude no way okay okay hold on oh great now I got the big boy jumps yeah okay so we might be here for a little bit by the way guys just letting you know that's okay doh uh-huh I have no problem taking my time scaling like giant present okay well maybe let's see uh-huh look I get really anxious when I have presents in front of me okay this is how it happens sometimes can we just calm things down no slow things down look it's my birthday so no one could say anything okay I can take my sweet time on like getting my jumps and everything in a row look we're doing it okay it's fine we did it look it's beautiful almost the top I think so oh look at the checkpoint oh my gosh and look there's the present you can really make it out there this is so cool this is really mean wow I don't even know what to I don't even know what to say right now oh my gosh hold on the least I could do as thanks is to make this parkour free maybe I change the fov so we can fo be we're to change it to 90 Preston says the ultimate park chorong fov is 90 I'm gonna see if it really helps me okay well it's the first job so maybe not maybe not oh baby so yeah maybe not it's okay maybe there's something at the top though like well there's something there I don't know what that is yet but I want to find out okay you know what we're just gonna yeah you were here where's your Skinner oh boy okay you know yeah maybe we just I'm gonna go into game mode one where to set our own checkpoint I think it's better that way yep much better look at it okay gotta be nice to me stop mourning waiver made the parkour not a big fan of yours I'm just kidding thank you for making this this really is cool except the parts I keep missing yeah now there we go so now what where do we go from here did I miss did I miss something how do I get up to the how do I get to the top that Oh interesting what what huh why was I supposed to jump to here is that it just comes in a circle right is that did I goof something I think I goofed something oh I'll go stir right here oh no I'm just dumb oh okay got the director well okay cool so now we're at the top we'll go back to Game one zero alright definitely not a dropper make sure your sounds are turned on well my sounds are turned on dude look at this sick okay good inside the water wait that's not I thought that was water don't have to press the button before I I think I got to press the button before I hit the ground whoa hold on ultimate challenge I did I hit it no I got close okay we're gonna try a couple more times I think I actually saw some water in the corner that I should probably hit alright alright alright one more one more one more one more let's see alright we're gonna go to the water and watch I'm gonna nail on my first try by the way alright I see the water it's over he yep Oh nope that's fine too we need to do the zoom mm-hmm just like this X but there there were two waters so maybe one of them's fake I don't know it's hard to tell we got a hit one of these everyone's getting impatient including me I want to find it with this bow it's also spit there's like a mist of spit right now in my face come on really make it make it make it me there we go that's what I was waiting for oh they're everywhere they're on all four corners wait oh oh that really was the only one that worked that's so new oh wow and then teleports me somewhere else follow the orange carpet road to drumsticks secret treasure hold this area is made by jatha Lee game thanks Josh shot so it's a shot it's fantastic we're one to continue forward okay let's do it Mark's hostile forces chicken head yes we've done it I've become drumstick and delicious by the way so follow the orange carpet road I'll do it oh nice oh nice yo good what does that say drumstick point you know this just keeps getting deeper and deeper this rabbit hole right now I guess the chicken hole really look at this how long did this take wait is that drum huh drum for you now there's no name tag on that's just a regular old chicken well let's see what we have buy drumstick point can we can we just take a moment to just really just take in this amazingness right now there are endless chicken heads all over the ground and for once it's not disturbing it's it's very welcome and appreciate it now what is this drumsticks secret treasure hold this room is but for only gold continue beyond for more treasures untold not bad yo you've been holding out on me the real estate value all your investments are popping up drumstick proud of you more treasures okay this direction treasure Hall this is for the diamonds only the big old diamonds the pecan is his sealant magical button and hints oh look and there's oh wow whoa inside this room is something quite special yes it's Trump stick you got it's also finding the button find it and continue on your way to ultimate glory hints I don't wanna look at the hints yet I think I actually didn't see any drumstick okay buddy buddy friends look at this and there's a whole bunch of them let's find the hints though under present one on the dice park or maybe involved oh my gosh treasure room under a chest so this oh wow oh oh okay okay big man so then where is it under that chest or is it under all day oh there's one of them okay we hit one perfect oh it takes us to look at this dude this just literally this is literally so cool this is so sweet this is awesome how do we get to that one huh do we have to jump from leg to leg maybe is that it can we I think so it's gotta be let me oh there we go swanny press another button mm-hmm now we're in a cake in hello villager ties oh dude I'm like beside myself right I don't know what to say this is really cool this is really cool but where do we go for the next buttons huh do we go around the villager maybe maybe we gotta jump around his nose oh well we almost did it right there I'm very impressed with myself I thought we were up to some good and then I felt huh okay try again oh well that's how it happens sometimes I wish the teleport bow was working a little bit and I'm hesitant to press it right now because knowing me it'll take us real far away we're on it let me see hold on hold on a sec and get to it this is so cool this is really cool like I like I'm like so like my heart is like warmed there's a button perfect okay now on another one this just keeps going it's okay Oh John your fuzzy energizer buzzy okay we're gonna leave that one right there get up on there yeah we need another button here's something okay this looks promising whoa there's literally a flower pot shop within the flower oh that's nice okay time to go to sleep I read you mmm-hmm wait this is the present this is the present that we were in Wow we came a long way I think I wasn't supposed to come in here until much later does that mean we missed a button in here that I just didn't see what if I pressed it early yeah that would have ruined everything haha okay I don't think I see what's what does the hint say hints okay time for some rest so it sits on the bed somewhere huh okay it's on the bed do we need to find underneath maybe yeah I see something I threw something I saw like a hole in the ground I see it's right there wait no that might be just time for some rest well where do I go where's the other button okay time for some rest let me see let me see let me see let me see let me see time for some rest okay hmm I were a hidden button where would I be oh he got me there it is there it is come on we got like just barely got it oh well I thought I did we need to sneak and then that's it we did it look at this in the fireworks oh no way no way no way oh my god congratulations you won birthday wishes for Tyler oh this is amazing here let's get those books here we got some more books to read oh wow and everyone left me a note oh my gosh wow this is so cool well let me look at those in a second I want to see we have any fireworks where's the firework give me the fireman's oh wow Tyler feel free to fly around or you can blow it up yeah exactly what is this it just keeps going oh my word this is so good this is so good this is so good oh my gosh wow wow wow okay you know what there's a whole lot of books for me to read over here but I don't know if these were privately written or not I don't know if they want to necessarily be shown off on video I'm gonna look separately I think I think when I end the video right here I I'd like to know what to say I wasn't expecting this at all like I didn't literally everyone in the office is telling me the title you got it you gotta play this today you got to do it today you gotta play this today's like why it's like now again it's for my birthday well I got to give the biggest shouts out to my discord team like look at all of these amazing players you're like that's not to goof ball you're having the bacon enjoyed Ranger a Veck even if Exeter disinfected before a vet no way shouts out to vac jauntily the anonymous Rory brain be 8-bit mimic ah I know you I dad grab Alice rubber bands nice try this is really amazing [Music] Wow I'm so happy like I have no idea how long something like this could have taken but I know it looks like it was like a lot of work and so to everyone that was a part of it like thank you so much like seriously like out of my way stupid class get out wait it's like getting away okay anyways thank you guys like thank you so much if you're watching this like I assume we're gonna upload this somewhere I can't believe this what it would an awesome birthday present like I've kind of got my guard down a little bit like if you don't know like I kind of I kind of ham it up a little bit for the videos right I'm like taking it back right now I don't even know like give I'm gonna give me some fireworks and we're gonna roll around a little bit okay we'll roll around fireworks 64 thank you geez I don't even know what to say right now this is amazing we've got a drumstick shrine we've got a huge birthday cake presents all over the place awesome parkour session like this is fantastic me fools hanging out the like button where's the belt yeah where's the belt there's the ship we've got the ship Bulls oh man and then look at this Bell right here baby look at that not only would I like to thank everybody that was like a part of like creating this and like making this up awesome like it is but I think everyone watching right now like the fact that I have an audience and can make videos literally for a living and like have a company around it this is so cool like you guys raw but you you're all the best thank you so much dangit it like they to all of you I I don't just say I I think I've said it like this is awesome this is this really means a lot to me so like to take a break from log that zip and to be Tyler like thank you guys so much like thank you like I have so many hard workers and valuable like team members in the discord which you should join like joining like I hang out in there like I have conversation to think I just like laid-back talk and conversations chit chat so join the discord so that at the very least you can meet all of the awesome people on this project like this is literally so cool you guys are the best thank you for doing this and again thank you all my viewers out there watching thanking anyone that's ever like made a difference in my life through watching or whether you've supported the channel by you know getting t-shirts or being in my videos or you know any of that all of that like everything thanks I don't know how to sign off on a video like this so I guess I'll just say again thank you and like this is an awesome way to end my birthday today cuz you know it's near the end of the day and like this is my 27th birthday of 27 years old I'm probably twice as old as most of you but even if you're the same age as me only a little younger even if you're older thanks for being part of the experience thanks for being part of this journey like thanks for hanging out with me like that simp like I really appreciate y'all so I don't know what we're gonna do with this video I don't know if we're gonna upload it or not I hope we do alright alright alright stop lying thanks again that's that's all I could say so here's to the next 27 birthdays huh alright we'll see you later
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 506,947
Rating: 4.9475136 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, birthday, map, fans, fan, secret, secret map, fan world, worlds, hidden, parkour, discord, the secret, world, logdotzip, minecraft logdotzip, logdotzip minecraft, log.zip
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 50sec (1550 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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