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villagers aren't they just the worst with a head that big you think they'd have a brain in no signs of intelligent life here Scottie you nitwit and when they're not busy acting weird like standing on top of roofs they're figuring out ways to rob you of your precious emeralds ah they're so annoying wouldn't it be nicer if we could just turn into a villager so we didn't have to worry about what they got up to yeah I think so well today we're doing just that hey what's going on guys lug that zip here I'm a village baby I'm an it way easy who defy a village it morph part of Minecraft mob morphs I'm literally a villager minecraft I can jump I can sneak I can offer you bad trades I can do it all and not only that but we've got some very special items that you can control with your mind look how convincing that was as a villager look at this emerald sword emerald pickaxe pacified pacifier and the enchanted gorge enchanted torch could you imagine what an enchanted torch does regular torch is cool enough as well as summoning altars so that you can become your very own village in Minecraft this is part of minecraft morph series where we've done tons of different morphs in game whether we've been a dragon we've been a cat and game we've even been Arab ride even knots we've done it all and that's continuing we've got the villager today so we're we covering all different powers that you could have as one of mine crafts most greedy yet friendly and kind of stupid and really the worst in all ways I don't talk about it mod the village so if you enjoy today's mob let me know drop a like or subscribe that Belga notify and in the comment section what mob more we should do next I mean honestly who wouldn't want to control a villager and then use that villager to control a floating sword oh it's the best and with that we start it begins my friends y'all see this beauty in front of me a this is the shrine you need to turn into a villager I don't know why I'd want to we're still figuring that one out but maybe it's for the best we can't all the emeralds for ourselves you're gonna need to create this little structure right here it's for emerald blocks and emerald ore right in the middle which means you need to silk touch you're also gonna need to grab yourself for wheat grass block things I don't know with dirt on top and then you're gonna need to have moderated which means you the water over there as well you got the glass blocks everything is beautiful hunky-dory it's right there shut up where's out yeah don't make too much noise trying to showcase something one of you actually so what you made all those things it's quite simple on the glass and watchin I need is just to hydrate the farmland by the way what is up with this text by the way so you really only need this 3x3 once you got it step on top of it maybe and witness as we turn into a villager and we get advancement is it an iron pick you become a magical villager capable of controlling items with his mind I mean look at the size of this guy's a head it's ridiculous no wonder he can cause swords to float in front of them I wish I had that power or that much brain at least so as you can see here we've been given a multitude of powers in our hotbar namely we've got the power to have an emerald sword yes y'all been waiting for this the greenness of the swords and all the land perfectly suited for my green outfit man I'm hot I think my nose is it's huge you also get an emerald pickaxe with fortune 6 and you've got the ability to pacify and an enchanted torch and we'll get to all of these things and what they do in a hot second for now we gotta go talk to our village your friend Billy where's Billy Billy's my favorite name by the way he didn't realize Billy look what happens you see he changed clothes he's getting ready to party yes Billy yes actually he prefers to go by William when he's in his lab coat so you see here William will actually give us special trades when we get close to him namely what's actually happening is any nitwit villagers remember those villagers they don't normally have trades when you find them in your Minecraft world when you get close to them as a villager well they turn into a villager that has trades and they've got some very special trades indeed this librarian is to offer us a diamond for six emeralds not a bad deal to be honest I mean it's something greatest deal but it's not a bad deal and it gets even better six emeralds for ten iron ingots we've got sixty four emeralds for another star I have no idea what's up with the text by the way it's so weird I like loaded up my minecraft as well it looks like but moving on we've got an emerald and three pieces of bread is what you'll get if you trade them said that in a weird order and of course eight oak logs for a single mm oh man you got some great deals mister oh well I mean I did anyways yeah actually he sighed about he's like I do have good deals he's getting ripped off well I know it feels punk so check it out I guess they aren't nitwits after all oh very clever you're so clever Xavier moving on though we've got some more things to show off with our dear villager friend when your villager you are quite weak I mean look the guy won't even put his hands up you can't fight if his life depended on it mano-a-mano fisticuffs yep strong however your primary attack will get you a ton of experience and a lot of items as well because you've got that great looting sword and because you're a villager anything that's green you love and so you love experience we're gonna go ahead and grab ourselves a lovely look cow spawn a and that growing up skeleton spawning and as beautiful cousin blaze spawn eggs and egg we got a husk spawn egg as well ooh now we'll read that other side in a hot second that's not one of the build your power let's go look at what's up betsy killing one cow look what happens goodbye look at that we got mad experience for killing one single cow but more importantly we got to rob beef and six leather you can't normally get six leather from a simple little betsy okay this is real deal stuff look a full level already best day of my life by the way look just we already have 16 21 we killed four cows got 21 leather and 12 raw beef so this looting is out of control now let's try with a couple other creatures now what can we get from a blaze I'm gonna kill you now you suck i hey there we go to blaze rods come on can we get at least one better one than IA go hit me on fire oh he's drunk but it's okay but so check this out we've got exactly five levels right now let's see what happens when we kill ourselves the skeleton yeah we got from that almost an entire level from killing one skeleton don't get me started on the bones and arrows Tennis sounds like I said bows and arrows point aside though in similar fashion to normal villages when the dead of the night strikes or at least when sundown arrives huh the villages get spooked scared huh they start riding all over the place and so when you're near one of the most common mobs and game - zombie or its counterpart the husk you get a speed boost whenever you are near look at this the lovely speed boost so we can actually effectively escape from these creatures before things go wrong yeah so the closer you are to these guys the more effective the speed boost is gonna be in terms of how longest-lasting ah you stay back back bean yeah getting my emeralds oh my soul actually you got my sword you can take this or at all day yeah I'm really good at combat even though I'm a villager it's fun moving on we've got our next special tools so good it will make you say oh you did it feral pickaxe with fortune 6 on it the only possible way you can get fortune 6 in game it's with this and it makes perfect sense all the EMAs Oh Forge all the worst trades I don't want to do it anymore point is you got an unbreakable pig ex exclusive fortune 6 picks but it is quite slow villages are frugal and let nothing go to waste so they take their sweet time we've got 10 ores of each of the various different types here and we're gonna see what a fortune 6 pickaxe can do for us huh got 1 2 3 4 5 6 10 diamond doors right here look how slow they're mine first of all slow very slow oh really a 1 3 the one for the oh oh wow that's seven on the other one okay I'll let that one slide with two tours we got eight diamonds and one of them we got seven oh my gosh yo place your bets in the comment section right now you pause the video after I say this how many diamonds y'all gonna get huh placing plates plates bets you do for all we got what we got we got oh yeah we're diamond redstone coal lapis emerald quartz so put in the comments section how many diamonds we getting how many redstone just do like one line at a time I'll be going through and liking the ones that we're close we got diamond redstone coal lapis emerald quartz six different numbers close from the comments what will be got it and so we're gonna find out right now we don't get did I get any for that last one I saw him couldn't waive my mining okay you know I think I'll uh I think I'll well I mean we're almost dead at this point come on get on my weight myself I'm like in my own way uh-huh so we got a grand total of Wow forty forty diamonds from ten four hundred percent more than we would have been able to get if this was a plain old diamond pickaxe spirit but since its emerald it's a lot better however redstone is gonna be madhouse check it out look look how many we get from one one five it was okay just yeah redstone we got a grand total of one stack and 14 more 478 from 10 coal blocks we got a grand total total yeah a 46 the villagers favorite part mine the emerald we had to skip the lapis he was just getting far too impatient look at a mining away with his brain we got 34 emeralds from 10 ores it's beautiful now we do the court so what did they lapis last because it they sound similar lapis and last I mean Howard's hit whatever ten quarts or brought us a magnificent 40 count them for the same as the diamond now we do the lapis and I'll show you the first one cuz look at this explosion watch Oh what do we just get Wow 12 in one okay y'all honestly I want you guys to be part of this experience with me lapis is the craziest cuz you already get so many lapis out the bat like without any fortunate Chapman and now oh my god what the heck just happened on that last one we went from like 40 to like a stack and a hat we got like I think one stack what what like once from one or oh my gosh best morph ever seriously all right and the final cow and no one got this right by the way all right I can already guarantee you three stacks plus 50 more lapis that is insanity that is the craziest and so off of a total of 60 different ores we got all of this it's beautiful no wonder these villagers they're in vain the business of making trades they had these pickaxes forever yo they're controlling the mark somebody regularly and please it gets even better my friends I'm here with my short friend Bob and we're gonna share the wealth we take all these emeralds that we just mined and give them to my little friend E and when you do he rewards you with absorption ten minutes of four golden hearts that you can use on your journeys into the cave systems where you greedily got all the extra resources with you stupid look big guy I want one well I guess you could have one as a villager more but it does not end there not only can you give them emeralds in order to get some gold absorption arts you can actually give them bread to give redemption and healing to your hearts in-game as well so look get my bread you get two minutes of regen now you can't hardly tell anything Bad's happened here I must summon in one of these husks really quick maybe we'll be able to take some damage that was good boy I'll obey B hey okay hey I want you to forget me hey you dumb child garand ein there now he's attacking yeah he just took a little inspiration so sometimes you got to push them you push them enough and then they start to bite back and it's all a nice fair transaction they stay away from eiei so look we're healing already you see it's good here take another take a few yeah nice and the more you give the better the region turns out in your favor see look at you think I got more those two yeah see I said gifting Emeril's to fellow villagers will grant you some absorptions that you can take on your next adventure y'all some getting bread again regeneration they'll also heal and strengthen the villager that you gift it to so if you happen to give bread to an injured villager he was getting walloped on by some husks of his own well you can heal them by doing that it makes them better equipped for any future moms that are nearby so check it out well goodbye a a he after he F who yes yeah after yeah yeah look at me don't get me I get him is he after that which ones you want is he after yes he wants this one now here take some bread please you need the help see look look at much faster is now he's got a serious speed boost against the silly little us will they ever reach each other find out next time on Dragon Ball see that's wrong show our dear little village your friend has a lovely little heart oh why are you don't wait yeah we're gonna pacify you pacify when you use the pacify ability any mobs nearby well freeze in place so they'll attack and then you can kill them and you take all their goodies and get the experience back about you happen to just use while you pass by because it uses up one level every time you use the pacify ability in that heartbreaking yeah that's bad but not as bad as this guy trying to attack us ahead not today sorry brethren you've been zombified no one wants you but what would happen when one man and six stacks of bottles of enchanting I need you to command much better look at all those levels down there in that tiny silly little font I still have no idea why this happened I'm gonna right-click yeah we all keep holding it down it's a love body what this village it goes wow and we have so many more right clicks we can do we haven't even like made a scratch in our levels yet which you would never get to in normal minecraft but you know sometimes you just gotta feel the love right you dig y'all see in this it's so nice brings me back actually this is never happened before and our next friend right over here the enchanted torch that the villager is brain controlling right now it is a great one indeed the janitors were placed down torches infinitely at the cost of a very small amount of experience you must be at least level one place down torch will also provide you with a tiny amount of paste so every time you place the torch down look a little bit of haste that will allow you to mind things faster so why don't we go ahead and yeah down we go that's nice that's good okay okay having trouble maybe she'd gift a village supply to make this journey easier find the underground beacon there's an underground beacon come again I need y'all to go ahead and pass a fire real quick I said pacify ya got it perfect now you can die reliably at least huh you got to go - sorry man it's nothing personal I mean it is you guys are zombies I'm a villager it just makes it all the witch hasn't seen me hit okay we got a very quickly placed out as many torches we can't look infinite torches you can't tell me this isn't fantastic okay you got died die die die die doc doc yes sorry ugly cousin it had to be we are all these torches and now you're mine and it's only slight hey so it's not gonna be that much faster than normal mining but it is a nice little bonus to have any weed it's just a good day all around sorry dude you gots to go with the later months so we're just gonna keep on navigating down this long and lonesome trying to stay as safe as we can pacifying creature was he not even like well he like he what are we friends well skeletons love me skeletons get the best deals from the villagers it makes perfect sense I suppose I'm gonna pacify you anyways just II can't do nothing about it hey keep it going keep it going I love the fact that I've got infinite torches are like look my experience is actually going down right now it is just so small that you can't even tell it's happening Wow could you imagine this in survival minecraft yes when did we pass this we passed the beacon not even notice that's funny yeah we're gonna activate you get you on in there don't mind if I do choose that oh it's not even done yet you stay away no one likes fun tell me I'm pretty and so obviously you as a villager in intellectual with your mental emerald pickaxes of truth double by the way you've surely gotten more than enough emerald that you don't know what to do with them well I know exactly what to do with them although the fact that we've got 1 million right now is not helping our cause but through the power of video editing we now have zero levels and good news Emeralds can be converted into experience using this structure right over here could not be any more simple to make this guy all you need for oak slabs we're gonna make it right now a bucket of water a cauldron and two enchanting tables we're gonna go ahead and make this guy right here next to off friends so check it out boom boom boom boom boom boom boom I like thing boom get out of way me and then look just like that now all you got to do is get your emeralds ready have yourself a lovely little party check it out check it out check it out check it out dropping emeralds inside the cauldron gives you levels and levels and levels that I just dropped oh ok so don't drop a whole bunch at once cuz you only get one level for that instead you want spam click this guy yes look at me I have no idea what's going on right now there's just too many particles in the way yeah that's funny that's good I just dropped my pickaxe you see the pickaxe appeared for a second yeah that's great so you get a pretty decent amount of levels just for dropping in emeralds and again that's kind of an expensive trade to be honest nope don't know if you're gonna necessarily want to do this but as you can see it certainly gets the job done we've got a lot of levels it's pretty much like we've just killed an ender dragon there too you know there's a lot of levels it's a lot of keyboard present too oh but my friends once you've had your taste of being one of the greediest mobs to ever exist in Minecraft all you got to do is step on a structure that looks just like this courts and courts tears she landed in the middle step on board and say goodbye as you turn back into log that zip well I mean I I turned back into Lagos now you mean y'all wish you could be this good look oh yeah anyways my friends that's gonna do it for today's village in more part of the mob mob series that we've been running on the channel it's been a while since the last one but I thought this was a fun one it was highly requested so in the comment section this video let me know my friends what morph would you like to see come to Minecraft next we've already been a whole bunch of them see what you can find is a video that you can click probably somewhere you know during the end of this video to see another mark you should do that of course before you leave you should leave a like of course subscribing with my belt hit that Bell to be notified of any other minecraft content I make rise comes out and big special Thank You Xavier Hodge and dragon 0 and 4 for his awesome mob today I hope you have a great day my friends and we will see you for the next Minecraft
Channel: Logdotzip
Views: 1,571,068
Rating: 4.8021832 out of 5
Keywords: minecraft, villager morph, minecraft villager life, minecraft play as a villager, play as a villager, minecraft villager mode, minecraft villager mod, more villagers, minecraft update, minecraft 1.13, minecraft 1.12, minecraft mods, minecraft commands, minecraft data packs, minecraft functions, logdotzip, gaming, funny, comedy, how to, tutorial, how to be a villager in minecraft, 1.12, 1.13, new update, new minecaft update
Id: 3713Qj16cNs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 5sec (1205 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 30 2018
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