Planet Zoo but I take cruelty to a new level

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/gazza88 📅︎︎ Nov 27 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey there friends how's it going my name is kevin and today we're playing some planet zoo i played some of this before and it didn't go so well where's he going he's running away with my bear but i've thought about this for weeks about where i went wrong and i figured it out it was the budget i figured out if i had an unlimited budget i could make a pretty nice zoo so that's what we're going to do today we are going to keep the same name though shih tzu because that is probably one of the best names i've ever come up with in my life i wish my parents called me that but hey i can name my first child out oh imagine the possibilities they call me shih tzu okay now i just have to remember how to play this is always the hard part blood scent marker enrichment what does this do just just have this it's just a plate of blood as soon as you come in that's a sign of things to come oh my god i'm so whelmed right now there's so much in this compared to the beta that i played one-way glass that seems like a good idea there ah of course i put it the wrong way around okay that's fine we'll just put something tall in there like a giraffe you can see him over the top i think i'm just making a village by mistake instead of a zoo okay the village is constructed great fantastic but this isn't going to make me money i'm afraid adopt this giraffe that will be perfect for here invalid destination what are you talking about it's perfect ah okay i have to deliver him into like one of the buildings that makes sense like i just say to the like courier company i just drop them in the field i'm gonna make the next habitat like uh an island because i like that idea that they're not caged up there they're on a little island of their own and they've got a bit of freedom oh my god i'm building a tunnel underground by accident jesus christ that was not on purpose no stop but just what's happening i can't see it's dark oh my god what's happening this is not on purpose things are going bad really fast okay guys i i i don't actually know what i'm doing i don't know how i even manage this but this is our island everything i do just makes it worse like i have effectively blocked out the sun you're just gonna have to trust me there's something really cool in there okay i bought a gorilla there's a monkey in here he is not exposed to any sunlight or food so enjoy him while you can visiting players why are you visiting you idiots are you trying to get hits from me because it's not gonna work how are we gonna fix this pl stop stop it oh my good lord i don't it looks like it got hit by a [ __ ] meteor oh thank god i'm fixing it oh my god thank you all right no one's standing there i'm pretty sure it's ready to sink again why are you protesting already at least give me a chance why is my gorilla box stop why you moody because i took you out of your box look i'll feed you later i'm just trying to get the zoo kind of set up at the moment not sure if having this massive gate will really accomplish anything when the fence is so small but oh there we go that's better just a little doorway should do it okay what do we want in here i i don't even know what the requirements are for each animal because it's not letting me place some i've got a red panda i love red pandas they're my favorite animal they go on inside the pen jesus christ the crowds are insane i should probably up my prices i only charge them a dollar per person 200 but children you come in for a dollar so it's actually not that bad when you average it out that means if you want to come in a protest you got to give me 200 and fund my shenanigans they're angry because of the gorilla animals being protested i assume you mean because i'm not caring for him and not that you just hate gorillas but the big question is how do you even know he's here you can't see through the glass they're like well i don't know what's in there but i'm assuming it's bad given your reputation oh yes the elephant the red panda now if you guys could mate and make me something really unique that would be fantastic i need to justify these prices could you research um this red panda for me please just figure out everything about what you already know everything about them this is fantastic oh look at him he's such a little cutie any guests think tickets are overpriced why just because i just have random fields with totally random animals in here with missing fences how did that happen good thing my animals don't want freedom that was just to show the protesters that the animals want to be in here and to leave me alone here's some wind chimes i don't know what you guys want so i'm just kind of giving you everything okay he wants a shelter what kind of shelter do you like what's happening oh no oh no he knocked down the hedges how did an elephant knock down those strong strong hedges all right electric fence instead buckle oh [ __ ] i'm just deleting more but no everyone come back if you leave you have to pay another two hundred dollars come back okay he's running for it all right well you know what you earned it i'll see you later got rid of the protesters at least oh my god what the hell am i doing this is back in chaos i don't know what i'm doing most of the time when i'm playing these games have you noticed i've been trying to hide it stop boxing up my animals we gotta justify this ticket price at the moment the only crowd we're actually drawing in is protesters they're the only people that mizzou is appealing to and i don't know why all right good you got the red panda back that's appreciated you went after the most pressing issue but can we please address the elephant in the room can't believe an elephant got through a hedge you learn more about animals every day in the zoo don't you oh my god why are they so big just give me something small that he can go inside there we go you happy now is that what you were looking for to be fair he doesn't complain he just sits there like a moody bastard which i kind of appreciated one dangerous animal escape he is not dangerous he's adorable how did he even get out i hope that'll hold the elephant i swapped his pen oh my god dude be careful where you poop that could have crushed that poor monkey he's the only one who's actually kind of happy with his pen and i don't know why all right what do you want you want social we need another western lowland gorilla please can we do that this this is just going to [ __ ] i think i have my hands in too many pies you know i should have just focused on one pen there we go now i've got a female coming your way so get dapper i only have 16 guests and they're literally all protesters no one else is willing to enter on account of the price they just come up and leave maybe i should do something about that all right you know what the zoo is free now just outnumber the protesters please no children though those are two hundred dollars what are you complaining about enrichment what do you want food and toy okay what do you need okay they're getting angry stop it look here's a small ball to distract you fighting due to overcrowding there's only two of you come on oh god they're going to kill each other how do i distract them like a sprinkler sprinkler look it's like when two cats are fighting to try and squirt them with water this isn't working oh [ __ ] hell what do i do i give them something to distract them i think my sprinkler worked six serious injuries what oh on him yeah well that kind of makes sense don't worry i have a distraction coming there you go now you can bond over killing this wild dog instead nothing brings people together like finding a common enemy many guests think tickets are underpriced why are you complaining about that i cannot make these people happy all right you know can i just make this like the [ __ ] side of the zoo and then like start over here with another ticket desk and then just make it actually good why are you mad now multiple building problems there's 12 issues what is wrong why are you panicking they can't even fit out maybe this is why they think the tickets are underpriced they literally cannot move why is this what's freaking you out are you serious they're adorable where'd the dog go what did you do to him he's like i'm not so you're nothing all right look let's make an actual good habitat we're going to make one for lions because lions everybody loves oh my god all my machines are breaking down what the hell they all went like that it's like they're built to break okay the wind turbines are on fire but you can build pre-built habitats what the [ __ ] why didn't i know this before okay my game does not like when you place the pre-made ones the game's freaking out it's not playing it's literally broken my game i knew my enclosures were better okay it's actually broken my game i can't do anything i think i need to cancel i'm on my own here i think i hope it's saved i mean i don't think there's any saving the suit but you know what i mean wider paths can help reduce crowd congestion whether you could have told me that beforehand couldn't you now i can't widen them my animals would suffer due to it it would have to make their pens smaller god damn it got rid of my lion pen i was so happy with that too let's try and just plop down another one maybe a bit smaller this time okay this is not smaller but you know what still please work that would be lovely yes it worked i built it the perfect cat sanctuary now just to fill it there's something about like not putting too many males in with lions but i'd be lying if i said i cared i'm just excited to get them in there yes delivery scheduled i'm so excited serious injury what are you doing why are you still fighting each other when i gave you a dog to pick on oh my god he just climbed over it so that's how you're getting out you can literally just climb the fence yeah that's kind of my bad i guess here i got a new pen that you definitely can't climb out of look at them they're majestic oh my god they're beautiful beautiful creatures why is no one coming to see them oh yeah i forgot because there's a red panda on the loose and everyone's fleeing the zoo can we just [ __ ] put him somewhere he can't get out electric fence all right this is probably bad because we haven't really taught him that it's it's bad so he's gonna grab onto that thing and just fry okay throw him in there for now wait didn't i tell him to come here actually why didn't you guys do your job come on that's more like it let's see if we can make them friends ah his social went 100 immediately they like him they really like him preditation is occurring what do you mean oh my god okay he's dead my favorite animal slain quick get in there get him out of there it's a good idea to just pull food literally out of the lion's mouth no he's dead you stupid vet this is your fault honestly no you're boxing the wrong thing he didn't even murder the red panda but honestly like he was a bit of a troublemaker anyway i think we should probably lock the murderer up though teach him a lesson this is a do not feed sign this isn't even for like the the visitors this is like this guy is a prisoner do not feed him until he learns his lesson what can i put in there like as a beefy prisoner to teach him a lesson we need to scare him straight why what defeats a lion like they do say he's the king of the jungle dude i bet a hippo could [ __ ] him up there we go delivery schedule he's going to be pissed as soon as he gets here expect a good lesson on how to behave okay why is no one here why don't people like my zoo oh the tickets are back up to 200 okay because it loaded okay you're free to come in now prices are slashed and you might be too just just be careful okay i want people to see the lions like they're really cool now oh my god that's just a small hippo i wanted a big one okay yeah i've just given him a taste of blood and he's just getting more and more pissed like i'm literally making him into a murderer by accident why do i do this to everything okay i built the [ __ ] primate thing up in a hill where no one can get to it okay i don't even know what happened there just fill it with water okay fill it with water and everything's fine there you go lovely look just put everything else we got into that pen it's big okay they'll be fine okay everyone just go in there okay there's a lion a giant panda an orangutan a bona bow and a giraffe that'll make this zoo world class why are you not going to check out the lions like i made this specifically for you guys but you're just protesting the shitty parts and not appreciating the good parts okay oh my god you just plop them in on top of each other i think i literally just made a hunting party for this lion let's see the panda is moving faster than i have ever seen a panda move oh my god that lion's even faster like it was only up the corner of the screen but he literally flew at him now an orangutan is dead all right that's it look pause the game we're going to get as many animals as we can we're just going to stuff them in there find out who the real king of the jungle is i was like why can't i move this one it's like one or more selected animals that are dead this is the dead gorilla over here good thing it's one-sided glass so i can't see them who moves animals because i might need some more staff they're like so why do you need so many zookeepers all of a sudden so i'm doing a battle royale with the animals they're just like ah john's a job yes look at this they're all learning to get along i'm gonna be famous honestly i've gathered one of every animal and put them in here if i get half as famous as noah which i should by my calculations i should be famous i put one of every animal together so i should in theory be half as famous as him which is pretty famous everyone knows of noah everyone's getting on surprisingly well come on keep adding to this pen surprisingly no one is interested in actually seeing this animal died how oh yeah i kind of forgot about those things oh well well they're both dead now so that's i guess all matching which is nice because you wouldn't have to have two signs like you know gorilla dead gorilla you just say dead gorillas censored for the sensitive and it's great because that one-way glass sensors the whole thing anyway about to have offspring oh my god it's not doing anything oh the lion that's called wolf life finds a way circle of life what are those achievements for oh it's for bringing a a baby into the world where is it show me the lion i guess for every 10 animals i've killed i've brought one new one into the world look at that hakuna matata we're sending you to the battle royale superstar comes along have an animal reach a five-star rating i wonder what that is oh god a lot of animals are dying it's just a dead animal floating in the water in fact there's a few i didn't realize that was an animal i thought it was a rock oh god i didn't mean to do that no come back out there we go i just wanted to get rid of the water because i couldn't see some of the bodies i may have buried some animals alive i just wanted it flat okay i was losing track of things this isn't good they're all just spread out i can't keep track of what's going on okay this is much better now i can keep track of who likes who and who hates who and i'm learning a lot i love the zoo meanwhile all these people are just like kind of a shih tzu isn't it they don't get a refund though because it's in the name okay the bonobos do not hold up well to competition in the wild jesus christ nor do people they can't get in or out they're all just jammed there maybe they had a point about the tickets being too cheap a lot of animals are dying like who's the king here i think it might be the bears cause i don't know if a bear has died yet it means no worries for the rest of your day okay that one literally just got placed there and died that wasn't even my fault unless he died of shock i think i had sold a faulty giraffe you know what i think this was a success story this zoo is performing well in terms of money we're learning a lot about animals like which one's stronger and which one's stupid and weak i would have to say this zoo was an enormous success but i think we'll end it there because i don't think we can go beyond this i think this is the best zoo possible and i think we've accomplished everything we wanted to accomplish so there's nothing more to do than delete the barrier and go home i think they're too weak to actually even leave one or two are taking their freedom but the rest are just so broken down and or dead that they don't want to that's a lot of corpses all right well we're going gonna end it there i hope you enjoyed my zoo you can come anytime it's free you might pay with your life though i like how they're still delivering animals to that pen they're coming in through the gate dropping the box and leaving them there but yeah we're gonna end it there i appreciate you watching as always folks and i do hope you enjoyed and i hope to see you next time bye for now
Channel: Call Me Kevin
Views: 1,041,911
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: kevin, callmekevin, funny, moments, gameplay, lets, play, game, cmk, clips, planet zoo, planet zoo beta, zoo tycoon, planet zoo gameplay, zoo game, planet zoo animals, planet zoo ep 1, planet zoo update, planet zoo game, planet zoo part 1, zoo tycoon 2019, planet zoo trailer, planet zoo gameplay ep 1, planet zoo gameplay part 1, planet zoo franchise mode, new planet zoo, planet zoo 2019, new zoo game, planet zoo first look, planet coaster, planet coaster funny moments
Id: yTN7reIWCck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 1sec (901 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 07 2019
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